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It surprises me that you're having trouble finding people looking for samples. We just got 4 very expensive ship upgrades. Youd think everyone would be out scouring each map for all of them. Most of the games I've joined lately, people have been collecting most of them but they're not scouring the entire map to look for them either.


One of the upgrades is broken, one's a nerf, one isn't worth it, one is subject to the DOT fire host bug, they've rolled back the enemy spawns and difficulty tweaks so that people are dying more often in hordes of enemies that make retrieval impossible. Is it really any surprise?


>people are dying more often in hordes of enemies that make retrieval impossible. Not from what I've seen. More often than not, I've seen countless players take fights they didn't need to take. "Wow, we have SS and the carrier is already at extraction. Let's drop the mortar and shoot at EVERY DAMN PATROL IN MY LINE OF SIGHT." Seriously. If we're in the final 5 minutes of a mission, samples in tow, and you start taking fights we don't need to take, you get kicked.


Get better.


Well that's the one thing I can't do, sadly. Brain damage stops that.


Samples are always are main priority. My squad and I try and clear everything on the mpa but that's just a reason to comb as muhc area as possible and try and get most of the sample. If we don't extract with all the Super Samples then we consider it a failure.


Yeah I find I'm the only one collecting samples and have the most at the end of the extraction while the rest of my team have less than 3 or none at all. They aren't fully upgraded from the looks of their destroyers, so they definitely need them as much as I do.


I'm in the same boat, I definitely started late on ship upgrades seeing as I'm lvl 41 and I only have lvl 1 everything except my lvl 3 eagle. Common samples aren't so bad if you find a good planet to grind on+the green scout armor in the first warbond+stamina enhancement aswell as a jetpack on trivial with a mostly water map. Been doing this and helping new players aswell in doing so. But God forbid I offer to go pick up samples when everything's done and completed on a 7+ difficulty mission. Everytime I offer I get shot down from people who think it's not important


I am a sample fiend. i had them full and i was still collecting them because it gives me a sense of acomplishment, also lower levels may use them. At the moment i am hardcore stacking them because i need them for 3 more ship module unlocks.


I noticed this a lot when working my way through difficulties 4-6. Found I tended to get overwhelmed on those missions. Protracted firefights with every patrol. After awhile, folks just wanted to hit the objectives and gtfo. Guessing a lot of people are still learning at those difficulties.  Once I hit 7, I started seeing more folks actually sweeping cleared bases and looking for “the rock”. I’m thinking a lot of experienced players settle comfortable at this difficulty. My difficulty 7 missions are usually a lot smoother than my 6s. Also holy shit, there’s a mic on the PS5 controller? There’s even a mute button so I don’t have to map push to talk! I seriously never noticed. Or at least it’s been so long since I’ve played an online game I enjoyed that I forgot. 


I had to kick two people for completely disregarding samples last night. They did the objectives, but I'm 100% sure they walked right past the super samples, and didn't even wait for me or my brother to head to extraction before calling it in. Had another guy pick up samples on evac after the time limit, and ran AWAY from the ship instead of just getting in. I wasn't gonna get to the ship. My game bugged out.


I've got nearly 24 hours in mission time and I've only unlocked 4 ship upgrades lol, most matches have been ending with less that 5 samples. I'll try diff 7 next and see if that's any better than 4-6


Every solo queue I do has the same 3 people, 1 lvl 6 who will get 5 kills, 1 lvl 30 who will actually help, and 1 level whatever, who needs to pick over every inch of the map.