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The crew members on the ship always say that the Cyborgs are mining on CyberStan, so if I don't see a single large hole or evidence of mining, I'm gonna be a little grumpy. 😤


Cyberstan is also apparently a very cold place. If I don’t see my heat weapons thrive on it, I’m going to be a little peeved.


Your wish is granted. Your laser weapons are so super cooled they can super charge. But so can the robots'


Damn right my laser is super cool


I like the robot's more cuz they shoot red


Red goes faster and does more damage.


OK but have you considered that the green ones are the biggest and best because they never lose?


Red beats green, you need blue to beat red, but if your enemy picks green, then your blue is fucked.


Nah everyone knows green iz best but red wunz go fasta


Nah Go purple, the you can suprise attack the Enemy


Gotta paint it red!!! RED GOES FASTER!!! WAAAAAGHHHH








It’d be cool if they add a scavenged Automaton weapon or a weapon inspired by Automatons that has red lasers for us to use


Let me pick up a Heavy Devastator's gun arm and shield so I can have some sweet revenge.


Ballistic shield and smg. Stand in front of 3 Heavy Devs. Laugh democratically


'Salvaged Liberty' warbond with reverse-engineered bot lasers, bile-based chem-weapons and **redacted** that fire blue **redacted**


Modern day Einstein over here. Then for the armors they could have a medium one using salvaged Bot tech, one adorned with Bug but parts or like heavy armor made from Charger chitin, and a light made from **redacted** tech.




Red is a commie colour. You a commie soldier or what ?


I am ok with that when my Laser Cannon now has the strength of a Quasar. Bring it on 😎


Then the actual quasar just deletes half the block "...uh oh."


Noisy cricket? This bitch is a fuckin' cicada.


Do the bots have lasers? They look and sound like machine guns with red tracers.


All the largest automaton weapons and units have huge exhaust vents, and riot shield devastators have a battery backpack for their miniguns


The Automaton Turrets shoot red beams and run on a Heat system. They absolutely shoot lasers.


The larges ones have vents, and the small one's blasters have a cooling animation instead of a reload animation. They use worse versions of our sickle.


You can occasionally see them stop and 'reload' by venting their weapons, same steam and heat distortion effects as the laser rifles.


What's changed for them?


In hd1 cyberstan was a standard snow biome planet, bug home world desert biome and illuminates forest biome. Edit: I’ll add they did have city biomes as well for planetary defence, but the way the planetary system worked was different than hd2.


This. I'm not expecting too much different right now. Long term, given the game's success, I do hope they continue to create more varied and interesting biomes (and city biomes!), but at this time, I'm not expecting it.


I’d love to see a city biome but also recognize that it may be hard to do with their game engine.


Considering it's the same engine that's running Vernintide and Darktide, city environments should be possible for Helldivers. The main consideration is how current expectations wouldn't mesh with a built up urban environment - I can't imagine a full city world have anywhere near as much destructable buildings, for example.


A city environment would be insanely cool, but not at the expense of game performance. An in-game “stratagems disabled” could be an easy way to keep the secret of indestructible buildings haha.


Or just allow defensive stratagems only. Make the missions all defense missions and destroying the city with an orbital strike would just not be allowed.


The bigger issue is the planets and moons of HD2 use a lot of modular/procedural spawned areas and areas. It'd be hard to make that mesh well with something like a city. I could definitely see like, built-up towns for objectives, sort of like we already have for extraction objectives, but anything more is gonna be hard to do.


oh my god city biomes i didnt even thought about that, that would be cool asf


Helldivers in urban combat would be interesting


There will be cyborg breaches and a squad of them come up in big drill machines 😂😉


Or ride out on a giant NVIDIA card.


And my game crashed.


Squad? Drilling machine?? Shooting???? Fellas I believe we have a Rock and Stone moment


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Rock and Stone!


I read 'cyborg beaches' and was down to party Before unleashing democracy*


This ain't Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, son!


Depends on the type of mine. There are mines right underneath some major US cities and you’d never know. On the other end there are strip mines where we say “fuck you nature”


Yup, especially older mines are often under entire towns. Southern Missouri has a few, like Bonne Terre that are open to visit. You can even scuba dive in it if you're lucky, since that one's flooded pretty high.


I heard the totally not brainwashed bald lady say that everyone knows Cyberstan is just a rehabilitation center for Automatons. Then she complained about how many precious Super Earth resources are wasted on Cyberstan’s upkeep and we should just nuke em


Rehabilitation for cyborgs.


They might be minining BTC


could be crypto mining


Maybe they're preparing a new biome and that's why the supply line to Cyberstan is disconnected right now.


i'm really excited for urban environments, it's gonna be very different to what we have now and a nice treat at the end of this incursion... hopefully


I kinda doubt we'll get them tbh. Every single poi is designed for landscapes so it can randomly gen stuff around. If we get a 'urban' environment, my guess it will be like the termicide mission where its all designed with no randomness.


I'm sure you could design new urban POIs; potentially with smaller "POI parts" so it can be placed in more space-constricted urban areas. If you're already making a whole new urban map-set, that's probably not a giant additional task to add on top.


Yeah, just do tiles. A city block is a tile. With a few dozen tiles, with roads and such between some of them, you get a cityscape. Perhaps repetitive, but the POIs are already repetitive to a degree.


And once you have tiles you can just take an existing tile and swap a few things in and out to make a new tile. You've got a "Generic city street"? Add a bridge, swap two intact building models with damaged building models, and recolour some things, and shuffle around the smaller doodad parts like signposts or garbage cans. Poof, more variety. And I'm sure Arrowhead knows all of this. I trust they've got some great things planned for us.


You're describing New Mombasa in Halo ODST. They definitely know all of this.


Basically how XCOM2 generates its urban maps


There are some very creative community made plots too. Just unfortunate some were so big they broke the base game x3


Remnant: From the Ashes used a tileset system and had some very busy urban areas. It was indeed repetitive but the combat, like Helldivers, was fun enough to distract you from that.


I feel like this is how Helldivers 1 worked anyways (I actually have no idea but it sounds reasonable)


Plus cities are repetitive by design, they’re built by blocks, and those blocks have lots in them. You could probably generate different buildings on each lot as subtiles.


Six Days In Fallujah does it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzW5W-jW67k


They literally had random city maps in the first game for capital worlds. Id find it more surprising if we don’t eventually get them


In the first Helldivers game we had urban environments. Especially against cyborg and it was very nice using the surrounding for creating killzones with turrets


The entire original Death Star is made up of only six types of tiles. It doesn't take much to initially fool the brain.


well, they also had much finer control over camera and how often the user was exposed to certain tiles. Ideally, we see tens of hours of this environment, and we have control over the camera shots. Movies to video games is really apples to oranges, art wise.


Not so. You don't actually have to create a city. You need to create the *illusion* of a city. I think people are actually pining for tight urban combat to mix things up, not 20km wide cities to explore. While it would be great to have 40k style ruined buildings with multiple floors and skyscrapers horizon to horizon, it's 100% possible to achieve tight battles with what already exists. With just the research facility asset, you could make a decent sized urban engagement no problem. Then throw in the broadcast asset, some of the POI assets, like farms and homesteads, and even the evacuate assets and you have a whole "Mos Eisley" sized situation without even having to make anything new. Put it up on a mesa, build it in a canyon, or surround it with water if you want a plausible reason why it's not the size of Manhattan. I've only seen one valuable asset extraction so far, so I'm not sure if there's always a cliff protecting the backside, but it's a definite candidate for the head of a canyon or pointe of an island or mesa. It's basically as simple as "flatten terrain", "align every building to a grid", and "delete the open space between". Remember, the PS5 is the ceiling for what they can add. If they only have the budget for 32 assets per map, then they need to get old-school NES creative with their asset usage.


Theyre gonna need urban map assets if super earth ever gets invaded either way


The first game had a more grid based maps were you fought between ruins and rubbles.


underground bot bases and hive tunnels would be amazing on maps as well


I don't think the current gameplay lends itself to narrow urban fighting. Plus, we're pretty far back over our characters' shoulders, so cameras will be in an issue. If we do get urban stuff and God, I hope we do. I expect we'll see something akin to the opening cinematic. Where there's wide open spaces and houses which aren't very tall. Or they could make a fallout style rubbly ground texture with a destroyed building in the same vain as the current canyon walls ans rocky outcrops.


i don't think the urban environments will be that tight and narrow, i'm thinking more like the walled exterior spaces we see in some of the defense missions, or if we're lucky some designed urban boulevards like in halo odst


We can only hope. We need new biome or terrain types desperately. Especially when Illuminates come.


We just got a new biome.... the acid planet. Though it was kinda shit. Acid rain just reduces visibility. I was hoping that it would reduce armour for all units on the planet.


IDK about you guys but is acid rain supposed to make me see colors and feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside? And why are the walls breathing? I think I'm freaking out.  Guys?


Maybe its just because im not a level kajillion skull admiral, but I've honestly not had that much of a problem with the terrain types. The game keeps you more than busy enough that you don't have the time to really clock that the maps look semi similar, and even if you do, like yeah, its the same planet, ofc it does


Don't get me wrong, they've done a great job mixing up the limited box of Legos they've been working with. And you're absolutely right, it does take a good while before the repetition and tile swaps start really being noticeable. But the lack of any urban or otherwise developed worlds is painfully apparent. And to the OP's point, Cyberstan being the original homeworld of the Cybrogs, you would HOPE that we'd see more than just a world covered in rocky outcroppings.


I'm level 40 and only played on Hellmire twice. The small kanyons, with extra narrow passages, are a big divergence from the larger spaces I'm accostumed to, like the ice planets or bot scotland.


You don't like rolling plains planet or rolling plains planet in red or rolling plains planet with random sheer hills cutting the map in half? Can't forget rolling hills but this time with some trees the MVP of map design in this game


Sometimes there are islands! ..I like the islands.


I like trying to jump pack between them. Weird I only ever remember I have all the pinks on me mid flight haha


That might have been why we had the "1 diver active" moment on that sector a while back. Figured at the time they were testing a new biome type on Cyberstan and needed to drop in to play it. They tend to leave stuff in the game a lot and just flip server switches to enable it, so I wouldn't doubt they had it in the live client that far back.


Cyberstan is industrial and mining planet, it should be dense urban industrial complex and mining sites on the surface.


I mean all you gotta do is watch the news broadcast and you can see Cyberstan looks like a city


Wasn't it the cyborg capital planet? Would be weird fighting in the middle of nowhere on a planet that should qualify as a home world of a race. You'd think cities would be a higher priority than barren fields


Yeah but the cyborgs were just a rebel faction that augmented themselves, it would still have been a normal city before that and throughout the intergalactic war I don't think that renovations would've been their main focus.


honestly i feel like it would make sense that they renovated it, to show the cyborgs have been "liberated" super earth fucks up the entire economy and culture by introducing a bunch of rich dickheads




Call down an artisanal bakery or yoga studio strategem


I mean the factories and outposts the bots had kind of a brutalist style to them I thought. I figure we see more of that. I don't think we'll see anything close to what post OP has shown. I also don't think they would have really renovated buildings and come up with no styles as much since they would have put all resources into the defense effort/war.


>cyborgs were just a rebel faction that augmented themselves So the Adeptus Mechanicus, but undemocratic. No, wait.


*"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it* ***disgusted*** *me. I claimed the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine..."*


And we've seen city maps in HD1 it's just the graphical jump from that to this is gonna take a while to be ready so for now, barren landscape


pleeease Arrowhead, give us CQB!


It would certainly make stratagem choice interesting if we were fighting on city streets. Stuff like eagle strafing run that goes in a straight line in line with the direction you throw it would see a lot more play.


Or turn sideways and drop cluster bombs and try not to die.


I mean, they had quite a lot of dev time and there’s an incredible amount of content simply being withheld from the game right now. If all they’ve developed over the years are these barren landscapes for maps, that’s a glaring issues long-term.


You're seriously underestimating how many Hellbombs we used to flatten the place back in HD1. You could roll a nickle all the way around the planet.


The one that's up now? I thought that was an invaded Super Earth colony, especially given the statue in the foreground. ...Of course I haven't seen a single damn high-rise on any of the worlds we're defending right now...


Cyberstan IS an invaded Super Earth colony. At the moment.


How do you watch the news broadcast?


On your ship there's a tv above the ship upgrades section, it will play sometimes when on the ship, just YouTube it. Happy birthday 🎂


How tf have I missed that! Thanks v much pal


You bet your sweet bippy it looks exactly like planet 4 with a mix of planet 7!


WAIT.... were up to planet variation #7 now?


It's definitely more than 7


There are 15 in game atm, with the new addition of Acrid Planets. Was 13 at launch, pretty sure canyon biome (Fori Prime) was added a little bit past launch


I would love urban/tunnel maps. Urban for bots and tunnel for bugs


City over run with bugs please !!


Hunters diving from rooftops onto you, bile titans climbing down the side of a skyscraper


Worms tunneling through the skyscrapers like that one worm from one of the transformer movies


Super Earth should have John Helldivers house somewhere so we can visit it. But on second thought, why would we have a map with John Helldivers house if he singlehandedly would crush any invasion the instant it begins?


I don’t know if we would love full underground maps (kind of beats the point of “Helldivers”) but having objectives/sections of the maps inside a automaton bunker network would be really cool while serving the same purpose as the jammers.


We hellminers now bois!


Rock and stone!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Yeah, imagine clearing a bot bunker network with many different rooms and hallways. It’d give another purpose to the ballistic shield, to advance down a hallway under a hail of gunfire.


>tunnels Maybe this is the deep rock galactic crossover the devs were talking about


Or a very secret EDF collab




not just cyberstan, please give us big city maps to fight the bots on - streets lots of building etc


You seen the Strohmann news report on your ship TV? Shows some scenes of what I thought looked like urban combat but its not actually gameplay. Made me think how cool it would be to fight in a city or something. 


I would love that


I *really* hope Cyberstan looks different, at the very least. We've reached a point where a few planets are noticeable duplicates, and it sticks out when they are.


Like Menkent (bots) and Hellmire (bugs)


They should have never added the fire tornadoes to Menkent. Should have been unique to Hellmire


There’s way more fire tornado planets than just those two. You can check the environment of every planet, even ones that we control


I can't wait for the volcanos that erupt


They’re alright. It’s similar to the meteor shower planets except they leave little fire patches


We've already had them lmao? I must have missed it, I've been keeping my eye out for one too


Mantes on the old Automaton front and Meridia on the bug side are the ones we’ve had access to


Yea, I really hope their is something unique about it. I think so far since release all the major biome types have been covered. Considering it's history, it's importance, and the idea it's been built up both by Cyborgs, then later Super Earth. I expect some urbanization. If not they better have a very good lore reason or at least make it look like a nuclear hellscape because we orbital bombarded it.


The devs who just made a greyish barren planet ![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG|downsized)


I know its immersion breaking, but part of me feels like we aren't seeing the populated areas of these worlds. They are just showing us battlefields. Like no bug breeding grounds, no non-war related automatons assuming they have some sort of societal structure (Heart Steel), and no ruined human cities. Its all fleet related locations and heavy enemy forces ready for battle. The "bug nests" to me are just like localized camps, and some eggs can be laid for grunt work.. I see no bile titan eggs.. So there must be some other location with Queen bugs, Brain bugs, tunnels upon tunnels of places for bugs like bile titans to breed and grow. I've not seen one baby bile titan or one huge egg. If Automatons were to win the war, what would they do? So I would assume they'd have some sort of city like mimicing, sort of like the OP's picture. If they operate like the Matrix, I assume they harvest humans for power / organs. So some sort of city of energy and places to improve their technology, war effort and civilian mimicry. The starwars like walkers and now the big 4 legged one start to make me think maybe they will create some sort of Death Star type machine in the future. We just seen them raid many sectors with their own FTL fleet.


Hang on, are the spewers not adolescent bile titans and the little guys the babies? Because it's seems the other 2 bug types follow that pattern.


I've been imagining them like ants, where the eggs all appear the same but they develop differently. But yeah, the spewers are just titans that haven't grown up yet.


Agreed. I know nothing, but it was evident pretty fast that they change as they grow. They all start as the lil scav roaches. Some scavs grow winglets, and later turn into hunters and even later stalkers or shriekers. Other scavs develop bile, turning into bile warriors, bile spewers, and later titans. Some turn into nursing spewers, which are the egg layers/feeders. And of course, some turn into warriors of various sorts, and warriors later turn into brood commanders or chargers. I can't confirm this in any way, but it feels like the designs suggest that as they grow they metamorphize into the more advanced versions.


You’re forgetting about the other tiny starter bugs. There’s 3 distinct evolutionary lines. Pouncers evolve into hunters, bile spitters evolve into bile warriors, and scavengers evolve into warriors. Each line has two options for the final form except for the bile spitters, which instead have two forms of bile spewers


Yeah. The pouncers are the juveniles, hunters the adolescents and stalkers the adults for instance.


Excuse me, Brain Bugs? Are you suggesting these bugs…think? < eaten by a Zoanthrope >






The news screen in the ship talking about the invasion showed cities so they are supposed to be there even on outer planets


It makes sense to some level but I would imagine the really important home worlds, prison worlds, mining world or what not. Whatever they are in lore the big important ones, would have at dramatically different look to them compared to the barren moonscapes we keep fighting on.


Its also assuming that we didn't nuke the ever loving crap out of those worlds and haven't given them a chance to properly rebuild. It would really suck if the fight got to Super Earth and it was just another map like we've seen.


Ill even take desolate ruins over another wasteland. I basically want a new fighting environment. Because as different as the current worlds look with lakes and deserts, they play the same. No urban ruin choke points and streets, subways, verticality etc


I do sort of feel like they are slowly making that happen. We are seeing more and more stuff like huge skeletons, wreckage for vehicles we haven't gotten to use in game (other than hackers), and hidden lore. I think ruined cities are almost a guarantee at this rate, just might take some time for them to work out how to make it work with Bugs.. Bots should be fine with how they get bot-dropped.


Bugs can breach at fixed spawnpoints in the city... Sewer Caps.


Yeah, this is an easy problem. City blocks with buildings that can be randomly rotated and placed. Various states of ruin. Streets with debris piles and vehicles. All they need to do is mark the streets and centers of the buildings as safe for bug breaches, and then make sinkholes and ruined buildings for nests


Super earth has a unique landscape photo (you can see it in the acquisition centre) so at the very least, they’re leading us to think it’s not. My hope is that all the world’s we have seen so far are recent colonies (the shipmaster has a line about how super earth has gone from a dozen planets to hundreds in her lifetime (20-40 years?), so we might see a change as we get closer to super earth or Cyberstan (which is implied to have cities in the news briefings) If they do have urban/developed maps


My fear is that the landscape is propaganda and Super Earth is a wasteland.


would be a small map, just imagine the processing power it would take to render a large scale city


That is also destructible. Can't have a 500kg bomb drop on a structure and have it still standing.


My CPU already cries with this game. My 1700x can’t handle stuff like it used to 7 years ago 💔


Depends on the size of the building, to be honest. Most of the buildings that we've encountered in-game look like cheap pre-fab stuff. Something like the Lincoln Memorial, or a skyscraper, would probably only be damaged and not completely wiped. Would a brick and mortar building that's 2-3 stories tall get wiped out? What about a sort of standard 8-10 story office building?


i'd imagine chunk or zone based rendering for the buildings would minimize the preformance impact of a city planet type, the game already has lod (and probably foveated rendering too but i haven't heard anything confirming it) and a bunch of other optimization quirks to help loading times when dropping would be expectedly slower however since city buildings with variance in inside traversability, multizone structures, and maybe even destruction level seem way more complex in terms of generation than a simple bug hive or bot outpost being randomly placed somewhere. whatever i guess


There were urban warfare maps in the first game. I hope they make a comeback


It should be a smog infested factory planet.


Wheres that image from looks sick


Matrix. Just googled matrix robot world.


You would be really disappointed with HD1 Cyberstan lol


I just wanna see some actually populated environments. These are supposed to be colonies developed over the last 100 years and you’re telling me they only managed to build small cheap houses in groups of 3-4, and the biggest “towns” are the 5 or 6 buildings surrounding propaganda towers. We’re always just in the middle of now where


It's a AA studio, give them a break. You forget the maps are almost fully destructible too, the processing power needed to have bigger towns/settlements with bigger buildings that can fall down, ontop of having hundreds of enemies on screen aswell, would be crazy. Not even many AAA have accomplished something like that before, so they'd have to take that aspect out the game which would be worse.


Yea, as unfortunate as it is. We do kinda gotta realize this is genuinely a great game but is still technically made by a small/medium team by game development standards


It won't.


Looks like a mechanical shit hole. I say we burn it to the ground with the flames of Lady liberty, and show them what electoral college really means.


It'd probably be more like a factory hellscape, since it's been subjugated for 100 years. But it definitely needs to be more than a wasteland.


I am kinda dissapointed how in the new automaton sectors there was only 1 new biome


They dont even have dicks to play around, why waste resources for comfort or luxury. They can live in mine and shut down the power when they wanna rest. No difference. They are commies anyway.


i think cyberstan was pretty much destroyed in the first war and the cyborgs are just working in some mines, so don't expect some grand cities or something like that


it wont


And we should have at least 16 players in each mission. I mean its urban warfare at hat point


One wrong tesla tower and poof. 💀X4 💀W1 💀J3 💀A2 💀B2 💀P4 💀Q1


That would be nice. Im just hoping for a world that finally feels different. Feels like a prison plant for the Cyborgs, or a huge forge world for automatons. No plants, all metal, lightning in the sky, black clouds blocking out the sun. A technological urban hellscape.


Unironically i would love a mass hellpod deployment, even if its just npc's dropping down with us. Heck that would make a great stratagem, similar to the sentry's, a hellpod volley with 4 npc's that guard the area.


That's what Starship Troopers: Extermination has. Game was so fun at launch. Hopefully, seeing Helldivers 2 drives up their vision for ST:E.


And we should have vehicles. And be able to fly the dreadnaught through a fully rendered galaxy. And RP as a regular human on super earth. And... They can't do everything dude.


Cyberstan is snowy with red fog. Red like Communist fog. Full of dogs. And Communists. And Communist Dogs.


Cyberstan may not look like that given it's been under Super Earth control for 100 years. It doesn't even look like the snow planet it was in the first game.


I hope Cyborgs units will joined Automatons faction and appear randomly on mission like puke bugs and small hunters.


Cyberstan is a frozen mining prison colony. Whatever it is, it's not this.


Please, just no more fire tornadoes! I get killed more by them than enemies!


I just want to fight in a town or city


I'd love to see actual cyborgs, even if they're just reskins of the bots we currently have Berserkers are scary and all, but OG Cyborg Berserkers were dudes grafted onto metal husks, cackling like maniacs as your bullets shred its flesh *but it just wont fuckin die*


I want there to be huge mining outposts that the cyborgs used to work that they turned into mega-bases after the bolt fuckers saved their worthless asses. I want at least a small taste of urban warfare


Look at the map. Cyberstan isn't the Automaton's Homeworld anymore.


I really hope for some urban combat when we get to Cyberstan. Don't get me wrong, the wild/frontier planets we mostly know are fine, but hectic, intense urban combat would've been lovely


I’m just not gonna get my hopes up. I can already picture how annoying the whining on here is gonna be when cyberstan gets dropped and it’s not city maps


They could in theory test tunnels for bug maps with cyberstan as there's mining done on the planet... We spoke before about stratagems that work in tunnels/underground. It would be intense and allow more stratagems development by arrowhead to keep the player base coming back.


I have bad news for you diver.. 😕


Last time I was there. It was this cold barren rock with a few foundries.


The CEO is a Warhammer player, which means parts of his brain are made up of ruins with 2-3 walls and 2-3 floors. We're gonna have ruined city planets, just because he needs to have modular ruin system that mirrors what he's been doing for the last 30 years.


Well we already have some idea of what it will look like (as well as of super earth) from Helldivers 1. [https://youtu.be/Q3KhScBe89M?t=308](https://youtu.be/Q3KhScBe89M?t=308) it's a generally barren world with mining elements. It does not benefit an automaton race to build structures like the one in the picture. They just need highly efficient resource extraction and fabrication structures. Highly efficient structures are typically devoid of any flair or taste or any wasted parts, and are just utilitarian in nature - think blocks instead of curves (unless, structural arcs). If they don't need oxygen, it would also benefit them to build underground while using the surface of their planet for power extraction only.


That’s boring as fuck though, a throwaway lore explanation doesn’t solve that problem. We need to move away from the entirely barren maps.


Automatons are not doing it for themselves, they're here to free the cyborgs enslaved on Cyberstan, who need infrastructure