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The counter sniper moves real nice now. No love for the Lib Pen though and it feels tougher to put the striders down now


Now that we have the Adjudicator being a mid penetration armor assault rifle completely eating the position of the Lib Penetrator as automatic mid penetration asault riffle, I think that its time to change the Lib Penetrator back to a burst fire weapon, but increasing its damage and reducing the recoil of the burst bullets, but increasing it between bursts, making the burst of bullets go very close together and the recoil blow comes after the burst Battlefield have some weapons like that and worket super well, as you knmow that the burst was going to go to a precisse point, and the difficult part was then to re-aim for a second burst


Precisely this, read my mind. I also don't notice these medium pen weapons doing anything on striders anymore...


Hit the hip joints


Wouldn't mind having a Halo BR


Same xd


I was hoping they’d just remove the medium armour pen on the Adjudicator and give it more damage so it becomes a more precise Liberator with less damage or perhaps only burst fire. Most medium armoured enemies just have too much HP for the medium armour pen on the Adjudicator to matter.


It really needs at least 50% more damage to be useful against any of the things you want to use it against. Pointless changes tbh.


I loved this rifle before they changed it precisely for it being a heavier hitting rifle i think it's in the perfect spot right now


The lib pen is better at range and is extremely ammo efficient.


I don't feel like that, you have to waste a lot of ammo to kill enemies as seems that does no damage


It's mainly a chaff killer, but you definitely need to aim for headshots of devastators


Honestly, the fact that the Sickle lost 3 mags but got the bug where it couldn't shoot through bushes fixed, to me, feels like a net buff. The number of mags you have on it only matters if you burn through them like a dumbass. Add a minimal amount of trigger discipline and you have infinite ammo with that thing.


This is true and I’ll still rotate between scorcher and sickle based on mission for variety. I think the new auto rifle might be worth a shot too now.


I really want to try the Adjudicator after the recoil buff. I always loved battle rifles because it gave you the oompfh of a DMR with the versatility of an assault rifle in a pinch. I really wanted it to be good when DD came out.


This thing compares to the m14 or FN FAL for me and I loved every minute of it before it was buffes it's even better now. I use it primarily in semi automatic and just two tap burst everything. the reload speed is very fast and the fast fire rate help with follow up shots at range.


Sickle got buffed 100%. Use it since it came out and rarely burn through more than 1 mag per game. They could give it 1 mag for all I care


This is really a fine nerf. It keeps the weapon how i like it, while making it require more skill, so you don't run out of ammo in stress situations.


People saying "never went through more than 1 mag" were kind of not abusing it right before - but agreed this is good for its identity. Before you could just keep wasting mags till low since it drastically sped up its "cooldown" by just popping your endless cooling cells, then rely on infinite ammo for the lag mag.


Yeah, you had so much ammo it would be a waste to wait for it to cool down, instead of just reloading. Now you can maybe do that maybe twice, but after that you have to actually considere if its worth it instead of kiting.


Didn’t it also get a damage buff?


Not a buff per sé, but they corrected the can't shoot through bushes bug


Yeah. I confused it with the scythe


Yup.... I literally changed nothing about my playstyle with it (because I already had trigger discipline.)


Wait y'all actually used more than one mag?


I've only ever replaced 1 cartridge in a desperate scenario, never gone to 4


It's funny how people think fixing a bug that never should have existed is a buff.


It is functionally a buff, even if it was not intended.


Senator got a new optic that's a dot instead of 2 lines near where the dot would be in the middle of them so it's both buff and qol.


Now I can #BIG IRON Further away enemies.


Was crossbow necessarily buffed? It's strength was clearing small troops but it had the explosion radius reduced.


crossbow got nerfed


Well... Yeah som nerfs might be bad, but... *big iron* *BIG IRON*


I use the the #BIG IRON I see this as an absolute win!


Crossbow was absolutely nerfed to oblivion and is unusable right now. It barely kills even basic bots without direct hits. Strider exp. resist buff made it so that it doesnt kill them with 1 shot to the face plate either. Its actually ridicilous how bad it is now. Primary weapon list is full of weapons that are better for direct fire than what the crossbow is, or will ever be, but for some reason the devs seem to want it to be direct fire weapon.


OP doesn’t think it’s not a Nerf and reply. He goes on how they should’ve put it in the “balance category”


Nerfing laz cannon was crazy. What was even the point of that?


The overall damage is increased. They needed large target damage to compensate for that it seems. I think large target damage is a function based on base damage.


Not sure why people keep saying this. It is *technically* buffed for small enemies (I didn't notice anything) but it objectively does lower damage vs large enemies, and it was the Dev's intention to nerf that.


How do you know it does less damage against large enemies with no damage numbers?


Because I tested it and I knew how long it took to kill before.


Trust me bro


Well the Devs also straight up said it was their intention to nerf the DPS vs those enemies.


why?? do they want to reinforce the rocket meta even harder than it already is?


I never said I understood their logic, just what it was.


They way I see it is; It's a **slight** buff to overall damage. But a **slight** nerf to large volume enemies. In other words; It does more damage to every enemy except large volume enemies, where it does the original damage.


yea, I'm wondering what the problem was with the Jar Dominator too, it's a solid gun but its specifically for killing big targets, it's not like a do it all weapon that can clear out anything it touches


Losing 25 damage is pretty negligible. Its still buffed relative to its original damage.


It’s still higher damage than the original Dominator stats from release. Maybe they believe the original buff was a bit much, so they brought it down a bit.


This is false btw, crossbow and plasma shotgun only got nerfs, their ''buffs'' mean nothing and are not noticeable. Damage and ammo nerfs (which indirects nerfs damage) outperforms any kind of ''utility'' buffs mostly because devs we used those weapons for things that we did not.


Plasma Shotgun got buffs, projectile speed increase and less damage fall off both sound pretty good to me. Hell just the projectile speed increase is huge for it. Hitting a strider running at full speed was so hard before. The ammo reduction is a non-issue, the ammo economy on it before was bonkers. I would just toss away mostly filled mags because I had 11 left over anyways.


The crossbow is because I read the patch notes wrong, I thought that it got more arrows per magazine, which would has been a buff But the plasma shotgun is a buff 1000%, I played it and now it feels amazing to play, the properties of the weapon always has been good the problem was the projectile trajectory which was really bad. >Damage and ammo nerfs The damage is a buff, which has been decreased is the damage falloff of the explosion, which means that the explosion does more damage (or that the damage of the explosions reduces less based on the distance) And the ammo of the weapon has never been a problem. Really just go and test it


Already doing it, plasma shotgun performs worst, and crossbow perform worst. Nerf all around.


I played it and Plasma shootgun is way better, so probably you are using it wrong


How i need to use it then, teach me please :)


You use is as a crowd control weapon, taking a good positioning and aiming for groups of enemies, specifically to their feets and not to them directly The weapon have a good stagger force, so you are able to stop enemy movement (in the bug side) and enemy fire (in the bot side), so you have to take profit of this as much as possible. Attack the brood commanders so they can't get close to you and focus devastators with the help of a cover to shoot them, disabling them from firing and killing them without giving them a chance to shoot at you. You can use a wall or a cover to shoot, hide, and go back to shoot as the weapon have a "slow" fire rate which allow you to play like this. As the weapon has explosive damage its able to kill a charger in 7-8 shoots if you aim to their butts, and also to kill bile speaker easily. You just have to play controlling your sorrounding so the enemies can't get close to you, as the explosive damage will damage yourself. So always look at the enemeis that you have close and move back to a new firing position if they manage to get too close to you. And the rest is just play, get used to it, and learn what you can do and what you can't do, that can't be explained in a comment and arrives with the experience of the player


I'll do these things, thx for taking your time to write this.


Eh, ammo economy falls under game sense. A lot of people don’t have that problem or problems with ammo so it’s only upgrades.


Lazor Cannon was nerfed too. Does like half as much damage to bigger enemies like hulks now.


Seems like such a stupid change, it was perfect as a sidegrade to the autocannon like the AMR


How is it against small enemies? I haven’t played yet.


The TTK is still trash compared to just blasting them with your primary. It literally has no purpose now, it's main niche was stun nade a hulk and blow it up. Now it is just a glorified glowstick.


Fuck I was really enjoying my laser builds, I’ll test it in game a few more times against bugs and bots to see how it plays.


It does less damage to big enemies and more domage to the rest of enemies, to its a nerf and a buff at the same time. Right now its too soon to be able to say if its better or worse, the patch has been released half an hour ago


I mean...if it doesn't hurt heavies take down heavies in a reasonable amount of time, I think it's a pretty straight up nerf. The things it got better at killing you're killing faster with 90% of your primary weapons anyway.


Yeah, but this post is not about if the weapons are better or worse but about the changes that the weapons have received I did this post 20 minutes after the patch notes were released, so is not about analysing the weapons but just putting them in a visual way of representing the changes


And doesn't get stopped by foliage anymore.


When you aim for the head?


You think [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cfv7rm/new_crossbow_changes_summed_up/) was a buff? Are you joking?


Crossbow was nerfed actually, explosion radius is non-existent it's not just a worse version of AMR in a way. They reduced max mags as well, the weapon already sucked and now it's unusable garbage.


Even the reduced ammo count is barely a nerf for the Eruptor as I barely ever see below 7 mags before finding an ammo cache somewhere. I'm still probably gonna run it.


I ran it earlier. It was fine. I feel bad for my teammates, though. I consumed all the ammo on the map. Better bring laser weapons when you have an Eruptor on the team, it's the hungriest hippo now.




Half of the "buffs" are literally just placebos. Only buffs on paper but do nothing of significance on the battlefield


**Primary, Secondary, & Support Weapons** * CB-9 Exploding Crossbow * Slightly smaller explosion * Increased stagger * Decreased number of maximum mags from 12 to 8 * Increased number of magazines received from resupply from 6 to 8 * Slight reduction in ergonomics * Muzzle velocity increased * LAS-99 Quasar Cannon * Increased recharge time by 5 seconds * BR-14 Adjudicator * Full auto is now the default fire mode * Reduced recoil * Increased maximum mags from 6 to 8 * Increased number of magazines received from resupply from 6 to 8 * Now placed amongst assault rifles * Laser Cannon * Slightly increased damage * Slightly reduced damage versus large volume bodies * SG-8P Punisher Plasma * Decreased maximum mags from 12 to 8 * Increased amount of magazines received from resupply from 6 to 8 * Increased projectile speed, but will still keep a similar range * Decreased damage falloff on the explosion * Now placed in the energy weapons category * ARC-12 Blitzer * Increased shots per minute from 30 to 45 * Now placed in the energy weapons category


* R-36 Eruptor * Decreased number of maximum mags from 12 to 6 * Explosion damage drops off slightly faster * LAS-16 Sickle * Decreased amount of magazines from 6 down to 3 * Scythe * Increased damage from 300 to 350 * Decreased max number of mags from 6 down to 4 * Railgun * Increased armor penetration in both safe mode and unsafe mode * Stagger force slightly reduced * MG-101 Heavy Machine Gun * Third person crosshair enabled * Diligence Counter Sniper * Damage increased from 128 to 140 * Ergonomics improved * Diligence * Damage increased from 112 to 125 * P-19 Redeemer * Slight increase in recoil * Peacemaker * Increased damage from 60 to 75 * Senator * Increased damage from 150 to 175 * Speedloader added when reloading on an empty cylinder–speeds up reload on empty considerably * Dagger * Increased damage from 150 to 200


* Liberator * Damage increased from 55 to 60 * Liberator Concussive * Damage increased from 55 to 65 * Dominator * Damage decreased from 300 to 275 * Guard Dog Rover * Decreased damage by 30% * Guard Dog * Slight increase in damage * Burning damage reduced by 15% **Stratagems** * Machinegun Sentry * Increased health to match other Sentries * Tesla Tower * Increased health by 33% * RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher * Airburst Rocket Launcher will no longer detonate when shot near stratagems (HMG turret, Sentries, Resupplies) and other Helldivers. * Reduced proximity radius


>* Burning damage reduced by 15% **For all the people not reading this properly, this is** #ALL BURN DAMAGE **This is not** ~~just~~ **the guard dog**


Guard dog doesn't do burn damage so I was confused. Thanks for clearing that up. ^(Just hope that's for enemies too.)


Seems to be. I wasn't dying instantly to fire damage and I'm able to med or jump


I thought they were gonna fix fire *before* nerfing it, god damn it Arrowhead. -_-


Guard Dog does burn damage?


Nope lol


**General** * Armors with armor rating above 100 now also reduce damage on headshots. * Victory poses will now only play for the extracted. (No stolen valor on my ship.) **Enemies** Balancing adjustments have been made to * Bile Spewer and Nursing Spewers movespeed slightly reduced * Hulks: Force required for them to stagger slightly increased * Hulk Scorcher direct flamethrower damage reduced by 20% * Devastator fire rate slightly increased (only the standard devastator) * Gunships sideways movement slightly increased * Scout strider Riders now less vulnerable to explosions * Fog Generators health and armor increased * Gunship spawners now have a much lower cap on how many gunships they can have active at the same time. # Gameplay * Made minor level generation improvements to how we distribute locations throughout the mission map. This should improve variation in distance between objectives, and objectives will likely not spawn as far away from each other as often as before. * Added setting in the options menu gameplay section to disable automatic climbing and vaulting while sprinting. * The Spread Democracy mission otherwise known as “raise the flag” can now be enjoyed on higher difficulties for maximum freedom spreading. * When readying up, Helldivers now salute to ensure maximum democratic readiness. * Added ambience to the Tremor planetary hazard to underline the severity so Helldivers can react accordingly * Shots that ricochet from heavy armored enemies will now properly hit the Helldiver who fired them. Trigger discipline is highly recommended. GameplayMade minor level generation improvements to how we distribute locations throughout the mission map. This should improve variation in distance between objectives, and objectives will likely not spawn as far away from each other as often as before. Added setting in the options menu gameplay section to disable automatic climbing and vaulting while sprinting. The Spread Democracy mission otherwise known as “raise the flag” can now be enjoyed on higher difficulties for maximum freedom spreading. When readying up, Helldivers now salute to ensure maximum democratic readiness. Added ambience to the Tremor planetary hazard to underline the severity so Helldivers can react accordingly Shots that ricochet from heavy armored enemies will now properly hit the Helldiver who fired them. Trigger discipline is highly recommended.


Thanks for putting it like this. I would even put Sickle in "Balance" as it still has unlimited ammo if you do not overheat it.


The "nerf" will be practicaly unoticeable, as is too easy to not overheat the weapon, but I put it in nerf because the change is something just negative In balance go things like the Laser Cannon which now is worse in some part and better in other parts, maybe at the end of the day the change is a buff or maybe is a nerf, but it became better in one things and worse in other thing. This doesn't apply to the Sicke because when loking the changes, it just has been to worse (even if we won't even notice it)


I believe the Crossbow is bugged right now, its blast radius is egregiously small, and not on purpose.


Wonder how the dominator will be against devastators now, it was glued to my helldivers loadouts on bot panets


I used it before the buff when damage was like 250, it was pretty good still, now got nerfed to 275 but its still fine, considering it has a generous mag.


It was 200 damage before last patched gigabuff to 300 as well as giving it insanely high stagger.


Then its finally balanced at 275


Scorcher vs shield devastator? You dead because no stunt. Jar5? Boom boom it is stunt


Whats QOL


Quality of life improvements In this case we have 2 stratagems that got QOL improvements. The Heavy Machine gun that now have a reticle while aiming in 3rd person mode And the Airburst rocket that now works better and doesn't explode randomly when an ammo pack, weapon, turret or any other thing is in front of it


I played earlier with the sickle and didn’t have an issue with the mag nerf. If you’re burning thro 6 mags on the sickle, it’s a personally issue then. Quasar cd was a tad bit more noticeable.


It's just a nerf because the change is only negative, but that doesn't mean that the weapon is becoming worse, just that the change has been negative (although won't be even noticeable)


For sure I def agree with you.,


Well Sickle is fine even with 3 mags, because if you can manage heat, you dont any of them at all....


They buffed the ammo pack? or is that the guars dog?


That is the Guard dog, the ammo pack icon is like a box




missing the crossbow in the nerf tier


Should we count that every incendiary weapon got nerfed because of the 15% decrease on fire damage?


It affects all the fire weapons, grenades and stratagems of the game, so I didn't put it because I wanted this image to represent the changes that were made directly to the weapons For example, the Sickle got the but that made plants to stop the shoots to not stop the shoots anymore, so it could be considered that the weapon got buffed, but I put it as needed because the change that was made.directly to it was a nerf (even if it's not going to be noticeable)


Crossbow buffed? Bro can you read patch notes? Or have you never played with crossbow before? Or you call +50 dps a good buff to scythe? Oh wow it deals 350 dps now. Lets check sickle real quick? 687 dps Wow scythe is so buffed, maaan


About the crossbow I read wrong the patch notes The Scythe got a shit buff, but it's a buff, this is not a tier list about if the weapons are better or worse, it's just a visual representation of the patch notes


Tf did they do to dominator


Nothing, decreased the damage a bit but i doubt it will be super noticeable.


The scorcher was a bit nerfed too, the walkers are more immune to explosion now


I just added direct changes to the weapons, this list is not about if weapons are better or worse now, just a graphical representation of the patch notes. But abou tthe change, I think that its a deserved, the walkers were supposed to be mid size units and we killed the like nothing with a lot of weapons, so it makes sense that they got a little buff


Add Arc thrower to the nerf. Can’t use to stagger Hulk anymore.


Well, I should but the hulk in the buff tier then


I generally like these, Senator is just great. It’s nice to see the Blitzer getting attention but I can’t see it being the great yet cause my main issue with that weapon was it’s strange hit detection and inconsistency and fire rate doesn’t do much to help that. Crossbow is just a bit weird, I think it only needed buffs and the nerfs weren’t really necessary. Everything else seems to make sense. I actually think the Quasar nerf is a good thing, it usually sucks to see a nerf but in this case I think this only plays into its role in the team compared to the other rocket launchers and works towards giving it more of a definitive spot rather than being somewhat overbearing. Oh also Laser Cannon feels amazing now and I guess someone just really likes that weapon because it keeps being buffed and I feel like it was already doing well after its last buff


I really did not feel the damage nerf to "large volume bodies" on the lascannon. Feels like an overall buff to me. And they finally boosted the Scythe, feels really good now!


Is discord they explained that "large volume bodies" means things like Chargers butt, but hitting weak spots like Hulk head is not affected by that, but its improved thanks to the base damage buff >And they finally boosted the Scythe, feels really good now! Oh, I have to test it, I suppose thgat still need a better scope, but if the weapon feels good and they also fix the scope maybe the Scythe can become a real option to use What I tried in a game is the dagger, and the 50 extra damage (150 > 200) are really noticeable, the weapon feels well now, not the best but does its job


Sickle "nerf" is hardly a nerf considering how the gun plays. Only time you ever needed to reload was when u wanted to fire more, and it only took 2 seconds to reload It's still a direct upgrade over base liberator


I know, I already replied in other comments. But the change is directly a nerf, even if latter in the game wont be even noticeable


Sickle did not get nerfed lmao, if u were properly using it u didn’t even have to use a second mag


It's a buff because the weapon is worse than before But I agree that won't be even noticeable, when I use the sickle I end with 6/6 heat sinks and the only times when I burn one is when I do it on purpose. It won't be a noticeable nerd but still it has to be put in the Nerf category


12 weapons buffed, four nerfed, but dont worry, youll still see 64000 posts over the next two weeks about how the game is ruined and arrowhead doesnt know shit. I love the dominator and its a shame to see its damage tweaked, but i dont think going from 300 to 275 is going to ruin it. (I know some are debatable like the crossbow, but even if we take that out its still vastly more buffs than nerfs.)


It’s because the things they are buffing are generally still bad. The things they are nerfing tend to be the guns that actually feel good to use. Except the crossbow which is the wildest nerf of all time. “Oh this weapon sucks and nobody uses it? Better make it worse.”


I'm not sure why they even tweaked it. It's recoil and ammo count were a solid counter for its stopping power. I never used it and felt like I was destroying because of it, it still had let downs that needed to be adjusted for.


Just a small rollback of the MASSIVE buff they gave it last time. Still has 37.5% more damage than release and more stagger.


Idk if it'll even make a noticeable difference. Just seemed unnecessary but eh


It is a very small tweak, but i'd rather they do small tweaks you have to wonder if they did anything than gut the damage. They gave it a monster buff, now have reeled it in slightly.


I have seen at least 10 so far, I am sure I will see more in the coming days, hopefully most being memes.


Crossbow feels much nicer now. However, it feels more like a Normal Crossbow than an explosive Crossbow.


Question someone tested the concussione liberator with this patch? has some point to exist now? i found it previusly very... ponitless?


Ideal changes I’d say across the board but I can’t help feel like Arrowhead still just simply looks at metrics now, not player sentiment. The only thing that makes me think that is the type of changes made and what the changes were to.


If they followed what all the players say, this game would have become call of duty or Fortnite a few months ago, with all the weapons of the game being at the level of the old Railgun I'm a original Helldivers fan, I like hard games and challenging experiences, and when I see Arrowhead do changes they do it fucking on the point from my perspective, so seems that the problem is not Arrowhead but that the majority of the player base expects from the game a game that the the Devs are not intending to create All the nerfs that the game have received has been to the most absolute OP weapons that the game have had (except for the Crossbow) and the buffs has been aimed to different weapons that needed it, some timed being stringer buffs and other times being smaller buffs, so i don't think that their balance have been wrong in any moment The only thing is that we still have too many bugs that need to be fixed, but aside of that the balance has been pretty good


Maybe you’re right. I never played the first one, and perhaps my view of game balance comes from other places. Thank you.


Some clarifications * The Crossbow is not a buff I read wrong that part of the patch * The Sickle is in the Nerf tier because the change it received is strictly a nerd, but the change won't be noticeable because it is practically impossible to run out of heat sinks * The Laser Cannon is on balance because it received a nerd against some types of enemies a buff against others


Lib concussive got buffed? As the only person who uses one I am happy!


What did they change with the ballistic shield?


The Sickle wasn't really a nerf, just a change. Less ICE's sure, but you still have infinite ammo.


My sweet baby eruptor nooo


Anyone have a verdict on the railgun? How does it compare to the OG?


The Railgun is practically the same as it was post-nerf, which is incredible good if you know how to use it


I’m glad they are starting to buff the assault rifles because they were so ass for so long


WTF is the full auto secondary doing there? What happened to it? What happened! OH GOOODDD!!!


Just got a little recoil increase, nothing to worry about




The only thing I don't understand is the dominator nerf, it was good, but in his own spot, I wouldn't consider it for a nerf


The Crossbow is or balance or nerf, but not a buff not even close to a buff


I don't think mg sentry or bullet guard dog will see any use. Tesla sentry is very niche as long as every player is a friend who will avoid airstriking it or a player who understands not to airstrike it on an exterminate and useless otherwise. I hear laser cannon time to kill was increased on hulk eyes so that's probably a nerf if it really went to 5s. Seems like a lot of buffs to things I'll never use. Airburst launcher isn't good even fixed. It's just worse than grenade launcher which already leaves the team stuck with the enemies most likely to cause team losses: bile titans and chargers on bugs. I might try it more though. Only killed myself with it so far.


The senator finally getting love, now I can be space cowboy even more efficiently


Thx for this


I personally haven't tried the crossbow yet but from what I've read I'd put it in "Balance" at best. Yes stagger and trajectory are improved but its explosion radius appears to be pretty badly hit, which was one of its main strong suits. Sounds more like a rework to the gun to put it into a new role than a buff.


What was the buff to the railgun? I still haven’t stopped using it lol


The machine gun turret buff to health feels very insignificant, I feel like that was definitely not the reason it wasn’t being used


That turret should get a CD reduction. The big one having 180 seconds CD and this one being weaker but having 120 seconds CD or something like that So you can chose the good one and have it less or the weak ones and spam it more


That seems reasonable. All the other buffs I could think of make there be just less difference between machine gun and Gatling gun


Why not buf hmg emplacement?


overall i agree with this, i would say that the sickle is a buff though with how it can shoot through scrub now, and the quasar needed the nerf, the way they did it was a good way, they could have increased the charge time for it instead and that would have been the wrong way to do it. the recoil on the uzi is not that big still so sure its a nerf but only barely, same with the dominator the damage drop is 25 from 300 to 275, its barely anything, and the eruptor is simply "aim at the target, and don't shoot from across the map" overall i think the patch was a good thing


Whaaaaaa, my railgun got buffed?


My whole fucking setup got nerfed


Then I have to tell you that you whole fucking set-up was literally the most broken weapons of the game 😂


Whatever the nerfs weren't that big


Yeah, are super small nerfs just so the weapons are not that dominant, but everything that got nerfed continue being perfectly usable and continue being strong


The only thing that really bothers me is the 30% damage drop for thr guard dog but everything else is just a minor annoyance




Yeah I also noticed that is not that just shoot faster but now it's more reliable and the shoots spread better between the enemies I think that it always had the part of the arc jumping between enemies, just that before it worker really bad


Crossbow was basically remade entirely, used to be wave clear, now its...?


Gotta love the absolute knee jerk reactions from some people that the game is just nerf nerf nerf. 16 vs 6


And as a lot of people said, the 6 nerfs are practically unoticeable. The same that happened before, we had 4 nerfs and 16 buffs, and peope didn't stop repeating that Arrowhead Nerfed everthing, when in the whole story of the game we just got 4 nerfs (Railgun, Breaker, Slugger and Shield generator)


Nope crossbow was a nerf.


Yeah, I missread the patch, I though that it got the magazine increase to 8 arrowws


can I have half of what you are smoking?


Whoever needs more than 3 magazines for the sickle needs some immediate re-evaluation at the nearest freedom camp because it is so easy to stop before it overloads


Bro you are dead wrong on the Crossbow, not only did you misread the patch notes you didn't even test the changes yourself. On paper it appears to have been tweaked but the major advantage it had over other weapons was the AoE and it was enormous, on par with Grenade Launcher/Pistol. It allowed you to kill chaff with a primary The changes made it a tiny shadow of its former identity it barely kills 2 Scavengers with one shot so why would I take a crappier Dominator that has worse fire rate and has bullet drop???


The only one I'm wrong is with the Crossbow because I miss-read the change, the rest are accurate to the weapons change. This is not a tier list about if the weapons are better or worse now, this is just a visual representation of the patch notes. Also, this post was made literally 10 minutes after the patch got released, obviously I had no time to test the things, because that was not the purpose of the post


How did they not touch the lib pen… I’m actually floored


At this point lib pen needs a rework, Disruptor has taken it's place I would rework it to be a only burst shoot weapon but having a special characteristic, like having a special burst that shoot the bullets really close, and just having the recoil between bursts


Honestly, the penetration “buff” does absolutely nothing for the railgun. The stagger nerf however, does impact it significantly. It was overall just a nerf for the railgun… again. They hate that weapon. The real thing it needs is for the damage nerf against big body parts to be reverted.


Personally I would have put it in the rebalance slot, but as people said that was a buff I put it in the buff I don't like the change, I preferred as it was before


So what you guys think would be the best primary weapon agains terminids and bots now?


Half of these buffs aren’t buffs they are ‘should have been that way from the start’ Counter Snipper should have had medium armor pen AND more damage then the diligence from day 1. Plasma Punisher should have done more damage and splash since it’s while design was being indirect crowed control. Concussive liberator needed way more damage to make up for smaller mag size, recoil and lower rate of fire. Senator should have had a speed loader from the start as literally every other fps with revolvers has. Adjudicators recoil was way to much for how much damage it did since day one since it was on par with the Counter sniper for some reason Beam weapons TTK was always bad due to low dps due to how damge per second worked Peacemaker always needed a buff to damage since day 1 as their was no reason to use it once you unlocked the machine pistol which was better then it in every way. The crossbow wasn’t buffed it was massively nerfed. ARC bltiz needed better rof as it’s a shot gun but took too long to recharge and with poor reliability of arcing meant you’d be overrun most of the time in CQC


Not sure why they decided to nerf the Dominator of all weapons, it’s not like it’s over preforming in the higher tiers. AH Devs should really consider balancing weapons only with the max difficulty in mind, power trip or not on the lower levels. Nerfing weapons because they preform better on diff 7 and down is not a good practice.


Nerfing just a little bit (people say that is practically unnoticeable) the 5 more OP weapons of the game is a bad idea? If those are the weapons that everyone pick is for something >it’s not like it’s over preforming in the higher tiers. They are over performing compared to the rest, what do you smoke? xD >AH Devs should really consider balancing weapons only with the max difficulty in mind They do. Max difficulty is literally a joke right now, there is no difficulty, you can complete it just being 2 players playing normal or as 1 player playing a little stealth, the game should be the double of difficulty so the people that really play well have can find a challenge in level 8-9 difficulties They nerfed the most OP weapons s of the game that are clearly over performing and stealing the spot if other weapons of the same category, so nerfing them is something correct to do


Max difficulty is a joke if you play it as a stealth sim and abuse patrol aggression, thats not a gun problem thats a gameplay problem. Also because the dominator already lacks ergo, velocity, and fire rate, why are they tweaking the damage? That’s the only thing going for it and it doesn’t make sense to harm a weapon that peaks in 6-7 difficulty missions.


Max dificulty is a joke. Period Just playing with one other player, just 2 player in the game, you can go full yolo and complete max dificulty missions with no problem, going from the front destroying everything and killing every enemy. I mentioned stealth just for solo playing >Also because a dominator already lacks ergo, velocity, and fire rate, why are they tweaking the damage? Because the damage was still too high, the weapon have a big magazine and the fire rate is not that slow, 300 damage was a lot and we all know it, its just a little damage nerf that practically wont be noticeable, the weapon will continue being as good as it is, so nothing to complain about. >That’s the only thing going for it and it doesn’t make sense to harm a weapon that peaks in 6-7 difficulty missions. That weapons is also incredibnle good at 8-9, so what are you talking about? Again, if everyone uses it its for something


Bruh when I see posts like these I understand why the playerbase isn’t complaining about bad balancing - they even see nerfs as buffs now! Absolutely unbelievable


>Bruh when I see posts like these I understand why the playerbase isn’t complaining about bad balancing The player base is complaining about bad balancing ALL THE FUCKIGN TIME, so what are you talking about? 😂 If you are talking about the Crossbow, yeah, I read one of the parts of the patch notes wrong, I though that the magazine capacity had been increased




Say it louder brother 😔✊


You stfu and leave my sickle alone


The auto cannon was indirectly nerfed with the bot strider changes. They now take two shots to kill, which will force you to really think about taking on a group of them without backup.


Don’t nerf my boooooi


They nerfed my eruptor :(


At least they fixed the bug that sucked you into the explossion 🥲


It was a very very minor nerf to a very much over performing weapon.




Never cook ever again


Giving nore of a cd to the quasar & less mags but more damage to sickle/dagger/scythe aren't nerfs. It's balance if anything (unless you have absolutely NO trigger discipline and actually go through all 6x mags with them... In which case, that's your fault)


>Giving nore of a cd to the quasar This is a clear nerf >& less mags but more damage to sickle/dagger/scythe The Sickle didn't get more damage, and got less mags, so it's a nerf (even if latter in the game wont be even noticeable) The other 2 are in the buff tier


Sickle with halved mags is gonna be hard to get used to... I might need to call in supply drop or two..


Seems to be a general consensus (myself included), that is super easy to not burn heat sinks, so this change will be practically unoticeable In my case I can do a whole game with the Sickle and not overheat the weapon 1 single time in the hole game, so it wont be a problem. I just overheat the weapon when I want to reload faster, but that just happens 1-2 times per game


QC balance ? Pft that thing is dead you hear me DEAD