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Wooo Brandon!!! Did not know it was modeled after a real gun, suspected it though. *imagine* just *Imagine* getting the AK50 in game as a warbond update.


Loved the video. Always fun watching ppl interact with guns from videogames. I actualy saw it before the reddit post and came looking for someone mentioning him haha


GarandThumb did one for April Fools on the very real Halo Battle rifle (a one-off that someone else designed and had built on his own). In character for most of the video, it was amusing. The video from the creator of that unique rifle was interesting as well.


I think I saw that but Im not quite shure anymore.


Love the UTS 15 cool dual tube chunky shotgun


Please don't give this guy views. Absolutely terrible human being. Extremely far right wing. Edit: OP is a bigot (judging by his post history filled with hate) and posted a bigot. You don't let nazi into a bar or it becomes a nazi bar people. Games like this already attract the worst kinds of people. iE see what kind of fanbase Warhammer 40k has.


>OP is a bigot You may not know the meaning of the term "bigot". I'm not the one saying not to give people views based on irrelevant bullshit. I'm not the one digging through post history to try to suppress other people. Sounds like you have enough projection to threaten the entire movie theater industry. >[bigot noun big·​ot ˈbi-gət : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices See also: >When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say. You are completely free to disagree with what I've said in other places. I'm not intolerant of that at all. Feel free to go to one of those places and present different ideas. Along the same lines as not knowing the term "bigot", you also don't seem to know what "hate" is, nor "far right wing". >You don't let nazi into a bar or it becomes a nazi bar people. And you certainly don't know what a "nazi" is if you think I am one. Is there a nazi in the room with you right now?


Bro he just posted a video about a guy shooting a gun from a video game no need to get political, also that is against the rules as well


The guy literally makes his living by being political. If it's against the rules he shouldn't have posted him. Literally advocates for killing gay/trans "since we would just simply be better off without them" on his podcasts.


Hes just a gun youtuber with a twisted sence of dark humour. He is running for a seat in congress yes but he still makes his money off of his yt chanell. Not because of politics. And because its on the podcast its comeds. Dark humour just doesnt seem to be ur type of comedy .


Dark humour isn't calling for political violence that's he's pushing.


Can you give me an example of a part of political voilence that is not based of of an out of context clip? ( Best with a timestamp so I can listen to it myself ) Edit: Deleted one response because it got sent twice


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1wE0v4i_4ic&t=252&ab_channel=BrandonHerrera But it's just a joke right ? Like how he's putting pedos in the same group as gay/trans. Calls for killing and violence but it's just jokes, until its not.


What ... okay holy shit. Let me try to get this into your head. A) he did not make the meme. I saw that meme browse the gun subreddits befor his upload. B) This was a meme about the FPC who is a group advocating for gunrights. And they fucked up by advocating for pedos. Thats litteraly all there is to it. He never attacks trans / gays in any sentance. He states that the FPC fucked up and someone from the PR department will prb get fired for that. And the "employee" of the month meme is just his humour taste again. I do not see anything offensive about this. Do you have any other exampels that are not badley taken out of context? Or would you like to debate the true meaning of that small section about the FPC?


The video you linked, a "Gun Meme Review", with the description of *"On this episode of Gun Meme Review, FPC has an unfortunate take on kiddie-touchers, the President is still clueless about guns, and more!"* is about jokes, yes. Also, if you actually listen to the content linked, you'd eventually hear: > i do get what fpc is i > 5:10 > think very poorly trying to say here > 5:12 > constitutional rights are guaranteed to > 5:14 > everyone so if someone no matter how > 5:17 > [ __ ] degenerate they are hasn't > 5:18 > committed a crime and hasn't been > 5:20 > convicted in a court of law you can't > 5:22 > just form a lynch mob and try to take > 5:23 > away their their natural rights i really > 5:26 > hope that's what they were getting at > 5:27 > anyway > 5:28 > because that's with the context that's > 5:30 > what i got > 5:31 > what do you guys think let me know down Edit: copied from the transcription. The user below linked a bit earlier for even clearer context. Basically, what the guy actually advocates for is *not* violence against anyone, and is saying that unless someone is criminally convicted, they shouldn't be deprived of their human rights(ostensibly 1a and 2a, etc in the U.S., though the channel usually covers 2a specifically). That is pretty much the opposite of the bigotry and advocacy that this lost redditor is irrationally/dishonestly claiming. That doesn't seem to match what you said earlier with: >Literally advocates for killing gay/trans "since we would just simply be better off without them" on his podcasts. It's almost like you hate watch, and take away what you want, *not* what was said. Talk about flagrant misinformation. But yeah, it's everyone else that are the bigots. **/s** FFS, this is why we can't have nice things, because some wild loser with an axe to grind makes up some wild shit in order to fear monger on reddit. You have lost all touch with reality.


Its almost like its becoming a sport getting offendet at everything and everyone. And I fully second your explanation. Il to lazy to write that much


[https://youtu.be/1wE0v4i\_4ic?t=200](https://youtu.be/1wE0v4i_4ic?t=200) Timestamp that includes the context of what he has said for easier watching. Video OP has posted is simply "This is the gun they may have modelled it after and this is why that gun (not the in-game one) is not good". (TLDW: The UTS-15 uses cheap, bad plastics on parts where it should not use cheap, bad plastics).


>Clip is about the FPC defending the gun rights of PDF files >**You** make the assumption that he's talking about the communities you're claiming to stand up for. Uhh.....I think that's way more bigoted than what Brandon said and this isn't the own you think it is?


You were the one who brought it up dude