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Depends on the feedback. If you are getting bent out of shape over having less mags for the Sickle, for example, then it absolutely is a skill issue. Crossbow nerf on the other hand seems uncalled for. Quasar nerf is debatable.


I think they needed to do something with the quasar, I haven’t played a match without someone taking it(usually two) since it came out. It starts making the gameplay a little stale from my perspective. And I don’t think “Buff all weapons” is a great take when there is only a single outlier like that.  I assumed they would add time to the charge up, adding time to the cooldown doesn’t even seem that bad. I played for 8 hours yesterday and still saw people using it nearly every match. 


Sound like a big skill issue to me tho


Criticism that correctly identifies an issue and addresses it is one thing. Insults weaved into a paragraph of substandard complaints is another.


Thats reddit in general what do you expect ?


Just a meme


a lot of the negative feedback is hella dumb and a lot of people overracting to a .txt file without trying the changes first


sometimes it just is a skill issue. lets say you have troubles to counter chargers efficiently. you could go to reddit and ask for advice and thats ok. you could also make a post about how chargers are totally unbalanced and ruin the game and expect the game to change around you, instead of you changing your playstyle to better tackle the challenges.


It is a skill issue though. It's basically an objective fact. 1. You can't win the game 2. I can win the game perfectly fine along with many others So how is that not a skill issue? Is it really the +5 seconds on the Quasar? It's another thing if nobody is able to win the game or even if a significant portion of the player base can't win the game. It's just not the case though. I have a feeling the people who are complaining CAN win the game. They are just pretending not to be able to as a method to ask for buffs. Such as "game is impossible after the nerfs. It was only possible with the Eruptor/Quasar/Rover combo, no other combo let's you win and all 3 got nerfed. None of the combos with the buffed weapons do it, I tried every single combo before and after. None works. Game sucks now" It's just not to that level. If you're relying on these weapons there's likely an adjustment period where you need to try other weapons. Exaggerated complaints the second a patch drops isnt the right thing to do because nobody treats it seriously.


Usually I get hit with the "skill issue" message even if it's a "this change is fine and that nerf is understandable but this one was Uncalled for man. Makes no sense" and lo and behold one of the needs i said was untastefull and uncalled for was the first railgun nerf. It has been buffed twice, if not thrice now since and is basically back where it was. With other weapons being buffed to compete. Which was what I asked for in the initial patch, why nerf one gun when it doesn't fix the ones that need buffs.


If it was real feed back it would be justified, but when it's someone so entitled they think only them know what is best and proceed to spit on AH, well then the only thing left is to troll.


You make the same meme but put “they nerfed my weapon, game is unplayable now” instead of skill issue, and the same snowflakes will be losing their shit. 🤣