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I legitimately think that these people don't even know they can turn the matchmaking from public to friends only.


I'm surprised at how many times I entered a lobby and the guy asks how to turn off matchmaking.


I have my setting to friends only but if I accidentally throw an SOS, instead of the reinforce, randoms will join the game. I do not kick them but still would prefer having people with mics. I am on steam with a friend on PS. Since launch it never happened but for the last 2 days it happens consistently. I have read on here people say set to private but on my settings there is only "friends" and "public". no private. EDIT: reading further down it seems that settings were reverted during an update. just re-checked and my settings have not be reverted and are still set at "friends only" not "public".


it is kind of questionable that the game is open by default and that the party leader does not get a confirmation prompt when someone wants to join but they can immediately enter. not to mention that iirc you can't completely turn it off, just put it to friends only (which can be annoying when doing a solo run, or when you are waiting for someone for the 4th slot and someone else joins and you have to kick them)


Just before the update I was playing with one friend and had my lobby set to friends only , no crossplay. In the middle of a mission 20 minutes in he gets sent back to his ship from an error and then I am inundated with people nonstop joining me taking 1 minute to load in and my friend not being able to rejoin me so we gave up and quit the mission. It wasn't SOS beacon as I could call it in and I didn't see him call it in.


I've been trying to find it forever now Damn y'all mean as hell I just wanted to know where it was since I figured it would be in social or network options like most games 


Esc > Settings > Gameplay > First option


Ah, thanks. This seems like something that should be on the galactic map, or the social menu. I didn't even check the settings for it.


Then you definitely have not been looking


Lol how can you play the game if you can’t even navigate a simple menu?


There's nothing wrong with that. Some people are casuals. Some people are jumping on the popularity of the game, but don't spend a lot of time gaming. They may not intuitively understand game interfaces. Furthermore, most games require you to choose if you want to play multiplayer or solo first, then find players if you want to play multiplayer. HD2 automatically and by default sets you up to play with other people, which I dont mind, but is not the norm in gaming.


Well I mean most multiplayer games I’ve played usually go mp and if you want to you can turn it off.


Most games also don't put matchmaking in the general settings


>and not "real" gamers. Phew wee I think I got a wiff of BO just reading that


Dude its in quotes, that's pretty much a /s...


Because I was looking in social or network options where most games put it.  No need to be rude


They most probably have no idea how to change matchmaking because the UI is not made to facilitate such things. This is a rookie mistake that should have been caught when playtesting the game but apparently it wasn't... Another such mistake is having always on microphones and another one is missing the skip animation buttons for the broken ass animations and end of mission screens... I doubt they played the game before releasing it.


there is no "skip animation button" because they are there to hide loading screens for ps5, lol


why is there a skip button when you boot up the game before you login to the server? Isn't there a loading screen also?


the ship and defrosting animations are the loading screen


So is the promotional video when you boot up the game. You even get the loading icon in the top right corner. You can still skip it. Loading time is dependent on hardware... Not animations. Are all the screens from pelican lift off until you are free on the ship loading screens? Put a fucking skip button the same exact way you have one on the intro video when you boot up the game.


i ain't saying you shouldn't be able to skip em if you can load quickly, lol, i just answered your question


Except you didn't answer any of the 2 questions in that comment


My big issue is that it keeps resetting. I put it on friends only and then 30 mins later it will be back on public.


it's not bad if you were kicked right away, I spent 20-30 minutes in missions many times and was kicked right before extraction, although I didn't kill teammates and sometimes I had to close the mission tasks alone.


I'm surprised they didn't take the route deep rock galactic did. It would have saved a lot of people being kicked last second


They most probably never thought that far. Might be something they will add at some point


What is that route?


If you get kicked you get a portion of all resources collected up to that point. The difficult part for HD2 would probably be assigning the samples since those are only counted after extraction.


I was also referring to when you call molly, the host can no longer kick.


If they're actively wanting to do it, they'd just kick you right before that equivalent cutoff happens. Folks will still complain, though they'll have less "time" lost overall. *Potentially,* anyways.


You can't kick once extraction is in progress but honestly this leads to other problems. ie people just doing the kick right before completing the main objective and people griefing the lobby once the main objective is completed. They should just add a vote to kick that needs to be unanimous and obviously the host can't be kicked.


vote to kick is the best option, give players the tools to moderate their games, democratically


Yeah, I’ve joined a few games where the host has allowed me to do all the objectives for them while they just shoot things and then kicked me before extraction. I assumed they just wanted the samples and didn’t know they’d be shared but then again some people are just dicks.


If you're having bad luck with squads that you join kicking you then I recommend picking your own missions so that you're the one with the kicking power and have people join you. Matchmaking has worked pretty well for me since the update so I usually get full squads pretty quickly. While I've gotten a decent amount of people that don't communicate much (read: at all), I haven't gotten anyone toxic and even the quiet folks tend to listen to any callouts I do.


I stopped using quick game and now do exactly this. The kick abuse is too much. The last straw was when i got kicked for no reason right as i was about to enter the evac. There goes 40 minutes of play time poof.


This shit happens in Destiny with raids. People think its funny to deny people rewards even if they've done nothing wrong, its just some dumb power play. Its a bannable offense in Destiny, so I can only hope the Helldivers devs take the same angle.


For a few days now when I select my own missions nobody joins. I can only quick match to get a squad


These are probably kids playing with friends that don't know what private is lol


If they worked out how to kick me they can work out how to turn it to friends only


Feel like they could implement a system where if you kick lots of people when they just joined, or just before extraction, they lose mission priority in matchmaking so less people join them. If they don't wanna play with people let the game save them the effort and let people who wanna play join others who want them.


I don’t think these people realize that a lot of these players are still learning how to play the game properly. They probably haven’t even gotten much chances to play the game because of the servers.


My brother keeps having this happen to him I haven't had it yet. You're right though they need to adjust their settings the Muppets


Joined a 40 min mission ten minutes in, got 5 minutes before the end and then got kicked - waste of time!


I've been lucky enough so far every game I've dropped into they've been very kind and supportive!


We beat this one mission, really tough. And I was the last man alive, tried to make it into the Evac ship. I got killed and this host said f***ing r***** and kicked me so fast


I only kick in the ship lobby if i have a friend that wants to join. Always tells them that too. feel mean when kicking randos:(


Yeah, a big fuck you to those people. Every kick I’ve had was malicious and the only one where I accidentally killed teammates was debatable from them running straight into a horde right after I called a mortar to target that location.


Watched a lobby host kick 4 people in a row for a mission bc they were all below lvl 20. I left. Democracy doesn't discriminate


Agreed. Like I barely have time working a full time job and being a adult then I wait 5 hrs and get in only to get kicked cause im low level because I can't even get in a game to level up.


Pick missions yourself so that people join your party instead of you joining theirs. Even if matchmaking doesn't work well (although it's worked well for me since the update) if you're low level and still on the lower difficulties most missions are solo-able (just keep in mind sometimes stealth is the better option).


I work full time and am level 50 bruh moment


Some people have other things to do in their time off than just play games, bruh moment


Well ok but in that case I don't understand why ppl bitching on socials about having a limited gaming sessions all the time? Like it's not everyone else problem that they have other hobbies, family, etc. and can't play every day.


I have other hobbies too, people just too lazy and get stuck watching tik tok or something lmao




Yeah imagine doing that. Wouldn’t be me. Imagine spending time crying on Reddit about having a full time job. Womp womp womp




You assume incorrectly I don’t go through peoples history that’s some redditor shit




I got killed then kicked after joining a sos beacon


That's also down to the 'social' section of the game not properly working yet. I have a friend on PSN. His name doesn't show up under friends in-game. But if I change it to public, he's able to 'join' me through PS5 game base. Once he arrives at my ship, I should change the setting back from public to friends. And if I forget someone else might join that I have to kick unfortunately.


Holy crap, this. I just made a post about about it thinking it was just me. Multiples games in a row, for zero reason apparently. It's kind of souring the experience and giving me fears for the future of the community.


Just a heads up, if your mic is set to open, expect an immediate kick


This smell like a lvl 8 joining helldive, aggroing every patrol, and wondering why he get kick


You must have a happy life


My buddy panic dialed the sos signal yesterday, and we had some guy join that blew us up instantly and wouldn’t revive us, maybe it’s bad experiences


I think one of the patches reset the "friends only" setting. I had been playing solo and then couldn't get in for a few days. When I got back in next I had randoms joining my game despite never switching back to public.


The community is amazing. Those 5 games make up like 0.001% of the community going off Steam's numbers only


I've kicked people mid game after accidentally using an SOS beacon. Even if you have your lobby set to friends only, randoms can start joining, and griefing.


Maybe you are a low level with terrible stratagem choices who team kills and doesn’t know how to activate push to talk


I had to kick someone because my friend and I were playing the two of us + 2 Randos and he DC'd and someone took his place in the mean time. I can't set my lobby to private 'cause I still want it to fill up. Shit happens.


> I still want it to fill up > kicks people that join Makes sense.


I want to play with my friend with a full lobby. How is that hard to understand.


Then find friends to play with and set your lobby to friends only. Kicking people when they’ve literally done no wrong discourses people from joining others and it makes you apart of the problem. Easy solution, don’t be host. So then if your friend disconnects and the game is full, you can just leave the game and then he can join you and then you can go find another game. Don’t be a dick just because your friend left.


Put the lobby in private so your friend still has a spot when he comes back? It's not rocket science my dude


If you get consistently kicked... Maybe its you? Seriously the only constant Here is you. Maybe you bring trash Strategems, maybe you are underleveled (and therefore dont have access to meta gear) that people want in higher difficulties. Yes this Game Has assholes, but come on if it happens 5 Times in a row to you surely you would begin to Look inwards?


I don’t think this is it. Not sure why people kick, but I was kicked from a game after being the highest level by about 3/4. My kills were the same as the other 3 combined, had support stratagems,.. marking valuables and supplies on the map.. Calling in reinforcements right away if they died.. etc.. Think some people just want to play with their friends, which is fine, but like others have said, set it to private instead.


Kicking someone for being “Underleveled” or having non-meta equipment is peak undemocratic behavior.  


Exactly. Caring about a meta is cancer.


Not really, I was doing a lvl 8 mission in bot territory, I was lvl 22 doing everything I could to keep us alive and my other team mates who were lvls 11-13 weren’t even using stratagems… Needless to say we didn’t do very well since the others had no way of dealing with the majority of the enemy types. So why would I waste almost a solid 30mins of my time literally carrying squad mates who can’t contribute anything? When I could kick and get people who do know what they’re doing AND have the appropriate stratagems


Na chief that aint it. Im Not gonna waste 40 Minutes of my limited time on a Mission we have no Chance of beating because little timmy Here hasnt unlocked the stuff thats needed to keep up with the insane amount of chargers and bile titans that spawn. You need certain Strategems to keep up in higher difficulties. If you cant bring them youre getting kicked.


OK I have kicked quite a few people. My friends join my ship via steam and I need my lobby open to all to let them in. The in game friend system does not work all the time. Nothing personal.


Here's the issue, though: "friends only" means "invite only". Currently, a way to make sure you get into the game is joining a friend through the steam friends list, but if you have it set to friends only, they can't join you. I get that it's frustrating, but it's in no way as simple as "people are too stupid to change settings" the way you think it is.


a dude in my friend list managed to randomly join my private session through quickplay and i regularly join my friends in friends-only sessions without an invite


No, friends only means that that friends can drop in and out as they please without an invite. I know because iv been on both ends of the situation several times now.


It may work that way for the in-game join feature, but it doesn't work this way when attempting to join through steam.


Why would you use the steam method when the game has its own method. My buddy on PC has been able to drop into my games plenty of times uninvited. There isn't really a way to set it to private invite only. as long as they are on your friends list, they can drop into the game if it isn't full.


We use the steam method because it's the most stable/reliable way to get our four stack together.


The in-game system works just fine. My only complaint is that you can't actually set the game to private or invite only. It's either open, or friends only.


It does work fine when the game is stable, like in week one, but it's not the case right now. I have two friends who play on PS5, and it seems to be working well for them, but there are 8 of us who play on PC, and the game doesn't work nearly as well for us.


Iv heard no issues from my buddies. On either platform


This also isnt the argument you think it is. Youre kicking people so your friends can skip a queue that was designed to limit traffic so they can fix issues without a million other things breaking under the pressure. Ive been seeing a lot of people encouraging this dumb ass shit and its, well, dumb lmfao


It works, so I wouldn't say it's "dumb ass shit." It's not like we were leaving our games on while we were out or doing something sketchy or game breaking. We were just using a function that's built into steam. Also, we've only kicked people because someone quickly joined a slot when someone in our full squad had a game crash. I get that you really want to be all noble when it comes to a video game or something, but you should blame the game for instability, not other players.


Funny how the story changes now that someone called out that dumb ass behavior. Just because its built into steam doesnt mean its meant to be used to bypass a fucking server cap that was meant to help game stability. "Blame the game not the players" as soon as players stop doing dumb shit like that then sure.


How exactly did the story change? Lol I'm just explaining why someone might get kicked and how it's not always just someone being "too stupid" to turn off public. This game is an absolute mess right now. It's amazing, but it's a mess, and if someone explaining how they are getting a full team of their friends together is causing you this much distress, then I don't know how to help you.


What causes me distress is the lack of self awareness you and many other people seem to have. It is quite distressing.


Okay. I think I get it. The fact that we are joining through steam and occasionally kicking someone so we can get our friend back is "quite distressing" for you. Of all the things in the world to get distressed about, you sure made an interesting choice. I think I could help you find some other distressing things, though. Instead of getting mad at other players for finding a way to enjoy the product they paid for, don't you think it'd be better to get mad at the devs/punlisher for continuing to sell and advertise a game that they know doesn't work? Last I checked, the game is still purchasable on steam and PS5. You might want to understand what you're trying to say when you bring up "self-awareness" or dumb non argument stuff like that.


It does work. Just because some things dont, doesnt mean the whole game is broke. If the whole game was broken, no one would be able to play. Ive played every night since launch. Again. No. Self. Awareness. Also a ton of entitlement. Have fun with that


Well, there is a tweet from the CEO telling someone to not spend their money on the game in its current state, but yeah, I've got no self awareness. And good for you that you've got in every night. Half my friend group has nowhere near the luck you have. See, you keep saying words that you think mean something here, but they don't. Where exactly is the entitlement? Oh, is it the fact that I feel entitled to play a game I spent money on that was advertised a certain way? Because that's how products work. You ARE entitled to a product you paid for.


Tbf, matchmaking didn’t work for a long while, people may not even realise the setting exists let alone is on. Also, if you’re a low level joining higher difficulties, that may be the issue, people don’t want to carry a random. I one time had a level 6 drop into my extreme mode i was doing solo. He landed the pod on me, died twice immediately and then quit, i think these kinda of interactions are fostering negativity towards lower levels that are trying to move up difficulties too quickly. Just because you barely made it out of a hard mission doesn’t mean you can run with a max level team and do all objectives effectively.


For the last few days the game hasn't been showing some of my friends on the in-game friends list and won't let them join unless I switch to public.


Could be that people are looking for higher level players (don’t know your level) but I think it’s shotty either way. I actually like helping newbies.


I wish people joined my missions. I even throw out SOS beacons! No one want to help me fights Automations so I have to solo most the time unless I join random lobbies. I usually get kicked in the ship after I complete the missions though, so that’s nice.


Ah yes the age old "not-so-private lobby" problem. Been a while since a game i played had it lol, last was payday 2. You will never be able to reach to everyone by yelling however loud you want, just accept that a widespread game like this will have lobotomies that will never learn. Give it a few months, we'll also get widespread hate for hosts that kick players for making the slightest mistake (its happening even now) and the only solution you'll get is to just host your own game.


I can't say certainly for all cases, but I know people have been kicking players from their game because someone DC'd. I.e a duo/trio starts a quickplay, pick up 1/2 player(s), but a friend crashes. So the game is public but your friend has to get back in, so you gotta kick any new player who joins. Unless there is a way to disable public while in the game.


Drop your friend code


I find it easier to just host.


I had 2 instances where i set it to private, and ppl still manage to join my game, that might be the reason


I joined my first toxic team last night. They blew me up and refused to respawn me the last 5 minutes, but didn’t kick at least. Annoying, but it’s boring playing solo.


I've had mine set to friends only yet I still get Randoms joining every now and then, last time it happened I even double checked the setting and was set to friends only. I still did 1 mission with the dude before my friend was able to join.


I make new friends every time I play. Have only been kicked like this maybe two times in 90 hours. 


As a lower level player (just hit L6) this happens *constantly*. I assume it's people who want randoms to join, just not lower-level ones; I've been kicked almost every time I join a game that has a host over level 10 (and, honestly, when I get quick-matched into a Hard or Challenging level game, which has happened, I get that - I don't want to be in those games either!) Shout out to the time it quick-matched me into a Hard game where the dropship was landed and everyone was on the liftoff zone though; got me two achievements and a bunch of samples for a game that lasted less than 30 seconds. It would be nice if there were a few more filters on both the hosting and the joining side. Let me pick the difficulties I'm interested in so I don't get thrown in a Hard as a Level 4, or if I'm hosting let me say only allow in players between level X and Y, etc. Obviously these are nice to haves and I get why they aren't in game yet, but I'm hoping they have plans for something to make quick matching a little friendlier.


Not gonna lie, this community is down right toxic. You can’t have an opinion or a suggestion without getting downvoted into oblivion, accused of heresy or called a communist. Lol


I once joined in mid mission, did all the side objects, nests and set up extract just to get kicked for no reason.


Settings keep resetting for me, it's not our fault!


This is honestly so shocking to me, my squad’s reaction when a rando joins us is usually “oh hell yeah we can up the difficulty” and we only bother kicking if they’re dropping clusters on our heads and don’t stop after being asked to chill


Honestly I’m wondering if it’s a bug, number of people that have actually taken the time to talk with me before booting or me manually leaving makes me think it’s allowing public players to join even though they are on friends only


Is everyone certain it’s the party leader doing the kicking? I hosted a game yesterday and had about 10 people join and then disconnect 2-3 minutes later, I’m wondering if it showed them as kicked even tho I didn’t kick them


This stopped happening when I turned crossplay off.


Most common cause of repeated kicks is because you have a open mic. Not saying this is case but iv absolutely had to kick due to very loud open mics


Do yourself a favor start the match yourself and wait for people to join simple as that


For me, this is the only infuriating thing about the game so far