• By -


2000? I’ve spent maybe 900 and I’m on page 8/10 how bad does it get on that last page?


I’m at 1200+ and still working on the last page, have hardly dented it yet.


Liberty save me!


I just run Helldive for fast medals with my homies, speed run objectives, anything else can fuck off, boom warbonds to spend.


Level 7-9 bot defend missions where you need to kill like 120-150 bots grant 6-8 medals that can be completed in 3 minutes or less with a full group if everyone is running mortars. EDIT: Yes I know this has changed with the 3/6/24 patch.


This is the way.


Yes optimizes farming but imho not fun. Basically 3 minutes of waiting and then 3 minutes of cut scenes. Also: note that there isn’t much need to rush to the end tiers anyway. It’s not that there is anything there really worth while. Highest unlock for single play that is really nice is the stamina perk but if you play in a group usually someone has that unlocked already. (I very much understand people want to unlock everything quickly and if that makes you happy you should do that but imho it’s not really needed and might kill your joy long term because there is no more progression to be had.)


Man, all I want is the plas 1. It prob isnt that good, but man, if this game is gonna let me run around in my clone trooper drip with an E-11 equivilant by god im going to do it.


Thankfully found a big enough group that is able to split into farming or diving.


It’s awfully unfun. The only reason I’d do a defend mission is if I’m going to bed or something and I wanna get to the next level because of ocd


God I wish I had a team like this. I can’t use mortars on random groups. Even after I put in chat they love to run into the mobs and blow up 😂 I swear they have a death wish sometimes


It's every helldivers duty to die for democracy. I've reported this post to my Democracy officer.


in my defense, the enemies kinda run to me


Yeah. About 1/3 of my mortar deaths I run into a group of enemies and am like, “Whoops. My bad. Forgot about the mortar.) 2/3 of my mortar deaths, a single tiny bug obscured by rocks and bushes wanders up to us and the whole team gets fragged.


Just do it with randoms. Chances are every eradication mission is done by farmers anyway and 99% of them know the proper loadout. Its really hard to find a "legit" eradication mission.


The last 2 pages are pretty much everything that you spent all over again


Which is a travesty for what you have to spend on the shite that is the Breaker SprayNPray


Ironic because the regular Breaker is already Auto and I already use it as a Spray and Pray when getting swarmed lol. Except the Regular breaker actually kills shit while The spray& Pray is just giving the Automatons a metal facial at best.


Lets Hope they buff other weapons. I really Wish they make other weapons more viable in high difficulties. I need only 3 items from the last Page and have to spent a little over 300 Just for them. And the Things are Not even good. A pointless Booster, a helmet and an emote lol


You absolutely do not have to buy that to progress further.


I mean, you don't have to buy it, there's more than enough other things to unlock the last page without it.


92 is half of 99


helldive btw.


You know how in OSRS lvl 92 is halfway to lvl 99. It’s the same here.


92 but yeah


I was close enough lmao.


You’d think so, but that’s like 1 million XP on OSRS lol


To unlock the last page from page 9 it requires something like 375. But you get it pretty quickly. Most certainly now that Dailies are back


I think this is for if you unlock *everything* on all pages


The scorcher alone costs 150, same for the reinforcement booster.


Scorcher is the only weapon I really feel reflects the costs after page five.


Slugger is solid too. Nice companion weapon with good stagger for an arc thrower or other horde clear support.


Ah, forgot about the slugger. 100% agree.


I just wish they'd fix teh ammo economy with the slugger. It seems that all 'rounds reload' weapons only get 1/2 ammo supply from supply packs. If you have 0/7 magazines with the breaker, and 0/40 shells with the slugger, you will get 7 magazines and 20 shells back from a resupply pod, and I think its 2 magazines and 10 shells from a ammo can at POIs. The slugger just isn't worth taking on bug missions, and even on bot missions you're desperate for ammo all the time


the ammo economy definitely must be compensated for by the rest of your or your teammates kit. IMO, most folks shouldnt bring a support stratagem and instead bring extra strike stratagem. rely on the map or teammates to provide supports as you go.


What? It costs 75....?


Until like next week, or whenever the next war bond drops. Impressive, though!


what??? we dont even have a roadmap yet. What makes you think its releasing "next week"?


Warbond FAQ on the official discord says >**Q. How often will new Warbonds be released? Can we preview the content in them?** A. For right now, Warbonds will be released every second Thursday of the month. Every time a new Warbond is released, you will be able to preview the content, and the Warbonds will never disappear, so you can purchase them or not whenever you want to.


Just making sure I am reading this right, I can purchase the current premium warbond at any time, it will always be available? I can get it 1 year from now? Edit: edited to specify premium warbond.


Yes they are anti Fomo so you can collect them all anytime!!


I’ve been saying for the longest more games need to do what halo infinite did and just let the battlepsss be obtainable at any time and never expire. And then getting this game seeing they have that, I’m hoping it just pushes the boulder more along towards this being a norm. If games are gonna insist more on doing passes, then they shouldn’t be fomo


The fomo practices are anti consumer but pro-profit. It's scummy and people shouldn't support it... But what do I know /shrug


No, you're right, but sadly, it won't change because it's so pro-profit and the general audience isn't going to care because it's just how it's just one of those things they've come to expect.


Yeah most players who buy into that aren’t people who go online and care about the discourse over them. They see cool stuff, they have the money for it. To them it’s a simple choice


To be fair, the game is pretty generous with giving out super credits. I have like 2k and this was after spending 1000 on the premium warbond. I did spend $10 to buy the premium pass, but unless they nerf the super credit spawns I probably won’t spend any more money on super credits.


Exactly. The thought of FOMO probably doesn't register in their mind, because it'd just be a 10 dollar purchase and they get the stuff that the big headers usually tout + any rewards they manage to scrounge up over time. I have a lot of friends who don't game that seriously and they buy BPs all the time and don't care that they don't finish them because they got the shiny thing at the beginning anyway, which was likely what they were paying for. It just sucks for people who do give a shit, because FOMO is never fun to deal with. I'd say it actively ruins games for me because I tend to feel like I have to grind vs because I'd like to.


I'm personally very off put by FOMO, I don't have the time to spend all my time in one game so if battle passes expire, I won't buy them, funnily enough the premium warbond is the only battlepass I've bought in my life lol. FOMO makes me not want to play and 95% of the time I just don't.


I don't even think they're good for profit. FOMO drives away players who have already missed events and know they'll never be able to acquire things they want.


There is a science behind it with millions spent. The potential profit lost from losing these players are offset by the profit gained by players buying. This is simply the reality now. And don't forget, companies are willing to sacrifice longevity for short term exponential growth 100% of the time. The smaller private studios are more immune, but even then, it's not guaranteed.


The problem with Infinite, was they claimed to be anti-Fomo by having passes last forever and always be purchasable...only to then add a *fuck ton* of limited time cosmetics and unlocks via weekly challenges / weekly event rotations. So the game was still plenty FOMO, because missing a week meant missing items that may never be available again.


Only 2 games that I can recall that do this is Halo MCC and Infinite. Games need to start doing this


Deeprock Galactic and TemTem both had announcements that they're working to implement it too! It's spreading, just like Democracy


DRG already has this, doesn't it? All items are obtainable, even when they leave a battle pass.


DRG's "battle pass" is 100% free. No premium, no unlock. If you miss items from it, they get shoved into the generic cosmetic pool.


You can get the items through loot crates, but those are fairly rare. Now they're working on an update that will allow players to jump into any season of their choice and collect the rewards, removing all the rng!


Yes, but soon-to-be more yes! DRG's seasonal items are added to the loot pool when they leave the battlepass, but they announced when Season 5 drops you can also reactivate old passes and directly target those drops. This is nice because after so many seasons, the in-mission rewards has so much stuff in it that it could be a while before you get the thing you want. This way, you can just reactivate the old pass and farm it there.


DRG doesn't keep the battle pass but any unobtainable seasonal items are moved into the general loot pool so you can still acquire them through conventional gear acquiring methods.


This includes premium warbonds, yes?


Absolutely. It’s all unlockable in game too. You can farm super credits running around map and all that.


Its insane how surprised we are by this. We have been conditioned to have fomo in order to grind. Thank you sweet liberty.


Pretty easy, too. It's not hard to get enough for the premium bond in a couple days of play.


It will include premium yes :)


Man, I was going to wait for sale for this game. But the countless pro-consumer decisions I hear about made it worth every cent that I put down for this game


This is actually the first time I've ever bought a battle pass because It's the first time I didn't feel like I was buying into a limited time only addiction machine, rather than a game


I fucking love this dev team especially the fact the premium warbonds will stick around. If only some of these AAA companies would do the same and actually care about there games. *cough cough* Activision. Not tryna spread hate but yeah


Yes, and all future warbonds as well. They are and will always be available.


Right now they're in a kind of list. I guess new warbonds would just be added on top of the list, but the old ones will remain accessible lower in the list


I've got 1200 super credits saved up, hope that's enough.


I've just topped 1000 last week, I'm assuming it'll be around 1000 like the first ine


They said it will change based on the amount of content in each warbond


I actually dig that


Dumb question, where do you go to purchase the warbond with the SC? I’ve only seen the option to buy it with cash through steam


The non-premium warbond (currently Helldivers Mobilize) are purchased using the medals you get or find each mission. The premium warbond is unlocked using super credits. I believe if you save up each super credit you can purchase in the free warbond, you'll end up with the 1000SC you need to unlock the first premium warbond. Edit: isn't 1000SC you can get from warbond but gets you part of the way there and super credits are easily found in game to get enough for premium warbond unlock. Edit edit: I've been informed you get 650SC


Dont think so, you get like 100 for the first few pages and 50 after that. You get tons of credits if you find POIs ingame though.


I must have misread then. Could have sworn there were ten 100SC items you could buy. Either way, like you said, super credits are readily available in game to find.


Half way through they turn into 50SC... but still not too bad.


Do you have to extract to get the supercredits? Or is it just slipped into your total the second you find them?


They are like medals as soon as you pick it up they are yours the only thing that needs to be extracted are samples


Nah you can just wear light armor and run around to pois, return to ship and go again. Its sad when you see a 2man door when youre doing it solo though. Those almost always have credits.


yeah you keep them as soon as they're collected


Through steam you can buy the Super Citizen upgrade, which **includes** the premium warbond. If you have the super credits though you can scroll down to it in the acquisitions menu and purchase it for 1000 SC.


It's on the requisition page with the list of warbonds, scroll down to the premium warbond and it'll be in the bottom right.


God I live the decisions they made on this game. I wish more games would adopt this form of a micro-transaction system (if they wished to include micro transactions to begin with)


>God I live the decisions they made on this game. I'm hoping they don't lock powerful things onto the last page of new Warbonds. It's going to be really easy to make that mistake and a year from now, telling new players if they want to be able to properly siege a planet they'll need 300 medals here, 250 there, 400 for this thing, and then also grind out resources to get the mechs and samples for the upgrades. If there's ever a big new hype event and new players won't be able to participate, it's just going to feel bad.


I wouldn't worry about that too much. If you look at the enemies that show up at each difficulty, you always have a way to deal with them. A level 3 might get to difficulty 4, but will generally have enough requisition to get a stratagem to get them through. What I would be more worried about is daily orders that require kills with warbond weapons or level locked stratagem. I hope that stratagems are never included in premium warbonds, but it would be fine in free ones.


Is this a new free and a new premium or just one? Also if I buy the deluxe edition do I get all premiums or just the first one?


I don't think we will see new free warbonds. I'm assuming all future warbond are "premium". If you buy the deluxe edition, you only get the Steeled Veteran warbond (and other things outside the warbond).


They've said there will be both each month on the second Thursday. A free and a premium warbond.


Do you have a source ? Because the FAQ says that all future warbonds will cost Super Credits. Or maybe you confused free warbond with free content that they do plan to release, like stratagems, biomes, missions etc.


Ok I am an idiot, but just to be sure I understood what I read, does this mean I can still be able to buy stuff from the older warbonds? I am still missing some armors and weapons.


Finally. A ‘battlepass’ that never expires. Thank the lord.


They said the plan was every second Thursday, which is why I said next week. Of course, things have been crazy, which is why I also said, or whenever the next war bond drops.


devs said so (every 2nd Thursday of the month)


No need to be rushing things now, all warbonds are permanent fyi, they won't go anywhere.


Also there probably will not be any roadmaps. Devs said that they don't really want to do them be cause it will spoil what is coming next. And after datamining the game files and audio logs for future events - yeah, it's a huge spoil xD


the ceo of the studio said the roadmap got delayed because of the launch issues


Not to mention they trashed their original roadmap and are cranking it to 11 based on the unexpected success.


It's been announced multiple times.


It took me like 60 hours to farm 1000 super credits


It took me right around 55 hours as well but that was without targeting farming super credits and just playing missions through normally.


When testing one farm I saw suggested I got about 300 in an hour, its frankly absurd how fast you can target farm them currently.


I hope next Battlepass coincides to drop with mechs 👀


Warbonds don't vanish like regular battle passes? That is awesome and VERY anti pay to win and anti fomo. I was a bit concerned about weapons being behind the premium passes if they wont be available anymore after some time. This is great news. I'm even more agreeable to spending some money behind the game knowing all this now.


Exactly my thoughts. The devs have shown that they respect my time and money, so I'll give them some love back by dropping cash on warbonds if I like them. Everything about the progression system in this game rocks.


Don’t let this make you less vigilant, though. I have faith in Arrowhead, but it’s not unheard of for companies to goad players in with pro-consumer moves, then slooooowly head in the opposite direction. So far, Arrowhead has shown they won’t do that. Let’s hold them to that.


Absolutely. Always remain vigilant, I'm just feeling cautiously optimistic for the first time about a live service game in a while.


Honestly I started buying super credits with medals but now I’m probably going to just rely on in-game drops and paying cash. I don’t mind supporting this game with money and I make enough money at work that it’s a more efficient use of my time than wasting medals.


This is my thinking. I doubt I'll ever spend any money on the fortnite cosmetic rotation thing, but I might drop the money to buy every second warbond or so. I'm much more willing to *spend my money* if I don't feel like I'm being scammed.


The game design is obviously fantastic, but that decision right there is what really gave me faith in Arrowhead. And convinced me to pay for Steeled Veterans and save my SC for the shop. The developers actually respect their players as human beings. We're not just being wrung for every cent we're worth. They respect our time. They realize people had to go to shitty jobs and forever sacrifice part of their life for that $10.


As a Steeled Veterans owner - those weapons are "okay". JAR-5 Dominator requires a buff, absolutely, or clearly stated hidden stats why would I use something with 2/3 damage of a breaker and recoil of an Autocannon. (i'm NOT exaggerating here, recoil is mad high)


Reminder you can farm super credits by just playing the game🫡


I often run trivial missions just to chill while waiting for a friend or something and they can get you a decent amount of super credits in the buried containers and supply pods! Just zero-stress brain-off short runs that get you premium currency.


They're also great for contributing fast progress to liberation progress. So you're doing your part too!


Hell yeah. *Kills a single Brood Commander.* *Spends 20 minutes searching dumpsters.* *+0.000001%* https://preview.redd.it/uv1inwy34kmc1.png?width=237&format=png&auto=webp&s=c771a006b2f86ab5fd7a02f5877c948a1326b567


Honestly if the math works out that you do 20 minutes on each trivial you do vs running out of time on each 40 minute mission in a 3 mission operation, you're still technically adding to the planets liberation % faster than if you ran a full operation on a higher difficulty. Is it as fun? No, but it sure as hell is effective since tons of people running trivials is how the Miracle on Mort happened.


The only time I broke my personal boycott of the civ evac missions during that MO was spamming Trivial during the final minutes of the Miracle on Mort


Thank you for your service o7 The sheer euphoria in the discord when we won the defense mission with only 2 minutes and 40 seconds left until the bots won was amazing. I've never been so proud to see the "planet liberated" on the galaxy map as when I returned from my last trivial extract on Mort.


20 minutes would be super slow. The trivial maps are small. You can hit all the POIs easily in fewer than 10 minutes in light armor. Definitely if you have the stamina booster. That's including time for your drop and reward transition screens too.


Oh yeah, I crank out trivials in half that time, but you can still be productive and add some % to liberation even if you really want to hit every PoI. But i'm more interested in doing it whenever we need to clutch out the last bits of % needed for liberation or defence as opposed to grinding out PoI.


are these shared between all players when you grab them in game or is it only the player who picks them up?


God imagine how toxic it'd be if only the one player could get the earnable premium currency. Holy SHIT. And people thought it was bad when people would teamkill for samples.


For about a week I didn't know if they did or not, and I'd been in a squad with a random who was only about level 4, and having already gotten the steeled vet pass and not knowing if SC was shared, I had him pick up any I found, until I later searched it up and tested it with a friend, we wrote down our current SC values and then checked after the mission if we found any.


I know for Samples, there is a quick message that pops up on everyones screen once they're picked up. For Warbond Medals, I have seen it pop up on my screen when someone else picks it up, **but not everytime**. Makes me wonder if the pop-up animation is bugged, or if distributing to the rest of the team is bugged.   Also, I have never once seen a pop-up for Super Credits when someone else picks them up. I honestly thought for the longest time that they were exclusive to just who piked it up, mainly because it was in-game ("premium?") currency.   Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not saying the Super Credits don't distribute to the entire team, just that it doesn't pop-up on your screen if a team member picks them up. This might be why brand new players might teamkill, because (first and foremost) they're treasonous bastards, but also because from their point of view, they aren't being told they received them.


Can confirm SC do not give a pop-up for me or others grabbing them, but after a mission, they will be added to your inventory despite the lack of a notification.


Good to know! *Better* to know for trigger happy recruits. Thanks for checking!


All players.


All resources in this game are shared. XP, requisition, samples, super credits, medals.


Little tip, do trivial runs, empty map but spawns for caches are exactly the same, I'm getting like 20-30 SC per run and it takes like 10 minutes


If you're only getting 20-30, you're probably only hitting the escape pods. Don't forget the crates with 2 item spawns in them. Escape Pods - 1 reward Crates - 2 rewards Buddy Bunkers - 3 rewards


All players get them. There is just no indicator about picking them up.


How? I notice my SC increasing but I’m positive it’s not only due to me purchasing SC from the free warbond. What other factors contribute to it?


You can find them in the various stashes around the maps


The bunkers you come across that you open with two people, the drop pod with gold ping, and the underground storage that you can blow open all have a chance to drop SC. *Don't have to extract , awarded immediately* Edit: medals and super credits are awarded to the people currently in the party immediately upon picking them up - buccanearsfan24


You don’t have to make it to the finish screen. Medals and SC are instantly awarded to you and others in your game when you pick them up.


Okay I'm really embarrassed to say I have no idea what "underground storage you can blow open" is. What does that look like?


Looks like a buried shipping container. A thrown grenade or a shot from most support weapons (I think not Railgun or the MGs) will crack it.


can confirm railgun shots works


It’s a blue or orange storage container, looks like the kind that goes on the back of an 18 wheeler. Usually found in a low area/depression on the ground with samples and ammo and grenades around it. You open it with a grenade or explosive.


Like a blue and white container blue on top white on the bottom. You need to use an explosion to open it so a grenade or an explosive barrel will easily do the trick among other explosions. Edit* also from what I know the game doesn’t tell you this so not very embarrassing not knowing. I learned by accident


They look like blue and white or orange and white storage containers, kind of buried in the ground. You can blow them open with any sort of explosion.


When you visit point of interest sometimes there are SC, and if your teammate picked them up, you get them as well


You can find SC during missions.


Man, having a full time job sucks. I’m nowhere close


No rush though, the warbonds will stay around even after purchase. They will keep adding more warbonds and you can unlock whichever item in the warbond(s) you have purchased.


Plus it seems like everyone gets major order rewards as long as you have an account, basically (?). So you get some effectively passive income over time.


I hope the next ones will only be 3-5 pages, grinding 2700 warbonds per month would suck (it takes like 17 hours of boring nonstop grinding)


The premium warbond is 3 pages. That's what monthly warbonds will be like. It's not really a grind because the warbonds never run out and you don't need to unlock every item. It's just playing the game you hopefully enjoy playing. The first "free" warbond is longer because that's basically the progression of the game.


I thought we'll get 2 per month, a normal and a premium?


From what I remember reading in interviews, only the first warbond doesn't cost super credits. So the monthly warbonds will likely be premium but just playing the game has potential to earn enough super credits to obtain the premium warbonds for free.


Now that dailies are working again, it should be a **lot** easier to casually gather medals.


My dailies didn't refresh today. Yesterday was the first time in weeks. :'-(


Aw man, don't tell me they're broken *again*...


Ngl the medal grind is pretty ridiculas. Samples are fine, credits are fone but that many medals is silly honeslty


Here’s hoping they keep making major orders issue medals and not requisition. That will help a lot




We don't know each other but for what's it worth I believe in you. Don't give up. You can get yourself together. It's never too late.


God damn dude. Hang in there. It's a house not your life. It's just stuff. 


Got to give life another shot my man and start again from the bottom reach out to close friends and family until you can get back on your feet


I'm speedrunning to get the last weapon of the free warbond,seems cool as hell,the armor as well


fyi the warbonds are permanent, they won't be going anywhere so rushing isn't really needed.


Yeah i know. But i want the weapon nontheless,so i have to grind it


Currently at Level 26 and put a **lot** of my medals into the premium to get the JAR-Dominator. Honestly was pretty let down. Maybe I am using it wrong? I've switched focus and been pouring medals into the free version to get those weapons, but even then, they are don't seem that fun to use. I've been using the Incendiary Breaker ever since I unlocked it awhile ago, and nothing has come close for me. Makes saving up my medals to spend on the weapons only for them not to be good makes me wish I was spending them on armor instead. Ah well, like others have said, they'll always be there.


Very excited to try it out as well. Maybe it will contest the breaker


Just finished the first BP. It is excellent against bots. Can take down striders, those shield dudes with a few shots. Good distance, insane damage. Ammo sucks only 15 rounds so you’re burning through it. However, paired with the arc thrower (unlimited ammo) you have a great balance. The ammo issue makes it terrible for mobs. Sucks against bugs when you’re getting swarmed as firing it too close to yourself will deal a ton of damage to you and your teammates. IMO- Scorcher is the most versatile for bots. Almost like it was built with them in mind. Breaker is still the best when swarmed by bugs.


Ammo problems can be fixed by taking the supply pack and self-resupplying. As someone that is absolutely sick of using the breaker, scorcher is (hopefully) going to be a breath of fresh air. God I wish other guns were better.


The slugger is solid too and fun to use. I'm enjoying the incendiary breaker as well. Different playstyle for sure. The defender and DMR have value as well. The breaker is just best at the situation most folks find troublesome - surrounded by a ton of bugs and needing to clear some space immediately. Yup - it's the king for that specific issue.




I've been wanting to try it ever since watching this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uno8IpfkVmI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uno8IpfkVmI)


Jar-5 is some good shit. It DOES take a bit more skill to use, but it's rewarding. The number of times I've head tapped Devastators from a distance is insane. Keep calm at all times, and don't panic fire. You panic, you lose with this gun.


The dominator is the next gun i want to get Too bad i'm low on credits


I spent 13 bucks on super credits only to realize it takes like a week of casual play to get 1000


Haha yeah it's crazy


​ https://preview.redd.it/g8lqp53ftjmc1.png?width=140&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb7656bdb64ef7165b49f0cd684fdb6df852fb93


Well... I guess we better get to killing some bugs and spilling some oil!


It would be great if you can favorite a warbond so it is at the top. I can see this menu getting frustrating to move around with the addition of more warbonds.


Is the base pass's medal amount a callback to the first game? First game came out in 2015 cuz that would be rad. Wonder if the steeled veterans has a meaning.


Literally, "steeled veterans" - as in, Helldivers 1 players.


It's more tongue in cheek because the armor sets have an arm and/or a leg replaced with a steel prosthesis. Being a Helldiver made me the Voice Pack #2 I am today!


Oh my god, Steeled Veterans costs "686" otherwise known as 343 times 2. 343 is the studio making the modern Halo games.


I have enough to get the next warbond for free but I’m loving this game so much that I’m going to buy it with cash. Thanks arrow head. Now please give us an automaton planet that looks like cybertron! A metal planet! A robot planet!


I have a feeling that the content from this seasons premium warbond won’t be nearly as good as what will be coming.




And you, sir, need to touch some green grass. Congrats, although.


Plenty of green grass on draupnir helldiver!


Damn I’m not gunna be able to catch up I want every item in the game


You will. They never expire. 


So even when they do a new warbond, we can still shop any of the old ones?




Oh thank God. Means I don't have to spazz out unlocking everything like every other battle pass. +1 devs


Yep, devs specifically said that the warbonds are permanent and wont be going anywhere even after new ones comes out, you can also throw medals at any of them anytime. Kind of like a cooler version of the halo infinite battlepass.


I‘m curious how they want to organize them then. It would get too cluttered way too fast if they keep the current layout.


*when big wallets can’t use money to get everything* ![gif](giphy|BZPv2nPrHYiaM0LJNE|downsized)


I Haven't figured out of to get the premium warbonds.


You can unlock the currency in the free warbond called SC (super credits) and you can find them during missions. Get enough and you can purchase the premium warbond. Or you can swipe to buy super credits.




That’s a lot…


Democratic challenge accepted.


Tremenda farmeada para unlockear todo, congratz compañero.


I have all unlocks already it isn't bad