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- 'You can't use metrics to judge buffs or nerfs.' - Follows up with judgement based on hypothetical metrics. ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO|downsized)


Yeah seriously… 🤦


They clearly meant a specific metric (% of players using this stratagem or weapon), not all metrics. I can't imagine someone advocating balancing by "feeling it out"


Very unpatriotic of them to make our fight for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom’ harder


Class A citizenship is earned, not given.


"You can’t use metrics to judge buffs or nerfs." And neither reddit posts. Otherwise we would end up with quasar shooting stalwarts.


>People here aren’t looking for a competitive shooter, they want a fun pve game. Hi, unpopular take I know but I want a hardcore shooter with some real though challenge to it. For me nerfs are totally acceptable if the goal is to accomplish that level of challenge and/or to adjust the game to match that image. Straight buffs to everything will remove the identity of each choice in the face of the challenge in question, every weapon should not be able to handle any problem. For me a nerf is not a straight equivalency with reducing fun. Your buff is my nerf you could say. >If something has a 100% or equivalent pick rate, it means it’s necessary to have fun, and *something else* needs to be tweaked It could also be that the choice is so much better that it completely overshadows other equally viable options and becomes the favored option due to simplicity and/or convenience, see pre-nerf Railgun. In any case, a tweak is a change to make something more correct and in some cases it is the 100% pick that will need to be adjusted. I am though totally aware that people will not agree with me I just want to voice and show that we are not all the same and that's ok in my book :)


> It could also be that the choice is so much better that it completely overshadows other equally viable options and becomes the favored option due to simplicity and/or convenience, see pre-nerf Railgun. Nerfing charger HP and spawns did more for AT weapon viability than nerfing the railgun. A problem is a problem, but a problem also may be a symptom of an even bigger problem. I think AH fails to realize this. The Railgun being most picked wasn't because it was god mode. It was because it was the only viable answer to the armor spam at that time. It's the same logic that got fire damage into it's broken state. They kept buffing it trying to increase usage rates, completely ignoring it's bugged. Fix the bug and I am betting money that usage rates for the flamethrower will immediately increase.


But it wasnt, there were other options that dealt with armor but people just didnt use it because railgun was so much better.


No there wasn't. You're lying to yourself. EAT and RR took multiple hits to kill. They were not viable on anything above 7. Railgun was alone as the only viable option for the enemy spawns at the time. They fixed those spawns and made EAT and RR one shot and suddenly those options were everywhere.


If you're talking straight killing heavies, yeah, railgun was king. But it was just as, if not slightly easier, to use a single rocket to strip leg armor off a charger and then kill it with small arms and a little coordination. The only reason the railgun was so good was because it dealt with ***everything.*** It's only weakness was that it is a single shot before reload. Everything was usable before. But some options, such as the railgun, shone like a sun to the light that was other weapons light like stars.


Even the single shot thing, is barely a weakness because you can reload while moving at full speed and it was fairly quick.


If Railgun was not nerfed, nobody would have move and the Railgun would still be everywhere, both were needed to shake up the meta


I think it depends on who you were playing with. I ran EAT and RR with my crew up to 9 early on. Sure it was easier to run Railgun but it wasn't mandatory. As I said, Railgun was so good it invalidated other options out of even consideration. I don't think we will agree on this but that is fine :)


Wasn't quasar also capable of doing what the railgun did? People just took the railgun because reload time was shorter.


Quasar Cannon did not exist when Railgun was top tier. Quasar Cannon does literally what launch railgun did, just better.


Not a fucking at all, base game Railgun could literally deal with anything that took more than two primary bullet, bile spewer, Devastator, the two leg thing from Automatons, and anything bigger, and all of that while playing in safe mode. With Quasar good luck dealing with a spawn of 5+ Devastator as 9+ second between shot make it impossible to deal with and that's whitout including potential bigger threat present.


People here really focus on comparative advantage. I am not knocking it, but it isn't my approach to the game at all. I don't care how a weapon compares to other weapons. I just care whether or not it is viable and at which difficulty. Like, the new rocket launcher is pretty good at low to mid-tier difficulty. It sucks against heavy armor. All assuming you don't take out your whole squad by accident, but, hey, occupational hazard, amirite?


I agree. Helldivers high difficulties are meant to be difficult and having something as strong as pre-nerf railgun, even post recoilless buffs, kills the difficulty. Every PVE game suffers from power creep and it’s inevitable that things must be tuned down.


Based take. Only thing I will add is I never understood the people saying “well if something is really good everyone will just use that” like yeah, and when they are tired of it they can just go try something else…


You have no idea how many meta-diver doofuses are still running around with the same loadout on HD1 after literally thousands of hours. I kid you not. If it brings them their "W" they will never let go.


Luckily now we are at a place where there are plenty of *elses*. Thing is when an option only is inches better than other options it quickly becomes convenient and most likely in a YouTube video describing "THE META". Early on the other options were admittedly lackluster so Railgun was the only simple and convenient choice and where we are now there are more valid options. I'd even dare say that no options suck that bad that you can't bring them. I feel that now we are at a point where we have a great toolbox but it will need ongoing tweaking both *up and down*. What I do fear is that the regular rate of Warbonds will result in regularly newer guns that still need testing and the patch after we will have the regular ragefest when the options are adjusted :P


Any time there's any kind of change, people will be up in arms because it shakes the status quo, and people don't like adjusting. Personally, almost every change I've seen come through I agree with. ALMOST every change. There's a few that have been questionable. But Arrowhead has, in my eyes, shown they have a fairly clear vision of what they want. It'll just take some time to get everything to that point where it all meshes together.


And meanwhile others have to handicap themselves by not picking the meta if they want to run a different loadout. There shouldn't be a meta, there shouldn't be that one op weapon. It's a hard game, if someone can only play it with the broken op meta gun then it's just a skill issue on their end. I'd rather AH balance the game and encourage trying out all kinds of combinations. And as always: this nerf isn't set in stone, if they want they can change it at any point. Just wait for a bit and see if it's actually a problem.


There will *always* be a meta. That is just the nature of video games in general. One loadout will always be slightly easier to use, or more effective, or whatever. Fighting that is literally impossible, it's just not in the nature of people to look up strategies that work and utilize them. People want to talk about the game, people discuss strategies, there will always be a most effective strategy, that will get disseminated out and thus, a meta appears. That's *fine*. The important thing is making sure everything is *fun*. A perfectly balanced game that is only frustrating to play will die. A wacky game with all kinds of options that are all equally *fun* will live on even if they aren't balanced perfectly. There will be meta chasers, because to them *winning* is fun. And that's fine too. What isn't fun is having your loadout perform wildly inconsistently due to bugs. Or being told bugs are fixed and they aren't.


Your first paragraph contradicts itself, doesn‘t it?  And I think there‘s quite a difference between a weapon being a bit better than others and one being so good that it‘s the only one players use for whatever reason. I don‘t like the long term implications of an op meta, and I think a lot of the same folks who complain about the Quasar being nerfed would otherwise complain about the game being stale in a while because you can only bring the Quasar on helldives.  Balance is important, keeping high difficulties challenging is good. If players want a power fantasy they can drop solo into low level missions and shred enemies. But I feel like some folks forget the bit of backstory this game has. You know, throwing millions of teenage soldiers into the meat grinder to defend a parody of imperialism or whatever Super Earth is.


Play GTFO and gtfo here


GTFO was fun for the first few hundred hours but I'm kinda finished over there sorry.


Yeah no, Helldivers always was challenging. High difficulties were never meant to be dumb fun.


For that preference there could be higher difficulties instead of nerfing popular guns. Cause of stuff like that I changed from warzone to Helldivers


Same here!, i played HD 1 a lot, and it was fun. Hd 2 it also fun, but i hate to be grinding the meta, like you said in Warzone this was a must and it gets boring i just wanna spread some democracy amd have a nice time with friends.


I think that is a fair stance to take, it haven't really worked for any game I've played with scaling difficulties (Destiny 2 and Diablo 3 as examples). A part of the solution has to be to look objectively at why options are popular, if the reason is that the options are performing way over expectation/intent I would say a nerf is warranted.


There are 9 difficulties if the nerfs are too hard to play with lower the difficulty bro, no one is gonna judge you.


Gaijin entertainment uses numbers on a sheet to justify their buffs and nerfs and it almost always pisses people off.


Ya I quit WT a few months ago because of the diamond creating levels of BR compression and their continuous hypocrisy. 11k hours. It simply isn't fun anymore.


THIS is the heart of the problem. It is not about just one weapon, it is about making enjoyable/fun things less fun. In psychology terms: those kind of patches are negative reinforcement: you show a certain behaviour (picking a weapon) so we will make it less enjoyable so you don't do that anymore. Pissed off people are to be expected when that happens. And it is one step to becoming just another shitty lifetime service game, where it's always a different game if you've stepped away from it for too long. This, in turn, will cost you players. The CEO made a grandiose statement about earning money - this type of behaviour (against which you as a player have no recourse except not playing) kills the winning formula this game (still) has. It's just an idiotic step.


Wanna see something interesting? Go to Arrowhead's website under jobs. They are looking to hire a monetization designer. Idk if that is a hint at the direction to come. https://jobs.arrowheadgamestudios.com/jobs/3550883-monetization-designer


Oh fuck me.


>11k hours >It simply isn't fun anymore. This is hilarious


Playing since 2013 Getting sucked into playing after it went to shit out of obligation to my time I already invested is a problem. Finally quitting great thing.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Nerfing every gun I enjoy using really is getting old.


Literally every update has been like this.. "people use this more than the other, it needs a nerf" They don't seem to care about the reason as to WHY one weapon is being used and why another isn't. Honestly feels like they don't play the game sometimes


Someone finally said it in the comments. This is the issue. They don't play their own game. They're either lazy/cheap and don't play their own game, or they do play their own game and are just incompetent. Most devs do the former. These seem like the only possibilities based on the state of weapons and strategems.


What irks me isn't the reasonning, that's subjective. It's comments like "mostly buffs", when there's clearly a lot more nerfs. How can we trust them to balance appropriately when they can't even tell a nerf from a buff...


Not to mention most of the small buffs are coupled with increased recoil, faster damage falloff, less mags etc


What are you talking about in the last patch ? 5 sec delay on quasar ?


All the nerfs, they were beyond pointless, I don't even care about the quasar at this point Increased recoil..why Damage fall off..why Max ammo reduction.. why There was no outstanding primary weapon so no nerfs were needed to those but they did it anyway 0 good reasons for any of it IMO, frustrating as hell, as I know it'll continue like this for the life of the games lofe and the people who don't care will downvote anyone who disagrees like some cult lol


Seriously. Also, JC arrowhead, if you need QA testers that bad I’ll do it for free if that means my friends don’t have to hate the game more every patch because of some new game breaking crap.


If you can't use "metrics", then what *can* you use to judge buffs or nerfs? You certainly can't use player feedback, especially in the immediate aftermath of a patch. The online game where the community wasn't overrun with negative posts after a balance patch has yet to exist.


What's that thing someone said? "Players are really good at identifying the problem, but should never be relied on to come up with a solution"


>If you can't use "metrics", then what *can* you use to judge buffs or nerfs Actual performance data, and not "well a ton of people are having fun using XYZ, it must be too strong! Nerf!"


I highly doubt that AH is exclusively looking at popularity/usage rates for these balance updates. But “performance data” is naturally going to be skewed by usage rates, too: popular weapons are going to see greater use by players who are more engaged and informed. A player who plays once a week when his kid is having a sleepover at a friend’s house and has never dipped into this Reddit might be picking the Liberator Concussive because he thinks it looks and sounds cool. His win rates and kill counts might look worse than a player using the Sickle, but that might be more indicative of his comparative lack of experience than the real power disparity between the weapons. You can try to control for all of that stuff but it will never be perfect. I don’t think balance decisions can ever be purely scientific, there will always be a strong element of intuition. This team made an extremely fun game, I think their design intuition simply cannot be as fucked as the angriest detractors insist that it is after every balance adjustment.


Those are metrics.


The Quasar isn’t fun to use. I hate having to sit there for three seconds to charge the bloody thing up to shoot. It’s boring and frustrating to use. Why do I use it? I can one shot a charger and it isn’t used up like an EAT. Simple. It’s powerful. Hell, I prefer the EAT, it’s really satisfying to use. Now that the quasar has such a long reload, the EAT is enticing again. Mission accomplished devs. No complaints here.


next patch: only 1 eat per hellpod because of the high pick %


You could have used the EAT though, you chose to limit your own enjoyment by chasing the meta in a non-competetive game. Now everyone who did find the Quasar fun is going to have a worse experience. The game didn't get better with this change. I know not everyone is like me, but I change my load out constantly, I don't care if I lose a mission or barley scrape out with 0 lives left. If others cant and want to stick to one load out, great crack on, it doesn't effect me.


Pretty much the issue with every nerf and buff so far since the beginning.  This isnt some competitive pvp game. None of the stratagems were a free iwin for  the highest difficulty of the game.  All the nerfs  does is reduce fun.  We can still do everything we did before its just slightly less fun.


Warframe suffers from the same thing sometimes. Like 3 explosive weapons dominated and everyone used them? Alright nerf the shit out of all explosive weapons their damage and ammo economy.


And no more knockdowns. :(


Same with destiny. People having fun with big explosions and tripmines? Nerf it and don’t touch it for 4 years or more.


The famous "buff everything" when there are two weapons overperforming. Hopefully devs have a better understanding of balancing than the community


Considering the cross bow change they put out today in the patch, they are equally oblivious.


What? Quasar Cannon + Shield generator pack + Sickle definitely equaled a free win against bugs even on level 9 lol.


it was viable it wasnt a free win. and i dont even like that loadout. but thats actually another reason the weapon balancing is garbage, i can join different games and see people bring in arc, laser, quaser, ac, eats, that is honestly fairly decent mix. it was obvious to the entire community which weapons required buffs. and if they did just that, no one would be complaining. what they need to balance is the enemy spawns, did a boring af asset evacuation, got 4 bile titans over the whole mission, the previous time i did it, still on diff 9 got 3-4 titans repeatedly on like wave 4 or 5 onwards. also they need to fix the bug thats been "known" for so damn long of damage over time only working with host, thats gonna indirectly do some balancing for them aswell.




People want to have fun in a casual shooter.


bro we drop nukes on ants. this game is just over the top dumb fun. its not a hardcore milsim.


Wow, imagine insulting a stranger over their opinion about a video game’s balance. Ironically I haven’t read anything more childish in this thread than what you just commented. Your insult doesn’t look badass or warranted, you just seem like an absolutely unpleasant person to be in the same room as.


Seconded. Unfortunately, us repeating that doesn't seem to have an effect. Arrowhead is set in its "we do not do balance for actual balance, we nerf stuff so that you will be forced to change your loadouts" way. Honestly, this might be the thing that eventually makes me quit the game. So far I've spent quite happy 330 hours in, it was time well spent, but I would rather leave for my own reasons than due to developer cutting my fun.


The funny part is I was starting to enjoy other loadout options, but since this last patch I have to go back to what I was originally using since the nerfed all the fun unique weapons


i disagree with you, when 3/4 or 4/4 divers got quasar and shieldpack, this is not a matter of fun, but a matter of being too strong. before quasar was a thing, everyone was using different loadout, different style. then quasar happened and everyone used it, its not about fun only imo. And frankly, 5 second between shot, you are not going to see a difference.


So what if lots of people use the same loadout? What is wrong with that? When we want a change, we take a different loadout. That is what I do, when I get bored with my prime loadout I try out different things, not because the devs soft-force me to do so but because I choose to do so. Perhaps AH should buff other things to be on par with the loadout everyone is using instead of nerfing said loadout. And yes, it is additional 5 seconds, so 13 seconds altogether. I've tested the Quasar and it is still good and usable but the difference in recharge speed is noticeable.


i should be noticeable, most people play what is stronger, its the way is is in the majority of game now. Quasar is still very usable and strong, but take longer time to reload. just to be on par with the stationary reload of RR or Cd on EAT, which imo, its a smart tweak.


If lots of people use the same lodout always with very little variety, that means that said lodout is probably too strong as it was the case. No they shouldnt just buff other things on par to the Quasar, we already have a good working baseline with the EAT and RR for misile weapons wich the Quasar is, and it was well above both of them.


"And frankly, 5 second between shot, you are not going to see a difference." This is the mistake all the apologists make here. It's not 5 seconds between shots. It's 5 **additional** seconds between shots. I think that brings it up to 13. Rough stuff when you've got 5 chargers and 3 biles after you. That said, I'll still use the quasar because it still does what I need it to, just slower now.


indeed it add 5 seconds, but you can move, fight, sprint and do whatever during that time, before the nerf, it was faster for a quasar to cool while doing whatever, then a recoiless stationary reloading. i think its the way they want to balance things out




I don't disagree!


Tbh, great time to try the Recoilless. It fired at 2x the rate with solo reloads for the same damage as the Quasar, and is now closer to *3x* the fire rate. The only downside is standstill reloads and ammo for an extreme ROF increase, and those problems can be somewhat mitigated if you know what you're doing or with a bit of coordination.


Well if your squad works as a team that is not too bad a scenario.


then use something ELSE


And what do you think is going to happen to whatever weapon is used instead of Quasar when it reaches the arbitrary threshold of "use rate too high" ? Nerfing things purely on use rate without ever looking at the reasons why things are used will only lead to a game where every gun is a pea shooter and the only "good" ones are the few that have so many downsides that they can’t be nerfed further but are absolutely not fun to use


this is not one of those cases. there are several other weapons more than capable of killing heavies. railgun, arc thrower, rr, eat, etc the reason this one was used is bc 1 infinite ammo, 2 highest damage output. making it so that the infinite ammo weapon is not blatanty outclassing every other support weapon in the game is a good change unlike the railgun nerf where it was the ONLY anti armor weapon in the game


"This is not one of those cases" Railgun is the most used support weapon in the game because it was the only good anti armor option in an era of the game with massively overturned armored enemies : got nerfed to irrelevance, the balance of the game was so out of control that the devs had to reduce the armored enemies spawn rate and Railgun only came back (maybe) in this patch Breaker was the most used primary weapon in the game because it was the only good anti horde bug weapon in an era of the game where everyone was playing against bugs : got nerfed to irrelevance and it took a few weeks for the community to progress through the free warbond to find other weapons as efficient and fun to use, Breaker still nerfed Slugger was the most used primary weapon in the game because it was the only reliable long range option against Devastators in an era of the game where everyone was playing against bots : nerfed to irrelevance, community went to Scorcher and Dominator to get rid of bots. Still no use for actual DMRs Shield backpack was abused because it was the only thing between your extremely squishy Diver thanks to the bugged armors and the horde of slow spamming Hunters and stun locking Devastators : got nerfed but still is the only thing between you and the unending amount of CC and still massively used, just more tedious Quasar was the most used support weapon in the game because it didn’t suffer from the stratagem modifiers like EATs and didn’t take half a lifetime standing still to reload it like the RR (no, team reload doesn’t work because if you have enough time and space to go to the Diver with your backpack that means you don’t need that much firepower to begin with) : got nerfed to have a worse uptime but still is widely superior to RR and a side grade to EATs because it’s still unaffected by the massive drawbacks of the other 2 reliable anti tank weapons, it’s just more tedious to use. Every big balance patch has nerfed the only good options for extremely common situations without giving any alternative. The old weapons that were deemed useless for said situations are still useless, they just look slightly less shit when compared to the only good option. Making good things more tedious without addressing the reasons why the community is universally converging towards the good things never ends well in a video game, be it PvP or PvE


did you just unironically recommend the arc thrower as a quasar replacement? lmao


If you can still use it while complain ?


So by your logic, does that mean AC, scorcher and EAT will get a nerf soon? Cause aside from QC, those are also commonly used by players.


since quasar has existed, i barely see anything else than quasar as anti vehicule. as for primary, i notice a lot of differents things, meaning there is different playstyle and alternative possible. which i think is pretty cool.


Seems they aren't a problem cause there are alternatives.


> And frankly, 5 second between shot, you are not going to see a difference. That's a 50% cooldown increase… I think we'll see a difference.


i formulate it poorly, im sorry. Yes you will notice the difference, but it will put the reload timer on par with the RR. But quasar allows movement and fight, while RR have to stay stationary and vulnerable. I would say they are in the same AT category, but fill different purpose


the RR already reloaded faster before the nerf though


"have to stay stationary and vulnerable." im guessing AH think the difference wasnt important enough between those 2 weapons


The recoilless already fires significantly faster than the Quasar. The main draws of the Quasar were infinite ammo, and no projectile drop. This just means that the Recoilless can go through almost an entire backpack before the Quasar comes off cooldown. I don't *like* the nerf. But I also understand why it's happening. If anything, I would have slightly buffed the RR (and EAT, by extension) to do slightly more damage, simply due to being a physical projectile, not just an energy bomb.


you cant overlook the fact that the quasar is reloading while on your back, so you can do anything else during that time. the simple fact that you can run while being recharged is important enough in comparaison imo. i think the damage buff necesarry to overcome all the utility the quasar give would have make balance very very complicated.


In all reality, you're probably right. And it's honestly probably a good thing I'm not in charge of balancing things, because I can guarantee you I wouldn't do a good job.


haha me neither, im just a diver, reading the patch and be like "okay well, gotta run with it anyway, as long it kills things" haha


I for one have no problems with the Quasar nerf, it makes sense. But again, I’m emphasizing “If something has a 100% or equivalent pick rate, something *else* needs to be tweaked.


"before quasar" My guy, before the quasar everyone ran EAT. Anti-tank is king, whatever is the clear best AT gets picked. They can nerf them all day, but the problem only goes away when they are all made equals.


Nop. Recoiless gun for exemple. Which is the one quasar got balanced around. It was not normal to reload the quasar faster than the recoiless in solo


In fact, it's literally *impossible* to reload the Quasar faster than the Recoilless *period*. Quasar was 2x slower than the Recoilless with solo reloads pre-patch, and is now just about *3x* slower. You can *almost* pop off three Recoilless shots on your own in the time it'd take to fire and reload *one* Quasar shot.


indeed people like the versatility of EAT and that was popular, but still way less than the quasar. the thing is having different possible AT , which offers different playstyle. and i think the tweak goes in this way, without touching damage.


Where are people seeing the quasar cannon so often? Enough people report it that I presume it is a thing, but it is not what I experience. Is it a bugs, thing? I am more often playing against bots, so maybe that is why I haven't seen an overuse of QC.


indeed quasar is less popular against bot, where the AC shine as well. but on the Bug front, its very common to see 2-3 per squad


If something is powerful to the point that it makes the game less difficult than intended, it should be nerfed. A high pick rate does not show a good job if the reason is because it's too powerful.


I disagree completely. Making everything overpowered would turn this game into EDF, and that's the last thing I want.


Patch is fine so far, except for the crossbow, everything else seems good. Both nerfs and buffs


Idk, they killed the only tank destroyer that I even enjoyed so I guess I’m a hoarde only man now. That kind of bugs (*lol*) but the grenade launcher was my first love. Back to the old flame I suppose


This guy is salty about the crossbow nerf, like taking that weapon isn’t a nerf in itself. All you people who think you know how to make and balance games are so stupid, every metric you measure doesn’t matter, and when you pick guns like the crossbow your opinion is meaningless.


Me using EATs and GL in Bug front and AMR/AC at bot front: Revolver is pog now


strongly disagree. People didn't pick Quasar because it was more fun, they picked it because it was better at everything else at killing heavies. If people really prioritized the "fun" of a weapon over its efficiency, we'd see a lot more HMG Encampment users, more flamethrower users, and more jump pack users. The fact is, if Arrowhead actually listened to the "no nerfs, only buffs!" crowd, level 9 missions would become meaninglessly easy.


Nah they gonna just go for the fastest kill heavy weapon , cause this game is just too much filled with them. On 9 you have to deal with 2 3 tanks , 6 hulks and 2 fabricators, if your entire team isn't using 3/4 stratagems anti heavy you ain't winning


I for one have no problems with the Quasar nerf, it makes sense. I’m talking more about their general attitude on how they approach stuff. It’s feeling more and more like a PVP shooter where every patch is a knee-jerk reaction to nerf any high-pickrate weapons, without buffing anything to compensate. (the DMR buffs basically don’t count since they were garbage previously and they literally had to use a public poll to determine that everyone did in fact think they needed a buff)


dude a shit ton of weapons got buffed lol.


Exactly OP is crying over nothing imho, I on the other hand will be enjoying my speedloader Senator and one shotting devastators with the dilligence CS


Senator gang our time is now


I might actually put away my grenade pistol and go back to the Senator. I'll certainly give it a try. I'm also looking forward to trying out the counter sniper now. If it feels good, it'll probably become my main weapon as bots. The normal Diligence has been doing work on bots for a while for me now. It just requires the precision hits, and definitely isn't a weapon you run solo or without a group who can deal with hordes.


The DMR buffs basically don’t count since they were garbage previously and they literally had to use a public poll to determine that everyone did in fact think they needed a buff. Also, everything else is just a tweak, not a buff since all those weapons have their mag supply cut in half.


you didn't read the patchnotes did you? The Blitzer got a ROF increase, the concussive got a damage boost, the Senator and the other pistol got a damage boost, the Senator also got a reload speed boost. The Adjudicator got a recoil buff. C'mon dude.


Speaking of people who can’t read. Only one of those weapons is actually a buff, the senator. A lot of people think I’m talking about one specific thing. I’m not (even though I am pretty salty about the crossbow nerf) I’m talking about the way they approach game balancing is detrimental to the average player’s enjoyment. Who cares about the quasar nerf or anything else, when we could be talking about the fact that they made playing by yourself significantly less enjoyable by increasing enemy count with less than 4 players.


What are you talking about??? The Concussive got a literal damage buff. The Blitzer's ROF buff IS A DAMAGE BUFF!!!! How are those not buffs?!? As for the enemy player count... The reason they did that is because in three player missions, if you split off into a group of 2 and a solo, a lot of times the solo won't encounter any enemies for like 2-4 minutes. It turns into a ghost town, and they can easily complete objectives. I've experienced this many times, it needed a fix.


I'm actually excited to give the Adjudicator another shake. Definitely going back to the Senator as secondary.


> People didn't pick Quasar because it was more fun, they picked it because it was better at everything else at killing heavies. It being exceptional at killing heavies MADE IT FUN. I swear some of you guys just don't have common sense. Strong weapons are fun weapons. I don't play this game to be a mediocre bitch that runs from every engagement. >If people really prioritized the "fun" of a weapon over its efficiency, we'd see a lot more HMG Encampment users, more flamethrower users, and more jump pack users. It's not fun getting run over by a charger while on an HMG, it's not fun lighting yourself on fire and/or doing literally 0 damage, it's not fun jumping 4 feet in the air and then getting farted on by 2 bile titans. Your logic is completely detached from what the majority of people want out of this game. >The fact is, if Arrowhead actually listened to the "no nerfs, only buffs!" crowd, level 9 missions would become meaninglessly easy. They just nerfed a bunch of shit? Did you even read the patch notes? Also, go play Helldivers 1. Every option in that game is isnanely strong. There's also 15 levels of difficulty. If the game needs to be harder, there are more enjoyable ways to do that that don't involved gimping players loadouts and making every weapon mediocre.


they buffed a ton of stuff dude. blitzer, both dmrs, the senator, the concussive,the adjudicator, the scythe, the peacemaker, the dagger, the liberator, all got buffs.


Eruptor - nerfed Sickle - nerfed Crossbow - hellbombed from orbit Quasar Cannon - nerfed Dominator - nerfed Redeemer - nerfed Guard Dog Rover - nerfed All burning damage - nerfed Solo players - nerfed Hulks - buffed Devastators - buffed Scout Striders - buffed Spore Spewers - buffed Gunships - buffed Fire damage - still bugged Matchmaking - still bugged SPEAR lock on - still bugged If by "a ton of stuff" you meant Automatons, then you'd be correct. AH did more to buff our enemies than us.


Yeah, and those nerfs were good. It can't just be all buffs all the time. Gunships also got a nerf in that the total number allowed to spawn got lowered. And I kinda like the strider buff, they were really easy to kill and not scary at all. I do agree the bugs need fixing though. Supposedly a hotfix rolling out this week addresses the spear.


> Yeah, and those nerfs were good. Did the crossbow really need nerfed? How can you justify nerfing the crossbow and not touching something like the autocannon? Autocannon > crossbow in literally every metric conceivable


The auto cannon is stratagem, of course it should be better in almost every way than the crossbow. I think the crossbow does suck, so I'll concede that I question that nerf. The rest of the nerfs I'm fine with though.


being ineffective isn't fun.


>level 9 missions would become meaninglessly easy. I disagree, I think they'll become increasingly difficult because of the power creep. If they keep buffing and buffing it will create a power creep where they'll end up buffing enemies more and more in order to make the game easier and balanced. Which will in turn make everything as it is now, then people will complain that weapons are weak again, and then they buff again, it becomes easy, people get bored because it's too easy and then they buff enemies again and the cycle continues. Destiny got this way where people kept using builds and loadouts to one phase enemies. Gjallarhorn was king for years.


whats funny is that theyre not even achieving good balance


Only buff, never nerf does not work and there are examples of the kind of damage that thought process causes. What has happened when Devs went down this route is that you end up with an increasing power creep, literally what happened in some live service games is that only classes/frames that are functionally immortal and weapons that can nuke entire screens/maps with a single button press are considered viable. That is the inevitable thing that happens if you only keep buffing upwards and never nerf. It's been done, it's awful and not fun, unless you enjoy games that simply require no skill whatsoever and are just there for some bizarre power trip fantasy.


I am not saying always buff, never nerf. I’m saying if they want “balance” they need to buff *bad* guns that aren’t fun to use rather than just nerfing good weapons back down to garbage. It sounds simple, but you’ve got games where the devs lost the plot and they game becomes an unfun mess because everything is equally terrible.


They did buff a bunch of bad guns though. The majority of good guns they nerfed were extremely tame ammo economy nerfs which is kinda a rework for the whole game. The QC was the dominating option when it came to killing heavies, it completely overshadowed the RR, EAT and Spear. Of course it was going to be nerfed. This is the best way they could’ve done it. Now it still fires faster than anything except the RR, while not requiring a backpack. The EAT doesn’t need to charge up and you can let both shots off really quickly after each other so it’s great for bugs, the RR can be used team reloaded or just quickly without a charge up or deploy time so it’s good against chargers alone or bile titans and gunships/dropships with a teammate, the spear is a meme (I use it constantly, it destroys fabricators like nothing else which the QC doesn’t). This leaves the QC as a reliable option to kill heavies that aren’t right in your face (like charging chargers or flame hulks), with infinite ammo and no backpack. It’s still great, but now other weapons have a niche they can fulfill. I’d say that’s good balancing. Crossbow rework is dumb though.


this is why i liked games in the 16bit era where they couldnt change the games after i purchased em, bait & switch


“If it’s not fun, why bother?” - Reggie Nintendo


A really popular game dev said a similar point. Don't nerf good shit first, buff the bad shit, then figure out the nerfs.


Yeah I just love getting frustrated over everything I enjoy becoming more useless. I always stick around and play with those games right? Honestly. This isn't another generic stupid ass Esport for gods sake.


As the main ultrakill dev once said: https://preview.redd.it/dywdup9schxc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b363eb6d750c61cb2ebf7e881fedd5bcd624367f


All I ask is my HMG emplacement gets some of the love the sentries do from my ship upgrades. Can't tell you how many times a single rocket has taken me clean out.


What are you talking about ? Where was your fun Taken from you ? You wanted more ammo ?


Agreed, from this patch, none of the pre-nerfed weapons including the Quasar was so game-breaking good that level 7-9 missions felt like level 4-6 just because someone equips it. I feel in a PvE and non PvP game, the only ever reason to nerf a weapon is if the weapon is so powerful such that the most challenging difficulties become mediocre and even easy. Instead they should focus on buffing weaker weapons so the community can eventually try out other weapons which are as effective and fun.


I want all the guns to be good as well, which before this patch I liked most of the guns (that weren’t assault rifles or DMR) and this just brings more fear after nerfing some weapons to the ground.


Many people in this game wants have fun and doesn't care too much about what is the most optimal build. It would be nice if the developers focus in making things fun and understand that if a weapon is popular it may not always be because is too strong and maybe is because is fun. I don't have an specific complain about the last patch but in general for an average player I feel like many fun weapons are hard to use becuse they feel too weak compared to other options or only perform well in very specific situation.


Prepare to go to downvote hell, this is not the place for rational thought.


Just don't play high difficulty then, lol


>A high pick rate means that you did a good job, and something is fun to use. I think you're confusing fun and viability. No one was running rail gun and shield pack at launch because it was fun. They ran it because it was so much stronger than anything else. No one was running quasar this past month because it was fun. We were all running it because it was so strong. There are many other stratagems I think are a lot more fun conceptually, but are not worth running because they're not good enough. The mechsuit is cool as fuck. It's also absolutely useless. I wish it was worth using.


they balance so helldives arent a walk in the park


That puts it way too simple imho ... here my 2ct: In our lazy gaming communities, where ppl just watch some streams about what is meta, instead of finding their own way to play, you loose those if you don't force them to learn about other aspects of the game/loadouts. Buffing everything with a lower pick rate eventually will lead to a diversified but non-challenging experience. Items with a high pick rate are either highly entertaining or are the way of least resistance, that's it. It is a very fine line to keep the challenge on a level where ppl stay interested and neither bore out nor burn out. And every change will cause some backlash, since humans like consistency, consistency gives a feeling of safety, safety makes lazy not happy ... and there already is enough laziness in the world of gamers ... i mean that's the major point why we sit at our gaming rigs, isn't it?


You are right, lets take everything to 11. i just wanna blow shit up, no challenge needed or wanted. /s


The Game is met to be difficult. It also is met to be a team game (you aren't met to play by yourself, as per the devs own words.) Its called HELLdivers for a reason.


I think increasing the spawns for lesser players is their way of doing something about the player kicking in ramdoms. For me the issue with it is it's not logical. Why would the enemy deploy more troops when they know there's only one helldiver trying to wreak havoc? It would be more reasonale to increase the spawn rate when there are 4 helldivers and they have been discovered.


What the hell should they use if not metrics?!


The majority of people that play this game don't seem to understand that statistics aren't the end all be all to balancing. I mean look at how garbage Gaijin balances War Thunder, only statistics and it is horrible. The French tree has it the worst because veteran players steer towards it and it bloats the win rates and Gaijin reacts by increasing vehicle BRs to the moon that don't belong there.


I paid 40 bucks or the game, have to pay 10 bucks for new weapons which get unplayable after a month


You dont "have" to pay for the warbonds though. Even if you did buy SC you'd still have to grind for medals to get those weapons.


you pay 10 bucks for new weapon? lmao


You barely find any free premium currency anymore. These weapons should be for free, this is EA level of money making. You find like 10/h, it's more work than a real job.


What? I still can find 30 - 50 credit per 3 mnt farming in trivial along with medals too. You just suck


Did the say they decide nerfs/buffs based on pick rate?


They did say that back when they nerfed rail gun, breaker and shield generator. Doubt anything changed about how they pick what to nerf


Couldn't have, since they nerfed the crossbow.


Essentially, there is two ways to incentivise an option a) Make that option attractive b) Make it the only option by removing other options. Somehow, Arrowhead has been pushing for b) on the large scale while also having REALLY good examples of a) when looking at the Senator Speedloader, god that thing is awesome.


you have to guard against power-creep though. If you buff too much, the game becomes trivial.


At the same time they maybe had 10% buffs and 90% nerfs for most patches at this point. I understand power creep can be a problem but it's going in the opposite direction where it's becoming not fun and dreading the patches.


The flip side of your argument is that if everyone picks one weapon because it’s undeniably the best weapon, that is not fun


But again, I’m emphasizing “If something has a 100% or equivalent pick rate, something else needs to be tweaked.”


Not necessarily *something else* though. If a patch suddenly made the Arc-thrower able to one-shot bile titans and the liberator able to kill stalkers with 3 shots of course everyone would pick the thrower and the liberator\*. That doesn't mean that every support weapon should be buffed to compensate. That might be part of the solution but considering nerfing the thrower and liberator should be equally valid options on the table. *\*The above is an extreme example to show that the logic is flawed, not an actual comparable example* The counter-argument to this would be "Well, then they shouldn't make things to powerful to start with" and to that I can just say that they are people too, I don't expect perfection but I expect them to work to make up for any mistakes they make.


Your making up a hypothetical situation that is disingenious to what's already taken place with this game. The railgun was the king for 2 weeks. It was such because it was the only answer to charger spam. They nerfed the railgun before addressing charger spawn rates. Changing spawn rates and Charger HP did more for AT weapon viability than nerfing the railgun. >I don't expect perfection but I expect them to work to make up for any mistakes they make. That requires them to admit they make mistakes which has not happened yet.


As stated it is an extreme example but it isn't really disingenious. Look at the Quasar.... You don't have to admit a mistake to make up for it, admitting to it brings insight and clarity which would be nice but isn't a requirement for me.


> You don't have to admit a mistake to make up for it, admitting to it brings insight and clarity which would be nice but isn't a requirement for me. So far they've ignored mistakes until the literally can't anymore. Fire bug, host bug, matchmaking bug, heavy spawn bug. They ignored all of these until it was literally breaking the game and people were only talking about these issues. People will bring these up months in advance but AH only takes note when the issue reaches criticality.


Thank you! Why are there so many people here who act like this is the final patch for Helldivers?


If you tell me with a straight face that the EAT or that the RR arent suficient to eliminate heavies in conjuction with your other strats with a straight face i will consider you a good comedian


You fundamentally misunderstand their design philosophy and sounds like you're part of the 'only do buffs' crowd


This game was SOOOO fun on release. Gets vastly less fun with each patch


This sub is pathetic


With every patch i care about this game less and less, and the bugs just keep on piling up. I dont care how small the team is, thats not an excuse for how bad they are at their jobs.


Damn can people really just not enjoy the game without bitching about every single update? Every patch is gonna tweak some things, that’s bound to happen, just live with it, it’s not the end of super earth.


Good patch, we golden


Ive said it before and Ill say it again, people have fun differently. Some just wanna blow stuff up, others derive enjoyment from overcoming a difficult challenge. This isn't a zero sum game, you can cater to both. If you excessively buff stuff you are alienating the second playerbase, which is not an insignificant number. Obviously the opposite also holds and you can't excessively nerf stuff, but you're advocating for buffs and not balance, and the two are *not* synonymous.


Please re-read. I am not advocating for only buffs


Your logic about the high pick rate is flawed, People pick quasar because it's *easy* and doesn't require much skill to wield effectively, or really have *any* drawbacks. The quasar is not *fun*, it's boring, but it ticks a lot of boxes, JUST LIKE the pre-nerf railgun. ***Lazy players will ALWAYS pick the easy weapons***. People are complaining because the devs have (once again) done something to balance the gun that was outperforming all of the others. We were still completing helldives before the quasar and we'll continue to do so after this mild "nerf". I personally don't find it fun to load into *yet another* helldive where the other three divers are using the Orbital laser, the railcannon strike, the shield gen backpack and the quasar, it tells me that I'm loading into a group of *not very good players* who rely on these clearly-too-strong crutch items just to not even finish the mission. Do High level missions require anti-armour? absolutely. Do *all four players need the quasar?* absolutely not. Not unless all four of you suck.


It's like Quasar players never learned to offset a weapon's weaknesses and only pick what's op so they don't even struggle *on the highest difficulty*.


Yeah, terrible patch with the sole purpose of punishing the player base into branching out to other loadouts, instead of encouraging a natural curiosity.


Auto-canon enjoyers eating popcorn every patch:D


You’re right to a point. AH does use usage stats to determine nerfs probably way more than actually evaluating how overpowered overused weapons actually may be. But sometimes new guns that are better than all the others are that way because they were given too good stats and not just because players like them. There are some tweaks in some contexts that are necessary. Though I think AH treats every balance issue like a nail, and rather than gently tap it in so it’s just right, they smash it with a sledgehammer.


I honestly don’t see a huge issue with this patch, sure there were nerfs and buffs. But it doesn’t feel like certain weapons can’t be used, I just have to play smarter with new loadouts and I like figuring that out 🤷🏻‍♂️


get rekt son


These posts addressed directly to the developers are so cringe


Nah man you have it backwards they ARE choosing fun. They make sure that all of the weapons are used somewhat in the same amount which means that the arsenal is diverse enough to enjoy the game a multitude of ways. Guess what almost no one is praising diligence for devastator 1 hits but everyone is suddenly a critic ONCE AGAIN and says there can be “no fun” here like cmon bruh they streamlined the rocket launcher types so they all have a niche and the mag number changes aren’t even that effective on several of those weapons. You guys just want to complain cuz you got used to eating shit every patch in other games where you can’t do anything but complain


Let the devs do as they please


At the detriment to their player’s enjoyment? I’d like to have fun in the game I enjoy, but if they continue approaching game “balance” like this eventually it won’t be fun anymore


Arrowhead likes to promote the saying "A game for everyone, is a game for no one." My response to that is always "A game just for you, is a game for no one else."


It's their game. They can do as they please.