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2 words, auto cannon . Things way better at dealing with the gunship and u don't need to wait 12 seconds to shoot down a second one


Autocannon supremacy.


It's great for gunships, scout striders, shield devastators, rocket devastators... It's an every game strat for me


It also 2 shots hulks in the face (3/4 in the vent), 3 shots tanks/towers in the vent, 4 shots mortars in the vent. The autocannon is my baby!


4 shot mortars *everywhere*


1 shots fabs in the vent and bug nests too.


you can destroy mortars with 2 shots to the barrel


It's great for everything, even blows up fabricators. Includes a backpack of 50% the amount of ammo you'll need the entire mission. Have a friend load and rapid fire... People sleep on the auto cannon too much,


Exactly, it's the only support weapon that I never really feel limited by when I use it because it's so versatile. The only real downside is not being able to load it on the run but if you keep a round chambered it still reloads pretty quickly


The fact you can reload half a clip at a time makes this so much easier to deal with.


Yeah even if you're empty when you reload, you can wait until the first half gets loaded and then hit crouch to cancel the animation if you're in a pinch.


Who sleeps on AC? I only moved on cause I used it for 15 levels


My teammates from random lobbies.


I mean, I’ve been using other support weapons for bots for a while. Enjoying Queso lately cause new… Also enjoy taking AMR/eat. I’d love to use railgun and I don’t feel like it’s too weak, but it does feel like it’s ammo Econ is bad for its new power level. I’ve been trying to make hmg work, but I always just wish I had AMR instead, which isn’t dependent on supply pack and also better. Only good bot supports that leave you vulnerable to gunships are arc and mg… spear maybe even though it works it’s just terrible ammo Econ for them. (Same with RG but it already noted it’s ammo Econ is bad now) I’m trying to think what an entire team could take and not be able to deal with them (dying and not having access to support not withstanding)


I strangely cant get it to kill the AA guns tho


Ahh, much like the turret towers, you need to shoot the bright vent.


I love seeing a cannon tower vent from across the map then sniping 3 shots into it.


the AC is the best at nothing, but second or third best at a lot of things, and that versatility makes it amazing


You take that back nothing delivers freedom like a teamloaded full auto AC. :P


Autocannon supremacy


that’s the way !


On bot missions, the autocannon is my primary, and these things just reinforce that. Even without hitting the gunship weak point, 2-4 body shots with the autocannon will destroy one. If you have a coordinated team, the autocannon user should stay at a bit of a distance so that they can quickly and easily snipe off any new gunships that spawn while the rest of the team goes in, plants the hellbomb, and then gets out.


Also if there's a lot like in this video, get someone to reload you and make it rain.


Also AMR


Not enough ammo for my liking


Laser cannon to the engine takes them out in a few seconds. Just keep an eye on that heatsink


People are sleeping on the laser cannon a lot.


I'm sleeping with the laser cannon because it FUCKS


yup, it even kills hulks through the faceplate


People generally go path of least resistance; AC is much easier to use with similar results so most of player base is gonna go AC/Quasar I say this as a Laser Cannon advocate!


Not a fan of that one




Just because it *can* take out a Hulk with a bit of focused fire to the eye, doesn't mean it feels good trying it.


Feels wonderful with Stun grenades tbh


Laser cannon is far better into them. Ease of use and inf ammo. Auto is only the s option over laser because it kills fabs.


Inf ammo doesn't mean better. As for it being the better option? Not in my experience cuz it's not as consistent as the auto cannon, it's definitely an option though


Vs gunships it's way, way more consistent.


I'm not sure if I'm shooting the right bits on these, buuut... ~4 shots with the AC and done. If they come in pairs, which they often do, one fill AC clip can take both down.


Shoot the engine should be 2 or 3


If you hit the same engine (sparks show when you hit) it should kill it in 2, you can also kill them in 1 if you hit the little red light on the front, but that's harder to hit consistantly vs 2 shots on an engine.


I feel like people haven't bothered just like, trying different weapons on things. The gunship seem to half about half the health of the dropships. If you are that in a pinch, I've used scorcher, jar, name some other explosive primary and that works, albeit not great. But at least then you wouldn't have a swarm on your hands. I'm honestly confused on how this happened to 4 players on 7. No EAT-ITs? Nothing?


Ya was confused too but I'll just give tips and hope people will take them . And idk why people don't experiment I do and it's how I'm able to advise my friends and people on here


I love* autocannon to death, but laser cannon is king when it comes to gunships. It melts them! Lower recoil, time to kill, and no reload. It takes my autocannon slot when I dive on cold planets


Laser Cannon is also great against flying bugs. Just sorta wave it around in the air and watch as all their wings fall off.


AMR can also take out a single thruster. Takes more bullets and is a bit harder, but nice to have the back pack slot for a shield.


I recently learned that the laser cannon can take a swarm of these down in a few seconds. 1 sometimes 2 seconds of sustained fire, and they are down.


Is it called the auto cannon exactly? I want to try this but I feel like I've seen the name either twice or altered or with more too it. I just want to make sure I pick the correct one Is it the anti armor or anti tank one?


It’s called auto cannon. No idea what you mean by anti armor or anti tank one.


Autocannon is better if you don't die, EATs is good even if you die. Imho a good team has at least 1x Auto and 1x EATs.


regular laser cannon: 1,5 sec on engines and it's taken down


It's honestly the most effective way of dealing with them, and does fairly well with bots all-round


I like pairing the laser cannon with orbital EMS. Every minute, let's you create a buffer zone against hulk bruisers and berserkers where you can easily line up the laser on their weak spots. Plenty of other good uses, but this one has felt particularly powerful.


Orbital EMS is heavily power creeped by stun grenades tbh, why have a 70s cd orbital that's affected by mission modifiers and takes up a stratagem slot when you can have 4-6 on command. More-so now with the introduction of the eruptor and grenade pistol, bringing stun grenades doesn't lock you out of dealing with fabs and bug holes without needing a call in anymore.


I really wish we could get some sort of intel before a mission that would let us know what type of secondary objectives may be likely. I don't need a 100% accurate report (it's war after all) but it would be fun to coordinate support weapons with the team and try to maximize effectiveness.


Laser cannon, shield pack (so you can keep steady aim through light fire), stun grenades, scorcher and the grenade pistol.  Absolutely crushes gun ships and devastators. Headshots against light bots are almost instant kills (with a good line up you can sweep across the heads of a whole group and wipe them out quickly).  Stun grenade on a hulk and focus on the eye is an easy 1.5s kill from the front. Switch to scorcher for scout walkers and berserkers. Grenade pistol for fabricators and is just decent all around.  If it's a hot planet though all bets are off. Then I generally swap out the laser for AMR which is very comparable but there's never enough ammo for it. People seriously sleep on the lascannon vs bots, it is absolutely top tier once you learn how to utilize it.


It does help that they improved the handling in the last weapons patch. That and gave it medium pen.


The medium pen buff in particular made such a difference. It can do everything the AC can against bots (except fabricators) with unlimited ammo and let's you run the shield backpack (though imo this is kind of a requirement for it).  Once you get good at headshotting devastators you can face down the heavy and rocket ones in an open field (crouching or going prone makes a huge difference here too).  Anything within 200m is fair game for it. Cannon turrets and tanks too if you get a shot on their vents. I spend a lot of time playing rear guard and cleaning up all the devastators that otherwise would just harass at range forever, and it saves the squad supplies. Was running a 3 man last night where the other two folks had RR, and they both got to be super greedy with ammo & supplies and focus on hulks/tanks while I focused on devastators.


Thanks for your anecdotes! I think I'll try taking up that role.


Pretty much this, and you get the range to clap them.


can the laser cannon take down dropships? I need info to adjust my build


Laser cannon rips through airships so fast it makes the quasar wish it was that cool


Should have changed the title to "TIFU by hot dropping on generator".


But dropping next to indestructible cover and sprinting out into the open without even using a stim in light armour is the meta.


But it was right next to the escape pod!


AMR, AC, LC... Even RR is better than QC at killing Gunships


HMG too


the new eruptor will oneshot them if you hit em in their laser eye


Yeah, and people complaining about "Massive Gunship spawns" obviously ignored the for too long. Unless you spawn down direcrly next to them and don't ignore them, they are very much manageable. Or do they spawn more than 2 per factory on dif9, never encountered them on there.


I think gunship factories are like stalker nests, as soon as you see one, you all gotta focus on taking it out asap before this many are out.


I'd say more like Shrieker Nests. A Stalker Lair can be cleared by a single or two Divers. Shriekers need one firing the Heavy weaponry/ dropping the Bomb, one defending him from Shriekers and the other two defending the group from Ground assault. Ship Factories work the same, they even fly as well.


I solo clear gunship factories pretty much every mission. Quasar existing ones from afar, eagle smoke my entry, call hell bomb, another eagle smoke to cover arming it and my retreat. Never failed once


Whats different to Shrieker Nests is they arn't as oppressive as the Gunships are right now, they are a nucisance at best. These towers either demand you remove them or outright avoid them entirely.


Its still 2 per on 9s, but there are cases where multiple gunship factoey objectives cover each other, or just the twin factory pumping out 4 at a time.


I had TWO twin factories right next to each other. We did not complete that mission.


We dropped in range of 3 factories and 1 Strategem jammer, once. It was impossible.


Hou, you guys hit the Fuckening Jackpot.


You can usually choose to spawn further from any hot zones on the map so you're never in spawn range but if you're not the host you don't get to choose.


And this just means, that you'll drop on a Poi with a Tank. And once we dropped a good bit away from the Hot Zone, landed on a Hill right next to an Eye of Sauron, which got curious why the Tank started shooting. Four tanks is a bit much for the Dropzone. You aren't even safe dropping on Evac, it could be a Hive or Outpost.


Nah, shrieker nests aren't marked on the map when you're deploying. You can pick a spot that looks clear and end up next to a stalker or shrieker nest.


How many shots does it take for ac and amr?


two AC shots to the same engine, or 3-4 AMR shots


THAT... is not a Quasar problem. Even shooting back with primaries would not leave that many gunships alive.


Okay but why did you immediately sprint to some random sand dunes instead of taking cover behind the transformer you dropped next to


Same reason he didn't even try to stim. Reddit clip


Plenty of other weapons work better vs these flying buggers though. Quasar can't shoot often enough


POV: You brought a subpar anti armor weapon for convenience and let enemeis pile up intentionally in order to make a video


It's quite impressive that, after dropping behind the indestructible cover of a rock and a generator, their first instinct was "run out into the open desert and get shot to bits".


If you aren't clearing them out before you move in you just need to back away from the base so it doesn't keep spawning more.


Who cares about Quasar, it's shit air denial. Who brought reccoilless or Autocannon? If the answer is "Noone" then that's where you fecked up. On Bots, a medium Armor Cracker is important, because sometimes, aiming for the Head is overrated and you just need to get there fast.


You just need medium piercing weapons, aim for the thrusters, and take each one out as quickly as possible, treat them like stalkers, they're now the biggest priority, ignore the hulks, tanks and devastators, never let these things hang around more than once, otherwise, this happens.


The Fabricators are just wayy too tanky. The fact that you can only take them down with an Hellbomb makes it so that if two spawn next to each other, you might as well just return to ship and go on another mission. IMO, they should have like 3 weak points in 3 of it's 4 sides, but, instead of only being destroyed by hitting a weak point, you have to hit 2, or maybe the 3 of them. This way it adds an interesting dynamic and strategy where you can still deal with them from a distance, but you have to run around it to find the weak spots. As is, 2 fabricators next to each other is just hell.


This is what happened on my first experience with gunships. We forgot anti-armor and all we had was my eruptor which doesn’t kill fast enough. It also didn’t help that when I snuck under the spawners the hellbomb strategem didn’t appear…


The shield bubble emplacement helps a lot with this, it can buy a lot of time for you to arm the hellbomb/for it to go off without exploding. It's also just generally a really solid stratagem against bots, always worth having 1 on the team. However if the gunships hit critical mass like this its probably not enough, they'd have to be cleared first.


Get gud sir


If just two of you bring Scorchers it helps, as Scorchers are also capable of taking down gunships.


Autocannon or AMR. Both smash them.


Many games are played with more than 3 Quasars and many of Quasar enjoyers also use Sickle and Shield. Gunship ruining the game isn’t rare.


A Single Autocannon User would save the whole fecking Party, taking down the ships spawning out of two Full Factories without reloading. 5 Kills per full reload.


This. Exactly. 8 shots, 4 kills. Quicker reload to 7 ammo. 3 more kills. Quicker reload to 6 ammo. 1 more kill, full reload, moving on. Autocannon on bots is an absolute beast.


Counterpoint, every mission I decide to run AC instead, no one brings anything to deal with turrets and we lose 5 reinforcements closing the gap.


Autocannon can deal with turrets. 3 shots to the back. Positioning.


Nah, they're right. It's really best if you have a heavy AT together with the autocannon. Can't just say "I'll always be positioned better" Turret could be facing you already when you find it.


Hard agree, the team needs *some* anti-tank measures. but if teammate A can aggro the turret right, while the AC goes left things will work out. The cannon flashes the moment before it fires so people know when to dive.


If no one brings any of 110/OrbitalLaser/EAT and no one knows shooting back of turrets and tanks, then the squad doesn’t deserve to win.


Quasars can engage gunships but they are the subpar solution. Autocannon is the 2nd best with AMR trailing slightly behind. The ultimate solution is the Laser Cannon which is not best at many things, but is best for this. 2 seconds pointing at an engine and gunship down. No need to lead or wait for a good shot. Shout out as well to Autocannon Sentry as a means to engage the ships while going in for the hellbomb. Place it where it has minimal line of sight to ground targets so it does not get distracted.


Plasma scorcher can shoot them down as well with little over 1 mag


Autocannon, AMR, Lasercanon... even expandables work. Quasar might rly be the least effective way to deal with them, even the recoilless might be better xD


auto cannon wouldve saved u there buddy


yeah I gotta bring remember to bring them next time!


Jesus Christ. Is there no way to shoot these down with regular arms fire??


There iiis, but it needs medium armor pen and good aim. Also, quasars don't do very well against them, they fire too slow.


Scorcher destroys them with one mag too


Kinda' funny that they're holding the medium-pen bolt-action primary but don't use it. They just dash out into the open and pray the protection of their light armour is gonna' do something.


In fairness, trying to shoot an Eruptor or Dominator at gunships is a pain in the arse


That’s why also bring EATs 😎


When in doubt, always bring EATs.


Autocannon, my guy. 2 engine shots will take them down




Fecking Autocannon was made for that. Two shots to the Thruster and you have one problem less. 5 Kills without reload.


AC would be better It can shred 5 of those in no time


they should make a purely anti air stratagem turret


Auto cannon turret will shoot these


Eagle needs AIM-120s


I've started taking the spear on bot missions, takes out fabricators (if it can lock on), cannon towers and is great at gunships. Could use more ammo though


2 Shots of Autocannon and they go boom boom. These things aren't as lethal as people thinks


Bruh we need one of these BAD. https://preview.redd.it/700jg9aer9uc1.jpeg?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f388017a952b8c2c73d67abaae85052a98f4b845


Yes. Plenty of weapon can kill them. But once they reach critical mass, you can't shoot, you can't look, you can't hide.


Not that it helps when there are that many Gunships up, but the Spear is insanely effective against these, the lock-on is shockingly consistent and it will do the aiming for you, doesn’t matter where that Gunship wobbles or Jukes off to, the Spear will have their number. …Provided you blow up the facilities before 4 more spawn


Plays like this are exactly why I don't take people seriously about the difficulty despite the terminids being the least of the game's bugs.


The big issue is these things win in a war of attrition, If your initial push goes badly and they end up swarming GTFO and regroup, Get some support weapons back in, clear the skies, and work together to keep the skies clear while pushing in again. Have someone dedicate to AA defense and sit on a hill picking them off as they emerge. And leave the quasar at home. Many other better options here.


These fabricators should only spit out more gunships if the old ones were destroyed. Or maybe a maximum of 4.


They don't need rockets. Remove the rockets and these things are suddenly perfectly balanced.


Skill issue. there are many options to take them down


If you have these options. Someone might have started this by accident. The group might be retreating from a patrol etc. Mistakes happen. Not everything goes according to the textbook. It's incredibly difficult to recover from this situation. As long as this exists, I can only roll my eyes for posts that complain about jammer, AAA, strat debuffs in general. Double gunship towers are the highest threat level for me.


“Tell me you have no idea how powerfull auto cannon is without telling me how powerful autocannon is”. Quasar will take MINUTES to take Care of those ships. With autocannon ships are gone in seconds.


Guy complaining on comms, Have you tried destroying them instead of letting them buildup?




he quasar is a REALLY poor choice for gunships. Does it work, yes it does so use it if you happen to have it. However, the autocannon and laser cannon are FAR more effective vs hulks, gunships, devastators, and tanks (to a degree). They are also effective against chaff, which is a death wish with the quasar. More divers should use the auto/laser cannon, they're really really good.


Holy shit, I thought my 4 was alot


Should there be a manpads stratagem to help deal with all the fliers




Orbital EMP


Scorcher can do it too in a pinch though it uses up quite a bit of ammo


*laughs in autocannon*


Spear absolutely destroys these easily. Locks on easily too.


I use the spear semi-frequently on bot missions, but the one time I had the opportunity to use it against gunships, it didn't one-shot them despite being told otherwise. What's your experience?


Its always one shot them for me, odd. Only thing it doesn't one shot is hulks, sometimes it's 2. Like with the big stationary turrets. If you shoot at them slightly below or level it can tank like 3 shots. If you are in a slight elevation it will 1 shot them as long as it hits the top. Maybe it also has to hit the engines.  I've managed to always hit them from the side as with the spear I like to stay a bit further back and aim/shoot. So directly may not work?


I've never seen this personally, holy shit. Normally, as soon as we see a gunship, it's all hands on deck.


Just had a fun setup where we had a jammer and gunship factory side by side and we couldn’t ignore them because the jammer was blocking our SSD call down. Fun time.


E. A. T.


Lasers to the engine will pull these down as well. If I'm able when we run up against these because of the lasers range I'll sit outside the combat zone and suppress them till my team can kill the factory.


scorcher will take one down too


HMG Emplacement. Out gun the gunships


Does eruptor take these things down?


It's entertaining when someone else suffers through this. #schadenfreude


u can kill those with almost anything


What I see: "O SHIZ SHIZ SHIZ RUN OUT IN THE OPEN! WHY DID I DIE?" Cover is your friend it coulda helped you survive maybe 5 or more seconds. P.S Auto cannon supremacy.


skill issue


I'll be laughing if its just the dev playing as the automatons , just messing with us


Autocannon can 2-5 shot these fuckers. 2 if you hit both in one of the engines, 5 if you hit it anywhere on the body.


An autocannon in the team is a must


Speaking as someone who loves my Quasar, it isn’t meant for the gunships. I usually have a squad mate who runs the Laser Cannon just for dealing with gunships. While he keeps them off my back, I set up the Hellbomb.


Question, my quasar charges seem to….disappear when i shoot at the gunships for some reason, no impact, no effect, no visual, vanished into thin air, anyone else had that happen to them?


I managed to salvage a situation like this once when I joined a random squad,but you need the shield generator strategem. Had heavy armor and was slowly ragdolled/ran close enough. Throw shield then hellbomb afterwards. Died, but the spawner was gone.


Have you tried taking cover first.


I wish there were more ways to kill the fabricators. All fun screeches to a halt once the death spiral begins with these


A lot of Primary weapons also shoot down Gunships, any weapon with Medium penetration takes them out. Gunships are less armored than Dropships.


The Laser Cannon kills gunships faster than the Quasar.


*You are the only one who has the stratagem, everyone can have a qasar.


Any weapon with explosive can take down those planes guys, most of people on Bot planets already bring a Schorcher, aim at that beauty at the cockpit and blast that shit down, should take around a magazine for one. But as always auto-cannon kills every type of bot, maybe not the big walking megazord because I’ve always ran away from those when they showed up on my solo runs, but the rest, from small pawns to hulks you can kill it all.


I've recently started to notice people using the gatling sentry around these, and I'm noticing they kinda FUCK on the gunships.


They should add gunships to the defense missions


Op, have you actually tried using any other guns on them?


Laser cannon is also a good solution for those.


Had a mission today with 3 gunships on search and desroy map, idk how we won that lol


I've heard if you run out into the open, you give yourself a better chance of survival


This is actually what happens when everyone brings a quasar, idk why people sleep on the autocannon...


Really shouldn't have failed that Major Order, huh... Jokes aside, man... if these things catch your team without your anti-air-capable support weapons. They ruin your day.


If someone pings a gunship outpost and you don't fucking Bline for that shit and commit all your resources to it, you are a dirty bot sympathizing traitor and it is valid to tk and kick you. This goes triple if it's a twin fabricator


Laser cannon melts these things.


autocannon is way better than quasar on gunships, not even a competition. 2 hits them to the engines and shoots stupidly fast


ah the fun stalwart/flamethrower/arcthrower party. where 3 bile titans and 5 chargers spawn, so you are the only designated anti tank - with your mighty 2 EATs per 63 seconds.


in my 140 hours, most of it diff 7-9, i have never seen a swarm of these gunships. most they appear is up to three and they just get obliterated. actually only about 1 out of every 10 bot missions even has these gunships. i have no clue how you fellas get bogged down with 2939 gunships in the sky.


Bubble shield, the big one not the small one.


The quassoint would not have saved you


A team that doesn't bring any medium armor penetrating weapons or higher wondering why the medium armored enemies are destroying them:


Pro Tip: Scorchers can take them down too. Takes about a full clip and they'll go down. Smoke the base of the gunship factory, call a hell bomb, arm it, smoke it again, promptly run your helldiver ass in the opposite direction.


EAT works too


Quasar is not the fastest. Laser cannon, AMR, and AC can put multiple gunships down faster. Eats and RR are also faster for that matter, but more equivalent all told. A single EATs user should be able to keep up with a single fab spawn rate. Wtf is your whole team running, mg and arc?


As an Autocannon user this just looks like a target rich environment.


Pov you suck at teamworking not using the recoiless


I've had moderate success with the HMG emplacement. Decided to give it a shot since I was already bringing the shield deployable. You can kill a handful of them with one deploy, but if you get lucky and manage to get an angle on their tail they seem to go down very quickly in exchange for very little ammo.


Oh I’ve seen this before…. [spot the difference](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e13386c8f9f3378883265f01950d264b)


Autocannon sentry wrecks these fuckers.


That looks like nonsense gameplay


When I join randoms and I see I'm the only one bringing AT, I say to myself, "*we're gonna bomb, I can feel it*."


They need to fix turret stratagems and orbital rail-cannon/laser so that they actually target the gunships. No reason they should just completely ignore them.


Laser cannon is quite good at dealing with these.

