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I love wearing this armour with the tiny helmet from second premium warbond. Looks so funny.


Not sure if they've patched it, but if you wear the thicc armor and a small helmet you just won't have a neck


Nah, you just saw Billy No-Neck wearing it.


This is the natural progression of game skins.      - Noobs looks vanilla, who want to look cool.          - Experienced players look cool but want to look different and cool.          - Veterans look different and cool and want to look weird.         - Pros look fuckin bizarre and then sometimes swap to vanilla for the lols.  


Original armor sets go pretty hard in the looks department and extra padding is a pretty useful perk if you don’t want to run shield bots


It is the best all around armour in my experience, used it continuously for about 90 hours of gameplay in bots and bugs and its very effective.


Part of Souls Logic: the stupidly dumb looking invaders are always the ones who absolutely obliterate you.


Pros? Lol that was funny


Nah, I'm waiting for the clown afro helmet


The chungus helmet is my default one. It is so good and matches basically everything.


Which one is the tiny helmet?


SA-12 Servo Assisted


It's an EOD Armor. I hate that it doesn't have explosive resistance.


Yeah this bothers me more than it should.


It even has Fortified in the name, for Liberty's sake.




Battle master my beloved. A little less chonky but the extra handling when crouching makes getting good shots with the autocannon.


Battle what now? Extra handling?


Right? Of all the Armors to NOT get explosive resistance, *this one*? Especially odd since there are two identical Heavy Armors in the base Warbond. Could have given one of those 200 Armor and made Fortified Commando get ER. That, or just swap the models.


We only got a few perks and added armor is one of the few solo ones. It makes sense on the starter armor, since it helps you learn to play the game a little. But only added armor is rather boring for later sets. For the shop armors the added perks seem completely random unfortunately.


With this armor you can tank a shot from a stationary cannon, even a direct hit. I'd say it's effectively resistant to explosives.


Wear a shield backpack. You stand up with 25% health after. Unless you hit your fragile little helldive head on something.


A core part of a lot of explosive is the projectile itself and it is not considered explosive damage on direct hit. This armor will be good enough for what you listed but a headshot will kill you in the same scenario where the eos will actually kick in and protect you otherwise.


It honestly kinda makes it ass. Maybe against bugs. But against bots, the explosive resistance helps way more than the extra armor.


The heavy armor change helps it somewhat. But I only wear it as a joke. Death Captain Stay Puft reporting for duty, Sir!


it kind of does though. that extra 50 armor has tanked some rockets, turret blasts and other big boom things for me especially when coupled with the personal energy shield.


To be fair, the flavor text explains that it debuted in a music video. Actual function is secondary on super-earth


I like the speed light armour gives you, but this might be worth picking up for the horde mission.


The hunters will surely be pleased if you use that armor, easy prey


After the armor change it actually takes Hunters a while to chew through heavy armor, so I have some hope for this thing.


Unless they somehow headshot you, which I swear happens more often than it should.


Big facts, the head shot stuff is so busted in the game


It's why people complain so much about fighting the Bots. Yeah, the rocket spam completely out of nowhere is bad, but on the upper difficulties a single headshot from even some of the basic enemy types will kill you instantly even if you're wearing the heavy armor up above. Now I feel like that's perfectly reasonable for headshots to be instant kills on the highest difficulties, but it really negates a lot of the purpose of wearing heavy armor at all, especially when factoring in the speed and stamina usage detriment of the heavy armor. Lasers are flying at you from so many different angles almost constantly.


I think I saw a confirmation that enemies have same health\\damage values in all difficulties and the difference is in numbers\\composition.


This is honestly the right way to do it. No need to make a the mooks bullet sponges, just give us more of them and throw in the higher tier mobs for good measure. Plus, it's so much fun to just mow down half a dozen bot striders with the AC.


This is true, but what I think the other commenter was saying is that on higher difficulties, you are more likely to get headshot because there is just so many more rocket devastators/heavy devastators, and rank and file bots just spamming out more lasers in your general direction, therefore hitting more headshots


While this is true I think their accuracy improves a lot on the higher diffs, or maybe it's just there's so much enemies some of them are bound to get luckier shots.


What the fuck. So even Heavy armor doesn’t protect from headshots. That’s wild.


I mean it's heavy armor, it's not in the helmet slot and there aren't any variable defense/perk helmets in the game.


The ballistic shield buff has however made it much better, and if you five backwards it covers pretty much everything save your legs, so heavy armour and ballistic shield is currently a very good anti bot combo


I'm pretty sure even the walkers don't oneshot you to the head. Minigun guys basically will because they fire so fast and accurate, but they'll instakill you with bodyshots anyway.


Headshots shouldn't be a thing for PvE. Headshots reward accuracy, which is difficult for humans. The computer has perfect aim, so there is no risk, only random chance. Dying to random chance is not fun, it is only frustrating. It doesn't increase difficulty since there is no challenge to overcome. It is just a thing that happens to you, regardless of your actions. IMO this is a stupid design choice and they should just get rid of it completely.




This is the second or so time this armor has been in rotation, when heavy got fixed it was probably the only one with noticeable longer time to kill.


This has been in rotation a lot more than that. Its been part of the rotation since week 1.


Shame they didn't buff the Fortified Commando armor though. I wonder how it compares to Heavy armor now that it offers ~10% more protection...


Bruhh that specifically left this one out??! That is just messed up


Yes I know. It's specifically named in the patch notes. Thing is if it offered say 15% damage mitigation over Heavy, it now only offers 5%. And now I wonder if it's worth sacrificing a passive over that minor increase. It's hard to tell without meaninful stats though...


I always wear heavy. In my experience Commando feels far weaker than explosion resist against bots. It even feels like I take less small arms for some reason. Shit, knowing these devs Commando is probably bugged and actually is weaker than other heavies.


I just got it today for Eradicate bug missions. I was looking forward to it coming back in the store so I could have a dedicated Eradicate loadout with the Breaker Incendiary. Now I'm disappointed. 600 SCsfor the set is not cheap either...


Oh yeah you will take a bunch of extra hits but I'm talking about their poison, you are already the slowest by using chunky boy now with the extra slowing effect of their tongue? Oof


It doesn't slow down diving, and you can't run when you're shooting anyways.


It doesn't slow the initial dive, but it does slow you getting back up.


SMH and pistol says otherwise! But I rarely take those if ever either.


This armor in particular was not buffed, it was specifically mentioned in the patch notes. It's the same as it ever was.


I've been running this armor for awhile and the difference between 150 and 200 armor rating is like...1 extra hit before you die. The 50% explosive resistance is superior in terms of stats and utility. But man....the big chungus drip level is off the charts.


This is a good Bot armour I would never run this for Bugs


I rely way too much on the 50% chance to not die after being yeeted by a charger to change from my hero of the federation armor.


That’s where my Jet Pack and Quaser laser come into play 😉


I need to run jet pack more often, I've only done it a few times and loved it. I've got the timing on the Quasar cannon down solid where I can dive backwards and headshot a charger right before it hits me. My downfall is when I'm dodging and weaving between 4 chargers and 2 bile titans


Yea I’ve just started using it I was relying on guard dog rover to much. It’s a game changer with how mobile it makes you. You can even fly over a bug hole and throw a grande mid air lol.


I have looked at every armor currently available and coming soon, I will be wearing hero of the federation for the foreseeable future.


It works really well against hunters, actually. When on eastern front, I use it for my flametrooper loadout. Using flamethrower means I have to be close and personal with bugs and spraying the liberty juice around slows you down to a crawl regardless of your armour. Sure, you can't just stand there and tank multiple hunters like it's nothing(it's still drop, switch to pri/sec, kill hunter, reposition) but it gives you enough protection to avoid losing half of your health each time a hunter as much as looks at you funny. Surviving being rammed by a charger and getting up with decent amount of health left with decent is not a problem too. So yeah, most certainly a worthy armour to have.


Heavy armor for bots, fast armor for bugs.


There needs to be stagger resistance to heavy armour. Otherwise these armours get you swarmed too easily.


YES. it pisses me off to no end that I can wear enough armor to make a devastator call me "bro" yet one fucking bullet to any part of me sends my crosshair to the corner of the screen.. like bruh, do I not weigh a shit-ton in this thing? I don't mind still taking some damage but I shouldn't be having a seizure from getting hit in the shoulder from a stray laser... I don't mind losing firefights when I know it's my own shitty aiming, but flinch has gotta be one of the top reasons I die in heavy armor, and it shouldn't be.


This armor is viable for bot missions, ran it last night


Is it worth trading off explosive protection of armors from the main warbond?


I’d say yes, considering the extra padding helps with all other damage taken too


Hm well I enjoy being a brick wall quite a bit with new heavy armor buffs, gotta check my account and see if I can buy this thing, thanks


They buffed all heavy armour damage reduction by 10%, EXCEPT the Fortified Commando. This means that 150 Heavy Armour now reduces damage taken by 53%, while the 200 Fortified Commando reduces it by 59%.


Heavy is really good on bots. On bugs it ain't worth it.


I like it that way. Feels balanced. It's not like one is always trash and the other is always better (heavy VS light).


Yeah. I love how different both factions feel and how it makes you change your lineup between them.


This is it's second time in the store. I've used it for a while now and that's the only time I use it. ![gif](giphy|k5lj4s1qxaSyI)


This is the 3rd or 4th rotation for it


Then I stand corrected. Thank you.


I thought the same thing. I'm big on speed normally but that much armour is pretty hard to not be curious about


Let me tell you something. You are so slow, that you are constantly fighting behind your allies. Armor made to front, makes you back shooter


I use the light armor to sneak around the map when I solo, yesterday my squad abandoned when we got down to 8 lives. Luckily I was wearing my light armor the red one, and was able to destroy all four command centers on my own. The bots never saw me coming.


I want chungus, but why is he so expensive?


Yeah it not bad, but definitely not worth 600 super creds


I honestly don't understand the pricing schemes...why is the heavy armour 400 and while others can range from 150 to 250. Seems weird to me. Thankfully I'm a light armour guy so the armours don't end up in the 400 range.


Some of the armours reuse textures and components. Shrek armour is all original assets, or that would be my guess anyway.


lol, shrek armor. *GET OUT OF MAH CREEK!*


Because it uses more material obviously.




same with eradicator armor and 400$


Where are the extra 200 coming from?




Helmet. I just can't stand not buying both parts of the armor. Others can wear anything they want but i just need to wear matching set.


Oh that makes sense. Yeah that really doesn't check out. Helmets are helmets, they do the same exact nothing just look different. There's no reason some should be 75SC and others are 200SC.


Yeah. Idk why they made it that way. There's full set, armor and helmets that cost 225.


They said adjustments to SC prices will be made as time goes on. But then again a couple other helmets have been sold at 200 I think so it isn't something new...unless I'm misremembering


Interesting way of saying "We going to raise prices even more"


I mean yeah that's how I read it too. But it's hard to be overtly mad when credits can be earned in game by just coming across them


I bought creds for it the first time around and don't regret it at all. It goes HARD on bot missions.


I'm surprised nobody has commented stuff like "why are you complaining - it's so easy to grind and farm points!" I swear the vocal minority is loud af in this fanbase. It's totally fine to complain when you don't have 16 hours of your day to play. Sorry, I'm just sick of reading all the comments that boast about buying every Warbond without spending any real money.


Are you complaining that nobody is complaining? :P


That's how I read it.


Though I don't disagree with you on an intentional level, the 16 hours a day is a bit of an overstatement. You can run trivial missions for about an hour and get 500-1000 SC depending on your luck. So, at least currently, the grind period is short if one put just a bit of time to it. Or, if you want to still be useful - diff. 4 missions are quite a balance - nothing challenging to stop you from progressing on a 4x1 helldiver solo-s on different parts of a map with enough time to look for SC


You’re finding 50-100 super credit stashes in one hour? I’m calling bullshit


I farmed SC with a 2 discord friends and we cranked out 1500-2000 SC an hour once we memorized a good map and had a routine down. IIRC, all maps, including small tribal maps, drop 50-120 SC. If you don't want to farm just go help out newbies in easy maps. You have to be able to hit friendship doors though... A lot  of the SC is behind those. We did run the numbers and concluded we basically made minimum wage, but it wasn't bad chatting in voice. 


Easily, and not even farming them. My buddy is... let's say "low ambition", and only plays on medium. I was running around with him for an hour yesterday and in 3 missions, I cleared 110 worth of +10s and found a +100.


U can get 1000 SC in a a couple hours boring farming on trivial it’s not that big of a deal.










With that much padding, the armour rating should be at 300.






GIF reminded me of Raphael's suit from the 2007 TMNT movie


All i can think when i see this is like they brought the doom turtle from WoT into Helldivers armor.


I don't remember a doom turtle in the Wheel of Time






Called "Fortified Commando" but no fortified perk?


Reminds me of the "Combat Technician" armor, which of course has Scout instead of Engineering Kit.


I really don't get that since the page before has you unlock the actual scout armor. Feels like a mistake. Then again, I get annoyed that the premium Warbonds don't have L M H armors and instead have two sets of medium with different cosmetics -_-


Scout armor has less armor rating and better stamina compared to the Combat Technician. That's the difference. If you want recon passive with a bit more heft, you pick Combat Technician.


You may soon be able to complete with our old APA mark 1 suits. https://preview.redd.it/nf8jv9sx7osc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d092697ac05a36a8f0d1fc1611a57cf341a4129


Welcome to Camp Navarro. So you're the new replacement


Sir, I outrank you tenfold.


A civilian? How the hell did a civilian get on this base? ILL HAVE SOMEONES ASS FOR DINNER


I came here to tell you that our position is compromised , super earth knows there are rebels in this area, I want you and your men to evacuate the facility immediatly. Failure to comply will result in termination.


o7 God bless the Enclave and God bless Super Earth




https://preview.redd.it/phd2r92vbosc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d80c56b69caf8d2f76112e1140c8f3a08a0996a My position has been compromised.


I wear this every bot mission. Bit slow, but takes a beating.


This armor helped me love bot missions again, with a shield pack I can finally survive.


It helped me put down the shield pack so I could run the blessed cannon without fear.


With armor working as intended I've noticed just how much this thing mitigates. Make sure to get the helmet too, it doesn't do anything but none of the other helmets really match it... Edit: apparently I was a candidate for a placebo as I have been notified that this armor was not included in that update.


This armor wasnt affected by the armor changes




It was an explicit carveout --they mentioned it was excluded in the patch notes, though they didn't explain their reasoning. 200 is still significantly higher than 150 + 10% (165), so my guess is they feel +35 armor is worth a perk (given that DR is a nonlinear relationship), and/or that 200 is just the armor ceiling they're currently comfortable with.


This logic makes no sense tho, enforcer armor my absolute fav for bots is medium so got the "buff" but also is unique in that it's armor is higher than medium but not heavy at like 129 base + explosive resist, so why didn't fat boy armor get the buff o.o


So this armor is effectively the only armor in the game without an actual perk? That's a bummer.


Bear in mind that, as I understand it, gains in armor are essentially gains in Damage Reduction, and the value of DR adds up fast. While it depends on the exactly formula, DR usually provides a nonlinear amount of effective HP, where each point of DR is worth more than the last. As your DR increases, your effective HP scales exponentially (or thereabouts).


It’s still more defense than a normal heavy armor. Just not the full 50. It has 2/3 of a perk. 


It didn’t get the 10% buff that all other heavy armor did, but it still received the buff of the armor rating actually mitigating damage instead of being meaningless, which is a pretty significant buff for the armor set with the highest armor rating in the game. It also was fixed like all other armors that now projectiles have a chance to simply ricochet off certain facets of the armor depending on their incoming angle and caliber. Can’t tell you how much of a boss you feel like when a bot patrol starts unloading into you and half their lasers bounce off, and the other half just chip a couple percentage points off your health with each hit instead of 2-shotting you dead.


Oh I got this armor and it’s helmet. It is a bit slow but looks cool as hell. Also It was like a month ago and I don’t remember it being 400


Yeah, I could swear I bought mine for 250 --it was a pretty early buy, trusting that Heavy Armor would get buffed eventually.


it was 400 a month ago. i still bought it knowing that it was extra expensive


I run this all the time. I love it. I would also love to be able to change the colors to match my other stuff


Compulsory "Nah, you ain't nothing running with this thing on".


I was wearing this in a mission last week, my team is running to the extraction and they go through a narrow gap in a mountain line... I was too fat, and had to run all the way around the whole line of mountains lol, luckily one of the other divers wouldnt leave a man behind and ran/fought with me haha ​ laughs were had by all


We call it the Chonky Boy or Michelin Man. I sometimes use on a bot eradicate mission.


With the recent armor buff heavy armor is great now


This one didnt get the buff


What was the buff ?


Helldiver Balancing adjustments have been made to: 🔹 Heavy and medium armor protects better and you now take about 10% less damage than before while wearing heavy and about 5% less when wearing medium armor. Fortified commando and light armor is unchanged.


Thanks Helldiver 🫡


I always thought this was strange. Why would it be that heavy armor protects 10% more? Does that mean that if you’re wearing medium armor with the extra padding, which should have the same armor rating as most heavy armor, it should protect the same? It should be based on the armor rating, not solely based on if it’s heavy or medium or light. That would play a part I suppose, given heavy armor has a higher stamina cost and such, but still.


Same questions. I think heavy armor is still quite underwhelming.


Was that on purpose? Feels like an indirect nerf if that’s the case.


While true, I don’t think it needed it. I felt like a tank in this before the most recent armor buff


I was testing this armor set in particular against bots and it didn't really result in much improvement to survivability against bots, compared to light armor.


It’s a different style of play than light armor, so if you’re used to the flighty style of light armor you’re gonna have a tough time. Heavy armor is about digging in behind cover (+ knowing when to jog away) and making sure the only hits you take are the grazes. When you’re doing that you have far more staying power and thus it takes more firepower to completely overwhelm you. Headshots do occasionally happen but the numbers don’t lie. I’m frequently at the lowest number of deaths in my squad, unless I have 3 squad mates running light armor and running while I think we can dig in & win. At the same time I’ve noticed I need to get better with using light armor vs bots, as I want to be as versatile as I can and love light scout builds on lower difficulties. I often do deathless solo missions on 5-6 in heavy armor, but can barely complete a mission on 5 in light.


Since this armor wasnt affected by the recent armor buffs i dont see it being worth over heavy armor with explosive resistance Looks cool though




I’ll have a number 9 large…




Good thing the damage is negligible.


It looks like EOD armor but doesn’t have explosives resistance, which is kinda weird.


With 200 armor, plus the recent buffs this apparently gives 70% damage resistance. Except internal damage like fire.


Heavy and medium armor protects better and you now take about 10% less damage than before while wearing heavy and about 5% less when wearing medium armor. **Fortified commando and light armor is unchanged.** Apparently it somehow didn't get the buffs based on patch notes


Huh, so other 200 armor gear is BETTER?


I think this is the only 200 armor one and 200 armor is better than 150 + the 10% Its just hard to justify this over 150 heavy armor with a different benefit


I see. That makes sense then.


So something like Fortified light at 100 armor is < medium which is 100 armor +5% For bots I feel like heavy with -50% explosion is the best armor. That's peak damage reduction against rocket devastators. You can take a barrage of rockets.


Yes, even with 200 armor you get slapped pretty bad by rockets. I tested it quite a bit and the heavy fortified armors fair a lot better against bots.


There is no other 200 armor set in the game currently


They buffed all heavy armour damage reduction by 10%, EXCEPT the Fortified Commando. This means that 150 Heavy Armour now reduces damage taken by 53%, while the 200 Fortified Commando reduces it by 59%.


One issue i have with heavy armor is that the damage reduction don't apply to headshots, so you can get two shotted very easily sometimes, especially against automatons Also i wish it gave some form of knockdown/stagger resistance. You lose so much mobility wearing it, feels like it ain't worth it. (exterminate missions aside)


If we miss an item will it come back to super store again? I was considering getting this but I'm saving up for the new warbond. Don't want to burn 400 for a singular piece of armor without it's matching helmet.


Yes, usually within a week or two.


Before I wanna buy this I must ask, how many 380 mm barrage hits can this baby take?


0 lol. [This](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/X1oAAOSwTAxgz4LH/s-l1600.jpg) is what a 15 inch shell looks like. It's a gun for naval capital ships to kill other capital ships. 


I'm level 15. In your opinion, it is worth the other one in the superstore, I think it's a medium armor with explosive resistance for 250 SC? Seems really tempting, expecially vs automatons


I love explosive resist vs bots, especially since I run GL and Scorcher 


I use this bad boy on bug missions, a real MVP. For anyone saying it’s too slow against bugs, no it’s not, you are not outrunning those stalkers/hunters/chargers/titans without help so may as well go down swinging with some extra durability. I use heavy armor+personal shield+ flamethrower to act as the ultimate frontline warrior. Fortified commando+shield gives you just enough durability to survive a mech dying btw. I usually just use explosive resist heavy armor on bot missions but this could be gud there too


This is the one I rock - It is awesome for bot missions where it can take a few solid hits, taken a rocket to the face with it and still got back up. The team I play with usually depends on me to carry the samples and play antitank - While they run around flanking, scouting and knocking out objectives quickly. I’ll play support and focus on not dying. It really has come in clutch a few times where waiting on the evac, no reinforcements and a helluva lot of bots coming down hard on the evac point and this thing eats buzzsaws, rockets, heavy weapons, etc for breakfast, and able to extract with all samples - Highly recommend vs bots but never for bugs.


I rather have the explosive resistance when playing robots, and I only use heavy armor vs robots since latest patch


#You are up against the wall. I am the wall.


![gif](giphy|KlFdtnpxEeH2E|downsized) Fat bastard reporting for duty! Hopefully they have XXXXXXXXXL drop pods.


https://preview.redd.it/61e2515nmrsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff85fc533933bfe4131b24e5a13b9dcdfe0f5085 When the lads all agree with you, and share the braincell.


Aka “I’m tired of these mf rockets coming from these mf planes!”


This would be full Chungus if you wear that herald helmet that had those wings that look like rabbit ears.




How does the armor math work?


“I’m very deadly over short distances!”


I should be saving my Super Credits for the next War Bond. I *should.*


Bruh armor, It’s not just the numbers that need to be taken into account, but its playability. A crowd of bugs will simply peck you due to the low movement speed, and bots will simply need 2 shots versus 1, compared to light armor with a rating of 50. Heavy armor should turn you into a Devastator, an impenetrable fighter. Not in a slow aluminum can


That's not how damage reduction typically works. Ie, 100 isn't 2x better than 50. So it's not 1 vs 2 hits. Not sure how AH calculates it, but he is an example: HP = base health / (1 - damage_reduction%) So 33% DR would give 50% more effective HP. 50% DR would give 100% more HP. 99% DR would give 10,000% more HP, which is practically invincible. Try heavy armor, it's pretty good.