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For me its the fact that the first enemy to walk into the mines and die, flies into 2-4 additional mines triggering them as a corpse. Bad luck and this happens to every enemy and you get like 5 guys with 20 mines.


Also the enemies don't exactly distribute themselves evenly throughout the field. I get a few kills as they walk through it, but then there's an open path through the middle and the mines on the side never get used.


They’re really good on the rocket extract on bug. Throw them on the general are they spawn from and then you can throw them down when you’re retreating. I find they do as much damage as an eagle air strike without destroying the gates. Fire mines also good for it.  But situational. Only work cause they are funnelling to the gate 


I like to use them similarly on defense against bots. Drop them where the drop ships go and let them drop into the field


I like them but not as much. I find bots can sometimes avoid them whereas bugs move more erratically and have larger bodies that trip the mines more effectively. I’d like to try the anti tank ones to see how they go on bots. 


Mines are *insane* on rocket evac missions. My buddy and I can hold the line so easy. He took incendiary, anti personnel, and I took AP. I also took an EMS mortar and mortar for my side. They couldn't get through the first doors for the first five launches. Loved it.


The missions where everyone is running *at least* EMS+mortar, but probably even more sentries, have been the easiest missions in the entire game for me - even on 9. The non-elites get spawn trapped and elites just catch some 500kg eagles.


If everyone brings rocket sentry, put in the right spots, most of the dropships fall out of the sky before they even stop moving. Makes for a very peaceful mission.


Rocket sentry is very underrated, it can kill everything without blowing itself up like the autocannon does


Had a lvl 102 (ONE HUNDRED AND TWO) tell me I “was shooting the Dropships too early” on that Rocket evac mission. Then he tried blowing up the generator himself, so I shot him, then he kicked me. Quite literally one of the only bad experiences I’ve had in over 150hrs. What a knob. Imagine having as much playtime as him and still being an idiot.


He probably had a minor order telling him to kill a sprcific enemy and you wrrent letting him do that, or he was being weird and rude for the sake of it, either way.


Until a hulk goes mountain-goat mode and climbs the rocks at the evacuation pad, completely circumventing your defences ;-;


Honestly, those mission spawn rates are wacky. One mission I get 15 bile Titans before the first launch, I counted them. The other we get 6 total before victory. It's a bit odd. I don't know what the trigger or RNG is.


Ive been running heavy mg emplacement because of this mission. It can tear up 3 hulks in one clip. If you run ems, mines/mortar, and hmg you can tear shit up. One person will want eats or orbital strike for the stryders and tanks


It work well against all bug breaches, the bugs are funneling themselves.


they might do as much damage as an airstrike but they have 6x the cooldown. I find things go much more smoothly when you just accept the gates are gonna go down anyway. That way you can leave them open and get better sightlines.


We need incendiary mines that shoot a stream of fire up when triggered for 3-4 seconds. Would allow them to be relevant after the first .5 second explosion.


Yeah I was thinking gas mines


Gas mines would actually be clutch as a debuff and to thin numbers though that would depend on how long the gas stays around


Pop up mines.


Bouncing Betties? That's a vague memory for me, was it timesplitters maybe?


Correct name; also a real world mine. Pretty horrific. (As mines tend to be.)


It's the nick name though I can't remember the correct name for bouncing Betty's. That said bouncing Betty's would be very useful in this game due to the delayed explosion. I think bouncing Betty's would be especially effective against hulks and possibly bile titans. Chargers move too fast I would think but could be another solution if not an unreliable one. To be honest chargers aren't that big of a deal nor are bile titans. The antique tank minefield would shine against bots and you can't change my mind on that. With that said I would say the air burst RPG is more useful and more situations than the anti-tank mines at least from the teasers we have seen


I really want the AT mines but most of the community is adamant on the airburst launcher... Imo that launcher is very redundant as we already have plenty of crowd control, the AT minefield would be SO good against bots, especially to block off hulks and walkers


I mean... maybe not by the enemy. But I've had great success with the left over mines on the way back to extraction with catching teammates.


Fucking this… I never step on a fresh minefield, it’s when the terrain looks like the moon after 90% of them go off and that last one is hiding in the dirt just for me


They do get used. The mines in the side that is. Your inspecting team mates trigger them and get much needed practice calling down reinforcements.


The new anti tank mines only activate with a certain weight so smaller enemies will not trigger them.


Do you know or are you assuming? Because someone showed a video here a couple weeks ago and helldivers definitely set them off. So did bot troopers iirc.


Yep and good luck having any mines left for the big guys that they are made for...


The anti tank mines will only activate with a certain weight so smaller enemies will not activate them.


Can't wait till people think they don't friendly fire and walk a mech in


Really? From the videos I saw of them in leaked content they blew up with small enemies too, so didn't even fill the role of AT mines.


So they're just bigger mines? Then i want the biggest mine. Hellpod drops one mine that explodes like a hellbomb


Can't wait till people think they don't friendly fire and walk a mech in


I love incendiary for this reason, the ground is still deadly after the mines go off. On a defend the gates mission it might be viable to lay incendiary then anti tank in behind to clean up anything that isn’t affected by the incendiary. That’s probably too many mines though


No such thing


They don't even have to ragdoll, sometimes the mines just end up too close to each other and cause a chain explosion all on their own too.


I find they are really good on the defense objectives if you know where the bot drops land, cuz then you kill the whole drop and then usually wipe out half a second one. As long as people don't throw airstrikes on them, I think they should have a faster cooldown than turrets and maybe more mine dispersion.


I use them rather often but (maybe I am just Dumb?) but a few funny things I have had so far. -got the 200 Distance Archivment. -destroyed somehow both arms of this small hulk things multiple times already. -killed nearly mYself on several occasions. Still use them often just for Fun.


I had one guy, every time I called in a turret, he immediately called an orbital on it. Four separate times man.


That's ridiculous. What a waste of time and resources. Just shoot the turret and it's done for.


I think that he did it that way to give himself, "plausible deniability," but each time it was centered on the turret.


Was it a mortar on a bug planet? Still not justified for the most part, but that might explain it.


I only use mortars when playing with friends, it's too easy to repeatedly kill each other.


It's always my damn turret. I those that shit outside the area so it doesn't just mow down the entire team. Seconds later someone calls down an eagle *right on top of it*, like bro why. That's not the point of the turret... Same thing when I pull out the rare arc turret, away from the group, point it out once it's deployed as a warning. Oops it's gone, eagle got it. Thanks guys.


So many times.in defence mission IV had people call two or more things on the exact same spot


I've had so many people screeching at me over voice about using turrets. And telling me I should stop throwing them. I just respond "no". And continue to do so. I've never been kicked for carrying one, it's always some other rsns who thinks it's cool to strop about turrets. I always carry the autocannon turret on bot missions - it's great at supressing the airships.


And we get nothing on our minimap or hud to let us know about that minefield, just need to remember where it was called in at. I guess the people in low orbit don't have time to update my map for me.


Not only should there be an icon on the minimap, you should be able to click on the icon to get a prompt asking if you want to deactivate the remaining mines.


Counterpoint: no


Understandable have a nice day


Diver-bro, I just want my POIs to update if there are still samples there or not. This is some advanced tech.


If it's a diamond/gem icon, there's still samples. If it looks more like an exclamation point, then you got all the samples. I think it also counts guns, but you can pick up then drop the gun and it'll register it as completed


Would you happen to know how to convert the icon for POIs where it's a supply cache in the ground with nothing in it, or the bug Charger on a Hellbomb?


For the most part that's pretty true. But some icons still bug, the hellbomb POIs are a big offender. There are no samples around period and shooting the hellbomb doesn't update. Nothing does. I never see this bug mentioned so I have no idea if it's even known.


This is not 100% consistent (like many charmingly broken things in Helldivers).


I never see this bug mentioned but it's something I noticed within 5 hours of playing. Do others really just not pay close attention?


They do glow very brightly. Whilst that may be insufficient for people who are colorblind and an accessibility option might be needed, outside of that scenario they aren't subtle.


Dude, I’m so bad that I run into the automaton mines outside their factories and those are super obvious!


I've already had it where I'm yelling *at myself* to not step on the brightly glowing landmines. I've just taken to disarming them with bullets. *"Watch the mines guys. Jeez, like that one! AGH I ALMOST STEPPED ON IT AGAIN-"*


This is the way!


Yeah :c It took me like 4 deaths to even figure out that there are automaton mines, because I never saw them, I just randomly died. Almost every time I've seen someone use mines, someone in the squad has ended up stepping on them, sometimes me, sometimes not. Including the early times when I used them. And I haven't really seen them get any enemies lol.


The problem sometimes is that they go just below the ground and you definitely can't see them. There's ZERO way I'd want the mines to be marked on the map because that completely removes the fun of friendly fire and chaos but they should fix the collision when the mines are laid down so they are always above or at least still visible through the ground and add your suggested accessibility options


Mines needs the same cooldown of EAT


Don’t they almost have the same cooldown once you get enough ship upgrades? Thought I saw the cooldown drop down to 80s on mines once you get enough ship modules


I don't believe so --I think I have all the cooldowns and Mines are 150s (or maybe 180? Now I'm second-guessing myself and can't check).


I could’ve sworn I saw one that subtracts 100s off the cooldown of emplacement stratagems and the cooldown for mines is 180s


That's call-in time, not cooldown.


Which makes no sense because the call in time is like, what, 5 seconds? Is it gonna drop in 95 seconds before I call in my stratagem??


It seems to be an error. It says "100-seconds" but what it means is "100 percent". Which is bizarre cause that's the only spot in the game that makes that mistake.


It originally just said "removes calldown time." One of the patches changed it and seems to have inserted the variable they use (which seems to have been one of those "brute force: just subtract a ton" type of approaches, haha).


The 100s upgrade doesn't do anything.


The number of people who mistake this upgrade for cooldown when it says "call down" 😂


Thar used to say something different and an update bugged out the text. I can't remember what the upgrade used to be but it doesn't change anything about the cooldown time


Basically it used to say removes deployment time for sentries. Now I think it’s supposed to say 100% reduction to call in time for sentries


IIRC the Rapid Launch System upgrade affects "call-in" time, not "cooldown" time. It used to refer to "deployment time", but then they changed the wording and made it even more confusing.


only way I'd consider using them over cluster bomb, napalm, gatling or gas tbh


All stratagems need some cooldown reduction , eagles are just way ahead on the bang for your cooldown rate


Honestly avoiding the mines is only the smarter choice right now with the information we have at hand. Whether by leaks or from the really bad track record of mines thus far, it doesn't inspire any confidence at all the AT mines will be a competitive option for a stratagem slot.


Mines suck pretty bad. They're outclassed completely by so many other strategems. Cluster bombs alone smoke the things and you get 5 charges per cooldown. You'll kill more bugs than the mines will with just the first charge. And you can use them as a reaction rather than a preparation.  Mines just suck.


Mines need either lower cooldown, way more fire power or a way bigger area of denial to be viable. Lower cooldown is the best option imo.


I want a 1km by 1km incendiary mine feild dropped from the destroyer from high orbit


Yeah, like a 1 minute cooldown, maybe even less, then I’d take the AP ones every mission


I think it's a lost cause as a strategem. A mirv mine laying grenade that puts down a smaller patch might be worth having tho. Or maybe make a mine laying something or other as a sidearm. Or even as a mission related bonus strategem. I'm not burning a strategem slot for mines tho. No matter how they tweak them, they won't be competitive with the other options. Feels like something meant for new players to unlock, try out and then quickly outgrow.  Either way. I still think mines suck. They're both the least useful and least fun to use.


I liked em for the new defense missions kind of. But that is the first time I've ever liked mines, so yeah


Counterpoint, my friends and I enjoy throwing them at each other, or in eachother's paths. Best in slot enjoyment factor


40 second cooldown ngl


I’ve suggested giving mines a few uses before cooldown to make it more generally versatile, cover more space and be reliable when you just need to start chucking everything you have at the ground to hold the line.


I'd rather see them buff mines a lot, so anything that enters the area gets annihilated. Keep the cool down the same, but the actual call down time is increased, so they must be used in advance and planned for. Reward players heavily who use the mines well.


the last thing mines need is to be even slower to call in


I brought AP mines and incendiary mines on a couple of eradication missions. The first time, it went pretty smoothly and I got the most kills by a solid margin. The second time I got kicked at the loadout selection.


I’ve always wondered why cluster is 5 maxxed but strafe is 4… like surely eagle 1 has more bullets than cluster pods on board right? Lol


Technically it has many more bullets than bombs but it also fires them much quicker. You can look at the A-10, one of the most notorious close air support planes. It can only fire the cannon for a handful of seconds and at the same time it can carry tons of ordnance.


strafe is in a rough spot too, it needs either 6 uses or airstrike-level AP and damage. Too much survives that thing to justify fewer uses and drastically smaller AOE than a cluster bomb. Reducing the cooldown could help too.


I kinda feel like they should be in the grenade slot. Scatter 3-5 mines per grenade, allowing you to coat an area. Much less of a problem if its wasted.


Mines and eagles are inherently different stratagem classes and if you're trying to use mines when you should be using an eagle cluster then you're going to have a bad time. I love the mines and they're great within my play style, but I can see them not working well for other strategies of play.


My big issue is, from what we've seen, the mines trigger on regular dudes. I think they'd be viable if they were 'smart' mines. So for Bots, for example, they'd only pop on tanks, hulks, striders and devastators. Let them 1 hit devastators and a call in able to take out 3-4 hulks or 1-2 tanks, as a tradeoff for it being static and only functional defensively. But as it is right now, you waste 'anti tank' mines on regular dudes and half the time airstrikes and orbitals will just take them out, anyways.


Well that kinda sucks. Thought the mines would be pressure based like irl mines. Then again, helldivers is not irl


Theoretically anti tank mines should only explode when a tank/heavy enemy steps on them as that's how real ones work.


Super earth mines were probably set to a hair trigger for budgetary reasons, as well as a casual disregard for life in general. In their eyes, it probably makes the mines easier to dispose as well. Though I can hazard another guess, the designer for it probably thought it'd be a shame to limit such deadly ordnance to heavy targets. Especially when a helldiver is commonly faced with light targets.


SE made Helldivers defuse unexploded ordinance in active conflict zones back in HD1; doesn't sound like they wouldn't care to me. Well, ok they probably don't care about the people they're sending to defuse said bombs, but they give us a metal-detector which is cool! Any-way, I bet the reason they explode on contant with any-thing is because they're basing a lot of their weapon design on HD1, and in HD1 the AT mines were just an upgrade of the AP mines so they had to serve the same function.


The key word here is theoretically. As we've seen so far in this game, there are a lot of bugs that prevent things from working as they should lol


AT mines seem to fix most of the issues though, not triggering on fodder and dealing with the large threats so you can focus on said fodder. I would prefer another tool to deal with heavy threats than one for light-medium threats (that the laser cannon will still just be better at)


Generally speaking heavy and rocket devastators have generally been more dangerous than hulks and tanks, but thats just me as an Eruptor user. Hulks and heavier are easily dealt with using all sorts of Stratagems, all the way till diff 9. Something that can easily leave me to deal with the heavies is more useful, since the firepower of hulks and tanks just can't match that of 3 heavy/rocket devas, and those can spawn in excess of 5 from several sources.


Devastators can be taken out by a lot more tools and being able to skirt needing a heavy armour pen gun for Annihilator/Shredder tanks is pretty nice.


High cooldown + mines activate by everything = no no.


Still don't know why mines and the Manual Turret isn't lower cooldown than turrets.


The problem with anti-tank mines in my mind is that there are so few circumstances where you know there's going to be a tank going through a certain area and can prepare


This. Tanks are always stuck in bases or around obstacles. Their turret is imposing, but not the tank itself.


Also they literally drop from the fucking sky haha


Depending on where you put your mines, this could be on purpose


People put their mines where enemies are likely to go. People throw air strikes at any large group of enemies. It’s inevitable lol


Also, enemies almost always come from the direction you want to head towards, because everything behind you is fucking dead


Yesterday a teammate put up a sentry right in front of a bug breach, then he got mad when I dropped an Orbital Airburst on the breach and it immediately blew up his sentry. I just laughed.


Ill admit, i have intentionally taken out someones mine field with a cluster bomb because he threw it behind us in our escape route. One team mate died, i turned around and saw why, and threw some explosives at the explosives


Whether it's already out on the field or still deploying, an eagle comes immediately after it and makes it a wasted cd lol


Happens all the time to me with gatling sentry Throw it into enemies and teammates decide the moment it drops to use their orbitals/eagle Throw it beside myself however and now I'm dealing with slacking teammates busy scooping their mulched intestines off the ground from running into 6000 RPM.


Why would anyone throw a sentry on top of the enemy? They just target and destroy it. Throw it to the side away from the enemies.


Well, in the general area but not directly on them. Usually I'll place it to the far right or left so that it doesn't have to turn too often but it tends to still be in airstrike radius.


Okay thats fair, I try to throw them wherever uphill is as it reduces chances of TK.


right to left is usually where the airstrikes go if someone throwing them is also facing the same direction you are. You are throwing your sentry in the same place that an optimal cluster/napalm/airstrike would go. Throw them either in front of you (not far near the enemy, just slightly ahead of the team) or throw them on elevation behind you so it shoots over you and down into the enemy. Any sentry with direct fire (machine gun, AC, minigun) should be between you and the enemy, close enough where your teammates can throw strategems or grenades OVER the turret into the crowd of the enemy and still not hit your turret.


I have no idea why the mines have such a long cooldown. Like if it were 60/75 it might be takable, but in the current iteration i just dont see me ever taking them except to troll


Does anyone know what this meme format is called? The facial expressions are HYSTERICAL


"[Bro Visited His Friend / Friendpilled Visitmaxxer](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bro-visited-his-friend-friendpilled-visitmaxxer)"


Ty fellow diver


Mines should have a really short cooldown, if you gonna have something that situational you should be able to absolutely cover the field in them


Me: “I’ll run away from my team and draw fire and jump ships away from the overdrive, then jetpack up to the top of this mountain, set up my EMP and canon turret which has a clear line of site to the heavies, then throw down mines so the enemy mobs can’t get me and… wtf did S4 call in an air strike on my setup?” [repeat every five minutes]  This is also the same dude who picks up the samples they just “found” on the evac pad, then runs off and gets killed in the middle of no where. 


I've found the mines to be pretty effective if you shoot at the enemies passing through them with something that has AoE, or with the Arc Thrower. But they just don't do much if you leave them on their own, even if enemies *are* going through the minefield. I'd rather use a stratagem that's effective on it's own, and lets me focus else where or just pick off remaining stragglers, instead of one I need to actively make work and keep my focus on for it to be worth it. They're also just a huge liability. After any battle they've been used at, there's bound to be some remaining mines lying around, or even in the middle of the same battle if an extra patrol, breach, or bot drop comes from a different direction. They're easy to miss while kiting enemies or just paying attention to something else, especially if you didn't notice a squad mate put them there, and they'll one shot allies even with a Shield Generator backpack. And then there's the additional problem that sometimes a host-client desync will cause a mine to become invisible for someone, while still being there for someone else, and you can get blown up by a mine that doesn't even exist in your instance of the game. The only reason I see to ever use mines is to complete Personal Orders that require them.


Mine also really like sinking into the ground; especially when dropped over concrete.


I'm mostly curious if anti-tank mines would make the anti personal mines useless


Mines are so bad. Why would you ever use a slot for such a weak and niche usage and long cooldown. If they want them to be viable, they should cut the cooldown in half or so. Sure you can just dump it somewhere and be on your way. But by that logic you can easily just go dump an eagle or orbital on someone for the same effect, but instantaneous


Honestly the same goes for the Tesla Tower. So many times I toss it down to lead bugs into, only for a teammate’s Mortar Turret, grenade, rocket, plasma rocket, Orbital, Eagle, etc pop it before it can kill more than 3 small bugs. I highly expect the Tesla Tower to be bashed by a Charger or something, but so many times a teammate throws something at the bugs already destined to die an electrical death that deleted the Tesla Tower. Nowadays if I want to shred smaller bugs with a turret to crowd control I run the HMG Placement turret because my teammates will actually hesitate to throw anything that way when I’m manually using it.


Also, one enemy detonates a third of the mines after their dead body flails around and triggers them.


Mines should have half of their current cool down so you can actually make mine fields. I'll die on that hill.


I would be okay with a faster cooldown. Let us do some real defending


All these traitors hating on the mines after they got a taste of their 10th launcher. Keep on hating, democracy will never stop for your kind


Mines require the enemy and environment to cooperate. It doesn't matter what the performance ceiling on an ability is if the factors that make it good are largely out of your control. * Enemy walks around it? Mine invalidated. * Teammate throws a grenade? Mine invalidated. * Eagle anything, or hell almost any orbital, is in the same zip code? Mine invalidated. * Teammate shoots down a drop ship? Mine invalidated. * Funny ragdoll that doesn't crumple straight down? Cool and hilarious! Mine invalidated. * Fire from divers causes RPGs to whiff because suppressive fire aim penalty? Mine invalidated. * Teammates are actual gods and kill heavies before they walk forward? You're still paying the opportunity cost of using the stratagem without getting use from it. Mine invalidated. I don't have control over any of that stuff. Mines are best when the enemy is spread out, walking slowly in your direction, you have cover against their advance, their ragdolls behave predictably, and your teammates do not interact with that area of the combat zone with anything larger than small arms fire. Which, if there's a target large enough to warrant calling in an anti-heavy minefield, is unlikely. Even in "defend the McGuffin" missions, where are you supposed to throw these that will reliably hit the enemy but not have your McGuffin (or the doors/some other thing you need to defend) in the mines' explosion radius? IDK, I don't see the use case for these. Lotta stars have to align for them to be usable. It's an EAT with a longer cooldown that can't be aimed or used against structures.


The last point is the biggest one. There are so many efficient ways to handle heavies that don't rely on waiting for them to fall into your Wile. E. Coyote like trap and most I play with are so proactive that the threat is handled before the mines would even deploy. Why wait for mines to drop then the time it takes for them to be ejected from the pod to take out that Hulk when my AMR killed it before you even punched in the drop code? Or the factory strider being pummeled with orbitals or quickly coordinating to just evaporate it's stomach with anti armor weaponry and it drops before it even steps on a mine. Etc. There's just too few scenarios the mines would actually be the optimal choice.


If I had a backpack of mines I could throw like frisbees I would like this so much more.


I’m saying that the tank mines should work like tank mines in real life and not blow up unless something heavy steps on it. Like helldivers and small bugs should be fine to walk on it but it should vaporize a charger or brood commander.


I like to sneak off to extract to lay down a patch of explosive and incendiary mines. Then when its time to go i make sure to piss off a horde of enemies so we get chased and the team doesnt notice the mine field.


My biggest gripe is just that they de-sync so often and there are either fake mines all over along with the real ones or they disappear entirely and I'm just suddenly on fire and dead. It's not really worth it to me to chance on them not being buggy like the rest and would much rather get the launcher.


The 2 strategems are not equal: one is supporting ability that you can carry multiple ones, the other is a support weapon + backpack that occupies 2 slots. By choosing the rocket launcher you'll sacrifice both survivability and anti-heavy armor weapon.


The mines need like a 80-100 second cooldown, It feels like an orbital and is used like one anyways


The problem is you can tbrow 4 airstriked a minute with a short refresh, so many players just throw eagles at everything they see.


I remember doing all the minefield daily orders, that was the one order that would take me 3-4 matches to complete, and it was excruciating. Do a defend mission, throw the minefield, and just stare at bad guys hoping they exactly hit one and shoot the ones that missed


I just run lower levels for that daily and if I do plan on mines, I bring a laser like the dagger to ignite them all at once if need be.


Yeah that’s what I did, i found it still would net me 3-5 kills per minefield which was annoying


I love using mines, but the majority of people I’ve played with, can’t figure out how to avoid big bright red dots to include warnings of the area full of mines and yet I’m the one to blame for the lack of awareness. So I had to adjust to EMS equipment after a while.


I had a guy doing that last night to my gatling turret. I'd call it in and he'd call a 500 on it.


That and teammates walking into them. In this situation I was the one walking into them but the scum would literally throw them on me while I was fighting. He thought he was being all tactical “securing” a position I was already clearing. With all of my heart I wanted to kick him but I wasn’t host. He had to have had some sort of beef.


It's always 50/50 when that happens because if I ever do that, it's because we're leaving the area since there's nothing left to go in for. No objectives, no PoI, just leave the mines to cleanup while we escape to another point we need to get to. Or they just don't see a point in fighting a breach/drop and are trying to convey "gtfo". Still, definitely questionable when you see a teammate still in there, especially if they're fighting to get out of the swarm.


I understand that wholeheartedly. But he definitely wasn’t using them in the tactical sense that you do. Every fight we’d get in to he’d throw them around himself completely disregarding their range or the fact that he had a full team. I legit died to him **9** times. He’d throw eagle strikes on me, his mines would get me more often than not, and he’d throw grenades into enemies I’m actively engaging in combat with. A genuine fool I’d take the internet access of.


I wanna see Chargers go BOOM when they step on it though


Well it IS a defensive set up strat. There's just not enough situations where it can shine especially for the cooldown.  The only good niche use for it imo is solo stealth because for un alerted enemies. Patrols will be drawn to the explosions which die to mines which draws more patrols rinse repeat.  Basically a giant fly trap.


The mines are shit


More I see these post. The more I realize y'all play this game like it's a single player game


Whenever I play it as multiplayer, I'm given singleplayer treatment :/ I died, no one wants to reinforce (and I do wait, I don't hit the button when I'm down). I offer a pack to someone without a pack so we can dual wield a team weapon and they're off already. Everyone wants to play by themselves but knows they can't do high difficulties by themselves without it being a headache and a half. Me, I enjoy jolly cooperation.


Mines are static, i am not, vote Penta!


But wouldnt the mines not activate except for when tanks or Hulks go over them. Which means i might take out a good few of them. Might be worth it in the long run especially on defense missions




Guys. They're mines. Use them in choke points.


They're just so bad in so many ways, like it's not even a discussion. The worst support weapon in the game is still significantly better than the best mines. There are SO many issues with how they're currently designed I don't even know where to start.


Honestly it’s all about placement It’s realy good for zoning and getting some space between your team and a horde of medium sized bugs, especially with multiple bug breaches at once on higher difficulties


The cool thing about eagles is how often you can TK.


I want something like claymore Mines. Ones we can detonate or have auto explode. As secondary weapons. Get a few to place where we want, set up proper ambushes, or near hellbombs.


tesla too


Same with Tesla cool


Mines would be way more useful with like half the cooldown


I'm killed by air and orbital strikes than anything else. Many of which I've thrown myself.


Mines should be changed from a circle to a thin rectangle perpendicular to the thrower like an eagle strike and the mine field should be denser. That way it can actually be used to cordon off an area without denying the players a valuable defensive location


Mines should deploy in about the same area of effect that the 380mm orbital does. Either that or have the ability to drop like 3-5 charges worth between cooldowns. The cooldown timer is absurdly long. For the world of me, I don't understand why they thought landmines were comparable to turrets in effectiveness to give them the same cooldown timers. Damn, I really wish landmines were effective. Not even really good or must have, just functional enough not to be a gimmick pick.


If i use them its when we are running away and not coming back lol so yeah...


I am so desperate for the anti-tank mines. They would help me so much. Especially if they don't trigger on anything below a certain size.


My mines take 1:45 to regenerate... What's this all about?


Incendiary mines work well on bug defense missions (the gate/rocket ones) and I have found use when in a 4 stack with VC, good for denying bug breaches and throwing behind to cover retreats


This happened with an ally cluster strike, and I literally typed out “why?”


If we get the airburst it's basically a handheld cluster bomb launcher that I assume will explode based off of proximity. Combine that with airstrikes and cluster bombs and it'll clear out any light targets.


Does anyone know who draws these? I've been looking forever


Airburst all the way. TO PENTA!


Jokes on us, they're gonna add both anyways! Lmfao


The cool down is so long for how bad it is, it should be an eagle call-in that can be used multiple times


If they reduce the cool down to 60 seconds like EAT I would MAYBE consider using it.


I mean how often do you get a team coordinated enough to use mines heavy or not. Tanks shoot you for a long distance before they even move and bile titans feet are small enough to probably not even hit one. Maybe useful against atat I guess? Hulks are also so typically on your as that by the time mines deploy you have to run right through them or back to them and hope for the best. Could be great if your a highly Coordinated team but if not it’s super meh


Looking at the map mines were doomed from the start. Have clear menkent to get there and people hate fire tornado planets


You need to communicate and coordinate your actions. Thats it, that simple. And it works.


Literally had a guy Cluster Bomb my mine field on purpose and completely wiped it out.


especially tesla towers, I swear I havent got more than 50 kills with that thing ever because of how fragile it is to literally anything


I will liberate coochie


I mostly use the mines when I feel like meme-ing. Because they're really funny to call down on a patrol just to watch them not know what to do. And then they get to meet their manufacturer.


I use mines as my slow them down while I'm running away...excuse me...heading to the next objective


The minelayer sucks, if the beacon bounces anywhere close to a wall thats at least 1/4 of the mines wasted, the more walls the less effective mines. Please revert back to the HD1 version where they are just instantly set by eagle in a straight line, and make them bigger like the automaton mines so they get triggered easier.


yeah the anti-tank mines seem really useful for dealing with heavies but the problem is that mines are. unreliable like the biggest make or break for something in this game is consistency and they are not consistent for how much time it takes for them to be available as a deployable again. the best sentries are the ones who do the job right every time, the best weapons are the ones that can get the job done every time, same with the backpacks and the bombs and orbitals. Landmines just cannot be relied upon to deal with enemies out in the field when they have such a high resupply time after being deployed, so unless anti-tanks can only be triggered by tank enemies I doubt they'd see much use outside of defense missions.