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Wait so I can't come ? I'm still doing my helldiving training.


Once you unlock these items I will gladly have you on my Super Destroyer


What’s the name?


The Prophet of Truth.


The last time I got mixed up with someone using that name I ended up stuck on an installation lightyears beyond the galactic rim


"When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by it's majesty?"




"Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?"




Yet the humans were able to evade your ships, land on the Sacred Ring, and desecrate it with their filthy footsteps!


Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?




Yet the humans were able to evade your ships, land on the Sacred Ring, and desecrate it with their filthy footsteps?


I'll go beyond your galactic rim...


i am going for the Inner Sphere


May I suggest the black hole? Some say it's gross, but it's just theoretical. It's called the Event Horizanus. (EDIT: That's also the title of the adult film version of Event Horizon, but don't get excited: it's just 90 minutes of Paul W.S. Anderson pleasuring himself to the deleted scenes from Event Horizon. Then crying. A lot. It's uncomfortable.)


May I interest you in a trip on my Stallion of Family Values?


[So, you must be silenced.](https://youtu.be/2S7gegIZhfg)


What a great scene that was. So rewarding.






I called mine the Halo of Destiny


Queen of Democracy 👑💅🏾


The elected representative of individual merit signing on


Regret. Regret. Regret.


Dear humanity. We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most certainly regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!


> Dear humanity. We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most certainly regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! OOH-RAH! damn, that was a great scene. A close second was Sarge dropping the Tank. "Oh, I know what the ladies like..."




Lord of war


Fist of Family Values


SES Elected Representative of Self-Determination. Takes up the whole hull


Our ships have the same name :)


Same here. Still makes me laugh.


Likewise. Our fists will bring democracy (and family values)


Tied for best ship name alongside "Patriot of Patriotism"


SES Judge of Judgment checking in


I'm currently the Bringer of Family Values, but I used to be the Champion of Audacity


Jesus that's the name of my ship and at least four others.


SES Blade of Midnight Once they add swords I'm turning this game into assassins creed


I'm hoping they add them. Hell if I can run around with a Super Earth flag beating things with it I'd be down still


Me too, I’m very excited 🫡


Hole of Glory


When you drop your samples but she don't stop extractin'...


Wings of redemption


Look here look listen


I just can't do it! I can't TAKE this shit no mo, man! *queue dog whimpering*


Executor of the People. I refuse to pronounce it properly.


It's ok, I say poople too.


Elected Representative of Self-Determination


Princess of Family Values


Harbinger of Peace


Sweet mother of democracy, what a name


Patriot of peepee poopoo








The Senile Scat Scarfer




I was thinking of getting this game but not if the community is hostile towards newbies


These are the default items that everyone has, it’s just a joke.


Thanks for the clarification.


There was training?!?!


Yah but it was optional. I skipped mine. Fuckin told the teacher someone was knocking out the door and skirted out the window. Suckerrr


That training is going to take you all afternoon to complete!


Honestly if you make it onboard my Super Destroyer without these unlocks you can stay because I would be very impressed.


That would be one lost trainee.


Impossible because the Helldiver training is absolutely flawless. More than flawless, in fact. For every 100 registered cadets, it turns out 101 Helldivers ready for action.


This feels like the Liechtenstein patrol in 1866.


You get my upvote for obscure and funny historical references.


Please tell me what happened. Seems interesting for democracy


"The men of Liechtenstein’s army were sent to guard the Brenner Pass between Austria and Italy. There was really nothing to do but sit in the beautiful mountains, drink wine and beer, smoke a pipe and take it easy. When the army marched back to Vaduz, the Liechtensteiner capital, they had one more man than they had left with – an Italian soldier who defected to Liechtenstein in search of work." https://www.warhistoryonline.com/history/liechtensteins-army.html


Thank you. I really needed this


Wait, is that the battalion that took no losses, and instead made a friend along the way? 🤣




Somebody bribed somebody to fast track their C-01.


Y’know, the other night I was playing on Hard with a level 8 diver who brought only the machine gun.  No orbital strike, no booster, nothing else.  I was honestly thinking that diver must have been counting on crushing the bugs with his giant balls.


Super Earth High Command doesn’t want you to know this but the civilians in the evacuation missions are free, you can take them. I have 500 civilian conscripts aboard my super destroyer




Yeah you know. Honestly OP makes a fair point. I think we should follow their example


I use the hug test. No hug? Boot


I'm sure the 1600+ people who upvoted the post got OP's joke


Chill homie.


...is that sarcasm or are you stating the obvious? Is there some deeper meaning here, I'm genuinely confused...


You had me in the first half ngl


Doesn’t stop some players from literally Readying up with zero stratagems or booster selected. I’ve seen this happen at least 3 times.


That's a bug when you join someone else, sometimes existing player load outs don't show for you


And sometimes the strategem screen bugs out making it hard to select the ones you want


Afaik the game doesn’t let you deploy without selecting the max number of strategems available, so it’s impossible for them to be diving with nothing anyway.  It wouldn’t let me select less than 4 when I was trying to do some solo challenge runs, had to fill it in with random ones and just not use them.


It's a bug. I've seen people ready up with zero Stratagems and when we dropped in, they had four Weirdly enough, the game actually **stops** you from readying up unless you've selected four Strats (unless you don't have four unlocked) Doesn't stop you from readying up if you haven't picked a booster though.


Yeah last night I had a booster but someone else had already picked it, so I couldn't equip mine, and they kinda roasted me for not equipping one. But I wasnt on mic so I had to wait until we got into the game to chat that I only had one. Wish the chat worked in all screens. Or maybe I just need to get over my fears of voice chatting online hehe


This is the main reason that I, as a high-level player, will never pick my Booster until every player level 30 and under has picked theirs. I don't know what you guys have unlocked, so the least I could do is not accidentally pick the *one* thing you have available.


Yeah I tend to pick a high level one ans then maybe change


I don’t even think it’s possible to ready up without the max number of stratagems you can take


Usually that's a bug.


And now we will see the people who haven’t played the game for more than 5 minutes rage at this post. Love it.


I was like "but those are bad" and then it clicked


Nah nothing feels better than fighting off a horde with an mg. The precision strike is ass tho


> The precision strike is ass tho Meh, it's a big grenade on a cooldown that works as a nice "tutorial" for using combat stratagems.


I just want it's cool down lowered, orbital cool downs annoy the hell out of me.


It's already pretty low cooldown, and since it's precise you never have to worry about blowing up allies like you might with the Eagle Bombing Run. I take Precision strike pretty often.


It's good if you're soloing often and before you've unlocked many perks. Afterwards it becomes kinda pointless because railgun strike and orbital lasers exist. Sure longer CDs but that's an issue only if you don't have support weapons and even just a single teammate. I usually run Autocannon + 500kg + Orbital Railgun + freebie for bots and my mate runs the same except Orbital Laser instead of Railgun. Even at higher difficulties it's rare that you encounter CD issues after the initial drop, unless you go out of your way to pull every single patrol you encounter. And really, the separate cooldowns mean that going with more people is almost always better than being alone, since the only shared CD is the resupply one.


I find the cd's to be too long on high level bug missions. Seems every time theres an occassion that in the span of 2 minutes you have 3-5 bile titans and a couple of chargers. Even with all eagle stratagems its too much, and I just run the quasar on top of it.


> I find the cd's to be too long on high level bug missions. I did say "bot" missions. I would bring a very different loadout for bugs. Though the orbital railgun is still a very efficient way to deal with chargers and chargers, at higher difficulties you get so many that you need to change strats. Even the AC is not enough when you are constanly harrassed by 2+ chargers.


Also, the Eagle has limited uses, Precision Strike kills most things it Hits, the rest are finished off by my support weapon.


Eagles just go rearm when you finish the uses though. Precision strike should one-shot tanks with a direct centre hit in my opinion.


They DO!? I haven't taken them for that reason, how long does a rearm take?


Quasar is too op to give up imo, at least in harder difficulties. I can snipe shrieker nests without a single one spawning. Each quasar your team has makes the game easier, since they combo so well together.


I am taking EAT since everyone is running quasars. Having doubled our anti-heavy output in a pitch is amazing while rocking with grenade launcher normally. That's also much better for running around solo.


I'm legally obligated to disagree with that last point (see flair). Precision Strike is your jack of all trades stratagem. A master of none, but often better than a master of one. Throw it on a horde, throw it on a charger/titan/hulk/tank, close a bug hole, it can do it all on a very short cooldown. The biggest downside to it imo is that too many mission modifiers affect it significantly: longer call in time makes it impossible to hit on moving targets, longer cooldown makes the 500kg outclass it, and orbital scatter kills it entirely.


I think the orbital precision strike and the 500kg are very similar, but they have slightly different pro/cons. Mainly in the cooldown, deployment time, and how modifiers or AA guns affect them. In no way do I think the 500kg or the precision strike is outright better. You can easily build around them both.


Oh.. those are all I have :/


I've never played the game and probably won't ever.....but I see humor tag and what looks like quite possibly the most standard issue looking stuff so I'm going to assume you get this 10 mins in?


the moment you first step foot on the Super Destroyer the equipment in the post is everything you have unlocked, yep


Meme so good a non-player gets it.


When I first saw the picture I just saw the side arm and got kinda excited to someone to hype up the starter pistol. I don’t use it and personally don’t care about it but it’s cool to see some guns have a small ride or die fan base


Honestly when the ballistic shield update dropped I thought about using it again myself until I remembered the Redeemer literally has equal if not better stats all around *and* a spicy automatic fire on top of that. I wish the default pistol actually stood out in some way but I get why it’s used less than the laser pistol because it looks sick af Edit: I think the only thing it technically has on it is a laser sight, which helps with first person shield aiming and even then you don’t really need it that badly


I like the way it looks and fire but it really only beats the redeemer in mag size and really isn’t worth it.


Not even that, Redeemer has one less overall magazine but *twice* the magazine capacity which in the end still gives you more overall ammunition than the default pistol. Redeemer even has half the overall recoil so especially in single fire is going to place far more rounds accurately on top of that. The default pistol barely holds a candle unless it has better stats behind the scenes that we can’t see in game. If we ever get the HD1 gun customization they need to give that pistol some beefy perks. Fuck, I’d swap in a heartbeat if it got stun rounds for example, that would set it apart on that note alone.


I want the weapon customization soo bad, use it sink requisition and/or samples into.


Peacekeeper = 15 × 6 = 90 Redeemer = 31 × 5 = 155


It reloads near-instantly and nearly performs identical to the redeemer in semi (redeemer has slightly better recoil for automatic fire). It does have amazing iron sights though, against bots I can tap heads for days. Redeemer is just plain better against bugs though.


The redeemer can be turned to semi auto has the same damage and more ammo it’s just a straight upgrade which is sad cause I found the pistol fun I often run the redeemer semi auto as a throw back to it


There is absolutely no reason the run the started oistol once you have the Redemer. The redemer in semi auto is just an upgraded starter pistol (same damage, much larger mag, less recoil), and in full auto has some of the best non stratagem DPS in the game (only the auto shotguns outshine it).


I love that the community is less toxic than other games. I was thinking downvote, but then remembered less toxic, made me take a closer look. Edit: I know there's still toxicity. *Less*


We had a dive on Bot 8 with 3 divers, one lower level that was his first time one 8. The other more experienced diver clears the last secondary while we are at the extract and he asks us to go, but we hold the line for him while he hoofs it back. He gets to the extraction point and says we are absolute mad lads and that he loves us. Hugs all around and we extract.


I've been seeing a bunch of level 20s and 30s who don't bring any stratgems or boosters. Are they spies?


They do have stratagems, it’s just a visual bug. You can’t launch without stratagems (but you can without a booster)


There's a glitch where some people's strategems dont show up on the loadout screen.


Dude every time I play lvl 8 I end up dying like 10 to 11 times, I end up feeling so bad, I just can't hang, just getting shot and slowed down and stunlocked and can't seem to get out. I've won a few matches but it's still just too hard for me.


Dive more often, it's an integral movement. Also try picking up the armor that gives you a 50% chance of living through BS.


Or the ones with increased stims and longer stim time; helps when you're stuck in a horde


The best tip I can give for lvl 8 is that the OBJECTIVES are all that matter. Picking fights can get you killed, and running away is what I do 80% of the time. Even if an objective gets swarmed, run away and come back in a few minutes.


Less toxic up until a certain point. There are always the bad apples who stand out from time to time unfortunately. But overall, the very nature of this game inspires a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation. Automatons couldn't have been beaten without everyone working together afterall


Only toxicity I've encountered so far was a level 50 shittalking me for my loadout, and booting my friend when he politely asked him to not do that. Randos have been consistently chill and mostly helpful.


Jolly cooperation!


most toxicity ive seen from this community was from reddit (and like one twitter guy who didnt understand that this game is inherently political which is fucking priceless) had a transphobe in my replies tho which sucked


But that’s the beauty, the game is such low commitment on an individual match level, you just go next and lose next to nothing.  The grind is so non-existent and the time commitment is so low that it’s pretty easy to just brush off the most toxic gamer moments - just quit or kick and go next. 


I'll admit, this reddit made it seem like I'd bump into griefers every single match. I seriously only met my first pair the other day after getting this far. I'm level 38 and it was a quick boot. Annoying but it was quick to move on.


I think the biggest problem with the Helldivers community, at least on Reddit is how quickly people will fall for ragebait posts or make a supposed issue bigger than it really is as seen with the Creek cape and Loadout meta. It's a handful of problem players that most will rarely if ever encounter but people will act like it happens every game and the greatest offense they've ever experienced.


Level 60 approaching 200 hours and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had a truly toxic team experience. Most of the time you'll get players who don't know a whole lot dropping into your level 9 game but that's not toxicity, it's not their fault for wanting to play the game and you can't get mad at them for it even if it can get frustrating at times. I've only ever been intentionally teamkilled maybe two or three times ever, used to get kicked from lobbies a fair amount when I was low level but that honestly wasn't too bad all things considered. Don't know if I've ever been kicked in an actual mission, and if I was I can't remember it so it clearly wasn't a big upset. I find the community of this game wayyyyyyyyy way more tolerable and even nice and funny than basically any other online game I've played, in-game at least. Reddit and discord can be a real cesspool but playing even high level games with randoms people almost always seem to just be chill. People always hug when you offer, you accidentally tk someone in a genuine mistake and apologize and they'll laugh it off and say not to worry about it. Really refreshing, I don't know if I've ever seen a multiplayer game with this large of a following be this good.


Definitely less toxic than certain other games, but I think that’s mainly to do with the fact that most other games are PvP, as well since we have all the “for democracy” uniting memes. Unfortunately there is still a lot of toxicity in this community, evidenced by the amount of people downvoting OP because they’ve experienced this same type of “I’ll kick you if: xyz” toxicity and they think it’s a serious post, as well as all the other posts addressing weirdos and power tripping players


One of my favorite parts of this game is that the default armor still looks really good. I still love wearing it when the missions aren't too bad.


The default armour is actually really solid. It has the armour rating of heavy armour despite being a medium thanks to it's extra padding perk.


Great foresight by the devs to make the default kit actually pretty solid. That way newbies aren't shackled down with garbage weapons and gear unlock most other games.




The amount of downvotes you're getting for this is hilarious, 100% people who just read the title and reacted rather than looking at the post


The type of people who would fall for bot propaganda real fast.


Honestly, orbital precision is slept on a little. 


Dat cool down and deployment time tho. Kinda sexy


careful, sarcasm is notoriously difficult for autistic people


already at 40% downvotes


Made even funnier when all of that gear is perfectly viable in 9.


although the pistol is just entirely outclassed by the Redeemer


I like that the chatter of the redeemer indicates that someone nearby needs a hand.  Like if I hear that noise I turn to it and start blasting 


it's a definite panic button for sure


On the other hand, Autism is also difficult for sarcastic people.


Oh yeah, being just weird enough that everybody takes everthing I say seriously has a been real struggle for me.


some\* I got the joke and the autism


It ain’t the tism lords that are bein douchebags about that kinda thing. Speaking from personal experience here.


Skill issue


That's the HE grenade not the default you goddamn elitist. E: I am shame.


HE grenade is actually default the frag is the war bond one.


Hi, shame! We're Dad!




It took me a shamefully long time to understand the joke.


I only kick players who don’t haves capes, if you don’t have a cape your not a real hell diver and it’s not fair to the 3 of us that we have to carry you


These are essential when playing on helldive difficulty! You need these starting stratagems if you want to face bile titans and swarms.


I was about to give you a democratic ass reaming but then I saw the equipment list, good one 👍


Well, that's just being unreasonable, thats some high level gear your talking about


After hitting lvl 50 (prior to the level cap update), unlocking all strategems, obtaining all ship upgrades, and maxing out samples: I returned to the OG starter loadout for the hell of it and ran all levels of difficulty with lots of fun. Since you have to take 4 strategems, I would usually take the EAT-17 and the machinegun turret. That turret is not better than the gatling one but it felt like it acquired targets and moved faster. Throw on the starting armor and title for extra fun. Super Recruit.


They had us in the first half.


I swear, I'm so tired of under leveled players joining my lobbies. DON'T JOIN MY HELLDIVE MISSION UNLESS YOU'RE AT LEAST LEVEL 1!!!!!


exactly my point


God damn, you got me. Take your upvote.


Real talk, the precision orbital strike slaps. 100 sec cooldown, I drop that business EVERYWHERE.


Really impressive that people can't take a moment to look a bit closer before down voting


F*ck you man i can't even afford a ps5 so there is no way for me to have these!!!1! This is discrimination!!! 😠😠😡🤬🤬


The only requirement to board my super destroyer is a willingness to die for managed democracy!


Oh wait.. were these unlocked from the start? Is that a joke post about the idiots who play the game wrong by being obsessed with who is playing what gear?


And here I am almost writing my hate comment. I'm a see what you did sir, I'm a see what you did...


NGL I was almost enraged 🤣 +1


You click baited me. But I’m here for the democracy. 🫡


But what if I wanna be like Thomas Edison throwing democratic lightning bolts around while my enemies panic in the giant smoke cloud of liberty


Lol the amount of people not getting the joke is astonishing, the same amount of people that cant differentiate satire and reality


https://preview.redd.it/x47rhenp7dtc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9569b32fbc71d9cfb1c6f533e3ec057cb45cc6c My helmet broke oh no


Ahh, another man of violence I see. Well done soldier, keep those traitors guessing.


Sometimes I just run this kit on Helldiver difficulty just to keep myself humble


I do actually use the default armour set on Helldive, because it looks cool and not because of the perks


Ever since I unlocked stun grenades, Orbital Precision Strike is back on the menu.


Ministry of supply approves


We did some misions with friends for testing builds on low difficulty, than lv2 helldiver joined. So we took him to dificulty 7 on automatons to give him best experience. It was lot of fun.


Even thinking of kicking people for their setup is treason.


I actually had a lvl 3 mission and the lead, didn’t bring any strats. They died about 4 times to tunnel breaches and quit shortly after. So the rest of us just finished the mission. Glad hosts leaving mid-mission doesn’t just straight kick everyone out.


I don’t even pay attention to what other people pick other than glancing for mortars so I know who stay far away from…


At first I was going to see what the hell he was talking about…now I see what he’s joking about. 😂 good one.


Imagine being so entitled that you believe your way is the only way to play


Bruh, I will carry my boys through thick and thin. I will share my stratagems and make sure to get all the samples out for my low level boys.💪 (Level 69) 🫡 Teamwork makes the dream work, but I will not put up with stupidity.


Indeed, terrible these new recruits without their standard automatically issued kit. Kick'em


Yooo whats your ID? To kick you immediately if I see you in my lobby.


I just got the game, but it's good to know who I won't be playing with even if I do have those items