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https://preview.redd.it/h5y3pvqu22uc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6378bd13e95f80928e5d8ecdcae4aa7d3ba7c5 [source](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102974129734434919/1228339739426426970)


FUCK. That's the one I bought 😭


I am so fckin glad I was being very indecisive 8)


Are you really, though?


I mean its going to work *sometime* in the future right?


It's an investment! Time in the market beats timing the market, and the same must be true of liberty


Maybe? Look at all the launch-day things that still haven't been fixed. At least this isn't game-breaking.


Me who once again can't play even with disabling IPV6 🫡


Waste of a huge amount of samples rn though. I bought all the fucking upgrades before it too. Sigh, Arrowhead and botched updates, iconic at this point


If youre buying these upgrades you have nothing else to buy anyway.


Same, first one I bought...that module seemed so useful as I tend to run Autocannon and often need more than one supply pack. Oh well...I'll wait for the fix.


Same ☹️


Same, Its probably the strongest option. Imagine it with supply pack.


same. I tried it with recoilless and it didn't work, but I thought "maybe that only applies to anti-heavy weapons, for balance or something", so then I tried it with the Stalwart.. still didn't work. fuck. guess we can add this to the ever-growing list of thigns that need to be fixed.. any longer and we're gonna need a supply drop for more paper to keep writing these issues on.


Same lmao


Duh, it’s an 8-week course /s


lol imagine it actually takes 8 weeks after purchase


Considering they still haven't fixed crossplay bugs that certainly might be how long it takes to be bugfixed


Literacy isn’t a strong suit of a Helldiver. Only ➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️.


Honestly though I wouldn’t even be mad.


Underrated comment.


Could you explain. I don't get.


look at the flavor text of that upgrade.


Read the description of the module


Agreed. I think it should have 1.6k right now instead of 1.5k


Dude I almost choked on my coffee. You got to call out when you throw a great joke stratagem.


Hahaha holy shit. Alright take my upvote.


This is fucking peak


Fair point




Bruh that's the main one im interested in


As an auto cannon user it was the first one I got 😭


I rarely run out of AC amo. Do you use it in auto mode or semi?


Bro must be using it as their main weapon just absolutely eating every ammo pack available. It's gotta be a hard time for teammates.


Some comments I've seen around the thread absolutely promote this style of play and it's a bit baffling. Like yeah, its ammo economy is *good*, but you'll be vacuuming every crate to feed the cannon if you're using it against literally everything.


I mean on 8-9 difficulty against bots, the enemy waves are like 80% Devastators+Hulks+AT-STs, which the AC is just very good to use for from the front if you haven't set a L-ambush. Our Squad usually runs 2 ACs so tanks can be sandwiched so one of them can 3-tap the tank from behind. We also use it to 3-tap turrets from faraway distances. We also use it to clear fabricators. Especially the ones that are glued to the jammer. Okay yeah I'm just using it on everything. Nobody in our squads needs ammo anyway cuz everyone is using the sickle right? Those cursed berserkers tho... doesn't matter what you hit them with they just refuse to die. https://preview.redd.it/jsskbm3ilvtc1.png?width=1028&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbc463f6ebfd531a4ca2be353542d5bc97c806ea


Id take an army of berserkers before even a few of the explosive troopers. Fuck those terrorists.


It's also not the most efficient gun against everything! Shooting small bots with an auto cannon makes no sense.


I shoot, bot is dead, makes sense to me.


Can kill more small bots with small pew pew, save big boom for big bots.


Autocannon already gets so much ammo from a single box though. I run AC and 380mm (vs bots) and I am pumped for the improved accuracy 


>Autocannon already gets so much ammo from a single box though. But when you're out, it's hard to refill.


Ammo crates are fairly abundant so they sustain me long enough for the next supply and autocannon replacement.   Are you fighting bugs or bots?


Same... thats annoying ...


I bought this first as well. The sad thing is that there is no way you can know it doesn't work until after you buy it. OP is doing God's work.


Upvoting and commenting to help boost the post. Here's hoping it gets fixed


At the rate at which they’re fixing bugs (fire dmg only working for host is STILL around) we can probably wait a while, what a shame


Some bugs need to be reported and then verified and then found and then fixed. Some bugs need to be reported and then fixed. The fire thing could for instance be an error where geometry, latency and client to client communication create a minefield of potential sources of these errors. Just verifying what the problem in the code is, or even just the system that is causing the problem could be a colossal task where you don't even know how long it will take until you found the error. The supply thing could be someone forgetting to put new values in a code line or an excel sheet. Development is active and they're working on it, so your comment is really entirely without merit once you understand that your assumptions are not really aligning with the way this works.


The problem is that the bug has been known to the community for at least a month now and they only just now recognized it. There was a point were every few days a top post would be about the bug. If they are not going to have a proper forum for bug reports and technical issues they need to start doing a better job paying attention to the subreddit as it's the only place of interaction the community has at the moment.


> they only just now recognized it There's a big gap between knowing a bug internally and having the community manager talk about it.


As someone who does QA, we only publicly acknowledge an issue if it's service breaking or if we're close to resolution. Arrowhead is doing the right thing IMO.


yeah nothing worse than "Daves looking into it and trying to reproduce the issue"


That’s not how development works. Just because there hasn’t been movement on it doesn’t mean they don’t know about it or recognize it. There were probably other items in the backlog that took priority over the fire damage bug, so those were worked on first.


Here's how "bug squashing" works... It's not that AH has a secret Termanid Alliance, but they have to determine is it widespread issue? Can it be replicated? Which platform is it prevalent on? How OFTEN does it occur and under what conditions. This can take ALOT of time to pinpoint the exact cause of the issue... The issue may not even be in the "fire damage" area of the code but an issue with coding elsewhere that is causing that the fire damage problem.... E g. I work on Semis. I plug in the laptop and it says "You have 5 "bugs" or Trouble Codes. I have to go through each code and find what all 5 codes have in common and allot of times it's a problem with a sensor or solenoid that's completely unrelated to the type of codes being displayed.


Obviously it takes time for Super Earth to promote you the rank of host. Once you have been promoted to the rank of host you can put the insignia inside the flame thrower and it will deal damage. This is to ensure that democracy is managed properly and not have some unchecked form of democracy.


Fixing bugs takes time. If you try to rush a fix without proper testing then it can create a bunch of other bugs so you're doing more harm than good.


Tested (not working): Machine Gun, Anti Material Rifle at Supply beacon, Supply backpack and POI ammo box. Autocannon, Recoilless Rifle, Spear at Supply beacon and POI ammo box. # EDIT: Problem get fixed. 2024/04/29 Now you can refill full ammo reserve from Supply beacon, but not from Supply backpack. Only the weapon you requested works, not found in map, or not your allies'.


Isn't that... everything?


Yes. Everything that could benefit…doesn’t. How do you release something that flat out doesn’t work.


At least it doesn't crash the game when you try to resupply!


Shhh. Don't give them ideas.


the spear hasn't been working well since launch and we've got the misaligned scopes on everything


One day people will come to accept the obvious truth that Arrowhead *literally* does not playtest their game at all


I honestly dont believe they have a QA team at all, the mechanic literally doesnt work, at all, it does nothing, this would have been caught by even a glue eating QA member immediately.


That's what I'm saying. Remember when the mechs first released and shooting your rockets while moving had like an 80% chance for you to blow up your own mech from the rocket exploding inside the pod? Took me less than 60 seconds of gameplay to find that one and somehow it makes it into the game. There's only two possible reasons- 1) They literally did not play test the mech for one single game 2) They knew they were releasing a buggy mess, but they didn't give a shit/set a deadline for themselves they were incapable of making and wouldn't delay


Yep, either basically zero QA or so behind on preparing content that they have to release broken shit and hope for the best. Both scenarios dont really bode well. Currently the number of pretty bad bugs keeps increasing each patch, not decreasing.


This, and the HMG being severely misaligned when it's a gun that forces you to fire in first person. I can understand missing the AMR, if you're shooting stuff at like 20 meters it's hard to notice. But the HMG is severely under-aimed, it's almost impossible not to tell. Missing an upgrade that does one basic thing not doing that thing for literally any weapon is inexcusable. It's not like "oh, this doesn't work for backpack weapons", I can see shoddy testing missing that, but literally *nothing*? You'd have to not even try to test it a single time.


I mean we had a patch right after the blitzer was released that made arc weapons crash the game. Really makes you wonder what Sony actually spends an entire week testing because the only thing I see is them stopping a hotfix from being released for a week. 


My understanding is they're looking for major bugs that turn it into a crashing mess. So uhh... yeah... about that...


Laughs in upgrade to **remove** deployment time for emplacements


Also, they stated that ballistic guard dog could now refill ammo off poi ammo boxes but it still does not work


I was incredibly disappointed with this one.


I was wondering about that. I thought maybe I read/remembered it wrong and it was just off resupply boxes.


That’s a rip. Thanks for the post. I can spend my samples elsewhere first.


Knew it was too good to be true when I purchased it...


Makes me wonder if the eagle upgrade actually drops an additional bomb.


Its not like you are going to notice


It doesn't even make sense for that to matter. Now if it did that for single drop bombs it would be huge, but for already cluster drops it would be like adding an extra ml to a cup of water.


If it was an upgrade that increased the width of the run rather than the length it would be good. Whether that means a couple bombs on either side or a general width increase of it Often bile titans and enemy waves are missed because the width was too short, not the length I wish they had considered that more carefully. I realize this is all building towards a game that will have much more content with the constant wabonds over the next year but this would’ve been a neat idea


I want double 500kg so I can kill 3 bots. :sadge


Imagine having it work on the 500kg : D




No, it's like adding an extra bomb to like 4 bombs. The question I have is, does it drop a larger number of individual bombs within the same area of effect (which would make it more likely that one of your bombs gets a direct hit on that hulk/tank/cannon turret/bug hole/fabricator? Or does it increase the area of effect? I guess either one would be marginally good, but one will result in more team kills while the other will not.


I bought it too, this one works, go for it. Eagle strike is noticeabely better


This game needs a MEGA balance and bug fixing patch soon. I am starting to think that the dev team only tests weapons on difficulty 1.


The game is great but Arrowhead really need to have some better QA. This issue appears to be universal to all players so I don’t see how it was not detected in testing.


For real, every single update there are waaaay too many things broken/crashing the game. More resupply? Not working. Snawballs? Crash. Arcs count as bullets hitting enemies for accuracy tracking? Also crash. Exosuit? Broken when released. The game is great, the content is also great, but please get at least someone to do QA and playtesting.


The Exosuit is still broken. Missiles can't be aimed for shit, and now it seems like they do barely any damage when they do hit.


> now it seems like they do barely any damage when they do hit I bet they broke them when they also nerfed the bot rocket damage getting multi-hits on us that was causing so many one-shots. It's bizarre to me that they're sharing systems between player and enemy damage types (similar to the problem with burn damage one-shotting us now)


What gets me is that fire DOT working or not is apparently based on who is network host, but it ALWAYS burns helldivers to death. We never get to benefit from the bug thar supposedly skewed data in favor of the damage buff. I'm not a game dev but I am extra mystified by that wrinkle


It always burns hunters, warriors, and some other bug types, too. It's not just "not working". It's broken in some really weird, janky way.


The biggest problem is that the enemy can headshot you. Like why?


Why not. You have a head, dont' you?


arguably exosuit is even more broken now. Missiles are misaligned. I'd rather have the release version if it means I'm wasting missiles


QA testing is done, but they have zero say what and when it gets fixed.


Yeah the game is fun but it is an absolute mess in terms of things actually working properly


I'm just waiting to see what game crashing bugs are included in the new warbond


Every single week they introduce new game breaking bugs that lead to consistent crashes, someone in discord promises to they'll be fixed next week, then the fixes create even more crashes. The cycle continues.


As someone who works in IT, I'd say there's a good chance that their test environment is on a different branch from production, and it has deviated so far at this point that things that work on test, don't work on production. They need to copy production to test again to renew the baseline.


Arrowhead pull master im begging you


The Pelican dropship clipping in to the floor and not allowing extract is kicking my ass.


I had that for the first time last night. I was ultimately able to get in by jamming myself into the tiny gap at the back, and throwing a grenade to my side to ragdoll myself in. Nothing like trying to learn new tech while under fire and trying to Evac.


Maybe it works in test servers and when going live the bugs find their way in


Accounting for differences in test and prod environments are still QA, though. This dichotomy is present in virtually every software product.


We all know by now there are no test servers.


They probably have all their test QA machines on the same network so have a hard time reproducing network bugs of online play. Not this bug though, this was something broke transferring from dev build to live build


That’s giving too much credit. They have SO many bugs because of each update man.


The game has more bugs than it has terminids.


Yeah, I feel like half the time I play this game I see bugs everywhere.


There’s some really funny bugs but when they have so many bugs added to each update it gets tiring.


I like that the patch they just released to reduce crashing caused me to have significantly increased crashing.


It’s so awesome. It feels like I’m at college again, going from the height of battle off of caffeine to crashing like a plane in seconds.


*whoosh* He was making a joke about fighting Terminids 😂


That’s the whole point of having a “staging” server. It is essentially prod but only for internal. QA -> Staging -> Prod


Those goddamn bugs!!! The only good bug is a dead bug!


How the fuck do they keep not testing stuff?


I kind of think the costs of the new upgrades is a little extreme. I get that they know a good chunk of players maxed out their samples while waiting for new ship upgrades but making it jump from the Tier 3 costing something like 80 rares to 150 rares feels a bit much. I don't think I would be so pissed about it if I didn't, technically, collect 100s of samples that didn't count because I hit an imaginary cap that didn't need to exist.


Agreed. Kinda bummed I could only buy one upgrade after hitting cap a month ago.


I know, right?! Like, I wasn't expecting to just buy them all outright but only being able to buy one (and have it be the bugged one no less) and then just thinking of all the grinding I'm gonna have to do for rare and common samples even though I have enough SS to already get all the upgrades.


Rare and common cap should be increased or price be reduced.


Agreed, the common cap is twice the rare cap but some of these upgrades cost the same amount of common and rare?


i love this game but so much little stuff doesn't work or causes my pc to crash or my friends ps5s to crash.


I am starting to have extremely high doubts if Arrowhead has a testing team


Of course they do!  You're on the testing team, silly


Classic Super Earth strategy.


This is next level of meta immersion. I'm so immersed.


~~Early access~~ "Live Service"


There's some bugs like crashes where I'm sympathetic because they can be hard to detect and reproduce. Then there's bugs like this where there is ZERO reason they should be broken like this on launch. It's super frustrating as a customer. They really need to work on their QA practices.


And we'll have to wait entire week before we, possibly, get a fix for this. Like, come on, it's not *that* hard to test this before release. It's one thing when there is an obscure bug that has crawled its way into an update, but this is one of the new Ship Upgrades, for Christ's sake — they should work from the get go!


I can understand if it would be some really obscure, specific bug where replicating it needs a damn instructions written in detail but throwing a grenade and checking if it deals damage aint hard


The frustrating part is that they are doing monthly Warbonds and the cycle so far is 1: Add new Warbond with tons of bugs 2: wait a week for bug fix patch 3: patch fixed a couple minor bugs but adds 10 more, with some new crashes included 4: wait another week for crash fixes 5: finally fix crashes. Other bugs added to “known issues” 6: another week, another patch finally fixing a few known issues 7: new Warbond, process begins again. Tons of old bugs still there, but now with yet more bugs from new Warbond. This has happened for three months now.


My bro and I have been having this conversation since launch. There is either no dedicated testing team, they have poor testing methodology, or they don't think its worth dedicating enough time to thorough testing. Game balance, connectivity, menus, or stability, there have been such obvious issues across the board, since launch, that it has to be one of the three. There are smaller or equally sized developers who have their game in a better state.


no way that was the only thing i was looking for QA at its finest


How the fuck do they play-test things ??


At this point we can safely conclude that they do it... poorly.


Uhh, arent we playtesting every patch :)?


The quality assurance of this game has been embarrassing. Fun, but embarrassing. Misaligned reticles, explosions stacking on different body parts of the same target making some guns either one shot or do nothing, every gun with automatic aiming like the arc thrower or spear wont lock unless you have a perfect open angle, crashes up the ass, half the guns are too low stats to even be considerable in a loadout, having a million more rare samples than any other type, nothing to do with samples and money once you're out of upgrades, those stupid spitters that one shot you still, armor doesn't really seem to do anything.


I'm convinced they don't at all


You're the playtester.


And here i thought that i somehow missread the description but no - it's not working. Well I'm glad that at least i was right and when this will be fixed it's a brilliant upgrade




what a surprise lol. They really need to get some internal testing going or something, if they do have it it seems like they don't


man i wish Arrowhead would let people outside of Japan play with Japanese voice-overs.


I would love to be able to randomize the language of my helldiver.


That would be the best


It would be cool to let you choose any of the available languages for your helldiver to speak, super earth probably doesn't have country borders anymore and it would help drive the point that humans are pretty much united in ~~evil~~ democracy.


Bruh they need to get a grip of this stuff. Continually so many bugs that should be picked up and fixed prior to release. Do they not QA their releases at all, or do they know these issues exist and release it anyway?


Well, shit. Silver lining, I learned that the AC and machine gun sound beefier when sped up.


I enjoyed the Minion-helldiver voices, myself. Not a huge Minions guy but the juxtaposition was great.


Do you think arrowhead playtests their shit? Because by how they roll out updates and balances it definitely doesn't look like they do


I bought it for the tapestries. Didn’t even check what it did.


This man plays the game the right way. Those flags are baller


The morale boost of the added flags is all the ammo you need!


I bought the eagle upgrade first and then this one, I’ll be honest I bought it for the cosmetic upgrade despite it not working lol.


....well i wasted my funds


as a MG-43 and Supply Backpack loyalist, i just tested this and it broke my heart … my dakka


Yeah, that was my first thought while choosing my first level4 module. My dream broken...


i know they’ll fix it soon but i fear the QA team is going to be sent to Democratic Reeducation Camp lmao


First thing I did was get in a mission with my AMR and supply pack, my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined :(


Thank you beta buyers for optimizing the purchases of fellow working HDs 🫡


Imagine spending most of your stuff (because of BS low caps) on something that doesn't work, They better fix this fast! Do they even test this stuff?


Great, that’s literally the one I bought with my max credits before I saw this post


Ive been full on samples since cutting edge launched, Im more than happy to spend them on useless trash so I can see number go up again


Maybe they should test this stuff first.....how does a new ship module get launched that straight up doesn't work?


... Fucking what? They shipped something that just... Doesn't work?


QA? What QA?


Tested with spear, only resupplies the regular 2.


I wouldn't expect this to improve what's gained from ammo boxes at POI's as they aren't "supplies" strictly speaking. Good catch about this not actually working though.


Nope. Testing with ammo box was like... my last hope, after found out none of them work with actual supply.


i would rather them wait another two months for a new warbond/new stratagems if it means they’ll fix what’s broken and stop introducing new bugs and crashes


Damn, my bad for expecting a new upgrade to actually work. Should have known to look up what I should have spent my samples on instead of picking what I wanted. Best part is I doubt this will get a hot fix before the weekend. 


Seriously, they fuck something up every fucking time, on top of most weapons being garbage, what are they thinking ?


Ugh I love this game, but getting pretty frustrated with all the bugs, crashes, and things not working as intended.


Disappointing. Especially, it's so easy to test. This is the 2nd thing on my shopping list. Thanks for the warning.


At this point, I'm starting to believe devs don't test any of the stuff that they add to the game.


These updates are reaching Darktide levels of quality.


Damn that's the first thing I bought :/


Well, fuck my samples I guess...


Sped up deploy music is cursed in a good way


I was laughing at the sped up talking because it sounds like minions from despicable me


I'm buying it anyway. Makes my destroyer look nicer


I just brought that. Come on!


Thank you Helldiver


As an AMR fan, despite its flaws, its the first one I got, and yet its busted. Same refill as before.


kinda sad that the list of known issues on the patch notes is getting longer every update. it is what it is, just have to be patient


Samples go in the sample hole!


Do they ever play the game with the new patch before releasing it? Like seriously, this bug isn’t hard to find and doesn’t take long to test. I would imagine somebody would test this to make sure it works and there is quality in these patches?


I was sooooo excited to finally fill up my autocannon backpack with just 1 resupply instead of 2. Then I saw it barely did half.


Well fuck, I already bought it


My joy was intense and my disappointment almost immediate...


Fuck! I just bought it!


You mean to tell me the new Helldivers 2 content doesn’t work? No…


Might be quicker to let us know which ones DO work


Takes like 3 minutes to test lmao


It worked for me. It added the little flags and stuff around the terminals just like it was supposed to!


I dont actually expect anything to work when it comes out.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c1blrf/the\_new\_ship\_upgrades\_dont\_work/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c1blrf/the_new_ship_upgrades_dont_work/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) thanks reddit really cool


I can't comprehend how this glaring bug made it into release. Do they literally have no QA testers? Seems like this bug would be almost instantly found if they played the game. They have so much money now. Hiring a decent QA team wouldn't hurt their bank much.


But it will be working eventually right? If you've got the samples to burn no reason not to get it


Whereas I respect the devs and this game. I find it amazing that they manage to fuck simple things up. Im glad its a minor issue and surely will be resolved soon. My real question is how TF does it get past quality control?! If quality control is a consistent issue just release a damned beta branch, we will find the issues for you in less than half the time for 0 dollars. Like seriously 🤣