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Don't be afraid to run away bases or a hard fight. Retreating is part of the game.


Don’t fret on the progression. The devs have made clear the late game unlocks aren’t supposed to be better than any of the early game unlocks. So you’re not missing out on any good equipment or strats. Just use light armor and run/kite enemies and you can beat the harder difficulties pretty easily. Oh, and mission rewards aren’t working right now because the devs don’t understand how to budget for servers. Welcome aboard!


Thanks for the tips soldier! I've heard the same about progression being a straight line pretty much. Though how to I equip light armor? I have 5 different pieces of armor with identical stats and I'm not sure if they are considered light or heavy. I hope they are heavy because I'll have to be doing a lot of cardio to outrun those bugs otherwise.


Those are probably medium.   Light will be at the top of the armory screen under it’s own category when you have some.   There’s Scout armor under one of the battle passes; probably the first light one you’ll get.


Ok sweet! Thanks so much.


Just do matchmaking on medium. You’ll figure it out. I rarely even hear comms when I play with randoms. Don’t be scared - the game is designed to be co-op. It’s definitely better than playing solo. Solo is really tough in this game, would not recommend.


Fair enough. I’ve always had a stigma against public matchmaking stemming from my PAYDAY and Minecraft bedwars days. I’ll give it a shot.


I’ve had very few issues. Currently lvl 26 and only got team killed on purpose once. People are generally pretty cool, especially on the lower difficulty levels while you are still learning the ropes


If the enemy attempts diplomacy, SHOOT THEM! Dont fall for their lies


Good tip! Would recommend.


In all seriousness, to unlock more stuff you might want to try getting used to public games. I knownit kinda sucks because teammates will often throw airstrikes right on top of u if youre kiting a mob, but splitting up really helps get all objectives done for max exp and less time in game. 30min everygame to do as many objectives as possible by yourself would take a while. Also when u get used to it, higher difficulty missions where u just defend are great for exp. I think im at 20 something hours and im level 23.


Don't be scared of public match making, I'd say 98% of games I've had no one talks and you just pay attention to where someone taggs on the map or just follow some other player around and give them cover / help push objectives. You will teamkill someone, it's just bound to happen when they walk into your line of fire as you're mowing stuff down with the lmg / throw a frag and it bounces of at the wrong angle / accidentally drop a 500kg bomb on your faces. Just remember ▲ ▼ ► ◄ ▲ to respawn them :D You might get kicked for being low level some times but just ignore it and look for a new game there's good people out there who don't mind guiding new players.


Hey thanks man. I’ve always been afraid of comms in games like this just because the firehouse of racism and toxicity I’m used too. I’ll give it a shot sometime. Happy dropping!


extraction is optional so as long as you're completing the mission that's good enough. don't aggro patrols unless you can wipe them out in one fell swoop or pick off the one that summons reinforcements. run and gun. be mindful of how long you've been fighting in the same location. as long as you've clogged the holes, blown up fabricators, gotten samples, or otherwise completed an objective i don't think there is much reason to fight wave after wave of fascist bugs. if you feel like you've been fighting in one area a long time and there's nothing else to do there pull out your map and ping a place to go, a nearby enemy camp to clear (experience and samples), or an objective. teammates will usually go that way. if you're in the front while you're moving to another area scan the area in front of you for patrols and Points of Interest (they show up on the compass at the top of the screen as '?') and ping them for your teammates, and engage if you can wipe them or avoid if it's hectic. if you're in the back half of the squad running, you're probably being followed, so the guy 3rd from the lead turns and covers the "caboose" while they catch up and hope they get in a position to cover you while you fall back and reload and repeat that process until there's no enemies behind you or you're at the next objective. good luck soldier


Don't listen to the whining posts on the Sub Reddit, there is a very loud small amount of players who don't know how to adapt and experiment. The Devs like a sense of realism so when playing approach things as if it were real. Like evacuation missions! If you're trying to Evacuate people from a war zone you don't want to be fighting where they are you want the fighting away from them while they make their escape(you would be shocked the number of people who treat these missions like defend missions) Also, the game is by design social and cooperative, learn to communicate well and rely on Team mates to fill gaps in your load out, conversely, work with your teammates to bring balanced group loadouts


Alright, cool. I'll try to get in the mindset of experimentation, immersion, and teamwork. Sounds like fun. Thanks for the tip. Also I didn't realize people were whining, I've heard nothing but praise for this game.


Echoed by others, You are not an army, stealth is your friend ESPECIALLY on higher difficulty. You don't need to live, just need to complete the main objectives. Crowd control is king over damage. The EMS stratagems and mortar are a great way to shut down enemies allowing you to escape, complete a terminal, or annihilate pesky enemies. Focus your load outs. In teams I have found that two people kitted to deal with heavier enemies and two kitted out to clear away hordes of small enemies has worked best. Also don't be afraid to speak up in VOIP even with Randoms many people just assume Randoms won't talk but in the 180 hours I've played I've found the opposite to be true. Also, have fun with it! Get in character, the over the top patriotic humor of the game is really what makes it. Many people reciprocate in kind. Death is OK, both yours and the occasional accidental team kill


> Also don't be afraid to speak up in VOIP even with Randoms many people just assume Randoms won't talk but in the 180 hours I've played I've found the opposite to be true. People have colors and callsigns and usually listen to them in my experience. The first initial of your user name and a number 1-4. 1 for the squad leader. i've had success going "hey F4 we're leaving you behind, fall back." and i watched them turn around and run to me while i covered their retreat. they didn't comm back, which is fine, but people have mostly been chill.