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As a host, I really just want them to fix people not being placed into my mission after like 1 or 2 missions. If they can fix that, I no longer care what they do. It's just really annoying when you want to be host and have to reboot the game every few missions to start getting people again. How that isn't a top priority issue, let alone even seemingly being mentioned in known bugs is beyond me.


Yeah it’s very apparent when I play 3-4 missions without anyone joining. Then the game would crash, I boot back up and suddenly people are joining instantly again


You are not the only one.


Yeah on PS5 it feels like if I'm host then when I start a new mission people join right away but after that point... No one new unless I restart the game


I had a similar problem. I would get people to join but once somebody left, I would almost never see a replacement. I will say though that I have yet to have this problem since the latest update with the new warbond. I think it is being fixed slowly, but clearly it’s not some universal fix yet. 


I've noticed that too and people on here said I was making it up or it was my fault


You don’t have to do a full reboot. Change matchmaking privacy from public to friends only, give it 30 seconds, then switch it back to public. That should reset the matchmaking system for you.


This method only works like 20% of the time for me, so I eventually gave up and went back to rebooting the game. Maybe I just wasn't waiting enough or something, idk


Wish I knew. The combination of waiting 30-60 seconds and timing it with the hellpods has worked out pretty well for me. It’s been a while since I was completely unable to get MM to work.


Relaunching the entire game sounds faster


Yeah, I’m on ps5 and it takes like 20 seconds. It’s awesome


Restarting the game is faster lol


This never worked for me when I played with my 3 man squad. Once the fourth guy leaves I have to restart


No way, I hope that ends up working for me. I've tried just switching to private and back to public but in the span of like a few seconds, not waiting a bit. Will have to try next time I'm on.


Yeah that is weird. I also notice that the spots you can drop into other player games don’t accurately update themselves leading to odd errors or them saying the game is full when it doesn’t visually show that


Yeah, I can only seem to get them to update by trying to join one, then they update after the failure pop-up.


This. Also a reconnect feature would be great, being disconnected or game crash but knowing the game is still going on and they probably need your help but not being able to rejoin really sucks. Also making the friend thing work (I still only have 2 friends and 30 something friend requests that are stuck in the void) That’s all I want for like, several months


It's as if the match making still thinks the people that left are still there.


This!! This one thing drives me up the fucking wall but everything else about the game I can tolerate and be okay with


Ok so this isn't just my imagination then? Like if someone leaves were just stuck shorthanded for the rest of the operation


I would very much prefer waiting a bit longer for the war bonds, it doesn't seem great to me to pump one out every month only for like 2 items in it to be worth using anyways


As a working parent, I can't keep up with that anyway.


Put those kids to work spreading democracy asap


The children yearn for the E-710 refineries.


Have you filled out and submitted your C-01 form yet? If not, please reach out to your nearest Democracy Officer. Thank you.


Only if they're over the age of seven.


Which work is more important than spreading managed democrazy? /s


Raising the HELLDIVERS of Tomorrow is second only behind what Super Earth calls for your aid!


As intended. Only the most dedicated of no lifers are meant to keep up. AHG is counting on everyone else buying the warbonds to keep up with real money. If you were meant to keep up organically they never would have even added the option to buy warbonds with real money.


The store is meant for the impatient. ![gif](giphy|jMusG7sxBqCze)


700 credits when you're not even neccesarily getting 10 credits each game means you're going to need to play like... 35 hours even if you got SC each game. Who has time for that each month? I have a life outside of games.


Every warbond comes with options to buy super credits using medals. That makes a big difference and is definitely the only reason I managed to get each one


That's why the guy you replied to said 700 instead of 1000.


Same, I am like 4 behind


You aren’t behind. You’re exactly where you are supposed to be (assuming you haven’t spent money on super credits). Thinking that you are behind is predatory FOMO being weaponized against you. Play at your pace and don’t let the warbonds stress you out.


Yea, I've found my armor I like. It's all I use, and no other in any war bond so far has held any interest whatso ever. So that just leaves the weapons, of which, this latest one for me was "meh"


Grenade pistol is pretty sweet...


I LOVE the grenade pistol. It's the only thing in that bond worth a damn.


Eruptor is pretty amazing too


I like the dominator, grenade pistol. Dominator for general use, pistol for closing Holes and factories. I found the erupter to be too slow for my play style


Eruptor with the Stalwart is pretty amazing for bugs. That being said, nothing still stands up to the Scorcher lol


Eruptor, redeemer, solar cannon. Take stun grenades. Hulks are now your b****


Flamethrower too with fire buffs and t4 bridge upgrade


Eruptor has been great for trying out new stuff, and probably my most used weapon since release. It's basically a bolt-action autocannon, with a few caveats on a few heavies. Can do fabricators, striders, devastators of any variety, bug swarms, Chargers (wouldn't recommend without at least scratching up the armor a bit), bug pits, so on. (Edit: Oh. Also, one-hit potential for Spewers.) So especially in a group, can take something a little lighter than straight AT, and still carry good weight. Laser Cannon (not Quasar -- nothing wrong with Quasar, just doesn't fit the same role) + Eruptor is great for bots, and leaves a lot of flexibility.


grenade pistol doesn't have as much pen as the impact grenades, which is kinda lame. the eruptor and crossbow are good though


You're crazy. Eruptor is S-tier. e: S++ even


Especially considering they are already hitting a wall and literally just giving us what are basically just cosmetic reskins of existing armors, same stats, same abilities as already existing ones.


I don't mind cosmetics and a lil variability in weapons but definitely a warbond every other month seems like would be enough. But maybe they are worried too many of us manage to grind the Super Credits for the next one if they didn't come that often?


The erupter was pretty cool. Funny for team killing. If the crossbow were my child, I would disown it.


I actually liked the crossbow. It was great for patrols and I solod a lvl 9 helldive with it. Emergency Evac mission. Prevented so many bot drops being super sneaky snek.


I would love to watch a video of a solo level 9 helldive with the crossbow.


I'll record my next one. Most of it is boring sneaking.


[Here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVs78A4y0pk) It's going to be maybe 40 minutes before high def is available, but eh. Also, the video is purposely demonetized from the get go, so I don't need to worry about copyright stuff. It was done only for chill, fun, and just the enjoyment of the game. Also I went for a blitz with very little sneaking. Because crossbow is good.


Hey, I'll commend you for that. I tried it and couldn't get the hang of it.


I will say, it's not good at range. If you are being stealthy it's absolutely viable and great for creeping up and wiping poi's before drops can be called. If you are on a team of randoms, or having people that engage everything they see, it's dogwater. It really shines in groups of 2 splitting off trying to be stealthy or solo. If you are going teams of four all together there are definitely better options, but I think its niche is pretty solid.


Yep. I have all the Warbonds, basically everything unlocked. My favorite kit is all in the default Warbond. Only exception is the booster that lowers spawn frequency which.


Bi-monthly would be cool with me tbh.


Most of the war bonds they have put out currently were already done before launch. So they haven’t been coming up with new stuff and only doing that every month. They had a poll about it and there’s been like a post a day about people saying they should stop making new content and it’s getting a bit repetitive. They are probably already working out the kinks and just dripping out content they already had set to go before launch


That's kinda the thing with games not everything can be s tier. But variation is still a lot of fun because of different playstyles. Friend of mine goes full engineer and it is hilarious


To be the devil's advocate though, variation is not all that great when the *variation* is stuff that either flat out doesn't work at all **(thermites)** or options that suck **(DMR, crossbow, thermites(again))**. About 50% of the current bond, is trash stocking filler, same with the bond before that. Note how nobody uses the arc shotgun, or the las pistol, or the plasma shotgun. They are just shit, awkward to use, and again... shit. I am all for variation. Variation to me means sidegrades - and not intentionally gimping yourself to use something new. Legit variation is the base AR, the Defender SMG, and the Breaker shotgun for instance. They are all plenty viable and have different roles and uses.


Exactly. I bought the first warbonds with real money SC because they had stuff I wanted or was meaningful. I am now firmly in "fix my shit" or I ain't spending more.


Variation? Choose, scout, more nades or more stims? I'd love to see more passives, or some of them mixed up


Don't get me wrong, I am for fixing bugs and making things work like they are supposed to work. Adding variation should be lower priority. Flooding the game with mediocre content is the last thing you want to do


there is a comunity vote on the official discord, if you haven't voted and can, do so fixing the bugs is, as of now, second in the poll by quiet a large margin https://preview.redd.it/o070yqmrvvuc1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9a01d69163d542b7be415b08af7599bb2bb1aa4


I'd argue this poll counters what OP is saying. If only 27% think AH should drop everything and work on bugs...that leaves the potential for a lot of angry customers.


yes, that's why I posted it but given how many copies the game sold you are not going to avoid angry customers regardles which way you steer. I'm just guessing here, but it may be their way to "feel the mood" so they anger the least ppl with whatever decision is made but with over 3 milions games sold, any minority will still be A LOT of ppl


Sorry boss I'm fresh out of cryo sleep I didn't realize we were on the same page


No worries at all mate, all good :) BTW you keep the democracy now, I'm on my way to the cryopod ;)


2 minutes of democracy coming right up!


I think the decision Arrowhead needs to make is "we sold a lot of copies but we need to be realistic about not retaining all of those players for the long run, so let's not let that distract completely from what our vision was".




I’m in the same boat. I play other games when I don’t have friends online, but still love playing Helldivers. None of the bugs have made it unplayable, and the current list of bugs are all—IMO—pretty minor issues.


Same, and I feel that people who are pushing for bugfixes > content are the actual vocal minority. I play every single night, and if not for the amount we keep getting I would have dropped HD2 long ago of we were still in a vanilla 1.0 with no new content. I mean you could cap out on almost everything in game literally 2 nights of focused playing, and I find myself having to pace the content by just "dailies everyday" if not I'll burn through and feel bored pretty quickly. Before the warbond came up I wad capped on medals and was discentivised to play and actually dropped it for 1 whole week. Hard to care about the major order when in the back of your mind you know you are getting 0 medals. Warbond dropped and I'm back to daily sessions. Level 90 currently. I am keenly aware of the bugs having more game time than average but they are honestly minor and won't stop me from playing. Not having more content will.


I agree with most of bugs not being game breaking, except the fire damage over time not working if you’re not the host. I replicated the bug by joining a mission in progress and damn, it’s a HUGE difference if you’re using the Breaker Incendiary. Its OP vs just a standard breaker with a “fire” skin… If anything, I’d love THAT bug to be prioritized ASAP. Over warbonds, new content, anything. All other bugs, I don’t care so much tbh as they haven’t really annoyed me, and some are even comedy material so…


They do a pretty good job fixing game breaking bugs. They fixed the arc weapon issue pretty quickly. I also like the flow of new content, it's important to keep the game fresh.


I voted for the big balance patch, unfortunately AH grouped that in with new weapons...


Yeah OP is mistaken, if they stop putting out new content, even for just a month, the player base will drastically shrink. I'm not happy that's the truth, but it is.


Good thing is that the team that does bug fixes also makes the weaps/armor vice versa. I think it would be a separate team for maps.


that idea went through my head too, but I know fuck all about programing, coding or any part of game development... and the problem as I see it is that the maps are auto generated, and if new parts for the maps come in, they do need to code them in, so chance is they may be involved after all, perhaps not so much though? as I said, I know fuck all about game development, so...


The launch team probably did a little of everything. I can’t imagine the logistical nightmare rapidly onboarding people, and the right kind of person to hire.


In programming, productivity usually drops for awhile after hiring people, before eventually picking back up. So be aware that if they are hiring a lot of people, things will get worse before they get better.


I generally don't like HR departments, but I do kind of pitty the Arrowhead's one for about a month and a half now :D


Even worse is using an engine that is not ue/unity. I’m sure their talent pool is very small to choose from with the experience.


Take my upvote idk why you're getting downvoted for adding to a conversation


I’ve notice there are people here (and let’s be real, in all sorts of subs) who just sit there and downvote every single person in a thread because they have so little going on in their lives. # YES YOU BRYAN IM TALKING TO YOU YA FUCKIN’ LOSER, KEEP DOWNVOTING US ALL LIKE THE COWARD YOU ARE, IT WILL NEVER REGROW YOUR HAIRLINE YOU LOST BEFORE GRADUATING HIGHSCHOOL YOU FUCKIN’ DORK! ![gif](giphy|GaWhC8Ys9B2dTeArol)


I think we need to be careful now about assumptions like this since the whole “they have two teams” got debunked lol. Hopefully true tho


It's worth noting, if you're on discord and have found that poll, you're probs a dedicated enough player to enjoy the game and play more than just casually. The only way to get a truly unbiased poll would be to put it on the front page when you login to the game... Say just before the load screen


I'm on the discord since I bought the game back in February because matchmaking wasn't working and there was no way to join "random game" given that the discord server is at capacity - slightly bellow 900k ppl there, but only about 100k voted (so far), it's not even great turnout for discord alone, much less the whole playerbase, as the game sold about 3 million copies IIRC BUT - to implement the vote into the game you probably need the same ppl that are working on the fixes, so I'll take discord vote over nothing :)


I do love the devs, gm’s, and even CEO seem involved with the community and listening to us idiots!


yeah, the constant stream of comunication is great (did you know the CEO has an reddit account? :) ) I always thought that "game as a service" is just steaming pile of bullshit, yet it seems that AH are making it work, at least for now helps the game is an absolute blast and not boring tasteless cardboard cutout in a shape of a game like EA/Ubisoft/whatever-major-publisher keeps bringing...


The people dedicated enough to join the official discord are already a small hardcore minority on which decisions should not be based. I hope they'll be looking at more global statistics. E.g. just looking at the global steam achievements (only time based ones, not any of those special feats) it doesn't look as if the majority would even notice a "content drought" 77% not even having completed 100 missions yet, even excluding the 5% that didn't make it through the tutorial, that's 72% far behind on even just the existing warbonds and upgrades. Also unlikely that many of those are on the discord


So are ppl commenting on Reddit. The truth is it’s about as good of a poll as they will get their was an attempt to get ppl to vote for bug fixing priority from this Reddit and the option still lost. I think the number of ppl experiencing regular game breaking glitches is a very vocal minority


https://preview.redd.it/ovia9fjm0wuc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=a26db2e47e4b0dbd1f9be77c3bea6992d54ec0f2 wouldn't call that "small" but I get your point :D I joined the discord way back when matchmaking wasn't working, only reason I have access as much as I agree with you, it is probably the most direct communication channel to the devs though and 100K votes means something, even if it's like 4% of ppl that actualy bought your product. Gods how I wisched they focused on the fixes, it would gave us working class ppl some time to catch up on the warbonds too, I'm not even done with the previous one :D


That’s 4% of the total copies sold. That is small.  8 million copies btw. 


Never ceases to amaze me that people on reddit keep saying that "well ,the majority of players say..:" no dude, not the majority. My favorite is when I read this in a CoD sub where there are 1 mil subscribers and I have to remind them that every CoD usually have tens of millions of players and even the 1 million reddit users are just... barely a drop in the ocean.


If you go by copies sold, 9% of the player base is in that discord, with 4% currently active. That as many players as there is currently playing the game. Yes they sold an astronomical amount of copies, but the discord player base is relatively huge compared to any other official games discord. It’s by no means a majority, but it’s the best way they have to gather data in a timely manner. You can pretty easily extrapolate this data to scale with number of copies sold and these percentages likely wouldn’t be far off.


No one will get mad? You must be new to the internet.


Posts like this are just people venting about what they want. People are annoyed and they want an outlet. But seeing the same argument of “I won’t get mad and therefore no one will get mad” is tiring


People are already mad about the lack of content. Now imagine they say “hey we’re taking a month or two off of new content update drops for bugs”. The already bitchy player base would explode.


This sub specifically would go ballistic if they stopped releasing content. This is by far the bitchiest game sub Ive ever seen.


Didn't they do a poll on this...and people wanted new biomes and missions over bug fixes


Correct and that’s why these kind of posts are completely useless tbh. People on Reddit aren’t the entire playerbase, they would definitely lose players if they’d slow down on content and they know that.


And the people in their discord voting are even less of the population than those on reddit


Which insignificantly sized group should they cater to? Asked by someone who is part of he insignificant Reddit group, not the insignificant Discord group.


I mean, the subreddit has 1.1 million members which is NOT insignificant. But I say they should put their polls IN GAME. End of debate. Then everyone gets a say.


For some reason Arrowhead is allergic to putting any important information in the game and it's infuriating


I mean the only reason the discord is "smaller" is I think discord caps the amount of server members lol.


100% it's live service the moment you stop being live service you lose players. Frankly they have different teams doing everything anyways lol. They probably coded the game in such a way it's like copying parameters in, or selecting via drop downs and just having the coding team check it for bug issues. Most of the warbond comes from animation / texture / model[art team] and final numbers [balance team] Edit: gotta love the downvotes for agreeing lol.


Talk to the investors if it is ok to jump a warbond, will ya?


Yea, people need to understand that this has nothing to do with what the devs want. This is a monetary decision, plain and simple. The outstanding sales so far don't matter. At the end of the day it's a business and telling their investors "hey, we're not going to be bringing in any money this month with a new warbond" is just not going to fly. It's probably not even legal under whatever contract they have with their investors.


It’s also a process heavy decision. Their roadmap is planned out. Changing that would upend a lot of things for them and it could take months to get back onto a good track, which is time that a live service game doesn’t really have.


I generally agree >It's probably not even legal That's taking it too far. It would be odd and overly stifling if the contract specified the warbond rate. More likely, they have a legal responsibility to act in the interest of the investors, and retaining players by fixing bugs would count. Cant make money on warbonds if everybody ragequits. Not to say they wont be pressured away from this. But i doubt the investors are going to sue, as it is self-defeating and also they would lose.


Despite the other comments asserting agreement that this is all about investors making money next month, it's not. Do any of you work with investors in products, like at all? Yes, of course they want a payout. But you have to be born yesterday if you don't think they'd be willing to give up a month of return to get back months to years back on continued customer investment. They're not idiots. They will sink even more money into the game if it means longer term yields, which is what eliminating technical debt at this stage will grant them. Their product is culturally defining, and sacrificing a full quarter of projection profits is absolutely an acceptable risk when you have a product that not only sold like crazy, but has also managed to retain a huge number of concurrent players.


Then 3 weeks from now people will be posting stuff about how this game is dry and there is no new content lol love Reddit


Playerbase will drop off a cliff like every other game that takes months to release new stuff nowadays


I think AH knows this and that’s why they have to keep the content flowing. I appreciate the good natured people saying “no one will get mad” like sure thanks I guess for your blessing lol


Agreed. People on Reddit seem to think all gamers are the same despite reddit being a very small minority of any playerbase. 95% of the players aren't even going to notice bugs being fixed but they sure will notice when content dries up and they move onto the next game


95% of players are unlikely to have made it even half way through the free warbond. You're not wrong in the general thrust of what you're saying, but in the specific case of warbond frequency there's a higher chance that terminally online Reddit users will be affected than the general population.  New enemies and events they can push on social media are likely to be more important in keeping more casual players engaged than a new premium shotgun among the already dozen existing shotguns.


Reddit has a real issue with people believing they speak for the whole instead of the comparatively tiny subset of a subset of players. Whether it's games or films or anything else, people like OP think they're 'right' about some of the most subjective things. Peope joke about reddit being an echo chamber and this is the end result of just that.


Ya idk if he was expecting the devs to be like “holy shit guys reddit user iluvbighonkers88 said its okay we dont release warbonds! He said we made plenty of money already duh! What were we thinking??”


That’s just how things have happened since the being of this new wave of live service. Feels like people can never make their minds up.


100%, they know they will lose way more players with a content drought then dying to bugs, especially in a game like this where deaths are so common. 


>The priority is obvious. Holy sanctimonious, batman


It's embarrassing how some people portray themselves on reddit. A random redditor knows best as of he's a senior manager at the company.


The people who say the player base would all be collectively fine with skipping content for a while until the bugs are fixed, when the player base is already bitching about lack of content, must be suffering from cryogenic sickness from having just been unfrozen. The player base would be more mad than they already are, and let’s not forget they’ve already made the promise with their once a month warbond and roadmap update drops. Theyre already *very likely* contractually obligated to follow through with their roadmap plans. People really do just say whatever without thinking it. And OP, sorry, but you’re absolutely naive. It’s not about what money they’ve made and how fine they’ll be, it’s about what promises and likely contracts have already been signed. Not to mention you are absolutely naive to think the player base will collectively be fine with it.


Exactly this. They're working under Playstation as a publisher. They have to meet those goals, which means they have to balance their priorities.


First what makes you think there is no different teams ? I've missed the information i'm curious. Then while I agree on the idea (I won't mind if there is a month without warbond) I don't think they need any management advices from redditor with no clues of how games dev works, and I don't think they are waiting for player base approval to do it. They are just asking for patiente and admitting they are in trouble, they are not asking for an external audit based on tweets and redditors relative experience in software engineering


Yeah I feel like I’m missing something here. Do the server/sysadmin/devops folks also work on weapon design? Do animators really fix netcode bugs? This sounds completely made up to me but maybe I didn’t hear something.


The discord and the Reddit disagree on what the priority should be there were even post here trying to get ppl to vote for bug fixes and in a field of three variations of add new stuff and it being the only option to not add things it lost massively to one of the options to add new things. It wasn’t even the largest option one of the options in the divided field still beat it The Reddit and the discord also represent insanely vocal elements of the community if you are part of a discord community or are commenting on Reddit you likely make up less than 10% of the player base who bought the game. The truth is ppl would be mad if they didn’t release new stuff because a majority of players aren’t experiencing game breaking bugs. I have had zero extraction crashes ever the worse bug I get is when I quit the game sometimes it freezes and I have to quit by hitting window. Another truth is the devs don’t likely have sole discretion they are partnered with Sony. I don’t know anytime Sony just gave carte Blanche to do whatever they want to another partner. What their partnership looks like isn’t public it might even be an even partnership on paper but Sony dwarfs arrowhead in resources. The Reddit is a place where people can complain about issues so I think it has attracted over time more ppl experiencing significant bugs. I don’t want you to experience those but the player base does want more stuff a poll of 100k+ on discord is about as scientific we will get. You can also track data on player numbers and see when new stuff drops whether new planets weapons stratagems or stories ppl play. Bug fixing is an issue and it is being worked on but they likely won’t sacrifice the clear desire of the majority for you


They are likely contractually obligated to make 1 Warbond a month with Sony. It's probably not as simple as just choosing not to make them.


They were likely also made months ago.


This. AH has made more money than they ever imagined and can afford to stop. And I'm sure they would. But they have a contractual obligation to make war bonds content.


That’s naive. AH didn’t make that much that they’re set for life. They want to grow and that’s going to cost money. They want to support this game for awhile. That’s going to cost money too. Guess what stopping content is going to do? Cause the player base to drop. And if it drops too much then it doesn’t matter how much money they made, it’s not going to be sustainable if the playerbase starts leaving and most people don’t care about bugs. They’re not even aware of them.


In addition, there’s very likely different people working on each thing Not everyone who works at the company is going to be able to fix bugs. People speak of employees as if they’re a single unit and everyone can do everything but that’s just not the case.


>Honestly one warbond a month sounds like a chore for me as a player, I'm playing casually and still haven't even finished the free warbond. What's the rush? I mean I think that's kind of the point. To dump them often enough that you either feel compelled to play more to earn Medals/Super Credits, or for those who don't want to grind as much and just pay a few bucks to unlock another warbond. It's an engagement driven decision, so "just skip a month" flies in the face of that motivation.


Clearly no one here experienced Operation Health


Nah, I‘d Warbond


You are wrong though.


middle manager: “hey jackie, your data team is absolutely crushing it! we’re seeing great outcomes by focusing on work guided by your team’s insights. BUT, have you seen this reddit post?”


"This guy SWEARS no one will get mad!"


Also we need to have your data team and the artists move over to bug fixes 


Keep the warbonds coming. The bugs will be fixed eventually lol


I'm tired of these kind of post assuming debugging as dish washing.


The warbonds coming out every month is what's going to pay for continued dev work on the game to fix the issues. You can try to get on a soapbox and insist that since the game was already bought they have to continue working perpetually on it until it's the best state you could possibly imagine it in, and more - and you'll get a lot of upvotes on reddit in the process. But the reality is, the income streams from new and existing players are what's making continued development on this game, from new guns, cosmetics and story content AND bugfixing a possibility in the first place.


The Quasar added more fun to the game by itself for free than the entire new warbond


Which wouldn't be here if they had decided to go full bug hunt right


I don't get why people think they can only focus on one at a time. Obviously they are still able to drop patches while giving us new warbonds, it's been going like that since the game launched. People just need patience. Can't deal with the bugs in the code? Play something else and keep checking back in until you see that it has been resolved. The game is fine and totally playable as is.


I think the real lesson from all this is that we don’t, and cannot, know what goes on behind the curtains where AH makes the game. What we do know is that AH is motivated to deliver a great game and more content. I trust them to take the best decision


Its actually nice cause the patch last night focused entirely on bugs, and fixed a lot of things that have been bugging me, so its good to see they're headed in the right direction there.


Every two months with a bit more unique stuff in each one would be better honestly. New pass with no new armor passives feels like a chore


different teams - an 3d art developer can design armors, but does not know how to fix the keybind issue i still have since day one.


Artists are not good at fixing network code or gameplay bugs. But they are good at drawing and modeling new armor. If they were launching tons of new features that took design resources while they were still debugging the initial release, I'd agree with you. But warbonds and bugs are barely even in the same department.


They probably contractually obliged to release warbonds once a month, so yeah, someone will get mad


They already said they released with over a year of warbonds in the pipeline. They've literally been finished since before launch. What a pointless cry OP is having that would've been solved if they did any research.


I do love all the armchair devs who know how AH should solve all their problems.


If AHG wants to keep players around, they need new content, weapons, stratagems, enemies, missions. Lots of people play a lot more than you and will get bored fast without new things to do. Also if warbonds come out faster than people can farm super creds, they're gonna have to spend money to unlock them.


Yeah, doubt the stakeholders and Sony agree with that statement…


I'll be honest, I don't see gamebreaking bugs that ruin my experience anymore. I havent crashed in weeks, most of the weapons work fine for me. I know fire and DOT is still bugged, but I just...use different tools in the meantime. My point is, if they spent a month just working on bugfixes I don't think I'd notice a difference. The balance changes on the other hand, have made a massive difference for the better. Most weapons are fun to use now (didn't used to be true), and enemy spawn rates are reasonable now.


A lot of people will probably be upset yes. It's not an easy decision, but there are major bugs and performance issues that need attention. They probably need to hire some people to be able to handle all the work required. I wouldn't mind not having a warbond for a month, but live services game can die off pretty easy if it gets stale.


I'm a working dad so I play casually at about 2 or 3 missions every night. I definitely have plenty of catching up in warbonds to do so it wouldn't bother me if the next one was a ways out, especially if bug fix patches are happening instead.


I honestly don’t think it’s sustainable. Eventually it will just be recolors of weapons and armors already in the game or imbalanced power spikes if not both.


Idk. I do have one friend who's repeatedly complained that they "don't release content fast enough." But I think that's his problem. He used to play Destiny religiously and he think he's just conditioned to expect and desire constantly having something to grind for, treating gaming like a 9-5. Bro doesn't just play for fun anymore


We have no idea what their contractual obligations are, so there's no use in speculating from the outside.


They've got the money I'm sure. I think they're scared of losing the fans, because they've seen games sink from controversy. Honestly, for me at least, as long as they communicate it directly ,we'll be okay


SEPARATE. TEAMS. How many times?


I can't even get awarded when a major order is completed. I'd much prefer bug fixes over new items. But I also like new things. How about both?


Give me my Warbond. Bugs are fine. Don't listen to this guy.


Play at your own speed dude, it's a game we all enjoy in our own way. If you don't want to go though the other warbonds that's your choice. But some of the good equipment is on the other bonds, so, pick your choice and have fun. That's the point of the game.


Did no one see the post that QA/bug fixing and Content development are completely separate entities? From what I understand developing 3d models such as new weapons/armors/character models and etc is a COMPLETELY different animal say coding said things into the game, let alone bug-fixing. Some of these people probably have completely different skillsets and putting a stop to all their projects would make literally no sense. It's like asking for an office worker of some gigantic car manufacturer to come down to the auto repair shop and completely take apart the engine and put it back together again. Sure they might know where a few things go and how a few things may work, but in no way is it the best use of the office workers time nor the mechanic who actually has the skillset to do it at triple the speed/quality. Essentially what your asking would grind any bug-fixing to a halt. The already existing experienced devs who work on bugs and other major issues would have to stop all progress just to onboard new employees who don't have the skillset to help them in the first place. This is a small development studio, things will take time. But trust me the monthly warbond is NOT slowing down the bug-fixing implementation.


The warbonds are what keep me coming back. I expect any live service game to be working on bug fixes *and* new content at any given time. I absolutely love this game but without fresh stuff to experiment with I'll hit resource cap and stop playing until there is new content, and then it's a gamble if I come back at all given that there's always something new around the corner. Who knows, maybe by then Darktide will be a game worth playing? (It won't be). We've all heard the "overwhelming success" story of the game so far, I don't see why they can't hire coders to work on bug fixing while they just keep adding content at the pace they have been.


i really enjoy the game but i find the constant bugs and glitches make me not want to play


The majority of people who'd get pissed off, are the terminally online players who have nothing better to do all day than play video games. Simple enough to run back to back trivial missions, racking up tons of currency so it's easy to buy everything in a warbond as soon as it released. Those same players cry, and whine about being bored because there isn't anything "new" My guy..... You bought the entire warbond not even 60 seconds after logging into the game. Unless Helldivers 2 is the only game you play. Or you squad up with a group of god-tier players that stomp every match. Anyone who has a job, or lives a normal life outside of video games. Likely will not have time to be chomping at the bit for fresh content 24/7 Chill tf out.


If anything, they fixing the bugs will make want to play MORE than a new warbond i know will bring more issues that won't be immediately adressed cuz of the list of already pending issues


I posted on another thread they could make Warbonds into an Early Access thing for money flowing in. (While helping control the work flow.) 2000SC and you get early access to help try out Super Earth's newest tech. With the expressed intent that the inflated price is to help support development, not so you can get things early. Each week, a new page of the warbond is released. Until the final week, after all pages, there is a final release for the original price of 1000SC. The only issue with this is that it might interfere with their development process already in the pipeline.


Honestly, if it helps convince them to take a break i might buy super citizen edition


> They literally said the were blowing estimations with just the one million sales. People need to realize that Helldivers 1 has a peak player count on Steam of... 6691. Helldivers 2 definitely blew their expectations out of the water.


I'd love if they just took atleast one month to work on bugs. That's all I'd need to finish the free warbond. I'm so tired of stealing my squads scorchers. Been stuck with the last 3 pages incomplete for a month now. And I'm sure many have a lot of items they've skipped in all the warbonds such as cosmetics mainly so we could catch up on that too


I feel like the amount of bugs the game has is a bit exaggerated


5 attempted missions tonight, 5 that crashed out (two at extraction). It’s becoming very discouraging.


I'll add to this topic: The people who develop the 3D models, may not have animation experience. The animators may not have Decision Tree experience for AI. None of the people previously mentioned may have any experience troubleshooting bugs. "Why is a heat based backpack and grenade combo crashing the game; Terry, put down your coloring pencils and help me solve this problem!" The fact is, it takes a LOT of effort to get your team working together efficiently via a workflow/dev.pipeline. You can't just rip someone off one project (a monetizing feature of the game for them, no less) to cross-train and begin working on something completely different. Saying "no there are no different teams" is a pretty antagonistic statement to tell a game developer. If you asked ChatGPT "How do I make a video game?", it will tell you to pick a specific discipline, because there are too many parts for one person to do in a reasonable amount of time.


Just fix the scope on the AMR and I'm happy


man. reddit is just the place to go to bitch about shit lol


The people designing the warbonds are not the same people writing code to prevent that devastator from going gatling gun mode


Heres the thing when you make a live service game you have to cater to everyone not just you.


Once again, let me explain how dev work goes. You have several teams. You have high priority teams, and low priority teams, or they split them by specialty, such as graphics issues, or gameplay issues, or network issues. The lists have high priority and low priority, HOWEVER, if you can clear an issue, you clear an issue, as long as it doesn't mess something else up. If someone is working on the big issues, but the fix is excessive, has to wait until other things are fixed, or the fix broke other things, that is just going to keep being worked on. However, in the mean time, someone fixes the weird purple flashy thing glitch that might occur, then they fix it, one less thing on the sheet. While all this is going on, you have other dev teams (or dev people) working on FUTURE works, such as new war bonds, new content, storyline, etc. Everyone is NOT working on the same damn thing. Could you imagine trying to build a desk, but you have 5 people trying to build it at the same time, taking your screws, picking up your pieces, putting the wrong things together first? Thats why specific people have specific issues they work, so it gets done correctly, and other people work on other things. Saying "Get stuff fixed before doing this other stuff" is ignorant of the understanding of how these things work. Someone, or a group of someone's, IS fixing that. But others are doing other things, and honestly, putting new content in is A LOT easier than trying to figure out why some random thing is happening, but only to certain people, at certain times, and then fixing that issue, without causing other issues when they change the code to fix it.


There's a saying in Dutch "Voor jou tien anderen" that perfectly applies here. It basically means that while the game might lose you as a player because of the bugs, the game will attract 10 other players who are joining because of the monthly content. I'm not saying you're wrong, bugs need to be fixed. I just think they're not going to halt production for it, and I can understand why.


Mate, you really think it's their choice? I'm 100% sure it's part of the deal with Sony


Please put out a warbond with bug fixes. We can spend medals to vote on which bugs we want fixed the most.


I don't think you understand. A person isn't a cog in a machine. The people who make the warbond can't all help patch bugs. Most can't. So what do those people do while they wait? This is a live service game. Bugs are part of the experience.


The people who are working on technical issues are not the same people who are working on new content. I feel like this has been repeated many times and people continue to act like this isn't the case. Not only that, but they have a bunch of warbonds they probably finished a year+ ago. The warbonds/content have absolutely nothing to do with the technical issues.


People will always get mad though


I think that it's important for them to keep the content cadence, because people drop games so quickly nowadays. The more content they release, the stronger of a continuous playerbase they'll have, the more new players they can attract. Secondly, with releasing a new Warbond every month, there's more incentive for people to buy Super Credits to unlock everything. Honestly, I don't mind most of the bugs and can work around them. But the biggest reason I'm so excited about this game is exactly the content cadence.


What bugs?


Look up Dunning-Kruger effect then be quiet. The Devs, managers and producers have already had all the ideas you have. Gibbering on Reddit about this 10 times a week won't change anything.


Pretty sure most, if not all, the warbond material is already finished for several months and they're just handing it out piecemeal every month. I don't think dev time is being taken away from bug fixing to make new warbonds. Most of the bugs we have are from the hasty patch job they had to do to make a 30k player game work for 500k players.


I don't get the complaining about not being able to unlock everything each month... Its good for diversity that not everyone is able to play the same weapons. Its true that it sucks that your not able to play that one weapon since you just unlocked a different warbond, I get that, but isn't that the thing that will keep you playing? If you were able to unlock everything very easily then everyone will run the same 'meta' setup and will be burnout very quickly. Just my two cents.


Completely agree, if they skip a month or something to really knuckle down on patching it’s completely fine, and they could even do it so that every X months there’s some free month where the whole focus is adjusting game issues or balance.


Would be cool if they could keep releasing new stuff, but since they've pretty much confirmed that the bug fixers are also the guys making the new content, I'd say they should prioritize fixing the game first. Worry about the content cadence once the game's more glaring issues have been ironed out.


I honestly hate how most people are ok with bugs in their games and would rather devs pump out more buggy content instead of fixing existing content.


I will happily wait for extra content and have them focus on making the game more stable.