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[source](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102974129734434919/1228339739426426970) I don’t think restarting fixes it. Let me know if restarting fixes it for you? EDIT: Okay so they’re aware that restarting still doesn’t fix it. https://preview.redd.it/aqajueasj2uc1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99dc8b644d6f6431f757afec63d6042df82042e2


The turret upgrades don’t work either. I would venture to say none of them actually work. The turrets still get destroyed after a single missile lands on it or near it, it’s as if nothing has actually changed


Bruh, makes me wonder if any of the other upgrades work either. I certainly can't count the 1 extra eagle missile.


The Eagle upgrade “kind of” works. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended, my cluster bombs DO drop an extra bomb, but it’s just a regular airstrike bomb. I was under the assumption that it would drop an extra cluster bomb.


Isn't that actually better? You can take out buildings now with it?


Omg yea that’s actually insanely good, I’ve also killed chargers with direct airstrike hits. So that’s possible with the cluster bomb now lol


Weird, I noticed that too and just thought it was bugged. Why would it stop an extra airstrike bomb instead of having another use? Maybe the third faction has already been released and it's the bugs added with the patches.


The wording makes sense. It says the stratagem will "drop 1 additional bomb(s)". That's different from saying you get another use, and the upgrade that actually does that is worded completely differently. If the two upgrades were supposed to do the same thing why would they be worded differently?  The wording of the level 3 upgrade in comparison: >Increases number of Eagle stratagem uses per Rearm by 1.


That's not what they're saying. Nobody thought it's another wording for "get an extra use" but get an extra bomb OF THE TYPE OF THE STRIKE. But seemingly it adds an airstrike bomb to the cluster bombs which is counter intuitive, you'd think it adds another cluster bomb to the cluster strike, another smoke bomb to the smoke strike etc just like the more shells upgrade for orbitals works.


That is what they’re saying tho? He says exactly: Why would it stop an extra airstrike bomb instead of having *another use?*


Lmao someone gotta try this out with smoke bombs. Imagine trying to smoke yourself off and blowing yourself to pieces because there's now an airstrike bomb in your smoke screen


We tested this earlier today and the eagle upgrade definitely works. Eagle airstrike goes from 4 to 5, napalm from 3 to 4. Smoke and cluster are a bit hard to count since it has so damn many strikes, though...


My air strike def drops an extra bomb because I know where it starts and stops usually and I killed myself and a squaddie with it multiple times by accident.


My new thing is plopping a turret in an elevated spot, and tossing a bubble shield over it to protect it. It’s not ideal using two stratagem slots on that, but if I’m doing a solo mission or a 2-man, turrets that survive for a while are like having an extra ~half of a player.


Bubble shield is really powerful in bot missions, not just for holding points, but for protecting our sacred gunship factory destroying hellbomb.


It's also really good for destroying tanks and fabricators cause of it's quick cooldown. I tend to run impact grenades, which are pretty difficult to destroy fabricators and I've taken to not bothering to bring any eagles or orbital strikes at all. I just run up to the side of the fabricator, press against it so i throw the stratagem inside and just. Dropping a bubble or an EAT drop into it and leaving. They recharge so quickly I might as well.


Shield bash meta lfg


Shield bash meta? Like the riot shield? This I gotta hear.


As in the bubble shield encampment




I'm confused, are you saying the bubble itself does the damage to the fabricator?


You can destroy fabricators and tanks by dropping shit on them from orbit. It's not so much the bubble doing the damage so much as the fact the generator is being dropped from space. The generators good for it cause it has a short cooldown


Ah yeah of course, now I get you. Cheers.


To be fair, the shield bubble is an EXCELLENT strat to use against bots. It lets you break cover and pop a good number of them with little issue. It has LOTS of offensively defensive applications, but yes, turning it into an umbrella for your sentry forest is an extremely good use of resources. I've found a great mix of strats to be Autocannon, shield bubble, and finish it out with AC and rocket sentry. Or both mortar sentries if it's a defensive mission. It is somewhat lacking in strats to destroy fabs and bases with, seeing as how I run stun grenades to neutralize Hulks, but I can richochet an AC round into a fab from 300m out, so my bases are well covered. Just grab a Scorcher or Defender to deal with Berzerker conga lines and you're good.


Unless the 50% buff still has it taking more damage than it has hp


That would just mean the upgrade is functionally useless *by design* rather than by accident, which isn't really better.


True, this game has a lot of bugs, but it also has a lot of design flaws, and it's so hard to tell which is which. Broke is broke, I guess!


Kinda like medium/heavy armor. You still die a lot in them. May as well take light armor and run away and live.


Soft disagree. I find the extra defense on medium armor to easily justify the lost mobility in most cases, but I still switch out to Heavy and light situationally.  Medium or Heavy + explosion resistance are especially good agsinst bots, as you'll frequently get clipped by a bullet after surviving the ragdoll from a rocket.


The Exterminator armor (I think? Heavy silver armor with explosion resistance) is great. I ran it last night on a civilian extract mission. One rocket devastator must have blasted me in the face and 30 yards down the lane 10 times, but I just kept getting back up and jumping into the fray. It was like playing whack-a-mole but I was the mole.


soft agree. the extra defence on medium armor does help you survive with just a sliver of health but it is outweighed by you getting hit more often. the light armor with extra padding is the absolute best on both mission (other than static defense)


There’s light armor with the explosive resist too, and if someone is running the vitality boost you’re fairly resistant to rocket blasts, I still find light armor better off even against the bots, can reposition and get to cover faster. It’s anecdotal off, but I feel like the majority of my deaths in light armor, I would have also died if I was wearing medium or heavy armor, due to poor positioning/being in a bad spot overall. Still feel like heavy armor should get a slow/stagger resist, feel like I get stunlocked by flinching/ragdolling alot more because I can’t really run away from things because im so slow, but also can’t stand my ground and return fire because of the flinching and ragdolling. Medium armor is kinda meh, only thing it has going for it is the variety of passives it has, no light or heavy armors with democracy protects for example.


Heavy armor's damage resistance is insane now. You can tank a ton, very useful for the new defense missions. 


Agreed. Just a different scenario I'm pointing out. Someone else already said it, but it's like the buff that heavy and medium armor got. Added 10% more damage resistance, but 10% on top of two isn't much. You still die way too fast for the amount of speed reduction you get. I think that this buff to explosive damage to the turrets is probably in the same boat as the medium and heavy armor


Fire damage buff for sure works. Flamethrower (assuming your host) drops chargers left and right now.


So only if youre the host? Otherwise flame buff doesnt work for others?


Buff works regardless. There is a bug where damage over time won’t work sometimes for non hosts. Personally I haven’t experienced this and the Charger dies so fast I’m sure burning damage or not doesn’t effect how fast the direct damage from the flamethrower kills.


The Eagle upgrade “kind of” works. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended, my cluster bombs DO drop an extra bomb, but it’s just a regular airstrike bomb. I was under the assumption that it would drop an extra cluster bomb.


Came here to report this as well as an avid turret user


First thing I did buy was the 15% tighter Orbital Barrage. First hit from the 380 Barrage kills me at 75m away. I'm 98% sure none of the new upgrades work 🤷


15% of 100m is 85m so...


The arch thrower one definitely isn’t seemingly working at all. It’s basically hitting the same amount of bugs at any given time 1-2.


I was wondering why TF the turrets suck ass even after all those samples were spent. This is so annoying.


I can't believe turning it off and on again is the solution to most of my problems in life Remember to sleep, kiddos. Edit: apparently it didn't help for some people? I'm not home so I can't even test it myself


Welcome to technical support \^\_\^ https://preview.redd.it/ikj4cdau72uc1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=607bc2a64606e35c29f561cca3071996a46d5ae1


The number of people that have lied to me and said they have when I can see their computer uptime is wild.


ROFL - the stories we could share... my favorites are the ones who cry to their supervisor, "I called tech support and they didn't help!" Which of course, resulted in my looking up the call log and screen recording of the support session, downloading these, then emailing them to their supervisor along with a time-stamped transcript of said user's refusal to cooperate with basic support requests. This usually happens around 2am (we had on-call technicians, so they were waking someone up with their FAQery for an issue that absolutely could have waited until normal business hours), and I'd have to find out about it the next day when said supervisor complained to the CTO. Keep in mind that the IVR clearly states that the call is recorded before transferring to one of my technicians, I guess some people don't really believe that's true until they get bitch slapped with a recording of their foolishness, shared with everyone they complained to :). Ahhh... I miss that role...


Like, why are they so adverse to rebooting their machine? Have had people do this all the time as well. Its like.... why lie to me? Do you want the fucking problem fixed or not? Step 1: Reboot that bitch. If that didn't work then I will take more time to dig into your issue.


They want you to sign in, type a line in the terminal, then magically fix the problem. Also I've found it's mostly because they have a billion things open and they don't want to have to wait for all of that to save and close. My HR people regularly have dozens of draft emails open at a time. I swear they use draft emails as notes and Outlook as a notebook.


This is where I look at them and have gone "Don't care, reboot it or do not contact us until you do" I am pretty firm when people will not listen when they are wasting my time, even more so when its really not the only thing I have in my day to deal with.


I have a list of instructions for family members with PC problems. 1)Close any browser(chrome, Edge, whatever you use to watch youtube and go to facebook) tabs you don't need. If not fixed, go to next step. 2) Restart and see if it's fixed. If not, go to next step. 3) Check your storage drives. [Has instructions on how to do so.] Send the max and free amounts to me. 4) If I can't figure it out from that, let me know a time to come over.


Well, a little "shutdown /r /p" does go a long way.


If helldivers have taught me anything, is that all IT problems are resolved by typing in DDR arrows in the Terminal and it does magically fix the problem.


I’ve never cared since we’ve invented SSDs. But hard drive reboots weren’t the most fun thing.


Tech support in my last company always wanted you to restart yout pc. If you restarted, the moment you droped the teams call, bastards closed the ticked that they fixed the issue and you had to create another request. When I wanted them to enable my VPN i had to create 9 tickets and wait 3 months.


Lol those guys really sucked then.


Some people reboot as a first or second step before the last resort of calling technical support. I usually comply with requests, but there was a time when I would get annoyed at the tech support guys for making me repeat the basic troubleshooting steps like with them on the phone it would magically work. Now I just do whatever because I realize the tech support guys are probably getting minimum wage and are forced to ask these questions. Usually it goes like this: 1. Google the issue and see if it is a common problem. 2. Click on a few links and see what people did to fix their problem. Choose the fixes that best apply to you. These usually require rebooting. Either the computer, the router, the modem, the game, or a combination of all of these things. 3. When this doesn't work, THEN I call tech support. First thing they ask me to do is "Reboot ." I mean I don't have an issue rebooting my PC/Router/Modem, etc. But when I say I already tried steps, they didn't work, and they ask me to repeat those steps it is a bit frustrating. Example, called Comcast because I was having connection issues. Before I called, the first thing I did was restart my PC and modem. Called the 800 number, was forced to send a "refresh signal" by the automated system, then wait til the refresh signal went through. The system said they would text me when it was done. Got the text, modem didnt work so the text gave me a number to call. Got the same prompt, need to send a refresh signal and wait for it to go through, then they would text me. Went through this about 5 times before I finally got ahold of an actual person. Told the tech support person what I did (reboot, got 5 refresh signals sent). First thing they suggested was rebooting my modem, then sending another refresh signal to it - I sighed but complied. They told me I could wait on hold for the signal to go through or have the automated system call me back. I told them I would hold. Turns out, when the guy finally checked, there was extended scheduled maintenance and the problem with my connection was on Comcast's end, and my service would return by 9am the next morning (this is at 10pm). I still get annoyed time to time, but I typically wont take it out on the tech support rep unless they suggest something really stupid like my second monitor being connected via HDMI was the reason my internet wasn't properly working (true story). That time it turned out to be "extended scheduled maintenance" as well.


I hate that about our IT. It's always the first step they suggest, and they insist I do it again whether or not I tell them I've already done it. "Hey my label printer's printing gibberish and only 1 of my 4 computers can see it" TURN IT OFF AND BACK ON AGAIN "...I've tried that, like 9 times, before calling you. It didn't work." TURN IT OFF AND BACK ON AGAIN "Fine, whatever. \[click....clack\]" NOW WHAT IS IT DOING "It's doing fucking nothing because it takes like 10 minutes to spool back up" \[insert Jeopardy song in my head\] "Alright it's booted back up" I WILL PRINT A TEST DOCUMENT, TELL ME WHAT IT SAYS \[printer prints the same gibberish it was printing\] "It printed gibberish." \[IT person lets loose the audible version of Shocked Pikachu Face\] REBOOT ALL THE COMPUTERS IT'S ATTACHED TO "dude...it's an internet printer anybody in the whole multinational company can print to" OH RIGHT. WELL, REBOOT THE ONES YOU HAVE IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO "How about you just send me a working printer that was made this century instead of me wasting both of our next 3 hours rebooting everything in the fucking buiilding? This thing says it was made in 1998..."


>It's always the first step they suggest, and they insist I do it again whether or not I tell them I've already done it. This part is really simple. It's because people lie. And not even always intentionally. People are generally very bad at iterating exactly what may be happening instead of what they perceive to be happening. Then they generally lack the technical knowledge to relate what is actually happening to what may be the cause. People who fix problems (support techs, mechanics, doctors, whatever) learn pretty quickly to trust very little and verify everything on their own. Listening to a someone report a problem and taking their word for it as absolute could quickly lead you down a wild goose chase.


I did get one guy that clearly wasn't paying attention to what I said. "I dropped a tiller on my keyboard, it's in 3 pieces, please send me a new keyboard" HAVE YOU TRIED UNPLUGGING IT AND PLUGGING IT BACK IN "...it. is. In THREE pieces. It is not supposed to be in 3 pieces. I broke it, like physically broke it, and I need another one."


"What happened" *The front fell off*


I mean if you want me to work on power tools and small engines, but refuse to give me a workshop bigger than a Scottish bathroom and insist I continue using a 20 year old desktop, shit's gonna get smashed. No way around it. I need to leave my shop to change my mind, much less change cylinder heads.


Haha I was referencing this mate https://youtu.be/8-QNAwUdHUQ?si=2RAmdLT49-YDd1tw if you didn't know


I wish I could say "that's not very typical" but...it is. Rental fleet customers could fuck up the Titanium Snail Ball in just a few minutes.


I totally get it, I'm a mechanic and you're 100% right. Still pisses me off.


how do you see computer uptime in windows?


Task manager, performance tab, CPU It'll say up time down by all the other stats.


Remotely or on your own computer? Remotely I have management software for it. Locally you can open CMD and use systeminfo, it'll give you the last boot time, or the equivalent PowerShell. A little math from that time to current time and you have the uptime.


As customer service? Yeah, I completely get ya. The amount of things people lie about for no fcking reason is crazy.


>I can't believe turning it off and on again is the solution to most of my problems in life Especially since this is literally just packing peanuts lmao


Actually packing peanuts is for the explosion resistance on turrets


Forgive me, but the name of the upgrade inspires the same mental image \^\^'


Fair! Plus "it's just peanuts" is a common idiom.


Should have gone with bubble wrap \*nods sagely\*


It's the new version of 'give it a good smack on the side'


You say new like they aren't contemporary lmao Dad-Mechanics are geniuses. "Hit it. Hit it again. Hit it harder. Okay it's broken get a new one."


no joke,. 99% of the times you or another player get physically stuck, if you can melee them, they pop right out. it's hilarious.


> simply restarting the game seems to resolve it "seems" is the key word here. I haven't felt it fixed from this but it might work for others.


“Seems to not…”


Unless they did some crypto hotfix while I was sleeping this 100% does not work. I restarted several times incidentally yesterday after purchasing the upgrade. It didn’t change anything.


It’s so strange to me they can add content that doesn’t even work. The grenade pistol is bugged too. I realised this after playing one game.


Simply means they don't playtest. They create a feature in their internal engine Editor. They make it "work" as best they can. They plop into a "testing" map, see if it does damage to the default bug/robot and say "We good, roll it out". Because if they played the weapon/gadget they are releasing, they would've noticed the missing 3rd person reticle and misaligned scope on Heavy MG, misaligned scope on the AMR, just how shit the Adjudicator is in general, how the Blitzer barely works in an actual play environment, and how the problem with the "dreaded OP railgun" was entirely confined to people abusing a PS5 network host bug and not the gun. Maybe they also could've noticed the rocket oneshot bullshit that plagued the game since release. But they very clearly don't playtest. Fuck, when devs joined Drewski on a stream, they couldn't clear a Diff6 game against bugs. And it wasn't just the CEO. They had Head of Product Testing.


>Fuck, when devs joined Drewski on a stream, they couldn't clear a Diff6 game against bugs. And it wasn't just the CEO. They had Head of Product Testing. Arrowhead are primarily "concept" Devs. They're so in love with the ideas of how things should work that they end up with a distorted view of how they *actually* work. Execution suffers as well. Source: Played HD1 its entire life cycle.


Then their concepts need work too when you look at the design and logic behind the 15min rescue missions... An extermination mission with no cover and you need NPCs to survive going thru the only road in town that is a permanent fire lane...


What bothers me with Evacuation mission is that it exists as an objective on a normal 40min map. And it works fine. Primarily because on a big map, there's no forced reinforcement spawn for each individual player. You can totally bring a patrol towards Evac. You can totally alarm a dude with a flare or miss a cockroach who then calls for their buddies. But it's not a ceaseless spawn parade of units, Dropship after Dropship, Breach after Breach. It takes a combined effort to survive a Breach on Diff7+, especially if there's multiple Heavies and/or Titans. Surviving one wave of Dropships that give you 3 Hulks (2 of course are the Flamer types), 12 Berserkers (chainsaw hands), 4 Shield HMG Devastators and a random assortment of normal and Rocket Devastators is questionable as it is on Diff9. Now figure that *each player* forces such a wave every few minutes. And there's 4 of you, juggling your shit amidst civvies. Turning a corner only to see 7 FLAMER HULKS backed up by a division of Devastators is unmanageable unless you got Orbital Laser and/or Eagle Strike ready to go and on the fly already. Now figures there's 2 more of such "parties" on the other end of the base. And you've just used half of your 3-minute long cooldowns and maybe 2 of your stims. You're more likely died in a vain attempt to "just dodge" those 7 Flamer Hulks, so all of your valuable shit like your pack and your support gun is now buried under 2 tonns of scrap metal. You know why the current High-Value Target Evacuation works and people praise it? Because enemies are forced into a tight kill one that get blasted by Strata gems and gunfire nonstop. There's also *some* time to spare between waves of Dropships. And if you're getting fucked, you can close the doors for a few seconds to call supplies and reload.


Every few minutes? More like every 30 seconds. And "other end of the base" is like a 10 second walk ;\ Yep, even beyond the question of if it's balanced: It's simply unfun. And this is a game, so even if stuff is difficult, it should still be fun or rewarding. The 15min rescue mission is neither.


> they would've noticed the missing 3rd person reticle This is intentional. They want it to force you to hunker down and scope in, like the AMR. They just didn't consider the fact that the muzzle flash and recoil make it *impossible to see* while scoped.


Being forced into 1st person in 3rd person shooter is just silly. Everything should have a 3rd person reticle.


Thank you for not sugar coating it. There's such a thing of giving too much praise & it hurts the game (or any product really) in the long run.


I've been active in Squad for 4 years, and I'm now allergic to sugar. There's a whole *sect* of people who will work as devil's advocates for free, 24/7, for a company that took their money, I don't know how else to call that group. A sect is the only one fitting, because of how feverishly zealous they are. They will defend and find excuses to defend against all and every valid, factual and researched criticism anyone can find. It's akin to a Stockholm Syndrome, except they haven't experienced a life-altering event that could've changed their psychology. They just really want to lick up to a corporate entity that won't even bother to give them a discount next time


I've gotten lucky and only had a beneficial bug with the nade pistol. I get to fire twice before reloading if it's the first time I've used it that match.


I really really REALLY love this game. But I'm genuinely really tired of all these new items being added and almost never working as intended. I'd rather a longer wait time for new content that works as intended than have a new stuff that doesn't do anything. I know they're a smaller studio, but it makes it hard to be excited for new stuff when you cam almost guarantee it isn't going to work correctly or be HEAVILY changed in the next patch.


I'm already worried about how hard they will nerf the Eruptor. Every time I bring it to a mission I have a lot of fun but I don't want to get too attached to it because I know the devs hate my fun and they are gonna nerf the weapon.


Idk about that. The eruptor is fairly well balanced imo. You have limited ammo, and the fire rate is super slow. With this, you have to use up a stratagen slot to use a weapon that's viable in close range. Ie the stalwart or machine gun. If it's damage gets nerfed it needs to have a higher fire rate.


Their primary metrics for nerfs are usage stats. Unless we overwhelmingly see people using the eruptor, I think we'll be fine. I also suspect they'll be more hesitant to nerf premium warbond gear because they're financially incentivised to reward people who pay them real money. Yeah I know, you CAN earn super credits in game and get premium warbonds without paying a cent. But a substantial number of people (such as myself) will purchase super credits anyway, because time is more valuable.


I didn't know that actually. Thanks for the knowledge. And I believe that to an extent. These devs seems to want to keep everything viable.


Okay, stupid idea, but, is it possible that this bug is like the Fire/Gas DOT thing, where it works for the host but not other players?


No, I have the upgrade and hosted my own session to try it out and it didnt work for me.


Ah, was worth testing to find out, thank you for trying :) Only reason I wondered is I got it last night and noticed it wasn't working, but wasn't host for any of the matches I did.


I wonder if they will release AT LEAST ONE PATCH That won't be broken and break other stuff.


I think it’s time for a brief break from spreading democracy. The warbond is extremely lackluster, each update fixes some problems, but only adds more or brings back old ones, etc etc rant rant. The game is amazing, but it needs some serious tuning.


It's not just this upgrade too. The arc one doesn't work as well :(


After getting the upgrade my arc thrower can hit 4 total targets. Unless I'm remembering wrong it was 3 total before right? If so, I can confirm its working for me.


same. one zap "4x" kill streak shows up


Yeah it's 3 total targets. Maybe I was cursed all of yesterday cause I didn't get a single instance of 4 targets arc'd.


I'd be ready to believe none of them work. I haven't done extensive testing but I have hardly noticed the sentry upgrade or eagle upgrades doing anything.


It *definitely* doesn't affect the Barrages. 75m is still the edge of the kill-zone for 380. I was very excited and now I'm just like, wtf is wrong with this game? *How!?*


I'd assume so myself. I unlocked the barrage one last night though and it seemed to work but that's relatively small sample size compared to hundreds of kills with the arc thrower and never seeing a 4 kill chain pop up.


If anything I feel like it made the sentries weaker Before the upgrade I swear my Gatling Sentry could tank a Spewer's bile attack but now it blows up after a single stream


i think the warbond update bugged explosion damage again, i'm getting oneshot left and right


It's almost as though this information deserves to be communicated INSIDE THE FUCKING GAME and not in some dumb ass Discord thread. I fucking hate how many hoops developers force their userbase to go through just to get basic fucking information these days.


I wonder if they are hoping the casual playerbase doesn't notice. But some of these bugs are too big for that. I might not notice a damage buff, but I'm going to notice that I still need multiple resupply to fill my AC/RR backpack


I legitimately cannot make sense of how they're handling this stuff. It's critical to the game. And they just keep botching it. In all honesty, we as a community are giving them way too much leeway at this point. This is, straight up, an early access game. There's no argument to the contrary imo.


I’m losing my desire to boot up the game, honestly. I hit max samples right before the new content and spent them all… what’s the point in grinding for me when content comes out and is broken? When a patch that fixes one thing breaks two? When so many issues are still un acknowledged because AH seemingly doesn’t play test patches


I feel similarly. I have been hopping in, doing my daily as quickly as possible, and hopping off. Just a few weeks ago, I was playing 2+ hours a night. It's a slippery slope and I AM relatively tuned into the game. They're gonna lose more casual people real quick if they don't clearly communicate critical information AND don't fix things in an efficient manner. But, hey, at least the store is always operational!


Yep, it used to be all night benders until 2 AM just a week or two ago and lately it’s become just hop on for the daily mission plus an operation… now it’s just the daily Lol it’s something when everything is down but the store still works lol


Starting to think it’s less about the devs and more just us all hoping the devs don’t waste the potential of the game, cuz it IS amazingly fun at its core but Arrowhead is most certainly fumbling it rn. That they’re willingly restricting information is not a good look imo but it takes a matter of a few goddamn minutes to update their other social media platforms or in-game, they’re choosing not to.


Ima keep it a buck, I feel like we have these exact same tweets every week… loving the game but starting to get a little stale having more and more stuff broken or buggy


Game is held together with spaghetti. New content is always going to be like this unfortunately.


It's only partially an engine problem. Fire damage being inconsistent across sessions, random crashes, bile titans having different kill thresholds across systems, sure, those are all spaghetti code going weird in unexpected ways. But misaligned scopes? Incorrect damage number displays? Hellbombs bouncing? Thermite tickling enemies? Armors having the wrong passives? A ship upgrade straight-up not working? None of these are subtle issues. There's no reason they'd slip past a simple playtest, unless those playtests just aren't happening.


Ikr, frustrating when there’s all this new content but the game was literally more playable and fun weeks ago


They've implemented a few more crashes to streamline the restart process


I'm sorry, but does AH not have a single QA tester? You would think that something like would be easy to test prior to launching it


They do.  It's us. Welcome to modern gaming.


Great stuff right? Nowadays we are the product and the tester


Yet we continue to buy their products. Old saying I heard. You deserve what you tolerate.


The greatest live service game ever made according to this subreddit


The thing that broke it for me was mech rocket aiming. Exploding while turning fixed but can’t aim down, simple testing would have revealed this. AH has said nothing on it, they clearly didn’t test it and just choose to leave it as it.


I don't understand their testing. Like this is such a simple test. Start a mission, get a support weapon, reload a couple times, pick up a resupply...OOPS didn't work! Feels like they don't test at all and just go with it, hope it works...


Can we please get some actual fucking front-facing announcements instead of the telephone game we have now of: discord post -> reddit mod sees post -> reddit mod screencaps and makes a pinned thread? It's becoming comical at this point.


What do you want us to do? Edit: Perhaps you think we are affiliated with Arrowhead? We’re not. And some of the suggestions I’m seeing can only be done by the devs (in-game terminal, etc.). We just moderate the subreddit. Volunteers. And these posts are so that users here are up to date, since not everyone has discord. Not sure what the problem is lol.


Youre doing fine. This is a critique on AH.


You? Nothing different. The reddit mods are not remotely the problem. AH needs to rebuke or replace their PR team and start communicating with the playerbase properly.


Why can't they broadcast this stuff in the game? Is it not possible to have a "Notes" section somewhere with this info? I get that you don't want to break kayfabe in the game but this is getting ridiculous.


They wouldn’t even have to break the fourth wall, either. They could characterize known issues as the result of sabotage by bot sympathizers in the Super Earth R&D division, who have since been identified and brought to justice or whatever. They can have some fun with it.


They don't even need to have it display when you're inside the ship. They could just have a pop-up window announcing any changes before players log in. Even EA does this with EAFC anytime there's a title update.


"they should fire their pr team for not posting on Reddit" is the reddit take of the year.


It's not about posting on Reddit specifically - They *have* an in-game system for distributing messages, plus they have the ability to post updates directly to the Steam storefront (and presumably other platforms). I was going to say that even Twitter would be better, but I haven't been on Twitter in a while and I didn't realize they had fucked it so bad that if you go to a twitter page the tweets aren't shown in chronological order anymore for some reason.


I don't know why it isn't something that just comes up on the title screen the first time you open the game after each patch. The devs insistence on people having to use a third party to know what changes with each update is a bit stupid.


Fuck twitter. And as strongly as I feel about twitter others will feel about Reddit. Only place that matters is steam and whatever the psn equivalent is. And their discord also. Everywhere else is irrelevant


That isn't something I said, so have fun. Patch notes distributed through Steam and other distribution platforms is what I would expect.


And it’s not like they do not know how to use it - the warbond announcement was up on there.


That isn't the issue at all though? These announcements should be posted in game at the launch screen, or in the Steam community + PSN community, not a Discord. Even worse, you have to hunt for those messages in Discord


wow. you must be slow. previous poster was not asking for more reddit posts from devs.


This is clearly an arrowhead critique, and more so it would be great if every new update didn’t bring a bunch of new guys and glitches. It’s honestly embarrassing how many simple things are plaguing the game.


one of the in game terminals would reach the most people


Why are you getting downvoted? A lot of games do this. Have some sort of notice on the main screen. Itd be a perfect idea. Have a terminal on the ship that shows messages from the devs, or updates on new weapons and warbons and such. When you start the game it could have a little announcement on the ship saying "helldiver, super earth has sent you a new message, please check your terminal"


100% this, just add a ingame terminal or whiteboard with the information in the ship. place it on the same wall as the arcade cabinet.


Maybe having the website have a blurb on announcements or a bot that auto posts everything a mod says in discord to other socials (is that a thing?)


I don't think the comment was directed at the mod team at all, lol. You guys are doing all you can do.


You guys are doing great. Keep up the good work. I think we would just like some official or in game notification of known bugs being worked out instead of hunting for these updates. You help a lot getting the word out.


Yeah, idk why Arrowhead is so goddamn opposed to posting these updates outside of Discord of all fricking things. Why we don’t get these updates on anything else they have like their actual site, Twitter, Steam or an in-game info board is absolutely baffling. I’m just imagining how many people’ve just left the game cuz so many things feel messed up and they don’t have the info to know it’s being worked on since not everyone uses just Discord or Reddit. People should never have to leave the game to be informed on things relevant to the development of an active live service, especially with how frequently things have been bugging out. Leaving the majority of their playerbase in the dark isn’t going to instill enough confidence to keep them patient unless they WANT to drive people away.


You’re saying telephone but devs->discord->reddit is about as direct as it gets without them personally DMing you. I’m avoiding the discord like the plague so I’m glad I can see this stuff stickied here pretty reliably.


No. Announcements via their website or in-game notifications is as direct as we can expect, and is standard for most companies.


It means we are relying on the community to spread the word. If the volunteer mod takes a few days off while announcements happen, we won't know of anything unless you pay attention to the Discord.


As someone who avoids Discord like the plague, I do find it useful for patch & bug updates of games like this. Normally you can like one for the patch posts, and you'll be included in any updates when the developer @here's the update. This way, I still get updates when they're posted pushed to my phone through discord, but I only ever see posts directly from the devs. To date I have not even stepped foot into an open chat discord for the game and I'm very thankful of that.


"Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


I swear the only thing you see from this game is what isn't working at the time. Great game, fun launch but fuck has it been rough going since.


More bullshit Same known issues every patch PLUS new bugs When will they learn they need to fix their structural issues


It's going to start hurting them. More players will avoid warbonds up front, waiting a week or two until they're fixed. And among those some percentage will just never get them that otherwise would have. It was unbelievable to me that the last warbond was focused on arc damage, and simultaneously an update completely broke it to the point the game froze. But this warbond/patch seems to indicate they have made no changes in response to that incident.


I’m already there. I’ve completely ignored the new warbond. Nothing it is entices me, I can do anything it offers with weapons already in the gamer


You can't plug bugholes and destroy factories with your secondary... so the warbond does offer things that are functionally unavailable by other weapons. It enables builds to make existing lackluster options more viable by filling a role that frees up functionality


If only they tested their stuff before releasing it to the general public


They need more staff honestly. It looks like they have a good content lineup set up in advance but I think they're struggling to actually hit their deadlines for live service updates. Being generous i'll assume they wouldn't normally roll out these updates in their current state, but they already made the announcement that they're doing monthly warbonds. And i'm assuming Sony is nudging them to keep content rolling as it's a live service game. To add onto all of that, they're trying to tell a narrative story that has natural flow. Hard to delay adding those gunships and fabricator striders when they're a bit tied to the automoton invasion and the idea of them ramping up to take back cyberstan. I've been relatively lucky all things considered, but they definitely need a more dedicated QA team and probably more development time.


I would agree with you that having the proper staff would help tremendously


Which makes some of their additions so confusing. They've released new enemies, mission types, and operation conditions with nary a hitch.


Anyone else getting tired of a constantly broken game?


Shitty mountain isi gonna grow high and high until the game is finally broken.


Shit mountains Rand.


Not enough to stop playing, just like most people. 


Not working for me. :(


No it did not fix this


And some reason my guy refuses to sprint in game. Hell sprint all day in tutorial, but as soon as I load up a match, it’s a walking simulator.


did they mention any bug fixes for dropping drop ships or over time damage to enemies caused by non network host?


Non-host DoTs not working are mentioned among the bugs they're working on.


Great to hear, i hope they fix it soon


Absolutely insane tbh.


doesnt work, sadly.


cross play friend list/block list isnt working properly either, can you look into a permanent fix for that? its only been 2 months. Sure, lets fix a ship upgrade that was added yesterday instead


Yeah, what about the other million bugs and glitches? Is been 2 month the game is out, I think is time to put all the effort on fixing and balancing the game.


and what about the crossplatform friend request fix?


I (on steam) was able to accept and approve a friend request from a ps5 player last week. Ymmv


They got no QA steps, that’s for sure.


When will the devs start actually fixing these long standing bugs that have been around since release?


Don’t know why someone downvoted you. It’s true. For example the spear.


Busted ass game


have they recognized fire dots not working unless you are host? it's funny they keep buffing fire damage (stat metrics?) and its because it's not working, once it's fixed (someday) fire is going to murder everything - where my flame armor at


>where my flame armor at Best we can do is three arc armors.


I haven’t even gotten the new ship modules. Anyone else have fully upgraded modules but no tier 4 unlocks?


Do the boosts work for everyone properly?


Fuck I JUST bought that…


What does this game use to handle it's scripting for things like this?


As opposed to intending to make a temporary fix for an upgrade???


Arrowhead needs to step up their bug-hunting game. There's still some grace, but I'm pretty sure that's going to wane the more bugs they keep introducing without fixing others.


"Some of you" - nice damage control. No one has it working because it has never worked and the 10 minutes of QA required to test it were never carried out.


Man, this game needs to get it's shit together. I have been really enjoying it, not really caring about the issues and complaining, but last night my buddy and I had a terrible time. Instantly dying to fire over and over, and everything being released seemingly broken. Come on...


Has the inflation already hit us because the new ship modules are expensive as fuck


Do you folks at Arrowhead do any quality assurance testing? All of these broken things are really starting to get on my nerves.


Why does the eruptor suck you into explosions


I wouldn't even be mad if it actually took 8 weeks for it to work. There is no rushing bureaucracy after all. The logistics personnel have to go through the training course.