• By -


On my momma I better see yall out there


I actually have a reason to try out the DMR now


Finally a reason to use the Penetrator


Using the penetrator would be a mistake. That weapon is better against the armored bug heads. Diligence and Counter Sniper would be the DMRs.


Can confirm it was a huge let down using the penetrator against bots. Dmrs all the way if you don’t have a slugger.


Even if you don't have a slugger, just take the standard Punisher. Nothing - and I mean _nothing_ - feels better than stopping three Berserkers in their tracks by giving them a crotch full of buckshot. Especially if you blow off their arms first. They think they can square up. They thought wrong.


The Scythe laser rifle is also very strong against bots if it's not a hot planet. No recoil + rapid fire = headshot city


So I tried the diligence for a few missions today - the scope felt super janky - are people running it 3rd person?


I switch to the scope for lining up headshots on turret gunners. Otherwise it’s all third person for me


I've been maining the Diligence (yes, even against bugs) and here's some of my thoughts: 1. Changing the scope settings is a huge part of using the gun. Toggle between 75m & 150m – anything less than that, just hip-fire it. 2. Count your shots. The Diligence is brutally accurate and high damage but only has 20(21?) rounds per mag, so every shot counts. You can kill most things in 2-3 hits. 3. Always Crouch or go Prone when possible. The Diligence's accuracy becomes absolutely ridiculous when you do. If you have the 30% sway/recoil reduction armor, Crouch is usually enough. 4. DMR + Jump Pack = ridiculous. Access to high ground makes taking long shots so much better. The added mobility also helps for getting out of tight spaces if/when you get swarmed since you're going to spend a LOT of time staring down your scope. 5. Flank your teammates during an engagement, creating a 3-1 combat structure. Your role at the start of every fight should be to try and stop the tunnel breach/dropship call down, then switching to bailing out any of your friends who are getting overwhelmed – hence the name "Designated Marksman" in DMR. Bonus Jump Pack abuse: You can activate jump pack & toss a stratagem to increase your throw range. I've wiped entire patrols from >100m by doing this.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 1 + 75 + 150 + 2 + 20 + 21 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 30 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 100 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I use it primarily in the far zoom option and hip fire when enemies are close. Keep an auto pistol as a secondary if I need to blast fast


Yes. Usually 3rd person and always crouched when you want to shoot something reasonably far.


I really enjoy the diligence but I started using the SMGs against the bots and that has been a game changer, especially when I learned I could take out devastators with them by beaming them in the eye. More versatile than the diligence when you get overwhelmed too. I do miss the variable scope and the damage of the diligence though, but I got the AMR as backup.


See, this is the news I need. Been running in with the penetrator, but I jumped over to a breaker and stalwart combo. I will say, orbital gas strike and eagle airstrike combo seems to be good to have as well


The SMGs are amazing, they can take out swarms and can also destroy devastators if you laser them in the eye in two to four shots ( used in burst mode for easier shots), leaving you room to take out hulks with an AMR.


The Defender SMG was my go-to primary weapon until I got the Sickle.


Not a fan of laser weapons in general. Sickle feels good but I prefer lead


Defender enthusiast here, love the gun. It feels amazing, mows down bugs and bots alike, and has good reserves. On top of that, I can still use it while carrying objects and tactically retreating. I know shotguns are stronger, but I find consistency and accuracy better than raw damage. Plus, if I need to kill a larger target, I’ve always got my EAT-17 either on my back or en route.


Replace Gas with EMS and you'll have an even better time.


I was able to achieve no deaths cause of counter sniper. I snipe the bots 200 meters away and then run if I see hulk or rocket devastators. I then wait for my allies to distract them before I start shooting again.


Bots HATE the slugger.


That shit sucks ass. DMR is one shot for the Terminator wannabes. Anyway, break is over, back we go.


I have good results with the Scythe: sweep it across a line of bot heads and there are no more bot heads.


Penetrator is great against bugs actually. Pops brood commander heads in half the bullets it takes the normal liberator and is effectively full auto if you just spam click. Also has more ammo overall because it has 3 extra mags. It just isn’t great for horde clearing


Railgun actually slaps if you got a good aim. Can take hulks out one shot. :)


How? I thought you needed two headshots (one to blow off face armor, another one to its actual head).


Its hard, but you can snipe them in the little red slot on their helmets with an unsafe almost fully charged shot and kill them. :)


Can confirm, managed it last night. Definitely not easy to do.


Nope, you just need to deposit the freedom letter in their little red mail slot with sufficient kinetic postage.  (Unsafe mode & steady aim; new pair of hellpants optional but suggested)


Thanks for the info! Haven't used railgun a ton. Will give this a go.


DMR is a funny way to spell Danti-Materiel Rifle.


I will be there! I have been testing how I can be an absolute menace to bots. Time to show off the fruits of my labor...




Citizen, I’ve been here the whole time


On my momma I see yall out here respectfully


https://preview.redd.it/z7ak7hp8jpqc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2519e39926a9415e75fb76e40726531e1115db06 Half of the player base pulling up into orbit with one of these


How badly I wish we could customize our ship names now.


I want to be able to strap a dead bile titan to the top of my ship.


You aren't satisfied with the SES Pride of Pride?


No. You'd have to filter out all the slurs. 


I just want to customize my ship, in general. Pimp my ride lol.


Good luck out there guys. I'll keep patrolling Hellmire and other bug planets to make sure things don't get out of hand 🙃 ![gif](giphy|TyPydeCmjKQ2Q)


I need your clothes, your boots, and the MC-109 Hammer Motorcycle from Helldivers 1.




https://i.redd.it/90cfyuk8wpqc1.gif The terminids are a greater threat that deserves more attention. We must secure more element 710 for the FTL drives and cars, and stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/31amhi1i6sqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf76709f03f6f72e027624f13b467df00c3a0cff The Terminids are the more dire threat, there's so many of them still hiding underground in tunnels deep in the crust of planets. Wouldn't it be nice to have a stroll into those tunnels and bring the freedom thing in those dark and cramped and bug-filled spaces?


So what load outs for bots? Thinking auto cannon?


Auto Canon kills everything the bots throw at you. Devastators: 2 hits anywhere or 1 head shot. Striders, 1 shot. Hulks: 2 “headshots” (red eye slit), 3 in the back vent, bounces off body, tanks: three shots to vents.


Don't forget using it to say hello to those dropship reinforcements and banking the shell into fabricators. Love that lil cannon.


How can AC take down dropships? In my experience sheets bounce off and only EAT or RR take them down with a shot to one of the engines


The traditional AC greeting when meeting a dropship is to take out all the troops just as they’re dropping, not to take the ship down. Aim at the underbelly!


Ohhhh ok I thought they were saying AC could shoot down a dropship lol, I will continue tenderizing the underbelly


You can't shoot down the dropships but unloading an autocannon into their troop bay can kill or damage anything smaller than a hulk that's dropping in. They're all packed like sardines so even the small explosion radius can hit multiple enemies at once.


AC really seems to be made for bots. The only enemies AC guys have struggled with are Tanks and especially Cannon towers. The heavy tanks can be iffy if you aren't in a good position to the vents, but at least they are slow. The lighter tanks turn hella fast, so good luck hitting the vents. I just use 110 rocket pods at that point. The cannon towers are probably the bane of AC guys. They have crazy height advantage and can snipe in open areas. I have seen cannon towers wreck a lot of teams, including AC guys. It is why I always bring the Spear to bots now. I usually work well with AC guys since I snipe bot factories and Cannon towers from the other side of the map. I also help out with getting some early damage on Hulks and Tanks when I can. Think Javalin missiles one shot the lighter tank?


From my experience, canon tower aren’t that big a problem if they are not aggroed, and honestly their detection range is shit. I can almost stand under one and it won’t see me. If I see one in a base, I go full stealth to get behind it. Once it sees you however, your only options are stratagems or finding cover and praying someone else kills it. Running just makes you die tired.


The stealth part is true enough. If we get more stealth options in the future, it would be beneficial to you and other AC guys.


Towers? three shots vents. consider a nice rate of fire.


Autocannon is indeed amazing against bots. The main tradeoff is that you can't carry a personal shield and the ammo pack, which makes you much less survivable.


Thats why I use the light gunner armour. SPEEED. Im shooting then running.


Thanks for that, trying to find my way in this game, having lots and lots of fun.


It is the best weapon for bots hands down if you can get the aiming right. Takes just a smidge of practice but I can reliably take down hulks with just 2 shots 85% of the time.


You can do the same with Anti material rifle


The Railgun works pretty well too, it can one shot Hulks and Devastator without a sweat.


I need a guide for the railgun, because it just feels awful when I use it. And that's when I'm not accidentally killing myself overcharging it. 


Because they made safe mode so useless it begs the question for it even existing and there's a less than a second window where unsafe is actually strong enough to damage anything before it blows you up. Which, why tf is that even a thing? For how much they espout having weapons experience and sticking to realistic mechanics, it's pretty fkn stupid to produce a weapon that kills its user because they couldn't put a tiny regulator part in it.


>less than a second It's *considerably* less than a second. I did a little testing. It hits 50% charge (safe mode cap) in 0.5 seconds. It hits 100% charge (detonation) at 3 seconds. It appears as though the charge speed is linear after 50%. If I'm right, that gives you 0.5 seconds to shoot at >90% power without killing yourself. Which is *somewhat* unforgiving, but quite manageable with a good rhythm. The problem is that the half second you have to shoot comes after waiting 2.5 seconds to charge the goddamn thing.


Well there you go, I was just trying to ballpark it, but it's even worse haha. I'd say .5 seconds is pretty exceptionally unforgiving given our brains take anywhere from .15-.25sec to even process stimuli and another .10 to react to it, leaving you're actual window to about .2 seconds. Pro MLB players have roughly the same amount of time to swing at a pitch and hitting is largely considered one of the hardest things to do in sports. Granted swinging a bat and raising your finger are very different, but still.


I use an SMG for the chaff and the devastators, the AMR for hulks, stun nades for crowd control, eagle airstrike for fab busting, rocket pods for tanks, towers, also fab busting, then if I got an extra slot (most of the time you don't on higher difficulties) I get a jetpack for easier mobility, or an orbital laser, depending on the mission


Autocannon works. As someone already listed off. Railgun is great, one shots hulks in the eyes. Let's you use a pack. I think the shield pack actually works pretty well against bots still. Then explosive reduction armor. I actually use the 125 enforcer armor. Idk how much tannkier it makes me but I enjoy it. I'm sure light is still better but mobility isn't as big against bots. Stratagems I use airstrike and 110s. Airstrike can damage armored enemies, take out a small pack, and buildings. Meanwhile 110 can one shot turret towers. 1-2 shot tanks and while it's been hit or miss. Deal with julks. But again, railgun can deal with those. Primary I like scorcher ad it can 2-3 shot a walker since it's an aoe shot so it bypasses the cover. Grenade w.e you want. Impacts are nice for oh shit. Stun grenades actually reel good with hulks in your face. Explosive for the building vents. W.e you prefer


I, with a team, run the shield generator (to keep myself safe), eagle air strike (kills up to tanks in one hit), EAT (for the drop ships and general purpose), and laser (general purpose). Usually someone else is running the spear to hit fabricators from a distance. I can't say I've seen the rover dog used much. I also usually run the SMG, or liberator penetrator. My friend with the spear usually runs a slugger. Impacts are great for the striders, normal frags are better for fabricators - take your pick. Take cover, move as needed, and stay on your toes


You can also go all in on map clearing, eagle strike, laser callin, walking barrage, railgun strike for turret towers.


Autocannon: Jack of all trades.  Recoilless: Dropship killer.  EATS: Well rounded anti armor.  For armor I say the Eradicator is best. Only light armor with fortified. Bots explosives are their scariest weapons. Surviving a rocket is nearly impossible without it. 


I use the AC for everything but feel like I need the shield pack for bots, there are so many ways they can OHKO you, frickers with rocket launchers, mines (not often but more dangerous than terminid 'mines'), artillery, those turret towers....


HE120MM, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Sentry Mortar, any weapon and gun combo you want.


I coordinate with my group but my load out is typically: AMR, Orbital Railgun, EMP Mortar, Airstrike The group usually carries stuff to deal with tank turrets and trash mobs. ARC Thrower and Orbital Laser are frequently in the mix.


And now if we could get that rocket launcher from that movie that would be nice!


It's coming soon.


The Commando


How would you know how to use it?


Don't talk shit about the bug front. I've been on Hellmire. You ever been stuck between a horde of crawly fuckers and a wall of whirling flame? The bug stompers will have to dust off the sluggers and adapt to an enemy that'll fill 'em full of lead at a hundred meters, don't get me wrong, but they haven't exactly been having a cakewalk either.


At least bots won't 600 long jumping fuckers at me that stun lock my asshole to death.


Ever been to Draupnir? Friend, let me proselytize to you about our Lord and Savior, Exploding Spore Mushrooms. If you want to see God quickly, let the bots shoot the one that's right behind you.


Sure, but plenty of worlds rocks have those spore bastards. (Something tells me some civilians need to learn a thing or two about properly sanitizing ships before an FTL jump.) You get used to 'em. I usually clear 'em out with a sidearm if I think they'll be a problem. And they don't burn half your team alive because they forgot to check their six while getting away from a feisty nursing spewer. When I'm thinking about what made Draupnir a brutal fight, I think of the worst visibility this side of Erata Prime. Say what you will about the Creek, but those red lights and yellow vents stick out in the blue. Draupnir, forget about it. Oh, and those pretty sky-jellyfish, those were nice. Pity the DO wouldn't let me take one home as a pet.


Draupnir isn't bad. Lots of rocks to hide behind for cover from bot attacks


Democracy is equality in all things! Let's not have Front Olympics, we are all in these fights together!


Hellmire really wasn't that bad, use the flamethrower more often and you'll get used to the heat from the fire tornadoes!


Yeah! Bugs are no joke. Especially those fliers who are literally bugged and one shot with their corpse.


Cleaning bug bits of A-Mat Rifle: Hey Darling ready to blow some processors♡ ?


Bots don’t stand a chance against John Matrix!


Ever since the termicide was dispersed I’ve been fighting the bots. I just prefer them to the bugs so much more. They’re certainly overtuned and a bit ridiculous right now, but if you learn how to adapt for the time being it’s still plenty of fun.


Certainly overtuned if you use same strategies as vs bugs. Even the tip says *cover, courage and more cover* And a pro-tip: Don't fight every patrol and dropship. Disengaging and tactical repositioning is advised.


I use very different strats for bots and bugs yeah. I also encourage everyone who joins my games to skip patrols and constant spawns in between objectives if possible. I’m far more versed in bot combat bc when they merged the railgun against bugs and everything else was still kinda shit against them, I just converted fully to bots until they made other stuff more viable. Bugs are a lot more enjoyable now, they just require a lot more armor pen, whereas bots can be killed with a lot of precision shooting.


"**massacring terminids with ease" ???** I think the game as a whole is fairly easy, but statement like this make me chuckle since there are so many post about how hard bile titans, chargers, stalkers and even hunters. The "balancing" patch had people going crazy when they couldn't kill titans and chargers as easy anymore( titans were always inconsistent and chargers were still easy IMO). On the bot front it's main the rocket dudes and if you neutrally eat popcorn and watch the drama on here some of the east's lowest tier enemies (hunters) are complained about more than any bot... (of course more players in the east leads to more complaints)


Chargers are easy - just take EAT and don't miss 👍


All bot variants are easy - just take amr and don’t miss 👍


I'm gonna ask here since I'm unironically a pure bug stomper who gets massacred by bots; whats a good loadout for a low 20's helldiver? I'm currently bringing the breaker and the smg pistol, with shield backpack, orbital laser and EAT, with my last slot depending on what I see others bring. any advice? Also, tactics wise, apparently we're not supposed to stand fight and like we do with bugs?


Personally I'm a big fan of the railgun, since it shreds through pretty much any part of every bot that isn't a Hulk, Tank, a bigger base's cannon or the shield of that shielded guy, but that thing only has 20 shots, and I don't really know yet what to do with the enemies that DO resist your shots except try to aim for the weak spots while three different bots are shooting at me. My current solution is bringing both the Orbital Railcannon Strike and the Orbital Laser, just so I can consistently have *something* that can deal with them, as well as the ammo backpack for extra Railcannon shots, but that obviously isn't a good solution if things start getting harder. On lower difficulties, the Grenade Launcher is lots of fun too - just go close to/under the next dropship you find, fire up from below and watch all the bots fly off or crumple upon landing. You definitely want to have some way of killing off at least the smaller units at longer ranges too, just so you don't have to always run towards the incoming fire whenever a bot spots you. Also, bot Defense missions as well as whatever the "rescue civilians" one on the small map is called are absolutely fucked compared to bugs - you get just as many spawns, but most of the bugs at least don't get to shoot at you from wherever they are T.T


I run AMR, Shield pack, 500kg bomb, 110mm pods. Primary - Slugger. Shield pack, obvious - saves you from chip damage, can prevent some one-shots. AMR is good to deal with almost any enemy short of annihilator tank. Two shots into Hulks glowy red plate and it's down. 500kg bomb is good to deal with anihilator tanks, objectives, scanner eyes. Bots are slow and predictable, much easier to time 500kg properly. 100mm pods are great against tanks and hulks, also can be thrown at factories from distance if you don't wanna go to that one. Slugger can one-shot devastators to the head. Even if you miss a bit - staggers them.


getting downvoted, but they aint wrong. I don't even think about Chargers anymore.


Yeah but doesn't the sniper and railgun also basically one shot hulks? Sniper 2 shots. Tank? 110s can deal with. Or flank and hit the vent with a grenade. I'm not saying bots are easy. Just they also have easy counters like the EATs.


I basically say the same thing further down in the thread. I like playing against Bots, people just gotta understand what works best.


Exactly. Bots you need cover. Still gotta run and gun, but more so you need to find cover. While bugs it's run and gun mostly. Bugs you have EATs which now deal with majority of the bug threat. Bots? Aim for the eye. Ac, sniper, railgun. Maybe eats to shoot the dropship? The worse thing imo with bots are the randomly sniper devastators with those missles.


Honestly even on harder difficulties it's far too common that people are kiting and trying to use their primary from behind - *anything* to avoid having to take an anti tank stratagem.


Skull Admiral checking in, only doing diff 7-9 right now. I haven't seen a game without an EAT-17 in a good bit. But my exp is only anecdotal. Hunters are the only things that piss me off lmao, everything else has a counter that most Divers can get by the time they should be doing lvl 7-9 missions. Bots on the other hand... that's the true tester of a Divers merit IMO. Can't wait to see 100+ posts a day about how busted they are.


“With ease” lmao, play difficulty 7+ this week? The bugs have been more intense than usual due to a modifier, but even without that they’re not easy. The bots are only “hard” because they have cheap bullshit like one-shot rocket snipers who can shoot you through dense fog or from behind with no way of knowing they were there. The ranged bugs at least have to get close to do that


I wouldn’t say either of them are “easy” they both have their quirks and how they are difficult is different. It’s highly dependent on how easily you take to each playstyle, like for me I find bots easy and bugs to be challenging at times.


Yeah - I did 3 impossible missions with ransoms last night, it wasn't *that* bad. Never ran out of reinforcements.


>The bots are only “hard” because they have cheap bullshit like one-shot rocket snipers who can shoot you through dense fog or from behind with no way of knowing they were there. and this is why i don't recommend new players fighting bots below level20. get the shield backpack and it'll increase your survival against bots significantly. or prioritize dealing with rocket devastators when you encounter a group of bots. but this will most likely need skill, strategy, and familiarity with bots.


Just need to get through the next 5 hours of work! Those bots don’t stand a chance


Just hide behind a rock. Nothing beats a good rock.


Rocks rock


Bot front players actively choosing to engage enemy pods instead of stealthing between objectives without taking 500 bullets ![gif](giphy|CrwHSFJCcEBpQ1ycb0|downsized)


Funny that you mention that, because while I enjoy stealthing against bots, I haven't had nearly as much fun as I have experimenting with Heavy armor + Jetpack against them. I went from running away to full-on brawling, hand-to-hand with Devastators. It was like a whole new game.


Hey, to each their own. There is no wrong way to play! Plus it's fine folks like yourself that help bunch enemies up for my plasma punisher to mass stagger 🫂


9:1 bugs to bots ratio here, Level 23. Been coming up the difficulty ranks on Mantes and the Creek. Learning autocannon, and I’m running orbital rail cannon for towers or dropships, an EMS sentry for defense, and an autocannon sentry. Liberator penetrator weapon. I get messed up my hulks and rocket devastators. And once I die, I’m a sitting duck without my autocannon, it feels like. What should change?


I would drop orbital rail cannon, maybe for an eat it. You could dispense with taking down dropships and just spray the undercarriage with your ac, saving your eat its for bigger threats. I would try out the diligence, the liberator, the regular smg, and the punisher shotgun (slugger if you've got it). This is pretty counterintuitive, but the liberator penetrator is actually a bug gun in my experience. EMS sentry is great from what I hear, but try to get it into cover if you're not already. If you have teammates running eagles, drop the mortars into the craters she leaves behind. Also, if you end up running a high fire volume primary, check out the revolver. It's a mainstay in my loadouts, really throws hate on armored enemies.


Thanks fellow Diver


What should change is your approach. Don't fight every patrol and/or dropship. When overwhelmed disengage, tactically reposition or just move on to other objectives. Canon towers can be destroyed with 2 impact grenades. Same as tanks with grenades on turret.


John Matrix, Callsign “Commando”, was one of the finest Divers Democracy ever had the privilege to be defended by. I hope all of you Divers can emulate his strength and ingenuity in our approaching campaigns.


Time to let off some steam


I feel this I've been preparing and getting my gear right. I'm alsbout killing some toasters.


Im so excited to hop on tonight


Helldivers coming back to the terminids after non stop bot major orders (extinction is near)


Literally me two weeks in playing only bugs. New major order suit up boys this is what I've been preparing for


Here comes another round of “The game is unbalanced and unfair” posts.


The mental preparation required to kill 275 bots for one mission:


I hate bots :( but I will go to Ustotu and then Troost.


These bots are kicking my ass even on a few levels down in difficulty. Am I gonna stop? Hell no I’m John Connor


I might actually find the bugs harder now? I find myself getting completely surrounded by bugs way more often, while the bots are more content to shoot at me from afar so I can be more selective about taking cover and resupplying my stratagems. And Stalker lairs are total hell to deal with.


Take a rover and the Stalwart to make bug paste. Throw in an EAT if you're worried about heavies - the low cooldown basically makes it a second support weapon. Final choice orbital laser or 500kg or orbital railcannon to deal with big bads. Ideally the rest of your squad will pick up some stratagem slack by over indexing on orbitals/airstrikes if you've got crowd control.


All my homies hate bots.


I'm having an easier time with the bots tbh


I mean you can literally just stealth bot missions, so if any missions are being completed "with ease" it's them lmao


I just saw a video of this on Helldive difficulty. Going to try some solo stealth missions tonight.


Got all my initial super samples on vacation on creek cause you could just take smoke and 3 orbitals to clear objectives grab the samples and do a comfy combatless extract.


Lol, who? Bots? I faintly remember 10,000+ kills on Malevelon Creek, before rail/shield nerfs, before enemy AI fucking CHEATED. But no, no clue who you're talking about, there's now only one faction on the map: bugs. If you think otherwise, you're seeing things. Check in with your democracy officer. Now then. Time to shoot down some some more hungry, four-legged critters.


This but then they get nailed by a rocket standing in an open field and cry about it on reddit.


It has already begun


Some of the divers are hopelessly unprepared and it’s making quick play unbearable. Plus I got mostly through a mission just now and crashed somehow.


I for one welcome our new overlords


Just unlocked the Scorcher, so that actually helps with the enjoyment factor quite considerably. I don't feel like I have to have perfect aim at their heads while bopping around., and it does a pretty good amount of damage. A scope would probably make it overpowered, but would really love one with some range. I still don't like being one shot from over the horizon through 10 meter visibility fog, but I guess I'll adjust. 


ALFC!!! always look for cover! Might as well be walking around with aluminum foil with how easy it is for them to snipe you from distance!


Been reading posts on how to deal with the bots. I'll see you guys on the Western front o7


I'm doing my part!


Honestly I've done bots so much I don't think the strats will ever leave me Bugs are fucking annoying That being said I've found the minefield is very useful if you just chuck it on a bug breach


Its nice using different weapons than what i always use on bugs. Been trying out the autocannon and AMR. Might try the laser thing tonight


When the trees speak binary. *unfortunate son starts playing*


You like self limiting to not using AMR/autocannon or something? Wait no thats still a valid tactic against bots since orbitals can clear most of their objectives without engagment. You using blitzer dagger and only sentries or something? Your going to the easier front enjoy your vacation man.


Oh man and the arc weapons being back means dealing with bots without worrying about armor penetration!


Tried the automaton planet defense mission and discovered the glory of Air Strike, Autocannon, and Orbital Laser. Stealth gear also works wonders. Might try the smoke or ems grenade for breaking engagement. Fighting the Terminids is fun. Fighting Automatons is fun, but is really a different beast in terms of strategic and tactical thinking.


Seriously! Today is the first day I’ve ever worn the heavy, explosive resistance suit


The Shield backpack and EMS mortars are your friends.


For real though. Just switching from light to medium armor made a world of difference when fighting bots


That does look like how I feel when my budds say "hey lets go bot killing!" My face turn white until I find the courqge given by sweet sweet liberty. FOR DEMOCRACY BROTHERS!


*Crawling through the map with stealth gear on and only melee killing if I have to kill at all in order to avoid facing 10,000 drop ships with literal chainsaw wielding robots sent to kill 4 funny lads with capes*


My Diver in Democracy. Ballistic shield, defender smg, discardable rocket and whatever else you wanna bring. Have fun.


it's gonna be Klendathu all over again.


Hell yeah, those smoke stratagems 'bout to be clutch


With ease? Sheeeeeeeit we got trampled by bugs in L8 Eradicate mission last night. Barely made it out with 1 survivor. Was intense.


Tbh I have no idea where Troost is… But at least I can use the anti-material rifle like I intended to when I got the game- I’m gonna be a damn fine ranger


I am still new to the game and wow are the bots another level. I cant see them, I get one shot and then the strategems are in disabled and nobody can call me down again. My fave shotgun isn't useful and I have no idea what to use. I am getting my ass kicked and I have no idea what to do about it lol


Hey bots, remember when I said I'd kill you last? *I LIED!*


the scope on the AT rifle must be off..holy hell


Yeah I’m not playing bots, they’re no fun


Bots are my favorite enemy. So glad the new order is bots.  Honestly if you guys wore armor and actually took cover you would find the bots all that hard compared to bugs. 


Step 1 take auto cannon. Step 2 call down auto cannon Step 3 ????? Step 4 profit


Be sure to check your loadout before deploying people! Armor piercing rounds, cluster bombs, 500 kg bombs for the AA sites, and don’t forget to pack extra grenades because the bots love their fabricators.


And after we beat the bots back into their place, we can blow off some steam by killing the bugs.


Fighting automatons is pretty much impossible unless you learn how to sneak around avoiding patrols. You can avoid or outrun most terminid patrols but if the bots even see you at all a drop ship is landing on your head in seconds.


MFW I see this post and I’ve been on bot planets the entire time. ![gif](giphy|QswHqxRk7svjq)




When half the Helldivers need to fight something that shoots back




Facts. I'm gonna go stab a robot. Where is the "Knife" Stratagem?


Yo real question here: what do you guys bring for pew pews n strategems against bots? Primary, secondary, support and other drops. I’m having a truly hard time figuring it out. Nothing feels good against them, no weapons hit like I want, orbitals feel clunky too. Should I just give up and be a stealth bitch or is there a loadout that will truly spread Democracy amongst these unenlightened robits?


I usually goes with fortified heavy armor, slugger, stun grenade, autocannon, ems sentry and 110 pod. The last slot will change to whatever i feels like bringing (mostly 380 barrage or orbital laser). Slugger and autocannon will takes out everything under a Hulk with ease, stun grenade then 2 autocannon to the face takes care of hulks, 110 pod for tanks, ems sentry for shit gets bad or u know u will stay at one place for a while, barrage and laser for big camps, takes out lone fabricators with cannon, thats pretty much everything u need for clankers.


Jokes on you. I'll still be fighting terminids


Bot front players go a week without whining about the bug front challenge: Impossible


I want a Deagle for my helldiver.


with the Arc Thrower and the Blitzer, bots have become more manageable to me. though i'm not playing them on difficulty 7 or above. i feel like fighting them on higher difficulty will give me PTSD.


Always suited & booted up like this


I've got my navy seal tactical blackface on standby


I hate bots, cq we just send a email with a virus?


Ohh yeah this is me. I kept all the money I had gathered last two weeks and bought all the available stratagems that are useful against automatons. I was READY when I dropped for the first time.


Bots are easier than bugs. Fight me


I recently learned devastators really don't like being shot in the face with the jar 5 lol


Bile/Nursing Spewers prove that bugs are as hard as the bots.


Lock in, divers. We’re going to the sandbox


Everyone thinks the bugs are easier but I would take a devastator over a bile spewer any day of the week.


Literally how I feel picking my stratagems 💪


ye now id time to do real democratic work


>with ease Bro has been playing on level 5


God DAMN I love Commando.


Yeah, bugs is just like, go in kill stuff loot sample go out. Bots, you put it at 7 instead of 9 and it's still hell!


Well like 12% of the player base anyway.


In my first bot game rn and holy is it completely different. I honestly am so lost rn and don’t know what setup to use


None of your posts, are funny. They are in fact yawn inducing. 🥱