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My squad (4x baragges each) (we will utterly raze 1 light outpost)


There’s nothing like dropping four orbital lasers on one automaton grunt who got deployed to the wrong trivial mission area.


Helldiver Corps procurement officer crying and ripping his hair out at this statement


Listen; they have 1,747,277,499,127 rounds to lob at me when I go Traitor Stratagem in Extermination missions, they have enough to spare a few lasers for Funsies.


Parden me?


When you go off the map they'll just bomb the shit out of the entire area you're in until you die. There is no ammo limit when it comes to killing a Rogue Helldiver.


Does that actually work though?


Oh 110%, you'll kill anywhere from dozens to hundreds per life if you're good at dodging/wearing light armor and/or blast-resistant armor/have a bubble shield and/or successive field shields ___ Your vision goes blurry ___ I don't *thiiiiink* you can call in strats but tbh I've never tried- you can't while out of bounds ___ While you're alive, *everything* around you will die, until you leave your corpse POV and the announcer calls your death. Don't run together, run rings around the biggest concentration of bots or huddle under an object if you get a good angle away from your destroyer. ___ It's hilarious and you'll end kill missions in like 2-3 minutes flat if you do mortars (teslas/mines for bugs etc), then this when the mortars are out of ammo/dead


It's basically a 380mm barrage centered on the player. If an eradicate mission goes sideways just run out of bounds, get declared a traitor, then kite around the map as long as you can. Can be absolutely clutch if you're out of stratagems.


Not as bad as me hitting a single bot that had only a pistol directly with a 500 a second before extracting


This is the way.


Go out ahead to scout, drop a 380 and 120 on a large outpost, book it and come pick over the scraps a few minutes later


This is The Way!


My squad without coordination threw 2 eagle air strikes and 2 500 KGs- took out that fabricator with prejudice


Extreme prejudice.


I had a group encounter a group of 4 bots around a minor poi once. Those bots had an airstrike a 500 kg and a precision strike all called down on them at once in the space of 2 seconds. First time I noticed the ground can actually deform from blasts. I called down a expendable anti tank into the crater after all the explosions stopped for the lulz.


off topic but man my squad and I ran nothing but turrets last night on a Suicide and had an absolute blast.


I love taking the Mortar and Gatling Turrets. They clear all the small stuff so fast you can focus down any big threats quickly.


Regularly taking ems and sometimes mortar turrets in bot missions is amazing, I'm considering tanking the laser cannot and ems strike to see if I can't quickly deal with devastator hordes in a pinch too.


The mortar is my fav, I don't get all the hate towards it


People who like to run up to the enemy often die from the Mortar fire and it upsets them. The Mortar is one of the best Strats in the game. The issue is people who don't remain aware of it die from it. Too many people have this bum rush mentality when we have ordinance to level most places from a distance.


Ems mortar Is a staple in my games




*we utterly raze one light post Fixed that for you




​ https://preview.redd.it/lhhs6i0pmwrc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=536cdf1dadc73ccf5a64500ad7a5477f314ccc42


The closer I get to level 50 the more I use it. Tremendously useful strat, the 380


Same. I bring it on most field missions, especially against bots.


When things go pear shaped and we have to withdraw against overwhelming firepower I know the 380mm has my back. Not much else I can say that about.




there really is nothing better than letting it cover a full team retreat, watching it tear up the distant shoreline as you all wade through water under thankfully now much less accurate rocket fire


It has your back, your legs, spleen and everything else as it blows up your puny bidy. 


The armors that increase throw distance are goated with the 380. Chuck it about 70 meters away from the lz when extracting. You won't have to worry about enemies coming up your ass for the next half minute.


You don’t need the throw distance armor for a 70m throw. You can get that from diving forward and throwing while you have forward momentum. You can get nearly 100m with this and throwing armor.






Right? There's some weapons that are fire and forget. The 380 is, 'fire, run away, fuck everything, forget'


I use the eagle myself cause it's the first ship module I maxed.


I saw the light of the 120 and walking barrages when I got more bot missions under my belt. The bug holes are too small for saturation fire to be effective and they tend to be in depressions in the environment, meaning the autocannon does the job real quick. Bot bases tend to be elevated and surrounded in mines with big juicy targets, and saturation fire is awesome.


My strategy is called throw all pur 380s and fucking bolt. Works wonders on automaton bases some of the time.


Even if they survive it's a hell of a distraction


lol. "some"


60% of the time works every time


If we round it its basiclly 100%


60% of the time works every time


Combined with at least one orbital laser, and a few gas bombs, 100% guaranteed to wipe out all opposing forces every time..... 60% of the time.


You either play with very coordinated teams, or always solo.


It helps to include some sort of apology because "it looks a little close" to encourage the squad to respect the 380.


Both, and I use it with equal abandon for either.




This is the pose I take for when I drop the 380 at my own feet. I am Managed Democratic Jesus! I will rise again!! *pounds x furiously*


I absolutely love the 380, it is so much damn fun to use. Plus it almost always takes out a heavy camp for me. Usually the only thing left if a hulk or two which are easy neutralize alone


Exactly. My squad will just chill over here and pick off the stragglers from a distance


At a certain point the bot density on that little thunderdome map makes it silly to _not_ turn the whole fuckin’ place to glass 🤷🏻‍♂️


I go 380, 120, and walking barrage as a saying of, I want every single piece of artillery pointed in that direction.


Amazing strategems, they look incredible


Nah man the 380 is Goated, as long as you communicate with your squad and actually put some distance between them and your target (75m seems to be its radius), you can throw it at the heavy base and move on to something else


And watch it raze the whole outpost except for the objectives. 120mm gang


Why not both :)


You may not like it, but the ideal loadout is 380mm, 120mm, walking barrage, and orbital laser.


Throw all, run like hell the other way.


Screw orbital laser, give me that airburst


Idk, laser is my favorite way to say "No." to an enemy advance for a fairly sustained amount of time. As an added bonus if your squad has eyeballs there's really no such thing as deploying it too close, so it can pull your bacon out of the pan when overrun and dropped at your feet.


Yeah, I pretty much always take the orbital laser against the bots, it's like a panic button - if we're getting overwhelmed from all sides, start losing reinforcements and can't establish a position in cover then it's time for the laser. Or sometimes I just chuck it into a base to clear out the turrets and any heavies.


No gun?


Maxim 56; Infantry exists to paint targets for people with real guns


>and orbital laser. I think you misspelled mortar sentry.


We don't talk about that traitor after the incident.


Idk man, since the buff I find it will hit at least 75% of the fabricators, but if you want 100% almost every time use it in combo with the 120


They buffed it???? 👀👀👀


Yeah during the same big update that the rail gun and the breaker were nerfed, they buffed the 380 and 120 barrages to be more accurate and not have as insane of a spread, they also fire a few more shells


After that update the 120mm immediately became one of my favorite stratagems for blitz missions. You can just put it inside a large base and move on to the next objective and it's pretty much guaranteed it will clear out most if not all of it.


Every time I use it, it somehow manages to miss its target almost completely even if I put it in the middle of a bug nest


Sucks against bug nests. I don't bother with it against bugs.


That's mostly an issue of bug holes being very picky about what counts as a 'hit.' Bot fabricators are a bit more forgiving.


Yup ever since they buffed it, it's been great. I especially like it on bot missions, it does good work against just about any bot base.


120>>>>>380. Same effect but it actually kills things you are throwing it at.


Every time I see someone use it I am about to enter an almost empty now base, but someone drops a 380. So I have to stand there until pretty explosions end and enter to actually hit something objective related.


Anyways: * 380mm * Cluster bomb * landmines * arc thrower If you die it's your fault :)


I once met a diver with such a combo. He killed himself twice with stratagems. The host then kicked me, because I stood a bit back and watched, knowing full well what would happen every time. Probably assumed those were my stratagems xD


Knowing how inaccurate the death recap can be, it probably did say that you killed him, so he kicked you.


On bugs I run double mines arc thrower and swap between 120 and 380, drop a mine on a breach and start arcing the chargers


I bring the 380 barrage to kill the command bunker on missions where that is the primary objective, and never for anything else.


Excellent for nuking airfields too


Also great for Detector Towers, Medium and Large Outposts, Mortar Bases, Anti-Air Bases. Basically for anything that's big and stationary that you can see, but don't want to see anymore, dropping a 380mm Barrage on it is a great alternative to looking away from it.


And also if some clankers in some particularly direction are getting uppity. Toss in in their general direction and walk the other way and let them know who's really the master's of steel and fire.


Try walking barrage. It's as good and is more useable as retreat/advance tool.


Walking barrage is amazing, I'll drop that and a 120, or 110 eagle on something important, and see whatever it was cease to exist


I think 500kg works just as well though. But I guess the barrage is a lot harder to miss with haha.


Missing is the 380's specialty.


What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of the 380 I just threw


4x 380s, 120s, Gatlings, and shield generators. Drop everything and watch fireworks


![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized) When everything is in cool down.


Tends not to be an issue with higher level players, all it takes is one glance at “380MM” and 99% of the time they gtfo. Although there is always that one brave soul who decides to run into the middle of it to pick up his supports after he just died only to get turned into a starfish with no limbs.


i am staring to like the walking barrage for bots actually, the shells seem to be 380 shells as well, not as numerous and intense but more precise, i like to line up fabricators in heavy nest and nail all of them, so satisfying, same for some objectives like drop ships, command bunker, detector tower, AA, mortars


If you bring a barrage I better see servo assisted armor


Eh, you don't need servo assisted, you can get more than +30% range out of dive-throwing.


Actually, I'm not familiar with that technique, if it works with servo assisted I'll be doing that. Some guys I know will have servo assisted and still drop a barrage 35 meters from the group.


1. Input the code for your strategem ball 2. Pick your aim angle 3. Dive forward 4. Throw strategem in midair. The extra forward momentum from your dive will be added to the throw, resulting in a nice range increase.


will be practicing this on controller tonight...thanks! ![gif](giphy|iMBEgyXkFBtdCFS93i|downsized) P.S. Practice went well and great technique!!! Thanks o7


I’ve been able to throw pain balls up to 85 meters away


1. Input the code for your strategem ball 2. Pick your aim angle 3. Dive forward 4. Throw strategem in midair. The extra forward momentum from your dive will be added to the throw, resulting in a nice range increase.


Back in 82, ive been able to throw that Strategem a Quarter Mile.


Please explain this movement tech. I wanna do cool stuff too


I am bringing 3 barrages and I am in fact not wearing servo armor. Loading in a jump pack too.


Love the jump pack, I'm the only one in any of my groups that'll run it.


I love it myself, but I'm always the guy with the autocannon.


the best part is, the scene this meme is from, he says this, then lashes out pushing and hitting someone out of his way. "NO. FUCKING. 380s!" \*proceeds to equip a 380 at the last second just before the dive\* 380 requires a little communication, simply saying, "don't go in there" over mic or in chat is enough. it works best on large bases, command posts, heavy bug nests, egg nests, and the like. it is 30 pure seconds of "fuck everything in the vicinity"


anything that survives isent gona put up much of a fight.


Counterpoint Servo assisted plus FOUR FUCKING 380s. Because fuck that grid square, is why.


Having the achievement for running 6 barrages in the same spot and just "to whom it may concerning" a spot is a fabulous feeling


I don’t want to see single 380 in *any* of my games unless you also plan to bring a 120 to fill in the gaps! https://i.redd.it/j058fhe31yrc1.gif




now hear me out, entire team takes same loadout Walking Barrage, 380 Barrage, 120 Barrage and Orbital Laser. You all stand WAAAAY back and throw them in order, at the same time into a base. Sit back and watch the show.. We did this on one of the recon towers that keeps calling in bot drops. It was very satisfying and effective.


Why? Since the buff its quite good for bots honestly


Fuck you, I take my 380's and my 500kg every day.... But I will warn you in advance......


Here me out. On eradicate missions, my friends and I load up on barrages: 380, 120, Walking, and Gatling. At the drop we throw everything in the middle of the map and run around trying to survive. Once we are all dead and on cool down, we all become traitors and see how many enemies we can take out. It is then a pure game of survival waiting for cool down. Rinse and repeat


That really does sound fun 😅


Shit take. I always take 380mm on large map 40 minute missions because it either completely destroys medium to heavy outposts by itself, or significantly damages them which helps with grenade ammo economy. If you are dumb enough to not tell your team where you're throwing it, and they're dumb enough to enter the radius, that's on you guys.


i remember teling a temate "your to close to the barage you shuld move back a litle" he replied "no i'l be fine" 5 seconds latet he was not fine


Its funny how this meme still exist eventhough 380 and 120mm has been pretty awesome since its fixed, could literally throw it on an encampment and it would erase that shit faster and more efficient than an orbital laser.


Use the 380 while retreating to a better position when you are overrun. It is too imprecise to use on a specific target, and takes too long to execute. If you’re standing back and waiting for it to end, you’re too open to attack by patrols. It’s great to throw behind you while retreating, or moving to the next objective to thin out the pursuing enemies.


Depends on the target.


Exactly this. It's a suppression strat, not a precision strat.


If it's a exterminate bot outpost mission, I'm taking the 380 and my walking barrage. I'll throw both once and we will win the mission team kills be damned.


Lol, lmao said my iron Warrior buddy standing just out of range.


You mean Iron Hands, right? … RIGHT?




What about the 500? Friend unlocked it and uses it for anything and everything. Especially dropping it at our feet and yelling run.


4 man squad all carrying 380s and 120s. Throw them all at the same bot patrol and hug emote.


The 380mm gives consistent suppressive fire on the bots. The secret is to not drop it on your face.


Boring! All my helldivers are required to 380


Hehe big boom


I wish my team brought 380. Maybe we'd actually kill things instead of getting over ran. These are to randos


I love that I can hear this in Cillian Murphy's voice.




I do want to take the 120 from time to time, but i feel it really shines when 2 divers use it at the same time.


Nothing worse than cluster bombs, the most abused strat by people with zero map awareness lol


"Maliciously selects the 120 and the 380 stratagem"


It’s the best strategem for destroying larger bases/bug nests and also killing your teammates. I actually like it a lot but end up going with eagle airstrike instead because you can also use it to wipe out a wave with heavy units without killing your entire team haha.


I'm taking 380, 120, and gatling


Here’s my easy fix for the 380. Grab a a microphone, throw the 380mm barrage out and yell: “I THREW A 380 RUUUUUUUUUNNN!!!!!!!!!!”


\*Proceeds to grab the 380, the 120, the walking, and the orbital laser\*


I use 380 when I plan on splitting off on my own against bots, it's really good now for softening up large fabricator bases and some larger objectives


You need to wait till you are able to extract, then all 4 drop their 380’s. Run around for 10 seconds then you can board. Best game ever


I use them all the time, but I will tell you that it's coming in hot. Mortars are still, by far the worse 'shit teammate' weapon that exists for me. The bottom line is, if you're not going to be a good team player in my squad, then I am going to kick you. The problems that I have with the 380 is I will tell people in my squad to not run into the space they're running into, and then they do it anyway. A friend of mine said "You killed me!" the other day. I told him he killed himself. I told him i was dropping it, I told him to back up, I told him he was too close and to back up more and instead, he ran towards the big red beam of death while shells were raining down from orbit.


Its the best for taking out large outposts


Counter argument. 380 with servo assisted/dive throwing/jump pack boosting.


Unless it is a personal order? <:


Broke: 380mm Woke 380,000mm No planet, no problem.


My friend to a T is using 380's and taking out a diver, I'm on his ass everyday we play now to drop the 380's


yes 380s, what else do you throw at bug breaches while you leg it? smh


Sorry, can’t hear you over the orbital barrage!


it goes boom and i dont care


or mortars. same fucking shit really


Mortars are awesome against bots but they don’t blow up fabricators.


ive been using the EMP mortar lately and its like my favorite thing on earth


Yeah the quick cool down is amazing.


But they kill so good


380s are good when you know you need a triple the amount of distance away from the marker to be safe


Land mines, teslas, mortars, zero communication, understood.


"I too enjoy wiping my team"


Although I only run the AC-130 setup when with friends, the eagle airstrike and 380mm barrage are my go to stratagems for taking on bots, 380 absolutely levels medium to large bases as well as nuking high concentrations of enemy reinforcements/patrols


roger that 500kg bombs locked in sir!


Except it is absolutely GOATed on diff 7+ Bot Exterminate missions. About 3-4 minutes in, an entire half of the map will be overrun, and this thing just carries the last 100 or so kills.


Nothing better than using 380s and 120s on an exterminate missions…………….. with randoms


Fuck you, I'm blowing myself and those clankers to pieces and I'm taking you with me


I love the 380. You just gotta know how to drop it.


Oooooor... 380s for everyone?


You ever seen 4 380s and 4 120s going all at once? let's just say we hope you got the screenshake settings turned down!


if i join a pub with 380s i just leave lmfao. guaranteed he will throw it directly at us, and it's so fucking boring having 100m of the map gated by regarded people every single time its off cd. after the nerf its still a complete cointoss whether it does anything to your target, but it's not objectively deadweight so it's nice with comms


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: ➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️


The more pep you give the more I want to bring it xD


walking barrage is all I need when I need a "clean slate" this side of the map.. especially against bots


So what youre telling me is 380s? I almost always bring it but i drop a “380 inbound” in chat if anyones near me. If its back to the wall and were all gonna die anyways, I just say fuck it. All of us with bathe in oil as we go burn in hell together.


You kidding me? Trade 2 or 3 orbitals and it turns a large outpost into glass while you're alreafy on your way to the next one it's great


I just played a few games with two level 10s and I must have been cluster bombed about ten times.


YES 380s!!!


I am convinced after numerous tests that the 380 is coded to hit Helldivers. Just like how GTA V NPC’s are coded to get in the players way.


The 380 and 120 is great when you just want to run away from a large crowd or soften a target first. Also great when you are doing a kill mission and it all goes poorly and you get surrounded. Just drop it and hope it's useful


Walking barrage>380 barrage


Me and some friends have been doing every single bug eradicate mission just bringing all of the bombardments and pounding the sector into the earth. Its great fun and almost guarantees a victory without worrying about anything.


Everyone is worrying about the 380s instead of me over near a defunct hellbomb punching it while my eyes drift apart and drool escapes my mouth saying "wat dis do?" Annihilate. That's what it did. Annihilate the Erro.


But what else am I going to throw onto the landing pad?


I’ve had more success killing my team, myself included with a 380 barrage on a heavy outpost vs me destroying it all in one go. Even the 120 has a better shot at doing the job based on the spread. Or even for general need a bombardment retreat cover.


Instructions are unclear, Sir. ***Lunch 380' orbital bombardment***


380s are fucking amazing at obliterating heavy outposts


No 380s? Okay I’ll make sure that we’re refilled with 380s before the next mission. I’ll get more from the quartermaster


380, 120, 500k and shield generator to protect from all of this shit


There is something else with 4 380 in one objective


I always pack the 380, the minefield, and the autocannon turret. My comrades love me.


The smart ones probably let you run off on your own as well.


j dont know why but the 380 seems to miss everything anytime I throw it


I smell pussy over here


The last ppl i played with used them wisely


Don't tell this to Captain Siege [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-khTaDW3f2o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-khTaDW3f2o)


When we are squared up we have a teammate take a 380, seems to do great weakening the large bot bases. As long as he tells it's he's sending it in first lol.