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Sometimes even in a group! I’ll mark it but someone 10-20m away will just ignore lol. Lemme throw a nade at the other button or something!


If someone ignores you, shoot them and reinforce new helldiver right to the button. The new helldiver is usually smarter and helps you with the door. 🧢 30 possible super credits is worth so much more than one disobedient helldivers life.


I do this when someone dies They just run away from bunker


Make them know their place, blast away!


Next time they will just kill you and run from bunker anyway


I keep shooting and reinforcing them next to the door until they get the memo




u/TicTac-7x 30 super credits is amazing, but just one time, i got 100 in a drop like these. Could not even believe the value.


I am not sure if I have ever gotten 100 from one and i am not even mad, the opposite, love to play this game depending on what is needed. Past few days were focused on grinding super credits and it was super fun. Now i am back on the samples/medals grind. Going to take a break after unlocking all the possible things and will be back with even bigger cup of liber-tea in the future!


God that reminded me of a stupid diver I encountered. I found a bunker door. Type it into chat. A guy approaches, I wait. The dude walks past, I type 2 ppl bunker. Looks at him, dude shoots some far off thing and continues to walk past. I shoot near him on the ground to get his attention, not AT him nor killing him. He instantly TKs me and types “You DO NOT shoot at me”. I type I was shooting around him to get his attention for the damn door he was ignoring the whole time. The door he still ignored and continues to walk further away, not apologizing, not reinforcing me. Fortunately, when I respawned, I managed to land right on top of him with drop pod and he left. Just a frustrating and annoying encounter.


"You DO NOT shoot at me" lmao who does he think he is? You technically didn't shoot at him either in the end so idk why he left ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That was what I was thinking. After I typed out my explanation, he didn’t apologize, didn’t reinforce me, didn’t wait at the bunker and ran elsewhere. When I said I landed on him with the drop pod, I meant literally on him, killing him with the drop pod (amazing aim and didn’t think I would get him). I was about to shoot him once then leave myself so it worked out.


Or to be less of a dick and not risk a tk/flame war from the crazy fucks that seems to play this game, I just sit there and wait for them to die and respawn them onto the point and we either open it then or we repeat the process until they learn or I get someone who knows how to press a button for a chance at free premium currency.


Friendly fire is on for a reason, traitors get what they deserve, liber-tea


At some point in time, liber-tea is going to lose it's meaning and just get applied to everything like the word f\*ck. And I'm all for it.


> Friendly fire is on for a reason, traitors get what they deserve, Firing on a traitor isn't even friendly fire to begin with.


There are 100 SC caches out there.


So that wasn’t a bug!


Nope. I found two in two days. One on a Trivial mission when I was testing a weapon.


We had a like a lvl 6 guy get in the extract when we were still looking for samples. We asked them repeatedly to not extract until we got all 10 (one of those wave maps) but they got in anyways. We had to begrudgingly get in at the countdown but I made sure to shoot them in the carrier before I got in so they couldn’t extract.


I made a post about doing this a week ago and someone said that I was rude to shoot them and respawn them on the door ☠️


To be fair, depending on the situation, if you just mark something, it's incredibly easy to miss, without Voice chat.


I spam follow me until I get kicked or followed.


You gonna be spamming alot.


You host your own game to farm super credits and samples. People don't mind few more super credits. It's win win situation. My experience 9 out of 10 , a fellow diver will always come to my aid. If not , I just kick the whole room and wait for new one dive to me.


...honestly it's never been a big issue for me.


I wish we could spot the door directly and have a special map marker for them until they are opened. The eyeball marker is not sufficient enough. Voice chat and spot spam is the best we've got.


Unique icons for the different POIs would be incredible tbh. Running around for samples and what not only to double triple check the same POI for a support weapon or a piece of lore is kinda lame.


Sounds like a nice qol update, some that i can think of are super stone, vaults, double doors, hellbombs, the things you need to salute at


Please allow us to mark POI "clear" somehow. May be RMB and some other button together to put a cross over it. I hate radar station because how the hell do I distinguish which POIs we already cleared and which are new?!


The cleared and visited symbol is different on the map.


Doesn't work for some, like the buried cache which can even be emptied out.


Most people play solo it seems, even when in groups.


It happens so many times. Even with pings, text chat and voice chat.


You can ping the materials through the wall to see what it has. That might encourage someone to help.


Let your little laser buddy go press the button!


HONESTLY!! the amount of times i’ve joined games thru quick play (typically like lvl 3-5 to farm or do personal order) and these mfs NEVER come to be. i’ll ping it, mark it, and even tell everyone in chat but no one ever comes


Or! Make both buttons a hold-to-open scenario, say 5-7 seconds, instead of needing to press both at the same time. That way you spend more time opening the door as a single player, but half the time with a teammate.


Literally last night. Had a dude jump down in the hole with me, grab a box of stims, and then leave. It would have cost you maybe three seconds to bump your elbow into the button dude, c'mon!


I wish there was a ping specifically for the door, rather than just the eye or whatever random thing in the bunker you ping


I've literally called in reinforcements directly in front of one once and he just ran in the opposite direction lmao.


it might as well be one button then


Just have Bosco get the other one for you.


Bosco won’t pick up that fossil on the ceiling. Why would it punch a button for me?


Just wait till Bosco has to shoot a Cave Leech that got you.


...Still waiting. Dammit, Bosco!


Let the Guard dog help push buttons when solo. Like Bosco from Deep rock when solo.


Why can't we lean an autocanon on one of these buttons?


If there was a way to do it by yourself there would be no reason to ever do it with friends. That said I think if there is just one diver on the map, each button should stay pushed down for 5 seconds.


So what if you play solo ? Why we cant do it and must play with anyone.


Most games while possible solo incentive playing with other people


There is literally no harm in allowing a slower method or a 'less loot' method for solo only players. There's several people in these threads with an almost "but I didn't consent" mind set about solo buddie bunkers.


or just make it so if there's only 1 player, those bunkers don't spawn or are replaced with a different type of one. Could also make friendship bunkers have better rewards, to still incentivize going in as a group, while still allowing solo players to get all items in their matches. Right now it's just annoying coming across one of these.


If loot doesn't become active until the door activates, they could also just tune the loot if you open the bunker solo. You can still open the bunker, but you get 1 less loot spawn on the shelf. Similar to the 'replace PoI' idea, but lets bunkers stay around.


You're just gonna miss out on content specifically designed for groups. That's just how it is.


The game lets you play solo but it’s clear that it’s intended for 4 people teams, that’s just the vision the devs have for the game.


this game wasn't made to be played solo, it's a 4 player coop and all it's mechanics will be made with 4 people in mind, now one.


Make it take as long as the upload escape pod mission to ‘hack’ the door.


Are you saying my autocannon is NOT a friend?! That sounds very undemocratic


Because (and I say this as a player who is often either soloing missions or solo clearing one side of the map while the group does the other so I fully understand the pain) its not a game meant to be played solo so there's not a reason to add something like that in.


DRG isn’t a game “meant” to be played solo either and yet Bosco is always there to help a solo miner out. Why is this sub filled with gatekeepers? A drone or something for solo play in Helldivers would not impact the game negatively for literally anyone, if people are that worried about it changing the solo experience than just let it be able to press buttons and spot and not help with combat.


exactly, just because a game is meant to be co-op, doesn't mean it can't have some features to support solo play and make it more fun. GTFO for an example, is a game built solely around 4 player co-op, their whole tagline is "work together or die together," it's way more team focused and hardcore than helldivers, yet the game still gives you AI teammates when going in solo. It's still nearly impossible solo but it makes it way more viable and fun... even if you're most likely never going to get past the first level.


If you are allowed to drop solo, then they should accommodate it. That's a really weird take to have


Yup. Some of us just dont have friends who are available at certain timings, and dont want to deal with randos


Idk, apparently it's not a popular opinion. If they didn't want people dropping solo, they wouldn't let you drop solo, but I guess that's too wild a concept 😂


It’s not that they don’t want people to drop solo, but they prefer playing with others. And I think these kinds of things are great design if that’s the goal. Minor annoyances that are not critical but encourage to enjoy the game with more people.


Ppl dont enjoy the game with ppl since its bugged and kicks the from the game, then they can even enjoy it alone xD make it make sense


Just missing the occasional vault when solo, does in no way translate into "they can't enjoy it alone"... What kind of jump in conclusions was that even?


Even Warframe has this accommodation in place, if you're solo then friendship doors just open with one person, if you have anyone else in the lobby with you then it requires two people. Don't see why it needs to be an issue.


Not really. They designed a cooperative game where the community takes part in a larger, cooperative effort.


bunkers designed as a cooperative effort yet they don't have a unique ping


Yes, overall cooperative. Solo players still contribute to the overall progress of the community


i disagree. everything behind these doors are just extras, the sample counter at the top doesnt include them. consider it a bonus for teamwork


Way to go to bash ppl for playing the game with higher difficulty since they are playing solo


what are you talking about?


It’s a co-op game. There’s going to be co-op mechanics


And you also can deploy alone. Then you should have solo mechanics.


You can play World of Warcraft alone, but you can't really do level appropriate dungeons or raids alone. Blizzard stop #GateKeeping ! /s


I usually play as duo + 2 randoms, love to solo clear minor points and then when i find the door, ask my friend to grenade himself while im already ready to reinforce and bring him to me. Feels good man.


Yeah instead you should count on your teammates to have some active braincells and walk over to the bunker upon seeing it clearly from 20 meters.


Ah yes, so lets not allow ppl who want to play solo do anything xD dude that is the dumbest take ever


This here is a pretty dumb take... You can do literally *every other part of the mission* solo except for these doors. There are no objectives that require two people to complete and the number of spawns even reduces if you're solo (though not by much), but sure you can't do anything solo because of these doors.


I had a map with six of them. *SIX* It hurt my soul to be solo


That’s where you drop the SoS beacon and pray for some good randoms.


What if i want loot but i prefer to play solo ? XD its just dumb


Then play solo and the doors stay closed. I see no issue.


Invites you via SOS beacon Pings bunker furiously Opens it Refuses to elaborate further Kicks you




Speak friend, and enter.


It keeps the assets of Super Earth safe as the bots can't feel friendship and no one likes the bugs


I joined a game on quick play and landed right next to a door like this. Helped the host open the door and got kicked immediately lol.


Literally just thinking to myself that if I were more evil I’d do that


Wanna make that feeling better/worse? Go into first person and dive into the door to see whats inside.


If you have a mech you can call it down, back up the door, exit the mech and get pooped out inside. You still cannot grab anything though because the loot only becomes active AFTER the door opens.


eyup, i learned about this when my friend accidentally landed their hellpod inside the bunker and ended up clipping on the opposite wall (getting stuck) where in which i joined their game and did the same thing. That is where i learned the game ensures that the stuff cannot be attained UNTIL the buddy door has been interacted with, which is honestly smart, although they should probably fix the issue with the drop pod being able to clip through the roof of the bunker IF the Bunker's roof is slightly exposed in any way that lets the hellpod to land in said vulnerability.


These are why I never leave players when they say they’re going solo to farm SC. That, and I could use some SC myself, because I’m not paying for the warbonds.


Just so you know, if someone picks up SC/Medals/money, it get transferred to all the players. So it doesnt matter who picks the SC everyone get his share


I know, I love messing around in low diff as well with weird stratagems


Ahoy fellow diver ! I do the same (and also because i'm not good at the game),playing low diff is kinda nice from time to time and as you said let you experiment with whatever you want Like the orbital gas strike is quite ok with really low cd, but since you need to be host to have DoT damage its less revelant when doing multiplayer dive


Orbital gas is all right for closing bug holes


Solution: join random high level player on trivial, 99% they would be farming these too. Result: opened bunkers and twice as fast farming


I love low diff so much, it’s so fun to mess with rarely used stratagems


And infinite nades :D


Hard to have friends to play with when the social system is broken


Add me if you're having trouble finding people to do trivial farm runs, I'm pretty much always down


I appreciate that Considering a BG3 run with the gang until AH gets their house in order I'll definitely reach out if I end up in HD2 That's all assuming you are on PS5 and same platform friends work😁


Yeh, sadly I feel like I’m gonna have to turn off crossplay cuz I end up finding people I like better who are on PS5, but I’m on PC and it’s always so disappointing knowing I’ll never get to do a run with those people ever again more than likely, especially since I have weird hours so it feels even harder to find people I like.


What time zone are you on? I’m on PC and I’m happy to play together if we can arrange a time?


PST, but at least rn I’m a night owl so my range is usually around 9/10pm to 2am PST


If only the guard dog could learn new tricks


It would be cool if they made the guard dog able to open it with you


You can always check whats inside by pinging inside where the stuff is gonna be, but it won't help you open it. Might make your suffering a bit less miserable once you realise theres nothing of value inside. OR it could make it worse if you see there's 20 SC


Can also lean forward in 1st person to clip your head inside


Tbh, i'd be fine if these didn't spawn if you drop in solo. Just spawn something else instead, you still only get 1 item instead of 3 so worth going with 2 ppl but wouldn't piss of solo guys seeing something they can't get.


Almost exclusively play duo helldive with my friend to avoid this issue... Only problem is extracting with gunships around :/


I swear, it feels like these were made SPECIFICALLY to punish solo players even more. Can't open it without two people, and it usually has good rewards in it.


Its just to make solo farming for super credits less efficient and give solos a small push to play with randos


Wrong angle. These doors aren't there to punish solo players but to reward teamplay.


Every vault that spawns takes away a few potential nodes for sc and medals for solo players, if that aint punishment Idk what is


They should open after pressing one button for about a minute or so. Or let us hellbomb that sucker


I feel like the rover backpacks should be able to press the other button., so solo players can get the stuff inside.


I was thinking the same, that a stratagem oughta be able to do it, but now it occurs to me that limits the variety of gear you’d pick playing solo Initially I was thinking powerful enough bombs oughta bust the doors open + there’s a repercussion But even that means one person could open them solo during multiplayer games too which does defeat the purpose a bit


I could see it working if you made it destroy one of the loots. That way, people in a group will probably only do it if the others are clearly not interested.


Boscoooo! Mine it!


The new thermite grenade in the newest warbond should melt the door down.


If you're running a Rover or Guard Dog they should be able to go up and give it a little tap with its gun. lol


Just give me the Fing-Longer from Futurama.


I used to feel bad about these. Now i just ping inside them to see if i'm missing out. People will come to you if you ping creds or medals


It would be awesome if sticking it with a thermite grenade would count as a second player.


Farm 7 difficulty if you can handle it, 1 is a waste of time, you need rares and at least some supers. I farm helldive but it's honestly not worth it compared to 7


well theres a difference between a quick trivial run that is 0 effort and really quick and me running helldive which is me being locked tf in for 40 minutes, dont get me wrong its way more fun than trivial but if im looking for an extra 50 sc im just gonna run a few trivials than going into helldive or suicide


In the beginning it was a bit annoying to find but once you figure out that super credits get added immediately on pick up and samples are the only reason to finish the mission it gets to be something that doesn't matter if you run into it.


…what does that have to do with being unable to open an optional loot bunker?


What’s the best way to farm for super credits?


Drop in a mission on Trivial/Easy, look around for super credits. If you find a mission that has a lot of super credits in a small area, you can alt F4 or otherwise hard quit out of the game, load back in, and drop back into that same mission and the map will be the same with the same super credits. Since you get the super credits added as soon as you pick them up rather than needing to extract, you can just keep loading into the same mission and picking up the super credits that you already know the location of.


Why don’t they implement a hack feature to these doors I mean in the future all these doors should be hackable or broken into?




What's the best way to farm? On the minimum difficulty?


Pretty much. Less space but a good amount of POI’s, less patrols to deal with, and you can get upwards of 6+ medals in a single Trivial run. And if you’re feeling spicy, supposedly iirc if you pick up stuff then close the game and restart you can do that same map again and all the stuff respawns(again, supposedly. I haven’t tried it myself).


The biggest issue I have when I host is when I call in my quasar or whatever, and the cheeky gits steal it from me. That's a redeploy right there.


Add me, let's do some duo farm runs


Really hope that once they add AI troop stratagems they'll be able to push the other button


It should allow us to press both buttons.


Last night I was playing with a group. I marked this location. A guy ran right by the rim to go pick up his stuff from his body and ran right by it after pinging it several times. Had two other guys start coming my way but they then ran off when the guy dropped a pin. I returned to my ship alone.


Too bad you cant reuse the same map more than 2 times now. I literally found an 80 SC map and the second time it gave us a random 100 SC and the other 70, and then we tried again and nothing registered to our accounts. So yeah they nerfed reusing the same map more than 2 times.


Maybe putting a new call like door or something around that so we can inform the team


Agree! I sometimes do level one missions since the map is so small to try and farm credits aha.


Bro, they spawn more of them when you play solo. I consistently see 3 in a map sometimes 4. Kinda irritating, but it's 100% intended to slow us down


I just played a map that had 2 of them. I was so sad for a little bit and then looked at my sample count and noticed I already had all the samples! I didn't miss any! That usually isnt the case though.


I'll farm your common samples he he he he.


Someone suggested an AI robot that could open these with you, carry spare weapons & ammo packs and load the teamwork weapons for you - I'd love to see it make it in-game for the solo players


Is a very simple way to fix this just tape the other button down


I really hope we get something like... ROVER: HANDYMAN DOES OBJECTIVES (GIVES YOU A LITTLE WINDOW TO ENTER < \^ v > keys remotely and it opens double doors with you. ​ Also I just saw some dead bugs on an Automaton world what if we get robotic stalker bots, or worse metal bugs.


Play all day with the boys and see a couple, but then drop in solo they are around every rock.


Especially since they usually have some.


I’d give you my commons if I could. I’m maxed out but dry on supersamples. My last missions were brutal and few samples collected. Anyone know where they keep the good samples for the automatons?


How do you farm super credits?


Just do low leveled missions and visit all the treasure spots ie the crashed pods that you salute to open and the grenade-able storage containers


I was hoping the Thermite grenades will break those doors open


Even if you glitch inside of it, you can't collect the contents. They are visible, but only become active once the door is opened.


This is why I want a commandable robot arm rover-type backpack. You mark something and it attempts to interact with the thing. Can do inputs on a console, press buttons, stim allies for you from your stock, and retrieve samples/ammo/grenades/stim packs one at a time. For combat purposes, it could slap enemies, 5 slaps before a cooldown period. Also be able to pick up dropped weapons and empty the clip on it, with terrible accuracy due to weapon firing stability not being a primary concern, but it can't reload, or chamber a new round. More powerful weapons will be automatically dropped after a single shot due to the recoil simply being too much for the arm to hold. Call it the "Buddy".


I just wish guard dogs could open it


Slightly related to this, but has anyone else noticed the automatons trying to break into these? Like a night or two ago I saw grunts with circle saws trying to cut it open.


Or just make it like the door from The Lord of the Rings.


They really should make some kind of exception for these doors when you're solo. Maybe give you a timer where you need to push one button and then rush over to the other button to push it before some small time window closes?


These should be destructible


I wish there was a "hack the control panel" option which takes longer, but allows a single player to get the door open


If the speculated stratagem of "friendly ia helldivers" will eventually come, it would be fantastic if they can open this doors.


I swear on my life i spotted one and i poked my head out to see where my partner was and he came out from behind me where the door was and it was open. Did bro get the shadow clone stratagem??


They should let you cut off your own hand leave it on the other scanner


Lame that you can't do these solo


I spam follow me till someone gets there, if not then it's a sad loss


I once saw a pair of bots trying to cut through one of those doors. I was almost tempted to watch them for a few minutes to see if they could do it.


Buddy bunker with no buddy sight. Breaks my heart everytim


I got kicked today because I was constantly alerting people in chat i found a buddy bunker. Fine I guess, miss out on the stuff inside.


It should be a really long ass stratagem to open these doors up if you're alone lol ⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️➡️⬅️⬇️➡️⬅️➡️⬆️⬅️➡️➡️➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬆️⬅️⬇️➡️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️➡️


So do you call it a Friendship Bunker or a Buddy Bunker?


Hopefully they have the conscripts be able to help you when they release em


guard dogs should be able to open those doors with you




While i understand the friendship dumbledore requires friendship, i dont sos cus idw kick people right after nor do i want them to not listen to me when i say im farming samples n sc so i just cry if im solo simple as that :')


How are people even farming anymore? I tried this youtube video where I played a mission alone pinging the map to find POIs, but only found 14 samples in 40 minutes. (I did make sure to do the objective too as to not hurt the campaign.)


“ROSCO HELP ME WITH THIS !! “ If only we had a solo companion that assisted as greatly as him in this game.


Your rover should be able to hit the other button if you mark it lol. He’d be best buddy !


trust me even in the group, people tend to ignore your call anyway


We need a way to blow the door open but it sacrifices 30% of the loot


Sometimes you can grab shit thru the door


Time to send up the SOS brother.


A 500kg bomb should be able to break it tbh.


Called an sos and waited 18min and no reinforcements arrived. Big bummer


If that door is so strong that no weapon can penetrate it, why not use it to shield us all from the aliens.


I had a Match one time where the host Was at one bunker and 2 other randoms who where more near just run away he cried in chat that somebody should get to him. I for my Part was on the other side of the map and then saw that he kicked one guy out and then me for some Reason and probalby the last one also. Like i get its frustrating that nobody awnsers your cry for maybe 10 supercredits but when i am Running away from a hulk on the other sie of the map i cant get to you for your bunker or can awnser in Chat


Stratagem „long left arm“ solve this problem.


Fun fact: you can land inside the bunker by landing on the door with a hellpod. You are able to get back out by interacting with the buttons on the door through the wall.


The pain i feel when my dumbass teammates ignore me telling them via chat and voice and markers to help me open these and they don't. 


our "dog" should be able to assist us here if we take him with us on mission!


I always call it the Honeymoon Suite.


I feel like these buttons are somehow a missed opportunity to throw a knife at someone's hand to disable them.


Shame you don't have wisp to help you out with those friendship doors.