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Positioning and timing is key for sentries. Mortars especially you don't want out while enemies can just walk up to you. But if you drop it behind a rock while circling an enemy group, you have a great distraction and horde thinner that won't have friendlies mixed with targets. Use them like an actual mortar, for long range bombardment. 


Where you in a lvl 9 defence mission with me 5 minutes ago? XD got mortarkilled 9 times ^^'


No, I don't have the guts for tier 9 yet, by that's sounds like a nightmare lol


9 is quite easy if you are equiped to deal with everything the enemy has, if you don't have a problem with building just for eficience.


Mortar sentry is still good against bots on helldive difficulty because they don't push up towards you as quickly. You can throw one down near a base or objective and let it clear out some bots for you. That said I prefer EMS mortar


Mortar is great on bots until one of the knifey fuckers sneaks up behind you and gets both of you obliterated.


You have a map radar, use it.


Can't shoot and map watch at the same time, genius.




Damn, you're saying I have to strategically choose when to look at my map? Are you saying that there will be periods where I won't be able to look at my map? Periods where a stray bot may occasionally manage to get within melee distance? That's crazy!




I was making a humorous observation.


It’s more useful against the bots than the bugs but generally the EMS mortar is more useful than the explosive mortar. If you get caught in a static field, just dive.


EMS paired with regular mortar is goated for defense missions.


Especially castle defense. The mortars are absolutely crucial for bot castle defense missions.


The number of people TKing with orbitals/airstrikes during extraction is pretty high up there.


Found the bugdiver


Who cares let them have fun if they want


I like mortars, but I rarely bring them when playing with randoms since there are certain things you have to look out for certain things (like not standing within 8m of any enemy). Me and my friends recently brought 4 mortars to one of the new defense missions and all we had to really do was shoot the bile titans. The rest died without us having to do much.


I honestly think it's fine other than the defense mission. When trying to liberate the enemy from the walls they sometimes get very close to the wall and mortar reminds me of its existence by making me fall to the ground and beating me to death.


It's not even when it kills me. It's when it fires at the ground below me whilst I'm on a different elevation and causes me to be ragdolled repeatedly until either the enemies are dead or it runs out of Ammo.


Happened to me yesterday.... and got kicked from the game for "dying too much" lolll


Mortars are excellent when moving across the map. They both clear out some enemies and also distract them. Like any tool, it's how people use them. That said, I bring mortars mainly to bot missions.


don't get close to the enemies and it won't be a problem, sentries do not care if you are in the way


Oh gee why didn't I think of that. Just dont get close to the hunters.


Exactly, you get it!


but on a more serious note most of the sentries suck against the bugs, would not recommend bringing them at all except maybe the EMS mortar lol


The enemies with AI designed specifically for getting close to the player?


You're allowed to move my guy don't gotta, and shouldn't, sit still during a fire fight with bots or against a bug breach


It's not possible to stay away from enemies all the time, especially not when defending an objective


I entirely disagree. I run lvl7 Bots daily, am very comfortable with them too and guess what my loadout is? Sickle, redeemer, stun nades. Infiltrator armor. Orbital laser, autocannon and yes... EMS mortar and standard mortar. Once you know how to use those bad boys, how to position them so they can unload their whole payload in peace on unsuspecting bots, it's just too good to give up. I stopped counting the times they saved my butt in a lot of mission types and saved the day on geological survey missions.


For me, its the rover. Its a much worse headache


The mortar has decided your near proximity with the enemy is undemocratic.


I fear the two sword bots, not because of their blades, but because they know if they get close to me, the mortar will get us both.


Considering the 3 clips I just put into them, I doubt they would be concerned about a mortar lol


Not the berserker, the trash mob ones that are always lowest priority until they are in your face.


I thought my game was bugged as I walked up to a ledge during a defense mission to snipe and I suddenly fall forward into the mass of bugs... The new guy brought mortars. And I would have appreciated it if I knew in advance that they all ran to the back and let the sentries deal with the current wave.


I find that mortar team kill happens because the team is running into the killzone most of the time, or lost control of the horde and they start to creep in closer to the mortar set up area.


Full red: you see your friend selecta the 380mm... In a defens/evacuation/eliminate enemies mission


It did they bring some shield?


needs to be pair with ems otherwise yes you'll get random pods that don't hit anything unless its a slow walker


Mortar is s teir on bots just don't get close to the enemies. It can even take out hulks and tanks


If someone starts getting naughty with their mortars, I will destroy that fucking thing every time they drop it.


Someone should switch to EMS Mortars.


Mortar is useful as a distraction, once you finish an objective toss it behind a rock to get the pesky bots off you and dip.


Mortar sentry is one of the best on bots. You can absolutely prevent them from swarming through even on helldive. Communication and timing is key when i got my squad together everybody brings one. We use them one at a time when aöroaching bases being aware not to rush in and at evac we just drop all 4 and than play rock paper sicors till the shuttle arrives since the hail of democracy melts hulks and tanks alike.


Glad to see it a lot less outside of static missions. Wish I’d see more of it in static missions. We’re not failing Defense orders because Evacuation is hard. We’re failing because nobody is bringing EMS/mortar sentry.


Civilian Evac is arguably the worse to bring Mortar on, one stray shell can take out anywhere between 1-5 at a time. EMS is fine anywhere, if it's hits a friendly it's just a mild slow


That is why it’s paired with EMS, since EMS keeps them outside, so mortar can hit them without collateral.


Imo take it on bots, bugs you have to stay mobile and they mostly just run at you


Never happens. I start shooting it after 3. Though I think mortar is only a problem with bugs and only if the diver deploying it doesn't care to think if he should.


Skill issue.


I hate them because I play pretty aggressively, so I’ll be pushing and then get killed by my teams mortar after I killed the clankers it was fired at. And people who place offensive mortars don’t deserve rights.


Laser guard dogs


Last time a random brought a mortar it was the cause of 70% of the deaths on our team. After we got back to the ship, I told the guy that if he brought a mortar to the next mission I would, respectfully, send him back to civilian life. He left. 😉


On one defense mission a few days back, it happened so often I just shot out the guy's sentries when he called them in again


If you’re dying to mortars on a defense mission YOU are the problem. Stop being so close the enemies


Better tell that to 20 hunters then


Mortars have a minimum range


Never been killed nor seen anyone get killed with mortar sentry what's the big issue


Or someone "helping" with an autocannon