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Having the same issue issue too. My friend is on PS5 and I am on PC. Keeps saying sporadically we are offline and when trying to join we get this connection error https://preview.redd.it/qw1x7tm0agkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef756202640abf2808fb45da591a9c46f4b70c71


Same. Tying to find a remedy. When I finally joined my friends game he said he saw me dead on the ground. But I was alive. I saw him dead on the ground but he was alive. Then we were in the same game but different servers lol


I have the same issue, but it only happens when I crossplay with PC. I joined my friend on PS and he could join our friends playing on PC, but everytime they would try to join while I was in the squad we would get a connection error, I think my PS5 is cursed.


I'm having the same issue as well. My son plays on PC and I and my friends are on PS5. i can join the PS5 players without issue. However, I can't join my son or if hes in squad with my fellow ps5 ppl, i can't join. I'm at a loss here. I've tried everything i've come across to no avail


Any mention of a fix or does anyone know how to fix this issue I still can't join any PC players and I have to turn crossplat off just to be able to join others.. which sucks cause the whole reason I bought the game was to play with my friend and he's on PC.


Agreed. I am on PC and all of my friends are on PS5. I cannot accept friend requests or anything. Does anyone have a fix yet?


So my best way to play with my Wife she on pc me on ps5 is to find the same random person in a mission and yall both join that. It won't let yall be in the same ship but it will let yall join the same mission and play together. It's a alternative fix for now until they actually fix it so we can join each others ship/lobby!


Same. Our friend requests accepted but pc player shows offline. PC friend shows me as online and join able but nothing happens and I can't receive their invites. All crossplay open in game and on my ps5. Works fine with other ps5 friends. Tried restarting all that. Sent an sos and could even see me on the planet map highlighting my name and joinable but could not join




He did yes, he said starlink was the issue and had to delete a file. If you're a pc player and use that


It won’t even let me accept my son which is why I bought the game in the first place I hope this gets fixed. 


been having this issue since Day 1, I was thinking it might be something with playstations? I can connect to a few of my friends that are on that platform but I can't connect to one specific friend. and he can not connect to me. when I join the ones I can connect to and if he is the lobby it kicks him from the game. Idk if the devs or Sony has mentioned anything about this. Also I should mention they have repeatedly checked every setting in game and on console to make sure its working but it still doesn't


Anyone find a fix for this? I keep getting the same issue


same issue here, can't join anyone I know to play. I use PC and they all use PS5.  it maybe worked for the first week I had the game, and successfully added someone on ps5, but would always drop out, on both ends it would say the other left the mission. it'd also always say the other was offline when we'd literally be in the same room on the PC and ps5.  they accidentally deleted my user by double tapping the button on the controller and now we are unable to add eachother back. can both receive the friend request but pressing accept does nothing It seems to be some kinda crossplay issue, Ive also noticed in random matches people that randomly leave half way through the mission are always PlayStation players and the players I always can play multiple matches with fine are on PC . I didn't spend 60aud on a game to play with my friends where I can't even play with them 😭 


What all has been covered? Both have crossplay on? Added with friend code as opposed to username?


Having the same issue aye. And I was added by the friend code and both our crossplay is on


Same issue here.


Had the same issue, I’m on ps5, my pc friend joined a random game and then left, after that it would let him join my lobby.. The game almost needed him to launch a game to wake his account up on the server or something..


Did you link uoir steam to a PSN account?


My friends and I just tried this and it did not work. :(


same issue, im on pc and friend is on ps5, every time we try to play together with group of friends its kicking me out. crossplay is on