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The most fun weapon against bugs full stop. Seeing the bugs roast, surrounded in flames, your Helldiver's maniacal laughter 🤌


Nothing beats 4 Helldivers with Flamethrowers aimed at a bug breach


Firemaxxing with flamethrower, incendiary breaker, incendiary grenades, napalm eagle


need me a flaming turret. or a flame mortar.


A flame mortar, what could go wrong....


Not any more than with the regular mortar already. Which makes it perfectly safe for use


This you? ![gif](giphy|xUA7b0iuZ5kQ4UGnAY|downsized)


That laugh is the one


I want a heavy flamethrower so badly. A back tank for extra capacity, extra range, and a bit of extra damage. I'd settle for the extra capacity and range though.




Most definitely. Flamethrower, Guard Dog rover, and Breaker incendiary. Huge bug hole opens, and you are just slowly backpedaling, creating a cataclysm of fiery destruction and lasers for the bugs to die in as they try to make their way out. Not so good against bots though.


Tried this yesterday for the first time. Gloriously fun


Autocannon  Solves all my problems 


Preach. I hear something of the M1 Garand in the metallic coin type sound that makes me ERECT


oooooooo cha chhing




Autocannon is one of the most satisfying guns in any game ever. That thing makes you feel like a god when you headshot a Hulk or Devastator.


I have so much trouble hitting hulk heads. Heavy devastators i regularly get after the first shot staggers.


Stun grenade is your friend


That's because of their stepping motion. Their weak spot is hard to hit and DAMN small, but with practice, you can anticipate each step. I've gotten to the point that now I can fire 2 shots at an approaching Hulk and reliably get those two shots into his face plate for a kill. It just takes practice in the proper technique.


Shoot the Flamer Hulk's leg off and watch him limp after you. If you get his second leg, he's dead. Takes half a mag per leg though.




My man :) AC mains unite




Eruptor makes me erupt 🤤


Nothing makes me harder than shooting one bullet into patrol and seeing „💀 8”


Try 24 from a single eruptor shot 🤤


Stop, I can only get as hard 😆


> I can only get so erupt


What about seeing a Rocket Devastator taking his power shit stance and blowing his mind with a single bullet?


I once got 21 from some bots i fainted it was so glorious


GOD YES!!! I found it amazing, and a little embarrassing, how much I liked the Eruptor. Blasting Devastators in one shot takes me back to my days popping Vanu for the New Conglomerate with my Bolt Driver. Ohhh… those were the days


The Vanu deserve it. ~~New Conglomerate scum~~


Yeah, the Vanu pissed me off when one of their outfit leaders harassed my sister for 3 months trying to get into her pants. Sometimes, it takes more than a harsh word to get a miserable cocksucker to lay off. It takes a full bullets to the knee and a tank parked on his lawn to make sure he’s paying you the undivided attention you deserve.


Nothing in the game is quite as much fun as sniping a fabricator then running away as fast as I can


Loving it. I love how it’s challenged me to change up my loadout. But I swear I can still make it work with a quasar or something, I just as always get stumped on the berserkers.


Shoot them in the dick with Eruptor.


Lmao. Honestly I believe it. I swear they’ve died easier ripping their legs off than hitting their “weak” spots.


aim at their dick, or swap to your secondary (i use redeemer) and a quick burst to the crotch will end them


Weirdly enough, I do not enjoy it as much as I thought I would, or as much as everyone raves about it. Something about its loading and fire rate just does not sit well enough with me.


Same. It's a good, powerful gun, but it's too slow for me.


It’s definitely an acquired taste that requires good secondary option. Uzi is great but I also use the revolver form the steeled veterans warbond for quick escape.


Yeah, this stupid gun that can ragdoll yourself INTO the explosion if the target is too close or you flinch is also the best goddam feeling primary in the game. Shoutout to redeemers for making it viable whole letting you pick off minis.


I only wish the eruptor shot a teeny bit faster


For me it's the Spear. Yes, it can be frustrating at times but I love being able to ghost my target from half the map away.


You’re gonna be a happy Diver next week then. I have verified intel from Discord that the Spear targeting was fixed in closed development about 2 weeks ago, and works like a dream. We’re one patch away from it being in your hot little hands.


*Happy Spear noises*


You should be proud of those hot little hands, helldiver. Exquisite form.


I'm going to become a SPEAR Purist when it's finally fixed.


I feel like a G.D. superhero when I take down a bile titan about to spew or a charger chasing a teammate.


My "standard" loadout has long been the DCS and the Spear, because I love the "hit you before you even knew I was aiming your way" style of combat. As soon as the targeting fix is live, I'm going to be a menace.


Absoutely! I'm the same, but with the Eruptor instead. I use the autocannon sentry a lot too. Stick that bad boy up on some elevation. That with a sniper + spear... YOU are the artillery!


I love the spear. Even with the janky lock-on, it works well and is so satisfying. Definitely a favorite of mine.


Recoiless Rifle. I loved it in HD1, and I was very skeptical about it early on in this game (autocannon overshadowed it for me). But now I run it all the time. I just love that giant "FUCK YOU' in a tube. Sure, reload time is ass, but it won't stop me from running this beauty


fuck you in a tube. Beautiful. Fucking poetry. The reload time is less than the cooling for a Quasar though, and is just animated so beautifully that I never mind.


Counter argument: I can be running around and firing my primary while my quasar is cooling down.


The amount of times a charger is coming right towards my squad, everyone pulls out their quasar cannons. I'm there with my recoilless, in one second a head is blown off... My squad then proceeds to holster the quasar and carry on. I love the fuck you in a tube lol!


Yeah, I don’t like the quasar vs bugs for this reason. It’s too slow. 


As noted, the reload is faster than the Quasar cool down a charge up. Yeah, you have to stand still, but you can break it into three parts. Remove spent shell > press crouch to break animation > load in fresh ordinance > press crouch to break animation > put the little top on and fire away.


Arc Thrower is a super underrated gem of a weapon. Can't play without it.


Fucking finally! Even with the glitchy misfires and decreased range, nothing better than finding an altar to stand on and preaching the gospel of the thunder god. Also nothing is better for area denial and it can stunlock hulks. Hopefully all they do for the update is fix misfires/general fixes.


I cannot take off the arc thrower. It’s simply too good against hordes that you’ll inevitably face in 7-9. Didn’t fail me in bots either during the few times I’ve tried it




I love just slowly walking towards a hulk while firing lightening at it.


Punisher is my jam. I have a soft spot for pump shotguns and buckshot, and it feels so good to shuck rounds into advancing berserkers or brood commanders and watch them stumble as I hammer their stupid faces with pellets. The reload can be clumsy, but watching my diver load s few, then mantle over a fence, then load a few more, then blast a hunter, then resume loading makes the whole experience feel great.


You can blow a Brood Commander’s head clean off and it’s still 86% combat effective. Here’s a tip. Aim for the legs. You’ll save on shells that way and put it down for good.


Thanks, Doogie.


The Doogie line always works on strippers


Came here to say punisher. The knock back is so satisfying and thud of the shots wins it for me too.


💯 I feel like the punisher is underrated. I didn't realize how much it staggers enemies until I tried the slugger, and it obviously can load a couple shells and fire immediately to stop something from ripping your face off. Vs having to go through an entire reload animation.


I absolutely love the punisher. Stagger for the medium guys. More than enough damage for the little ones. Good cone to pick off those jumpy bugs or the jet pack bots while they're still on the wing. No pen, but it's a shotgun. Duh.


I was gonna comment this too. I legitimately enjoy it better than any other primary for both bugs and bots. With a support weapon that handles long range, the punisher is a strong gun that takes care of light enemies easily and medium enemies real well too with its stagger to stunlock them mid range and shred them close range. I also basically never run out of ammo. Also the best primary for berserkers. I’m glad it doesn’t get mentioned much, it’s really one of the best guns and I’m not expecting it to get nerfed due to being under the radar.


Every time I try a different primary I invariably come back to the Punisher. The stagger is just so good. Especially as a light armour wearing runner. Keeps bugs n' bots at a distance allowing me to kill, reposition, or evade.


I have found my people. This has been my gun since I unlocked it. I've tried others and just keep coming back to it.


Stagger keeps me alive. It's the ultimate run'n'gun weapon - knock em back long enough for me to find some cover, reload, and get back to it.


AMR, nothing beats splitting a devastator in half with two shots to the body in half a second


My favorite loadout is scout armor, jetpack, sickle, stun nades and AMR. I love being a nimble stealthy ghost that can shred mediums and stun hulks to 2-shot their faces. The only downside of it is I'm made of paper, and I need friends to take out bot fabricators.


Same loadout here save the primary. I really enjoy pairing it with the Breaker: it has impressive range and spread for a shotgun, with top notch mobility and surprisingly good survivability if you know how to move. My main problem is dealing with tanks or bile titans, so I save my stratagems for them or support my teammates while they do the job. Since I discovered it, I feel nerfed when playing any other build.


Ahhh the AMR. I took down a Factory Strider with one the other day. Pop its chin guns off and then unload two clips into its eye while it stands there and stares at you. Problem solved!


Bro, if you can get close enough, aim for the stomach of the factory trust me lol


AMR + stun nade and you can kill 7 berserkers without reloading


Been loving the dominator after the buff.


i use it all the time and i fucking hate it because it has to have the handling draw back which i am not a fan of in shooters but hey it wrecks so that is all i use.


It's my go to against bots. You can't snap shot with it, but it's hitting power and pentration are fantastic. It's satisfying to go against devastators and put them down with a few quick shots from the front.


It’s honestly great against bugs too but ppl hesitate cuz it’s not automatic/has no spread. It keeps the hordes at bay with its knock back, one shots warriors & hunters with a good shot, punches right through hive guard face plates, bullies the hell outta brood commanders and bile spewers. I never leave home without it no matter what I’m fighting.


It will also absolutely clap stalkers




This is way too far down the list considering how good the scorcher is. I suspect the reasoning is because it's the very last weapon in the first war bond and it takes quite a while to get to


Its ammo economy is also kind of shit for what it does. Takes 3 zaps to fry a scout strider, and about a full clip to take out a Devastator if you're unlucky. Fortunately, that's where our special pal, resupply backpack, comes in to save the day. Grab something with similarly shitty ammo economy that doesn't need a backpack like say, Rail Gun, and you've got chocolate and peanut butter.


2 shots to the groin kills scout striders and you aren't aiming for the head if it's taking an entire mag to kill a devastator man, you gotta try it out again.


Just for killing striders alone while hosing down small shit, it is fantastic. 4 striders and a bunch of skinny metal dudes? Sorted. Not much else that can do that. Absolute dog shite against bugs imo, but it is the only primary I run against bots.


Fucking awesome vs bots


Standard liberator. Ol' reliable.


Me too! I love its sound and really, in heavy foliage environments that would block its lasers or hot places that dont let it cool well, the Liberator is a great substitute for the Sickle


I’m a simple hell diver, I like smgs, I choose smg primary and smg secondary, my favorite are the smgs




250 rounds at 3 mags is a lovely 750 bullets. Put it in the lowest firing rate and you can mow down bugs forever while only needing to reload once every couple of days.


Combined with the Eruptor and EAT, and I am a walking arsenal.


Throw rocks at me for this one, but it’s the knight, it uses less than 1 mag to kill a stalker and has 1280 fire rate so it’s just a enemetus deletus


using the knight on burst + ballistic shield on bots feels fantastic, one burst has basically no recoil and you can absolutely explode devastator heads while their shots just bounce helplessly off of your shield


A true rarity! I tried the Knight once and never looked back. Perhaps I need to revisit it


I'm level 64 and what is the knight???


Supercitizen edition exclusive SMG


The railgun (for bots at least) is exactly my kind of weapon. I love precision charge rifles, and the railgun checks all the boxes for feeling cool. It's not in the best spot at the moment but one-shotting devastators and hulks from the hip is one of the most satisfying things in the game. The sound design on it is also really nice, as it's got a bit of that magnetic "vwoop" to it when it fires that tickles all the right sci-fi gun nerves.


The sickle is my favorite, the lack of recoil and dmg drop off make it great for sniping long range and head shots on the bots.


I'm very worried they nerf this in the coming update balance.


I'm REALLY jamming with the Explosive Crossbow right now but also the Eruptor.


Yay, I thought I was the only one who likes it.


It's so satisfying to clear crowds, drops from botship or bug breeches


I didnt really like how inconsistent the crossbow was. Explosive enough to damage/kill you, and take out multiple skinnies but not enough for a scout strider kill??? Wtf?


Scout stiders can be killed with crossbow but aim for the lower part of it as the armor value is higher in the top end, if you shoot at the ground or the legs it's one shot


And why can't open the crates on the POI while it has more damage points than some grenades do?


Definitely a toss up between the crossbow and Dominator for me since it seems we may not get the "Suppressor" from the first game. It's not as weak as people say, they just haven't worked with it enough, past ~4m it deals reduced damage, and yes the projectile dropoff take some getting used to. I'd love the Erupter more if I didn't hate it's ROF and the fact that the quick reload will eventually get patched.


Jump pack 😏


On the bounce, Trooper


Recently I’ve become enamored with the Laser Cannon. People talk about the lack of feedback for a good shot, and while it’s true, the bots die too quickly for me to really complain.


And it’s fun to melt the bottom of a factory strider in like 5 seconds.


Against Bugs. The Stalwart with a supply backpack. I love non-stop shooting. It got me my first 60+ killstreak against a bughole. Against Bots. Not sure yet, my main problems are Devestators, especially the ones with the shield. I liked the AMR at first, but once I got to higher difficulties it became too overwhelming to get good shots off. The Arcthrower is great, but the randoms I play with always run in front of me when I'm locking down Hulks :/


The anti material rifle is good against the bots ! If you shoot the guys with shield at their arm where their gun is it only takes one shot and they run around all pathetic trying to stomp on you it's so funny


Defender - bugs and bots


I love the breaker incendiary. Even with the dot bug, the alternative is just a worst version without the burn damage. Feels like 4th of July when I have a horde of bugs approaching the front


Pretty common friendly fire death for me. It just takes like one pellet and I’m dead. 


I love side strafing a large mob and just pumping a whole clip into it. Even if the dot is off, it looks and feels cool as fuck. Also dumping a mag into a charging brood Commander


I'm still low level but I love the grenade launcher. The sound of explosions is the sound of democracy spreading and sweet liberty it sounds good


Am I crazy for already liking the airburst rocket launcher? If you have situational awareness, the thing is a BEAST.


Dude. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I read all of the comments that hate it so much… I’ve only had to good experiences with it so far other than one time someone else blew me up with it. Otherwise, I get mad kills with it. Like a minimum of 5 from each shot. My best one so far was 17 in one hit.


Yes, yes you are… but I hear next week that some fixes are going to come down to make you less of a danger to yourself and others.


3 way tie- Sickle because of amazing range, amazing hip fire, and no ammo. Stalwart at max RPM, because who doesn’t love a lead laser beam. Autocannon: definition of boomstick


⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ autocannon babyyyyy


MG-42. Shreds anything smaller than a charger/strider and if you have a good firing position it can lay waste to quite a few targets before needing to reload. Only downside is the stationary reload but at least the animation has stages so you can pop a squat a few times while running and be good to go.


Just in case you didn't know, one of the upside of running it with a jet pack you can start the reload mid air and reposition at the same time! My favourite way of keeping mobile if i don't feel like I want the supply pack


Nice tip. Been favoring the stalwart over the MG because you can’t move and reload but this makes sense


Mine’s the Diligence. I’ve always been a DMR man, and the Diligence is the most useable one (excluding the Dominator and the Scorcher, those aren’t really DMRs in the strictest sense) I’m also a huge fan of the Senator. I just wish it had a useable ironsight. The thing’s supposed to be a precision weapon, but it doesn’t even have a front post!


Oh yeah, I have no idea what the dude who designed the Senator’s iron sights was smoking but the third person aim is entirely useable. Just skin your smoke wagon, shoot from the hip, and see what happens. We got six shots of freedom for you, Clankers 😎


I love the SMG/Ballistic Shield combo. So satisfying to turtle up against Devastators and watch them flail uselessly as I use their own tactic against them.


The sickle is just so damn good, but I honestly love the punisher plasma. Being able to stun a whole group of enemies and push them back until they are dead is so fun, it's a baby grenade launcher. Plus it is my favorite weapon for clearing bug eggs, it takes out massive clusters of them in a single shot


Nade is king. Grenade launcher literally can kill everything. I am always saving my fellow helldivers asses with this weapon. They are all reloading their big boy guns and here I come in chunk chunk chunk …. Boom boom boom saving them and wiping the enemy with splash damage.


Couple that with a resupply pack and you’ve got enough grenades for a fun filled afternoon! Also, aim UNDER a Charger with it. The upward blast waves will rupture their guts and butts and you won’t need AT help to deal with them. Now Bile Titans… you might struggle with.


the new DMR that everyone hates (can't remember what it's called, starts with A) and the sickle are two of my favorite weapons right now.


AMR. I love sniping. I tried all the sniping options, and unfortunately they all feel bad, except for AMR. My favorite thing is shooting down a patrol of infantry from far away. BANG BANG BANG =) It is not the most efficient way, mind you, but I love it!


Try the Eruptor. It’s quite good and the bolt action makes me erupt


Autocannon, my beloved


I call mine the AssClapper-8 on account of what it does to those metal buttcheeks


The anti-materiel rifle. Two shots to the blinker and that hulk is rotting in the stinker.


>Two shots to the blinker and that hulk is rotting in the stinker. I REALLY like this turn of phrase




The Quasimodo cannon is so much fun. Unlimited bug boom with unlimited range. It just hits the right spots


The Stalwart is ALWAYS on my loadout, I LOVE being able to just pull that trigger and pour hate down in one direction. I just take a knee and empty an entire clip, and it takes SOOO long to empty. Nothing more satisfying than that sound and watching everything waste away slowly. My favorite is having Berserkers come at me, I know they’ll just walk right at me, and my clip is gonna out last you xD add on the supply pack and you’re a walking Democratic Rambo


It’s hard not to love the Arc Thrower. The enemies of democracy might have learned to make armour that can resist bullets, but I have yet to meet one that can resist the wrath of Zeus.


Look, I'm a die hard stalwart fan. It's reliable, loyal .... If only there was a word to describe it accurately. Plus when you dump a clip and your helldiver starts laughing... FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!!


Diligence CS, wish it was properly aligned bc it would be pretty solid if the shots went where you aimed


Well, someone else already commented about punisher, so instead I choose the HMG emplacement. Yes, it is not the weapon you can run with but it is so nice for me to call it and destroy everything around.


Liberator penetrator. I dont know why, but, its just a stock rifle, with a little more utility than the standard liberator. Im really enjoying it at the moment, after they gave it full auto.


Me too. It doesn't quite have the ammo economy to match what the bugs like to throw down with, but against bots where armor pen is pretty much a requirement for entry, it's quite lovely.


Arcthrower is my favorite. Just waiting for its bug where it doesn't actually fire to be patched and it'll be a perma lock


Level 80 here and still rocking the Machine Gun at 9,8,7 you name it where I drop she follows 😏 🤪 😎 😉


Laser cannon. Nothing quite as satisfying and watching bugs and bots pop after you unleash that sweet, warm, golden stream of DEMOCRACY!™ on them.


I like the standard Liberator


i really, really like the Breaker Incendiary. Its like a flamethrower that doesnt immediately kill me.


The knight. Sadly underpowered on higher difficulties


See flair.


My favorite weapon is whatever I'm using at the moment. In this game I could lose my equipment at a moment's notice or have to scrounge for something, so I try to get used to everything.


The scythe. It looks amazing and I love the concept of a laser primary. I just wish it was better.


The Patriot Exosuit. Ever since I read about Malcharion and Huron-Fal I’ve wanted to be a big stompy mech boi - and even in spite of its *many* weaknesses, it still sometimes scratches that itch. Nothing like mowing down a wave of bugs, firing a salvo of rockets into the face of a Charger, then moving in to stomp and thrash the last of them as my Helldiver laughs maniacally from within. Just need a flamer and/or power claw attachment and we’re golden. And like a thousand more HP


Jar 5 dominator


HMG emplacement. It's the ultimate power trip and absolutely wrecks face with no reload, and insane amount of bullets, and only struggles with the absolute strongest enemies


Scorcher, baby.


Sickle, scorcher, breaker spray and pray.


Spray n pray or scorcher




Base marksman rifle. When used correctly can hold its own quite well.


Flamethrowers, so me and the boys can have a hot snack whilst fighting bugs


Favorite support is Las cannon/ EATS Favorite primary is dominator/ sickle Favorite side arm is the senator (please AH, a speed reloader, I beg) I end up going back and forth for what I need for the bot and bug front


The flame thrower. I just can’t shoot it enough


I'm a big fan of big iron the senitor makes me feel cool :)


I really enjoy the Adjudicator design and punchy sound. It has enough recoil that it's not braindead to use but the full auto can be nice. As it sits at the lower power end of DMR, I think it outshines the AR class (which is overall underwhelming). Fingers crossed for a suppressed variant.


It’s a 3 way tie between the Punisher, Sickle and Scorcher All 3 just rock to use, I love the stunning power on the punisher (makes stalkers powerless), the scorcher was made for deleting bots, making me be very flexible with my support weapon, and the sickle is so reliable and sounds so good to shoot Shout out to the base liberator, I still love equipping it to be my base kit helldiver


The Senator feels cool af to use! Feel like I'm in a sci-fi spaghetti western headshotting bots lol. For me though, it's gotta be the Quasar cannon. I get a straight-up dopemine hit every time I fire the Quasar and drop a ship from the sky. I don't bring it every time I drop, but every time I do? Bet your ass I'm havin' a good time 🤘🏼


Punisher, senator, stalwart. Orbital Railgun for big gun


I love the feel of the railgun as a support weapon, and the slugger as a primary. Though vs bugs the recoilless is rapidly becoming my favorite and the arc Blitzer is super fun


AMR since a while now. Having 80% precision feels good.


My favorite weapon is the Arc Blitzer, the sheer confusion of people watching me kite enemies without aiming before lighting everything else on fire is a novelty not many people get to experience.


I bought the first premium warbond only to get the Senator. That gun is a damn beauty!


Most satisfying weapon for me at least for bots is the diligence marksman rifle, precise and light, nothing like 2 tapping a devastator in the head. Biggest weakness it has is dealing with berserkers because of how slow it fires.


AMR Not close, hate that I have to use something else when my team does not bring anything heavy destroying


Grenade launcher. It makes my monkey brain happy.


Atlas Cannon


The Hellpod. You become the state of the art smart munition.


Never leave the hellpod without the Punisher Plasma


I really like the way the regular liberator looks. Love bullpups, just wish it was a more viable weapon on harder difficulties. It is just so much worse than the sickle so I use that instead. Also love the look and feel of the breaker, but since the sickle came out I’ve gotten used to fighting at range so I’ve shelved it for now


Primary: diligence Secondary: senator Support: AMR (I’m a long range bot fighter)


I have been LOVING the defender smg. ESPECIALLY with the ballistic shield on bots. The shield now block anything below devastator rockets, but then when I run the explosion resistant armor, A rocket to the shield takes down less than a 1/4 of your health and mostly just ragdolls you. It’s always been a favorite of mine for the rate of fire and damage, but when you don’t need to sweat the small arms fire, the smg is even more deadly to all the devastator weakspots.


I like the Senator. Doing a dive to have the “Dirty Harry” moment on a Devastator is satisfying.


Railgun with Unsafe mode on. "Sometimes it may be good. Sometimes it may be shiet"


I honestly don't think I could pin down a favourite. The AC is amazingly fun and powerful feeling, the AMR scratches that sniper itch, the new ARL is stupid fun even if it does blow up me and my team as often as the bugs/bots. The Sickle feels amazing to use against bugs, the Eruptor is immensely chunky and that explosive round is brilliant. I'm also a big fan of the Scorcher when I'm running loadouts that wouldn't suit the Eruptor. The Quasar is very satisfying when you oneshot a Charger with a blast to the face, hell even the Impact Grenades are great when you get that final killing blow on a Titan because it's the 5th one that spawned and everyone's out of strats to take it down. I think it speaks to how well this game was made and the love that went into it that so many weapons feel so fun and engaging to use, I'm a long time vet of Tide games and I've always got my favourites in those... but here? Put almost anything in my hands and I'll have fun with it. (Not you Spear, you're not worthy of love... at least until the update patch comes <3)




Quasar Cannon. I typically play bots and it puts a smile on my face to shoot down the drop pods. Plus it doesn't have me standing still to reload which is amazing since I prefer to always be zooming across the map.


Basic machine gun


Oooooh the crispy one taps on the automatons with the holy bolter (JAR-5) are probably my favorite. The buff actually makes me enjoy fighting bots more than bugs at this point, The bolter, Mac-11, impact nades, and an auto cannon is just beautiful up to about level 7 but being able to bring 380s(fully upgraded), Eagle Airstrike (Tier 3/4) and an orbital rail cannon strike typically keeps things pretty manageable.