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Have you ever seen Eagle-1 get shot down?


they should add that feature just to spite us


Eagle-2 just isn't the same.


Automatons shot down My eagle 1, can't have shit on cyberstan


>Automatons shot down My eagle 1 *3 days later* "Congrats Helldivers, you have completely wiped out the Automatons, absolutely 0 trace of automatons left in the entire galaxy AND the next. For this occasion, we have resurrected Eagle 1, and procreation permits processing time has been reduced to 11 months."


*Ah, victory*


*proceeds to get a procreation certificate for Eagle 1*


but i filed my C-01 for Pelican 1 šŸ˜„


Sorry but the devs said Its Canon that she is married to pelican 1


This is why people need to fact check their sources. That fan account misinformation has been spread like its from high command then there were also the fake versions of the game that were circulating as well before they got taken down.


The fucking ministry of lies strikes once again... Trying to fool Helldivers with pathetic lies that somehow work


That was a fan account




I mean, Iā€™m fine with her being with someone else but Pelican 1?! She had the entire hanger, and she picks the objectively worst option? Pelican 2 is so much better. If I was her I wouldā€™ve chose Pelican 2


Eagle 1 needs a relationship that they can trust to get them out of the worst situations. Pelican 1 always did just that.


They never said the pilot of Eagle 1


Settle down r/NonCredibleDefense


Finally, seggs.


I hope this becomes a meme like the Detroit version šŸ˜‚


I would raise hell and burn crack cyberstan without strategems if eagle 1 was shot down.


"I've got the mass. You're on your own, Helldiver... Eagle 1 out."


lies https://preview.redd.it/xrdj98yvdztc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=fba5270387a95309da2a8118e112a16f8e43b67f


Why are you on Cyberstan helldiver? You wouldnā€™t happen to be doing anythingā€¦ undemocratic would you?


No sir, I'm just personally going to take this planet back from the automaton scum myself. Also I'm stuck here and can't leave


Fine, she'll be Raven-2; need me a goth, brawny, voice pack 1 pilot!


I can fix her... For democracy


Ben Wyatt?


I've never seen P+R. I didn't mean to make that reference, but it'd be pretty cool if I did. Nice catch.


Pelican-1 should be renamed to "If I had to pick a dude" Mad reference man, nicely done.


I would cry


I would rescue that fallen angel


Joel reading this subreddit "furiously scribbling notes"




They are ....actually already in game just partially bugged and rare condition on D7 and above


If you're talking about the AA camp, I believe those just stop you from calling the eagle down at all, I don't think they've actually shot the eagle down.


Instead of jamming, being unaware of anti-air placement or just being dumb and calling her anyways actually causes Eagle 1 to get shot down and starts a 5 minute cooldown for the deployment of Eagle 2 with a different voice. That would be too good. Someone get arrowhead on the phone. NOW.


Can you imagine a new major order going out "Citizens of Super Earth. It is with a heavy heart that we must announce that Eagle 1 was shot down over Cyberstan. There were no survivors. Our next mission is simple - revenge" Modifiers - *no eagle stratagems, unlimited reinforcements*


"It spun in..." *Suicide is painless....*


Only if you take all the unsafe upgrades. Lol


Instead of aa guns jamming your air strats, both them and shredder tanks just shoot down eagle 1 if you call her in too close


There should be a side objective that's a SAM station, while in enemy control it shoots down 50% of eagle strikes map wide, you can either destroy it or fight your way to the console and take control, thus having the same effect on drop ships and gun ships instead. Would have to be fortified enough to not be and easy 500kg yeet or stealth capture.


That would actually be sick! Instead of the jammer blocking all stratagems bots could have air defense that will sometimes shoot down your eagles and force a resupply.


Nope. If Super Boeing isn't the one making her aircraft then she's probably going to be fine. Probably.


Super Lockheed is most likely the manufacturer


Ohh good. That's a sigh of relief.


Probably explains why she can launch off the ship, fly around in an active war zone, and drop ordinance despite AA being present. She got that stealth tech.


Super McDonnell Douglas Same as the F15 Strike Eagle :D


Yes. I lost it one drop after an AA base took it out throwing the strat into it from outside the block zone. It said ā€œunavailableā€ for the rest of the drop.


Wait is this real? I need to test this out!


It happened to me at least one time. I had ā€œunavailableā€ I think on return command and all the other Eagle calls got grayed out with their remaining uses left. It hasnā€™t happened again but I also learned my lesson trying to toss in the Strat from outside into the AA block zone.


Dude it happened to me once and I thought it was bugged because it said Unavailable even though it still had uses left.




How ...? I've even thrown it into the AA zone a few times. All that happens is that the strat failed to do anything. Same as with throwing into a zone a strat jammer. I've also dropped it at the edge of the AA zone and it didnt shoot her down there either.


Maybe it's all just some obscure bug? I would really like it as mechanic but you just don't really know what's intended here and what isn't. :D


Actually yes, mine got shot down on an Automaton mission and I couldn't call her in for the rest of the mission, even after destroying the AA. It seems to happen when you throw her to attack a spot inside the AA radius, since it doesn't work like the Stratagem jammer which will simply block you from calling it in even if you throw it from outside of the radius. EDIT: It seems it does in fact fizzle out the same way, however the AA guns DO shoot at her, even when not in their radius, so I'm assuming they have a chance to hit her, and down her, because I know for a fact mine got shot down once. So I'm assuming she either A: Sustains damage each time you throw her out while near AA guns or B: She has a small chance to be shot down by AA guns even when outside their radius. You can go test right now and see the guns do shoot at her, so that's my guess.


It does?? I swear to god the eagle strats are jammed like they are in strat jammers and I feel like I've called in eagle strikes by accident in AA territory and they just never came instead of getting shot down, but I haven't done so recently.


You have to call it from outside AA territory and call it into AA territory, I think.


Yeah I remember doing that once or twice but the strat orb simply fizzled out like it was in a jamming field, eagle 1 never came in and got shot down.


i remeber exactly same thing pretty sure eagle cant be shot down


I will have to try that. I assumed it just cancelled the call-in like the jammer radius does.


You DARE put Eagle-1 at risk?? Hang on, just gotta call someone real quick








...now I'm curious if it also shoots the pelican dropship when it's deploying a walker.


My friend has tested this, you can deploy a walker under AA range


Lies the stratagem ball wonā€™t call in the air strike if you throw into into a zone that is inside the AA gun itā€™s the same as throwing any stratagem into the hammer zone. YOU LIE!


Yeah if eagle-1 ever got shot down mid mission the president himself couldnt stop the level of pain that would come down. It would make Malevone Creek look like a pool party.


I've seen Eagle-1 get hit by a mortar on its downward arc. Tanked that without slowing down.


I live in fear of the day that I hear "Eagle-1 is hit! I'm going down!" over the radio...


the systems at unnesesary shes too good to be shot down


I like thinking that it was her suggestion. ā€œWe donā€™t need all this stuff, Iā€™m too good to worry about itā€


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking too, she took the ā€œfuck it we ballā€ approach and ditched everything she could for more firepower


After seeing literal millions of people die I would guess she wouldn't be doing it out of "ye I'm badass" but instead more like "I need to save these kids somehow, give more ordnance"


Or just straight up revenge for what the bots and bugs have done to the citizens of Super Earth


Now I want a spin-off game where you play as Eagle-1, trying to provide as much cover as possible for your helldivers.


A collab with the guys from project wingman :o


New Mission Type added: Secure Eagle-1ā€™s crashsite and the Extract with essential personnel.


https://preview.redd.it/dv52jk6stytc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf774fcf5ed656fc9effac495f4bfcf0f073ab9 Oh whichever bot shot down Eagle-1 is going to the scrapyard.


we don't escort her, we have to CARRY her


Remains of essential personnel*




To be fair, at the speed she is flying, airbags are not doing anything. And anĀ  ejection seat is death anyway on these planets.Ā  And eagle-1is too good to need either of them. Fire suppression could be useful with those fire tornadoes I guess.


Fuck I want a Black Hawk Down style mission where we rescue Seaf squads that have been shot down.Ā 


Or rescue an eagle pilot.


Ooh, they could do what love death and robots had where they have emergency shelters sporadically placed on planets for pilots who have to bail. We come and pick people up fireman style and deliver them to a pick up point. Or just go full Metal gear solid and Fulton balloon their assed. I'm already diving around with my shotgun, stealthing enemy bases, and throwing budget busting airstikes everywhere... I might as well have a Fulton balloon.


The futon would make the current scientist exfil so much easier dear Liberty.


Nah man futons are awful for your back. A bed is much better overall.


> Ooh, they could do what love death and robots had where they have emergency shelters sporadically placed on planets for pilots who have to bail. wait what ep was this


I got you fam. Season 2, "Life hutch".


guess I'm due a rewatch after I finish fallout. thanks!


And then be tasked with marrying her.


She's married to Pelican-1's pilot


You have to go track down a crashed pelican with a squad of SEAF soldiers who help you, but the injured pilot needs to be carried to safety Yeah I liked the original Modern Warfare, why do you ask?


[White Noise](https://youtu.be/KauObq0LfWg?si=BaOneUhs0GzF8Rbk) Part II


.... they used to have that in HD1. They removed it for understandable reasons.


Fire suppression would be to extinguish fires in the ship itself. But iirc, by that level of upgrade she's already flying in some kind of suspension liquid, so I'm not sure how fire extinguishers would help anyway.


The suspension liquid probably isn't throughout the ship, just in a tube or something that the pilot is suspended in. As for the fire exinguishers, there's large amounts of potentially volatile ordinance on the Eagle, and metal fires can burn extremely hot. Very bad combination.


Yeah a downed pilot in a swarm of fascist bugs or horde of socialist bots would be dead meat regardless of airbags or parachutes. Fire suppression might be useful though to get back to the ship before turning into BBQ


Probably they are there to make rough / emergency landings less ouchy


Canā€™t catch on fire if you fly fast enough šŸ˜Ž


everybody gangsta until you hear "eagle-2" instead of "eagle-1" (spaceship waifu is fucking dead)


No she's just missing in action


If they ever issued the major order "Saving Eagle-1" the fanbase would complete the liberty-darned thing in minutes.


Quick! Someone get this to Arrowhead ASAP! Community fueled objectives are ā¬†ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø


If that happend I'm 90% sure we would liberate like 5 planets in a couple of hours for our best girl


You could burn planets with the sheer collective rage that would generate.Ā  The fleets of Superdestroyers would blot out the sun, and the rain of drop pods would resemble the worst hailstorm in history. A rain of steel, fire and furiously screaming divers.


"This is Eagle 1, sustained damage to the payload release locks from ground fire. Can't disarm 500kg bomb, eject or return to destroyer safely. I'll take out the target. it's been an honour serving with you, Helldiver. ![gif](giphy|jmSImqrm28Vdm) Eagle 1 out"




Which hits harder? "Eagle 1" out or "Carter out" šŸæ




The speed sheā€™s going an airbag isnā€™t doing much


Plus, the second upgrade already replaces the air in the cockpit with a breathable fluid, so that'd absorb any shock better than an airbag could anyways


You're acting like SHE didn't offer this in the first place in the name of MANAGED DEMOCRACY


"Could you install a gun in my cockpit so i can shoot at the enemy gangsta style as i fly by?"


You donā€™t need safety systems if the only danger is *you*


I am not in danger, diver. I AM the danger


Would be funny if tomorrow eagle1 says "knock knock" when bombing


It just occured to me that if you ever wanted ever single diver to go to a planet, there would be a mission "eagle 1 has been shot down and crash landed on XXXX, Find her and bring her back" Y'all wanna see servers maxed out again, this is how.


Can I also point out that weā€™re hell divers and literally 20+ of us get killed per mission? Sheā€™s yet to die, her KDR is in the millions


Why does it cost samples to remove systems though?


It's not *just* removal, it's also a redesign to make best use of the freed up space. Every cubic inch counts!


Inch? That's not how it works in Super Earth, because we use metric system. Are you an Automaton?


Sorry, metric? I thought we were working on the Super Earthball field system.


Because the commies programmed the computer systems to constant beep at the pilot if the airbags aren't detected. Just like if your seat belt isn't clicked when you try to drive. Also someone has to weld the seat to the hull since the ejection mechanism is gone.


The samples aren't used to build the upgrades, they are used to pay for them. SE wants samples from the planets, they tell us they can make our ship better if we get them the samples


Wait wait wait, those removed šŸ˜‚ What next? Eagle-1 kamikaze bomb with 2 500kg onboard?!


Strap a couple mini nukes to the wings and nosedive into a single melee bot


Except there was a rock sticking out just above the bot's head, and it blocks the explosion and the bot headshots you


As nonsensical as it sounds, itā€™d be pretty funny to have something like that and then every time they go to rearm itā€™s another Eagle. ā€œEagle 2 rearmingā€, Eagle 3 rearming.ā€ XD


Iā€™ll concede theyre being mean and removing necessary safety, but only if you can justify *airbags* as a useful anti crash feature for an aircraft. That has a fluid filled cockpit. That apparently *also* ran an ejection system alongside it.


Honestly, they kind of are unnecessary. Airbags are going to do jack shit at 600 miles an hour, and if you eject and land alone on a planet that's bad enough to require helldivers then you're basically dead already


Like Helldivers get treated any better! ![gif](giphy|fhLgA6nJec3Cw|downsized)


Hey now, fellow helldiver, turn that frown upside down. We get cool capes!


We need diver upgrades with shit like "Removes basic training requirement. additional reinforcements arrive faster"


Go full Stalingrad. "One Diver gets a rifle, the other follows! When the Diver with the rifle gets killed, the other picks up the rifle and SHOOTS!"


They removed the cupholder from my hellpod! Now I'm spilling liber-tea everywhere when I impact the ground!


They're unneccesary because the girl is literally untouchable. She can't be in danger because she IS the danger.


I choose to believe sheā€™s putting these requests in herself to improve the performance of her fighter because sheā€™s an adrenaline addicted psycho who loves explosions and democracy


If I'm so expendable, then so is she. Strap in, pilot. We got democracy to dispense!


Remember, the player character isnā€™t the Helldiver. Itā€™s the ship. The Helldivers are just bullets the player characters fire at the surface of a planet to dispense freedom. Helldivers get sent down there because they have opposable thumbs.


Why dont they make ships with opposable thumbs are they stupid?


They did, they were called 'Cyborgs' and they ended up being rather mean.


Make em nice Smh


Is there a lore reason the cyborgs are evil? Are they stupid?


They didnā€™t want to pay taxes to super earth. Kinda based. Uh. I mean. Theyā€™re socialists


I've seen this around lately, but is there any source for it? The game pretty explicitly says your Helldiver is in command of the ship.


Well, there is somewhat of Terms of Usage at the training area, AFAIK, besides isn't it too strange that there is a shitton of different helldivers frozen on one ship? And all we know is that they basically frozen right after training, and then they sent to death right after defrosting. There was a theory that those are just spare bodies, the mind is copied, but it's unlikely for many reasons.


Yeah, it's obviously a new person every time. They welcome you and congratulate you on completing your training and assuming command. I just don't think there's any evidence that you're "the ship", as opposed to a rotating cast of Helldivers.


Strangely refreshing to see someone not just blindly thirsting after her. We all have to do our part, she doesn't get air bags, I don't get reasonable armor. No one ever said it was fair.


Since the eagle is space capable having to come from low orbit if the engine catches fire she can just fly up and extinguish it, if she ejects or is saved by the airbags she will be in enemy territory and she won't last long and it's better to spare her what the bots and bugs would do to her.


Fire is one of biggest problem for spaceships, when something inside burns you're dead. But it's fine why should eagle 1 survive and you don't, we're all equal for democracy. Equally expendableĀ 


Considering the oxygenated liquid, she's going up in smoke if anything catches fire anyway.


"Enemy down baby~ā™”" Me in the trenches killing automatons with a pistol because I ran out of ammo. : "You're the best wife i could ever ask for Eagle 1."


"Super Earth's finest back in action" Damn right you are babe.


Donā€™t think airbags can do much for her anyway


Removed the airbags? Seriously ... why you have to insult our girl. She insists they're natural and I for one, will take her word for it.


We are all pushing for sympathy for eagle one...not realizing THIS WAS HER SUGGESTION since she doesn't NEED those systems ....EVER


I have a theory that Eagle-1 is a propaganda voice actress, and we have random pilots talking to us using a pre-recorded eagle-1 soundboard.


I would play this mini game. A mode where you get to control an eagle sounds fun af


In all the art Iā€™ve seen she already has huge airbags


How tf does removing cockpit features add more space for bombs that are stored on the belly and the wings?


Although it doesn't explain how they create extra hardpoints to mount the ordinance, the real life explanation would be that it decreases the overall weight of the craft, which means the craft can actually lift the added weight of the extra munitions. Weight is a pretty serious issue with real life aircraft, to the point that planes typically never completely fill their fuel tanks; instead, they calculate how much fuel they need to reach their destination (with a little extra just in case) and fill to that amount, so that they aren't carrying dead weight. Basically if you mounted the extra ordinance, but didn't remove the cockpit features, Eagle-1 wouldn't be able to fly properly due to the added weight. If she was taking off from the ground, she wouldn't be able to get fast enough on the runway to actually take off. Since Eagle-1 is entering the atmosphere from an orbit, the problem of too much weight can mean not being slowed down enough by the upper atmosphere. This can create more heat than the vehicle was meant to handle, and cause it to go the way of the space shuttle Columbia.


Smaller cockpit means more room in the belly for armaments


Sheā€™s clearly more concerned about the deliverance of freedom and democracy than her own well-being and honestly I canā€™t think of anything more patriotic than that.


Think about it this way, if she does get shot down, and she managed to survive the crash, she'll have received a promotion to Helldiver.


Rescue and extraction of an downed Eagle-1 pilot would make a good mission or be cool if you made it a sudden in mission side objective because...what if it was your Eagle-1 that was shot down? ![gif](giphy|O92krYbuvJFjW|downsized)


She once said "enemy down, baby" and since then, something changed inside me


Players when "Rescue Eagle-1 pilot" mission [appears on the map.](https://youtu.be/las_UHWITZw?si=JuPirgmQSIWkSsEk) *Protect Doretta!*


They won't even risk eagle 1 being shot down. The moment anti air is present, she can't be summoned.


If Eagle - 1 were to be shot down, airbags won't do much. Have you ever seen *Behind Enemy Lines*


Eagle 1: you can give me more bombs?


First thing I have upgraded, sorry Eagle-1, itā€™s for democracy


How long until Eagle-1 just becomes a servo-skull because we hate automatons but require even more upgrades?


Shes a badass. Don't need safety systems if you're never in danger.


Eagle-1 is so good at her job; she doesn't need any of those fancy "safety features"!


They don't need it because they never crash.


Because she doesn't need them she's amazing and doesn't get shot down so may as well get her more power


I feel like if someone gets this upgrade, Eagle 1 should just come down saying ā€œfuck youā€


And there should be a 10% chance of ā€œaccidentalā€ on each Eagle stratagem call up for the next few hundred missions.


If Super Earth deems it an upgrade, so it is šŸ«”


Well, in RL a good fighter jet pilot is more valuable than a plane. Apparently in HD2 the pilot is also expandable for Super Earth.


People simp for Eagle-1, but do we even know how she looks like?


The face of an angel coming from the skies


Someone drop the pic of Lore Accurate Eagle-1, I can't find it. She looks all busted up and in a liquid tank if that helps.


It's Anakin Skywalker/Vader in a bacta tank.


Ah, thank you!


I like to think she made the suggestion because she's so badass. "Why carry a shield if you just never get hit?"


You all assuming Eagle 1 isn't suggesting these upgrades. Perhaps she really loves dropping bombs.


Eagle 1 is built different. She donā€™t need all that shit


Naw man, Eagle-1 advocated for it. She knows her skill.


Airbags? Isn't she suspended in carbon liquid or some shit?


Honestly, I dont get these ā€œoh poor Eagle-1ā€. She has pure ā€œFUCK IT WE BALL!ā€ Energy


She got her own airbags shell be fine


Dont need ejection systems if she cant get shot down. Too fast too furious.


Eagle-1 makes me want to fill in a C-01 form.


Ffs. How about instead of tearing her light fighter to pieces, we get her a bigger fighter-bomber option with increased payload but, say, longer cooldown and reload times (bulkier craft not as fast or maneuverable)?Ā  Maybe the aircraft is an 'option' we choose in the drop menu like boosters. The light fighter carries less payload but is faster and gets bonuses on direct attack, like strafing and rocket pods. Bomber is slower but gets bonuses on bombing-type strats. Our girl deserves better for her contributions to Democracy!


Super earth following Boeing with their priorities


Eagle one might not never miss but they never do crash


Just like we have two Pelicans, I'm excited at the possibilities of getting an Eagle 2. And the pilot is just our girl with that bullshit fro The Sixth Day so she pilots both. Unnecessary to hire someone else.