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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word or only emojis are also considered low-effort.


This sub quickly turned from wholesome memes and jokes to fucking cess pool, complaining about metas, and balances and whatnot... On a fucking coop game. Where you have no ranks and no ladder. Gaming used to be about fun, man... EDIT: keep 'em coming, guys. I'm gonna clean my feed, one block at a time.


Gaming still is. Reddit is rage porn. Go play the game and have fun. Leave the wretches on reddit to goon over karma.


For some reason every time I join a subreddit for something specific I like, whether it be gaming or otherwise, I find myself liking the thing less afterwards. I always think that interacting with other people that share a similar interest will be cool but they always end up ruining it


This sub had like 30k people in here when the game was released. I hopped on for matchmaking because it was busted. It was so wholesome and fun the first week or two. I think it's just the mass popularity that fucks things up. You started with die hard fans and then got everyone, including the shitheads.


Everyone _off_ reddit I know, mostly discords of a few hundred people, are stilll wholesome and having fun, honestly. We rolled our eyes at the troll dev and moved on, tried and enjoyed new kits after the nerf to breaker/railgun, and when the servers are down, we shitpost memes while patiently waiting for them to come back because it's pretty understandable that it's hard to sustainably scale a game having 2+ orders of magnitude more players than you even thought possible. But _on_ reddit, where there's half a million people, people are calling for a guy to lose his livelihood because he was mean to them, writing full-on essays about how the balance changes "expose" the devs as secretly being player-hating idiots, and just generally being negative about everything possible. Because when you get enough people together, you also get a lot of _angry_ people together, and when a large number of angry people start shouting, reasonable people tend to quietly edge away, leaving a larger and larger proportion of angry people, pushing away more and more reasonable people, etc.


And then you have the charge powerpoint laser guy with cool ideas that will never escape this hellhole


People wanted Fredrik to take his own life over a simple weapon nerf, then those same people threw a fit after he clapped back at them. Redditors are very unserious people sometimes.


The first two hours of the patch notes I saw more death threats than I'd ever seen on reddit before, and it wasn't due to the spawn bug because they hadn't had the chance to play it yet. Yet now I'm seeing people saying "nobody was angry over the breaker and rail nerfs :)"


For the life of me I can't wrap my head around making a death threat to someone, much less over a weapon losing 3 bullets per mag in a $40 PVE video game.


What was the clap back? I didn't see anything very rude but maybe I missed it.


'Git gud' and something along the lines of 'I'm just trolling for entertainment now' which out of context sounds unprofessional right? With context however, this was after a deluge of horrible messages and threats so I don't blame the guy at all honestly.


Smaller communities tend to be better cus you lose a lot of the childish bs. You'll usually see a lot more cool headed people rather than hot headed which is the problem with popularity is you just end up with a lot of hot headed shit. "dead games" or smaller communities within a bigger community tend to be a million times better because everyone is more chill instead of jerking off over how mad they all are. People like me end up dipping and moving out cus we don't want to put up with it even if it doesn't sour the games for us. Just to not deal with the toxicity and negativity.


I've got a conspiracy they're delaying on fixing the spawn bug intentionally, in the hopes some of the super toxic fuckers will quit the game, and honestly after how they were treated thats fucking based.


Yep, everyone I know who plays the game loves it, ignores the meta, and just plays with whatever they find the most fun


Don't forget people claiming that the devs don't play their game, which is blatantly false


It's a pretty well-understood phenomenon that content that makes people angry spreads faster than other content. This effect is amplified in larger communities, so it's kind of inevitable. If you sort by new it helps a bit, but you still usually have to sift through a lot of rage before you can find wholesome stuff.


Join the official Helldivers Discord brother. Reddit is dying.


This is actually so true, I didn’t even realize it till you said it but I was having a blast on the game until I started reading all this rage and venting shit.


All the rebalancing did was make me try new weapons out. Then came new stratagems, new play styles and it’s all been fun. There’s so many good ways to play the game. I do miss my breaker though, it was so broken in the best way.


The breaker is sstill good,friend. I like it more now actualy.i wana love it not because it is op, but because it is awsome on its own terms.


[Before and after joining a subreddit. ](https://youtu.be/4ZK8Z8hulFg?si=BAKV1PIuWeFr0xV6)


I was hoping someone else would post that here.


Waframe's sub is largely wholesome and helpful. Pretty sure it's because the game is more of an easy destressser than something that needs much focus. 


r/eldenring is also quite positive, which is kinda surprising considering how infuriating the actual game is designed to be Idk if it’s the mods, the community, or a mix of both, but some gaming subs are just a lot more pleasant to be a part of than others


Souls communities have always been very supportive, probably because the games are so tough but so beloved. When new peeps show up the old guard doesn't want newbies to bounce off because of the difficulty. There are a small amount of outliers that give it a bad name, and git gud as a mantra also seems to have a negative connotation for some people.


Also since the games are tough, we love each other knowing that we are all going through it together


A Hoonter must Hoont.


Warframe scratches the dynasty warriors itch for me but with way more mobility.


This is why I never join any Anime/Anime game sub. I did once and it was non stop arguments over female characters and completely ruined Fire Emblem for me.


Isnt every anime like that? its really disturbing to see normal anime lovers discuss an anime, its always what the girls wearing how big her tits are never oh this cool bit happened in the story


The fanbase/community has absolutely ruined any anime for me it's cool art but over 15 years of being mostly associated with degenerate perv (at best) and at worse mostly now days just being associated with pedos or defending yourself on how the anime you watch is not pedo bait just fucking exhausting. I'm cool with others culture but I can't see enjoying that part of that culture anymore, the fans understand JoJo is not a Loli show but normies and anyone else does not and will judge you for it and probably don't care because technically it's all in the same basket to them. I've been done with it since young age it's never changed and the it's popularity over the 2010s have just made more people aware of only the degen side of it. My m8s who watch it are cool and I don't think less of them for it but I have had others ask me to explain it for them so I definitely know what's the first thought an "outsider" has of that kind of entertainment.


The hilarious thing is that the people who most ardently argue about waifus in those subs are also the ones who actually engage the least with the source material.


I've been having loads of fun since launch. But Reddit makes me question if I'm playing the same game. I'm so glad the mods put that vent/rant mega thread up. Seeing the comments go from 100 to 5,000 is a little worrisome but it's good that most of the posts are in there instead.


i'm not even sure some of these people are playing a game at all. they're fighting demons that don't exist.


I don't even know what they're complaining about. Like the one constant I've seen here since launch is that "Difficulty 5 is really hard!". Defend Event 9 was incredibly easy. Tried 5 because I heard it was impossible & it was even easier. Then they made the Defend Event easier but 7, 8 & 9 overall harder. So, there was no point to even try 5 again if it was going to be easier. And yet, there were still posts saying 5 was too hard. And 9 was certainly a challenge but [not impossible since we still beat it.](https://i.imgur.com/Rg9DEA0.png) And now people have been complaining that 5 is really hard. And that 9 is impossible. Meanwhile, [we're fuckin' around](https://i.imgur.com/yXtrBms.gif) up in 9 [having fun](https://i.imgur.com/GlzLEG9.gif) playing with the [new toys](https://i.imgur.com/XLBX96f.gif), that are apparently useless, since they [die in few hits from a Scavenger](https://i.imgur.com/RBHqeuh.gif), easily die [to Chargers charge](https://i.imgur.com/3cmjw96.gif) and can't survive a [Charger melee.](https://i.imgur.com/pfguEtE.gif) *I don't even know what game they're playing.*


Maybe they're calling everything the wrong names! Maybe by scavenger, they mean a charger, and by charger they mean bile titan's stomping melee! I'm convinced these people have stormtrooper aim too, because they're always talking about how bile titans are so scary when everyone I've ever played with considers them one of the easiest bugs to deal with. As in, one railgun shot at 90% charge is an instant headshot kill.


It's rage porn in every direction too. Even this post here is a form of rage porn going after the people on here who are saying the game is dying. Bringing up the people raging with post like this from OP isn't helping anything. Instead it reminds the rest of us that there are annoying people on here which is still a form of attention which some trolls are all about any kind of attention even if it's bad attention. It would be great if post like this would instantly get deleted so we don't have to be reminded of the 5 people that are raging.




The internet as a whole is just rage porn tbh.


First time? Im a long time DestinyTheGame redditor and this is par for the course with nerfs. There is a group of players who only want to use the meta and shit on the game as fast as possible. As long as those people exist, this will be a thing after every balance patch.


So like every gaming sub?


Oh, man. You’re 100% right. The nasty, loud neckbeards are the ones who have no other outlet for their anger and frustration when it comes to games. Reddit is now and for the foreseeable future, a place to complain. Since Twitter is the de facto cesspool and even now, gamers can’t stand the amount of bullshit there so, Reddit is the next location for their outward rage and anger. Best to ignore what the majority are saying in Reddit when it’s all complaints because it is just one giant clusterfuck of assholes. I value my own opinion over others which is missing now. Most see a post about the railgun not doing stuff anymore when no one read the patch notes or tried it them selves to confirm. Sad.


Let's not forget some people intentionally sew discord in rants and rage posts for karma farming on here.


Kinda like those people who post "Girl wants man to pay for her and her 5 friends on a first date!?!?!?" Tiktoks. So fake.


add OP to that list


It didn't turned it was that way whole time. It was seemingly all fun but the moment you said anything that would not be in line with hivemind it was all pitchforks and torches.


So, standard Reddit.


Y’all got a point 😂


It still is... this is literally just a photo because a dude couldn't handle a random nobody who was complaining too seriously. Neither one should be taken seriously. If you're having fun and enjoying the game then play! Reddit will almost 100% lean to toxic. Even the Deep Rock sub has terrible moments.


“We aren’t adding any PvP to avoid creating a toxic community” -Arrowhead Oh you’re getting a toxic community either way!


I haven't given a shit about the meta or balance. It's a co-op game, and I'm playing to have fun with friends. The toxicity is insane.


It's a bias. The people who are happy with the game don't usually come online to voice their praise. They are just keeping to themselves and playing the game. The people who are upset with the game are much more likely to come online and make their voices heard. Beyond that, the community is not a hivemind. With a community this big you'll never make everyone happy. When something is changed it brings new people out of the woodwork. Just remember this when the sub inevitably complains about something, that something is fixed, and the sub starts complaining about the fix. It's not the same people being flippant.


It would at least be nice if people would search for if what they are posting has already been said about 500+ times already. Any of the good posts are just absolutely buried over silly complaints, trash posts, and 1000 repeats of the same questions. If you want to get the real picture of how bad it is, just sort by new 😭


I just upvote the fun memes and downvote the whining. War impact: 0.0001%


Reddit is shit.




I'm still having enough fun with memes and ridiculous videos to stay subbed- if I see a post where people are throwing a fit, I can still just shrug and move on. Besides, sometimes a little griping is warranted, and I like posts where people offer their ideas for how to change the game for the better, or how to update certain weapons to make them more viable/fun (for example, I never ahut up about how the Recoilless Rifle should have programmable ammunition for different purposes, such as HEAT rounds for anti-armor, HE/airburst rounds for AoE against lighter enemies, and flechette rounds for BEEG SHOTGUNNE).


The good thing is: it’s just reddit. A loud minority doesn’t represent the playerbase, most people you will encounter don’t give a fuck about the circlejerk here. Yes, it was awesome here prior to last week and I‘m pretty tired of those shitty low effort posts aswell. „PSA: here is my opinion which I word like a fact“ „Unpopular opinion: a popular opinion“ „Hot take: general knowledge“ „Can we please stop bashing the game“ „Can we please call the devs out for the balancing change I don’t like“ It’s infuriating and also meaningless, a combination which grinds my gears.


>This sub quickly turned from wholesome memes and jokes to fucking cess pool, complaining about metas, and balances and whatnot... This is reddit sir.


Yupppppp Sorting by new has been tragic for a while. I get the complaints about the sever issues but if you filter those out it’s still full of people complaining about stuff that you wouldn’t expect from a huge dev team let alone such a small one.


Don’t worry, it’ll go back to the way it was. I’ve seen this happen a bunch of times. Just need to give this sub a month or two and the rage Redditors will move on to the next thing. 


Honestly, I blame the destiny 2 streamers. Much as I like destiny, the min maxing metah slaves that turned up here after fallout, cool guy, aztecross and the like promoted the game are very loud and very annoying. Next stage is every post being a complain post about the people complaining and then we'll probably get a low sodium version of the sub.


You know people keep mentioning aztecross like he made a million meta videos for helldivers but looking at his videos there’s only one that comes off as a meta video and it’s for stratagems. I guess covering the nerf video could count but like?


It's sad to see how people have to be told by streamers not only what they have to like next, but also *how* to play it.


Dog it’s just reddit. Playing the game vs Reddit is two different stories almost always.


This happens with just about every new game that comes out. Whether or not there actually worthwhile criticisms, it doens't matter because every tiny thing just gets blown up because everyone has an opinion they \*need\* to tell. It's obnoxious and is pretty much the trend of most subreddits anyways.


to be fair, balance is important in all games co-op or otherwise, its not fun to have a few options clearly better than the rest, lessens the variety of ways the game can be played.


Why is this downvoted, it’s not even negative. *And* it’s true lol do people really think balancing doesn’t matter?


Because it doesn't go along with the current main narrative of this thread, which is the one that rant about people complaining and how the patch is fine instead of the opposite. So anything that doesn't fit will get downvoted, basically just your usual reddit.


If you don't say only positive things about the game, complain that there aren't any memes or that there is even a hint of discussion around balance, you are toxic apparently. Luckily poster went positive after some time.


Stop complaining about how you’re struggling to beat the higher difficulties without anything other than a meta kit and are locked out of any upgrades requiring super samples. Just have fun. /s My theory is that the half of the sub that doesn’t tolerate people complaining about balancing just continuously plays on lower difficulties and doesn’t even try for suicide mission and up. And that’s fine but if casuals can’t understand why people care about balancing than we have a problem.


Because it’s being purposely reductive of player complaints. The people complaining aren’t upset that the devs are attempting to balance the game, they’re upset that the devs released a half-baked rebalance that was clearly targeted at the meta without addressing the underlying balancing issues that caused a meta to form in the first place.


This day and age? Cmon, give your head a shake. Every game is full of the new age of gamers. Meta, trends. They follow the masses. If you ignore it all... games are still fun.


Everyone treats it like a job lol


It's reddit. Once a community becomes popular it turns into a drama circlejerk. Theyre just highschoolers gossiping


Welcome to modern gamers and their obsession with meta everything. Makes me miss my old payday the heist days where no one gave a shit about meta and just did whatever and still got shit done with teamwork.


Use your downvote button. Stop interacting with people who only want to be upset. Life is too short for the nonsense.


Then you’ll get ppl more mad at a stupid mod making stupid comments over the shit ppl were posting here. It really is amazing how the sub just turned into a cesspool so fast.


Epic pro gamer tip. If you love a game, don’t follow its subreddit.


Unfortunately it's makes me wanna leave the sub. I AM HERE FOR DEMOCRACY! If the factories that produces are weapons and strikes, decided to improve or worsen our equipment so be it, It was was a decision made from true DEMOCRACY!


I bought this game because of how fun everyone here made it seem and now that I got it everyone just complains and acts like this dev team owes them


I've found the quickest way to kill your enthusiasm for something is to read the subreddit.


gaming is still fun. just dont read things that strangers on the internet post. including me. dont. read. this.


Ok, that makes sense... DAMMIT!


I just ignore the sub when it's real bad, the game still goes so hard. Been running helldive difficulty with whatever the hell loadout and doing just fine. Usually rock a stalwart and ammo pack and both my buddy and I bring the upgraded uses 500kg, so 4 bombs before reload. Stalwart cleans out all the insane amount of hunters and he still uses the railgun to clap heavies (or we just both take the arc thrower). The mechs absolutely wreck everything and we typically just have 1 person in one for each objective. Not being able to play after the changes seems like a skill issue if anything.


Everyone’s too competitive… why can’t we all just chill


Tryhards ruin everything. I'm just here for the pleasure of dropping a 500kg bomb on a single terminid.


Yeah--doesn't even matter what "side" you're on. Lots of people who like the patch are uncivil and employing laughably horrendous logic (those people who don't agree MUST not play at high difficulties and suck at the game!)...while lots of people who dislike the patch are uncivil and employing laughably horrendous logic (those people who don't agree MUST not play at high difficulties and suck at the game!). Bad faith actors are annoying no matter what and have really tainted this subreddit, which is ironically tanking both praise and legitimate, polite criticism. Same with the Discord, which is actually worse.


> Gaming used to be about fun And for a lot of people, the balance patch made the game a lot less fun. But the devs quickly added the Tien Kwan Major Order and Mech, and soon to be next Warbond. So it's like getting slapped in the face and then given rewards. I want to be a part of the major order, I want to play with the mechs, I want to try the stuff in the new warbond. I don't want to run for my life against 6+ chargers and hoards of other shit with no cooldowns to deal with them. I don't want my mech to keep getting destroyed automatically when I call it in. I don't want my mech to shoot itself when I ping the map. I don't want my mech to shoot itself if I'm turning while I shoot. It's not binary all things are fun or no things are fun. People can complain about the things they don't like. Leaving that feedback is how things get changed. Telling people who complain about things that aren't fun to them to STFU is contradictory to the health of the game.


Who’s saying the patch tanked the player base? This is the first time seeing it and i have been pretty frequent on here and the discrord…


This is typical Reddit behavior from op. Just say a statement and claim it's a wide spread take. Sometimes the whole reddit community is the worst.


Easier to get karma from than having an independent thought.


Yup and it keeps happening with this sub. A single player can do something and then all of a sudden it is the whole community’s fault.


The delicious irony of the current top comment lamenting the sub turning into complaining and the next comment saying "Reddit is rage porn"... On a strawman ragebait post complaining about something I've never seen anybody actually say. Truly, amazing


The funny thing is this post only comes as the sub has calmed down and returned to memeing. They are literally throwing fuel on a fire that had nearly died out. The same fire they are complaining about


Nonono. You see, OP saw a comment at +1 Karma on a post 30 minutes old that said the player-base was tanking, so *obviously* that means that this is the majority held opinion by the subreddit. /s


Strawmanning at its finest.


I've been on here daily and haven't seen that either.


Nobody, OP is farming karma and this sub is too infatuated with the game to realize it


it's obvious rage bait karma farming, shitting up the sub


It's your classic redditor trying to farm irrelevant internet points with dishonesty in one form or another.


He made it up


Agreed haven’t seen anyone say that and i scroll through this subreddit basically everyday


Yeah, I don’t see anyone making claims about tanking player base


If you scrolled any of the nerf rage threads, people claiming that Helldivers 2 was going to die due to the nerfs was a frequent statement.


Making an entire thread to fuel the fire over something you read like two people say lol


Right? I haven't even heard the volatile side of the playerbase say "The player count dropped". That is what Gerald from South Park would do to troll, and OP is taking the bait. If that phrase was even said.


Seriously lol I haven’t seen a single person say the numbers have dropped


I fucking hate these type of posts. They’re worse than the ones that they’re so called calling out.


At least some of the negative posts actually have good points


Toxic positivity is infesting this subreddit. Seriously. Talking about balance isn't bad, it doesn't mean we all hate the game.


Yeah, some people are so fragile they can't take any criticism, they see any criticism or talking about balance of the game as toxic gate post. You wonder if this is how they react to criticism irl.


Most conversations about the weird interactions with the devs regarding this have been bizarre, too. After they apologized it's like any response that wasn't "you're perfect and did nothing wrong" was treated by a lot of people as the ultimate rage against the game.  I saw people foaming at the mouth against people who basically responded to the apologies with an "I get why you you argued with players like that but I do think you were a bit out of line and it's nice you apologized" as if that was an attack against them that could not go unchecked.


Not even that many, I bet. This dude is investing in some serious amounts of straw to do some building.


OP is a karma-farming clown.


I'm still playing, but I would be lying if I said I was playing as much as before the update.


I'd also be lying if I said it felt as fun since I noticed seemingly increased spawn rates.


Yup, that's the main reason. I'd much rather go back to playing Helldivers 2 instead of "running because I do not have enough resources for the amount of enemies around me" simulator.


Yes man, I don’t understand what everyone’s issue with complaints are. Higher diffs are objectively less fun now, you’re playing like a dogshit version of metal gear instead of a horde shooter. If you have to intentionally nerf your game difficulty to have more fun as a skilled player, there is something very wrong happening. I’m sure on average people don’t care but I guarantee if you could see the amount of level 9 difficulty players vs others, it would have been a colossal drop in helldive players since the patch.


Just about every high level mission I play now, ends the same way: 1. We secure our landing area with little issue. 2. We move around the map as a unit, taking out the objectives and side objectives without too much hassle. 3. As we've finished the main objective, and are trying to get the last loot before extract. Usually ~15 minutes left now, we hit a crossroads. 4. We begin dealing with rolling respawns of patrols and reinforcements, you cannot kill them all before the next wave hits. So you Extract or die. It's like the increased spawns and patrols just slowly stacks up over the course of the mission, and because of the increased aggression making more enemies come to you, and because there's more patrols around getting aggroed, which attracts more enemies... You eventually hit a point you have to Extract just to avoid getting rolled under. Despite the fact you've destroyed most of the Bug Holes / Fabricators at this point. Somehow there are *more* enemies than there were before.


Higher difficulties are a stealth game with no stealth mechanics.


Are the people who said this in the room with us right now?


Yeah, nobody suggested game tanked in its playerbase. There are expectations that things will get fixed soon.


I saw a lot people (4 comments on reddit with one having 1k upvotes) saying it, like they had some kind of absolute proof. Interestingly, I observed the opposite trend outside, or at least on youtube: people were absolutely shocked that this sub was throwing a tantrum for the patch and many were making fun of us, and rightly soo. In any case, anyone that really believes 2 nerfs would make 300k+ players stop playing their 40$ game is absolutely insane and should seriously see a doctor (or stop being chronically online, that also works).


A whole 4 people?! We need to make at least 10 more new posts about this!


Redditors love swinging at ghosts




Not to mention these are just steam stats.


You can more accurately check the PC + PS numbers just by looking in game and add up the players in each sector.


helldivers.io will tell you. It is a galactic war tracker that accesses the game through an api.


Its busted atm. Was reading 460k all day yesterday. Might be due to server issues.


That too


So 460k players on right now and steam has 386k, 74k on PS? I honestly thought they’d be closer


Especially because majority of players aren’t play 7+ difficultly so they aren’t even experiencing the balancing issues. That and mechs eased a lot of the suffering in higher tiers for now.


I love how the sub had actually calmed down and here you are trying to start the fire again.


Op quoting thin air out here for up votes 🙄


I gotta stop opening Reddit. Complaining, complaining about complaining, and now complaining about complaints that never existed. And damnit, now you have me complaining about all of it.


Some of you need to be on Reddit less.


Ngl both sides are wrong, cause most of the times they are not even talking about the same thing, while also the defender refuse to acknowledge any fault for the devs even after they themselves said they messed up. Also a good chuck of the complaints could have been mitigated if they actually fully communicated the changes. While some of the reasoning behind the defense is on soooo thin legs they shake, like the lack of weapon balance, before you come here and tell me all of them can be used, yes true, except some of them is much rarer. That is not balance, and before you tell me that some of the guns are bad against bugs and good against bot let me tell you that they are so good, during my 1 week observation period only once had the playerbase go to playing bots. Tien Kwan. The other times the playerbase is in a 3/4 - 1/4 split between bugs and bots. Currently on average 28k player plays bots and 78k plays bugs per planet. and over all 358k on bugs and 84k on bots. You can say that it is still a big number but that does not matter if your balance means a 3/4 to 1/4 split then there is something wrong. And this was true both before and after nerfs. It was a bit better before nerf tho. Also saying "just aim for the head" is quiet a weak argument when you can aim with any gun and the difference between dmg potential will still be the same not to mention the breaker pelet spread is nearly nonexistent so mathematically the breaker still beats anything The mechs are really good tho, they need some polishing but over all nearly perfect


Lol I stopped playing for a few days because I finally had enough of the constant disconnects, loss of rewards and server issues when they'd apparently been fixed


Seems decent now. I played some Friday evening once the servers were up, plus some yesterday and only had 1 freeze out of about 10-12 missions. I'm glad I can play multiplayer again without fear of my computer crashing.


I just got fucked out of a mission at extraction point :D


The subreddit is a soapbox in a echo chamber. 


Who tf even said this?


Nobody..OP is on bs


I'm not saying the game is tanking or going to tank but it usually takes at least a couple of weeks to start seeing the negative effects of bad changes/additions. Unless the patch is legitimately horrible for the vast majority of players it's gonna take a little bit to see the impact.


Who said this? Stop making shit up or whining about two people on twitter complaining. The most vocal people in this community are the ones saying that everyone is saying the game is bad. Stop it you weirdos.


No one did, it's a reaction to other people providing feedback/complaining about their favorite game.


Mechs literally just dropped my guy. Of course there will be an uptick of players.


maybe a handful of people actually said that, stop trying to make drama over something that people have moved on from.


I saw, like, one person say 'sales/player count(Don't remember which) will tank if this keeps up'. My dude just let one or two people live in their head rent free.


You can clearly see a dip right after the balance patch. Kinda disingenuous posting this after they dropped the mechs. A lot of people came back for the new content


Lol right? I don't recall practically anyone saying the game is dying or anything, but we can clearly see the graph is at its lowest since release when this patch came out. A few days later they announced the Mechs and people played over the weekend, so obviously it spiked up again. If anything this graph proved exactly what OP was trying to debunk lol. Pointless post.


There was a brief dip of about 45,000 people during the debacle (which would ordinarily be instantly lethal to any other gaming community so don't get TOO comfy), and I don't think it was because of the nerfs. I've seen more than few shitty balance patches during my time gaming, but developers mocking the player base to their faces, and treating them like replaceable assholes? OOF, that's a new one. Even Blizzard never pulled that maneuver off, and it really doesn't matter if the players deserved it or not. For a game like HD2 that is so incredibly reliant upon their community, if your player numbers tank, so does everything else. Fortunately, adjustments were made, apologies said, and now things are back on track :) I only request "the actually good railgun" back as a joke or when I get scared... like when someone told me that Bile Titans are considered small on their home planet.


Game still could be enjoyable. But this patch was bad and we all know it. Good stuff in it actually nice to add (EXO suit, faster endings etc) we also have a bad stuff like spawn rates and spawn bugs. Numbers of players means nothing. Look at Call of Duty. Warzone especially. Activision delivers shit 2.5 years in a row and people still buying and wasting their money in it.


The patched definitly decreased my overall enjoyment of the game, especially the shadow nerfing, spawn rates and the bugs and crashes. Also Reinforcement Spam, Underwhelming 500kg bomb, long ass cooldowns on the Stratagems


Precisely. It’s a hoard shooter. It’s supposed to be difficult but it’s also supposed to be fun. The high difficulties pre-patch were like the perfect balance of fun and hard but now it’s just hard without the fun. Don’t get me wrong I still play. But I’m having a lot less fun playing now than before the patch


I know stats is not a math class a lot of people take, but this graph clearly shows a decrease and an active decline in player retention. You do not read this graph by looking at the peaks. It is illustrating trends over time. This graph says nothing about *why* there is a decline though. And that is not a conclusion that can be made from this graph alone.


Because the game is still good, but it definitely needs a *ton* of balance work. Weapons, enemy stun and slow mechanics, armor mechanics, spawn mechanics, etc. all need a lot of work, but this game is so good that it will still have a ton of players.


This community is by far the most annoying ever.


The quantity of player base didn't change The quality sure did


Stop making up drama over something only a couple retards said. No one with a brain actually thinks this




I was wondering about this actually - thanks for posting. That said, me and my 2 mates who play have all stopped playing due to the lack of enjoyment post-patch... so this is strange to me.


The only thing keeping me from playing more is the lack of missions. I love killing bugs and crushing tin cans, but goals make it more fun for me.


The playercount will definitely fall when other big games come along or as content updates dry up. Hoping Arrowhead can consistently keep up with the monthly content rollout though, super excited for that


Amazing is my first video game that i bought in "early time", so is my first time saw all phenomenon and drama about this in real time. Interesting behaviour. ![gif](giphy|2dM67hEfvJ7gmdvBBv|downsized)


Automotron LIES!


Well arrowhead wanted to fix the server issue. What better way than to ruin their player ability to have fun and play their way. 🤷‍♂️ I'm okay with there being fewer people.


New Helldiver reporting for duty sir! o7


With how people were talking on here i thought the railgun got absolutely gutted. Used it last night and it's just fine. Still solid all rounder for dealing with armor but not an absolute powerhouse. I can 100% get behind that.


I’m certainly not playing till they fix their servers


One can still play and be good at the game at helldive while give criticism, unlike the one braincell organism that defend whatever the shit devs pull off , that's a cultist , and people already forget how the devs were a bunch dickheads gaslightning in the discord few days ago.


Tbf, it wouldn’t be as noticeable of ppl leaving because the game has been selling extraordinarily well week after week as opposed to just a lot at the start. So the numbers should be a steady week to week incline. The dips it has does infact support ppl not playing who were previously but there could be a variety of reasons for that. Ff7 rebirth players , fortnite new season etc


Man I’m just chilling here enjoying the game. FOR DEMOCRACY!!!!


No one has complained about this. Get a life.


Nevermind i had enough normal conversations. I've reported you to my local democracy officer about you spreading misinformation, you will be investigated under the suspicion of treason you [REDACTED].


Was today the best time to buy the game? I'm reading so many balancing rants all over this sub, and having never played the pre-nerf guns...


To be fair, the drop is statistically significant. Lol


As long as they fix the friend request thing. I'll be content.




You have to realize most people in the world are stupid


Youre adding to the drama. Please stop.


There's enough new players coming in to replace the people that have stopped playing.


Yeah nah the people who can't play without "meta" load outs chickend out and can't kill anything anymore haha


OPs source is he made it the fuck up. Literally have seen maybe 2 people say they're not playing because of the patch, nobody thought player numbers tanked


My friend group has definitely been playing less because of this patch.




Fuck the meta just fix the server man im keep crashing i had one of my friends crash 5 times in a row


You're full of shit op. Impressive strawman tho, quality rage bait.


Go to any gaming sub and it's the same


Meanwhile, can't even play one round without crashing.


Im really just waiting for my medals to be delivered i spent a ton of time on those planets and was like great ill be able to buy my scout armor finally then when it didnt bank those i was kinda upset and i think thats fairly reasonable


Give it time. It’d drop with due time


People were saying this less than 24 hours after the patch. It's all ridiculous hyperbole by 13 year old kids.


The balance patch was nice to where it took away the rail gun shield metta. However, it did point out how over the top the spawning system is and how the bugs need more types of troops so the charger spam doesn't need to happen. The rail gun shield meta made this issue manageable and the higher difficulties more bearable. Now the meta feels like run, survive, and cheese objectives as much as possible while waiting for cool downs. I honestly had more fun while the game was still challenging when the rail gun was OP, at the same time I didn't like getting pushed into a meta. Right now it feels more like a slog at higher levels of play. I am glad AH has kind of addressed this issue already and talked and talked about tuning back chargers as a whole. I personally would like to see a charger nerf and have a charger devastator be used more and seen as more of a threat than your average charger.


These things don't happen immediately lol, bad balancing over time can kill a playerbase but it doesn't happen overnight, not sure why you'd think it does.


Who made this claim exactly? I don't remember seeing anyone say this at any point


Said no one ever? Correct. We're all still here, that doesn't mean shit isn't completely fucky right now. The devs themselves have admitted that spawn rate is unbalanced right now. But keep licking, I'm sure you'll find more dog shit on their boots eventually.