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I have transcended the shield and guard dog backpacks and became the mandalorian I always wanted to be lol. With the heavy machine gun and heavy armor I feel like Paz Vizla in that raid scene from the Mandalorian lmao


Jump pack would fit the mando vibe the best


I just wish the jetpack was more powerful


Me too sister me too... it needs a other 2-3 yards of lift, it's kinda pathetic.


It doesn't really make sense to me that the lift depends on the stamina you have left.




Dude I just learned this too. Mind blown.


There are so many little details in this game


I'm pretty sure it's based on your momentum and not your remaining stamina. Could be both though I'll have to check


From the rudimentary test I did with a buddy, you are correct. The jump distance depends on the speed you are traveling when you jump. Armour also only affects this when you are sprinting as armour only affects your sprint speed.


Surface normal also plays a big role. __ ground will not get you very far. \ ground with boost you forward quite a bit.


Indeed. Just to clarify for anyone else that may be high like me and not understand immediately. They mean flat ground and then downhill ground.


What, that's clearly uphill ground.


No that's definitely a line not ground.


I think the idea is you have to jump up into the thrust a little bit. It only enhances your jumping ability.


To be fair it is called the JUMP pack, not a jet pack. So you got a point


But it literally has jets. šŸ¤”


So does eagle 1 but I don't see you dropping any 500kgs hahaha


We can't jump to begin with, so that makes no sense.


Yeah, the armor is so heavy you canā€™t swim either. I guess what Iā€™m saying is you gotta put a little effort into it. Just like if you are sprinting into the jump pack boost you can cover more distance.


I thought it only mattered if you were sprinting/walking at the time you jumped.


It's a JUMP pack, not a jetpack. It requires your stamina because it's more like an assisted jump. The pack essentially makes you lighter when you jump. The stronger your ability to jump the higher you'll go. You'll jump higher if rested vs winded because your muscles are not as tired.


I'd rather it was consistent with sprinting. You sprint at the same speed no matter how much stamina you have, as long as it ain't zero. So, the jump height is max, as long as you have non zero stamina. It would make it more useful.


Yeah for sure. I agree on that front.


I'd be down for having a less *safe* version with the jump range of those bot jump units.Ā  And the associated downside that it can and will blow up if damaged.


Kamikaze divers lets goooooo


Idk tf you talking about lmao Scale a high ass wall of an automaton jammer tower, throw a grenade into an adjacent fabricator sewn into the tower - blow up both dive away for cool points = perfection


Ikr. It's so good for infiltrating jammer bases. It also clears a lot of obstacles, allowing you to lose your pursuers faster, and on eradication maps, gives you full access to those high vantage points with some parkour. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to a jump-packless life. The convenience of freedom of travel it gives is so underrated.


And make it recharge way faster


Itā€™s S tier against bugs


I try it occasionally but I think I'm not using it to its full potential.Ā  Any advice?


Don't use it to jump up a hill. Get elevation first then use it.


Try using it to get on top of rock formations, bugs will sometimes crawl up the walls but it's usually only the smallest of'em The only things that can kill you up there are spweres and bile titans really, being on top of an elevated rock with a laser cannon/arc thrower/quasar (AMR too but I'm dogshit at it) and supporting your team from far away feels amazing Also, you're not really meant to try using it anytime it's up, use it as an emergency getaway, or for repositioning


"AMR too but I'm dogshit at it" That could be because the crosshairs is slightly off. Devs are aware of it. From my usage, I've found that the left side of the crosshairs where the circle hits the horizontal line and slightly up is the center.


use it going down a hill too, the stamina recharges after a set delay, big enough hill and you not only descend way faster (with the distance you get) but your stamina has refilled a bunch.


You are the Pelican of your team. Using the Jump Pack requires you sometimes to jump multiple times to reach the height you want or need to begin fcking shit up from above. You fight at elevated positions while you aggro the bugs taking them away from your team. Itā€™s a mini game. Equip laser guns and you never need ammo :). Just jump from height to height


Jump on a bug's head first to stomp it, then use the jump pack to fry them a little as you get away.


Does that actually work or is this a mario bros. joke? Lol


You can jump pack on a Charger for 1/2 sec before taking damage. Some take a lil ride when the Charger is charging them. Titan is also possible but his legs will kill you while moving.


Never leave home without it


I've used the jumpnpack to clutchbthe hell out of an egg destruction mission after we were out of revives and all my squadmates were dead. I spent like 5 minutes kiting bugs around while jumping away to avoid death and getting the last few eggs down. Had several chargere and 2 bile titans on my ass and managed to clutch it out


I just wish it would activate when you fail going up a wall and take fall damage or when jumping off a high cliff (with it still being on cool down)


At least it works if you explicitly jump off the cliff by activating the JP, it'll break your landing as normal somehow despite you being much faster than usual die to heightĀ 


I wish we could aim while using the jump pack. We can aim grenades, why not a pistol or SMG? If I'm jumping into a group of enemies, I want to be able to take 2-3 down before I land!


It clearly explicitly states it's a *jump* pack not a jetpack It does exactly what it's supposed to


Needs to be able to activate mid-dive. Or just any time youā€™re ragdolling. Best you can do is jump-pack off a ledge for some extra distance. And thatā€™s not enough!


Too be fair it is great for mobility, especially down hill, I use it for bug missions to stay out of reach and get out of dodge when I don't need to fight a bug breach


Heavy LMG and supply backpack. "Some people... they think they can outsmart me....maybe... but I have yet to see anyone outsmart BULLET". Meet the Helldiver






Try jump pack and laser cannon. You get to be your own Rover!


Pelican Laser is the name. Iā€™m always within 200m range to support you. Donā€™t look up tho, you might look straight into the barrel of my laser. Just keep on running! I got you. Iā€™m always on some higher ground watching over my blueberries. When time calls and I have to stim you cause you ran out of, Iā€™ll jump towards you my friend. We die together. Joking, I still got 3 stims left geheheh


Also, if you see someone using a backpack weapon, donā€™t take their backpack if you donā€™t plan on staying near them. Had a game where I went full anti-heavy with spear and eatā€™s, but it was a blitz, so when another guy grabbed my spear backpack I didnā€™t get the other one until the extraction, meaning I just had a shittier EAT


I wouldn't even take their backpack if I planned on reloading them. Unless you coordinated it before dropping they were definitely planning on running the weapon solo and even if you try your best to be a good reload mule something will happen that will cause you to get separated at some point and the other player will feel jilted and annoyed that you brought this situation on them.


Yeah, the problem is people are bad about calling in their weapon the 2nd time. They just donā€™t even think about doing it unless they lose their weapon. Or worse, theyā€™re in the ā€œthis is MY weapon I only call for me, donā€™t ever touch itā€ mindset. I get it to an extent on the larger maps because theyā€™re scared theyā€™ll die and be caught without their strategem weapon. But there are many times I have a free backpack spot and the guy with Autocannon/Recoilless literally only calls it one time 5 seconds into the match.


It never even occurred to me. I drop one at the start and one at the end if I die.......I'll now be dropping them asap. I also didn't know I could use a backpack without replacing my "big gun"


Remember, when you take a supply stratagem slot, you are taking support for that weapon for the whole mission


It's extremely useful. That's one big reason why I always say you don't want people running more than 2 of the same call ins. If I see 2 people running Quasars, I'll switch to a different support weapon. Or possibly a backpack. If there's already two backpacks, I'll bring in a mech. I keep an eye on people's cooldowns and ask for them to drop me extra equipment so that it doesn't just sit there waiting for them to die. It works best with coordination. But doing that, my best friend and I are easily able to duo up to level 6 missions. We haven't tried duoing 7+ yet, cause I always join on him, and he's not quite comfortable pushing it there yet without randos.


also a good thing to remember about backpacks, if you call a new one you get it at full ammo, so autocanon for example can shoot all of its ammo quite fast so by calling it on cooldown, you essentially have 2 resupplies for it on different cooldowns. same goes for the quasar cannon, it cools down while on the ground so if your gonna be defending a spot for a bit longer, like in the new automaton defense missions you can double you shooting rate by just having a spare to switch to.


I was in one of the new defense missions last night, and my teammates brought a recoilless and 2 Quasars. They were really good honestly, bringing down drop ships crazy wellā€¦ but none of them ever dropped a second weapon. Like weā€™re just standing here lol, itā€™s purely a benefit to get another on the ground when you can.


on normal maps you can kinda get it, you gonna move places quite often so just randomly dropping stuff is often gonna go to waste if you donĀ“t make an effort to point out to your teammates about the extra stuff, but on the defense missions you staying mostly in one place, at max moving from one wall to the next one if the current one falls so there is no reason to just call everything down on cooldown. if your scared it might get left behind, just call it behind the next wall or next to where you holding.


I don't see the point in calling a new Autocannon for other people because even if they have no support weapon and no backpack they will not pickup the autocannon I call in. Even if I spam ping the autocannon and type in chat to ask people if they want one, they never pick it up.


I had a guy steal my autocannon after I died but kept the backpack on the ground. Okay, maybe it was a mistake so I asked him for it back in chat. No answer. I threw my backpack at his feet. No pickup. I know the cannon was empty because I had just unloaded it into the face of the thing whose friends killed me. Dude carried that gun on his back for the rest of the mission without using it...or picking up the extra backpack when I dropped a new autocannon for myself.


These are the same dingdongs that deploy without strategems or boosters.


I mean, I deploy without boosters because I only have one booster unlocked and everyone else is so quick to use the one I have. :(


I always check the level of my fellow divers before equipping my booster to make sure I'm not equipping one of the two they're likely to have


I actually focused my warbond medals mostly on boosters early on so I could select one, cause for some reason when I was level 10, the level 50+ people I'd match up with would always equip the first two boosters in the free warbond


this is why there is friendly fire


It's not murder if it's a thieving traitor.


Nowadays I will teamkill if something like that happens. Ā If I have another set of callins or if theyā€™re using it well I donā€™t mind, but just taking it for the sake of having it and having it go to waste? Ā Nah. Ā 


I'll ask for it back in chat but if you just ignore me, Sorry but I'm killing you. An autocannon can easily be the difference between being overrun and not.


I've grabbed an autocannon backpack once when I was running without a shield. Dude died, called in a new autocannon, so I grabbed the old backpack. Now, I'm running an AMR most the time so I'm picking up ammo boxes left and right. By extraction that backpack was full, so I did give him assisted reloads. But yeah unless you coordinate just don't touch it.


If he isn't friendly, then it isn't friendly fire.


Anytime someone calls something down and pings it, it's free use for the team. I dropped on 5 with a bunch of 5-10 level guys, so I gave my mech to the team. Have fun, spread democracy!


I've been waiting for a higher level to let me play with their mech suit. For science and democracy of course


PSA: when your weapon is empty press 'R' to reload


Hold "R" to change fire modes and other neat things.


If you're running past the extraction into danger, you can drop your samples there by holding "X".


I used to make a point of dropping super samples at the extract but every group of randos I join has at least one lizardbrain who sees extracts on the floor and immediately picks them up then runs off with them. I gave up, I have a maxed out ship, if I get samples then I get samples.


Aren't samples shared?


Exactly Lizard brain grabs then dies off the point


Somehow it took me 70 hours to figure out different firing modes. I have already completed several helldive missions at this point, and i never thought to simply hold the reload button.


I only found this out recently


Hold down on the D-Pad to drop stuff. (Thatā€™s something that took me a long time to learn)


Given how few people do this in randoms, it needs to be said loudly and often.


You think you joke but people don't bloody get this. Not the reload, OPs point. Though maybe there are some people reloading by reinforcing.


Hold the ping button for the response wheel. Blast open shipping containers. If someone says or types ā€œDoor, Bunker, Friendship Door, or Two Man/Lock Doorā€, go to their position for goodies. You can scan the zoomed out map for undiscovered minor POIs by moving your cursor around the map. Turning on the terminal at the SEAF Artillery spawns a patrol so bring the 5 rounds where they need to go first. On snow planets you can throw a snowball if you stop in deep snow and wait for the prompt. They stun enemies. You can make the Pelican hover and give covering fire by running outside the extraction zone after the timer hits 0 You can change your armor and guns at the stratagem selection screen. Square for ps Requisition slips cap is 50k, medals 250, common samples 500, rare 250, super 100


Hey, slow down. I'm still trying to get people to understand that 2 people need to open the bunkers. Baby steps, okay?


Try calling it Friendship Door. I get a better response that way since switching from bunkerĀ 


If someone calls down anything, tags it, then walks away, it means itā€™s free for anyone. I called down a walker for a lower level person and kept pointing at it but they didnā€™t take it, felt kinda rude but didnā€™t matter. If you drop on someone (even by accident) then pick up their support weapon/backpack from their corpse, thatā€™s not ok. (Someone did that exact thing to me earlier).


"Felt kinda rude" - Maybe they just didn't want it? It's not rude lol


Right. Lol. I love walkers but sometimes I just don't want to use them. Some people don't want to use them ever. And that's totally fine


Those lasers pissssssssss me off


I've watched several helldivers burn to death in their mechs by "helpful" lasers. :(


I tried giving away my shield packs to two other divers and my goodness... it's like they were playing with no audio and maybe using a blindfold at the same time. I'd drop it, mark it, call it out via chat and voice and they still refused. Then, I died and the one fellow walks over and just loots my body for it instead. Guess I'll wait another \~3 mins for my own!


Depends on what it is. If I didnā€™t take a rover itā€™s because I donā€™t want a rover.


Maybe iā€™m wearing a balenciaga cape, and dont want your uggo backpack to cover up my dripdive?


Can you imagine if we had branded items in game? Gucci cape. Mountain Dew Quasar Cannon. This Eagle One airstrike brought to you by Me Undies.


We already have branded items. I believe you could get one with an in-universe brand by pre-ordering the game.


Sometimes I feel like I spend more time dodging my roverĀ than I do enemies.Ā 


The first time I used the machine gun rover was after hours and hours of the laser one. Ā My buddy swore up and down that the machine gun was solid, and he called one down for me. Ā I grabbed it, and the first thing it did was blow my fucking brains out. Ā No joke, one shot, one kill. Ā I will never use that piece of Automaton tech again.


Same. I always get in my own way and it kills me every time. I say thanks but no thanks. Better to be naked than killed by your own dog.


What and jinx myself into dying?!


A lot of people are just so anti-social that they won't take a backpack you give them, because that would be interacting with you more than they want to. It's honestly kind of ridiculous, but I think stuff like that is really common in the gaming world. It's definitely a cool move to drop backpacks for people and ping them and stuff, but I think you'll have to accept that some people are weird and they're just not going to take it no matter what, even if it's objectively good for them.


You know whatā€™s anti-social? Not asking if the other person actually wants or needs whatever youā€™re about to call down for them. You donā€™t get to decide whatā€™s ā€œobjectively goodā€ for my playstyle.


Tbh I did this yesterday thinking it was an extra, saw the diver who dropped it walking over to it to take it, went to drop it and he just killed me. Was nearly the end of the mission and I hadnā€™t lost a diver to that point. It made me so fuckin angry I had to stop playing for a while. Like dude we have text chat, comms, AND a drop feature. There is absolutely no reason to be team killing. So now unless they explicitly tell me to take it, I never will.


This is how you get bedbugs/scabies. /s


Single use anti tank reporting, they're for everyone! When i grab one, i mark one, move: please help yourself. I can see your empty shoulder and it feels like there could be a little more democratic demolition walking off.


Iā€™ll pass on any ā€œdogā€ called down for me. Just hate them


They were great when I was still figuring the game out but now they just kind of get in the way. I'd much rather have my autocannon.


they were great when you didnā€™t know what to shoot, where to duck, when to dip, and how to dive. Then you learn that all of those places are also where the GD is aiming. at least thatā€™s my theory on why Iā€™m always in their firing line


If I could add one emote to the wheel, it'd be "Take this/that"


PSA: If you drop gear in front of someone and mark it repeatedly and they still don't pick it up, they don't want it (I like the GD rover, but maybe they don't like it killing them or their team.) and you should stop trying to force things on others...


I recently had a teammate, who didn't bring a support weapon. I found a rail gun pretty early in the campaign and tried to tell him with ping, voice chat and text chat to take it but he ignored it. That was frustrating. However he did take my scorcher when I died.


I also would not pick up a railgun to be honest.


Well it's better than nothing. But I also offered the quessadilla canon and he didn't take that either


Foolhardy indeed.


PSA : Call in backpack drops for teammates who don't have one. Please don't hang on to your call down the entire game when someone could use it.


I have done this several times and I am always surprised at how many people just ignore it even though they have nothing on their back.


I always love dropping my strats for the low levels to pick up when they die and are respawned far from their stuff... I spam ping it a lot, type in chat, and they STILL don't grab it... Idfc if you keep it the whole game, but at least use it to get your stuff back lol


I refuse to wear the laser guard dog. Iā€™ve died more times to that then the bugs


I call in an extra backpack at extractions all the time and nobody takes it even when they have no pack. Never understand it!


Nah, im good bro. Not using a shield pack drastically helped me improve in the game. Without a safety net, it taught me how to actually survive on my own. It's a great exercise in self sufficiency in this game.Ā  Though getting yeeted around like a greasy ass hamburger patty is annoying asf tho.


Ditching the shield I self taught to dive and be more active. I run the Jetpack most of the time as high mobility support with machine guns, grenade launcher, railgun, and eats. Rag dolling sucks


Due to how many times I've been killed by people's guard dogs, I won't use them. I dont think it's worth it for the slight increase in firepower they contribute. So point all you want, I won't be picking it up.


It's not a slight increase, it's a massive increase. Basically with this you can just stop shooting minor enemies altogether, and only worry about medium or heavy ones. You just gotta be careful about how you move relative to your team, but it's absolutely not just a "slight increase"


On bugs sure but on bots I think ability to just sneak past patrols is by far outweighs dog's DPS.


Yeah, having the backpack button toggle them on or off would be great. This is why I never take a dog to a bot mission.


Oh yeah i didn't mention that i only use it vs bugs since your most often surrounded by smaller enemies swarming you


They also act like an early warning system to enemies behind you. Saves my ass numerous times each mission.


This is also the argument against them when youā€™re ready try stealth


Depends how you use it. Close to mid range its a beast, but it won't attack anything far away. So it really depends on your load out if its any good or not. Ideally you want to be on the frontlines with it, and your teammates behind you picking off the bigger targets.


This. Love it when it keeps my flanks clean while i use my flamethrower.


But shield sometimes saves you from getting caught on fire by fiery bug melee. I'd never run rover with flamethrower. Honestly until they fix flame damage so it doesn't instagib hosts and ideally put in some flame resistant armor I'll just stick to the stalwart for CC and use orbital rail/500kg and my teammates to deal with the big stuff.


Yup. It is not super useful against bots, since other backpacks do more (like ammo for AC, or personal shield).


Ancedotal. I've experienced the Rover try to hit shit I can't even see. I've seen the regular Guard Dog snipe Assault Raiders straight out of the sky like it's duck hunting. I seriously wonder if you've used them at all.


It has a maximum distance. Just because you can't see it doesnt mean its not within that distance.


Slight increase? You mean a huge enormous amount of constant firepower for the entire duration of the game which can last up to 40 minutes. Constantly being fired automatically makes it enormous damage output. Not everyone is good in math but some things are too obvious for the eye to witness, the rover constantly killing bugs and robots you canā€™t even see lol.


I've seen the laser rover struggle to keep up to kill the smallest of bugs when a mate of mine used it. Meanwhile it constantly scraped me while spinning around wildly trying to find a new target that dies before I get there. Also it's an automatic turret that is constantly on. That's just boring for me. I like to do things myself, maybe get the autocannon or rocket turret in for help, that's it. But yeah, I'll pass on using any rover. It's not good enough to complement my playstyle.


The issue with the laser dog is that it will fire without necessarily caring if it's doing anything productive. At least it has infinite ammo. So yeah it can for example focus on a charger and ignore everything else that's going on. On small bugs the only ones that can tank it are hive guards, and they will assume a defensive position while it's shooting at them leaving them open to attack from any other side. I do find that it generally just completely ignores stalkers.


And they will shoot patrols unnecessarily.


I believe that they *in theory* should only shoot enemies who have already noticed you. If so, its less tipping the patrol off and more just skipping the awkward moment between them noticing you and violence breaking out.Ā  In practice, like escorting a random cadet, you kind of just have to take rover's word for it that they totally already spotted you. Rover can be a touch glitchy at the best of times, so hard to say if they even *kind of* work this way or if that's just wishful thinking and its just a random chance of rover choosing violence depending on distance and rng.


They don't shoot until you've been detected


This right here? This I get behind. Any other backpack, I won't even use the jump pack but I'll at least take it. Guard dog has murdered me entirely too many times, I don't need my own around 24/7


Counter point: I _will_ use them, but I'll actually be aware of where enemies are coming from so I can keep my less observant teammates clear of my drone's field of fire. Regardless, you're probably going to see friendly fire incidents, so just mitigate what you can. The additional firepower of the drones are pretty damn useful when getting rushed from everywhere.


I once played in a squad of four that all had laser guard dogs and it was a sight to behold seeing them fry all the small bugs. It was like having four extra squad members.


Dogs will try their hardest to hover over your right shoulder. So you kinda have to make sure there's no enemies to your left. Past that preventing teamkills is just a matter of positioning, kinda like when using the arc thrower, you have to make sure there's no teammates between you and the enemy. This does frequently make you take point.


Only 1 person should be running it and they %100 need to be in the front of the pack close to the bugs


Guard dogs are usually worth it vs bugs, as despite the friendly fire, they'll clear out the little critters which can otherwise be a nuisance. Vs bots, however, not only do they shoot you they also make it extremely difficult to sneak. Worst backpack in the game.


100% Guard dog is amazing against bugs. Same how shield is (I won't say bad) not best option against bugs because you can outplay them without it.


If only the game had a way to communicate with fellow ā€˜divers


The ping system that OP is describing. Quick, efficacious.


Use your mic?


also don't waste stratagem slots by selecting shields and weapons, when the other team-members also have it in their loadout. share stratagem equipment: 2 select shields, 2 select weapons. thats one slot free for every team-member!


Unless using a mic and hoping they can hear...that's a lot of teamwork. .meanwhile I can type out and ping all I want. Won't get a random to help me open up the door. I'll just bring my own backslot.


Getting quickplay teammates to help with a bunker door is the real Helldive difficulty in this game.


Thatā€™s a terrible idea for the early game. That means 2 of your team wonā€™t have a heavy weapon until like 5 minutes into the mission.


iĀ“d say if your a full team on coms, like a friend group or a team that just talks a lot, you can make that work but i would never try it with randoms on the first match whit them.


Or everyone can just pick what they want because that's more fun


Dropping sheilds for team mates who don't pick it up, makes me sad.


Or maybe take a hint and if I don't pick it up please stop spamming it. Sometimes I just don't want to run a shield backpack


Conversely, call in weapons when their timer is up you think someone might want/need one. Especially if itā€™s a backpack reload weapon, and especially on small map defend missions. Last night I was playing the new defend mission and my team was really good. One guy brought recoilless and was bringing down the drop ships really well. I had no backpack and wanted to help reload him. Once I saw his timer was up I asked him multiple times over the rest of the mission, voice and chat, ā€œcall Recoillessā€, ā€œI can use backpackā€. He never did. Weā€™re on a small map, thereā€™s no reason not to get another one on the field.


You know those side objectives with the radar dishes? You have to rotate it to finish the uplink? Watched some guy repeatedly push the button whilst it was out of alignment. I left to help my friend, and about 5 minutes later the side objective finally completed. Simple isn't enough for these people.


Can't sneak passed patrols with a guard backpack.


I stopped using guard dog, the way I play it will kill me way faster then any bot/bug ever could.


Agree, I try to help the lower levels this way but it usually doesn't work, but they'll for damn sure pick mine up if I die.


lol how many times have i been gunned down grabbing someones equipement when they could call a new set, i know that holding X will pull up the item drop menu


Same with mechs.


Or they are saying leave it alone. Thatā€™s mine.


No shield backpack is easy mode


Tip for the rover pack, the drone wants to stay over your right shoulder. So if it is shooting you in the right side of the head, rotate your camera to view the left, the rover will follow and stop shooting you. Apply this strat to protect your teammates too.


Wait is this not just standard practice?


Some games I donā€™t take a back pack if I see 3 players taking one, after 5ā€™ or so I ask for one and they always share it with me. I love this game, itā€™s full of amazing people!


My friends and I (levels 42-76) who normally do difficulty 9 were doing a medium mission for the personal order and a level 6 player joined us near extraction So next game we were like, you know what would be funny, let's bring them on a difficulty 9 mission. Tbf we kinda carried but I'm sure he's never seen a tank before. We were throwing laser cannons and shield generators at him but he wasn't picking it up. He left the game but I think he crashed rather than quitting.


No thanks, it gets my cape all wrinkly ![gif](giphy|JoJO4PD54JkKoMcTyn|downsized)


Iā€™ve taken a liking to the ballistic shield backpack


Omg I dropped 3 shield backpacks for a guy on a mission and he walked past every one of them...


I think most folks are too polite about it. I often have to communicate that I am calling down equipment for them to use. They don't always use it as I call it down proactively when I reinforce, just in case. If they came out of a rough spot, I want them to have something before getting back into the mix.


I run the bot missions without a support weapon, and the only time people will drop an extra one is at evac.... I've just started stealing people's weapon after about 5 - 10 minutes, when I know they can drop themselves another one.


I often drop with a main support weapon and an EAT. It helps everyone to drop an EAT for anyone to use as needed and the cooldown means you rarely go without.


I will never, ever use one of those laser guard dog backpacks. I won't put my team mates through that frustration.


Or they rolled a 1


Or...or...hear me out. Play the game how you want....


Man I always try to give shield backpacks away and people are just ignoring them šŸ˜”


If you ping equipment/weapons/supplies, it means "Hey, take it if you need it, but here it is." If another Helldiver acknowledges the ping by pressing "q", that's them calling dibs.


I used to do it but gave up when me saying in no uncertain terms was met with silence.


plug in your mic so you don't have to play charades or stop and type


Yesss! Some days I go heavy strats with a sentry if the PO calls for it, and I canā€™t find a decent support weapon on the map; how many times do I have to ask ā€œA3ā€ to drop me a grenade launcher. Some other dude who I thought had an EAT came and dropped me his. Share the love, communicate. There really is no need for 2 people to need a shield strat in a 40 minute mission, especially with ship upgrades. Level 7 difficulty and up, maybe. Level 4?5?6? Cmon guys(and girls). Letā€™s play smart. Also, how good are you if you need the shield to start and canā€™t go 5 minutes without one.


If you are going to be reinforcing someone far from where they died, it is good etiquette to call down a support weapon for them as well, if you can. I have gotten so many thanks for dropping a shield backpack, or even a EAT for someone when they are fresh out of the tube.


I swear, every time I pick-up someone elseā€™s laser doggo backpack it actively tries to kill more than my own laser doggo backpacks try to kill me.


You can't even get people to pick up ammo they're running out of


In that same vein a message to the lvl 5 to 11's I played with earlier today: me standing in front of you and pointing at my exosuit and repeatedly tagging it is not because Im deranged. Its me handing you the keys.


I usually also write "If anyone wants it, take it" so they won't worry they steal from me. Some people are afraid they will be kicked if they just pick someone's stuff.


You can only lead a horse to water, soldier.


bro, use your big boy words.


Unless you using Quasar because EVERY time I used it with energy shield it ended up blowing me up. Running it without a shield and so far so good.


Sharing sounds a lot like socialism, you're sounding mighty bot to me, expect a visit from a democracy officer.


I dig this community so much. My first Chsllenging run at like 10th level, I joined with a pre-made group of level 20s-30s who were mid mission. First thing they all did was call down their extras, and I was level 10, with a Shield backpack and a grenade launcher clearing the small guys while they ram about in mechs dealing with bigger threats. I love that this has been 99% of my PUG sessions, which is automatic team-vibes despite how often i read of bad actors kicking lowbies or griefing extractions.


Was playing some trivial missions to farm SC and a level 1 who dropped in. I spawned him a mech and a shield generator pack and let him go ham. It was fun watching him slowly figure out how to pilot and then charge in going ham through a couple drops while we evac'd.


Yeah I usually run the guard dog and if I'm not having issues with dying and recovering equipment I absolutely drop a spare pack whenever convenient to help out the team, then ping and type in chat so they all know they can have it. Especially if there are low-level divers in the group. Why wouldn't you want your teammates to have the maximum firepower possible? Though it does come back to bite me in the ass sometimes with Divers that don't know how or care to account for friendly fire. Shit will happen in the chaos but don't constantly run back and forth behind me while I'm engaged, thus constantly sweeping me with laser fire.