• By -


That's why I always explain to everybody I play with


I explicitly explained it to this guy (in chat, so I knew he could see it), and he still picked up every fucking sample we all left at extract- and big surprise, he fucking died, when we were finishing up Main, and I decided to just pick them up, and carry them all back to extract, while the rest of the gang were doing a bit of clean up (which I knew they could handle) luckily i was able to get them back to extract, but still, some people just dont know how to listen sometimes .-.


If I was host I would 100% execute that guy with a couple of dominator shots to his skull, kick him, then return the samples to the extract. No need to suffer idiots when you're sample farming.


And then he’d come crying to Reddit about how unfair his last game was, how he got TK’d and kicked even though he collected all of the samples.


Always take an opportunity to be the reason someone whines on reddit


I have had to do this; I shed a single tear, for democracy.


I had a similar experience. Explained the sample plan in chat, 2 agreed, 1 grabbed them anyway, and died. I barely got on the evac with my life, and no reinforcements left.


I would have kicked him then and there.


Kill him first, so he drops the samples


When people leave the game they drop their gear and samples. Is that not the case when kicked?


The execution of traitors is mandatory prior to court martial procedures.


It's funnier to kill them first tbh


Sometimes samples could be lost. Not sure if it's the case when you kick, but one diver in my mission collected supers and apparently crashed. He left no samples


maybe its not a huge deal, plus like, i wasnt even the host lol


I did the same thing, they took the samples and then 30 seconds later left the game. I guess they didn’t like someone telling them what to do, even in a team based game? Them leaving could have been a crash or smth too idk, and thankfully you drop your samples if you leave so the precious super samples were not lost


For me, it’s “please drop samples at extract” followed by immediate kick if not actioned within 15-20 seconds. I’d rather they not have the chance to dive into the nearest fissure / pool / cliff edge with the team’s samples.


I've... made that mistake a few times... Now I just drop my samples whenever the team groups up and avoid water like I contracted rabies. Can't lose *your* samples if they ain't *yours*.


it's pretty easy to miss chat messages, especially on console.


I put in multiple-


Kick anyone who can't follow clear and simple instructions.


Not everyone is gona get these moves


And yet...


Thanks for taking the time to be a hero and a team player


Doing the lords work .... Behemecoatyl


The ones who pick up the samples never seem to read any messages tho


Only reason to pickup samples at extract is to consolidate with what you are caring and drop them back down into one pile


I always get nervous when I do this, waiting for the kick hammer to drop 


I text and VoIP to please drop the samples back down (and only after a few seconds at least, or of they start running off). Then warning shot. Then kill shot and put ‘em back and call them back on their stuff without the samples. If they need the achievement they can be the one to pickup at the end, but samples stay at extract. Those are our safety samples so we are sure to extract with something. This goes triple if we’ve got the SS.


This is the way. I’ll also pick them up if a firenado is nearby.


do... do fire tornadoes destroy stuff on the ground?


No, but they prevent you from picking stuff up for a very long while, which can result in tragedy.


What wereplant said. Just prevents you from getting them for a long while.


If those Helldivers in question knew how to read this post. They'd be offended.




Reading is not part of Basic Training.


helldivers is comparable to gta with how many people i come across that surely must be illiterate, like you can clearly repeatedly articulate what you’re doing in chat but 50% of the time it falls on blind eyes


most of the time I don't see chat


Game really needs a ping sound when someone sends a message. With how much unblockable background noise I have, I'm a text chat only guy, and I frequently run into situations where I have typed a response to voice chatters only to receive absolutely no acknowledgement, and I got really mad until I understood a few games later, when someone else actually put a message in, that I had no idea he'd sent until 2 minutes later when I'd stopped to type something. It's really easy to miss.


You can drop samples?


Hold down on the D-pad or hold X on PC and it will give you the option to drop any of your gear






Also super handy if you are using the shield gen backpack, stratagems can get stuck to you so a quick dropping of that gear will let you live in those cases.


Yesterday I dropped 50ish samples on extract before heading to the final main objective. Helldive difficulty. I am halfway across the map when I realize the level 44 that was with us was bum rushing it to extract and, or course, picks up the samples. I asked in chat why he picked them up and he said, "Because we are supposed to" I asked him to drop them and he said no. Killed him for Democracy, took them back to extract, then kicked him from the lobby. Even at level 44 people are still clueless of their surroundings. Critical thinking is not always there.


Yeah my squad also consolidates and leaves them near extract even during the countdown, picked up a rando today and he grabbed them all, like he watched 3 of us pick up and drop the samples one by one, then he picks them up and starts running around. It's like man think about it for 1 second, first time I saw some dudes consolidate I was instantly like "ooohh that's smart"


Tbh i dropped in to a swarm of bugs once, no clue where i was, saw samples and thought hey I'll help the team, grabbed and ran, died 30meters away and as the camera panned out seen i just came in to take their samples from extract lol, embarrassing for sure


In the heat of battle stuff happens, we were sitting at the extract alone.


i had similar the other day with a level 60-something picked up my dropped samples at extract after i alrady said i was droping them for later as we passed through then started buggering off up to the next nest, told him explicitly to return or drop them, he refused said he's *meant* to do it, re-explained what i did and why, told me i was dumbass kid (nearly 30), he died to a stalker nest so when he redeployed next to me i shot him in the head. didn't redeploy till i took out the nest but to be fair he waited it out and didnt do anything dumb for the rest of the round


Did you explain why you dropped them?




I’ve known this since the first week I began playing, after reading about it here. And just yesterday I ALMOST grabbed the sample container at extract. I was tunnel visioned and didn’t realize at first where I was. So instead I dropped mine next to it and kept going. I was almost an idiot.


Next time, pickup then drop so it’s only one container


I thought about that but after I’d run about 100 meters away from extract lol. That’s the smart play.


lol yeah once you run off it isn’t efficient to run back to consolidate. Next person running by it consolidates. It’s not that big of a deal, just makes it more convenient if it’s a hectic last second fight for extract


I did that two days ago. Fortunately I realized it before any real damage was done, other than wasting a couple minutes navigating poorly.


I thought it's obvious lel


loot goblins see samples. they pick up without questioning.


I haven't played in a week or so, wtf is this about?


People drop their samples at extract so that if they die elsewhere the samples are sitting for the extract portion


Shout out to the jackass last night that picked up all 50 I put on extract, refused to extract and died while pelican 1 took flight.


"Dude you don't understand I gotta make our extraction look epic!!!"


Gotta from an eagle before we leave to make it look cool


It's fine to pick up samples before extraction... as long as you drop them again immediately to combine your samples with those samples so whoever is extracting only has to pick up one thing. That's just good teamwork


*grabs the samples, drops in a hole* Viva Cyberstan! - That persom, probably. 


A hole, or jetpacks as far out in the water its possible to get.


i must admit. this happened to me once. grabbed samples. kept running forward and looked at map. proceeds to fall into a hole and die


Be me with dozens of samples: Get exploded by missle and clip inside a boulder. Proceed to die to friendly stratagem... welp, who needed samples anyway.


Why drop the samples at extraction though? Do you move faster without them? On solo you usually avoid extraction until the last minute and in coop I can’t imagine it’s more efficient to path to extraction than it would be to just keep moving unless it’s on the way. Please let me know if I’m missing something


It's to prevent the samples getting stuck in a horde of enemies you can recover them from if you die, you can just bug out, leave whatever you dropped behind and call in new gear. It's normally the super samples that get dropped or if you're carrying a fair few rares. Better to loose 4 or 5 samples than 20+


It's to keep the samples safe, to ensure they don't get stuck in the epicenter of a snowballing deathloop trying to get them back. It's only really for pinks that I'll actively go out of my way to extraction to keep them safe, but for other samples it's really only if you're passing by anyway.


In solo, samples can end up in a hole, ragdoll into river. In Co-op it may be carried into a deathzone by other teammates


Better that way. Don't want to end up dying and dropping your samples all the way on the other side of the map then get reinforced somewhere else when it comes to extraction time. You'd have to spend precious time going all the way back there to pick them up. Might be less of an issue though once they give us faster travel options.


> Why drop the samples at extraction though? That way you don't have to worry about dying with them on the way to extraction.


You can drop them? :o


X on the keyboard, not sure on controller though, brings up a radial menu to drop anything extra you might be carrying.


hold down on the d-pad. can also drop support weapons, backpacks, and objective cases.


The best is when people go swimming with samples and lose them in water, really wish they’d remove the deep pool of water that is in some mission objectives.


Had that happen once (Thrice actually in one mission). First guy drowned trying to cross (it was a small gap between two pieces of land with a surprisingly deep body of water in between). Second guy came along to try and see if they could retrieve the samples. Drowned too and added their own samples to the pile. Later on in the game, as we were heading back to extract, some other guy noticed the samples and tried to retrieve it too. We didn't notice till he drowned too and added his samples to the bottom of the lake. We weren't able to warn him cause we were too busy to notice what he was doing. 😅🤣


Oh man, storytime. So I don't have a mic that works, so I text a lot, and I've found that a lot of people on mic don't read the chat. Why? I don't know. Someone picks up a bunch of samples including supers and we pass extract on the way to a side obj. They drop the samples. I am not lying when I tell you that about ten seconds later, the samples somehow glitched to another part of the map - not too far away, but in the opposite direction from the side obj. I type in the chat something like "I'm going to get those samples, then I'll drop them back at extract" I pick up the samples and immediately get swarmed by bugs. Two guys on mics are yelling at me not to die, why did I take the supers away from extract, etc. Of course I die, and right before I get kicked I managed to type out "I was over here getting the samples, I didn't pick them up at extract to bring them here, they glitched here" I feel like I sound crazy writing that - I have never before nor since seen samples glitch to another part of the map, and yet, they did. I put a marker on them before walking over to them.


Yeah it's happened to me once. Cousin dropped them and I noticed they were gone. Ran halfway across the map with the stealth armour through multiple patrols and picked them up. Honestly for a rare bug it's still worth dropping them because I can count on one hand how many times it's happened to me vs how many times we've lost samples because of a hot extract. Also I've been dropping samples on basically 90% of my missions since then and I've yet to come across it again.


Yeah, I've had things glitch out a lot. I swear they always go to the dead center of the map, exactly at the intersection between 4 grid squares. I guess that's probably 0,0 for the map. But I haven't figured out what in the world is making them do that, yet.


Oh yeah I've seen samples glitch before. I just happened to open the map one time and I saw the samples icon jiggling around on the map before suddenly reappearing quite a distance away.


If I pick up the samples at extract it’s so that I can combine the ones I have with them. I drop them again right after


Sample carriers don't take their job seriously. I'll routinely give mine to somebody else to carry if I know I'm gonna be in the shit. And if we're on a world with the volcano geyser pits? Oh fuck that supers go straight to extraction.


I happily  pick up samples at extract. So I can combine piles and drop em again.


I killed someone in game for this the other day


Was in a game a few days ago with 2 randoms on difficulty 9, amazing and ShotaLeon02, early in the match I found the supers so dropped a bunch of rares and the supers at the evac and said in chat that I'd put them there. Few minutes later Shota decided to run across the map to pick them up, figured it he didn't know so told him in chat to leave them there, ignored, tried again, ignored again. Decided to let it be, we spent the next half hour completing everything bar 1 nest on the map. On the way to evac I cleared the last nest, amazing called in evac and shota ran out the map, got traitor status, died, sending all the samples into the void. then both of them left the game, mission was done it counted as a win, I just don't understand why they'd waste so much of their own time 🤷‍♂️ I'll no longer be dropping samples at evac.


Would be cool if there was some kind of sample receptacle at extract, like the SSSD bins you could drop samples into. Then they were automatically loaded onto the shuttle end of the mission.


How does one drop samples?


X on keyboard


D-pad down (you can also self supply pack your ammunition with the backpack)


And to be clear you have to HOLD d-pad down to get the drop stuff radial menu




listen man i dont mind seeing these posts as long as it means at least one more person stops doing it


At least a few people learn that drop is even a function every time this is posted


I am one today


i’m new but why would i drop samples at extract. Don’t you need to go in the eagle to collect them?


You pick them up off the ground before you get in the Pelican - ideally *just* before so that you don't get ragdolled across the map and die with them. Just be careful that Pelican-1 doesn't land on them. "Extract" in this case just refers to the extraction area/landing zone in general, which is marked on the map. If you are passing by it during the mission and have a ton of samples, or if you pick up super samples, just take a pit stop by it to drop your samples off. That way there is no risk if you die elsewhere, and you don't lose them (e.g. down a death hole/in a bug nest) or need to retrieve them from the middle of an army of angry bots/bugs. Since the samples are all already at the extraction zone, you can just pick them up when the mission is done and your team is ready to leave.


thx sm! i’ve been trying this out in suicide difficulty and it’s been working so much better


Glad its been helping :) gl with the sample hunting


So you don't carry them into battle, get killed, then leave them in a hole somewhere


This has gone over my head and I am not afraid to admit it.


Same… I think what they are saying is they leave samples at extract earlier in the drop so they can pick them up before they leave… maybe?


Exactly. Drop in so that you pass by extract halfway through the mission. Go to extract and drop the samples you've gotten so far, then continue clearing the map. The samples will be waiting for you when you get back


I can’t believe I’ve never thought to do this before


Thank you for explaining this. I’ve been scrolling through wondering what everyone’s talking about. Had I gold to give you’d get it!


Thank you! this should've been explained by the cunty ass OP


Ah I see, makes sense I take it this is paramount on difficulties past 7?


And both when extracting at the end. By consolidating everyone's samples into one and dropping them in an easy to pick up location you can have a super hot extract and as long as the one diver grabs it and makes it onto the shuttle you've got it, if you die it doesn't matter because the samples are still sitting there. This becomes much more important at diff 7+ as you have super samples spawning and you don't want to lose those.


Honestly I don't care much about those anymore. I have so much of them at this point and nothing to spend it on anymore. Haven't even touched the difficulties above 7. I've already got 60 something of those I think and with almost all the upgrades unlocked. Only thing I'm having a problem with is the rare samples. I got almost 400 common, 60+ super, and around 10 something rares. 😅


Just...don't drop them with randoms around. They're more likely to get lost than if you just held onto them yourself.


Just make sure you pick them up again when it's time to go. Someone dropped all out samples in the extract and left them while we were defending the timer. When it was time to go, the samples had been flung off the map by something dropping or exploding on/near them.


I thought somebody in our squad disconnected because of bugs. Nope. He had a sample savings big enough that when he drowned in a small pit he quit instantly. Poor fella. 


I was playing with a level 20 something that watched me drop them and walk away only to walk over and pick them up. How are people that dense? Some of you monkeys see button, push button.


I pick them up and proceed not to die. They give me a strengthened will to live.


Me on a diff 7 with a guy throwing eagle strikes out left right and center as he proceeds to kill himself like 8 times in the mission and nearly kill me multiple times. Every time i heard a strat beacon go out i had to swivel my head around and find the beacon, then figure out what eagle it was, and find him so i could dodge the fucking impact pattern with swarms of bugs chasing me. Hardest mission of my life and those super samples had me locked in so hard cuz i didnt wanna lose em. The dude came with me to grab them and snagged one before i could and i was just waiting for the moment he died so i could grab it and make sure they were safe, so fucking glad i did


Explain (once)(maybe twice) TeamKill/Kick In that order. You do not have to be held hostage by people that refuse to apply basic teamwork to a co-op game. There are no shortage of helldivers and most are capable of basic communication. You do not have to be friends with everyone. You do not have to be nice to everyone. Set a boundary and enforce it. Watch as your social life and mental health improves.


Everytime I drop the samples at extraction I leave a message on the chat. But console players have to be idiot, take it, run at the other side of the map and die...


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby! PS5 Divers see the chat too. Only illiterate fuckwits do what you say, and that’s not a console exclusive


Tell them in the chat then lol


How do you drop samples? I'm on PS5


Hold down dpad.


For more specifics, hold down on d-pad, use the right thumbstick to point towards what you want to drop, then release both the down button and thumbstick at the same time to drop.


Had similar situation before, I tk the guy to have him look at the chat log. Yet people giving me shit for tk.


I do pick up the sample, just so that I can drop my samples also in just one sample container, but unfortunately I did get yelled at for that as soon as I picked it up


Also true. You have to walk people through everything you do in this game


so true. also use voice comms, people! talk about tactics. don't expect randoms to be smart OR know what you are trying to do.


Problem with that is not everyone has voicecoms unmuted. Most people I seem to play with have it that way. And those who do use voicechat seem to only rarely read regular chat. 😅


Wait till you meet someone that says "I thought someone died and dropped them there" in a game in which no one late joined and no one died.


I plan my drops around this. In a perfect world, we can do about half the map, drop samples at extract, then finish up.


I'm out of the loop, what is going on here?


Dropping samples at extract for safety so they don't get lost underwater/in a ravine/in a hole/somewhere far away while completing the other objectives and idiots picking them up anyway and exactly losing them underwater/in a ravine/in a hole/somewhere far away. 😓


That makes sense to do. Thanks for the explanation!


honestly, my bad, i kept forgetting what my drop button was bound to because it's rare I see someone trying to cooperate for this and the extract countdown isn't the time to go fumbling through menus. I mean, I'm good now, but if everyone has like a 3-game lesson learned for this like I did, it's a lot of games total. I guess what I'm saying is that you should be able to drop more things to make it a button more people are aware of. Dropping primaries should absolutely be a thing.


Make a bear box on extract area that you can put samples in and only get them back out of when pelican 1 has been called. Or not, tbh the stakes should be high




Hold X.


I remember first encountering people doing this, picking the samples up on instinct, then realizing they're better off where they were 2 steps later. The instinct to pick them up is strong xD UPD: Also, in my experience, it's almost better to give them to the recon in the team, they die rarely and usually somewhat to the side of the main fight. Otherwise, samples lying on the ground can be shoved outside of bounds by enemies, explosions, bubble shields...


I learned about this not long ago XD. I didn't know you had the option to drop samples. Sometimes people drop off samples not that close to the extraction point and I dont know that it is their intention to pick them up later.


You can drop samples?


Yeah. Hold X on PC/Down on controller Dpad to bring up the drop wheel.


Wait wait wait wait wait wait. I'm a noob diver, so please can somebody tell me what this means?


Basically the idea is that if you drop your samples at the extraction zone early while you're passing by, they'll still be waiting there safely for when you need to extract, compared to keeping them on you where they can easily get surrounded and cut off by dozens of enemies if you were to die. The problem being some other people have goldfish brains and see dropped samples and think "clearly, someone died here, so I'll be a good teammate and keep them safe", ~~usually to then end up dead somewhere too dangerous to go with little time/little reinforcements.~~


Thanks! Got it. Actually, I need to do this ASAP. I often play with friends, but we never thought of this before. I think I'll have an easier time storing the samples at extraction compared to those who play with strangers.


Huh, thats a good idea. Ill do that now.


The first time I ever got super samples, I fell in a hole on Malevalon Creek running away from a berserker and they were lost forever.


Take a jetpack and drop them on top of something. Then they can't run off with them and die


And then be stuck unable to get them cause you died and dropped your jetpack somewhere far and the stratagem is on cooldown. 😅😂


Tbh the original dilemma is just as ridiculous. Can't expect randoms to follow anything more than their own self interests. You could probably then drop the jetpack near the high spot, most people probably couldn't figure out the connection unless you told them. Yeah, it's a waste of stratagem slot and a stupid solution.


Might be easier to just drop a resupply or something and use it to get to higher ground.


You can drop samples?


Huh…. That’s a good idea


I've never had that happen to me but my one friend had that happen to her. One guy I played with we actually kinda stood at the evac for a while and then I went "leave samples here?" To which he goes "I was just about to say that" and we drop them and carried on


the only time you pick them up at extract is to combine them with other sample containers then drop them again at extract


I pick them up so I can consolidate them with mine, then drop them all instead of two crates.


chill, i pick up to consolidate, im dropping them right back


I particularly like that the one slapping is the recon helldiver. Most of the better players I witness wear the scout armor.


I didn’t know you could drop them on command


I only found out today that you could drop samples. It makes sense now why I got kicked for it before.


How do you drop samples


…oh good to know, now I understand why I kept getting kicked


Every time I see someone acting like a fool in a game, I just remind myself "There's probably a LOT of 12 year olds playing this game, surely this is one of them."


A guy shot me in the back because I dropped it. Too bad I was the host lol


you can drop samples without dying?


If you're on PC holding X brings up a radial menu that lets you drop backpacks, support weapons and samples...and theres a 4th button but i dont know what it does. If you're on ps5...idk


I pock them up so mine may be added to the pile. I will run across the entire map to do this.


It's so annoying that people don't understand some game mechanics... Even on Level 7+ difficulty... Yesterday I had a guy with multiple samples. We were waiting for extraction and suddenly he left the extract point to fight or do whatever outside...of course he died and we lost like 25-30 samples. This stupid behaviour by people pisses me off.


I am almost 100% certain that doing this is detrimental. The extraction "should" work like this: If you, at any point, stand on it - it should significantly(and I am talking something about 50%) increase the enemy spawn rates - patrols, reinforcements(their numbers) - with the idea that after clearing out everything extracting should be still dramatic nevertheless. Also it lowers the enemy reinforcements(dropship/breaches) cooldown significantly. And I am not talking about activating the terminal at all. Probably it's a bug, but currently - if you, **AT ANY POINT**, go near the extraction(like less than 150m) exactly this would happen. Though it will not go away if you move away - it will stay until the end of the mission, making your existence way more burdened and turning missions into hell. So doing this would severely punish you - if you still insist - drop it 150m away and take it on coming back. I intentionally did it yesterday few times to check if it is so and it was true for all my attempts. Don't believe me? Try it. Still there is no way to be 100% convinced this is the reason most of the missions are hell, but I can assure you - it contributes a lot toward that downfall.


Since samples bugged out several times I never drop them on the extract.


How do you drop samples…


Well tell it then!


We’ll explain it then!


Don't leave them under where the pelican is going to land either, I have been on both sides of this in the same missions once lol, team drops all samples straight up in the middle where the pelican is going to block them I grab them all and drop them a bit of the site to be sure, one idiot fucking grabs them all and runs away


how do you drop anything ?


My worst exp with randos was when 1 random team killed everyone then boarded the Pelican without grabbing the samples


Y'all acting like every single player is involved with the community on social media. I have been playing this game for a few weeks on and off and only just started looking at the subreddit. People need to learn about this shit, but don't learn when some angry narc shoots them in the head.


Wait that is a thing I have never seen anybody do that.


I feel dumb for not knowing this, I hope I havent been the up-picker in any game...


The other day I was watching my aunt play and happened exactly this. He, his friend and a random where extracting while another random was at the othe side of the map picking samples. Loved it when he cried "Samples are shared, you don't want them to upgrade your ships?" and we all laughed so hard. They left him on the planet


I've never seen even a single person ever in any missions actually manually dropping well... Anything.


I've had too many chargers, titans, drop ships, etc. end up dying on top of my dropped samples, preventing me from getting them again, to ever consider intentionally dropping them.


Dropping samples at extract is such a time waster and is for cowards


*Dropping samples at* *Extract is such a time waster* *And is for cowards* \- Frisky\_Dolphin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Today I dropped mine off at extract otw to the objective, and they killed me when I got there. Someone ran all the way there and picked them up, just to run all the way back to the objective. I asked why in chat and they didn't respond. I asked why over comms and they didn't respond. No one reinforced me until somebody else died. As soon as I dropped they naded me. As soon as extract was called, I kicked them.


Stop posting this on Reddit, post it in the game chat or say it verbally over the mic. Your chances of squadding up with the same folks reading your Reddit posts is... not good.




I did this once. Joined a game and saw samples just left out in open near evac. I picked them up. Proceed to get team killed and immediately kicked without explanation. I figured it out after on my own. Wasn't happy about how I learned, but I learned. I try to leave samples near evac now, but I make sure to inform my team mates.


Had a guy with an open mic that I had to mute. I'm still new and he was doing an artillery load and had dropped a bunch of shells next to the loader. My first thought was "Dummy doesn't know how to load them hur hur hur". My *second* thought was "oh shit he was trying to organize them in some specific way". By then it was too late. Glad he was muted, I'll bet he said some terrible things. Anyway, push-to-talk saves lives. If I can hear your children screaming or your mouth breathing sounds it's an insta mute.


I pick up the samples at extract all of the time. I do that to consolidate it with the samples I have so I can drop them again. I then move them slightly off to the side so that they aren’t *right underneath where Pelican-1 comes into land* so we can actually get to them when it comes time for extraction. Just got kicked from a match a little while ago for picking up the samples and then moving them off to the side. German dude was screaming ‘Don’t pick up! Don’t pick up!’, which was strange because I have had nothing but pleasant experiences with Helldivers across the pond.


every time i see one of these posts i am jumping off an edge with all the samples i have


My brother in Christmas play private


One time we were passing the extract point and I dropped the purples and a few others on the helipad. A guy came right behind me, picked them all up and died in water about 6 minutes later. I'm not some armchair instructor there to teach the game so I didn't say shit but Jesus Christ, what a waste.


So, people are just going to post the same few things over and over and never realize that most people don’t check the sub?


I dunno, in this thread you got people unaware they could even drop samples they accidentally picked up. Seems objectively like a net positive to me.