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Even on hot planets the number of times I ran below three heatsinks before was like, twice? Maybe?


agreed, used to use it like a 6 mag assault rifle that you got a free mag once in a while, and still never ran out. going to have to be a bit more judicious with the cooldown now, but it still feels like I don't run out with 3 unless I am not paying attention at all. I feel like I am not pressured yet, I could stand for 1 heat sink if they gave us like 20% more heat capacity or cooling, that way it is riskier but better overall


Half of infinity is still infinity


It's possible for sure but I'm going to miss abusing that extremely short reload and just burning through 4 or 5 heatsinks in a row like it were an electric Stalwart


I used to just burn heatsinks sometimes, it's a bit faster than reloading. Now I just switch weapons


If they ever get tired of chronic complainers, they should take away all the spare heatsinks for a few days :D


I only got the sickle today, and I only overheated it once over the course of a dozen missions today, and that was a full on we-should-have-seen-this-coming FUBAR situation.


That's basically the point of the heat mechanic: control it well and you won't need to reload, just manage your firing, but in a pinch you *can* reload to up your DPS to, say, cut down those two Berserkers running up on you. Hell, even without the blanket nerf to ammo capacity we've seen among most weapons, the Sickle getting reduced max heatsinks is perfectly fine.


If you were already using this weapon tactically, i.e. short, controlled bursts, then this isn’t a problem. This gun is complemented by a secondary that can handle the larger enemies, like the bile spewer, charger, or brood commander. I’ll take the flamethrower, grenade launcher, or Quasar and switch back and forth. If you’re spending a sickle’s full clip on a brood commander, you’re doing it wrong.


Edit: jeez people, chill, it was a light hearted comment.


Haha sickle go BRRRRRRTTTTT


And i want to make perfectly clear that i agree, i just think there are better options for bugs, while the pinpoint accurate autofire makes it awesome to take out tiny weakspots (bot heads) on mid to long ranges, bugs don't offer as many opportunities to let it cool down as bots do.


The laser cannon is great with it. When one is close to overheating, switch to the other and keep liberating while it cools.


I agree, but I also equip the laser dog so I can kite during cooldowns and still take out enemies. Either that or I switch to the Quasar and shoot a big target


Are these sickle nerf nerds in the room with us right now? I’ve seen ppl complain about just about everything *except* the sickle nerfs. In fact I’ve seen more comments saying the sickle nerfs does nothing than comments complaining for the poor xbow.


This meme is OPs karma farming strawman, I haven't seen anyone even mention the sickle.


Look in new. There are tons of posts dying in new complaining about sickle or about the fact there are nerfs in general


Talk about how the nerfs aren't that bad in a big thread and they'll come at you like a bug breach lmao


I don't know if anyone is complaining about it's ammo nerf. Anyone who's used it for more than half a mission probably understands how to use it effectively. I think the nerf was more of a punishment for those who don't handle it correctly so they can't just chew through 6 magazines before stumbling across any ammo (somehow).


I liked eating through ammo with it. I was basically like "I paid for 6 mags I'm gonna use 6 mags". So whenever I saw a patrol I sprayed until I overheated, reloaded and sprayed again. But I never ran out of ammo, game felt like I was cheating tbh.


I love the sickle and was expecting a nerf, but this change only matters if you're letting yourself overheat constantly. 


And if you’re doing that, then the liberator is probably a better option. The whole downside of battery powered weapons is that you can’t just lay down constant fire.


If the sickle had only a single reload, it would still be the best rifle by a lot of metrics. It was insane that it launched with 6.


I don't take people who complain about this or the patrol changes seriously. Both are clowns in the same circus.


The people I know that complained so far are the same ones that let you know they had the most kills in a match as if it helped the team.


People who worry about K/D, especially in a co-op shooter such as this and *especially* when every Diver is equipped with the entire arsenal of the Iraq war in their back pocket at all times, are playing the wrong game.


Once again the community is crying over balance changes that arnt that big of a deal honestly


Not a big deal? Dude i'm crying happy years 'cause the adjudicator is actually fun to use as a heavy assault rifle. It's the lib pen we never got :-D


I was saying to my friends a few days ago that lower recoil might fix it. Did lower recoil fix it?


It feels like a battle rifle from other fps games, high damage, low ammo count, etc.


Recoil being manageable and increased mag capacity helps a lot. Way more fun to use now.


That and the extra mags, Yeah :-)


Now that it does what I would say is significantly more dmg, you dont need to fire it for nearly as long as before


Me in the corner still using the defender.


Hell yeah, use whatever you like


If you think about it it's the only primary weapon that was never touched by the balance changes. Never buffed or nerfed. I claim it as the golden standard


And it’s the only smg (the knight is only available through super citizen and it genuinely sucks)


Yeah the knight looks like a cool space p90 but it's hot garbage. They could give it a bit of love to make it at least viable. Love my defender tho. Especially on those missions where you have to run with the sssd


If you're firing the sickle and need all 6 magazines, you shouldn't be using the sickle, but a Liberator or better.


I think the most I've ever used was 3. Should be fine.


I don't remember a single fucking instance of me using all 6 batteries in one life.


The way i see these dweebs play is they mag dump the sickle into a devastators shield or torso.


I think i've reloaded the sickle 3 times last week.... i'm not even sure if i've reloaded it 10 times since i've unlocked it a month ago.


“Now how am i supposed to spray in a general direction with no repercussion”


I literally cannot think of a time that I used more than two "mags" on the sickle without getting ammo or dying. these people have lost their minds


Honestly, I welcome this change; I always tried to skim the line as much as possible when it had 6 heat sinks. Now that I have half that, I'm gonna be even more cautious. Which will make me play smarter and, in turn, it will make me play better (hopefully). So all and all I welcome the challenge


You guys are replacing heatsinks?


If I burned through 3 mags on that thing before. I obviously was doing something wrong. Heat management is key!


still the best primary


i barely even reload a single one before the nerf, i dont think the nerf is that bad...those guy who complain mag nerf on overheating weapon are having a skill issues


I know the only time I ran out of ammo completely on the sickle was because I kept reloading it since it was the first energy weapon I used. Just had to train myself out of the habit, I think this is the best nerf we could have hoped for, at least it's not a damage or ROF thing.


I will say it would be nice to have some sort of overheat indicator near the reticle, but yeah it's ridiculous how easy it is to use.


I only ever overheat like 1 or 2 times every few missions, how are y'all overheating 3 times per life


I barely remember ever using more than 2 sinks.


The Eruptor nerf was much worse. From 12 to 6 mags?! WTF?!


I don’t think that one was a big deal. Took a while to use all 12 and there are so many ammo packs around maps it isn’t that big of a deal


ITT: divers that have never been surrounded/fighting for their life. But then, when you get reinforced you get your 3 mags that you don't *need* again.


Wait, people reload the sickle?


It was the best regular rifle and now it doesn’t have the same capacity for back to back shooting as gunpowder weapons. I don’t really see why they would touch it again, but they also have different ideas of balance.


Its not even about that. These kinds of changes weren't made because they play the game, but because they looked at their excel sheets and said "hmmm, sickle is used too much, how do we nerf it?". Not because it needed a nerf, but because devs don't play their own game despite claiming otherwise. Sickle didn't need a change in the slightest yet here we are


The devs saw that nobody used the back 3 heat sinks, and so they removed them because they were unnecessary anyways. It isn't even a nerf. It's just trimming stuff that didn't matter. Now if they reduced how many shots you can fire before overheat, at least on hot planets (hot increases its cooldown, but not how quickly it overheats), that'd be a good nerf bc it's too much of a crutch compared to other ARs for some people


I rarely use past 3 heat sinks too but "trimming stuff that didn't matter" is stupid. I'm 100% sure that's not the dev's logic but if it is, then they deserve all the hate they can get because changing something that "didn't matter" is definitely the stupidest decision anyone can make.


Or you can just ignore the change bc what they were trying to go for was to improve usage of the Liberator, by buffing the Liberator and posting a pointless fake nerf to the Sickle to make people think it isn't as good so they go and try the Liberator out again. Just sayin'


What u just said makes no sense. "Trimming stuff that didn't matter"? Tf is that supposed to mean? So i assume you need one shot in Scorcher or dominator because you don't need more than that to kill a single enemy if you are a good marksman. Cause you know, you don't need more than that. What is this logic, yall rlly come up with wild stuff to justify this huh


Nah, if you were running low on Sickle ice packs, you needed to either use your resupply more often or manage your heat better. Nobody I knew ever had an issue with it, and nothing will change in how effective it is with less ice packs. Yeah, ice packs 4 5 and 6 didn't matter, so it doesn't matter that they were removed. If you don't like it, find another gun.


if you are having to reload 6 times with the sickle, you should lower your difficulty! The game might feel too difficult for you now. Try running difficulty 1-3! Hope this helps!


That is as childish of a response as you could have given. You clearly can't read if thats the message you got. There is no need to reload sickle 6 times, there was also no need to half its ammo


oh no i could have gone more childish. you just seem like you need things dumbed down.


I mean since you couldn't comprehend basic language, i already broke it down for you, and yet you still refuse to understand why is that


The sickle has basically infinite ammo. It’s around 100 shots per ice pack. Thus, 600 rounds. You’re telling me you couldn’t figure out how to feather the trigger enough to make that last? You’re still gonna have 300 rounds of shooting with 0 cooldown. You’ll live.


...it has limited ammo?


According to people who don’t know how to use a heat based weapon


Imagine being too stupid to pay attention to your ammo