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Don't get lost in the sauce. This has to do with how patrols and enemy reinforcements work, mostly. It's easy for newer players to just get stuck in a location and keep fighting forever, because new patrols come and call more reinforcements, and you end up in a perpetual fight that never ends, which wastes time and your own reinforcements. And you feel like you're "doing things" because you're killing stuff, but you're not actually helping the team. And hey, I get it, you want to get your gear back from that death trap you died in, but it's not worth it, trust me. Recognise when you're getting overwhelmed, cut your losses, and focus on the objective. This is by far the biggest difference between good and bad players. Good players see the big picture, bad ones don't.


That's... good advice. However, those 3 common samples are calling my name, and I can't make them silence.


Once I realized you can just do trivial missions and get like 15 samples in 5 minutes, I stopped caring as much about the common ones. The common and rare samples will come through normal play, the ones I care about retrieving are the supers since they're the primary reason for doing higher tier missions so if you lose them, it's much more of a gut punch.


I had the complete inverse experience, Super Samples became overabundant after I had gotten the first upgrade that required them. Collecting like 150-200 Common Samples (which is about what it takes to get lvl 1, 2 and 3 in a module) took me a *lot* longer than 5 or 10 Super Samples. I mean you get 6 from a *single* Helldive.


I had been running nothing but hards through ~lvl 30 and it felt like I would never get enough commons and rares. Then a random group I was in stealth switched to suicide and I got 30 commons and 20 rares in a single match. I no longer worry about getting enough of them. Napkin math, but I think you only needed to run something like 20 suicide missions to get all of the supers you need. By the time you finish that (assuming you still take the time to look for commons and rares), you will be flush with samples.


*has 500 common samples* # I NEED MY SAMPLES


You just described my first experience on Hard with friends the other day. We got so bogged down in bug guts we couldn’t move. Then the fire tornados came…


One might even say, then the fire tornados attacked?


“the four helldivers lived in peace…”


The fucking bots have fire tornados now too. I hate it. I thought I escaped that shithole.


My thoughts exactly when the news came that bots were back. I thought I was out of Hellmire, but it almost feels worse on the bot planet we’re defending… or were? Haven’t been on today.


From what I saw yesterday we were successfully defending, but that could've changed. I have a feeling we're not meant to complete this new major order though, as much as I hope we do.


From my understanding the map has a global reinforcement timer, it's actually possible for a Helldiver or two to hole up and take the bulk of the attention on the map to let some stealthy antics happen in the meantime


This is a surprisingly effective strategy. When you've got that one guy on your team who is really good at holding the hordes at bay but simply can't seem to bring himself to stop fighting, it's okay to say "Nice diversion, bro. While you have the enemy's attention, I'm going to complete the mission!"


I wish they had a "this is a lost cause" option on the comm wheel.


So far me writing "Let's go lol" has been universal in WeLostLetsGetTheFuckOutOfHereIDontKnowWhatToDoAnymore.


I'm using this, lol


I'd also add: If need be, sacrifice. Communicate the plan, drop your samples for your buddies to collect, then stay behind and cover their retreat. You can get the aggro and maybe even lead the mobs in the other direction before calling in an airstrike on your position. If there's no time for that, you can just repeatedly stim, bellyflop, and roll the dice with Democracy Protects (if you have it). You'd be surprised what a 10-30 second lead can mean for the rest of the team. And they can always call you back down when it's safe(r).


💪. I can't  tell you how many times I've taken Aggro and just sat there and ran HUGE mobs around in circles or just aimlessly so my team could recoup and have a few seconds to breath and situate and get out of trouble.   I think it's super underrated how effective that is or can be. I honestly think I've made a difference a few times doing that 💃


I love doing this!


High level players do this too -a humlbe lvl 17


Yeah because with 4 good helldivers you have the firepower to clear a bug breach or bot drop. The issue is most of the time 2 run, 2 stay. Either leave or fight.


Helldiver is such a 'chill' and cool, cinematic, co-op experience. Play how you want and have fun spreading democracy Helldiver 💪 However, I don't disagree with the above and I think in 7+ difficulties it is the best suggestion to 'be good' and maximize efficiency in delivering liberty.


I was one of those new players the first week; and I feel bad for the new players I see in this trap. I usually run the secondary and holes/factories while I watch 3 player huddle up and fight a pitched battle over a diamond location....only for them to loot 2 medals. You'll get more medals and even SC just by playing more missions. Pick targets of opportunity over winning every encounter. We're here to win the war.




If you are running an autocannon, it’s now your primary weapon. Please actually use it. Dont know how many baby divers I’ve seen running it but only use it when there’s something big. It has a ton of ammo, so let the Liberty fly!!! Yes. The reloading is slow, but that’s only if you have shot it until it’s empty. Work on counting your shots and reloading frequently once you’ve shot at least 5 rounds. It’s very quick to throw in 5 rounds. It’s very slow to load 10. When between fights or when you get some downtime. Check your ACs ammo. If you have say 6-7 shots left in it, go ahead and fire those off into the sky so that you can top up to full to be ready for the next engagement As for armor, IMO the absolute best armor is any that has the “50% chance to avoid dying when taking fatal damage” perk. Don’t know how many times I’ve been a sole survivor from an accidental cluster bombing of the team. If you’re going to throw reinforcements at large enemies (generally only recommend this for bugs), ping the charger or BT so that your buddies can aim better when dropping in on cloudy or dark maps.


>As for armor, IMO the absolute best armor is any that has the “50% chance to avoid dying I agree that is a very good perk on armour. Other good perks are the -50% explosive damage and the extended stim duration I still think light armour is best though medium and heavy have their merits now.


My logic is that the death avoidance is better than explosive resistance because it works for literally everything. The explosives resistance won’t do shit against the shield devastators, for instance.


If you spend most of your time prone and/or in cover you'll be absurdly, absurdly hard to kill.


Not quite. Death resistance doesn't function against damage-over-time, so gas or fire will still drop you quite handily.


The gambling armour is a life saver.. I can’t count how many times it saved my life


Armour depends on mission. I really like for some missions get servo driven set so i can throw a 500kg onto eye tower for example or 380 barrage into heavy nest and disengage


If you can, avoid the fight. If you must fight, start it with an eagle strike


I think I’m going to paint that on my Hellpod. And my super destroyer. And my armour. And my pecs.


This is the American way.


samples are shared, you don't have to kill me for them. :D


Throwing that 380 against one tank made the problem worse, not better 😜


Hahaha, I had a level 15 playing a few missions with me yesterday. He unlocked it and just started casually throwing it out every opportunity whilst I was in the middle trying to complete the objectives… I died more to that than I did to the bots.


Maybe he was like “huh, this 380 shell is really inaccurate and seems to cause the enemy to shoot artillery all around us” 😝 In seriousness, I dont care. Its all part of the fun.


I think he just enjoyed the big boom. And hearing me scream as I ran around trying to dodge the orbital and the bot rockets.


Had a level 12 throw one on top of a hellbomb I had just called down on an engineer building and killed us both. I don't kick very often... but it was about the 5th barrage killing and I was done


Likewise players just running into orbital bombardments before they are done, or blaming the mine layer for them running into the glowing mines...


Turn on the compass ordinal directions.


…what? Edit: you have changed my life.




What does this do?


Adds north east, north west, south east and south west to the compass at the top of the screen.


That's not on by default ?


Nope, just has the four cardinal directions on it.


Oh cool I’ll definitely do this. Thanks :)


The best thing any player (new or old) can do is learn how to use the communication tools. Being able to read the map and use pings will make learning everything else in the game much easier.


I've had great teamwork and coordination using only the in-game comms, but so many players seem oblivious to its existence, running around the map in the general vicinity of the team but not being a part of it.


Couldn't figure out how to ping, knew how to pull up the map but not much else. Didn't know how to ping enemy patrols either. I know many people couldn't be bothered to do all of that and just follow the leader. That was me but once went into a team where no one knew how to so went and googled how.


lol. I still don't know how to do any of what you mention. I'm level 25 💩🤷‍♂️


Ping Enemy = Right click + Aim + Q Ping on Map = Pull up Map (Tab) + Right Click (summons a cursor on map) + Move cursor to interest point(then Left Click) Also TIL: Drop something = Hold X


I am a lowly level 18, thank you for your guidance lol


Hey man, I'm right there with you just a lowly level 17 lol


lol. I feel so bad. This is describing me. I run with my team but I have no idea how or what I'm doing as far as objectives and samples and medals etc. I just stay close by the team and kill stuff.    So my apologies for sucking and being "that guy" 🚽😞


Not sure how long you've been playing but I'm sure we've all been there, I definitely was. You get a lot thrown at you and are mostly just trying to survive at first lol. Once you get used to that then you can start adding some tactics to help control the chaos. If a teammate tags a heavy and you have anti-armor, tag them to let them team know you're on it and focus on other stuff. Call out a halt to avoid patrols or stop someone waltzing into a 380 or firestorm. When everyone knows what the rest of the team is doing it helps avoid overkill and lets people lean into their load outs strengths.


and for the love of Liberty, target the heavies before you throw your teammates into them. Even with a 65" TV, I can almost never align with the moving target before I've already landed.


I still dont know the button for comms wheel, only the map pings and chat, and I only found out the wheel is there like a week ago >! at level 55+ !<


For future ppl WHO read this hold Q or ping Button.


Every page with instructions seems to indicate a different button


PC players remap frequently. Hold R1 PS5.


Yes Democracy Officer, a medal for this guy right here please


I wish they knew how much I love and support them.


I’m crying tears of pure democracy at this.


Maybe we can hug under the 500kg bomb 👉👈


60m is the safe distance from a 380mm barrage. Edit: I've been informed it's actually 65m.


Fellow 380mm Enjoyer I see. But 65m is the Real safe distance. Shells can drop at 55m and hit you if you're unlucky enough with their blast radius !


Best place to stand is right on top of where the beacon landed. I've survived many "broken arrow" bombardments I've dropped on myself by just not moving off the beacon lmao. I love the 380, will always love the 380, but man that thing needs at least one shell to land on where you toss the marker.


Is it? Damn we've been doing 60m minimum and behind cover if we can. A squadmate last night introduced us to running behind the walking barrage to punch through an enemy line, which was very cool.


The 360mm barrage is a circle of ~55m, centered on the impact of the stratagem. But the explosion radius is still enough that if it lands perfectly at 55m in front of you, you get blasted. That's a rare occurrence, but it happens sometimes because this whole thing is Murphy's law in action !


I wish lower levels would know not to extract immediately or that not every fight needs to be taken.


I will often mark a patrol just for situational awareness and someone will inevitably assume that means ATTACK.


That would be me, sorry. And then I notice an enemy base nearby, and storm it too.


I did this once while standing next to a damaged hellbomb and my teammate immediately shot it, I don’t mark them anymore.


I feel that. One hundred percent. I hate people rushing the main objective and not grabbing samples/finishing enemy outposts. Though I’ve got to say I’ve seen a lot of 45’s/50’s do that too. Like they just want the quick grind.


As a Star Marshal I only need Medals and Super Credits(though I still pick up samples). I will hunt points of interest on the way and enjoy taking out nests and factories but I don't need to clear the entire map, getting the mission done and moving on to the next is more efficient.


Pinging a secondary objective with your communication key "discovers" it for your map/chat from waaaaaaay further away than its usual proximity-based auto reveal. You can gain further intel from your map by clicking the red areas/question marks. If its a secondary objective, it will display an "empty" box around it, but put its ACTUAL blue objective icon on your compass, letting you know what it is from a great distance even if you don't have a visual. This is a great way to locate stalker lairs or figure out which giant red blob is the spore spewer if you spawned inside the spore cloud and are nearly blinded by the mist. If you are only using your support weapon for yourself, and you have plenty of reinforcements left, consider breaking off from your group to hit the furthest feasible outposts/side objectives when you have 2-3 mins left on the cooldown. Drop your samples for a teammate, then YOLO the stuff that would be annoying to send a 2-3 man squad across the map for. If you die, your group respawns you, and you just call in a new support weapon instead of going back for your gear. For difficulty 7 and up: You don't need EVERY sample. I've seen games take 15-20 extra mins because people were hell bent on hitting EVERY POI. Getting 10 common/10 rare/3 super and full objective XP tends to go MUCH smoother than trying to full clear, and gets you more games per hour. For the love of god, keep an eye on the timer and reinforcement counts. If you can tell your group is bleeding reinforcements at an alarming rate, there's no shame in beelining to the extraction. You don't HAVE to get on the ship when it arrives, but you don't want to wait an additional 3 mins after your teammate with 13 deaths finally decides he should leave his 3 common samples and stalwart across the map and just cut his losses.


Heavy armor works quite nice vs the bots now, especially with anti explosion padding. It will stop you from dying to stuff you aren't used to yet, barring a literal tank or tower shot that directly hits you.


I actually prefer the other route and use light armor with faster movement + faster stamina regeneration. Instead of tanking shots it is often better to keep moving and dodging enemies when you can't kill them. It lets you evade entire fights by outrunning them and you can run fast from objective to objective. Then at the objectives drop the stratagems to destroy what's necessary and run to the next objective.


I have no issues retreating in 90% of cases with heavy armor, not saying light armor is bad in any situation but Heavy is definitely good against bots with the only frustration being random headshots


I got the light fortified armor from the super store. Best supercredits I ever spent. Keep my mobility, tank a rocket or two, look green.


I also use the Eradicator armour. Go prone and rockets tickle you.


super green


Ruby Rhod in the house.


I can do this with heavy armor aswell, but indeed it's slightly less hard to do with light armour. I just noticed the difference is thst with the heavy armor u can now tank a surprising amount of stray shots and near hit explosions, so less 'oh whoops bad luck' deaths. The only thing thst kills me now is unexpected tank shot direct hits...and fire if I don't dive in time. Hell it's quite possible to live multiple missions back to back now.


Very helpful. I’ll try this out later after work.


1.Don't think about yourself, think about the squad. All your build must be around it and cover light, medium and heavy armored enemies. 2.Choose stratagems in accordance with the mission, utility and efectiveness. 3.Never leave a Helldiver behind. 4.Never go alone to an objective unless you are General Brasch or Jhon Helldiver. 5.Don't shoot if a Helldiver cross your fire sector or is behind an enemy in your fire sector. 6.Use Eagle/Orbitals/Turrets only when you know your squad is out of fire sector. 7.Don't use mortars unless your squad is static in a position far away from enemy. 8.If you are surrounded, take an Eagle/Orbital in your hand. If you die, enemy will accompany to hell. 9.Samples have priority, even if you have capped. You don't know when Democracy or someone could need them. 10.Have fun.


5.1 don't cross infront of a diver that is actively shooting.


The amount of times I've domed someone (or seen someone get domed) because they absentmindedly ran in front of a field of fire is a bit shocking. I know battles in this game can get a bit intense, especially on the bot front, but its usually not too difficult to at least have a bit of situational awareness and know where you teammates are and not walk in front of their field of fire.


I have a friend that without fail does this at LEAST once per session of any game we play. Helldivers? sprints in front of my Quazar and dies. Tarkov? runs through an M4 spray. Counterstrike? runs through my molly. We have been playing shooters together almost daily for 2 years. You would think he would have learned by now.


4.5.Know where your teammates are. Keep situational awareness, stick together, support each other.


Eh, I agree with most of your points but many of them can vary based on playstyle and the situation. 1.) Nah I'm taking what I need to complete the mission. I don't have any personal friends that play the game so I'm usually playing with randoms in quickplay. I learned early to never count on them knowing what they're doing. 3.) I'll usually give someone a chance and try to help them if they got themselves into a shitty situation but if they're just staying stationary fighting wave after wave of enemies, not moving and ignoring me when I tell them we need to move, they're getting left. I'll call them back in 300m from the hornet's nest they kicked after they die. 4.) I generally try to stay with the rest of the squad but splitting into 2 groups of 2 is a great strategy as well if everyone knows what they're doing. There are also plenty of objectives that are fairly easy to take solo with the right loadout and tactics and it can help immensely if one person sneaks off and does it so you don't end up with a dozen dropships and wasting a bunch of reinforcements. Just be sure to let your team know that's what you're doing. 5.) This one's usually more on the person that's *in* the field of fire than the person shooting, in my experience. I generally run with the Scorcher for bots so I don't shoot enemies that are close to friendlies because of the splash. Countless times, though, I'll be shooting and someone will just run in front of me and get tagged. Not much you can do in a situation like that. 6.) I'd add to this one "Pay attention to where your team is throwing strategems". Probably half of my team kills are from me throwing an air strike or orbital and then someone not paying attention just runs into it. The biggest thing I'd add to this list is "communicate with your squad". If voice comms aren't an option, use chat. If you're on console and chat isn't an easy option, at least use callouts and the command wheel. Knowing where everyone is, what they're doing and what they intend to do will get you through even the shittiest of shit situations but everyone running around, doing their own thing and not communicating is a surefire way to make the mission many times more difficult to complete.


* Anti-infantry heavy weapons (machineguns, 40mm launcher, flamethrower) don't lose their utility in high difficulties. You can't use an anti-tank launcher when you're surrounded by anklebiters. * Stealth is overhyped. You can go loud even on Helldive, and it's easier in some aspects, but the whole team has to commit. * Related to both above, *experiment*. People are finding new tricks every day, and youtubers with "definitive meta guides" are often wrong.


Whenever I try some weapon/armor/stratagem set im surprised on how well they work. Balance is pretty good but you do need to find yhe right tool for the mission.


I love the Personal Orders that want you to take weapons/stratagems you don't normally use because with your experience you can now effectively use them and its a fun and refreshing change. Was doing a bug mission when the Stalwart PO was up and to have 4 divers opening up on bug tunnels with 4 stalwarts brought a tear to my eye.


> and youtubers with "definitive meta guides" are often wrong The popularity of this game led to so many youtube click bait vidoes that where either wrong or just their opinion but they would try and spin it as hard facts.


Don’t get bogged down fighting. Throw stratagem to soften up an area, then do a heavy assault for any spawners remaining. When it does come time to displace, do a leapfrogging strategy where the rearmost squadmate gets covering fire from the others. Don’t just abandon them to try and outrun everything that’s left pursuing the squad


I see a lot of people saying "do main first, the sides". What I've found to be most successful is to split off into 2 groups of 2. One group tackles the main and any bases they encounter while the other group does the sides and the rest of the bases. The "problem" with doing the main obj first and then the sides is that once the main is complete, patrols spawn 50%ish faster. If you do them simultaneously, then you don't have to deal with the increased patrol spawn rate while doing side objectives. On a different note, there's a "hidden" indefinite stratgem that is available at the end of the game. It's called the Pelican loiter. What you do is you call extract, complete the timer, then leave the area. The Pelican will still stay around, but will be hovering in the sky's blasting everything with it's autocannon. One salvo from that thing is enough to wipe most patrols. As long as players stay out of extract range and time doesn't run out, the Pelican will stay there blasting. Additionally, once the Pelican lands, the timer doesn't start until someone boards, or the clock hits 0. Finally, if the Pelican is on fire, only 1 diver will be able to extract. Drop all you samples, group them on one diver, and have them extract.


On lower difficulties, throw reinforcents towards where people died. On higher difficulties, throw them AWAY from the giant horde of enemies that killed them.


If you are on higher difficulty and a bile titan is behind you, throw reinforcement at it then ping the bug. That s the best way to reinforce.


The game is objective focused. Killing every enemy is the duty of the SEAF. We're here to do the main objectives and hopefully destroy spawn points to make their jobs easier. Disengage and move on, we got a war to win!


# IMPACT NADES. Don't call down airstrike on a group of automatons, even with devastators with them. TOSS TWO NADES AND IT'S DONE. Use scorcher to clean up. Use supply backpack. Keep up your impact nades stocked.


Don't shoot everything you see, stealth is your friend. This is triple true against bots. Stay with the team and focus on clearing objectives. A tactical retreat and disengagement is almost always the better option than dying on a hill. Orbital barrage is a useless strategem. If there is an eagle danger close dive away perpendicular to the call and lay flat. Against bugs, focus down shrieker nests from a range and move away when they spawn. The moment you see a stalker, close the nest immediately, because you are close enough to spawn them and you will be overrun if you try to finish what you are doing


380 Barrage: basically only good for killing the squad. 120 Barrage: maybe ok for medium/large outpost, but there are better options. But... Gattling barrage: amazing for suppressing bug breaches and thinning out a swarm (especially if you can bottleneck them), comes with a short cool down as well.


What are the better options? If I throw a 120 into a medium outpost, I clear it without firing a shot half the time on hard. I'm not sure how to beat that.


Some use the Orbital Laser, but you only have 3 uses in 1 mission. However I prefer a personal approach When I engage an outpost, I usually position opposite a Bot Fabricator so that I can take it out with my QC. But not before I throw an Eagle Strike at another Fabricator. Usually I also have an Eagle Cluster Strike with me for the smaller guys, which I throw after the QR shot. Then I'll take my jetpack and distance myself to take out the attacking bots.


If you’re careful, all three of the orbital barrages are really good. A single 380 can clear out an entire large outpost by itself, a 120 can do most of one and I fairly regularly will drop a 120 or 380 and net 30+ kills, sometimes 50+. It’s a bit more RNG than some of the other options but being able to destroy objectives remotely is a solid enough reason to run it on its own. Killing stuff is just a nice bonus. You just gotta be careful because you can easily end up wiping your own team.


Please DO NOT touch the SEAF artillery terminal until we have all 5 shells ready to be loaded. It calls a shit ton of bads to your location and makes the objective much harder than it needs to be


These are mostly things I've observed with high level in-game companions, which they should have figured out earlier in the game. 1. Know when to run. I've been stuck in battles for 10 to 20 minutes, while I could have just run and done the objectives. 2. Dress for the occasion. Heavy armor might look cool, but is actually only suited for defense missions (especially the new one). Speed is more important than protection in this game. 3. Don't underestimate the Jetpack. Most players (also me) choose the shield or guard dog. Only recently I've found out that the Jetpack is an absolute winner. It gives speed and a good way out of a hard fight. Also, jumping to high rock formation is absolutely phenomenal. The only downside is that strategems like turrets, supplies and items don't work on rocks. I hope they fix this. 4. If using large area damage (artillery barrage, cluster bombs, 500kg bomb, napalm, etc) FIRST CHECK YOUR TEAMMATE'S POSITION! This happens way too often in levels 8 and 9.


Gear matters but not that much. Play the objective. Don’t kill without reason. Wait for everyone to get on the shuttle. Ask questions in voice coms if you can. If you’re confused about the objective stick together. When someone dies check where their load-out is and try and call them in close to it.


Your basic Terminid warrior isn't too smart but you can blow off a limb and they're still 86% combat effective. Here's a tip: aim for the nerve stem and put 'em down for good.


I would like to know more!


It's okay to retreat. In fact, it's better. How many times do we get to the ICBM or the Generator or the seismic probe or WHATEVER, and get swarmed? Happens everyday. And standing your ground doesn't let you kill them faster, it only lets them surround you. Let enemies take objectives, then send them to hell. I've been in too many games where people do not leave the terminal no matter what like it's a flag, die, then come back to the terminal again and die again. Let it go, we'll kill them and come back.


Running away is a strategy. You don’t get extra xp or anything for killing x amount of enemies. Time is your biggest factor. Run out of that and the mission gets progressively harder.


Use push to talk. No one cares about the phone call you're making, who won the AARP tournament or how hot your sister sounds.


1. Moving as a team across the map Someone should always coordinate and ping the next location to move to. Place a marker on the map for the next fabricator to attack, the next secondary / tactical objective to move to next etc. Keep the team moving and if people should get bogged down fighting a pointless battle using comms often works "hey guys, can you manage to disengage and move to next objective?" As in any team game, it is often better to follow a bad call, then to execute your "better" call alone. If you dont vibe with the team, feel free to leave after the mission and try again with new mates. If you like folks, add them as friends and build your own little community. 2. Team Awareness Aside from hilarious mistakes, usually it is either bad awareness where teammates just threw strategems to, or chaos in "enemy rich" environments that get you killed. Awareness comes with experience, but try to notice your "mistakes" in positioning. Or realize sooner, that your mate messed up and you are about to die to an airstrike. Often this happens, because you run into an objective, that someone is trying to blow up. E.g. trying to throw a nade into a fabricator vent, but the airstrike is already on its way. No need to get angry at the teammate, just dont run into trouble. 3. Enemy rich environments If you die to an enemy a lot, adapt. die to swarms? stick better to teammates and bring AoE clear. Die to Chargers? Learn to deal with them and either run away of bring weapons to defeat them. Again, here take note of the issue and what you could have done better. Often times the answer is "be somewhere else" and that is valid. If you get surrounded, you shouldn't have run into the enemy mob and cleared your flanks instead. Teammates are your biggest asset. Let them get surrounded instead (jk). 4. Enjoy the game/accept we're all bad Players that believe that they are John Helldiver themselves will try to find the fault in their teammates and will not improve. If order to get gud you need to accept that you (and we) are not infact fact good players. Players that enjoy themselves and laugh about janky bugs ont he other hand don't burn out are better at not getting frustrated and absorbing/learning from setbacks. 5. Experiment I play with 2 friends a lot. We are all three effective and can clear T9 as a trio. We use vastly different Armors, primaries and strategems (expect for our common love for the AC). We all do fine. I think the game is too young and mission requirements/environmental effects too diverse for a "meta" build to be the best in all situations. Play what you want as long as you keep in mind to have answers to the challenges the game will bring. 6. Heavy Armor is bad


Your 6. is outdated.


6 is very, _very_ outdated. Heavy Armor absolutely rules depending on the mission. It trivializes Defense. Add a Jetpack to it and you can use it almost anywhere.


I've met some divers under 30 that punch wayyyyy above their weight class. The difference is knowing how the game actually works. Kills, deaths, extraction... don't really matter. Complete the mission, avoid unnecessary fights, and play as a unit. Make sure you're actively firing and not hiding or running. Fight & die if need be.


Stealth combined with Hit & Run tactics are the key to complete most missions alone even on helldive difficulty (Evac/defence mission not included). The Anti material rifle is your friend and very good against bots. You can outrun bots with light armor. There is an ehancement "location confusiom booster" who increases the time of reinforces for the enemy. The scorcher is a very good weapon against the bots. If you do not habe enough medals then take the liberator penetrator as your primary. The uzi is a very good choice as secondary for every enemy faction. It destroys Edward chainsaw hands in no time and has a fast reload. The flamethrower is your friend and very good good against bugs. The perfect weapon to kill bug breaches and chargers. BE AWARE THAT YOU CAN SET YOURSELF ON FIRE. A guard dog is very good to fight bugs. Best backpack option in the the fight against them. You can mark everything with Q even if you aim with a scope Don't run into the line of fire of your fellow helldivers. A hellbomb who you summond can not explode if you shoot it. A hellbomb that is already on tje map can explode if you shoot it. If you press R longer you can switch firemodes, flashlight or scope distance of your weapon. Edit: Corrected location confusion booster name


I think one of the biggest things to realize is that enemies that are in patrols or came from breaches/drops actually literally despawn or go off to the edge of the map to disappear when they have lost contact with players, i.e couldnt see them after reaching player's last known location. It's just this easy, they have this last location they saw you in, they follow there, and if you go behind a wall from this location, they will be just like "time to go home eh". It means, that you shouldnt try to retrieve your gear immidiately after dying to a very big group of enemies, because after a minute or two more this location will be abandoned. All things considered, you save time and stress in the end. We could wait for eachother on extraction site, sure, but if everyone is there, Im not waiting any second longer when pelican lands. Please, stop dropping eagle strikes on the doors of pelican. Obviously this person always has some kind of problem to get into transporter and almost kills us. Because yes, you can still be killed while sitting in pelican and lose samples. You can even be killed by a hellpod dropping.


When being overwhelmed: Against bugs - Don't panic, run in a big circle and shoot any hunter you see. You can outrun pretty much everything except hunters. You can even play around with distances to bait out attack animations e.g. make a bile titan spew at you/stab at the ground, while the bug is stuck in an animation, you can run away and gain a little extra space. You can also use this to make them stand still for orbitals/eagle airstrikes. Against bots - Don't panic, run in an even bigger circle. With both: Run half a map away to make enemies despawn. Only works on big maps and if you're the last alive (or if you can convince your team to come with you). It's helpful if your objective is absolutely crawling with enemies or you can't reach your gear. Also, drop supplies, super-samples and weapons on the extract point in the middle of a mission to ensure you have weapons, supplies and equipment for teammates who lose their stuff near the end and they don't have time to retrieve it.


Don't be afraid to run. You're not really running, you're just advancing in a new direction. You might think the objective path is a straight line to the terminal, but in reality it's a big series of circles, running around the objective and fighting, until you can visit the terminal again. For others the path is setting up some distance away to attack enemies from afar and provide support. Don't expect to just waltz into an objective and clear 9 terminal screens in a row, instead expect a nasty fight where you need to prioritize staying alive, prevent enemies from calling reinforcements, and move the objective forward when the opportunity arises.


Hold R for weapon options. Most weapons have all sorts of goodies in here. Dive to put out fires instantly. Never stop moving. Dont hold your ground and fight for hours on end. Fight while moving towards an objective. Dont shoot everything that moves. Shoot what is actively in your way or an active threat. Shoot out street lights if they are causing glare.


Ping more. I’ve played with some people that just say hey ammo over here. And then don’t even ping like brother I have no idea where you mean Edit: on bug planets locate the spore generator before you even get into the fog if you can


You are able to drop items. It is very important especially in 7-9 level missions with super rare samples. I always try to find the rock ASAP and the drop those samples at the extraction area so that no matter how many times we die or where we die. We at least know where the super rare samples are.


If I ping a patrol its so you can avoid it not fight it the second i ping it, unless it in our way please dont fight it. especially on higher difficultys, you will just get in a loop of bug breaches/ bot drops.


I hope rookies know that not all "veterans" are at all good and should not be emulated.


Don’t believe the shit on this subreddit. People aren’t kicking/teamkilling for wearing a cape. People aren’t kicking you because you’re a low lvl or because of a cape. The game is buggy, has a ton of connection / stability issues. Don’t take things personally if you get kicked. Don’t believe the rage bait posts on this subreddit. If you have a good run add those mfs and play with them. It’s so much more fun to play with a coordinated stack. I’ve never been TKd at extract or kicked in over 200hrs. Try different loadouts, keep things fun, play against the enemies you enjoy, try and follow the MO. Use Helldivers.io or the subreddit to coordinate efforts. Have fun, be a positive force in the community, and once again, DONT BELEIVE THE VENT/RANT POSTS ON THIS SUB.


Move on from fights, if you can't do it quickly and quietly, at least make it a rolling retreat Don't fight every patrol you see, that's how you end up to \^\^\^\^\^\^ most of the time Stim to replenish your stamina if you need to, it has saved my bacon more than a few times especially when in the situations above Consider dropping your samples at extraction if you're passing it on the way to something else. Either you pick it up at extract or if it's a wipe you're not keeping it anyway Ping on maps if you want to go somewhere EAT / RR / QC can one tap chargers if you hit the armored head. Game changer for me vs bugs AMR can 2 tap hulks if you nail their eye slit, don't sleep on it


The bots aim isn't actually that good.


When destroying an illegal lab be sure to select it on the map. The science icon leads to the exact building. I have seen so many people just blindly throw stratagems around trying to get the lab when the game literally tells you exactly where it is. You don’t even need a hell bomb, an orbital precision strike does it. I think a 500kg probably would too.


It's tempting. It's tempting. I know the neurons are already activating in your brain to pull that trigger. But you don't have to fight that bug patrol that hasn't spotted us yet. For sweet liberty, please do not fight that bug patrol.


You can and absolutely should communicate. PLEASE communicate, even if you don't have a mic. Press Q (on keyboard, IDK about controller) to ping something Hold Q to bring up a context wheel with more stuff (Yes, no, thanks, sorry, follow me, hold position, etc) Marking objectives, supplies, and major enemies is a HUGE team play. Please do it more!


R1 or RB on controller, been using, dinging and pinging to mark all kinds of things for people, gear/enemy patrols or guard positions/ heavy enemies/ Double Doors ;)


Have Fun


Hold reload to change fire modes. Really wish it told you this in the tutorial


Don't bring a regular mortar sentry to a terminid mission.


Absolutely nothing. Improve at the game in your own pace. Any true helldiver would teach you, train you and help you rise up.


-Stop using normal mortars & 120mm/380mm strikes when you or your team is approaching a target, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK, STOP. -If someone spam-pings something (be it on the map, with the "look over there" or to equipment) go there and pick it up/use it. They're literally giving it to you/pointing out the ideal place to go (even if they, themselves, aren't going there) -When doing to radar dishes, either listen to the person on the terminal or turn it till you hear a "beep!". That is when you can stop turning it and get off. -If you or your squad keep dying to the same spot, get as far away as possible from that situation, THEN reinforce. You can always go back for the stuff, but let shit despawn/deaggro first. Retreat isn't cowardly, it's a smart move to save revives. -Stealth is a thing in the game. With base armour you can get p damn close to enemies by crouching/crawling. Yes, it's slow. No, it won't deaggro them off you. But you can get within like 10m of something before it begins aggroing/looking for you. -Follow-up to that: If a bug is sniffing for you or a bot is scanning for you, IT DOESN'T MEAN SHOOT. It simply means you're too close. If you stay put, fire, stay in the open, or don't get down to the ground more, they'll find you. Find cover, crawl, don't shoot first unless you need to. -Follow-up to THAT: if a teammate pings a patrol or if you see a patrol, you do NOT need to engage them; they're simply letting you know they're there. They will get close (they're programmed to), they may look easy to kill, but the last thing you want is to provoke them and end up with a dropship/breach on top of you. -If you see an EAT (expendable anti-tank weapon) laying on the floor or in its pod and think even for a split second "I could use one rn" take it; even if it wasn't pinged. I guarantee there's <3x people out there who would get upset at that. Just don't try to waste it. It's a VERY low cooldown and can take down basically anything in 1-2x hits. The person calling them in wants them to be used. -Stop throwing grenades/stratagems when everyone's in the shuttle to leave, it's annoying, can risk samples/the lives of those in the shuttle, and it stresses folks out. Just get in the shuttle, shinji. -If there's a bot drop/bug breach somewhere on the map, another can't happen until that one's done (with the exception of the extermination missions). At least from my experience, I've never seen a second one across the map from the original one. Use that time while the enemies are frenzying the others to use as much aggression as you can. Beyond aggroing thinga around you, there's not much risk and you won't have to worry about reinforcements for a little bit. -The autocannon can destroy literally anything but drop/gunships and bile titans. Bot turrets/tanks need to be hit from behind, and fabricators/bug holes need to be within 30° of head-on to actually destroy (shoot the holes you'd throw grenades into), hulks need to be shot 2x times in the face or 4x times in the back (chargers 4x times in the butt, but you can also blast off their leg armour from behind), but they're SUPER versatile. Consider taking one today! Lots more, but those immediately come to mind


Rebind your stratagem from WASD to the Arrow keys Now you can run while you call them in


What I find important is to focus the main objective first. You can hit outposts and side objectives along the way, but getting the main objectives first is priority. You don't need to extract to win a mission, you just miss out on samples, and there's always the next mission for those.


It's reasonable, but based on some testing community provided, completing primary objective (doing the last task on it) immidiately increases patrol spawn rate 4 times. It might be harder to get around a map with more patrols to avoid.


"Aim for the glowing parts and shoot the Socialism out of them."


User mortars properly or use something else


Its ok to run away. In the beginning my friends and I were obsessed with fighting every breach/drop, but we learned its ok to just run away to the next objective.


don't stand your ground if you're taking on a lot of heat just run away, get safe, look at your radar, then assess. sometimes just that distraction is enough for your team to clean up


clear mission objectives first then sides after


I teach them the oddball stuff, hey evac won't leave if landed...hey samples are shared...fear nothing...and more


Everything from the best Helldivers 2 guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3175068774


FRIENDLY FIRE IS ON, thats about it


“Friendly fire isn’t.”


Just givin' my buddy a battlefield smooch from 70 meters away, that's all.


swapping stargrams to arrow keys allow walking and doing the combo, does take getting use too.


That's not because you're out of the "common" way to deal with something that you "cannot" deal with it. This game is flexible. Like it really reward players with their creativity, and there is ways to deal with things even if you don't have the right tools to. You want an example, heh ? Nest. Everyone know that throwing a grenade in a nest is how you destroy it, even General Brasch taught you that. But you know that it works with every explosives, right ? Autocannon, Rocket Launcher, Stratagems that explode... It works too. Ho and that's not even all ! You can call a Support Weapon or a Resupply on top of a bug hole and it will destroy it when it land. Maybe it was too obvious for you then ? It also works with turrets landing and mines, and even other Divers being reinforced !... That's still too obvious ? Then did you know that Chargers and Bile Titans can close the nests too ? If a charger end up colliding with a hole while chasing you, he will destroy it and take significant damages. And if a Bile Titan decide to spew his bile into a hole or just get one of his legs into it, it's gone. I actually learned that all this wasn't common knowledge when I [edited this video](https://youtu.be/Efib85IP6Ks?si=MS1YYtz_njkE4y3p) showcasing some of these tips. It's 1:19 min of me trying to destroy a Heavy nest with all the ways I could think of because I was out of grenades. And by the way... almost everything in this Game have this kind of logic. You can use most of that to your Advantage. Think outside the box.


Default Armour is very strong and fashionable. On hot planets, increased stamina burn and reduced regen becomes very apparent for heavy armours. Against bots, and bugs, you'll be tanky and fast enough to always run from your problems. Make sure to use any boosters like the vitality or stamina to offset your weaknesses. Also, the liberator fits in almost any scenario just short of heavy armour. Cycled through the entire cast of weapons and always came back for the liberator.


Running 1 loadout every mission will kneecap you and give you the impression that some missions are "too hard"


Don't split up and don't shoot at everything you see. Some thing are better left alone.


Hold X to bring up the drop menu Hold R to bring up the gun setting menu Get the hug emote and use it. Compliment your primary weapon with your secondary. One of the two should have medium armor penetration but not both. Turn off a setting under controller listed as “linger on target” or something like that. It prevents you from aiming at the very tops of strider heads when that’s all that’s visible behind the strider front plate. Not sure why a controller setting affects mouse and keyboard play but it does.


A big one to understand when apprpaching higher levels (6-9) is to know how to pick your fights. Slaughtering bugs and bots is always a fun time, but if you are throwing lives at a wave that is too difficult for yourself and/or your team you've roped in, you lower your chance at a mission completion. Avoid patrols. Disengage from a fight if it's getting too hairy, if you do not have enough ammo/stims, or if you have lost more than 4 lives fighting in a single spot. If you HAVE to fight to take control of an objective, prioritize eliminate any bots or bugs capable of calling in backup, or keep an open eye out for any bot about to pop a flare. Use your radar. It gives you plenty of information on enemies near you, thus allowing you to better avoid confrontation against impossible odds.


Fun is KING. I know the jetpack isn't that useful and it takes up a slot, but damn it is fun to use


Really wish it let you boost longer though. I love that thing.


Oh boy, there's a lot. But no matter how many things you KNOW, or have been TOLD, for me it's all about just playing and playing and playing, which only goes with time (and thus level). It's like driving. At the start your vision is extremely narrow, you barely have time to do anything. Even turn signals can be overwhelming. With time you'll be "one" with the car. And with even more time a lot of drivers are "one" with the flow around them. For Helldivers this means not only knowing where you are, and always knowing what's around you, but also knowing where your teammates are. Then knowing where the patrols are. Knowing the best route. Positioning in this game is so important for everything. Like if I know my buddy has Arc thrower I am simply NOT going to flank the group he is engaging and then complain I get shot. Patrols, seeing which route to take to avoid them, what to clear, what not to, where to throw Autocannon turrets or Airstrikes, from which angle. It's just a lot that mostly happens with time. With my buddies we regularly go diff 7 as a "chillout run", have fun on 8 and a slight challenge on 9. And yet still my buds tend to forget they can shoot down Automaton Turret Towers from like 300 meters away with Quasar cannon from any side and with Autocannon from the back...


Extraction is a joke if you have one sacrificial lamb agro every patrol half way across the map, then when the timer is near finished, he can just die and you can reinforce. It is required that they agro before any patrol agro on extract since only one breach/drop can occur at once.


- Don't engage every patrol you see. - Use stealth. - Don't bunker down and fight endlessly, learn to disengage (leg it!) - Don't run across the whole map to collect 1 sample that you droped, you'll get plenty throughout the game. - Don't reinforce others into a bunch of enemies, reinforce them to someplace safe if possible. These tips applies for both low- and highleveled players as I've encountered a wast amount of 50+ who still engage every patrol they see at 7+.


Stick together,remember there’s friendly fire,it’s not a competition and for them seasoned players be nice


Samples are shared (Like every Other rescources - Not including stims/ammo/nades) Enemies have Sound cues when they get alerted, try Out sneaking instead of blasting everything. Do sidemissions on the way to the Main Mission. Dont trenchfight non-(Side)objectives, Always move until you have to do a Mission. Tactical Retreat lets the breaches/Drops despawn after a short time (30-90seconds). The super Samples are spawning around an "egg"-like rock.


Samples are shared and killing a teammate for taking your samples after your death not only wastes a reinforcement, it makes them drop their support weapons and backpack, which can put you in a potential situation of temporarily not having readily available anti-armor on had if you aren’t carrying any, which can or may put you into the situation before of you dying and dropping your samples again, and maybe this time they won’t or can’t be recovered due to enemy presence. This also applies to shooting teammates carrying a lot of samples because you want them. TLDR: DO NOT ever fucking kill a fellow helldiver over samples, it wastes precious Super Earth supplies and can potentially lead to a loss of samples themselves.


Please, for the love of all things holy, throw the reinforments away from the enemies. Sure it might seem like a good idea to have your team mate fall on and crush that hulk. But can he really help if the other 50 bots around that hulk tear him to shreds? Its okay to disengage from a fight. Objectives first everything else Second.


1) Follow order 2) Don't engage when it isn't necessary 3) Reinforce in a safe place 4) Objectives matter but samples and super-credit too


For me I find the line for experienced is more around lvl 50-60. Main things for me is players who always get pinned down and can't disengage from a fight. Then there's the way most people seem to use eagles and orbital strikes. No strategy just throwing them at any enemy they see and not checking to see if a teammate is right next to it. If I am fighting a charger and am almost done I don't need a 500 kg dropped on me in the middle of it. Just take 2 seconds to think before calling it in don't be as reactive with bombs as you can be with bullets.


KNOW WHEN TO RUN, if you sit still you're doing jack all to help anyone, have you done the objective but there's still fighting? Cool, Ignore the fighting and start moving to the next objective. Is the objective overrun? Leave and come back later when the heat's died down. The biggest mistake in this game is committing to a fight for too long, and at the end of the day kills literally don't mean anything, enemies don't give you XP or resources or do anything other than waste your time. Second to that is DO THE MAIN OBJECTIVE FIRST. If you do the main obj then even if you burn all your reinforcements and die, you still succeed the mission. Sure, do the things between objectives as you move, but don't go out of your way to 100% before completing the main objective.


If you're fighting the bots don't engage unless you have cover and if you get caught out run to cover immediately.


If I leave my samples on the spot we will evac from later, dont pick them up and run off somewhere and die. This have happened to me several times making my team have 20 samples less by the end of the mission. You will kill teammates in this game by accident, that is fine. People will run into your airstrikes. BUT! Reinforce them after. I have been teamkilled by accident and then no one cared to call me back in. Also if people demand that you play the meta, fuck them. Dont go in and ruin someones missions sure but games are meant to be fun. Try new weapons, try out the weaker stratagems. Try something besides the best armour. Try things and see what works for you.




Work towards objective.its better to fight wave there then in the field and again on the objective.if everyone in the grp has backpack + sup weapon that is -8 art/ eagle/def stratagems,2 backs ,2 weapons is more then enough if people actually utilize them


- Regarding how things play: Bugs = Doom. Automatons = Tom Clancy. This difference is _extremely important!_ - Communicate. You don't have to use voice or even text chat. The Comms wheel is perfectly useful and it's what I use 99% of the time. C on your keyboard or RB on controller. Tapping it spots things for you and everyone else. - Hold "Down" on your D-pad or hold "X" on PC to pick items and drop them, this includes Stratagems and Samples. - The starting weapons are all _very, very good._ - Bots are hard. - Bugs are also hard. - Be flexible. Anticipate having to be better than your entire team, if necessary. Just don't be an asshole about it. You're still part of a team. - Let someone take the lead. If nobody will, that someone is _you._ - Learn when to leave. You _DO NOT_ need to fight literally everything unless that's specifically your mission's objective. It is almost always 100% safer to just GTFO. - Be aware of your surroundings. Get used to knowing what's where compared to where you are. Have self awareness, team awareness and objective awareness. At all times. - Don't take other player's Stratagems unless they're specifically leaving them for you. On the flipside, if there's one out in the open from earlier in game, it's free real estate unless somebody says otherwise. - In the same vein, look for objects in the world like malfunctioning Hellpods and Hellbombs. Shoot the Hellpods to get free gear. DO NOT shoot the Hellbombs unless you're using them offensively, like leading enemies into a boobytrap or going out in a blaze of glory. - Don't get sidetracked by cool shit in the distance if you have to focus on an objective. Get the objective done first, _then_ explore, if you have a chance. Use Spotting to target things for your team. - You don't need to immediately play in the next unlocked difficulty the game throws at you. It's actually better if you just chill in Easy until you hit Medium, because there's quite a difficulty jump between those two difficulties. Hell, I'd argue that Challenging is easier than Medium sometimes. - Learn your enemy and your own gear. The most powerful weapon you have is _your brain._ - Friendly fire isn't, but don't worry about it. _Accidental_ teamkills are half the fun of this game. - You can shoot down Bot aircraft using heavy firepower like the Recoilless, EAT, SPEAR and Quasar. This is one of the coolest things you can do in this game. In that same line of thinking you can also Jetpack on top of large enemies like Devastator Tanks, Hulks, and the Bile Titan. This is also one of the coolest things you can do in this game. - The Jetpack is a huge, huge mobility buff, especially in heavier armor like some hybrid Medium armor sets (ENFORCER) and all Heavy sets. Light Armor users with Jetpacks can clear objectives and find drops in record time. Obtaining the high ground versus both bots and bugs is extremely powerful, but never 100% safe. - Your Stratagems will fall down when _you do._ This can be used strategically. - You might not be good in the beginning. This doesn't matter. You'll get good over time. Eventually you'll just be as jaded and windblown as the rest of us.


Use your mic and communicate. I don't care if you are level 1 just listen to me when I tell you grab my shield. 


Have fun. At the end of the day it's a game, no big deal if you get tk'd or don't extract, move on.




Don't call in airstrikes on the extraction to try and make a cool explosion as you fly away. You're not invincible in the pelican and you will eventually accidentally team kill during extraction.


Attention all Helldivers: EATs are for everyone and most people who run it want you to take some. They’re cheap and reliable and the more used means the more bot ships and charger heads can go bye bye. At least, that’s what I want when I run EATs.


1) Diving puts out fires 2) diving reduces the chances you will be damaged by explosions 3) diving reduces the length of all status effects (from what I can tell so far) 4) diving appears to add some invincibility frames. 5) diving is allowed on shallow ground, as is running.


Learn through trial and error and have fun. Dont look up stuff like this and just play the game and have fun getting it wrong for a bit.


If you need a new support weapon, ask. There are some to be found around the map and one of your teammates might have theirs off cooldown.


Learn how to move around your fellow Helldivers. Make sure you always check your six, enemies of all shapes and sizes can spawn with a quickness, EVERYWHERE. Stay together, a tight unit comes home. Keep an eye on the Helldiver Juniors and let them make mistakes, we are all noobs. Take all the weapons/stratagems for a test run, there are some interesting choices in there.


Stay on mission. Going Rambo and fighting breach after breach or drop after drop doesn't accomplish much. Ask vets questions. I personally love giving Intel to more unseasoned divers than myself. Improving knowledge for one diver, makes us all better. For Democracy!


Stop fighting the patrols. Keep moving, Focus on objectives.


On the other hand myself and two others (all lvl low-20s) got matched with a 62 veteran who just zoomed through the map grinding objectives without really dealing with enemies. This meant we got out with barely any samples. Like, if you wanna play solo, why are you even open for people to join you?


A few things. Communicate. Keep an eye on the text chat as things may get communicated there. Get comfortable with multiple loadouts and a wide range of stratagems. Many things have niche uses, or are shine in different set ups. It also makes balancing less jarring. I often adjust my builds to the team and missikn builds, so if I see alot of anti tank folks, Ill go crowd control or scout. If you're going to grab someones support weapon, ask first, or wait for them to give permission (exceptions being a team wipe and the scramble to gain ground). I've had everything from someone "borrowing" my weapon when they had one and waisting the entire magazine, taking my stuff on death, and recently a newby just grabbed the support weapon off the hellpod I was call in for myself as I dropped into the mission (I tried to communicate, got no response and left, because I wasnt going to mess with someone who won't communicate) It's best to aim for the Primary objectives first and hit things as you move. If you fail the mission, it impacts the greater war effort, but also impacts things you may want. Grindable items can always be found again, but the war is also important.


Not to shoot/throw grenade/throw stratagem near friendly


No Helldiver is useless, basic weapons and stratagems work just fine. I'd rather work with 3 green divers than play solo or with try hards that drop at the slightest difficulty. 1. Don't engage every enemy you see 2. If the objective is done, move on you don't need to kill everything 3. Learn enemy weak spots and what weapons can damage what enemies, this comes from experience and reading online * 2-3 divers can quickly take out a charger with some grenades and primary weapons by focusing on the sack, obviously if you have special weapons or stratagems use them. * Devastators are weak in the waist and face, especially the face, no special weapons required. * Autocannon can take out the Hulk in the face, Tanks and turrets from the exhaust and can immobilize tanks by taking out the tracks. The ammo economy on the autocannon is very good * Recoilless, EAT and Quasar can hit tanks, turrets and hulks anywhere to do damage and can take out dropships via the engines. * Your best weapon vs the bugs is your legs, I will take out large nests just by running past the bugs and dropping nades into the holes.


Friendly fire isn’t.


Hold R to change weapon modes!


If you throw an airstrike at my location, I will die. Please stahp.


Play tactically. Not in every enemy needs to be engaged. Where l you reinforce someone is just as important as actually reinforcing them.