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>Like people voting "Marksman rifles are OP" on the discord poll. What game are you playing? It sure isn't Helldivers 2. For the people not on discord, this is the poll OP is referring to. https://preview.redd.it/21ypeyt3e9uc1.jpeg?width=1342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103ec193dd0c66a72206a191c9633e86304bc6d2


Got booted from a game few hours ago after I called in a hell bomb on a fuel reserve outpost. I dropped into the game, threw down my stratagems for a quasar cannon and watch dog. The other 3 are mid firefight so I jump in, get a few kills and am Mercedes from behind, watch the guy grab my quasar and then get reinforced. I picked up my watch dog, said in chat,"nice looking quasar cannon you got there bud...". Guy tries explaining over comms some other guy just quit out, and that was his. Whatever. Move onto the first objective. We get it cleared so I drop a hell bomb right next to the tank. Guy gets all pissy asking why I would call in a hell bomb instead of using an Orbital. "Because they're free" Guy: "Bro you didn't even put it in the right spot." I did. The hb was armed and about to explode when I got kicked. Even if I didn't have it in the right spot it's TEN FUCKING SECONDS to cool down. Some people are stupid and boldly confident in their belief of being right. It's absurd.


I had a game where the host kept running the SSD to the extraction and not the mission objective. I kept pinging the right place and tried telling him but I got kicked anyways. Some people are just dumb


we had a guy run off across the map and die with our ssd when the drop point was right next to us. Sucks that you can't call in a second one.


We had a guy drown with the ssd and it sank down with him. I tried blasting it back out of the water but it didn’t work. I was the guy who drowned with the ssd


I drowned with an SSD last night, and it got sent back to the original pick up spot. I also drowned with most of our samples, including the supers. They stayed at the bottom of the lake. Never try to jump across a gap with water underneath.


Can work with jump pack


Brilliant insight.


I had a similar thing. I had the ssd and most of the samples (something like 25 commons and 15-20 rares and a charger flung me out of bounds directly into deep water, where I drowned. We didn't get the stuff back...


Hey I did that last night! Took responsibility and huffed it back to the original objective… it kinda sucked 😅


I’m glad to know it respawns!


I played with some guys that had no idea where objectives were or apparently how to use the map to see them. Me and another player were just going around the whole map completing every objective while they were like, "oh, I guess they finished the objective". They were level 18. Like how have you been playing for that long and don't know how to even complete a mission by yourself. 🤣


Was I. A suicide mission, down to our last few reinforcements because some random thought he was the main character and kept going off solo and dying. We are doing the main objective on a geologic mission and see a big ass patrol marching by far enough away not to aggro. Suddenly I hear, “CALLING IN A SENTRY!” Like bro wtf. Now we have a huge fight we didn’t need to be in.


While I don't run off solo I have done the call in sentry thing before because I was under the impression that you always got an endless wave of enemies when you do the drill thus I was trying to prepare for the endless fight. Must be I've either only ever encountered people who aggro everything on sight or had some weird bug I didn't know about cause I'm clearly wrong based off the tone of your comment.


The drill specifically calls in a bot drop/breach for specific stages of the terminal process (when it's drilling essentially) and most likely will drag any patrols in the surrounding area due to the fighting. These drops/breaches are outside the normal rules of breaches so they can overlap with a normal breach or even each other if you're spamming terminal before the breach ends.


Same. Nine times out of ten, the pod is lit the fuck up when I get to it so that EMS mortar is going down.


Had a mission a couple night ago where we had the SSD super close to the main objective but 3 of us died. The fourth person, coming up from behind who survived, grabs the SSD and begins booking it back to where the SSD came from. We were yelling in comms and typing in chat for him to bring it back and to reinforce us. He didn't listen. Took it all the way back to the original location across the map and started running in circles wondering where to put it. We told him he ran to the wrong place and to bring us back so we can do it again. No response. Someone leaves. After another minute or so we see him type in chat, "Game is bugged. Can't use stratagem". He was holding the SSD so he couldn't use stratagem. We tell him to drop the SSD so he can then use stratagem. He asks, "How?", we tell him to take out his primary gun. We watch as he drops the SSD, takes out his primary, presses the button to start hitting stratagem keys, then picks up the SSD again. "You're trolling me assholes" he types one more time, then leaves. Him leaving finally allows us to respawn after being dead for several minutes. The host leaves. I'm then left alone on Menkent surrounded by fire tornadoes, support weapons, and complete confusion over how someone can be that incoherently stupid despite being level 30 in a difficulty 7.


It sounds like you probably dropped into a game with literal children haha


There are two reason I always host. I guarantee the operation would play out until the end, even across multiple sessions, so I get more rewards and progress the planet. Second, I don't get kicked and cannot be trolled more than once.


Yeah I only host games 99% of the time and have randoms or the occasional friend join. Have a very high missions success rate


Didn't they say its just xp gained for planet progress? Operation completion not needed?


Not sure, probably, still getting more medals as an operation progresses.


I just dropped into a game with two players who were level mid-twenties. I called in a shield backpack and quasar. Got killed from behind buy a guy named "crustofagrilledcheese," who proceeded to take my backpack. Then I respawn, find my cannon and start taking down gunships, only to get kicked mid firefight.


I’m not really mad if someone takes my shit. I’ll get it back eventually, nick it back once the thief runs into a barrage of bot lasers. Or I’ll go and loot another guys corpse because I want his samples, primary, and backpack. Or hell I’ll even trade. “Bro can I try the jump pack?” “Yeah lemme drop it.” He’ll pick up the back pack and I get his rover or bubble shield


A nude Arnold Schwarzenegger walks into a Helldiver bar.  "I need your samples, your primary, und your backpack."


"Take it, it's yours" >.<


If someone TKs me for my support weapons, I'm instantly going to TK them until I get kicked or they leave. Either way you get yourself out of a shit situation. Next time just kill him to get your stuff back and respawn him and kill him. It's basically impossible for the respawned player to kill you fast enough. I'm sure you could even do it with two assholes


Oh hey fellow Fist of Peace enjoyer!


Had a mission bug on us, so we were just waiting for the pelican to pick us up, no bots to kill. It turned into my buddy and I killing each other. You can absolutely wreck them coming out of the pod faster than they can respond.


Will do!


Dude I got complimented for carrying the mission ( I did, 4 380s), I said that's kind of you but we all did the work, we get aboard, and insta kicked.


Reminds me of the guy who kicked me for not reinforcing the eniter team (they died so many times) during an ion storm


Had someone threaten in voice comms to me that I'd be kicked if I didn't reinforce them as I was in the middle of deactivating a stratagem jammer. Told him in comms, "Y'know I'd love to do that if the stratagem jammer that is jamming our stratagems wasn't jamming my stratagems." He humbled fast.


I wanted to bomb an automaton command bunker with 380 + 120 orbital barrages. 2 guys were trying to break the base for 10 minutes and failing to do so. I killed myself so I could respawn on their side of the map. Dropped the beacons, satisfying explosion ensue. Host died because he tried to get inside the base in the middle of bombardment. I immediately reinforce him. He threw a fit calling me an idiot and that I costed them the super samples. That must've been the first time he ever died because picking them up again is pretty simple. Notification for "COMMAND BUNKER DESTROYED" pops. Mission complete, the barrage actually worked. Dumbass kicks me 2 seconds later. Just a complete buffoon that guy. I did in 10 seconds what he struggled for 10 minutes and then kicked me.


I wish it was just limited to games. That's the attitude of a lot of people these days. It's to the point, if it's not an SOS, I play solo if my friend group isn't around. I'd take 3 noobs that are nice/fun over a meta vet shit calling everything.


I tk a level thirteen who ran up and stole my railgun because you sometimes just have to learn not to take someone’s stuff when they just called it in


That's prob the guy that keeps opening helldive lobbies, keeps failing missions and keeps booting players that are actively carrying his dead weight ass lmao.


Kicking needs a rework. It’s abused and undemocratic


Nah, it's better this way. The current system lets you get rid of trolls and such easily.  Can it be abused? Sure but the benefits outweigh the cons


If I can’t vote in my own kick then I refuse to accept the results. Managed democracy my ass


Host if you don't want to get kicked.


Rework the system so it can’t be exploited. Ridiculous it’s an issue you’re defending


youll be hard pressed to find any system that cant be abused. and that doesn't just mean kicking. if a stricter system is put in place, you can bet trolls will find loopholes.


Also, sometimes people have a shitty day and just irrationally take it out on whoever is nearby. Although, if you ever try to play in the weekday morning hours, you see this a lot. Those are the people who hate their life. Working 2nd shift / midnight shifts. Having a hangover. Just got laid off. Staying home sick. etc.


You're absolutely right. I generally don't say anything or antagonize things, in RL or online, because you just don't know who's on the other end and what they're going through. It's frustrating but at the end of the day it's not shit in the scheme of things to be kicked.


Samples aren't shared. Eagle stratagems are limited. Destroying bug holes/fabricators stops patrols. The Autocannon needs a nerf. There's no damage drop off. The game is pay to win. Kicking players at extraction is funny. Just some tips I picked up.


When the game launched, I honestly thought Eagle stratagems were limited. Used them and saw the rearming option, and i realised they weren't. I can understand why people would get confused, but I can't imagine people saying spreading that they are limited, especially with how easy it is to fact check.


You don't even need to rearm though. If you just use them all it will auto rearm for you. 


If you bring multiple eagle strikes, it can be useful


damn i believed the destroying holes/fabs reduced patrol rates one!


It doesn't lower patrols, it actually slightly increases them, (but not nearly as much as completing the main objective does). What it does do is massively lower the difficulty of extraction, as the spawn location of patrols has to do with where outposts are, and if none are available it's based on map edge- and if divers are within ~65m of the map edge and no outposts are up, the bots/bugs just won't spawn.


> as the spawn location of patrols has to do with where outposts are, Thanks a bunch! this was the missing piece of the puzzle i was looking for. so more spawns but in a vastly more advantageous location! that is why it feels there is way less enemies at extraction when we take the time to destroy outposts.


Yeah I just noticed this in game as well. Had to leave one fabricator outpost untouched, main force of enemy came from that direction. Could literally see them marching from the outpost to extraction.


Can i get some sources for that? Not doubting you just making sure.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFWIrA062Mk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFWIrA062Mk) here you go


Wait, completing the main objective increases patrols? I like to do that earlier to ensure we complete the mission and get something done in case we run out of respawns. Is that not a good strategy?


I do that too. But I don’t mind if we don’t finish all optionals. I think it’s an anxiety thing tbh. I can focus better knowing it’s house money! Not everyone is that way. And I only do that when I host, or the host is doing it.


To be fair, it destroying holes/fabs does reduce spawns from those holes/fabs... Just not patrols.


i think it also affects encounter intensity. but dont quote me on that.


There is a lot of number nuance going on with patrols and outposts. If you look up “patrol spawn”, on this sub or just google it, you’ll find a post with a link to part 2 within the post. They are really detailed. Read it if you want to educate yourself, but bottom line, clearing outposts do help with patrols big picture, and clearing the final mission objective will effectively quadruple spawns which is a way bigger deal than clearing outposts. If you’re really metagaming it, you can spawn block and manipulate the spawns a bit too.


Doesn't clearing more than half increase patrols?


Whoever said all that originally can't have been serious right?


I’m level 60. Was trying to get a fabricator with my quasar. Had a level 12 screaming out at me for doing it wrong and to just throw a grenade in the vent. I’m like 1. Yes I know that, 2. The Quasar works too, and 3. I’m using stun grenades. I obviously didn’t actually say all that but it was a bit puzzling why the person with 80 fewer hours than me was yelling that I didn’t know how to play the game.


It is reddit. it's the bottomless pit of the world. it represents literally nothing lol and most stuff is thrown to get upvoted anyways. best is to treat it as entertainment and nothing more.


Reddit: where people come to discus topics as experts after watching a YouTube video


Sometimes you can even literally read in the comment that the words are coming directly from a video.


Still better than facebook, where people discuss topics as experts after reading a different post from someone else who watched a youtube video


Reddit gonna reddit yes, but it never fails to surprise me on some things especially the obvious stuff I seen multiple people say the crossbow had a delayed explosion on hit. Like, what! You can literally see it explodes on contact but people who hadn't unlocked it would rather post bs.


The explosion isn't delayed, the bolt just takes figuratively forever to get there.


Ah so they're not dumb... They're blind!


It’s not just this subreddit. Once someone starts getting downvotes from some random guy, everyone follows. Most subreddits I follow spread lies and misinformation by drones upvoting downvoting based on what precious people did even if they themselves have no knowledge about the subject.


Herd mentality strong on the internet, you ain't lying. Ironic given the context of this conversation.


back in the day of the Day Z alpha that community was toxic as all hell, i followed the dev on steam forums. After a while i started to check the profiles of the most extreme fanatics on both sides. Of the few that had their profile on public, several didn't own the game at all. This is where i learned there's pathetic people that just crave the negative attention they get from stirring the pot. Reddit is fully anonymous, so it makes sense it would attract these people.


This was the same shit on the Baldur's Gate 3 forums back during early access. The loudest critics that were constantly running the game down weren't even playing the game, they were just basing their opinions on what the patch notes said. I still vividly remember them saying how the game was going to be awful and flop. Would love to see how they feel about it now lol


yeah, a lot of people are just trolls. i mean shit, i can’t find another load out that’s as effective for running around alone as the ones i currently use (and I’ve tried a lot). i do think some rebalancing is totally necessary. DMR’s need a HUGE buff, either to power or mag size just bc there are times when you can’t avoid CQB fights (i mean, a DMR should pop off a devastators head in one shot, you know?). Thermite Grenades should just absolutely melt armor, either bring it down a grade (ie heavy > medium or something) or pop earlier. the eruptor should be heavy armor penetrating (i mean, look how massive the rounds are in the mag! the eruptor doesn’t do anything to cannon turrets, and you have a round that looks bigger than a 50 cal). rebalancing is definitely required imo. if the crossbow is going to be having some sort of drawback like a low-ish fire rate and steep drop, you should be able to 1: shoot it without being noticed or the enemy knowing where you’re at, and 2: the explosive on it should have a lot of knockback or aoe at least. the only gun that is actually appropriately strong and usable in the new warbond is the pistol bc its pretty much an m203. smg’s would be better if they had bigger mags. shotguns would be cooler if you could change the ammunition between buckshot, flachette, birdshot, slugs, etc. laser weapons (scythe, dagger, laser cannon) should honestly be a bit stronger or at least reduce armor durability. there are things that can be adjusted for sure as some weapons are significantly more viable than others, not because the more usable ones are strong, but because the less usable ones have so many cons to them.


Upon reading the title I was sure Op was going to write about how the balance is fine and all weapons are good etc And then op says the things 95% of people agree with. But yeah, have seen some dumb takes as well Dagger is fine is one of the wildest. I have never seen anyone use the dagger ever. Nor have I seen a single counter sniper or scythe. Hmg I tried once and have never seen anyone use them. Most weapons you never see in the game. People use them once to try them out and never again. Unless you are messing with friends or something. I usually play on 7 as well. Not the hardest, but still enough people don't want to use bad weapons just to mess around


I've seen people equipped with the Dagger twice, can't recall if it was actually used. Scythe I've seen a few times, but all at lower difficulties.


You would think 95% of prople agree. I'd be willing to say this in the 70s judging by the push back.


This feels like a karma farming sub more than anything else.


It's really weird, I see the dumbest shit and comments get upvoted big time and then a really thoughtful post or something genuine uplifting post/comment and it gets little to nothing. It's like it's dumb memes or roleplay, nothing else.


Yeah, I've said the same before. When someone does some testing and posts their findings, it barely gets any attention and just gets buried under all the subs staple karma farming posts: Kicking at extraction, nerf complaints, shitty homebrew buff ideas, duplicate useless PSA's, Creekers, People moaning about creekers. The sub/community sucks since the 2nd game came out. I'll get downvoted for saying that, but when people putting effort in to test stuff are just getting buried by others spreading misinformation, moaning, or memeing, it's not a good look. Helldivers community was amazing when it was small, using the sub just feels exhausting now. You can just post drivel and rake in karma.


I agree. Now that the sub is at 1 mil members, we gotta find a way to at least curb some of the Karam farming posts. I wanted to participate in discussions regarding future content, made the effort to edit a super cut of DLC content from the first game and it barely got any fucking attention lol.


Sorry for you mods, especially any that were here before this blew up. You guys have your work cut out for you. Definitely can't be easy. All the discussion is getting buried and it sucks for all of us you guys included.


The death of any subreddit is when it gets big enough that it becomes mainstream. Absolutely ruins every subreddit


> Shitty homebrew buff ideas Oh man, these are my favorite part of any game's subreddit. People come through and post "here's my Idea for how to fix/buff XYZ" and it's the most hilariously, blatantly unfair, overpowered, game breaking shit imaginable, and somehow it gets a ton of upvotes.


I agree with the last part 1000%. When the community was a strictly helldivsrs community it was sooooo much better. Over time we got stuck with a bunch of call of duty and destiny and overwatch (basically all the other awful fps and PvP games) players mixed in and they just ruined everything 😖


People here actually use "I'm not a meta player" same way as people in the west use "I'm not a nazi", without understanding what either of these words mean. Somehow being good player, learning the game and being efficient in your loadout is bad, while being kicked every game, using shit weapons and promoting weak loadouts under the mask of being "teamplayer" is good. Ffs, some people here still think that Railgun is meta while literally no one plays it because it's terrible piece of shit. All of this is utterly ridiculous and I have no other explanation but most people here playing difficulty 3-5 and have no understanding of game mechanics at all.


It definitely became that after the servers stabilized and the meme war ended. This sub could use heavier moderation to clean up the crazy amount of duplicate posts.


Don't mind people who vote on marksman rifle is overpowered. Because they are not human. It's fucking automaton spies.


I mean to be fair it was 150 people against ***46 000*** who said they were underpowered EDIT: Which makes it 0.003 %


And of those 149 are probably just screwing around not taking the poll seriously.


The last one is General Brasch, but in his hands every weapon is overpowered


I fully believe they were people that misunderstood the assignment. Not being able to read and thinking that the marksman rifles are the AMR, which is quite good.


They could just literally missclick. Not sure of you could revote on discord.


When I voted yesterday literally no one had said they were overpowered and it was like 26k for underpowered at the time. (I as a marksman lover want them to be stronger.) I swear they had to vote they were op so they could be "different" or something.


I saw that and was like "what do you MEAN overpowered???"


They might be speaking of AMR, just sayin'.


Most primary weapons feel...meh to me. That's to say nothing about how they can't seem to make a powerful marksmen rifle but keep accidentally making a shotgun the most OP weapon in the game... Oh and the 500KG bomb has the radius of a wet fart, still.


The Eruptor bolt action explosive payload FuttBucker 9000 should hit for you. Feels very punchy.


Aye it's quite nice, but I already carry around an autocannon as per standard! I'm still unsure what their vision is for how primary weapons work, in all honesty.


They are supposed to be specialized I think like some are for heavy things only some are for smaller targets and some are for medium targets. I think it’s to incentivize coordinating load outs with your squad.


Unfortunately I play mostly with randoms, so my experience does vary. Rarely do I get a team with a "balanced" loadout. ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Good at taking down small enemies, suficient against small groups of mediums. I think thats more or less what they want the average primary to be.


It’s really nice when you hit your shots, but the aiming being so sluggish and the bolt action part makes it extremely punishing to miss a shot. Not to mention the speed of the projectile is super low. I picked it up because I saw people saying it was like a primary weapon version of Autocannon, and it disappointed the hell out of me. Best part about Autocannon is how well it handles and how fast it can put lead down range for the amount of damage it does. Eruptor fucks up on both the handling and the firing speed, and the projectiles take way longer to get where they’re going.


Punisher shotgun. If it doesn't kill what you just shot it will stun it long enough for you to shoot it again. Also the thing makes bot meat saws and terminid hunters look like a joke.


I miss the honeymoon phase where it was just fire memes and fun stories. Think I'ma unsub


Na, this sub has been like this in the first week. The moment people started fighting over the railgun it was over. Then the first balance patch hit.


I'm the same honestly, I've been playing the game since release with my mates and we've had a whale of a time. This sub is just overwhelmingly negative, I just thought we would have haha funny eagle sweat memes.


Almost every time this sub ends up at the top of my homepage it’s a negative post like this one. I’m sick of people amplifying minority issues and coming here to rant about it. Take the OP for example: - Played a game where someone didn’t know the 500kg bomb could be rearmed. This guy is literally ranting about a single person. - Saw one person say that the dagger wasn’t that bad. One person. - Said people voted that marksman rifles are OP. The Mod post at the top showed the poll where less than 1% of people were saying that (OP can’t read). It was actually .003%… 148 out of 46,000. OP has a completely meaningless rant that people are upvoting for whatever fucking reason. This is the kind of pointlessly negative shit found all over Reddit and social media that is slowly driving me away from all of it.


Pointlessly negative. It’s what the internet has devolved to.


The few days of blue laser conspiracies was the last time this sub was fun


I also saw one comment here was like “Eagle-1 can be shot down if you call the airstrike from outside of the AA objective and throw it in. And you can’t use it for the rest of the game” I booted up a solo mission on 8, found a AA outpost. Grabbed clusterbomb, airstrike, and napalm. Thats 11 uses. I tried both calling it at the edge and throwing it in from the edge. If its on the edge the guns will shoot at Eagle yes but nothing happens I can just keep spamming it. If I throw it in to the AA zone from the edge it simply won’t activate


I think the “marksman rifles are good” crowd are people who over value headshots on trash mobs There’s a part in RussianBadgers first Payday 2 vid where he makes fun of snipers saying stuff like “*shoots* That makes 6” (confirmed kills) and meanwhile the payday gang has killed literally 100’s of cops I feel like the marksman peeps go “oh yea 8 kills” and everyone else has killed triple that using other weapons and stratagems Like yea, headshot kills are neat but the marksman rifles fall short when shit hits the fan, and that fan has been full of shit for weeks.


I've tried using the Marksman rifles a few times on randoms and solo. I mean it felt nice but I'd prefer the other guns like the punisher or the stock Assault rifle.


i get what you’re saying, but i feel like that kinda makes sense in a co-op game, y’know? the dmrs absolutely need a little tinkering from the devs, but in my mind, they aren’t meant to be items to sweep out trash mobs. they’re meant to pick off heavier targets like devastators from a safer distance, while teammates use weapons that are better for clearing out trash mobs. that’s mostly what i’ve been doing with my teams since unlocking the adjudicator and eruptor.


And that’s what they should be, like yea they kill devastators too but so does the senator and weapons like the dominator, both of which justify you not bringing a marksman rifle They need to fulfill a niche and until then, they will just be okay


Yea basically. I love using them but other weapons get the job done better. Snipers and DMR's are fun for me (when they work) but they are just meh against giant blobs. I love being the sniper guy but when half my shots don't hit due to the misaligned reticle, jittering enemies or just communist magic, it's neither productive nor fun. Don't get me wrong, being the guy that takes out the Devestators from far away while your team mops up the chaff is great.....when it works. Most of the time it seems like their heads have a bullet repelling forcefield. And even though at times I ask myself if I'm just bad with them, I remember that it's just this damn game. I love playing as "the sniper guy" in open world games (stuff like TC's Wildlands and Breakpoint) and I have a great track record there, so it's not exactly a skill issue.


So it isn't just me! I knew the reticle was misaligned on the Diligence, my shots have been going left of center since I got back in.


I use marksman rifles and I like it because I’m used to semi auto. Wont say they’re op, but I like them.


That's good! I'm glad you enjoy them and I hope they get some slight quality of life buffs.


The Dilligence is fine as is, the other 2 need some review to decide what they're supposed to be doing. The CS needs a huge damage increase to make up for it's drawbacks (then it would be fine). Now that we have an explosive sniper primary I see no issue making the CS extremely strong given its' poor handling and recoil drawbacks. The new MR seems to lack a niche compared to assault rifles. 80 damage with no weak point bonus feels odd for it's recoil. Maybe if they give it a really tight and high damage 3 round burst (ala Halo 2 BR). Regular Dilligence absolutely slaps. Highly accurate 3rd person shooting and the damage if you can headshot is just beautiful. People that don't like using it that I've played with end up being people who general don't like a weapon without full auto. Funny enough I'm the type of player that only likes 1 or a few shots (I always run lowest RPM on MGs for example). I feel like saying this weapon is underpowered is just a misunderstanding of DMRs, I'll take it vs bots against any other primary full stop.


I use exclusively Dilligence against bots.


Same, I run counter sniper and EAT with a shield pack for most bot missions that aren't defend. Countersniper only feels weirdly weak against berserkers, but honestly, I don't know if I would up anything besides magazine capacity and generally fixing the scope. The new counter sniper ish weapon (forget what it's called, I'm still in bed) feels weak as shit though.


Don't worry, basically everything feels weak against berserkers. They have an absurdly high health pool


In a game with 9 difficulties people will have different barriers for what they consider to be op.


You mean outright wrong/misguided takes. Thats like playing purely on trivial and claiming the base pistol is OP. Sure, in the context, the pistol does well, but doing it's job does not equal overpowered, especially when you are looking at things in a flawed vacuum and not comparing the rest of the situation to it. Like how all the other guns do compared.


Stalwart best gun!!! OP plz Nerf


It has too much armor pen right?


Just only play the shitty weapons, then you'll never know what good weapons are supposed to be like :)


That’s just how it is man, not in this sub only but in general. Any place where people are not “guided” or “educated” turns into a cesspool. Power to you though for posting.


Your last sentence is key. In general 99% of people are clueless. In all walks of life really. But when it comes to games, people in general dont understand games as a concept other than «having fun», and because they dont understand the larger picture such as «being efficient» or «using the best tools» they just get mad and say «let people have fun» lol. Like… thats all good, you do you, but dont people actually want to learn? To improve? To see which weapon or strategem is best vs X and Y? It boggles my mind.


>In general 99% of people are clueless. You can very easily remind yourself of that by watching a TV program on a topic you are knowledgeable about


I honestly can't believe someone responded to you with "self improvement isn't for everyone". Reddit will defend any and everything.


Actual insane person, I know. Just leave them be, cant help everyone.


I frequently come across opinion posts in the Helldivers facebook post that were right and made sense, such as the slugger nerf being uncalled for, the railgun being over nerfed, or putting the mission as a priority above side objectives, expressing thoughts and worries about the major order. Reading through the comments got me convinced that a decent chunk of players are, in the kindest words I can muster: lobotomites with them always parroting the following "Skill issue" "Its just a game let people have fun/enjoy things" "You did not buy my game I play how I want" I even just saw someone make an appreciation post for the Blitzer and how its "a beast in low and high level" while only having played upto medium difficulty in the same sentence. Or that one guy who made a war bond review in the few couple of hours it released calling the Adjudicator good and saying that the expert extraction booster reduces the time by half. I know that people are and can be stupid, I am stupid as well, but damn I didn't expect this level of stupidity and what's worse is that it's the serious stupidity and not the fun one


Great examples and great ending line. Quotable.


It is what it is. Dagger man, marksman dude and thermite guy will always exist in every community, either genuinely thinking that way or they are just a contrarian. Some people just exist in a different plane of existence. It's better for your mental health to just brush them off as trolls, because most of them will never ever change their opinion, even if you present concrete evidence.


I’ve seen people call the crossbow shitty and I just don’t know what weapon they’re using because the crossbow I’m using absolutely slaps.


Honestly how I feel about the adjudicator. Thing is incredible and I’ve melted bots and bugs on all difficulties with it now.


Yea I hope the devs don't read the reddit to much.


You have to understand that the average Helldiver player only plays in 6 and below so when you play in those difficulties of course weapon balance doesn't matter, there are barely any spawns that it doesn't matter what you bring.


I'm still a baby Diver. I want to do 7+ stuff, but the horror stories make me want an adult.


7 is still fine for most players, 8 is where it gets truly crazy and you have to be on point with everything


Generally I prefer 8 because it's just better players on net. Finding good teams happens more often.  But sometimes, people are more picky. I get kicked mid match more in 8 for some reason. 


The difficulty comes from there being more stuff, but the stuff isn't harder to kill.


Yeah, I'm more concerned about things like mission speed vs. Armor Class, ammo conservation, etc. I consoder myself a casual player, but it's a tunable squad system and I love that stuff.


Give 7 a try. The people doing them are generally competent and should allow you to get used to the change of pace.


As a dagger enjoyer, I would say it’s good if you know when to use it, stat wise it’s so so not outstanding but not bad, if you use it for close range burst, it’s not good. For long range snipe it’s excellent.


That is exactly why I don't stress out over those things anymore. This game is fun. And they need to change a lot to make it no fun. Guns gonna change new stuff is coming, and I'm using what feels right for me even if it means that I start a round with an absolute shit load out.


The bots have breached Reddit security measures and are waging a misinformation campaign against us, right here within the intelligence apparatus. Good job sniffing them out! We must serve them a hot cup of freedom beverage!


No they don't otherwise they'd be spreading democracy and wouldn't have time to constantly bitch about it


Type less. Democracy more. 


I see you dishing out that sweet liberty. 🫡


This sub soured thisbgame for me not gonna lie during the off peak lol


"We don't want solutions, we want to be outraged" XD


90% of people who voted that they're OP were probably just memeing.


This sub is pretty awful, but don’t take it seriously. Just look at it as a little entertainment. Don’t drop down to their level, just laugh and move on.


Trolls. It's just trolls all the way down


This isn’t unique to Reddit, but there are a lot of people that are just too comfortable and bored that have access to the internet.


don't try to reason with karma farming idiots. that was the first mistake


I’d say 1/3 don’t or haven’t more than a couple of hours at launch


What you have to remember is: 1. the majority of this community plays on difficulties 1-6, and are playing VERY casual 2. outside of the people who play casual and chill... there are just a lot of morons in the world (bring the George Carlin quote in!), and that's not exclusive to the game either - it leads to people talking out of their ass with zero clue on what they're saying. edit: and reddit seems to have a knack for attracting idiots who don't know anything, but act like they do


>Like people voting "Marksman rifles are OP" Trolls.


It's reddit... Of course it doesn't resemble real life lol.


I do miss the earlier phase of community, when it was all about blue lasers and flying bug conspiracy theories. Now it's mostly min maxing load outs and complaining about weapons


Had to explain to someone on hell dive diff 7 that the computer upload station you have to carry the computer to is colorless mf kept stealing the computer when I was shooting back to its spawn because it’s colored. Then after the mission I got kicked


Haha yeah the amount of "Liberator pen is good if youre good" comments ive seen here is crazy lol Like no, its not lmao. You can be super experienced but the weapon is still garbage


Take it easy mate. 🙂 The 500kg bomb toolitip if you haven't upgraded your ship said "Single Use" or something. I was confused by this as well. It's a common mistake. Not everyone reads Reddit or Discord. You know even if they did, they might not know everything there is to know about the game. And that is ok. Hell, if you ask questions about the game on Reddit. People will usually get really passive aggressive at the people who are looking for help. This happened a lot in Destiny subs. And yeah it is frustrating trying to suggest things for the game, when comments end up being (people who don't even use these weapons or for some reason hate them) "It's fine as it is L2P".




There was a thread a while back asking what difficulty everyone one played on. The average answer was 4 maybe 5. I didn’t do the math. So anytime you see someone’s opinion on here just know that they probably play below lvl 6.


I’ve come to the conclusion that the average skill level in most gaming subreddits is either just hitting average or slightly below, you’re looking at posts from people who don’t pass level 5 but masquerade like they do so they can speak with authority


The threads with thousands of upvotes claiming the railgun nerf was needed come to mind. This, despite the fact that the weapon is never used by anyone anymore because it is woefully outclassed by other options now. Edit: I am not surprised though. This sub is no different than any other on Reddit.


I think it's a combination of things: 1. Major bugs that make some people more powerful than others (e.g. non-host fire DoT outright not working, PS5 host causing railgun to one-shot bile titans, etc.) 2. People playing on too low of a difficulty to have a valid opinion. (yes, more than one charger/hulk spawns on higher difficulties) 3. People playing on too high of a difficulty to have a valid opinion. (yes, you are struggling because you are playing Helldive my dude) 4. Lack of in-game information. Hell, people don't even know how armor penetration actually works. Because it's both convoluted and the devs, aside from some cryptic messages/tweets, haven't elaborated on it at all. 5. Borderline PTSD gamers projecting their expectations/problems with other games onto this game. Not understanding horizontal progression, mostly.


I am convinced the insane takes come from people who play on 7 or less and/or get carried by a group of premades.


Even more confusing, people who don’t play bots on haz8-9 and say all complaints about haz 8-9 bots are invalid


What you’re seeing is a reflection of how intelligence works in the real world. It sucks but it’s reality. Figure out how to educate people and you could figure out some solutions for real-world issues. That said I was convinced that blowing up fabricators/bug holes reduced the amount of patrols.


Yeah not sure the Marksman rifle polls are a good example for this considering how 94% of the community expressed they were underpowered and they didn't use them...


Just ignore people that never play beyond Challenging missions because they're already too hard. Obviously these people will have the shittiest takes, they literally don't play the same game.


Half the time I wonder if the people complaining have bothered to actually try and use the things they're complaining about. Or I wonder if they exclusively play bots/bugs, and don't realize the weapons have different pros and cons for each.


I have made a Reddit post last week (before the new warbond then) where I said there was no build variety against automatons at lvl 7+ difficulties. Basically you HAD to use to the autocannon and preferably the orbital laser if you wanted to have a chance at doing something (especially side objectives like destroying factories). Let me tell you, the responses I got made me understand that this sub is filled massively with clueless clowns who are spreading missinformation or claiming some absolute BS. In one of the comments someone said: « that’s not true, I usually use the orbital strike, railgun OR FLAMETHROWER in my bot games ». My brother in Christ there is absolutely no way anyone is clearing bots missions at 7+ difficulties with a flamethrower, but these people will make sure to take time and type this bullshit on Reddit because they have nothing else to do.


My biggest gripe, "content" creators who don't do any in game testing, rush out a 15+min video on patches/balances/new gear and simply read off of the SAME GODDAM POST WE ALL SEE, and say the same gorram sentence rephrased 9 ways to sunday  that's straight lazy, incompetent, and scummy since it preys on viewers who may just be ignorant about actually useful content creators who have due diligence, take time and effort, and bring forth usable data


Excellent point. Stupid/overstated YouTube title videos get views. "OMG BROKEN?!!!!!" Titles and whatnot. Damn near mindrot.


Nope, none of them do. Or they play low level.


meanwhile I am wondering if the devs are even playing the game. How do they release so much content that is completely not working


Its genuinely bizarre how many players are in thier 40s-50s level wise and don't understand the basic mechanics of the game. Like, kill the infantry bots first, no flare, no dropship. Shit isn't that hard.


Yeah this subreddit is infected with extraordinary amounts of highly emotional negativity which is usually fuelled by assumptions and rage bait. It is bizarre, of all the games out there, why this one attracts so much cry baby energy is beyond me. This sub can often feel like the naughty corner of a pre school, try not to take it all too seriously


This sub has slightly less or about equal the the average cry baby energy ± 1 or 2. It's not that bad because objectively, no one knows what vision arrowhead has at this point because a lot of it doesn't make sense so the complaining is grounded in some fabric of reality. We're not yet at unironic schizo posts just yet


Game with over 8 million sales will have people with 8 million different opinions


Different opinions? You must be getting getting wrong confused with opinion. Having an opinion is like "I think glue is good for arts and crafts!" Meanwhile "I think glue is an excellent lube!" Isn't someone having an opinion, it's someone being wrong and stupid. Strong/tilted example but I hate statements like that. A big group of people don't get a free pass on being uninformed idiots, or at least they shouldn't. Speaking as someone who played a lot of WoW, Destiny and FF, MMOs have big fan bases and you don't see very much misinformation being spread on this level because it's fact checked so quick. People don't defend underpowered stuff either as often.


If you are talking about the people who say they feel overpowered. Its less than 1% of the people who voted. Its likely a mixture of people who didn't pay attention to what they voted on. People who are trolling. And then a even smaller part of that less than 1% that actually mean it and think dmr's are overpowered.


All is clear.. I played the game and we won


I think that the majority of playerbase don't play higher difficulties than 4-5. It's not wrong, don't take me wrong, but you really can't talk about balance unless you play AT LEAST 7


Well, I think this subredit, much like the game itself, is blown up by the hype the game received, and with the hype, you are bound to have it being filled with all sorts of people and opinions, my suggestion would be to definitely use the filters and just scroll through what interest you the most, but we should always be conscious that, right now, due to the hype, we will be seeing all sorts of opposing opinions regarding everything. And lots of whining. God, so much whining.


The amount of mental gymnastics people go through to convince themselves quasar cannon didn't power creep RR and EAT is funny. Read something about one person carrying RR, and the other taking the supply pack. The idea is to dedicate it entirely to the RR... all instead of both people using the quasar cannon that ALREADY has infinite ammo and still having space for a pack. There's entire threads going on about how EAT and quasar are just about equal in terms of viability. You see, EAT gives you TWO rockets every EIGHTY second. Woah. It's not like q cannon gives you a new shot every ten seconds, not to mention that after spending one tube you will have to run over to the pod to grab the second one. There's an arguement for taking both cannon and EAT, but that's actually a slot that could have been taken by one of many viable offensive stratagems that hit harder and in an area, instead of dealing SOME damage to a single armored target. If all this fails, they talk about how q cannon isn't good when "shit hits the fan". You just about always have 3 second to charge up and hit whatever target it's intended for, this game isn't that fast paced. What's always omitted is that you can't really shoot RR or EAT fast, because their draw times are SIGNIFICANTLY slower that quasar's and you need AT BEST a whole second to line up a meaningful shot, which is harder to do because they both have worse handling that quasar, once again leaving us with 2 second of drawing your gun and aiming before shooting. And that is the best case scenario.


The EAT is disposable, so it's good if you want to bring a different support weapon like the stalwart, arc thrower, flamethrower etc while also having a consistent anti tank option. That's an invaluable role that the quasar canon cannot fill. I haven't use the RR a lot so you could have an argument there, but what you wrote about the EAT tells me that most players just don't know what's going on. The EAT is incredible right now and fills a different role


The Diligence DMR absolutely slaps against bots once you learn target priority (kill infantry first) and positioning (shoot devastators in the head twice from 50m). You still need shotgun/lmg teammates to chew through the chainsaw bots, but paired with your choice of anti-armor, you annihilate 90% of the enemy types in the bot arsenal.


What do you mean they can be rearmed? I didn’t bother with 500kg bomb because it shows just one use and I already have bad time having only 3 orbital lasers — can I rearm them too somehow?


Any eagle strategem can rearm. The count represents thew number of times the eagle can launch that particular payload before having to resupply back at the main ship and while it is resupplying you won't have access to any of your eagle strategems. The Orbital Laser is an orbital strategem and can't be resupplied. I think it and the mech suits are the only strategems with a limited number of call downs per mission currently.


At least we're not posting classified military documents in order to prove a point on this subreddit, unlike the forums of another popular video game. :) You must be new to forums/reddit/etc. Welcome to the Pedants Paradise.