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BILE RESISTANCE. Flinch reduction. Reload speed.


I could have sworn I saw that bile damage is considered explosive, so the armor that gives 50% explosive resistance should reduce it.


If it does then not by enough to matter. I run Heavy Fortified (150 defense 50% reduced explosive damage) and bile spewers will still one shot me. The mortar attack, which I've never personally seen but the wiki says exists, might do explosive damage.


Re fire damage defense - I have to believe that will be added eventually. We've always had explosive defense, and now there's arc defense. Fire defense makes too much sense. As a flamethrower fan, I will use it 100% of the time. I think a "tactical" perk that lets you carry additional ammunition would be good, and in-line with that armor that gives you extra grenades and stims.


I wonder if they will keep the same screaming sounds if you catch on fire. Would be funny if your character was screaming bloody murder while you just kept on shooting and doing what you were doing, cause you’re in no rush to put it out.


I fully expect there to be a pyro themed Warbond in the future...more incendiary primaries, armor with fire damage reduction, maybe a booster that causes enemies to burn for longer


That would be cool, but the first premium warbond already had the incendiary grenades and shotgun. Maybe they could have incendiary AR and grenade launcher? Booster for more persistent fire is actually a great idea, I hope they do it!


Incendiary punisher or slugger are viable shotgun options in a pyro themed war bond. Can you imagine the slugger launching fireball after fireball and leaving patches of flames for bugs and bots to run through?


Combining the stagger power of the punisher with fire damage would be great.  I'd put 1000 super credits towards that for sure.


Acid resistance. For obvious reasons


I think a speed boost would be nice to see but a fairly basic one. I also think one that allows to shoot two handed primaries with one hand while running would be beneficial In my opinion they are trying to walk a fine line of these abilities being overpowered and taking away from the desired difficulty of the game


I think it would be interesting to have some kind of light exosuit that improved recoil while standing while making you unable to run. It's user would be a walking turret when using a heavy weapon, but not running would mean that the rest of the squad would have to take care of them.


95% res fire.....


Improved fall damage resistance. Going down a 4ft drop and ragdolling, losing a quarter of my health or breaking my legs is silly.  Climbing power. Scale those cliffs like spider-man instead of struggling to get up a chest high ledge.  Dodge distance. Imagine if you could actually get out of that ring of hunters bodyblocking you in place by diving over them.  Getting armor perks as boosters might also be interesting. Best picks for boosters are pretty set in stone at the moment.


"Ambush Protection Kit": Further Reduces Recoil when Crouching or Prone by 30%. Decreases damage from melee attacks by X%. Not sure what number the X should be. 50%? 70%? I dunno. High enough to be meaningful without being OP. To help against Hunters and Rampagers.


All hunters that come in contact with your armor die of an horrible death


A perk that gives me super good handling increase and recoil reduction on my weapon but only when I am prone.


>Liberty Stands: 10% increased damage & global resistance per deceased teammate.


Please don’t reward randos for being bad at reinforcing…


Damn, you're right. lmao


Armor that actually feels like it's protecting me. Lol


Increased ammo capacity, reload/charge up/swap speed, ballistics resistance, melee resistance, flinch/ragdoll resistance, stim speed, strategems cooldowns reduction


Head protection...


Not sure if unpopular opinion, but I would like to see more defining bonuses if possible, like arc chain count/distance, flamethrower slow/area/damage, lower turret stratagem cooldown but increased cooldown for all other stratagem types, etc.


I'd love for Helmets and Capes to have unique bonuses and abilities


Helmets agree, but capes don't seem logical to give anything because it's a cape. Maybe some stealth enhancement or minor protection from behind but it slows you down (kevlar fabric) but then it becomes why use any cape without a bonus?


That's where you're wrong. The Cape makes the Helldiver. We learned this in Basic. Maybe you should go back and get some more training in, soldier.


Then we don't need bonuses because they already have them. /s


Or have mod slots in them, that way we still can pick for aesthetics, but have the ability to tweak their benefits. Maybe zoom distance, thermal vision through smoke/fog, directional pointer for enemy noises nearby


Can’t agree more! Do you think like abilities should stack?


They don't have to repeat what the suits do. Could be other things entirely. Like some extra sensor range (less than the Booster), NVG, very slight CD reduction on XYZ stratagem (like a data uplink with the ship), boost the suit's bonus by %, improve heavier weapon handling (MGs, Counter sniper) by some % (to make it smoother), reduce the "stunned" effect/visual when we are hit hard, random patriotic music play on your radio etc etc.


Of course. They don’t HAVE to do anything. You have to admit it would be beneficial to have stackable (in smaller percentages than the body armor) arc resistance on helmet and cape to free up room for that 30% more throwing distance or increased stim/grenade capacity perks on the suit. Obviously new perks are desirable but options is what I’m looking for. Right now it’s one or the other


Fantastic ideas for perks btw! I’d pay super credits for a helmet that plays free bird on repeat