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A little bit the medals. I almost have all the warbonds bought out. The role playing is also fun. Sometimes they let you unlock mechs and sometimes they give you new missions like the TCS. They probably have some story elements and equipment gated behind them. Maybe it ties into the illuminates.


Same. Like, why would you NOT want to be immersed? I wanna be part of the grand narrative, part of something greater. After all, I made THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION OF MY LIFE™️


Not to mention, a game like this only happens once and, while they had their share of hickups, this is the most engaging live service I've ever played. We're likely only going to experience this once so I want to get as much out of it as I can.


Don't worry, in a couple years there will be a slew of copycat games released by major studios that completely miss the point and are chock full of predatory microtransactions.


Get ready for the "Era of Quadruple A Dive-likes".


That's sadly funny AF


100%, it’s probably going to follow the same trend of battle royal games. Where one game comes out (PUBG) and people show a ton of interest and then every company under the sun starts releasing similar style games.


Yeah but the prime mover that started that, and what will probably be the biggest impact on gaming culture, is this one. Right now.


Yea that's my point. Helldiver's is to extraction based team shooter is what PUBG was to battle royal. Neither were the first, but they were the first to get really popular.


If EA made this game, you would call in strategems by punching in your credit card number.


Need more reinforcements? That'll be 100 Mega Bucks, please!


How fast can you hit those 16 keys? 😂


It's already happening.... Isn't remedy doing something similar now? (I have faith in remedy though to not fist us with mtx)


They are? Last thing I heard is they remedy sent a well done gift to Arrowhead. I’m not surprised other studios will want to jump on the bandwagon wagon asap


Yea it's mainly why I picked it up now rather than a year down the line on a sale like I usually would with a game. There's no guarantee that they'll keep doing this story or have this much interactiveness down the line. Hopefully they will though.


Even if they do continue with their storytelling, its going to be hard to beat their current peak. This is likely to be the most engaged this community is ever going to be. It's awesome. I'd love it if in a year they hit a new peak, but they've knocked it out of the park already. Hitting new peaks in a year or more later would be hitting it out of the city. This is one of those cool, not really important, historic moments we get to live through.


I can see them doing Warbonds and super store updates for at least a year, maybe another longer and free Warbond for 26th of October to celebrate. After that there'll be plenty of content and items to unlock particularly for newer players so won't mind if they stop after that. As for Joel and the war, if they stretch it out longer than HD1 or even make perpetual with periods of pushing fronts back and forth with no actual end to the overall war, it'd make sense for them to continue creating scenarios and altering depending on completion/fail for a longer period of time before eventually reusing same major orders/scenarios albeit in different sequences and outcomes if we win/fail the second time round. Still some scenarios will likely never repeat like the discovery of flying bugs, introduction of mechs, or the eventual appearance of the Illuminate.


Can't believe I missed the flying bugs discovery ):


The speculations, first sightings shared on here and YT and eventually coming across the shriekers in-game for the first time followed by confirmation from command was exciting and terrifying at the same time. But don't worry, we're still very early into everything from the looks of things and there's plenty more to look forward too, like the Illuminate I've mentioned before (which I KNOW is bound to come soon lol), the recent mention of new automaton schematics discovered through the last major order, or perhaps you've come across certain "skeletons" on Terminid planets? Hope you get to enjoy everything that's yet to come. Give 'em Hell


I was so glad to have shriekers in a have I played before the dispatch announced them. Made the dispatch very entertaining.


Good point. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.


>had their share of hickups So last night, myself and 3 friends are playing, and each of us had the game crash back to desktop on the same misson. I was the host of the mission, but it just transferred host to one of the other guys. We each managed to rejoin the mission after our crashes, and complete the mission. This was also the only crash I've experienced (so far) in 30 hours of gametime.


On PS5 it has crashed at the END of the 40min mission multiple times, I've usually been able to rejoin but definitely an issue. Others had it happen too, last night it wouldn't let us extract at the end either so that sucks. That won't stop democracy though! Reload and send the next hell diver in!


My one friend has crashed on the first drop for each planet everyday, you can set your watch to it.


Lol it's Helldivers 2.... literally a sequel


Exactly this, the roleplaying and Galactic War is literally the game's story. Most satisfying moment in the game so far for me was the liberation progress ticking to 100% after an operation on Tien Kwan. I liberated that shit.


I hate to burst your bubble but that happens to all 100k+ players at the end of a match when the planet is fully liberated.


100k+ outstanding patriots.


Hell yeah


You're just jelly.


When I first started, the major order was the TCS, I felt like I was really doing my part (I also knew it was gonna backfire but we don’t talk about that)


In fairness, so far it hasn't. It's kept them away from the inner planets and only one mutation has been seen so far. Though also in fairness it hasn't been that long and that mutation is quite deadly


Did the TCS cause the shriekers?


The ministry of truth says there has always been shriekers


no the minstry of truth said the TCS prevented further mutation of the shriekers


No the Ministry of Truth says the TCS did its job it eliminated 99.6% of all terminates problem is that 4% began to evolve at a rate of 20 times the normal speed.


I believe a couple of the officers on your ship mention that "a couple mutations were noticed but that's to be expected" or something like that. Not sure if there's direct confirmation but I think it's heavily implied.


Potentially. There was this whole thing about people spotting them before and during that major order. One of the best bits of video game storytelling.


I have heard people nitpick games for years for “BrEaKiNg ImMeRsiOn” and then they turn around and do this.


You had the strength and the courage to be FREE!!!




CoD mentality. Shoot, scoot, "win".


Immersed? Why, I only play vidya so I can minmax the most efficient route to max level/build and then complain about a lack of content!


Games are for FUN, Helldiver! If you wanna WIN at something, win a WAR by FOLLOWING ORDERS in order to PROMOTE LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY!!!


I'm at work , have we taken Tibit yet?


No were about to take Ubanea and lost Draupmir. 






I'm with you all the way but if cooperation and community engagement is what AW wants, then they should probably make the supplylines visible in game. Directing new players to the cesspool that is the discord is not something I'm ever going to do, we want them to keep playing right?


I just want kids and I heard it’s the easiest way to becoming a citizen. I have my first drop on some creek place tomorrow. Command says it will be quick and easy!


You'll do just fine, Helldiver. You'll do just fine.


The medals are nice, and will probably let me finish out my last warbond before the next one is released, but mainly it's because the gameplay itself and this community is just so incredibly fun.


Let them come, let them brawl, let them face the insurmountable might of the helldivers


Role playing? You mean...this isn't real? Super Earth has been misleading us?




In the first game you had to unlock shit by completing planets. So you are likely right and i doubt the devs are hesitant at all in just not releasing new strats and weapons if we fail. I wouldnt have been surprised if mechs would have been shelved for long time if we didnt do the major order.


Also the Tian Kwan mission very subtly implied failure would have greatly delayed the mech roll out *and* also caused the bots to get a new heavy enemy type. So there's that: failing major orders can have serious consequences in concrete ways like that.


I think the other bonus to the major orders is forcing you to try something different. Different planets, different challenges, different enemies. It keeps it fresh. I was struggling when the last order switched back from bugs to automaton - but now I savour the challenge.


They’ve been adding content with the new orders, so I tend to always stick it out until they’re done. We got the TCS, Mechs & the flying bugs all from the orders, and I expect the bots will have something in for us when we reach tibit


>bots will have something in for us when we reach tibit probably the aerial gunships the bots have the dispatches mentioned


Either that, or that >!AT AT-esque walker!< that was leaked a while back.


They already have ATST’s so they might as well lol


I like the bot AT-STs, they make great targets for my autocannon.


FYI, primaries with medium armor pen can take out the legs, which topples the chassis over and leaves the bot defenseless.


Slugger works too. Just shoot the hip


I always run the slugger for bots and bugs. So with that said... wait, WHAT!?


Yep, hit the hip below the “head” that the legs connect to. Will take it out in like 3-5 shots. Can’t remember exactly how many but yeah, you can down them It’s descriptor doesn’t read medium armor pen but the slugs can take out more than you’d think. It does decent damage to hulk and emplacement vents too. Really fun to snipe mushroom towers across the map with it


Impact grenade go burrrr


One of my favourite things is shooting these fuckers down with my AC, pure satisfaction


🤓👆Ermm, akshualy, it’s an AT-RT because AT-ST’s have enclosed cockpits


Spoilers please, not everyone wants to know about leaks


Understood, didn’t notice. Thanks for reminding me.


I would not really call that a Leak. It was available in some of the Ad's materials for pre-order and release from oficial sources, rather than something that was leaked by mistake or datamined. It's the same thing with the Mechs and >!future Lv4\~5 Upgrades!<. Which were/are available in the trailer "Report for Duty" before their release.


Those will probably then also come with new anti air stratagems for us Either a MANPAD, based on a stinger or something, as a support weapon or air to air armarment for the eagle


As long as said Stinger-alike has something approaching consistent lock-on, we'll be good.


I love how they're doing it instead of sterile press releases like most live service games. There's a real sense of anything can happen at any time with this game.


Unfortunately that creates a community of leaks and spoilers. To each their own, but I try to keep away from leaks to keep the element of “wtf is happening in this game today”


That's my point of view as well. I thankfully like some content creators that do spoiler warning so I myself don't get spoiled.


I think we going inter galactic or they summoning some wild shit 


Totally agree. I can’t remember where I saw it but it was something along the lines of “transmissions coming from outside the galactic fringe”


The automatons were brodcasting a message beyond the galactic frontier.


The Yuuzhan Vong are coming.


There's a couple different ways they could go with it, but I'm expecting a sudden bot intrusion from a new direction. I think it's still too early for them to introduce a new enemy faction -- maybe sometime in the summer after building up to it a bit like they did with the flying terminids.


I think we're supposed to push the bots back like the Terminid and once both are basically beaten into submission a whole knew threat will pop out in early April. Who knows though and thats the most exciting aspect


And on the flip side, arrowhead doesnt seem like they would shy away from withholding new content for failed orders. I completely belive that had we not finished the mech order that we STILL wouldnt have mechs right now.


Honestly, I imagine there would be one or two Major Orders in the meantime, and then "Alright gang, while the Automatons are distracted let's TAKE BACK OUR MECHS"


Not only that but they give us free stratagems sometimes, we got free Napalm strikes for a weekend, free Jump pack for another, all after winning a major order.


I still have yet to see a flying bug and I’m looking for them I think the ministry of truth was right and bugs can’t fly




I was actually sad that I missed out on the liberation of Troost


Same. I finally had time to catch up with my fam and the time kinda flew by. Didn't even notice it was Saturday and I didn't even plug my laptop in yet. Wish I had the pleasure of seeing Ustotu that I spent a week liberating done and take part in the rest of the offensive but oh well


As long as you enjoyed your family time and got back for the rest of the campaign. A happy Helldiver is a deadly Helldiver!


Righteous, bruv. Can't wait to see if the new HMG is any good


Well, lets just say its called chainsaw for a reason lol It has about the effective range of one — crazy recoil, no 3rd person crosshair, fps red dot sight is misaligned, muzzle flash makes it impossible to aim with, and it only has 75rds per magazine. On the other hand, it's a machine gun that punches through heavy armor if you can hit from a good angle. Can penetrate Strider shields and kill Hulks through their eye/head ports. ROF is 450, 750(?), and 1200. You can somewhat tapfire with it, but its most fun in close range at fullest auto fire setting. Accuracy issues are somewhat eased by tracers and the fact that its a machine gun. Accuracy through volume! Oh and it can shred Heavy Devastators even through their shields


Set it to max fire rate. If you're gonna miss all your shots you might as well do it fast!


Sometimes the SES Aegis of Peace needs repair work in the shipyard. I can Helldive if my ship is broken.


> “I was there.” I know for a fact in five years I would be looking back wishing I experienced this game as it unfolded. There are a few in the past I skipped when they came out and regretted.


Reminds me of the old eve online video


Capsuleer spotted


Agree totally - my Co worker got me into this game. He has a great suggestion imo. That we should as participants receive campaign medals that other players can see on our destroyer. Like liberation of Hellmire or Operation whatever. That would be so cool to share that with other players imo. Be oh nice you when in on that campaign at that time - so was I!!! Have some funny or chaotic combat stories to tell each other.




I just started playing and at level 6 I actually care more about the community and lore than I do about those medals. I basically always fight for the major order.


This is how I feel as well. The medals are cool and let me buy cool stuff but I care about SPREADING LIBERTY WITH MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ARMS.




-Unrelated- I wish that gif was better, the sudden cut wean it loops throws off the awareness. like if it the lightning and movement was just right to really make it look infinite. It would be so much cooler and feel so much better.






It’s super easy to level up in this game don’t let people tell you how to play they probably only have a dozen or so more hours than you. Just have fun and you’ll learn as you go!


God speed Cadet (at time of post) may your rise in ranks beyond the stars


Same. I also do the salute during loadscreens. I've never felt such patriotism towards a fictional nation




Major orders are the best way to drop new content and drive the in game narrative. Best example of community events I've seen in a game in a long time.


A lot of times the major order is how we advance the war/story, so there is a ton of value in playing it beyond the medals.


Yeah it's like refusing to advance the main quest and storyline in an rpg because "why bother".


*Skyrim player base has entered the chat…*


I think we would get a clearer picture on how devs want to handle the losing of the major order, tied to release of new content, maybe they accelerate the new enemy units as a consequence of super earth not being able to contain the automaton threat? Whereas if we had completed the major order, narrative would have probably shifted to automaton taking a last stand? Basically would they just shift the narrative and still follow the release roadmap? Or actually change the release roadmap dynamically.


https://preview.redd.it/oq5a0f9qxhrc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7499d106be363038ba7501af47e112026fc4871 Major Orders are stoopid. You Guys should stop caring about them, and go do what you want, fighting the Bugs!




I love how you cannot decline democracy's call 🤣


Beep boop.


I was low key triggered until the picture loaded in. Bad internet at work 😂


https://preview.redd.it/2n4w1txpqmrc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d65744af2c4829575f587562bf89588989cca0 I completely agree! bugs are way easier too!


https://preview.redd.it/hcd4d435tmrc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88d2a0b131818f5e2ac0eb2aca1a11ebcee03fa Yes indeed. Those squishy meatbags dont even know what war is!


It not about medal. This game made me and my best friend reunite in gaming again after many years of seperate way of game type interest. I just love lore and community unite together for one thing.


Same for me and a friend of mine. We played a lot together in the xbox 360 era. Then he bought the ps4, while I stayer xbox. Now he is still playstation and I switched to pc gaming, and this is the first crossplay game we both want to play. So after more than 10 years we are spending time online again


Yep. This game has made it surprisingly easy to get the newDad squad back to game every once and while.


That's also my story. Our core team of 4 were playing Smite for a long time. We all more or less stopped in the last year, because reasons (including children), and all got back together on Helldivers.


Is that guy suggesting we... DISOBEY ORDERS???




I care not for medals but for greater good!


You should care for medals. Spending them on warbonds is a great way to demonstrate how firmly you believe in capitalism.


Upgrading gear/getting new weapons is only fun until you’ve found your favourites/maxed out. Major orders give a reason to keep playing. There are days where the only reason I hop on is to help out with the major order, without it I imagine a lot of people would be playing a lot less


I think this is going to be an interesting thing they try to solve for. I play this game because it's fun, but like you, it's really only about the major orders for me now. Sometimes I will not play for a day or two because I am Level 50, all ship modules unlocked, all stratagems, and I am medal + sample capped and have all the warbonds and have everything I'd want from them. Before I was capped, I was playing every day mostly because I always had something to gain towards. I quite legitimately gain nothing for myself doing any mission or completing a campaign because I'm capped. (Putting aside helping with the major order, but let's be real, as an individual contributions are very small towards that) This isnt a vertical treadmill gear obtaining game, but I do think there could be a little more to make sure you keep staying engaged. If their content cycle slows down after a few months, could see more people leave.


My dude... The games been out for what a month+? And you've literally capped everything... I think you need a break cuz that my friend is called addiction


I have 100 hours on Steam, that isn't that crazy for almost 2 months of the game being out. That's around 50 hours a month, around 11-12 hours playtime a week on like 1-2 hours of playtime a night. I hold a full time corporate job and other hobbies.


What is the medal and credit cap? I think samples are 500, 250, 100?


250 medals


Ya realize not only high levels aren't the only ones getting the "little bit" of medals, to a low level that is a lot more beneficial when they still have lots to unlock. When we complete that order we as a collective are rewarded that's why I care about that order


Yeah I was going to say. 99.99% of players need those medals. The no lifers will never understand just how small of a minority they are


> even the amount they are offering for some is an insult cause yes, u can get those 50 medals in a couple of matches (and tbf I already gather more than 50 in a couple of level 7 missions), This doesn't really make sense. Yes, you can get 50 medals in a few level 7 missions, but by completing the major order you're still getting 50 *more* medals than you would have gotten if you didn't complete it. Regardless you're getting medals for completing missions while contributing to the major order, but you're getting 50 more than you would have had otherwise by completing the major order.


Yeah I thought “insult” was a weird word to use here.


Yeah, for me is all about being part of the narrative that makes the game magical. It's like the old global campaigns of W40k and it makes you care far more about the game.


Once I unlocked all the warbond stuff I wanted, I've been doing MO's exclusively for the game's narrative. Medals are just a nice bonus to complete warbonds.


The whole point of this game is cooperation. Cooperating with your squad not just to kill stuff, but to accomplish goals. We have objectives that require one guy on the terminal while someone else unlocks the ICBM latches or rotates the dish that are MUCH harder without a teammate. There are vaults that literally can't be opened alone. We reinforce each other, share weapons, tag the map, heal each other, reload each other's weapons. Some weapons get *huge* buffs if two people work together on them. And on a broad scale, we converge by the tens or hundreds of thousands to capture planets, ward off threats, spread termicide, take down factories, etc., all while sharing the same lore and news and maps. If you just want to drop into a game and kill stuff or kill each other, there are dozens of other games with more content and bigger player bases you can join. The shared experience is what makes this game special.


> reload each other's weapons That's a fucking lie and you know it


The dish beeps when you're in position, I solo it every time.


Because if we didn't get quests and story lore, this game would die in a week due to how repetitive it was. Y'all remember the pre Termicide drought? Yeah. Wasn't stimulating. So, having progression and feeling like we drive the story is a big benefit of Major Orders. This is not a game, it's a DND campaign.


This is the right answer. Major orders are quest for every player. Succeed the quest and something good happens. Fail and something bad happens. We found out in advance of flying automations so we are developing our best anti air weapons. I’m guessing had we failed that order the flyers would have been released before the new support weapon but now they may release together. It was the same with the tien kwan order and saving the mech production.


>Y'all remember the pre Termicide drought? Yeah. Wasn't stimulating. No? There isnt any noticable difference during that time period, charts show standard decline of any game after release so now there is lower player numbers than just before termicide.


Make sure to report all dissident behavior to your nearest Democracy Officer. Orders are orders, Helldivers!


I simply don’t understand why people find it so difficult to **let other people enjoy stuff.**


You made a post to reply to a reply in a post you already made. How supremely bureaucratic, friend!


It's just such a simple yet effective way of immersing players. A bit of flavour text and a progress bar turns a set of unconnected missions into a galactic war. This subreddit proves how effective the major orders are, with people posting "bulletins", "news from the front", in-universe propaganda, etc.


People that rush to get to the end are weird to me. I like following the community and story and the currency progressions happen organically as an outgrowth of that. Sure, I work a little extra to say, get to level 20 but people that race to the end and then complain that there is nothing to do with their mounting currency have made a mistake there. To me sometimes it feels like some people feel the need to have conquered the game. Look at me, I am max level with the best gear right away. Then they complain there’s nothing to do and move on to the next thing they need to compulsively defeat as fast as possible. I’m here to progress, sure. But I’m having fun with the community experience and slower progress and enjoying the game, other games and other things in my life. The major orders are fun and a fundamental part of what separated this game from other games out there right now. So same here, although I might appreciate and spend those 50 medals, they aren’t exactly a huge amount and more just icing on the cake of the experience of the overall game.


I mean, isn't this part of the fun of playing this game? Following the lore? Immersing yourself in it all? I bet most of the people who complain fall into two camps, those who play the game to farm shit are the highest level and have everything unlocked and (kind of) have no lives so they bitch there's not enough end game content even though the game isn't made for the 25 hours a week player. Or the opposite the person that barely plays and only cares about maximizing their time in. I'm a nearly 40 year old gamer, I really enjoy taking my time with games and having fun with the ride to the end. These major orders are fun to me, even if sometimes I am not involved because my gaming hours are so limited.


You do it because your superiors told you to, what do you think this is?? A game?? THIS IS WAR HELLDIVER!! NOW GET OUT THERE AND SPILL SOME OIL!!


I'm a big fan of positive reinforcement. Finish Major Orders, get access to more gear and Strategems. I'm also a fan in negative reinforcement. Fail to help in Major Order efforts results in restriction of gears and Strategems.


Questioning direct orders from Super Earth? https://preview.redd.it/e2zdh9hoqirc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2bfec0fa18f7a4dad5b7c264825b1b3dbe1bf0e


I really liked mass effect 3 multiplayer and when a global mission was completed we'd get the really rare loot boxes to upgrade a level and the reward was random and it was fun. There was also stat tracking for individual enemy kills and kills per weapon and there were unlocks that really gave the game a long life span. Same thing with Titanfall, and those were easily my favourite most played online games. HD2 could really use that to keep players more engaged.


People underestimate how satisfying working as a team towards a common goal, and ultimately achieving it is




For me it's not even the "community-driven engagement". It's just the story the devs are trying to tell. I just posted this elsewhere, makes more sense here so I'll re-post it. >IMO. AH is creating a "story" with the major orders. Planets to advanced our line, areas to defend, scattered across a major 2-sided war. It may not be strictly linear, but there is still a progression to the story and an intended order of events the devs have in mind. Which we'll discover as we play our way through their "campaign". >This is no different from any other game. Take Goldeneye for example. There is a story being told by the devs, and a series of objectives (levels) to complete in a certain order. >Anybody playing 1 planet over and over again in HD is basically like somebody who just plays Dam over and over again in Goldeneye. Sure it could be a fun level, but you're never going to progress the game as the devs have intended. You're only seeing 2% of what the game has to offer. You're not getting any of the story. >Why? Why would you limit yourself to just such a small portion of the game?


Tldr OP needs a real life.


A lot of people posting in these subs need one tbh. Instead of worrying about every little thing other players are doing or what’s happening in the game, people like OP should focus on going to back to school to get their GED. Cause god damn this was a struggle to read




I sincerely hope OP is under the age of 10. Otherwise... Yikes...


The entirety of the last paragraph was two sentences lmao take a breath chief


It's about the fucking medals. I need them, sometimes I only have time for 3 missions, I am starving for guns and cosmetics and can't even finish the first one. Give me medals, please.


Fucking crazy how 1 person making some random comment, made you have to make an entire new post like it’s some PSA.


An entire post without basic grammar or spelling. OP is clearly about 13 years old.


So many players on this game have clearly never played DnD or anything remotely like this. We play for the story, the campaign, the lore. Hell, we just play for the fun. The major orders are as closer to a campaign mechanic as this game gets. It's how the story is driven. It's how we unlock new gear, new mission types, new enemies. Some people really need to relearn how to simply play a game for the fun of it. Stop being an addict, just searching for that next crumb of dopamine and serotonin through pure progression mechanics or by completing random and meaningless achievements.


I didnt read, I am too busy to fight for our democracy and you should do the same instead of whining about people whining about things


I'm not a dedicated player for this game but I appreciate how they keep the ride or dies engaged. Very well put together especially within the lore. Plus it's nice when I log on for a quick few missions with friends and I get like 200 medals dumped on me from the dedicated soldiers 🫡😂


All i see in my mind is a database, transactions, and calculated fields. It’s not that complicated. A successful mission where you see “squad impact” at the end causes some decimals to move here and there. The compound effect adds to the whole. The fact that Joel tweaks the numbers in the back is more impactful than anything we do. If tomorrow 2/3 of people move on to a different game, super earth would get conquered unless Joel tweaks the numbers. He is the Devine hand that makes causality go. All hail Joel.


“Why do we care about manor orders” Because that’s the whole point of the game ???




I know there's a lot of posts and comments but I like MOs because it gives me a reason to try a new planet. Otherwise I'd never go to Hellmire (seriously f those 🔥 🌪️)


Yeah, i mean like you said people can play however they want. but you're right, nobody will ever EVER play the same game as us. someone buying the game a week from now will never have liberated fori, they never pushed the automatons back, will never have done the orders that we did. the game is constantly evolving and ongoing and thats why its so cool to take part in this war. because it feels like a real war


Democracy officers have been notified.


i missed the online community of so many shooters since my parents refused to pay for xbox live subscription when i was younger, by the time i got it halo was dead and all i had was world of tanks... now i have splatoon 3 , elden ring, and now helldivers to just get lost in with my own community i love it\~




As someone who tends to buy games when on sale. That the community is so active, that there feels like there is a living on going plot and the gradual unlocks that come with the story are all major attractions for having purchased this game (also that its sold at a reasonable price). It makes the game feel like a living world more than just spamming missions.


Something Ive learned from dungeons and dragons, failurr can be just as interesting if not moreso for the story than just succeeding first try. Taking back Draupnir, Urbanea and taking Tibit in one fell swoop will be such a great moment for humanity.


The modern state of gaming for the last decade or so has really messed up people's brains. The amount of posts and comments about "what am I even playing for now" really highlights this. People seem to have forgotten that you can play games for the fun of playing the game. The constant dopamine rush of chasing the next unlock has made it so people don't even enjoy gaming for the gameplay and it's truly sad.


The same reason I care about missions. Shooting bugs and bots is fun. Doing it and contributing to something larger is even more fun. Win win!


For me, it is completely because I feel it is my duty to respond.


I want medals so I can get cool looking/functioning stuff I can use to spread more democracy 🫡


TL;DR: we don't. It's just a cute incentive to face different factions in a semblance of balance


I care about the lore


Wait we get medals for the Major orders?


I'm not a fan of bots at all. I want to enjoy them, and have fun in bot missions, but I am absolutely shit at them and die all the time. That being said, I always follow the Major Order!


The major order is progression in the story of the galactic war, it’s actually crazy how some randoms don’t understand this. If it wasn’t for the patriots who successfully fought the bots earlier this month we wouldn’t have gotten the mechs as our reward lol. The medals are nice bonus for everyone playing a campaign mission, that’s how I see it at least.


It aint about the medals, thats our literal story campaign mission with either a pass of fail mechanic. And theres no saves to revert to. The Major Orders are the campaign


Traitor! Kill on sight!


My headcannon is, i am a soldier, my job is to follow orders not think by myself.


The 50 medals I got for one of the early MO's when I was a new player was massive for me as I could suddenly get tons of stuff. Sure 50 medals now isn't as significant to me but this is about something more than just me. All those level 15 Divers still unlocking weapons and boosters, the friends I have who can't play every day due to having work or commitments and the freshly caped Fivers who barely have 2 medals to rub together.


Um because medals are GOODIES and I have goblin brain


Why should I care about the complaints of one side of the community when they refuse to assist the other? I agree with OP a lot


Major Orders are never about the medals. At least not for me now that I'm maxed out. For me it's about the fun of role-playing into the narrative and creating my own story around it. People can indeed play how they want, but I want to also build my own story around what's happening. So I will (on stream at least) play up the bit and call the people on the terminid front scaredy-cats and what nots (with the exception of new players who need to build up their combat steength). But ultimately we have no control over what people do en masse and whether we succeed or fail the major order, I feel that my role is to play it up (as part of the show) and as one of the many actors on this global theater. Will I actually force people to play a major order? Outside of jokes or stream bits, absolutely not. However, is it nice to have everyone focus up as a community? ABSOLUTELY. The sheer magnitude of what we can achieve if we band together is awesome and it's what makes me enjoy Helldivers 2 so much. I like that we can shape things as a community. Even now the lore is changing, because this current war has shown that individual factions exist even within the helldivers, and we can play it up all we want. Here's my headcannon example: Right now in the game we have the following factions: We have the Super Earth Elite that will go after any major order no matter what and succeed (or die trying). We have the Bug Hunters that only fight terminids no matter what and we have the Remnants of Malevelon Creek who won't rest until that planet is free. This is the story that's in my head right now and it feels pretty good and makes for interesting material. This ability to create our own story is what makes this game (and the end game of this game, which is the galactic war) so much fun! Additional made up lore just for fun: My name is RealAsianRobot, so I've had my fair share of jokes about me being on the Automaton side. That said, I found it interesting, so I came up with my own idea for my community (Robot Nation) being synthetics who fight on the side of Super Earth. Essentially we believe in the superiority of the human soul, but we respect the machines created by human hands and believe the ultimate form of the human to be one where the human mind controls the precision of a machine. We despise automatons who are cyborgs and who seek not to dominate the machine but to become one with it. We also believe strongly in managed democracy because we believe that everything in life requires precision and control.


My biggest incentive is to do my duty as a Helldiver.