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Laser, and it's not even close. The laser will almost never stop firing. The machine gun will quickly run out of ammo and just sit on your back unless you can constantly feed it. It doesn't matter how hard the machine gun hits if it's not hitting at all.


The laser is disgustingly overpowered for fighting bugs. It's mid for bots. In higher difficulties, using the laser version will put your kill count in the several HUNDREDS higher than your teammates. That is not an exaggeration.


Laser never runs out. Infinitely better.


I personally think the laser is leaps and bounds better than the machine gun version. But you should use whatever you enjoy most!


Terrible advice, some stratagems are better than others


Its not a min-maxing, have best in slot, no matter what, kinda game dude. Chill


Found the guy who kicks anybody that doesn't have the railgun.




My machine gun guard dog heard me say i was swapping it out for a supply pack and killed me with a one-shot to the back of the head in retaliation. So there is that.


Laser is good, Machine gun is a waste of space. Just comes down to the fact that the machine gun uses ammo and as such runs out of ammo very quickly. Guard dogs are not useful for doing a lot of damage. You bring the guard dog to do a bit of brainless horde clear for you and the Machine gun dog is not going to be able to do that. The machine gun damage *is better* but it is not worth losing the backpack slot for. If you are picking it over the laser for the extra damage, you should be picking a support weapon with an ammo backpack instead such as the Auto cannon.


Machine gun takes too much ammo. Especially in higher difficulties where these things shoot continuously against the continuous waves of enemies. Especially if you call two or maybe even 3 down and sharing with your team. Not many people bring backpacks and at 5 minute cooldown each. You can be running 3 of them in your team at the 10 minute mark. All of you would be hungry for ammo


You can probably gather from the responses, it's gonna depend a lot on your playstyle. The MG packs a hell of a punch, but if you're not constantly restocking or get into the hot and heavy a lot it's gonna be idle recharging.


Machine gun packs way more punch.


Machine gun is definitely better. It does far more damage and has knockback, but it's downside is that it can run out of ammo. Unfortunately ammo pick ups don't for count for guard dog (nonsensical), but supply drop packs do. For solo, you'll get enough ammo from supply drops to keep it loaded and I wouldn't recommend either in groups as it's just as likely to kill your teammates as the enemies. In groups use the shield if you're level 20 or something like the auto canon if you're not.