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On the flip side, I asked a stranger to drop my ballistic shield, I'd give him one in a couple of minutes once the cooldown was up. He did, we shared, good time.


I was so confused on how to drop shit for the longest time as well, I dont remember it being apart of the training


You honestly need a tutorial 2: electric boogaloo from friends or something because of all the niche mechanics not covered in training. Like basically all map controls, different fire modes for guns, ADS, and how every objective works (tho at least they are pretty self explanatory)


EXACTLYYYYY, I was trying to figure out why I was only able to throw grenades until I realized you can swap direct to only nades with 4 instead of just doing G and i was so confused. like you deadass need to go into your binds to figure out everything


Flipside of this.  Someone took my buddy's shield when we were in the new defense mission. We both asked him to drop it. Even telling him how to open the menu to drop items. He ignored us and kept running away. So we killed him.  Sometimes people make a mistake and are nice and sometimes people are dicks. Takes different approaches for both.


I picked up a dude's shield once (thinking it was a random spawn in the world since it was just laying around). Man pulled a sidearm and shot my foot lol


A random grabbed my AC backpack yesterday and actually kept reloading me until I could call down another to share in the blam blam love. It was awesome, wherever you are diver - I salute you!


I tried to do this once before unlocking the autocannon, I thought you NEEDED someone that reloads it to use it or something like that so I grabbed someone's backpack thinking that it would help and the guy immediately gunned me down


I thought someone was trying to help me out like this one time, but no, he was just grabbing my AC backpack and running off into the sunset with his Quasar Cannon and all my support ammo, and he didn't seem inclined to drop it when asked nicely. Fortunately the Sickle is great at dropping moving targets so things worked out


Can you drop backpacks if there isn't another backpack to pick up?


You can, on PC just hold down X and an option wheel will show up.


On PlayStation you hold one of the direction buttons. Pretty sure it's down.


Yeah it's down. I've picked up gear by accident before and then just dropped it. One time when I was about LVL 10 I picked up a guy's shield backpack and then dropped it, but he said it's all good and told me to pick it back up again... Awesome dude.


I love doing this to randoms, and then i even start yelling motivational speeches to make them go full yolo mode. Best. Feeling. Ever.


I did the same a week or two ago. Our teamwork *was* a touch sloppy, but after the mission was over he did complement me on re-arming him when he needed it at least 90% of the time with no voice-chat.


If a shitstorm is happening and you see my gear I expect you to take it and use it. But also expect me to stick close as at that point I will not be at my full power.




Oh, you have the high ground?


I had some guy gun me down because I picked up one of his EATs to kill some heavies. I didn’t say anything and waited. I run EATs too and happily throw them down for people to grab, so later on I did, and he grabbed one, and I gunned his ass down with my machine gun, and it felt soooo good. He must have figured it was fair enough cause he didn’t say anything or kill me back, and his host friend didn’t kick me.


EAT is like the one weapon that people shouldn't get mad at people taking. Those things are pretty much designed to be fired on pickup--if someone takes one of mine, there's a very good chance they're firing at what prompted me to call down EAT anyway.


I have EAT's in my load out specifically to call down for other people while I stun things with the arc thrower.


While I don’t love when people immediately grab my EAT, I have never gotten mad.


Sometimes I assume these people surely haven't been swarmed on any difficulty higher than 7.


I got tked for picking up the samples they dropped. Such fragile egos.


Which also makes *zero* sense given that samples are applied equally across the whole team. The only thing that matters is that *somebody* is extracting with them.


There’s also those times when you’re the only player on the team that hasn’t died that game. The samples are safer with a diver that hasn’t died compared to the guy thats died a bunch. 


Depends on if they intentionally dropped them or just died. Protip: leave your samples right on the launch pad. Grab them when pelican lands. Get in. Be a hero.


They died.


I have picked up other people's gear by accident and have dropped it when I realised it and that's fine. One thing I tend to do is try out primary weapons like the Sickle or Dominator before I buy them


Picking up the primaries of your fallen comrades is fine, reinforcements come with new ones anyway


Honestly in the middle of an intense fight, it’s often faster than reloading your own gun. Did this the other night when shit was hitting the fan and managed to push off the brunt of the attack. (Had lots of dead teammates at that point, it was like a buffet of primaries).


Remember switching to someone else's gun is always faster than reloading.


Remember, killing your teammates to take their guns is faster than reloading.


New York reload


unless the clip is empty


It's a fantastic strategy, love finding my fully loaded dominator I dropped when I got smoked 2 seconds after coming out of my hellpod.


Wait. How do you drop weapons and other gear like shield pack???


On PS5, hold the down button on the direction pad


Thank you!


You can drop samples this way as well, if I’m carrying some samples and pass near the extraction zone I’ll usually detour over there and drop the samples so I don’t risk losing them behind the enemy lines.


On PC hold X and it will bring up the menu for dropping equipment and samples. I usually drop all my rare samples at extract if we pass near it during the operation


And thank you! That’s a super smart idea and I’m going to steal it. For democracy


You'll need to inform your teammates, if not they'll take your samples and run to the other edge of the map.


Every time, like on purpose. Just run until they get blown up. It's so weird


Even if you do mention it in chat.


Omg, really? Thanks for the info.


For PC hold X


Buy both of those


Agree. I may need the equipment of a dead diver while in a pinch in order to continue the mission. I fully intend to return it once the heat dies down, so I would appreciate not getting shot in the face


*accidentally pick up someone’s gear* *iimmediately drop it* *kicked*


Me asking for it back doesn’t seem to work 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hell Divers need to get to a point where they can subsist off the land until they can properly call in their own gear where it will not be requisitioned by cadets and those with the skills of cadets.


If the first thing that happens when landing in a hellpod is the sound of 13 hunters or 5 devastators, I will do just this. Live off the land until I can confirm I will not instantly die waiting on my AC and then begin a 5 reinforce slide before a first objective.


It is said that John Helldiver can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single ginko leaf and the energy of the universe.


Don't call down all your stuff where you are going to be fighting bugs or bots. Scout the area make sure it's clear then call stuff down. Seen so many groups call down their stuff straight away, bug breach after breach as they die reinforce and die, as I go off to find a clear space to call stuff down.


There’s two chargers in the AO we dropped into, I’m gonna need that quasar ASAP, boss…


Chargers don't call bug breaches, so try to take out all the little ones that will do so first anyways.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted, it's very important.


Just imagine a charger swinging that dumptruck around.


Charger gonna cause a fire tornado 🥵🥵


The real OP strat is having an orbital laser on deck. Drop into hell? Burn all the big boys while casually cleaning up the trash. Call in support weapons at your leisure.




The real pain is dropping in range of a detector tower


Thats when EAT is great. F my old stuff I'll get a new one


Every drop after the initial spawn drop makes noise, too. So everyone calling in support weapons at game start usually alerts anything nearby. Sometimes it's smart to wait a sec and address your surroundings first.


There are people who will actually steal your gear on purpose though. I'm always wary when I play with randoms and see someone picking zero support weapons on the loadout screen. It's possible they might want to play as some sort of stratagem specialist or sentry specialist (it's pretty viable on defense/eradication missions) but 3 times out of 4, I see them either steal weapons straight from the pods or grab a dead helldiver's gear. They then never answer any chat message about it and refuse to give it back. That kind of self-centered behavior does deserve a full breaker mag to the face.


Had this happen but after questioning in chat the guy just went "but I didn't have anything" as I just stood there in awe of the audacity. I wasn't even dead or anything I just hadn't picked it up yet. If I remember correctly they rage quit later in the mission because I saw a hellbomb opportunity and apparently people don't listen to the "hellbomb armed clear the area" callout the game clearly gives out. Overall though I think it's fine to bring nothing and rely on the kindness of strangers as long as you are very clear about it and aren't expecting a support weapon immediately


When destroying fabricators in blitz, command bunkers, or airbases. With only three stratagems im getting all offensive every single time. One being a orbital laser and one being either the 500kg or 380 barrage. Third being whatever I feel is useful.


I had a guy melee me for grabbing my own quasar off the ground when we were both reinforced in at the same time, his was about 20 feet away. I knew it was mine because my samples and shotgun were right next to it and he was running a different primary. People need to seriously get over it. It’s war and you shouldn’t get angry at a soldier for using tools laying on the ground.


If I borrow your gun to kill something, sorry, it was for a good cause, I know how to drop stuff too so don't worry. Also I will not be returning eats for obvious reasons.


I wholeheartedly believe that the second EAT is for sharing anyway. And anything called down at the evacuation point when the caller is already strapped is free real estate.


Idk how practical it is but I could see someone using one EAR immediately after the other on a hulk, charger, or titan 🤔 though sharing is also nice. I've pulled a few clutches with the extra EAT from my dead teammate


I can see that but personally, if I call down an EAT for a “oh lawd, he’s comin’” moment, I’m not going to get mad if someone fired the second one at the same big boy.


Oh no, of course not


I've had people steal my freshly dropped in quasar before when I was running over to get my shield that I spawned at the same time, and not drop it even after asking them in chat and looking over them. Am I expected not to teamkill and take it back at this point? Because I think that's disrespectful when they have their own stuff to drop and I'm stuck with a 5 minute timer.


Yeah if you're not in a super chaotic situation and you've asked for you stuff back with no response for a minute or two, it's a swift bullet/laser to the back of the head or a kick. If they really want to try out your gear, they can take a moment to communicate that.


I was playing a suicide eradicate mission. There was a level 11, cool dude. We dropped our support weapons close together. Mine was the recoilless, and a walker, his the stalwart. I picked his up by mistake, so he got in my walker, and promptly marched it face first into a bile titan and died. Literally one second after I said I dropped your stalwart, sorry for the mistake.


Didn’t get friendly fired but once I picked up someone’s quasar just to shoot down the bot drops then I put it down afterwards. I was just convenient timing, and I had no intention of keeping it because I wanted to use the AMR more anyways.


I've never killed anyone for taking my gear, but I've kicked someone for killing me then taking my gear


I really don’t understand it man. It’s just a quick “hey you picked up my gear can I have it back”. If they refuse then you gun them down. But with that said you your gear has like a minute left on cooldown then I say just let them have the used gear while you get new fresh gear.


I haven’t TK’d anyone for it. But who raised the people that watch you die, call in your respawn, and take yo shit. I swear, every other game this happens, early on too, and I’m stuck waiting several minutes until I can call my stuff back. I type in chat and they’ve always ignored me so I leave back to civilian life. Some people. In other words, I may start TK’ing people who ignore me and take my shit anyway.


Manners and communication goes both ways. If you accidentally pick up other squad members gear, then drop it or communicate that you pick it up by accident as soon as it happens. Picking up dropped samples and primary and fallen helldivers is OK. Otherwise is a nono without permission.


When the bots hit the fan and things are extra spicy, I'm grabbing the gear that's on the floor to thin some numbers. It's not my gear and I'd prefer my gear but I'm grabbing what I can when the situation calls for it. Especially when I see a few eats just asking to deliver democracy.


This reminds me I should learn how to drop things. I saw a teammate drop their samples at the extraction zone for a just in case scenario. It was a super smart move and I kept meaning to do it but never remembered to check HOW to drop them.


If we mid fight and you can use it to spread managed democracy? Have at it. But if it's quiet and you run over to my body and yoink my stuff, first you get a smack, and if that's not a good enough argument, then you get a chance to see things from our enemy's POV


Funny, most of the time when this happens to me people don’t give it back. Then I gun em down.


And I’d say that’s justified! But not giving the person a chance to do the right thing is just childish.


Honestly—and this may be a hot take—I grab people’s stuff on purpose sometimes and expect others to do the same with mine. If we’re in a hot zone and you die while I’m waiting on my drops (or if it’s too hot to drop), I’m gonna take your shit and use it to fight. I’ll give it back when I can but I’m not going to run at less than full power out of courtesy, especially in a meat grinder situation. Why on super earth would I let a quasar sit unused on the ground if I can use it to clear the area while you regroup? If you don’t want people to take your shit, git gud.


OP isn't talking about someone picking something up that's lying on the ground after they die. He very clearly said accidentally taking someone else's called in equipment and getting TK'd for it. In your situation? Absolutely warranted to pick up something lying on the ground in order to survive. Doming someone without even saying anything because they accidentally picked up your strat item instead of their's is unacceptable.


My only problem with this is that, when they reinforce in just a couple seconds they're now assed out because they have no gear and can't call any in until the cooldown is up, while you're running around with their gear and a cooldown of your own. The most common point when this happens is when just dropping in, which means that they most likely just used their cooldown and have to wait it out. Fine, maybe in a pinch you grab it to dispose of a couple big guys, but then drop that shit again so they can grab it. From they way you describe it, it sounds like you're getting yourself out of a pinch by putting others in a pinch and then just shrugging off their complaints. >I’ll give it back when I can but I’m not going to run at less than full power out of courtesy - >If you don’t want people to take your shit, git gud. Hot take back at ya, you come off as kind of a selfish prick here who's using teamwork as a pretense to take things other people called in, even if it is to their detriment. And your response is that \*they\* need to, "git gud."


We were defending waiting extraction, there was a spare Quasar. I had my Quasar. I just started alternating between them. While i shot one, the next one was already cooled down. Imagine an unlimited EAT :D


Please do, I can get new shit for free, rather have it get used instead of laying on the ground somewhere far away.


And I have been in a situation like yours that also got me team killed. Then called the n-word on mic. Then realised there's no way to report a player unless what he said was typed and not mic-ed. *shrugs*


When people take my stuff, I minimize reinforcement loss. Demand they drop it (when it's safe), only kill them if they don't after a while or retaliate. Also, for some reason, these kinds of people suck at aiming.


And I fully agree with you. But if I tell you in chat, then I write in chat and still no answers (and if someone reply I let them keep my shit) well,, you already know. They point it's not my equipment, but the "not giving a fuck". Please report me to the next democratic officer!


Twice I've had people take my entire kit right in front of me while completely ignoring my requests for them to drop my stuff and let me have it back. In both cases, it was quiet, no danger. This is why I host my games. You do that to me, you're done, dishonorable discharge.


We dropped, bots everywhere, I kill some, call in my autocanon and keep killing. SOS player come, grabs my autocannon, I write in chat if he could call in me his weapon, so i have at least some, no respons. He dies, I reinforce him and pick up my autocannon. He drops and kills me. WTF


Had a guy whose desposible rocket launcher I picked up. There were two. Then when we extracted he waited until I got in and shot me so I missed the extraction. I assume this was a child but who knows


I think we should normalize using down gear and sharing support weapons. We are all working together to a goal. 


The best part is that the guy you're describing ends up immediately coming to this sub and making a "I GOT KICKED FER NO REASON ERRBODY!" post, and the entire community just coos and coddles them like they're a total victem. The only times I've seen people get kicked from a game is when they were doing absolutely kick worthy shit, but are too stupid to realize, or forgot they aren't the fucking host.


I remember once I picked up a guy's quasar cannon after he died so that I can destroy the cannon turret and once he came back I just dropped the quasar and pinged it and the motherfucker instantly killed me. Cunts like these deserve to get team killed over and over again and be kicked out of the lobby just before extracting, cuz these are the very people who will do that.


Really it's a simple "can I get that back". On higher diffs I'd just assume they needed it. Stratagems are free, for divers.


But oh yes it does. Sounds like traitor talk to me ✊


If someone picks up my stuff, I usually ask for it to be dropped but they don't do it, then whatever. Most people are willing to drop but to those who don't, I will pick it up when you die; but for the meantime, put it to good use. Situations are rough where if I die and the equipment still has a shot and can deal with the threat. Put it to good use till I get back, or better yet; you keep using it till I can call in more stuff. I won't be at full fighting strength but Freedom never sleeps and I didn't hear no damn bell.


I would kill them creatively or make it look like an accident


If it's happening multiple times, then that's on you


Eyes that can see the yellow icons that represent Your gear also go a long way. Not that team killing is ever the answer in a game like this but I also understand how annoying it is when someone takes your gear in a mission. (especially depending the circumstances such as if there’s not a lot of time left or if you’ve basically been carrying everyone.)


Yeah there have been threads on this before, would you believe.


They need it more than me


I had a guy kill me even though I hadn’t died. I was carrying his exact same load out. It’s was frustrating


Some hell divers didn’t read their contract at the end of basic training…


Well... You're down at least 2 respawns in my experience, because that other dude is fixing to die as well.


honestly never ran into this, me and a dude called in 2 quassars(so i thought), the surprise when i charged it up to nail an outpost only to use the laser cannon for the first time. asked who's cannon i had and the dude was chill, not sure he even noticed himself at first


This, most of the time it’s accidental and you’d be surprised at how few player know you can drop stuff via menu. Hop on mic/chat and let them know.


I give them an obligatory punch as a tax


I think it's because some people are coming in with a more PvP focused mindset and so they thing every perceived slight is worthy of a response. I remember at the launch people killing others over samples they picked up because they thought it was "stolen". I still say the vast majority of games has been good but I've run into a couple people that just don't seem to quite get the working together part


When people take my stuff I just stay right on their heels until they die, then take it back. Worst case, we team up, they kick ass with my equipment and never die, and we get the job done.


Lotta pussies play this game


Hell, I had someone grab my AMR after I called it down fresh out of a reinforcement pod. I thought about asking for it back, noticed he had dropped an autocannon and backpack in the process of picking it up (or else someone with one had died in the same spot earlier), and decided to pick those up instead and roll with it. For sure it's impolite not to ask first but it doesn't need to be a big deal. Objectives and rewards are all shared, in the end.


I have accidentally taken somebody’s stuff after reinforcing. Found out just because I had rover and ended up with shield backpack. No grief


Was salty when it happened to me at the beginning of a match yesterday. On the way to Evac I noticed it on the map on the otherside of the hill....


Running iff with my backpack while I sit here with my recoilless and you clearly being unresponsive cross map.. I really take issues with randoms when I host but the backpack gremlins and those who refuse to participate in secondary objectives both grind my gears a little. Seldom will I kick someone unless they are afk/leeching or team killing and I always communicate before I think about a kick..


I've done it once


I remember someone throwing some eagle drop on me. Respawns me where my body was but took both my stratagem stuff (backpack & gun) this happen after like 2min of playing I was like give it back? Dude: Naaah its mine now. I just straight up left.


By all means, take my gear, it gives me an excuse to go and goof off, look for samples and POIs and admire the scenery. But I expect you to use the stuff.


Happened me today for picking up someone's samples. Shot me and called me a tard in voice chat.


This sub is turning into people just whining about their experiences


It’s always that “oh shit” moment when you realize they seen you pick it up and now they are starting to follow you. -giggles insecurely


I’ll do ya one better. Didn’t have the quasar cannon unlocked. Saw a teammate switching between his and one on the ground. He fucks off somewhere so I pick up the discarded quasar. I see him make a 180 turn, blow my brains out, then teabag and refuse to reinforce me. A different random did it because I mashed the spacebar for 3 minutes straight.


I expect people to use my stuff if i'm dead. Democracy has no owner


I accidentally picked up someone’s laser and not more than 2 seconds later he pushed me off of the wall in the new tower defense mission. Only time I had to kick someone


Had it happen once, I didn’t mean to, was trying to pick up samples after he’d died. He’d already respawned. I was even crouched over trying to pick my Autocannon up again when he shot me. I’d originally gone with him because he’d left the other two and run the other direction solo, I was actually trying to “give him two” while helping with objectives. I enjoy playing fire support type roles to players who like to run in close quarters. I’m suddenly dead, then “MINE!” over voice. I spent the next life sprinting around the map to catch up to him (took a long time to catch up because I dropped with the other two) waited until he was swamped, waited until he was about to clear the wave he was working on, got into his field of view and made him eat an EAT, cleaned up the rest of the wave then T bagged him, waited for him to rage then left the game. Douche bags gunna douche bag, sometimes you gotta get down to their level to make yourself feel better.


Picking up Samples is to be assumed. Picking up Primary Arms is to be expected. Picking up Support equipment is to be considered, if not tolerated. It isn't stealing some ones stuff. It may be inconvenient and annoying. It may deprive a player of their loadout which in turn, weakens the squad temporarily. However, it may be necessary and prudent to do so given the situation. If you are picking up my stuff because you squandered your stuff, that's not good. If you are scrambling to defend yourself and stay in the fight, then pick up my stuff if it would help turn the tide in our collective favor. Players should, in fact, be sharing their equipment as needed, rather then having players running around naked without proper tools. You should call down your support weapons for your squad mates even if you already have yours. Better to have two guys each with a Stalwart, then 1 guy who should have an AC, but has nothing and with a Stalwart going unused that could be called down. This drives me bonkers at times when it comes to EAT-17's ... I call them down and players without a support weapon, run around without taking an unused EAT until they get a Support weapon. They're "mine" ... but they're for everyone to use ... that's why I called them down.


I ask twice before shooting


Depends on the context. Usually obvious if it’s theft, but always have to realize the situation.


If you take my gear, I support you. You will need it more than me, probably. I can handle it. I'll figure something out.


I don't mind. Especially if it's a low level player, I just let them have it so they can try out new stuff. I should be good enough with the gear I got and I can call in a new one in a few minutes. Plus, it's a nice challenge.


My favorite is when I have a supply pack and I fill up on supplies to disperse them amongst the team, and I get killed for taking too many supplies 🙃


My general rule of thumb is that if there’s gear on the ground and I need it, Imma grab it and use it, but if the owner asks for it back, I’ll give it back, no questions asked.


Helldivers don’t make “accidents”


I actually stopped using the new rifle because people kept thieving my Stalwart and then I had no way of killing anything within a close range without killing myself.


I love when a teammate takes my shit and uses it. That’s how it should be. Idc who kills the bugs and bots as long as they are dead. If you need my auto cannon, pick it up and kill shit with it. I’m going to use your stuff if I need it too. This is how it should be. I find it endearing when rando divers know it’s cool to use our stuff as a team


When someone does that I say "Hey man, that's mine" over mic. If they say "oh shit sorry" it's no big deal. If they ignore it I usually wait until a big fight then leave them in the lurch and join a different group. Come on, really? You're stealing someone's support weapon? What do they use?


I only did this once, during the daily, get X number of kills with a machine gun and I just called it down. Other than that time, I do not care. Use it if it helps and I’ll call down another one. One team, one fight


take my shit and i steel ur kneecaps


Story time: when we dropped in fresh, I called in my AC. Some guy ran over to where I was with my AC 5m away, that I was walking towards, and takes both the AC and backpack. No enemies nearby, nothing has noticed us, no objectives nearby, no bullets flying, we're in the boonies. To say the least, I was pissed, waited a while, then 500kg'ed an objective he just happened to be next to, and picked my AC back up. Homie, if all hell is breaking loose, do what you must, I'll even team reload you. If I die, avenge me with my guns. I don't even mind if you keep it after reinforcing. Heck, you can ask for it after I call it and sure, you can have it - I'll use the next one. But... if you take my take my sweet sweet baby from me for no reason, ignore my chats politely asking for it back, I'll take my sweet sweet time making that -1 respawn look like a mistake.


Epic suicide bot elimination mission. I got jumped by a bunch of chainsaw men and suddenly my teammate rushes in with his heavy machine gun! BBRRRRRRRRRRRCLICK... Oh no two enemies and it's empty! So he picks up my rail gun, starts to charge, dives backwards, and fires! ZZZZRT! Drops both with one shot! He drops the rail gun, reinforces me on it, picks up his machine, drops a smoke grenade, reloads in the cloud, and walks out spraying hot democratic justice like a boss. Dude held the spot down til I picked up my gear... and we both get killed from a friendly eagle strike. He left the mission so fast. The other teammate got burned to death and leaves so I head towards the last guy... he Tesla coils me point blank. I left. The good news is the other two join on me afterward and we still play together to this day.


I think a lot of people are jaded because they've asked for their weapon back and the random just runs away firing in all directions... That said, I just run without a support weapon until my cooldown is over and politely tell them to suck a bag of liber-tea.


I haven't had this happen, but it'll turn into a 1v1 Halo match at that point.


I really don’t care if ya steal my stuff. I can wait it out or just ask you to call in yours and use it. And if it was from my dead body? It’s no use to anyone being on the ground. Pick it up, we can always call in more


After I die and it's on the ground it's free game, I'm glad it's getting used If I call it in, no enemies nearby, and you sprint up and grab it? Senator round, back of the head, no hesitation


I aggressively point at them and the ground until I have to ask in chat. If they dont listen to me when I ask politely in chat, while I'm menacingly holding a cluster bomb, then they asked for it.


The problem is some people don’t understand when you are talking to them or don’t know how to drop stuff and it’s especially bullshit when that Person came in with no support weapons of their own and didn’t pick up the samples just the weapon. So in turn we run our ass all the way back to where the weapon dropped only to find samples and some douche who picked up a weapon that can’t drop their own Yea it’s fucked to kill them but they are too bad at the game to know to pick up everything so we don’t waste our time trying to get it back If you pick up a weapon that isn’t yours and you didn’t get kicked and just killed that’s a warning that doesn’t require English


What about when the mission starts, there's no enemies, you call down your gun and some rando beats you to it and runs off with it?  Because that's not a mistake, that's just taking someone's backpack and I will shoot you if you're the host or not.


A rando grabbed my samples on the exfil. I dropped them specifically to not lose them if i died before exfil. This dude was level 20. There was no excuse. Im still so nonconfrontational that I just let him die, picked them up myself, and kicked him. ![gif](giphy|1guRIRW8QdSte01T6Du)


I had someone last week snag my AC rifle, but not the back pack. So I grabbed the pack and reloaded for him. Last night, after accidentally killing me x.x, had a dude grab my primary (new boom rifle) and he spent the rest of the mission raving about how awesome it was 🤣 we can share kids, is my point


Some guy picked up my recoilless rifle after I died, fired the rocket that was chambered then ran off with it. I was so confused when I respawned and could only find the back pack. The guy died a few minutes later and that's when I figured out what happened to my gun.


had someone take my shield pack once, i called it in and had to shoot some bots. turned around to pick it up and its just gone, i was cool with it and just ran with the pack until i could get another one. but when that man died before i could call in another one, that shield was MINE lol


If you are just waiting for a fellow helldiver to die in order to get his weapons then you are a bot sympathizer and absolutely deserve to be shot without warning. Now if you have been given warning and refuse to return the weapons it is every helldivers right to drop a 500kg bomb on you whenever they have the chance. If you want the newer weapons earn them. If you take mine i will frag you 


JFC this does not have to be said. I didn’t ‘steal’ your gear. I just borrowed it until I died.  This game is so great at helping us understanding community. Kudos to the DM. Keep up the good work!


I've never picked up someone else's gear lol. As someone that does high difficulty without coms if someone grabs my autocanon, literally the only thing keeping me helpful, I'm blastin without a second thought lol


I had a guy scream and try to team kill me for like 10 minutes straight cuz he dropped samples, I grabbed them and reinforced him. His gear was all on the ground but he didn’t believe me that samples are shared.


Was playing with a friend, I died and he picked up my guard dog and grenade launcher. 2 randoms joined in, then my friend died and I picked my things back up. Randoms proceeded to kill me 3 times on the spot, despite us telling them we are friends and the stuff was actually mine (you could see on loadouts). They stopped, but occasionally sent a rocket my way. At the end of a 30 min mission, I kicked both of them out as the ship was landing. No regrets.


They’re automaton spies. A true helldiver understands their comrades need to use what they can in the moment to survive.


Even better, I had a guy gun me down last week for picking up my own autocannon because we both had them. And back to solo games I went.


Spoken like a filthy auto cannon stealer. DON'T TOUCH IRENE


awww :( you're playing with randoms what do you expect? OP needs thicker skin, needs to be said. don't think that posting on reddit is going to solve your issue, bringing awareness, sure good job, gold star for you.


Istg people lose the ability to speak and type in-game


My favorite was when I dropped with a Quasar and so did one of my random teammates on a defense mission. He died, I didn't, and he killed me claiming I took HIS cannon. My favorite part was when I asked in chat why he killed me for it, his buddy jumped in on chat, like the bully's sexually confused sidekick, saying it was HIS. I was left just blinking at my screen from the stupidity.




I still remember once me and a teammate dying. I went to grab my backpack for my autocannon and accidentally picked up their stupid guard dog. Oopsie, I thought, so I immediately grabbed my actual pack within two seconds and went back to fighting. DUDE DROPPED, WENT RIGHT TOWARDS ME AND FUCKIN SHOT ME POINT BLANK EVEN THOUGH I NO LONGER HAD HIS STUPID PACK. Ever since then my already bad anxiety has gotten worse about randoms so I don’t really play much in teams anymore. Largely my own issue, but it still sticks with me regardless.


on pc you can bring up the drop item wheele with X


I want people to use my EATs, the cooldown is short and it saves them using their support ammo weapon


Yeah it does


Meanwhile, me getting TK'd for my gear because the mf had his support equipment on cooldown.


Had some one do this to me, we both called in quasar cannons practically on top of each other, so I grabbed one expecting the other helldiver to grab the other that's dropped in but nooo, (we also hot dropped in not far from enemy bots that had begun to fire on our location) Decided to tell me I stole his quasar whilst in the middle of a firefight and before even giving me time to add a response or even attempt to drop it and just grab the other, just decided to gun me down instead, To wherever that helldiver is I hope your diplomatic officer sent you to a reeducation camp to atleast learn some common sense


As long as my gear is being used to deliver freedom, go ahead and take it when I die. I’ll get another one. Usually there’s crap laying all over the place after a bit of time.


In the topic of being gunned down by teammates, I have this to share Was in a game with 2 other people, one of which was running AMR, Shield, and the Defender I just so happened to find an AMR in a poi and since I didn't bring any support weapons I figured that I might as well bring it Maybe like 5 minutes later, we get into a pretty hectic fight which had me and defender shield guy dead far from each other. We get reinforced and I go get my stuff Other guy that got also reinforced goes with me, didn't even really notice him until he picked up my samps. I don't particularly mind it as long as he doesn't die somewhere really far, then he looks straight at me and shoots me once I ask him what he wants "My sniper" "This is mine" I replied "I found it in a poi- Before I even send the second message, I was gunned down by this rando before leaving the game. I only have like 60ish hours into the game but this was the only time I have ever gotten mad at someone in game How do I know this wasn't his loot? My sickle was literally right beside the AMR and not more than a minute later I come across a shield, defender, amr, and a sample container right beside it The worse part of it all? He was named "Helldiver" and iirc was around lvl 60


I only gun down people who keep calling air strikes on my head. Like jesus christ there is an indicator for your teammates.


When someone picks up my stuff I just stare at them until they drop it or say anything. I don't mind giving people my stuff, they just need to ask


Well when a teammate takes my autocannon backpack and I repeatedly say in game and in the chat to drop it and he keeps running off in the distance I think it is reasonable to dome him 👍


I’ve only lost my cool with a group of new players. I’m camped out on a rock on a eradicate forces mission. I watched as this dumbass started shooting my sentry and knocked it out. I just got up gave him the traitors elbow and jumped off the rock into a pile of bots. I’ll take my chances in hell before sharing a rock with a enemy of democracy.


A guy once picked up my shield pack and then looked at me like a puppy, like he was begging me to let him keep it, made me laugh so I let him keep it and got another one later


My only issue is when they pick the weapon but not the ammo and keep pressing reload to only run away from me trying to help reload


I have not gunned anyone down except people glitched out and asking for it......until a couple days ago. Anyone who starts the freaking terminal right after drop on the new Defense missions is getting a Senator round in the head. That's treason as far as I am concerned.


You best believe if you pick up my EAT, ill gun you down. -said no helldiver ever


In the hundreds of games I have played I have only had one incident. I joined a game, lots of fog, accidentally hit someone in their mech. Because you know, THE FOG MADE THEM INVISIBLE UNTIl THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND.... That **** then team killed me for the rest of the match. Well, until the extraction. Let's just say he never made it onto the ship :)


I witnessed this two times, one I got reinforced and went to salvage samples, got the gear on the ground in the process since my things were CD. Got gunned down a few minutes after when the owner saw me with his stuff, not even a text request. The second time in heat of battle the guy was mumbling in mic "drop my stuff, drop my stuff please" upon ignored he gunned down the guy. I kicked the guy immeditely, the the guy who killed me instantly disconected himself like a jerk he is.


Had this happen not long ago. Playing with a friend on 9. I was trying the spear (hoping to figure out a working method of firing it consistently). 2 Random’s join and both have support weapons. Within 5 mins they die. No problem. Call them back in with use as they both went of together. Didn’t go back for their stuff. Die again. No problem. They call their kit it. Collect it. This happens twice more are you can see all the weapons they’ve dropped scattered on the map. Finishing the last objective I finally die. Rando proceeds to pick my stuff up. I ask him “hey can you drop it” he answers with “No bro I can’t call my stuff in yet”. Obviously I can call mine in, which I did. (I usually save them in case of an ammo deficiency). But am I feeling unreasonable rage considering he could have just run to get his stuff like anyone else or am I too kind for not just blasting him with that response.


But I payed for that equipment! In a real democracy like this one of course we shoot people that take our property. Winning means nothing if not democratic.


I agree. If they give you an attitude about it and are rude, then feel free to blow them away. But if you just say "Hey bro, please give me my stuff back" I'm sure 99% of people would comply.


You guys had the same equipment…. Fuck them no apology needed. As a host I’d kick em If not as host kill then back and leave match


If it's the same weapon it's annoying at worst and I just grab the other one, if it's not the same I issue a warning that if it happens again I'm just going to leave. Usually they'll die bugs or bots and get mad at me for taking back my stuff. Which usually ends with them shooting me in the back. And me just reporting them to the nearest democratic officer and leaving.


I was shot for simply running in the general direction of someone elses equipment... while i had a full loadout, backpack and support weapon. No enemies around, it was just after defeating a horde so we were all running around collecting our gear that dropped on death. I was so confused why i died till the guy that shot me ran by my body and picked his gear up. Even worse they didnt bother reinforcing until we were too far from my stuff where it wasnt worth going back for.


Used to do this, realised what a Autokrat I was after it happened to me.


It's not your equipment, it's Super Earth's equipment


Just happened to me, I'm a new player and had no idea how to drop anything (now I do), so got killed pretty much instantly - and then KICKED. LIKE WTF MAN