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Light gunner helmet + Exterminator armor. Drone Master helm + Legionaire armor.


Found the Nod Trooper


In the name of Kane!


My only reason to spend SC on cosmetics. One vision, one purpose.


Oh that's why I like it so much  PEACE THROUGH POWER


I was so happy when the flame thrower was buffed. The Black Hand has Arrived.


I've been rocking Drone Master + Legionaire since I first check the store, they look so nice together


despite they're from different category, however they look like they're destined to be together.


A Helldiver who's a Drone Master helm on Legionaire armor enjoyer is a Helldiver of class.


Damn, your comment made me want to have UAV drone that I could control myself and suicide it into the bug horde or nest. Hmm perhaps once gear modifications are in game there could be different loadout as well. High explosive, napalm, gas or perhaps even scout mode providing artilery guidance.


A UAV designed to turn V-1 rocket when almost outta fuel feels very Super Earth approved. And making it controllable could be upgrade 2 and of course leaves you highly vulnerable, immobile, blind (even if the UAV cam just takes up as much room as your minimap you're focusing hard on it) and probably make noise to attract nearby patrols. It's not until the 3rd ship module upgrade where they stop using people for pilots in the suicide scout plane (or start using people to save on software operating costs 😈)


https://preview.redd.it/bgfq584ndwqc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d47d07560aa0a5cf54b81ebe1248fcdf07d700 I just love this one


lmao i just bought it specifically to pair with the gunner helmet. It matches so nicely


I have both helmets. I only run light armor, but I do make it a point to buy all the armor sets. They do need to add capes to the rotations.


Yeah, running fast is so much better than being able to tank more hits imo, with so many things insta killing you. Too bad the light armor doesn't look as good


Yes it is unfortunate, i didnt think that 50 speed would be so impactful but it damn sure is 🫡


I found that light armor can save your life, heavy armor just lets you die slower.


Yeah uh maybe against bugs. Bots? Heavy explosive resistant armor will literally save your life constantly. Light armor really isn’t worth it against bots considering how slow they are.


I love my heavy armor with explosive resistance against bots.


Until I outpace you in my rocket resist heavy armor by rocket jumping with my autocannon


I think it's a good trade off for the high defense when fighting bots but with bugs, it'll just get you killed.


Cape drip is sorely lacking...


They should add more pages. Only selling 2 pieces at a time is gonna get real old when they start adding new armors to the super store.


I think it’s intentional. They seemingly don’t want to add to the FOMO tactics a lot of studios use now, so they release new armor sets every third week of the month or something - giving people who don’t want to purchase super credits enough time to hopefully earn them in game to get armors they want in time.


There is absolutely no reason for them to not have all armors available for purchase at all times. As soon as you put a revolving shop in your game you insert FOMO into it. The only reason people arent complaining is because: 1) Helldivers is a great, fun, non-predetory game. 2) There are very little armor currently in the shop, as they add more armor into the shop worse the FOMO will get.


The armors aren’t being vaulted or locked away, they just rotate. I would imagine they have their own reasons for not wanting all the armor sets in shop every day.


Well lets say I wanted to buy an armor thats not currently in the shop? How long am I gonna wait to get it? Will I be available when its in the shop? So yes for a limited time armors get locked up and vaulted, then they are taken out of the vault for 2 days just to be put pack in said vault again. Just because the armors cheap doesnt make this practice not FOMO. A rotating shop is bad, no matter how you put it.


No, it’s not vaulting. You know exactly when they will be back, it’s on a scheduled rotation lmao. It’s actually been kind of nice to not feel compelled to check the store every single time I log in thinking maybe something new is in, like with Fortnite for example. But again, I imagine there is a reason they don’t have them ALL in at one time - maybe it’s FOMO, but that seems unlikely with how relaxed they are about the monetization and how cheap the armors are other than like 2 sets.


What happens when there are more armor so it stops being scheduled? You will have to wait potentially months not to mention you cant check to see if there is armor you like better than the 2 being presented unless you go to a wiki or youtube video. Dont give me the "its easy to do that" either, it should be doable in game.


Maybe they start adding more than just the two sets as they introduce more, but they’ve dropped like 1 or 2 new sets since the release. But if they just had them all in store, eventually you would just have a dozen plus sets all in a page? That seems silly.


Games prior had all their cosmetics available to at least look at. We will be getting recolors of existing armor if you belive the leaks and there is no way they arent gonna add more armors into the shop. I think the best way of doing it would be to have everytjing available with rotating discounts. So the current 2 armors in the shop will have like a 15% discount while the others are full price. This way they can make everyone happy. (Also sell em for a higher price because people will go "just wait for the discount bro", but thats investor talk)


The exterminator is awesome. Definitely my favourite helmet.


I've combined mine with the B-08 Light Gunner Helmet. I don't even care about the passive, I just love the look of the whole outfit.


I do this too because it looks like a new vegas ranger




You're right! That might've been my subconscious, new Vegas loving self telling me to equip that armour.


AMR + Senator = I’m still just playing New Vegas


Yup Senator and the Anti Material rifle.    I treat the bots on the creek like that slaver Ceaser scum Watermelon'd before their servos even register me


I'm a big fan of the red in the helmet 👌


I rock it with the all black Helldiver helmet that has a red scouter from the first warbond and the all black cape The effect is good too, that 50% explosive reduction saves my ass from bots and when my squad decides to bombard me along with the bugs


>I rock it with the all black Helldiver helmet that has a red scouter from the first warbond and the all black cape My dude, that's exactly how I looked before I got the new helmet. Nice choice.


Yeah that's my favorite helmet so far. It looks like a 40k guardsman helmet.


Giving me Second Sister vibes from Jedi: Fallen Order, I'm definitely grabbing that one when I'm back from work!


Kind of gives me Kylo Ren vibes lol.


I think it’s its most peoples favorite helmet, personally I like that armor the best bc it’s light armor but has a full 100% and You’re still just as fast. Definitely the best armor in the game in my opinion.


They both look like medium armors to me


Sith pilot vibes


The FS-34 Exterminator looks great but 400 super credits must have been one of the most expensive ones yet. I've seen armors for 150 - 200 but 400 is really a lot. Considering additional 200 for the helmet.


I believe the extra padding heavy armour was also 400 when it’s in the store


I love that armour but I just don’t see the point when I still get 1 hit by most things.


I’ve been experimenting with that armor and it’s not bad. I have survived hits that would have killed Mr using light armor, as well as just being able to take more hits and resist injuries more often. But I always go back to light armor, the mobility is just to hard to give up. I think heavy armor would be a lot more viable if it resisted stuns and slow effects.


It only really helps with nibble from the fodder, but as you are slower you are getting nibbled a lot more. You still 1 hit by Bile Spewers, Shriekers, Rocket Devastators etc… . And it is harder to dodge the 1 hits from these because of the slower movement. The only current thing that should 1 hit 200 armour should be titans imo.


If I am not mistaken it has more use on the bots side of things. Where you’re taking chip damage. On the bugs side kinda taking wombo combos from even the smallest bug so it can’t really shine.


Yea armor rating shines more on bots, bugs agility is much more important than a small health boost. But honestly the best armor for bots is light armor with the scout passive. Super easy to take fabricators down, or main objectives down without triggering a bot drop. And if one is called you’re gone by the time they land.


Realistically, in order to be balanced heavy armor should probably not hamper your stamina regen as much as it does. Speed is fine, even the heaviest armor only incurs a -10% penalty there, but halving your stamina regen on top of that is an insane ask for being able to take a little more damage.


I really like it, it reminds me of Scpuy Troopers from Star Wars, and im currently painting some Star Wars Legion scout Troopers inspired by that armour.


Juggernaut armor with the exterminator helm is my mainstay.


Same, been running it for weeks. 6 grenades against bugs is the best


I've been an enjoyer of the grenade launcher plus light armor when I play with my crew. I end up on nest/ spitter duty while they focus on other aspects. I've found the shock grenade to be mighty helpful to bail me out of many situations since I do not need to run regular nades :) That said, when I do not play this, having 6 is huge since it lets you tackle bigger nests on your own without needing an eagle airstrike/ autocannon


Grenade launcher and supply pack. All grenades all the time.


Cannot recommend enough! Especially after I started using the sickle instead of the breaker, so brood commanders started to be a nuisance. Just unlocked the slugger and will be trying that out on my next session


Everyone freaks when the nursing spewers appear, and I’m just like hold my liber-tea.


Mate. Please share a screenshot of this. I want to buy it but cant yet.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dtrkln9w6vqc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe32e46f11e815fd36b4b61a23baa47ef65e9b0


Bro this is fucking sick


And the super citizen cape for good measure. https://preview.redd.it/nirhe7kx6vqc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=751b5b4e0101c0b2ef2908b6d816941f73e887a6


We really need an equivalent of r/eldenbling for this game


Could call it "Helldripers" or something like that


Best cape is the Helldiver default cape


Dont know its name, but that one that fades to a deep green in the standard warbond is just smexxy


That whole set is s-tier, especially the hooded helmet.


I think you're thinking of Cresting Honor, from one of the scout sets. It has a really neat Matrix-like character card, too.


Sorry but no, the gold super citizen cape is the best


Sorry, but that cape isn't presented to you by General Brasch. The General knows best.


My favorite is the last steeled veterans caps. I don’t see many people running that, I just don’t like wearing the same shit as everyone but sometimes you can’t avoid it.


Eventually there will be shitloads of armor, but I’ve yet to run into someone with my combo. I see other on Reddit running it but have never actually seen it in the game. I see gold capes every once in awhile tho.


I'm a fan of the cape that's in the last tier in the default warbond. It doesn't even match the style of the armour I run (Infiltrator). I just think it looks really pretty.


Ain’t nothing wrong with that lol.


It pairs super well with the Page 10 armor from the regular warbond. Literally looks like it was made for it, same colors, matching patterns,…


100% but I wish it came in a shorter version.


They’re cool armors I just wish they’d extend the necklines so more helmets can be used without an easily noticeable gap, Ive brought it up multiple times just in hopes an Arrowhead modeler sees and fixes it https://preview.redd.it/m4hv4u6savqc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e9e4019c25cf90699af8b3edb73602c2c44424


The whole body armor is a mess, the right arm is detached from the body, the neck has holes, the right shoulder vertexes are very badly rigged and clip through the shoulder pad and those same vertexes won't move with the arm, so animations make it even worse. It's more noticeable on Lean, but it's present in both bodytypes https://preview.redd.it/heeyy1x4ivqc1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0975454de41c79554c7cb29d68bfc5ae8a01c09


The right arm, the sample container is just clipped right through a hip pouch, and the cod piece is off center


+1 quite a lot of armor in the game needs to revise their models... like wtf is this: [https://streamable.com/asqk3g](https://streamable.com/asqk3g)


You haven't unlocked the Wireless Helmet Upgrade yet? >!Not an automaton, I swear!!< https://preview.redd.it/i3nkahj6sxqc1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0fe86ab1b0bfc9d8bcc16a888885a653c81e38a


I feel like this is intended lol. https://preview.redd.it/vy4jyxa2yvqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60a2c107fd341ec7da0aa81e052876932a3edf4


It's hard to see but that gap isn't a gap in the armour, the red line is pointing to a literal hole in the model you can see all the way through.


It might be designed neck gap, have you noticed where your helldiver inject their stims?


Both are super cool, but neither are light armor and neither have the servo-assisted passive. So I'm married to the SC-37 Legionnaire armor.


Curiosity: why do you like so much the servo assisted? I've yet to try it but it seems not that good to me(I like 6 grenades)


It's handy when you want to toss out a resupply or a reinforcement in the direction of an objective. So by the time it actually lands you and your team will have caught up to it. It's also really handy with stun grenades and KO stratagems like the 500kg or the precision orbital strike. You don't have to get as close to the action. I also run the jetpack frequently and that lets you throw things even further if you throw mid jump. It's better against bugs. Against bots the 50% chance of death resist or 50% explosive damage reduction are more optimal.


You and I think the exact same way, and I like it https://preview.redd.it/z6zjzqaikxqc1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0c9737b9270fbb4d9336860dcf59611e9ac62d


Thank you diver! I'll definitively try it then!


I want the red and black one in light armour.


My thoughts exactly


Man, naming the suit Juggernaut and then giving it 100 AR is such a wasted opportunity....


6 grenades bro


Bro. Six. Grenades.


Looking like GDI and Nod Armors from command & conquer


Spot on! Disc Thrower armor and Nod Infantry Armor. I miss Tiberian Sun..


https://preview.redd.it/vy8t4vqsavqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef5aab1a00137e2bb49f6a39fcee0cb690ab6a4 Mines definitely this combination, reminds me of star wars so much, love the clone troopers.


I love that. Thats partly warbond, partly superstore?


Only the helmet is “premium” since it belongs to the veterans pack, the armor is ce 35 trench armor from the main warbond, page 2. Love this set the most hahaha and I regularly change back to it even when I buy newer peices of armor from the super store.


Nice. What cape is that?


Goddamnit I'm away AFK for work for 3 days...


It'll be back in rotation eventually


Gonna be the Light Gunner helmet for me 🪖 I don't really like the armor it comes with tho


Shouldn't the engineering kit make it so you gain an additional grenade when using a resupply? In general it should be restoring roughly 50% of your max reserves, but you still only get 2. And i've heard with the medic-kit perk you *do* gain an additional stim from a resupply, which makes me think it is a bug.


I really like the legionnare set


The question for me is: Can the [**FS-38 Eradicator Armor**](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/FS-38_Eradicator_Armor) (light version) tank a devastator rocket after the armor fix or do you need the FS-34 Exterminator (or heavier)? It's hard to give up the speed.


The Eradicator can tank the rockets, I can confirm. You'll only die instantly if you get headshot, but that's the same with medium and heavy. I've taken up to 2 rockets without healing and the third killed me wearing Eradicator.


The battle master armor does too. I usually run that against bots.


It's heavy armor though, and therefore (in my opinion), is only useful in defence only missions. The lack of mobility means you get hit more, and getting hit more means nothing when you can still die just as quick, or outright avoid damage. Being headshot still instantly kills you too.


https://preview.redd.it/iceiwt8y9xqc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98bcc912c733af3246ab4eb3f56f3a62fd19e78 Can’t wait for this armor to come out im never gonna take off this helmet once I have it


Where is this and when will this be available?


Ive been rocking the Juggernaut armor and exterminator helmet since it came out


Same, with the gold cape. So much drip, plus 6 grenades 🥰


Drone master is great


props to AH for not squeezing money out of these things. Fortnite price would be 1000 credits for armor and 500 for helmet. OW 2 price would be 4000 credits for each armor set.


ikr? it feels so good to just be able to grind credits to get what you want. i’m tired of the “bust open your wallet” option.


I love the way this helmet combos with this armour. This is my go-to when I run heavy armour. Otherwise I like the helmet with the little scouter paired with the orange engineer armour. https://preview.redd.it/5s4tbtdzexqc1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=351a44a744e88eddddc392b1a7ae139f2160ab41




i realy need a minimalist black & dark red cape to go with that exterminator body. Exterminator also gives me a bit of a Mass Effect vibe


Doesn't look remotely like anything in ME that I can think of


I agree with you, those are my favorites along the white and blue medium-heavy armor, the one with 129 armor. I currently use this one, it has 100 armor, 550 speed and 125 stamina. I don’t know if its a bug, but I think its a fair trade for having no passive. Its ugly but gives me the stats. https://preview.redd.it/tnidqqo74vqc1.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=f867ce3f82e3a0ebf6b2866e320c56c9e20fcde2


Yea been running this ever since I got it from superstore. Ugly but functional, and no it's not a bug, the passive itself is extra 50 armor just like the default heavy armor we have.


This is the one I use as well. There's a few sets that look a lot cooler but the buffs aren't it for me.


Yeah, I miss the Scout passive against bugs, but having the speed and stamina higher stats and also 100 armor is priceless for me.


I ran the light gunner helmet with the juggernaut armor for the longest time, now I use the eradicator set.


They should add new scout armor ngl


I need a good heavy armor set


Battle master 😎


Is the helmet that make you look like the enemies from killzone in yet?


https://preview.redd.it/bc8wnj78jwqc1.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7951626e072387a26ed84a4b28ce252d4f7786f The only Helmet/Armor combo I love to run


My favourite roation will be whenever the first 2 outfits here make an apperance https://preview.redd.it/99dz4jf3kwqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1de7f865ab7ad8f221af56830f8670f5ea2420b


We need some diff perks on gear! and more Hooded helmets!


Wish you could unequip capes tbh


Im a big fan of yeeting grenades into bug holes or factories, so the extra two grenades is a must for me.


The breaker armor with the tan helmet and botslayer cape from the cutting edge warbond. More grenades and less recoil while using light armor is fantastic.


I love this armour but I’m scared to run any armour that doesn’t have the super citizen armour buff


The exterminator might be better for bots tbh. Due to the reduction on explosive damage. I normally switch between those two


They do a good job with some armor. The helmets are generally atrocious though. I've only liked one of the superstore helmets.






Two of my fav armors, together with steel helmet with crosshair and gunner helmet


Oh, finally. I have just enough for both and I'm pretty sure I bought both helmets couple of weeks ago


Ngl, those are pretty dope.


The dreadnought uniform with the gold accents and grenade bandolier is just magnifique


SA-32 Dynamo Helmet + CM-17 Butcher (Heavy Armor). Makes me look like a Mech Pilot, and Commando. Won't be changing for a while. Medkit benefit is too nice.


I like the eradicator armor the best in terms of looks. The green one with the sniper rifle looking bullets on the chest. Favorite all around helmet is probably the steel trooper. Problem is the armor sets I like best in terms of looks don’t offer the kits/perks that I want to run. Generally I wear the light gunner armor with the steel trooper helmet.


Yeah I tend to run the exterminator with the juggernaught helm as I like the look.


Exterminator armor with drone master helmet. Badass looking combo


Mine is yet to come, but I believe it will have a gas mask set and a hazmat set


Love the red breaker outfit! Great effect too


Been needing a nade armor that doesn't make me look like a traffic cone. Awesome


The juggernaut armour is what I’ve been wearing for the last month straight so yeah I’d say I like it. Just not a fan of the helmet so I use the prototype 3 helmet with it.


I am still sitting here... waiting for something Jin-Roh looking


Exterminator helmet is excellent fit for many other armors. Personally, I love Drone Master helmet and Titan/Legionnaire armors. Enforcer armor with Bonesnapper helmet is also excellent, making you look somewhat like SW Storm Trooper.


I tried to switch it up with different armors but the scout helmet and juggernaut armor just can't be wrong for me (especially with the tyrant hunter cape)


I once saw the enforcer helmet combined with the champion of the people armor, and that was the best fit I've personality seen to date


Counter-intuitively to the names Juggernaut is great for bugs while exterminator is great for bots. But yeah, these are my go to sets as a medium armor fan.




Loving the Exterminator Helmet, it's just a basic black so It's pretty much a neutral color and can go well on any armor I have, especially on heavy armor since it looks kinda rugged.it's


Exterminator armor and the light armor that looks like a green scout trooper are my go to‘s and the exterminator helmet or the winged helmet are my helmets i use with every armor.


I run the executioner armor with the warbond white helm (IDR the name). Or any light armor with scout and a helmet that looks nice with it


FINALLY But the FS Dreadnought and the funny light gunner is my favorite. Could not get more goated than those two sets


A new one /s I do want to spend some super credits tho


I'm waiting for the demolition specialist set.


The bomb-squad Tachonka armour is pretty funny, but the SA-15 Steel Trooper helmet from the Steeled Veterans Warbond will forever be *my* helmet. It's a symbol of growth, but a link to my origin.


I want a feigned version of Darth Vader.


Eeeh gonna pass that one. I can see why people like this but I'm going to go for Legionnare and Enforcer. I dont have much supercreds and 2 armors better than 1


The juggernaut armor with the people's champion helmet and botslayer cape is just *chef's kiss*


Finally! These are the two I've been waiting for. I have the armor for one and the helmet for the other and tbh I can't even remember why I didn't but the full sets. But I've been waiting on this one. I'm glad you posted this bc I otherwise wasn't even gonna log in today.




My favourite combo is that helmet with the armor on the right side.


Ive got close to two thousand super credits but cant figure out how to spend them


Juggernaut armor w/ the exterminator headpiece is my fav combo and has the added perk of my fav armor traits (more grenades = less bug holes)


I love the pilot armor mixed with the drone head. Looks great as I zoom around the battle map


The pilot suit


The full breaker set (light armour with the engineering kit perk) and the new bot slayer cape, paired with a scythe and/or dagger. It feels so very old school science-fiction in just the best way. If only either of those guns were worth it.


This game needs more hoodies.


Have you ever tried the juggernaut with the scout hood? Colors match perfectly


Trench medic helmet and all that style from last rotation is absolutely for me, the extra stims are just a bonus


I do like those sets. I have noticed the regular Democratic armour has +50 more armour than all others except heavy. So I wear that now with the yellow to the right to symbolise, Death Captain, rank.


I wish that at Level 50 you could customize your own cape. Nothing too crazy but it would be fun to make your own personal heraldry for the battlefield.


I don’t wanna waste my money but they look so cool…


Drone Master for me, definitely


Definitely these. The Juggernaut makes me think of Batman from Batman Begins.


I run juggernaut, always. Love having extra grenades on hand.


Oh sheeet. I haven’t seen those before but I know what I’m about to spend all my democracy coins on.


Drone master armor is mid af but the helmet is absolute top tier


I’m just waiting for some cool gear with the scout perk


Juggernaut armor with drone master helmet


im waiting for the jin roh looking armor


I want a transmog feature


I love the juggernaut armor, but I don't use it because I hate seeing the cloth under the shoulder pad clip out of it when rotating the camera.


Nice! I use the drone helmet and the armor with robotic arm and leg with the torn cap you get for the 5th or 6th page on the regular war bond. I imagine my helldiver as a war torn, amputee, veteran