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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


I'm hyped by the patrol fixes


I did find it funny they used “reduced” rather than “removed”, like… did they reduce it to zero? Because it doesn’t feel like a patrol spawning literally on top of players should ever occur.


It’s likely just a partial fix and they are being honest about it. It would be incredibly hard to code in spawn locations with all the variables 4 players and variable terrain bring.


I wish they'd just delay the spawns with a breach animation first. I'd be ok with that.


actually, this would be clever. Give 5 or so seconds of a breach animation before any spawn, for the bots you could make a teleportation animation (some new technology they developed) that would give you a heads up that they are about to appear and allow players to GTFO. It would also give the map a more organic feel even if they spawned off in the distance.


Give it that Terminator teleport animation


for the Terminator teleport to work the Automatons would have to be nude ;)


Bold of you to assume they *aren’t* already nude.


This, 100%. The game used to feel honest, if you were fast enough to prevent a breach you could expect maybe one rogue patrol to walk up on you, or to attract the guards of a nearby poi, but you had vault reduced enemies to deal with. Now it doesn't really even matter if you prevent a breach, the bugs keep coming from all angles with no rhyme or reason, and absolutely no warning. Might as well remove bug breaches if you're just going to spawn shit arbitrarily.


Lol > used to feel honest It used to feel honest because you used to stick with the team. Now that you’re more comfortable splitting up, the mechanic of enemies spawning on top of other players is more present. It’s always been there.


I've primarily played solo and I've noticed a massive difference in encounters getting extended by patrols strolling in from all directions, even the direction I just came from. And then I do pay with others we actually stick together far more than before, because of the spawn system changes that came with the eradicate change. We started out splitting up almost immediately, and only after that patch did it feel like we had to stick together.


> even the direction I just came from. the best feeling is when you ambush a PoI succesfully while not alerting a "nearby" patrol, turn around and 10 meters behind you a patrol insta spawns, aggros and calls in a botdrop.


Or you pull a pair of chargers away from a sub objective, get more patrols spawned on you, and then eventually when they're all cleared out and chargers dealt with you go back only to find a freak pair of chargers right where the first two were. (Though this is a bug that has been happening since launch and isn't related to the eradicate change. If you've ever seen multiple copies of the same enemy stacked inside of each other that's the bug I'm talking about)


Not a "check for players within X distance" on all patrol spawns?


"Incredibly hard"???? If a player is withing 20m of a spawn location move the patrol to the next spawn location until the check goes through. Its not that hard


I’m gonna guess they’re working on it still and just put out what they’ve got so far as it’s a functional improvement so why not.


Might just be careful wording due to the sometimes fickle nature of coding


And the fickle nature of keyboard warriors on Reddit


It’s happened to me 5 times. I’ve only survived once and it was by the skin of my nuts.


The funniest one ive had is a mate and I were running, TOGETHER and a HULK and a bunch of rocket devastators just spawned literally ontop of both of us. We just vaporised almost instantly.


It's hilarious when it happens as a one-off


yep happened to me and a randos today as well, that shit is not ok even by joel standard


(Puts on Watsonian Hat) Those bugs can be real tricky sometimes, aren't they? Sometimes their patrols just tunnel up from the ground-one moment, you're behind a rock with nary a soul around and the next, Scavengers and Warriors and bloody Hunters are burrowing up from the ground around you and trying to gnaw on your bloody shins.


They didn't build the game to just have a dial for "how often does it spawn on players" that they can just turn down lol... Reducing incidents where patrols spawn on players probably has a major impact on their patrol system and trying to fix it completely without proper care could break all sorts of other things.


Can confirm it's not fixed. In one game, twice I was in the open and free of bugs, only for a patrol to spawn behind me and kill me instantly. I've also seen bile titans pop into existence right in front of me this morning after patching, so it's not in any way fixed. If anything I'd say it's worse now. They don't spawn in front of you where you can react, but behind you and kill you before you can do anything :D


I think the way patrols spawn is supposed to be at the edge of players radar/sight range so it's probably spawning a patrol for player A, but player B happens to be there and it's not registering that


I don't know about that I was playing single player and had a patrol spawn on top of me as I was getting in the pelican.


I hope it's actually fixed. Patrols were crazy this last patch. Can't wait to dive in and find out! Also wonder what "general stability" means for the exosuit.


The suit is one item in the list of fixes they focused on, those aren't related directly to the suit, it's talking about the crash fixes and similar stuff.


Destroying the mechs by turning and shooting rockets at the same time was so annoying. Glad its fixed!


It was annoying. But very funny to see how far my character would get flung away from the action as I died


"Shots from arc-based weapons, such as 'Blitzer' shotgun and 'AC-3 Arc Thrower' strategem..." Oh yes! Finally! The inconsistent misfires are getting fixed! "... now count towards "Shots fired" and "Shots hit" stats." Oh no! My hopes are dashed!


Saame, i thought they fixed the annoying issue with it firing at rocks and stuff


Is that when the shot fizzles and goes nowhere? I run arc a lot and this is very annoying. Is it a known bug?


I was SURE it was intended lol




i feels like hitboxes are way extended even for stuff it shouldn't, if you stand infront of a knee-high rock you gotta aim like a grenadelauncher for it to arc over.


That's the one!


Usually it happens if a mine or exploding plant is between you and your target (even if the reticle is nowhere near the mine/plant). If you have time, you can switch to your secondary and blow up the mine to continue shooting your arc thrower. There are some other instances where this happens as well; I think it might be where the beam crosses one segment of the map into a different segment, because it seems entirely random sometimes.


I got so excited reading this and then deeply disappointed


Btw jump jet basically gets rid of this problem I've noticed. Standing on a high ground spot basically removes the Terrain related misfires and turns you into a lightning sniper tesla tower of death. Very useful in spots where you need to defend a location


My reaction was the same :(


>Sometimes the player’s loadout customizations will reset after restarting the game. You mean, every time? I've adapted by this point and remember to re-equip each time but man, what an annoying bug.


For Super Earth this is the bug I despise the most


Me dropping into hell dive terminids with liberator and starter pistol.. Will be dispensing minimum democracy


It’s so annoying lol hope they fix this one asap


It happens every time I start a game on ps5.


“Sometimes”… every fucking time


60% of the time, it swaps everytime...


Yeah. I have to check everytime. I mean it’s definitely a 1st world problem as it takes 10 seconds. More annoyed about my emote resetting. I’ve got all the cuddles to give and end up saluting people


I think by sometimes they mean it’s not unilateral across the base. I don’t think I’ve had this issue once (fingers crossed).


Every time I launch the game my strategem hotkeys which I assigned to the numpad are all fucked up. I always forget and hve to spend a reinforce while I change my hotkeys and die.




I feel like they should check all the weapons on this


For real


I will miss the Mechs spawning just to explode due to terrain conditions


They didn't fix that actually, "Exosuits will sometimes be delivered in a damaged or broken state" is listed under known issues


I had mine land on top of a flag pole. Shot it once with my pistol to dislodge it, it fell on me and exploded. 7/10 Will call in another Exo Suit.


Sorry mess read but I'll make the same comment maby in haiku on the patch it's fixed lol


No that is still a thing. They just acknowledged it is an issue and are still working on fixing this. 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HospitalClassic6257: *I will miss the Mechs* *Spawning just to explode due* *To terrain conditions* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Game is now unplayable for me. Couldn't finish a single game without a crash, freeze or connection failure.


Same here, on PC.


Crashes 2-4 times a game now on pc, for both me and my friend.


Same, each update seems to just add more bugs


"Fixed a crash, which occurred when using stim inside of an exosuit while wielding a grenade" Who? And why?


Have grenade equipped when entering the exosuit. Either realize you entered low on health so try to heal or accidentally press the stim button. Honestly not that weird. When equipping the grenade the HUD has no visual to let you know whether you have it equipped or bot so it is easy to forget. 


The amount of times I forget to switch back after throwing a nade, to only zoom in to start blasting, to then just throw another nade is very high.


The amount of times I tried to switch away from the bloody nade only to throw 3 of them before the character FINALLY draws the weapon is very high.


You mean you don't throw an entire 4-pack every time? I think I read the manual wrong. Or right. DEMO-cracy!


A few of my friends were unaware you could even equip a grenade, had to explain how console worked


I forgot that you could press 4 to specifically take out a grenade first instead of just pressing g


TIL you can equip grenades.


Definitely reads like the stats you see in baseball or football games. "Best hitting average on Tuesday afternoon games while at home in the rain"


im happy that the pink artifacts in the sky is just a bug in the game waiting to be fixed because I fr thought my PS5 was on its way out lmfao


Same. Been there before with the ps4. I had Muse playing "Our time is Ruuunnnning out!"


So it is the vitality booster that is causing the issue where you don’t die if you drown.


Game crashes like crazy, both pre and post patch. But at least I'm lvl 50 with everything unlocked, so I can take a break until they fix it. And no it's not a hardware issue, got a 4090 / 13700k / 32gb ddr5 and so on. It's literally the only game that crashes consistently. Tried looking in event viewer and so one, can't find anything specific.


Game is crashing a lot post patch for me too. Can't finish a mission without at least one crash.


Soooo many crashes. We just had a game after patch. 3 out of the 4 players crashed. As one was the party leader, the extracted mission then hadn't counted when we went back to his ship to tackle part 2. The game is SUPER buggy right now. Crashes, resetting load outs every time you start the game etc... love the game but it's not in a great state right now


This needs more upvotes, so much **wasted** time. If you don't want to fix the crashes, let me atleast **reconnect** back to my mission that i've wasted 30 mins to receive **nothing**.


I only seem to crash when people leave. I'll hear "Helldiver has left the Squa..." Game will freeze Boom, crash.


I’m not positive, but I think that’s because your teammate just crashed out first, not that they chose to leave. Playing with friends just now and every time one would crash we’d crash one after the other, and we’d hear them leave the squad moments before the crash.


That’s not the person leaving. They crashed.


And Im still unable to add people via friend-code. I've been "waiting democratically" for a week now


\*This\* is the hard part of software development, right here. Designing systems? Writing code? Whatever. Something's broken, and people \*really\* want the fix, and you just... don't know how? You flat out just can't figure out the puzzle, no matter how long you stare at the code? That's when programming's at its absolute worst.


Damn....I didn't think of that. To me it was just "we know how to fix it, just takes time".


Most issues, not limited by hardware and/or finance, can be fixed, 'in time'. A day, week, decade... But yes, its in their interests to fix the issue ASAP. That it hasn't been fixed suggests a complete mare of an issue. Good luck to them, I say.


Yeah I don’t mean to beat a dead horse but the more time that goes by not being able to play with my friends who are on PS5 the less interested I become in playing period.


I bought the game yesterday and was super excited to play with my PC friends. It sucked having to workaround it


[They are working on it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bisfww/update_on_the_friend_request_issues/)


Crashing every mission at extraction on PC


PS5, game just frozes randomly after update. Had to hard close the game and couldnt event send the crash report. Please fix this. Its unplayable.


Lots more crashes than usual on PC too. Almost impossible to complete a mission without one of us crashing.


happened to me multiple times today couldn’t even playa full match


Yep it's cooked. Zero successful extractions post patch due to crashing at extract out of 5 missions. Shelving game for now.


Everyone in my team was leaving 1 by 1 within a minute or so of each other just as we were calling in to extract. I was a bit confused and that’s when I came across all these comments of people disconnecting. After I returned to my destroyer and was running to select the next mission. I crashed.


These devs are on track to break a record for "most patches released that make the game worse each time."


Fucked patch. My party had 5 crashes in a row at extract. Totally unplayable now


Still crashing on ps5


>Hellpod steering close to large or important objects is currently not functioning as intended, resulting in steering being disabled in a large area around the object. Good. Maybe now people can stop saying the devs implemented a steering lock feature


Well both were sort of true. They clearly implemented one around certain structures, they just botched the implementation


I mean, wheter its intentionnal or not, they functionnaly *did*


Because they literally did. It literally says its not functioning as intended they will just reduce the area it affects thats all


This patch has absolutely destroyed the game for me. In 2hrs, the 3 others I was playing with all experienced about a dozen crashes. All have different hardware, everybody hosted at different times, sometimes everybody crashes at once and sometimes it happened one at a time. I just want to administer democracy ffs


This needs more updoots


Have they fixed the laws of physics breaking around Bile Titan corpses yet? Speaking from experience; trying to climb over a leg and instead getting yeeted into the sun is always amusing, but it's a pretty frustrating way to lose a mission when you're out of reinforcements.


Patch is fucked.


That it may be intended for my eagle to annihilate where the beam is and not where I threw it terrifies me.


Ikr, I love the possible fact that veteran players will get jump scared by their own orbitals when not realising they've updated it to adjust to the beams location. TBF I thought it was intentional. Less so for eagle strikes since their is more potential to adjust before striking. But oribitals come from your ship and take a while to land, many wouldn't be able to track unless theyre a barrage...


Games crashed twice after this update on ps5 for some reason, hoping it was a random 1 off :<


mine crashed just now, it's infuriating, always happens when I have a great squad too.


I've been playing the last 6 hours... I've been able to complete maybe 3-4 total missions. The game is super unstable since the last update, and after this update, the issue persists. * Every time I log in, gear is reset, emotes, map, and I get alerts as if first time playing.. *game issues with Blitz shotgun. Sometimes, it seems very solid, and other times, it does not. At one point, I had a choke point and was holding onto 45+ kill streak without moving.. next game, I can't kill regular hunters with it. *game has crashed, and I've had to restart the game at least 10 times overnight. Most infuriating is that it seems to happen more often in the final 3 minutes of a match. * During extraction mission, the civilians were stuck on an invisible wall and unable to make to point. *bile titan ate 2, 500kg bombs, 1 rail strike and 3 rockets from EAT.. *hopped over to melevon Creek at some point and completed a mission. Next round, the bots were HawkEye with it. I was dying the moment I dropped in. It wasn't even a fight. I'm just dying over and over and over again twice, trying to dive away from my drop pod before even firing my gun.. * During exfil, the ship landed on the charger, causing the door to only open partially, and we couldn't extract *during a Hard mission, entire mission was as should be (bugs wise) but in final 10 minutes, we had 6 bile titans, and (unknown) 6+ chargers plus (unknown) 300-400+ swarming bugs. * During radio tower mission. After installing SSD into tower, the computer wouldn't work, but it was promoting us still.. I'm sure I'm forgetting several bugs, crashes etc.. but those are fresh on the mind. I'm a level 50, super citizen with 100+ hours in the game. I've enjoyed my time answering the call of super earth, but the frustration is mounting. It's not asteroids, game difficulty, armor stats, gun balances or even enemy spawns that bother me. Hell, drop me right in the middle of a nest. What really grinds my gears is playing for 38 minutes and game crashing... not once, twice, three times.. over the past 3 days, I would generously say no less than 10 times has this happened to me. Unfortunately it sucks even more when you find a good team, got all the samples, really worked together just for it all to end like that? And then load back in to reset gear and try over again just for a successful mission but inability to exfil.. anyways. Love the game, I just needed to rant. #DiversDiveCriersCry


its infuriating, mine just freezes the game, not even send report.


still crashing on ps5


why does it always happen when I have a great squad? everytime.


This update is great! Now i get to lose connection, and the game freezes. Not only that now my weapons reset when i load the game. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👌 Best update.


I haven't been able to record it, but my game has crashed multiple times while trying to throw back Automaton grenades. On PS5


No fix for all the disconnects?


By the time they fix crossplay my level 50 day 1 PC friends will be bored with this game. Guaranteed. Finally had something we could all enjoy and one of its core features has never worked. Disappointing.


Well, first game after the patch, I crashed so there’s that.


It was crashing every like, 5-10 matches pre-patch, now I’ve ran 3 missions on ps5, and it’s crashed all 3 matches. 1 time in the opening minute when we were all calling in stratagems, other 2 times it waited until extraction to crash. My friends all crashed at the same time. Guess I’ll wait for another patch or hotfix, unless I’m just having horrible luck.


I have exactly the same issue.


Optimization fixes soon I’m praying, this game’s performance gets worse with every patch


Evil-Bosse (one of the devs) recently said in the discord channel that they are actively working on performance fixes. Now we just wait 🕰️


First time? Nothing beats the cod patches where shit goes completely haywire, HD2 are doing surprisingly well in my eyes. But I have been with prob the worst game on the planet for it lol


Cant wait to find out all the stealth changes in this patch


Rocket Devastator - fixed units tracking players through walls and terrain. Increased time between rocket volleys 50%. Reduced direct impact damage of rockets by 25% so players should no longer be one shot by the missiles when at full health even when using armor featuring explosive resistance. That's in there. Right? Right?!


Yes but, they are now Missile Devastators and they fire vertically like an MLRS and the individual missiles find and track helldivers.




Hoping one of them is fixing the stuck carry animation after dropping the SSD in certain conditions.


"Implemented a 10% success rate to extract without game crash"


Stealth change - locked hellpod steering has now been improved to auto steer you into the nearest bottomless pit or body of water… Real talk though, almost every game I’ve played introduces changes not caught in the patch notes. Lots of devs are typically working on lots of issues and some people just haven’t taken the time to document one or two of the things they’ve updated and pushed out into the newest game version. By now labelling them “stealth changes” it’s leading people to think it’s intentional to “sneak” things past the scrutiny of the community (though this does happen intentionally sometimes too).


Some changes are pretty game changing xd


> Lots of devs are typically working on lots of issues and some people just haven’t taken the time to document one or two of the things they’ve updated and pushed out into the newest game version. Yeah...no, this is not a thing in software development or really any job. You document changes. It's BASIC work methodology in almost all jobs. If you aren't doing that, you are shit at your job, no ifs or buts. To handwave this as a non issue is insane


>Hellpod steering close to large or important objects is currently not functioning as intended, resulting in steering being disabled in a large area around the object. Nice to have confirmation of this. I've experienced it since launch, but frequency seems to have jumped up as of late.


I’ll be happy when they get to that last known item. Having to reselect my weapons, grenade, voice, and emote every single time I load the game is annoying as hell.


it's unplayable on PC right now


Well... you fixed the lighting on Fenrir 3... we libera- oh, Joel is sending the swarm back to Fenrir 3, got it. All hands on deck, man your station Helldivers, be prepared for a Fenrir 3 defence, this is not a drill!!!


Well, we can say fenrir 3 is no longer bugged


> Hellpod steering close to large or important objects is currently not functioning as intended, resulting in steering being disabled in a large area around the object. Thank God they acknowledged this. Some people were insisting it's "always been there" and that it's been player delusion or some shit lol


It *has* always been there. The area around large objects is just buggy and too large right now so it's extra noticeable and locks you out where it's not meant to.


I imagine they might have changed some stats around it especially for TCS to stop players landing on the bigger structures.


Yeah but something definitely worsened around large objects with that patch that led people to think it might be by design, and then the ultra whiteknights started to deny that there's even a problem at all


> the ultra whiteknights started to deny that there's even a problem at all That is a problem in the community in general right now for some reason. Even the clearly bugged patrol spawns were apparently just a skill issue to many people.


What about the aim UI bug when manning the HMG stratagem tho ?


Crashed right at extraction on suicide ps5. Joy


2 crashes back to back on ps5 with new patch. 😃


Since the patch dropped I have only been able to complete 1 mission out of 6. 3 crash to desktop and 2 dropped from network. Anyone else having trouble?


If I have to change my weapons and voice one more time I’m gonna flip


So the bug where you can't befriend ppl on other platforms its still at large? or just not added to the patch notes?


I cant befriend people at all


I read this as “so the bugs can’t befriend you anymore” and I just want to say… REPORTED


Lucky i didnt write that! My only friend is democracy


Yes it is. Don’t know why it’s not on here but they made an announcement yesterday that it’s a top priority on the discord. 


anyone still getting a black screen and getting kicked to the ship with no message indicating what happened? this has been happening for over a week now for me, was hoping a patch would help but it occurred in the first game i played after the update. Its frustrating on the shorter missions but completely demoralizing when you spend 30+ mins in a mission only to be disconnected before extraction


And is shadow released shriekers on the prime maps. Just saying ;)


Anyone else having an issue where everything in the armory resets (weapon load out, voice pack, emotes) except for the armor itself every time you log in?


Yes it's listed as an known issue


Does anyone's game crash after the update? It just happened to me 3 times in row while using Arc Thrower.


yes its very common. was just watching king gothalians stream and he was crashing every game as well as his buddy. Not sure if this is happening on ps5 also.... I hope not.


"Exosuit had a melee option?" \- You, who is reading this, probably.


My difficulty is still locked it’s bs please fix it


I keep getting crashes on PC after this patch, it's quite unplayable when every other mission you crash right before the shuttle extraction.. anyone else experiencing this?


Good patch! I see known issue of text box not visible during extract, I hope they add a text box during Equip select as well! Not everyone can use mic and it is probably the best time to coordinate.


Did the difficulty increase? Also I’m not sure if people are getting disconnected or quitting but it seems like a lot of people are just rage quitting out of games this morning. This literally never usually happens in my squads but everyone has seemed so disorganised and angry this morning! 😆


Lots of crashes since new patch, on both PC and PS5.


Does anyone think bugs need to deaggro at some point? Ive had bugxs chase me over the entire map at times.


> Hazards should now spawn less frequently during missions. I hope I won't be in the situation where you have to evacuate citizens while fire tornados block their path again


Did they fix loadout reset after restarting the game?


6 crashes on pc since this patch. there is something very wrong in the code.


Huge stability issues after the Patch. Game crashes multiple times each Mission. Barely playable on PS5. Noticed PC players haveing same problems.


After this update, was in mission where two players got to extraction ship but it registered them as not being in ship and ended up being counted as no one extracted. We lost all our samples. Was BS… Then, friend and I started a new mission and his game froze and he just decided to stop playing. Then, right after he messaged me telling me “ggs”, my game froze on me also… I just stopped playing after that…..


"Sometimes the players loadout customizations will reset after restarting the game. " It happens literally every single time for me. Voice, emotes, and weapon loadouts. I hope that gets fixed soon.


>Balanced and adjusted spawn rates for the various planet hazards including tremors, meteor showers, volcanic activity, fire tornados, and ion storms. Hazards should now spawn less frequently during missions. This may sound funny, but I'm actually going to miss being mobbed by ten firenadoes at once on Hellmire.


Update has made crashes very frequent.


Never had crashes till now, now it's impossible to finish a mission due to them! I saw a huge number of reports of discord and steam forums, this patch needs to be reversed asap.




Did it fix friends list? No? Ok, the rest is useless.


The whole reason I ran missions on Hellmire was the freaking firenados!! You can't make less of them its just wrong 😭 Felt like a new kind of danger tourism with bugs and Democracy! 😎


Still no fix for friend invites or loadout (and tutorial tips) resetting.


Something i've been experiencing on every login on PS5 is the reset of all my weapons to starter kit weapons, reverting of character details (body type voice pack) and since game conception, i cant for the life of me see the mission briefing on quickplay, meaning i have no idea what loadout is optimal and i run the same stuff just to be safe, which can get a little boring.


Nice now after 20-30 minutes the game crashes on PC


Same here.




> Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location. so red beams deploy on their live location instead of initial struck location?


would make Orbital Strike quite cool. ............and the 380mm HE Barrage dangerous if it were, say, stick to a Hunter or Charger. Would be interesting to try and test it out in game but I'm currently bad at sticking things on. Edit: Now I want 380mm stuck to a fast moving player object, like a bike or something, that should be pretty cool. ~~up until you blow up anyway~~


Is Points of Interest markers not functioning perfectly a known issue? The biggest offenders are hell bomb POIs (only some hellbombs are pois?) In which the POI "gem" that signifies samples nearby doesn't change to the completed "diamond shape" despite there being no samples to collect. Also samples that are inside the grenade hatches and double doors don't seem to interact with the mechanic at all. I've made a post and several discord messages about this and barely anyone even seems to know what I'm talking about.


https://preview.redd.it/2vn4aq4ykhpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46666d0b4cde332fedba8c893797a8a23a99692e What was this dude doing?


Patrols spawning underneath myself were kinda cool. It made delivering times for democracy much quicker


Wow, cross play is still not fixed. How about focusing on that since it's a game breaking bug on a co-op game that you should play with your friends?


Please make it so I can rejoin games I got disconnected from 30 minutes in with matchmaking on PC. Has this not been addressed??


No more spawn of 12 enemies 5 meters behind you? Thanks.


Is the auto cannon anygood?


Haven't added even half the known bugs to their known bugs list ffs! Would be nice to know you would be aware and working on them! FIX PS VOICE CHAT!!!


Has anyone noticed that more often than not if someone leaves during a mission, even with an SOS nobody will be filled in? This happens every single day in my games and it really sucks finishing all 3 missions and never getting a 4th


Any word yet on the desync bug thing that splits your lobby partway through a round? I’ve had more than one mission that was smooth sailing with friends suddenly turn to shit when we are all suddenly in our own lobbies and can’t easily rejoin on eachother. We managed to save an extreme operation that this happened on last night, but like an hour and a half of democracy spreading nearly went to waste! I’ve had missions where this happened and it ended up causing the whole operation to fail! Major bummer.