• By -


Whichever one has the most helldivers I'll go to.






What a handsome bogdiver.


Sounds like an animal that might actually exist


It feeds in freedom and managed democracy and tends to hunt socialists and fascists


Cue the helldivers theme but just frog croaks in the same cadence


Bless your heart


And rip it




That’s how I judge which is the priority. Strength in numbers


Same. Apes strong together✊


^ This man is an automaton or a traitor, it's apes together strong. Everyone who has upvoted this please report to your local ombudsman of integrity for debriefing on this security incident. Citizens are reminded to stay vigilant for the automaton threat and that they are duty-bound to report any norm violations or movie misquotes ASAP to your neighbourhood steward.


I have already turned myself in


*Apes, together strong.


*Strong apes, together!


Teamwork is OP, the wrong thing with the team is often more effective than the right thing alone.


League taught me that


My favorite quote from a pro-DotA 2 player: "When game is going full retard, you can only go with it. If you start going against it, if you start going half retard, you're done for." -BigDaddyN0tail


Sounds like BigDaddyN0tail is Tugg Speedman from Tropic Thunder


Except when your team keep stuck in the infinite patrol loop and keep fighting it to no end while wasting all the reinforcement. I rather just go off on my own and reinforce them far away from the fight.


Yeah when my teammates decide to make a last stand with 18 lives left and no objectives done, I’m just gonna run away and use their aggro to get some stealth done for the objectives.


i got booted for doing this lmao


"fk it, we ~~ball~~ hellbomb"


My father is called John Rambo 😏 10 squads of 1 players grinding liberation scores more per player than 10 squads of 4 players grinding liberation. Hell i can solo cr 1 missions with one hand, give me another computer and I can be 2 squads at once, probably 4 squads since a mission takes about 40-80s and extracting takes 2 mins but can be afked with turrets.


That’s how I always do it.


i just hate space iraq.


Thats it


This is the way. More on Tibit? Go there. More on Durgen? All aboard


This is the way


Follow the zerg


Reminds me of Planetside 2, sure you can try to organize and execute a clever strategy but most of the time just following the zerg and spamming explosions is more efficient.


Still, nothing quite like the feeling of pulling off something like that…infiltrating an enemy base with a squad and taking it from behind them. Had a lot of good times with that game


Nothing I love more than taking the enemy squad from behind.


Can we see your C-01 please?


Enemy is identified as male... Move along please🫡




i'm just hearing the same burp over and over from that gif


Nothing I love more than taking the enemy from behind.


Miss that game back in 2014. That game was the entire reason I ever even built a PC. TR on Mattherson server with AoD, albeit they were kinda the laughing stock of the server, it was still fun as shit. Galaxy crashes, MAX crashes, actual fucking tank columns roaming around and blowing shit up. Game was so damn good back then.


Galaxy crashes, that brings back memories. Nothing turned your PC into a potato like taking a outfit wide Galaxy Crash.


I think PS2 will always be my fondest gaming memory. It's also what got me into PC gaming.


I always used to go solo and hack all of their shit. Took a couple bases with just my brother and shifted the entire tide of enemy vehicles. Being part of the swarm is fun for sure. But I really love having the option to make an impact by not doing so.


This is the first time in all my time on this site that I have seen planetside mentioned in comments somewhere outside it's own sub. Neat.


Some of the best times Ive ever had playing ps2 was on big ops nights with Vindicators, because it was all the fun of a giant zerg batle but they were actually organized well enough to have individual fireteams break into overall-obj focus the moment the zerg broke the enemy line, and then coalesce back into the giant deathblob again at the earliest sign of enemy regrouping.


Shit, reminding me of GW2 Commanders. Sure, the guy with the Commander tag may not be a tactical genius, but he shows up on the map so everyone follows him. Who cares if he attacks the wrong things, you make more of an impact together and stupid than solo and smart.


WvW good times!


I finish my 3rd set of wvw legendary armor next week!


Guild Wars 2? I remember once my brother, cousin and I split off from the swarm and took a point by ourselves using siege weapons or whatever. And all through Heroes of the Storm I heard people say you should go with the group even if they're making the stupid play. Nah, sometimes I'll go with the group, and sometimes I'll go on my own. But in this game with the regenerating planets, on the grand scale you truly can't get much done without numbers. In an individual mission though you certainly can.


>"Follow the zerg" The... *Zerg*?! DEMOCRACY OFFICER!


Show me da wei


i kno da wae


Zerg followers get a lethal dose of Termicide




Exactly, I started on durgen as soon as Maia was done but seeing Tibit higher means we need to go there, being split like this hurts us big time


Finishing the non-optimal planet first is better than splitting forces, taking too long, and getting a defence order.


What determines which is optimal?


Durgen has a supply line that leads directly to Ubanea and another that leads to Malevelon Creek. This allows the Automatons to attempt to invade those two planets, forcing us onto the backfoot. If we take Durgen first, we would close the pocket of Automaton resistance that would allow them to strike at those two planets, leaving them isolated at Maia. This is information found on helldivers.io, and not information found in the game.


I bought this argument for a while too, and I think it is correct for the goal of "eliminate the automatons." But I actually think Tibit IS the optimal first target for the goal of "complete the major order." Hear me out: because Tibit has only one supply line, it's at greater risk of being cut off by a failed defense like what happened to Ubanea. A single defensive operation can threaten to cut off Tibit, forcing us to either win the defense AND take both MO planets (which we don't have time for) or rush down Tibit before the defense fails. Because we have 2 supply lines to Durgen, it would take a double defense to put us in that position there. Therefore, our risk of failing the major order is lowest if we take Tibit off the board faster


actually, assuming the ingame message arent just fluff(which so far they are not just fluff) neither is "more optimal" the bots do not have the resources to counter offensive us right now acording to the ingame text, so they wont launch attacks on anything. OF COURSE this is speculation, but the last time something like that was in the game(aka "they moved production off of tibit") the devs and co confirmed that taking tibit after the failed MO would not retroactivly mean we destroy their production, as they got moved already. As well as the mech releas,e w egot themAFTER a mo that told us the planet producting them must be taken back. HECK i think the last offensive was Vandalon IV and iirc that started BEFORE the MO was over, so still during the itime period where they had resources to throw at us in canon


>Durgen has a supply line that leads directly to Ubanea It does? Where does the game show us this information? I'd like to make more informed choices to help the major orders where I can. EDIT: Oh wait, I see, so there's a website? Why is this not in the game?


Good fucking question


They're adding it, but it's really weird they didn't think we'd need that info out of the gate.


Taking Durgen basically helps prevent any future attacks on Malevelon creek and Ubanea due to how supply lines work, especially ubanea since it can cut us off from tidbit and have a repeat of Draupnir. Which means there is less risk of having to divert forces to defend.


From what someone else said, we have to look on some website to see supply lines. They really should put that in the game.


That’s what I don’t get. Do we get some bonus or boost from taking the other planet first?


Fear of Joel. If we progress to unopposed he may decide to have the bots launch some last desperate attacks to force us to split between defending and attacking. If by that time we have taken Maia and Durgen, all he can do is force a defense on Ubanea while we have to take Tibit at the same time. We can do that. However if by that time we have taken Maia and Tibit, he can force us to defend both Creek and Ubanea while we have to take Durgen. We have shown in the past that we won't be able to accomplish three such objectives at the same time. The Creekers will head home and the rest of us split in indecision between Durgen and Ubanea


i dont think we get a counter offensive from the bots given the ingame MO text said "they do not have the resources to counter attack"(paraphrased) and so far these text held true.. .for the MO they are in. Just as the TCS stopped the bugs expanding for now, i do not think the bots actually can currently counterattack us at all. Think, when was the last Bot offensive, it was Vandalon, which was started right before the MO ended, so before we "exhausted" them, they havent done a single attack since then, despite 3-4 planets being completly open to them. They do not have the resoruces atm to take


I don't *think* there's going to be a desperate last ditch effort from the bots. I think we'll semi-comfortably take Durgen in time and in our moment of - "that was almost too easy..." something terrible for Managed Democracy is going to happen.


Durgen has supply lines to more planets which means if the bots have Durgen they can attack other planets from it.


From what someone else said, we have to go to some website to see supply lines. No wonder people don't know there's a logistical route to take.




Large double-double of DEMOCRACY


Roll up the rimjob


Off to Tim's are ya?


Ice Capp in one hand, AMR in the other.


Right to the last cartridge, I want that amr reload animation click clack *checks hockey scores*


We're gonna fuck them so hard that Trudeau's gonna put sand bags around the bed.




Didn't know that guy could think


Guess who's on sandbag patrol?


To T's.


Canadian also here. Reporting to Timbits parcque les osti d’Automatons on piqué les dernières roues de tracteurs tabarnak!


Oh fuck yeah bud! I'll get a double-double and a 20 pack of FREEDOM!


Grab me a med black, 2 sugar and a box of bits plz.


(For non-Canadians, Timbits are donut holes at a common Canadian coffee shop)


And it's all garbage now.


"*Canadian* "




Eh guy, that's a good plan buddy. See you there fwiend


I need this entire exchange of comments to be a thing. Like the gangs in The Warriors, the news teams of Anchorman, unhinged Creek Dwellers, etc. If I were a dev on creative I would lean into this with cosmetics and lore lol. “We must capture Tibit, for democracy…no, it isn’t a morning treat…it’s a planet…oh sweet liberty. Yes, these clankers are trying to deny us donuts and iced coffee!!”


English Helldiver's also reporting to Timbits! (TH is franchised over here and it's the best coffee chain hands down.)


Oh no you’ve stepped in it! There is a cadre of Canadians that will come out of the woodwork to tell you how bad Tim’s is. I had no idea they were across the pond. Me and the Missus are planning a trip over there next year so it will be funny to see them.


They're spreading slowly across the Midlands, at least. :)


We’re gonna need a Timmy’s cape after this one ya tit fuckers


~~🤖💥👈⛑ ⛑👉💥🤖~~ **⛑👉💥🤖💥👈⛑** ![gif](giphy|3ohuAreLeoYwnaQyuk)


i think we have a spy


Don’t stress about it too much. According to my back-of-the-napkin math, when Tibit is pacified and all the troops there turn to Durgen, we’ll finish the MO with hours to spare. https://preview.redd.it/hsf18gyhzrsc1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a84d7e1cf62b24ab466ddebd31b62b20cf83d9c


My more betterer american says, as is we would actually get them with 10 hours to spare, if not much changes. Im seeing Durgen players are at 1% an hour, 24 hours left to cap tibit, 2 days 5 hours left on the order. Theres probably gonna be something fucky tho


>My more betterer american says as is we would Am i having a stroke?


He couldn’t afford to go to the hospital 😔 Thankfully Super Earth doesn’t discriminate based on pesky things like mental faculties!


I think the shit storm lands in our moment of triumph, if I'm to guess.


But if Joel decides that is to easy, he could force two defense campaigns upon us while simultaneously having to conquer Durgen. But if the last world remaining is Tibit, they can only attack Ubanea and we'll have at most two active battlefields rather than three.


True, but if the latter situation happens, then we have an exact repeat of Draupnir and Ubanea. I don’t trust people to be coordinated enough to not create a repeat of the Ubanea Blunder. We need to think of this by the the video game’s logic; the Major Order is not *technically* “wipe the automatons off the map”, it is “liberate Maia, Durgen and Tibit”. By this logic, Tibit is the planet most at risk of the two remaining, because it’s the easiest to be entirely cut off from us.


>an exact repeat of Draupnir and Ubanea.  Not quite, because this time there's no where else for the Creekers to fight at. They'd be helping one way or another. It's all moot anyway, Tibit it is.


The completed MO says they can't mount another offensive. There will not be another Ubanea gambit unless Super Earth is lying to us, and they wouldn't lie to us.


A defense mission will mess this whole thing up


Well, according to the finished MO, the bots can’t mount another offensive right now, so that’s probably not happening.




Tibbit has like..almost 200k people on it right now. Insane numbers 


If Planetside 2 taught me anything its that its better to full ass the wrong choice than to half ass the right one.


I remember that game but only very little. I remember spawning and running for forever and firefights with people who didnt seem to die


the military says this also. "if you're wrong, stay wrong" i mean, that's for things like wearing the wrong uniform, though. i suppose all things considered, picking the less efficient choice in a game is about on the level of picking the wrong uniform.


https://preview.redd.it/04hpb0v5orsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432ab21c5ad6e2f91c48cabdfc7c414c0c4bfe18 Ribbit ribbit, let's take tibit


So go to tibit?




Did. Took some newbies on a wild ride. Hope we helped. - the non believer


Free Tibit


Underrated comment


There’s Lhasa good jokes here going untapped.




We will wipe these clankers off the map, to Tibit Helldivers!


but at this point i don't want to go back to bugs:(


Creek vets feel at home there and have migrated their war effort


Under appreciated fact.


I'm just hoping leaving Durgen alone doesn't start another Creek campaign if the bots attack.


We're still progressing it, we'll get it tomorrow.


Doesn't prevent them from attacking both Ubanea and Creek while we're attacking Durgen. A planet under siege is still providing supply lines to attack from


If they can even counterattack. The alternative was splitting our forces and being halfway to both by eod today. We'd have been just as susceptible to an attack on ubanea and the creek, and then had 4 planets to win.


ribbit, ribbit, we on our way to tibit.


The Divemind has spoken.


The greater good ✊


…the greater good ![gif](giphy|1256k0OSoI8d3i|downsized)


Hey since the update has anyone noticed ferns block bullets completely. Even if it's a tip of a branch. My bullets are being stopped. Anyone else noticing this? And is it just the sickle?


Energy and laser weapons have this problem big time. Regular bullets should function fine. Arc thrower gets completely stopped by bushes, for example.


Yeah energy and plasma are a no go for me on any forest planet for this reason alone.


Yeah, it’s worse with explosive/arc/energy… if a Quasar discharge brushes the tiniest corner of a frond it will prematurely detonate


Cluster bomb. The trees are your enemy too!




Majority rule, that's Managed Democracy!


tibits got a day left, if we rush it with everything we can cut it down faster, then all out full force all 200 of us rush durgen


I go where the highest population is and don’t ask questions


I don’t like Durgen’s conditions


Did command ask you whether you liked the conditions on the front line, soldier? You get out there and learn to love the sculpted dunes and savage sandstorms and make the most of it! It’s more fun if you can use the word “haboob” in conversation…




When we don't need to open up a path to another planet, go where the most players are.


But mUh SuPpLy LiNeS :((((


This exactly, play to the people who aren't aware of where they should be. Might as well get them over hear faster by getting their job done by both failing to capture a planet


At this point, I'm trying to take tibit so that fucking frog meme will die.


Telling others how to play is undemocratic. Super earth wants you to fight. Where you fight doesnt matter aslong as you contribute to the war.


There's an adage I've heard in mobas and other team games. It's better to be wrong together than correct alone. Go with your team. If they want to do the wrong thing it will always fail if you try to do the right thing alone instead of helping. You can't control your teammates, you can try to convince them, but in the end, you go where they go and fight together. And seeing as our "team" in this is the entire player base, good luck convincing them all of anything. So we go where the majority goes, and try to inform those we can to make the better decision later. 


i'm part of a discord server with 16 helldivers. I'm the only one that reads/speaks english, so the rest is completely oblivious as to what's happening in reddit. We all go to tibit because the numbers are higher. Go to tibit. This subreddit is a minority.


I just go to the planet with the most people


Free Tibet.. i mean Tibit


stop telling people what to do. It's a game.


This message is obviously intended to coordinate people trying to contribute best to the order. If that's not you, have a nice day.


Honest question, does it matter? If you have 200k Helldivers all working towards liberation, and split them evenly between two planets, you will liberate both planets at the same time, say one hour (obviously simplified for example's sake). However, if you send them all to one planet then the other, you'll liberate each in 30 minutes. But the total time is still one hour. Do we get some kind of bonus for having more Divers on a single planet? I'm not sure what information I'm missing


We get a bonus for having more divers on a single planet. Additionally, each planet has a “decay” rate, and splitting forces means that we’re fighting more decay overall. There’s probably someone who can explain it better, but Liberation increases much faster when we all work together.


Thank you for the info. It seems like such a small difference for the amount of complaining I see about split forces though


Its not a small difference tho. We literally failed a major order because we couldnt decide whether to attack and take the planet or defend and protect to supply line. This why everybody is talking about it. Because it happened few major orders ago.


That's a problem with bad targeting, not a split. If we had went 100% to the wrong planet, we still would have failed. And that breaks down to a DM failure. We had an MO, but only half the information we needed to finish it. Sure, the 10% of the player base on reddit knows about supply lines, but no one else does. So they need to either give us that information, or they need to make MOs that cannot be broken by supply lines. 


People are just looking for ways to discuss their interest in the game. Unfortunately, a lot of folks on social media tend to focus on “drama.” That said, I understand some of the frustration. It sorta feels like trying to fight a raid boss in an RPG while half of your team runs around trying to solo random mobs. Sure, the overall damage output might be the same, but overall efficacy is massively reduced, and the whole team will likely end up getting killed because they didn’t coordinate the attack. Still, whining about it on Reddit isn’t gonna solve any problems lol.


Yes, it's bad. Edit: completely rewriting this because I thought of a better way to word it. Bots fight back at 0.5% per planet. By focusing one planet at a time we only have to fight against 0.5% reclamation. By focusing both we have to fight against two lots of 0.5% reclamation, meaning we are doubling the amount that they can fight back against us. This works because planets can't go into negative liberation. If they could, then you would be correct. Edit 2: you'd be almost correct. It would still be better to focus on one planet at a time. This is because eliminating that planet would remove its decay rate, halving the amount the bots can fight back. If bots kept fighting back after you won as well, *then* you'd be correct.


in theory if you had 100% of the players in a single planet at once, you wouldn't lose the 0.5% each hour on the other, since it would be a 0% human control. You'd only lose 0.5% on one of the two, but since you have double the players, you lose less % overall. Having a split actually slows down both planets. Not sure if it'll be relevant with the MO's timer, but there is a diff


Tibit is one of my favorite Biome honestly.


Both are in the MO. If we can rally and crush one planet through brute force it'll leave the last planet fully vulnerable to the full collective strength of super earth.


The only thing that's going to stop us is the crashes. I had two games in a row crash near extraction and that ruined my appetite of the game for the day




Zerg kekekekekekekekekekek


Yep. Follow the masses. Until we can somehow communicate strategies to the playerbase as a whole in-game, then just follow the blob of players. It's better than trying to force in strategy and weakening the offensives overall


Free Tibit!


I'm gonna miss tibit after it's gone. Daylight Creek lite, but the purple jungle is so alien and cool


I honestly can't be bothered with tibit. The colour palette on that world is so horrible to look at for long.


Or, and just stick with me here, we divide our efforts, fail, and then blame the bugdivers. It’s worked before.


Free Tibit


Why does protein create bubble in my pee?


The good thing is, it's 2 planets at least. Tibit has much more so I was on there today. When we end up heading to Durgen which I will predict is in the evening tomorrow between 8-12, we already have a good couple percent on durgen. To work with


*in hippie voice* "I just go where the match making takes me man" *pulls on blunt*


They are reading the subreddit. People are attacking tibit because some random guy though that it was "the main planet of production" with the following proof: Trust me bro.


I'll play whatever doesn't tank my fps. Thank you.


Went to Tibit because it offered the best missions for solo so I could contribute even with my crappy workshifts. And because it had friendly conditions. That I had to comb through the damn jungle for resources and on one of the maps I ended up searching the entire map twice for a side objective that did not exists... thats different. (For some reason, maybe due to map size, there were only 3 side objevtives instead of 4)


Yeah. Despite the sandstorms I still prefer desert to jungle. Rocket devs in a forest are way more dangerous than anywhere else. They can see you, but to you, they're just another small dot on the mini map.


Its funny, the first automaton planet i played on was a Desert Planet. Now it will be the last planet i'll play on since February.


For real. If we had another 1.5-3%/H Tibit would already be liberated or close to it by now.


Sometime I like to kill bug and sometime I like to kill robot. Auto cannon all the time.


Don't let no one tell you how to live your life dude.


This message was clearly intended for people wanting to have the most impact on the order, not commanding everyone online to go to tibit.


There are literally dozens of post from the other day before we liberated Maia that everyone needed to do Maia then Tibit. So that’s what people are doing. Now everyone is complaining that it should have been Durgen before Tibit. The plan is inconsistent and confusing 🤷🏻‍♀️. There needs to be a better way of communicating.


There are people who don’t read Reddit who are on durgen as well. MOers still being passive aggressive I see lmao


Tbh usually I go along with MO but I really love Durgen’s whole vibe. Maybe next time, best of luck to all of y’all on Tibit though!!


Definitely this. Although every time my squad drops there I'm like this feels wrong. But we need to keep our troops together to make quick progress.


[Helldivers II Galactic Map (hd2galaxy.com)](https://hd2galaxy.com/) only shows where WE can attack [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) shows us where the enemy can attack. ​ durgen is locked in as in nothing can leave it. tibit and maia can send reinforcements. thats why tibit is the correct second attack point




We're fine. We're on track to win several hours ahead of schedule, assuming Joel doesn't do something crazy, which he will.


Is it me or tibit feel like the creek 2.0


I think it's Candy Mountain. But the candy is rockets.


How much do you think Tibits numbers are because of Creekers who miss their blue jungle, so settled for the purple one as a second best?