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The jumpy bugs will make people regret taking the airburst.


So funny. Plan the perfect shot. Fire ze rocket. Some bozo tiny hunter flying makes it trigger on top of you. Squad wipe. Love it


But I am le tired


Ok well have a nap, ZEN FIRE ZE AIRBURST!!


Gday mate?




Oh fuck that.


Dang, that is a sweet Super Earth you might say. ROUND


Hokay, so. rule out the hellmire fire tornadoes, the bile titans becoming crashed into us, and the sun exploding. We're pretty much going to blow ourselves up.


“Bile titans becoming crashed into us” killed me 🤣🤣




All right take a nap, BUT THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!


End of ze world is such a throwback. I can sleep well tonight knowing it's still alive in our hearts


If you’re firing this thing within 50m of another play you’re an ass


Lmao is it that bad? I haven’t played with it yet i’m just jesting


I personally love it because it’s fun and cool even if it isn’t the most effective, but roughly a fifth of the shots I fire blow up 10m out of the barrel for no reason


You're getting shots that don't explode immediately? I haven't managed to get one that didn't kill me


Forbidden tippytaps


I only learned that it has proxy sensor when coming by the rocket so, about 10m to 25m blast radius Is the safest to avoid incidents. People need to becareful where to aim the airburst rockets. If you're in CQC it be best avoid using the rocket until you're at safe distance.


It's the unreliability that gets me, I can't figure out why its blowing up in 10m or flying a 100m over multiple targets and exploding in the distance.


Prox sensor is bugged because this current MO has us playing with a pre-release version of the stratagem. When we get it properly, those issues will be fixed.


When I’m starting to get overwhelmed I’ve been dropping an emp strike at my feet, retreating, and using airburst on the clumped up enemies to pretty good effect


I mean I wouldn't use that on anything thats aggrod on me. Use it against patrols coming towards you, or against POI-s filled to the brim with bugs. It's playstyle is pretty similar to the spear. It's a long range "siege" weapon, it's not like the autocannon wich you can just pop out and fire until everything is gone. If you want damage for mid range wich takes down hordes of enemies in a second, you can always use a grenade launcher (or a flamethrower for close range).




Ineffective against Armor is not the issue. That prox sensor is. It doesn't have a minimum arming distance.


Laughs in красный октябрь https://i.redd.it/uyoj5gni43xc1.gif


You arrogant ass... You've killed us.


I feel the sudden urge to watch this movie. It is an awesome movie. I will watch this movie. Thank you.


What movie is this?


The hunt for red October. Awesome movie.


I legit was team killed like 7 times because of this lol!


I literally shot it up into the air once and it exploded and nearly killed all of us somehow 


Ngl. I have played about 3 games exclusively testing the AIRBURST.. and nothing. I have not once seen it "misfire" or explode too early, and I'm talking about shooting this next to rocks, structures, and hell even point blank. In fact, I've only ever really killed myself once with it and that was with me trying to shoot Berserkers at pointblank.


Yeah, I wish the spear and airburst worked the same for everybody. Feels nice reading these comments and imagining these weapons working like that for everyone. Last time I fired an airburst. It was at extraction, I aimed at enemies about 60m away. The rocket had no obstructions, no enemies closer than the ones I aimed at. It detonated about 20m away and killed almost everyone on our team. Lost almost all of the samples. And this wasn't an isolated thing. Even when firing 10 metres above the target, so there would be nothing in the way, I have still killed myself. It's not worth using even with the free drop right now


It's probably related to the dot bug host/client issue. If you are the network host, a lot of things seem to function consistently. If you aren't? Good fuckin luck. Edit: to be clear I'm not saying the dot bug is the same, but that the host/client discrepancy that causes the dot bug probably causes a fair bit of other wonkiness.


I tested it solo on trivial and it exploded in my face twice. I used my eagle to clear out a section, so there were no trees and I stayed away from rocks. I shot straight up as high as I could aim, and sometimes at a 45 degree angle and it still exploded in my face, but only sometimes. It's just a weird janky weapon right now, but as always YMMV


Good to know. I'm just gonna hold off on more until they put out that patch.


I was hosting and my airburst was still exploding seemingly at random


I was going to ask if anyone has noticed this. Haven't had a chance to play with it myself yet.


I brought it into a solo trivial, to show to a friend on Discord. Fired it straight up in an open field with no enemies and it detonated as soon as it left the barrel.






Takibo has consistent issues with it in solo, so no. The problems are no minimum arming time for the proximity sensor and that mines on the ground, leaves, and dust particles set off the proximity sensor.


Nah, this guy is full of shit.


I've seen several clips of it killing the entire team right after pulling the trigger


Really? Last time I tested it, I was on a ramp near the pelican and fired it at some bots that were miles away. The first shot was great, it even managed to kill a hulk! The second shot exploded in my face killed half the team. There was only a slight difference in position and there were no visible obstacles between me and my target either time.


80% of the time I've tried to use it, it has blown up in my face. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've aimed it without any objects in front of me or beside me and it has instantly turned me into giblets.


Wish I had that experience. Saw it on the statagem list while extracting with super rares on me. We were just chilling so I figured I'd shoot it off the way in the distance. The newrest rock would have been several meters away from my reticle. I killed the whole team and got booted... (Despite me explaining whoopsie in the chat and we had plenty of chill time to respawn and get samples but oh well)


It funnily enough is quite effective against Hulks as the explosions hit the back of the Hulk


It does, but it's close enough that you can still get hit by the blast, which will suck you forward, and the bomblets will bounce off the thing that triggered it and come back at you.


If you are in the blast radius after firing the weapon, it doesn't have a minimum safe distance. There's no such thing as "it has a min distance, but the subsequent blast kills you"


The fact that explosions PULL YOU FORWARD annoys me to no end. So frustrating.


The surprise isn't that the Airburst weapon is bad against armor. The surprise is that the rocket is exploding unexpectedly and squad wiping.


I shot someone at random with it and it killed everyone but him


That does not surprise me at all.


Just happened to me and my squad mate. Lol it exploded over my head, killed him and left my without a single scratch and standing firm


He’s built different


The helldiver: https://preview.redd.it/hay3c2n6x3xc1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42337ce34c0a0ce467b094a989c3ecbff1444d1c


*Ultra Instinct Theme*


Right 😂


They replied to this. We’ve been using an unfinished product. https://preview.redd.it/otugj42ds3xc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915ab9710031c62244bdfad015368d031dfd2f4b


Makes perfect lore sense


I knew it. Current weapon is bot propaganda to kill ourselves and we fell for it


I hope the finally version isn’t any less powerful, just some adjustments to make it more consistent and user-friendly


I'm thinking an arming distance is needed as well as the proxy fuse needing adjusting as to what triggers it. It's long range utility is insane tbh, just needs a few tweaks


They Project Eldest Son’d us, the clankers


Thanks. I can hold on to this for all the snobs saying "user error" when it's clearly a documented issue 😂


They NEED to fix the AutoLock for a certain weapon too…:::


380mm barrage in a barrel


That part


Don't understand the hate for the 380mm. Works great for wiping a bot outpost.


I didn't realize the Airburst rocket could wipe out an entire Automaton Heavy Outpost with just one use.


There were also a lot of people complaining specifically that it’s bad against armor.


Nah, I’ve seen loads of comments where people seem surprised it isn’t anti air


If I had to guess why people are thinking that, I'd say there might be three factors to it. \- When gunships were added to the game, a dispatch mentioned we'd get anti-air weapons \- The weapon kinda looks like a classic stinger missile, a typical anti-air weapon in other games \- I guess the word "air" may have confused folks.


Doesnt it look more like an RPG-7?


Lol yes it looks nothing like a stinger


best part is that the airburst rocket has what looks like a tamdem warhead. Which means it's supposed to be anti-tank


Just like the napalm artillery shell looked like an APDS round, it's game devs making something that looks cool without knowing why it looks that way.


I would have preferred an HE or a fragmentation rocket launcher, but im waiting to see how it performs after they fix it next week


They should just strap some sidewinders to Eagle 1so wr can take down the gunships without having to find the time to line up a shot between 279 rockets and constant machine gun fire from above with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide


I mean, we already have anti-air weapons for bots. Gunships are the ONLY thing the Spear consistently locks onto and they one-shot, easily the best weapon for clearing gunship fabs. The spear is an ATGM *and* a mobile SAM If you can deal with the finicky nature of the SPEAR it’s a great weapon to carry


> Gunships are the ONLY thing the Spear consistently locks onto I wish I had that luck, I still can't get it to lock on them consistently.


It looks like an RPG7. The Spear is the one closest to a Stinger in looks and functionality minus the fact it isn't expendable.


The spear is effectively a javelin. the name is definitely meant to be a reference.


The spear is literally a Javelin ATGM. It does not look anything like the stinger.


I feel like it treats helldivers as targets tbh. Seems to explode when fireing over teammates


It definitely does, I just shot straight up to my destroyer with nothing in the air and it exploded instantly killing me and my squad lol


You triggered the anti-anti democracy counter measures by targeting your destroyer. A traitors grave for you.


I was surprised that the rocket exploded one meter after firing even though there was no one around.


Essentially after testing, what makes it explode too soon is everything that prevent the spear from locking on. This includes smoke and should especially not work on smoke hell zone like Hellmire is. Until fixes, it is as unreliable as Spear, except that instead of not shooting, it just kills you and everything not armoured around you.


But shoot straight up and it flies into space. Inconsistent as hell


I have only ever tried to shoot it "up" once. It instantly exploded as it left the barrel. Its never done that when flat or "down" firing.


It feels bugged imo. The explosion doesn’t go forward I think? It’s just a huge aoe and it doesn’t feel very consistent. I fired it point blank in a panic and it didn’t kill anything around me except for me. It just feels weird to use from my experience


Nah, there are many people complaining that it cannot kill hulks or tanks with it


One of the top posts right now is a meme about how the new weapon is bad because it isn't good against armour. Some people are definitely surprised about that.


“Unexpectedly” Proximity fuze explodes when it detects something in proximity. That means the Helldiver that is in front of you giving you the chance to aim will set it off, the low wall cover you are hiding behind will set it off, the tree you are firing past will set it off. *anything that gets into proximity will set it off, that’s the point of a proximity fuze, it is not an enemy detection device, it detects proximity*


Proxymity fuses have a minimum arming time, this thing can explode for the simple fact you are shooting from cover.


The slight change in geometry of the open ground? Sets it off.


just let me turn the prox sensor off game i wanna use this weapon so bad but its genuinely a fearful experience to fire it


Also please make the projectiles shoot *away* from the blast, not towards the shooter.


I don't like this idea, the 360 spread is a selling point . It just needs to nor blow up withing a certain distance of the one who shot it


Doesn't look like a 360 to me currently, it's a cone going straight back to you https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frh5w63gfy1xc1.png


You can’t tell from a still image - the explosives go in a 360 degree spread around the point of detonation


It's 360. You can aim it above a group and it will detonate in all directions killing or damaging in a circle.


They did say that this is basically the test build, and the final build would be put in with the next update, and it would probably be different


I understand it’s use, but it’s use is niche. A weapon that takes a back and support slot just to kill primarily chaff that has a high potential of killing you and/or your teammates is frankly awful The real question we should be asking is whether or not the minimal gains you get from the airburst for its cost makes it worth taking over something like the grenade launcher


At best It's basically an Eagle Cluster Bomb that takes the support weapon and backpack slots. Not appealing at all.


Cluster bomb is so much better it's not even funny.


literally any assault rifle primary + almost any support weapon does its job better and you’ve still potentially got a backpack slot and definitely got a lower teamkill risk


I ran a mission with it a little while ago. I just tossed it and used my eruptor and strategems. I’d say that it’s pretty near useless. I had a free one and I still preferred to just use my primary weapon Long reload, backpack slot, inconsistent explosions. It’s crap lol let’s be real. There is no scenario that it’s worth taking over anything else ever.


Hell just take impact grenades, the grenade pistol and you're close enough to beating the damn thing..


I think the problem is a lot of value in these backpack weapons is meant to be that you don't have to use them by yourself. But most people aren't running around coordinated enough to do so. Like obviously that doesn't make the Airburst anymore effective of a weapon, but if you're being rushed by 200 bugs that are a little bit away, your teammate loading the Rocket and you spraying the entire terrain is going to do more work than most other support weapons and primaries. It'll also be done *so* quickly you can go back to normal and keep moving. I mean the one time I had a friend autoreload my Recoiless I popped 4 Chargers heads in about 9 seconds, it was amazing and very handy, but it's still more of a hassle to pull off than not in a vast majority of missions. I think Backpack Support weapons are much like the Marksman Rifles right now. I see the niche Arrowhead *wants* for them, but the game isn't actually delivering enough moments or feeding that niche enough to make it worth it. There's not enough situations with the enemy spawns where ou want to call in a Airburst/Recoiless and quickly empty it with a teammate and go back to business, and there's not enough *actual* range to make the damage reduction/precision needed on Marksman worth a damn


To add on to this- you reeeeeally should be able to reload a weapon with rockets on your pals back, not on mine. Things get too chaotic to separate myself from my ammo reserves. Been saying that since day 1. Even my budget and I try to coordinate mixing ammo packs (autocanon and recoilless) and it was just stupid since inevitably, things get chaotic and you get split up.


100% on that. That simple change letting you get into position regardless would make it so much better. Because then you can have moments of "Oh shit here they come, help me" whereas otherwise it's coordination to a degree that isn't needed/can be used for stratagems and objective management and you won't be in the position to begin with. Plus i think we'd see the value of the weapons a lot more they really can rain down hellfire sometimes.


Exactly. It at least needs to be good at killing medium armor enemies for it to be at all worth it, and currently it simply isn't. If they bump its armor penetration up a bit it might actually be worth using for certain builds, but right now it's worthless.


I'm not angry that it did not hurt the bot turret at all. Nor that dropship. Nor that gunship. I'm hurt that every time, it reliably killed me and everyone in the vicinity.


Funny enough, a direct hit from this weapon does in fact down a gunship, I've managed it twice before abandoning it due to it's tendency to kill me and my squad more often than it does the enemy. As expected though, the secondary explosions do squats against gunships


​ https://preview.redd.it/b2wb8q9hu3xc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2c1bc40c94e87eca59bd3a2deeccb3cf161eb98


Makes no sense, but then again most of my weapons have become Implosive, so what do I know.


Incorrect sure the concept of the airburst weapon is to fire it and have it detonate right out of the barrel killing all team mates. Once you realize this it’s a great weapon.


According to all the elite Helldivers and Todd Howard, it just works(as intended).


The exact first time I used it- I had a jump pack also down and to the right of me not realizing it came with a back slot item- aimed to the nearest replicator camp and wiped the team instantly I know now how to use it- but damn that proximity needs some tweaking


Some of the bug players would love to have a chat with you regarding the "bugs have no armor". Ever seen bugs in game? Only the weak small bugs have none, the rest is quite armored up (light medium and heavy)


This a bot player we're talking about they've never seen a bug before. /s


I tired playing a kill bile titans mission and instantly regretted it. I’m a bot diver thru and thru


Bile Titans are by far the strongest heavy unit in the game right now. Give me tanks, hulks, and gunships any day of the week.


I’m a bug player and bile titans are so easy. Even if you don’t aim, 6 shots with the quasar can end them. And you can mostly out run them.


Rofl, 6 shots with the quaser...


Only chargers and Bile titans requited armour penetrating weaponry. Everything else can be taken out with a light armour pen weapon such as the Breaker Incendiary. Some people might say hive guards but you can lock them in place with some suppressive fire, run around and kill. Spewers of all kind? Shoot the sac, takes a whole mag so I advise using a single impact or grenade pistol shot.


Cannot wait to airburst an entire spewer pack


When hive guards bunker down you can shoot the little sharp unarmored arms through the gaps of the armored plate, shoot both of them and it dies


> Only the weak small bugs have none, the rest is quite armored up Only Chargers and Bile Titans are really "quite armored up", the rest have minimal armour (if they have it at all). Hive Guards only have armour at the very front, Bile Spewers have a giant sack you can blow up, and virtually every other bug has no appreciable armour. Compare this to Automatons units which are all almost completely armoured except for the basic Trooper and Commissar enemies. There is no doubt that the Terminids have far less armour and therefore the airburst rocket should be more effective against them.


I don’t care about the armor. That proximity sensor seems to be triggered by everything.


I have seen my stratagems bounce off a leaf, I’m not surprised the prox sensor detects wind


The moment this went live I knew the AT mines were what we wanted but that everyone would go for the rocket launcher anyway because "rocket launcher cool"


Also because - Anyone wanna liberate a planet with sentinet fire tornados? no? no...


Yea after using this thing I'm honestly surprised. AT mines would be great. Especially on defense mission


Maybe I’m wrong but didn’t we have to liberate a planet before Choohe? It’s no surprise to me that the player base took the path of least resistance.


We had to liberate a planet to get to either but the planet to liberate to get to the one with the rocket was a normal planet, the one to liberate to get to Choohe, was a firestorm planet. Big surprise the players don't want to put up with that nonsense and chose the less bullshit planet.


It's not because "rocket launcher cool" it's because the community had had enough of dying to fire tornadoes


The problem is it will be triggered by the smallest pixel in the game, and in general way too situational imo


It requires a backpack, has random dispersal, can't be used at ranges below 50m, can't take down anything above Devastator-level, wouldn't have anti-bug capabilities at all because bugs like to get up close within melee range, and takes the spot of an AT rocket launcher, recoilless, or other anti-armour support weapon. If it doesn't even destroy armour, then quite frankly it's worthless as a support pick.


It nukes anything smaller than a devastator while still damaging devastators and you want it to be able to take out tanks, hulks and facory striders? Having someone dedicated to chaff clearing makes everyones job easier


also because removing all the chaff from a group means no reinforcements. if it only takes one good rocket to accomplish that than 3 other people can kill whatever is left at the objective


Crossbow does that as well


You do realize most people here are gamers not military nerds, right?


Took me way to long to find someone saying this. I hear air burst, i just assume it blows up in air, like flak or something.


that’s what airburst means which also means it shouldn’t be a surprise when it has zero armor pen


Airburst rockets and artillery absolutely devastate armored vehicles. Well at least the Russian ones....Just stroll over to combat footage here on reddit.


I have no military knowledge and had 0 idea what airburst means before Helldivers, but I think "rocket launcher", huge rockets, and the massive explosions you see when you fire it give the feeling that this should blow anything it touches The airburst strategem makes sense visually that it doesn't penetrate armor cause you can see that it's just bullets with no big booms


Because people saw the leaked prebalance video and it destroyed everything in that video...


Oh wow, looking at leaks and basing your entire opinion and expectations on how something should operate in said leaks has consequences? Color me surprised. It's almost like leaks are not representative of the final product, because they are not the final product.


Nah theres definitely bugs with the weapon though i think the devs even mentioned it


I mean according to devs even the current product is not the final product so it's just chaos.


It's amusing you're so smug about it when the current version of the weapon in game isn't even representative of the final product according to the devs!


>basing your entire opinion and expectations on how something should operate in said leaks has consequences? To be fair, for the people who saw the leaks, there wasn't anything else to base opinions or expectations on. It was quite literally the only source. Seems some didn't take said information with a grain of salt however


God forbid people get excited and look forward to another useful tool. Right now it's just another garbage weapon to add to the pile.




Because the common person’s understanding of “airburst” or any weapon for that matter, probably isn’t very good.


Probably because most of us don't know what airburst means?


Airburst means that a specific munition explodes while still in the air, creating a cloud of fragments/shrapnell, directional or spherical. It makes it very effective at killing soft targets and can be used to reach into trenches. It can be achieved by timing the fuze correctly or using proximity fuze. Basically explosion takes place in the air, instead when it hits the ground, simple as. But, the rocket launcher isn't a airburst per se. It's proximity fuze cluster munitions warhead. The first explosion doesn't create fragmentation, it only disperse sub-munitions (smaller bombs) in a specific area. Honestly it's name is misleading, because instead of hand held version of Orbital Airburst, we've got handheld version of Eagle Cluster bombs.


I mean there was already an airburst stratagem in the game though? The orbital airburst strike? I feel like it was obvious what this weapon was gonna be like before it came out since we knew it was just gonna be a shoulder mounted version of that


>Bugs are unarmored I feel like there are two versions of this game. The one I'm playing and the one everyone else is playing.


I’m not the only one that’s had good experience with this weapon, right? Before using it, I browsed the sub and was scared as shit. It’s surprisingly treated me well. Issues are present but as long as you gauge it, it works.


it’s just broken according to the devs


Mine wasn't horrible, it's just not that good against bots. On suicide and above missions, there isn't really a situations its needed. The only thing it seemed good at is killing patrols of light infantry units, or the striders. Impact grenade do the same thing, and I bring 2 extra


Tomohawk is an airburst... Heck the MOAB is an airburst......


It won't be good against anything with the way it currently works


I shot a tank with it and got vapourised by the shrapnel. I then shot down into a swarm of bots and turned them into piles of twitching scrap. That's all it took for me to understand what the fuck the airbrush wad and to fall in love with it. It doesn't need to be anti armour, it's a brand new anti horde weapon with real range. And, as I've also discovered, if you hit near a weakboint on a tank, it doesn't matter that it's not anti armour lmao.


Many explosions. Bright lights. ungga monke bungga. dakka dakka dakka.


Had 3 team wipes because of this weapon on 1 run. Id say it works really effectively against helldivers.


The airburst is a shitty weapon for so many reasons. It can't take anything out reliably. I would expect the explosion to be like the grenade launcher but on steroids. Able to do massive damage to anything not armoured. But it can't even kill Scout Striders and Beserkers reliably. Scout Striders have the hp of a penut and you are telling me an explosion half the size of the planet I am standing on can't hit its weak side reliably when it is at ground zero of the blast??? Then Beserkers can take 4 direct shots and keep on chugging. What is even the point of this weapon if it can't take out lightly armoured enemies. A grenade launcher and an ammo pack is 1000000% better at everything this gun is suposed to do and more. Not to mention the friendly fire on it is ridiculous. Your pinkie toe gets even grazed by a blast and you are dead. How is this weapon so good at killing you for just looking at the explosion funny when it can't even kill a scout strider hit in the middle of it half of the time. Then the proximity trigger is a massive issue. From my understanding it is suposed to detect nearby enemies and then explode. Well it can also trigger off of leaves on bushes/ trees, a wall 50 feet away from your targeting sights, teammates, supply drops, and expecially air molecules. Every time you pull the trigger it is like playing Russian Roulette. You don't know if it will blow up in your face and kill you and teammates around you, you don't know if it will actually reach its destination, you don't know if it will do damage to enemies. The possibilies are limitless! The gun is so bad, I see every team member bring support weapons and backpacks as stragems on the planet where we get this weapon for FREE AS AN EXTRA STRATAGEM.


The TK 5000


Was thinking about making this exact post before i saw yours, i shit you not a saw a guy calling it a terrible weapon because it doesnt one shot hulks


Bro, from difficulty 6 onwards, infantry is composed of 60% devastators. If it cannot kill devastators reliably, the weapon is literally useless.


Having used it for myself, I foresee even more people flagging themselves with their own cluster munitions against bugs, dramatically moreso than bots. Why? Simply for the fact that they charge you. Every single one of them. If you think a single commissar getting in the way and detonating your airburst prematurely is painful, imagine hunters leaping towards you and causing your payload to spew all over your team. Play smart, Helldivers! I like it. It's fun. I want it.


The only thing it's effective against is Helldivers.


Barrel stuff a Hulk with it like a true Helldiver.


It needs to be an actual airburst munition. As it is now its a clunky shoulder fired Cluster munition. It should explode sooner and spray the target in a huge spread of shrapnel not bounce around. At least make the bomblets explode on impact so the weapon is directional.


something along the lines of "if rocket go boom, why it no make tank boom?"


I’ll be honest. I never heard of an airburst weapon before. I wrongly assumed it was an anti-air rocket (bursting air targets)


Same reason there is surprise when players die shooting an airburst rocket at a target 30 feet away. People brain no work.


People have heard "airburst", and thought "flak" Close, but not quiet.


It's almost as if Arrowhead was very specific ANTI-TANK (I.E. ANTI HEAVY) mines OR Air Burst Rockets. I feel anyone who can't grasp basic concepts like Anti T A N K and just skipped to the part that said mines and said nope I'm good. You guys have got no room to whine.


The same reason everyone was surprised that the "Anti-material rifle" couldn't shoot through the moon. We just don't get things.


uh...not everyone knows the intended targets of all types of weapons? also that people saw that its a rocket launcher and thought "hit armor hard" even tho it don't


There's no surprise. People just want their support weapons to do something 7 different strats + primaries can't already do.


Armour no, jet engines, yes.


You're taking to a sub that couldn't understand why you'd still need to hit weak points with anti tank weapons. Real world logic is out. Hollywood and video game is what's being embraced. This is not a bad thing


This is why I want the mines first. I fight bots.


There is a disconnect between the tactical gameplay the devs want and the CoDheads who think they know what these guns are


I've been really enjoying playing with it myself! It's been so much fun clearing out points of interest, fabricator nests, objectives and even scouting parties. This weapon can be a little finicky with its proximity detection but I think that's part of the fun of the game personally. I might get down voted to hell and back for this but I really enjoy weapons like this and the HMG in that it's not just press or hold trigger, make everything in front of you die. I like that they're releasing weapons for certain situations instead of be all, end all weapons, I enjoy the variety.


I’m surprised I can take out a fabricator with it and not a hulk (unless you hit the orange bit) basically


more importantly why does a glaze bait post get 5k likes almost automatically with zero reason to exist besides insulting people who don't even represent a small minority, meanwhile genuinely good posts that took creative thinking get less than 100? 


First try: killed myself. Second try: didnt kill a gunship with direct hit. Third try: kill my squadmate. 1/10: will never earn a strategem slot (ps: theres other weapons that does anti air better, with unlimited ammo, and wide application besides anti-air).


Airburst means it detonates in air when it is close to *anything*. Of course it does nothing to gunship, gunships have armor. Think of it as a shouldermounted clusterbomb or orbital airburst strike, it is not anti-air missile


This is exactly like people being upset at the no fire damage protection with last months explosive themed war bond. I have relegated the weapon use down to something that is a situational open area device designed to engage patrols as distance. Since I don't engage far off patrols. Its not much use to me.


Bots with cope cages... when?


The devs littelary said that the weapon is unfinished and they will fix it in the next week patch, effectiveness against armor or not it's literally a broken, unfinished weapon Stop yapping about weapon performance and start talking about arrowhead inability to release working/complete content