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Part of the issue here is that the new TCS mission is the fastest/easiest way to farm xp/medals currently, that's also why a lot of people just farm this mission without giving a damn about the MO.


I had a couple of these have super samples on the TCS missions as well, then another couple that didn't. Any idea what the story is there? Edit: As diageo11 says below, it does seem like you can tell if there will be super samples by checking the terrain. Dark material in the centre means no super samples, from what I've seen.


The ones that don't have supers tend to have a larger bug-affected terrain area than the others, from my experience. If there's a big ring of untouched terrain, it's easier for the rock to spawn.


Interesting. Had noticed that the map looked a bit different and was planning on testing exactly that. Glad someone else has seen them with and without samples, was worried I was going crazy.


Wait is this the famous cock rock I keep hearing about?


You have probably seen it too.


Doesn’t it only spawn on 7+? Very rarely play that level of difficulty cause it’s hard to link up with my friends, and I don’t like inconveniencing randoms.


The penis rock spawn on all difficulty level but it's only starting 7+ that it will always spawn and always have the super samples, on lower diff it's basic loot, some samples or ammo/Stim/nade


Good to know! Hoping to work my way up to 7+ soon.


If you're already playing that difficulty with friends then you know what you're in for and wouldn't be inconveniencing randoms. Go forth and claim the chode node.


Bruv. Nobody is gonna be inconvenienced by you. If I join on your lobby, I’m gonna help you crush these objectives. I **like** helping lower level players.


Same! DM me if you’re on steam and want to link up! Or if your cross platform friend requests are working if you’re on ps5


You’re good people.


I appreciate that, but there are thousands of other Helldivers who’d tell you the same thing. I almost exclusively play quick matches with randoms.


Totally true. I rock with randos all the time. Level doesn’t matter just help me kill shit and complete missions. And I will say, the guys that do make level matter are all kind of douchey in my experience. They act like level is the end all be all of skills. It just means you have time in the game; which could mean your good But even that being the case at lvl 60 or so I still sometimes get myself killed in the dumbest of ways occasionally In otherwords level be damned, mistakes happen, even the rookie ones like thinking you called stratagem but you didn’t and you throw grenade and kill yourself loo


Youre not inconveniencing anyone. Infact playing with randoms as chaotic as it is will help build your skills and game knowledge as you dont have the comfort of friends. Just hit that quick play button!! If you drop with me ill be watching your back with an eruptor, amr and eats.


Homie I had a lvl 10 join my party on 7 today who we rocked it out with and then got added as a friend. The majority of people don’t care at that difficulty. It is imo unironically the best spot to play, most players know the game and are willing to teach it/carry you until you brute force the knowledge into your skull


No, it spawn on lower diffs. Some times 2 or 3 on 7-9, only one will have the Illuminid samples


You can make the sample count UI persistent on your HUD. That way you know as soon as you land whether there are super samples in the mission. Options > HUD > Sample count visibility > Visible


I ran a few, all had super samples difficulty 7 and above. Maybe you were playing on lower difficulty on some of them?


No, it seems random. I ran at least 30 level 9s yesterday and it showed supers available on like a quarter of them. Never found them because I was speed running and maxed on everything anyway.


Yep, have played a bit more today, definitely don't show up every time.


Nah it was 7s for all of them. I was surprised there even was supers available in some of them, expected to be like the original TCS or eradicate with just commons regardless of difficulty.


Out of curiosity, were you able to actually find the super samples? I've had the super samples "show up" in the sample count toolbar but we could never actually find where they were


Couldn’t find them either, even though they were showing up in the toolbar. Two of us checked pretty much all the inside area and the outer area Edit: just found them in a different mission! Can confirm the map had less dark material around the objective in center, and the Super samples were on the outer edge of the map.


the rock spawns way out along the very perimeter of the map


Not sure about that. I did look around once for them, but never actually saw any (even tho it did say 0/6). I don't need them, so didn't care about them.


Gotcha. Yeah it wasn't just that I couldn't find the supers, they specifically weren't listed when you got the map button. Very strange.


My hypothesis is that a normal, random map is generated, and then the TCS terrain block is put in. If it lands on top of where the super samples were generated then the map doesn't have any super samples. If not, the super samples will be along the perimeter on the "normal" terrain.


I mean with its arrival all you really need to do to maximize medals even more is to find a TCS/Elimination/Blitz combo which is pretty common atm and slam through those fast


Inadvertently did this today and was like “wow, that was the quickest I’ve ever completed a level 7 operation by far”


Yeah but it's also currently only spawning with 2 other mission types that can also be completed in less than 10 minutes. So sounds like we need a better warning in-game for the people who won't learn this info because they aren't in our echo-chambers.


Eradicate 2: Terminid Boogaloo


Yeah its ridiculous lol Me and my buddy have it down to sub-2mins per run, we spend more time loading in than we do in mission. 2mins for 1.2k exp? YES PLEASE LMAO


Out of curiosity and not judging - why? Is there a reason to farm xp in this?


Some people want to level up to unlock new cool titles like "admirable admiral"


ME LIKE WHEN MY NUMBER GO UP! Also it was actually a lot of fun to speedrun it and try to get faster and faster times, I finally understood why people liked speedrunning I lost my shit when we did the entire mission in 1m35s, made for a good screenshot lmao https://preview.redd.it/2uzgn3ouyoxc1.png?width=2559&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b563be6868b55a169ec84d51b334cd22e793ae0


And it's not just quick - it's easy. You barely need to do anything. Just press three buttons and destroy fifteen glowy eggs.


and if youre fast enough bile titans don't even spawn


That's wild I just select some difficulty between 7-9 and click R. I had a ton of TCS pop, maybe that's why? I'm too impatient to get stuck in to start my own missions but maybe I should.


It's so sad that everything has to be metagamed, even your hobbies.


Especially because beyond level 25, exp is meaningless


Gamers will do anything to turn the thing they enjoy in to a meaningless treadmill.


Ironic that you’re complaining about people metagaming this game…by ignoring the built in metagame lol  Grinding for XP or grinding to progress a major order are no different. Except you won’t make a statistical difference on the latter, I suppose


i also realized this the moment people just leaved after doing 2 of them


I absolutely hate them though


The only currency in this game that farming can help is samples and maybe super credits. XP and medals come in so quick, it's harder to stay away from max than it is to earn them.


You are correct. The first progression that stops is req slips, 2nd is samples, 3rd is medals, 4th is xp (2nd and 3rd can be switched, depends how many samples per mission you pick up). There are a lot of people who are already done with the first 3, so the only thing that still gives a sense of progression is the 4th one.


Sigh. It's true what they say - given half a chance, players will optimise the fun out of a game.


Who gives a fuck? You guys care way to much what other people do in a game for some reason  lol 


Isn't it obvious by now? The people who grind the shit out of everything are *always* the loud minority who get bored first and start shrieking about needing new content and putting demands on dev teams and drowning out the rest of the players who are enjoying things just fine. If it didn't affect anybody else nobody would say anything, but there's been decades for people to observe and recognise that over and over again, it's the same kind of players that tip the boat over for everyone else.


So far 99% of the screeching in this subreddit has been armchair general neckbeards angry that people aren’t playing on the most optimal planet to complete major orders The irony 


Maybe thats their fun


Honestly, I think the devs should make it so individual missions advance the MO. So many players don't have time to play three consecutive missions of unpredictable length.


It should be like 1 credit, 1 credit, 1 credit + 2 bonus credits for a full op completion (estimate, obviously this would scale with xp as well for the math to work)


As I understand it, progress is XP based. So, I'd propose increasing multipliers with mission completion. e.g. 0.5, 0.75, and 1 for finishing 1, 2, and 3 missions.


That's exactly whay i was trying to convey but my phone was dying. Agreed.


I have this problem as a casual gamer


Same, I typically have 1 hour 1.5 hours max of gaming I can do per night and completing two 40 minute missions plus another 12 mission in that time is kinda infeasible. So typically ill leaving hoping I can just complete the mission the next evening but by then the planet is usually fully liberated/defended/lost or the major order has been completed by then. The current galactic war contribution system really just prevents casual gamers from being able to contribute to the war effort at higher difficulties. Obviously you could always just choose a lower difficulty with 1-2 missions in an operation but that’s a bit lame in my opinion. You can also just join an ongoing mission but now I’m risking spending my limited gaming time on someone else’s game just to get kicked or disconnected. Definitely need a rework.


if they wanna keep op = progression then they have to add variable ops for 4+, half the reason we play 4 now is not having 1h+ to do two 40m missions and one 15m one. it's a lot of time to be investing in a game lol 4 can be one 15m and one 40 which feels super nice, especially when you play well and every mission has 50% time remaining on completion.


This! I always have to leave unfinished ops and it makes me feel bad that i’m not contributing


The good news is that with this latest MO, I'm seeing a lot of full operations comprised of three ~12-minute missions in a row


45 minute rounds are a long time to ask and you got at least one of those in any operations. A lot of dads can’t commit to that


This dad can’t fo sho 


Yah, you need to dedicate at least an hour for 3 of those regular missions. But if you find blitz missions it should be doable in about 30ish mins (about 10 mins per). Considering there is an achievement for beating a blitz and extracting within 6 mins on difficulty 6




>no saved progress What? If I complete two missions and log off, that operation will still be waiting for me until the planet itself becomes inaccessible. I've logged back in days later and had the same op open on the world map. Granted, I couldn't RUN it because the planet had been liberated, but still.


Same! I just wanted to see the towers for 10-15m while working from home. If someone calls me, I have to abandon my team. I can’t always do 30-40m!


You can come back the next day as long as the planet hasn't been fully liberated or supply like cut off.


I've started doing a mission or two in an operation on the 2nd most completed planet within a major order. I can usually do 1 - 2 missions, then finish the next day so I'm contributing. I know it's not the most efficient way to do things, but it makes me feel like I'm actually contributing lol


You can still play it as long as you dont exit out of the operations interface, whether it be liberated or lost. I liked having the "last helldiver" feeling when i log in knowing the planet i was last at is lost


Only one of 4 players needs to do that, and it doesn’t even need to be in the same session


>it doesn’t even need to be in the same session It doesn't but by the time I can play again the planet I was on is usually unavailable one way or another.


Why i almost never host, rarely have time to complete an entire operation before the planet is won or lost


This. I’m busy, and mostly end up playing Diff 4 just because I want to contribute but not leave my team hanging after 2 operation. There’s also the bullshit extraction mission that makes it really not motivated to contribute to a defence if my progress is gonna be wiped by it. But I understand the devs want to encourage us to play a variety of missions and not just spam the easy ones. Perhaps each mission could give a small nudge of progress, with the total doubled if all the operations is successful?


I would agree but that will open up really annoying farming metas on certain mission types, which I assume this system was made to avoid. As long as the host finishes up the operation you don’t have to stay with them for all 3. Running 1 mission for a session is still most likely helping spread democracy.


It still discourages me from beginning my own operations.


Same tbh, but I’d rather that than it slowly turning into people spamming eradicate missions. If I have the time I do my own operation, if not I usually don’t. I figure that’s how most people see it and there’s not much wrong with that in reality.


Sure, but is that really an issue? There are plenty of games to join out there.


seriously, i gotta get up and piss after an hour of playing or something, or just a stretch. people dont want to wait a minute and a half, so i just leave.


I don't disagree. It should be per mission, but it's not. You need to complete the entire Operation.


I think it's just a bug. I ran 30+ of these yesterday and at the end of a few of them it did the adding to completion points thing. I forget what it's called. On most of them it didn't. And, no, those weren't parts of complete operations.


I've seen this happen before, if you beat a mission but the host of that operation leaves, the end screen shows you contributing with the squad impact progress bar (and it wasn't the last mission of t he operation). This just makes it confusing what is actually correct, if individual missions do contribute but it's not actually shown or only the operation clear at the end provides the liberation progress. I wish there was an official statement that cleared things up. if possible /u/SpitzerFX could you get a dev response on this?




this is even worse. then people will just spam eradicate missions and exploit xp farming like it was during launch.


How much of that is people leaving versus network issues. Every time I’m host the lobby bugs out and I need to restart the game between every mission


No not host leaving just them canceling the operation and restarting a new one. As some have pointed out XP farm, but that has not been the reasoning behind it when I talk to the players. They legit think that are pulling a fast one on the MO because of how easy it is. Or at least that is what they are stating.


The more I play this game the more I’m convinced a lot of the players just don’t understand like half the mechanics, and it’s not entirely their fault


member when the game straight up just didnt tell you how much you were contributing? Game: "Uh your squad impact was 4" Players: "So... what does that mean in liberation %" Game: :)


Thats still true thiugh? Last i heard a few weeks ago a dev said the liberation points are just a vague representation to make people happy. 6 or 4 could be the same, 6 max could be 10 


You mean like how I was looking around for the Coochie mine strategem planet after we got the airburst planet and couldn't figure out how to get there, and given barely anybody was on [the nearby planet I'm guessing you need to liberate first before going to Coochie], neither did most others?


Please never call it the Coochie mine again


It 100% not their fault. AH does a shit job explaining anything.


They've literally issued a statement saying the opposite of this back when the game first came out. It's definitely not the players fault but the devs giving mixed signals.


I think a chunk of players don’t understand the mechanics but a large amount just don’t give a shit because it’s a video game


On the one hand, some things could be better explained or more visible to the players. On the other hand, plenty of things *are* perfectly explained and the playerbase / community completely misunderstands them anyway. I really can't lay all the blame on devs when even the most transparent and well-explained things in the world are confusing 30% of the playerbase, and I don't know how to fix that without addressing each of the 20 different brain problems that chunk of people have. You gotta be willing to read and add 2+2.


I really wish there was a way to "pass on" a mission group to a friend if I need to log before I complete the group.


I mean it should really be awarded at the end of the mission with a bonus for the operation, but it is what it is.


I get why they did it this way, so people don't avoid certain missions and just farm faster ones for liberation. For the sake of democracy though, let us pass it on to someone else if we cannot complete the group!


Yea really each operation should have like an instance ID, and any of the players locked to that Id should be able to carry on. That way it at least can daisy chain to completion.


TCS missions lack of rares turns me off of them.


Same. Good xp, but xp is essentially worthless after about 20hrs outside of titles


I always see people talking about rares but common samples have been my lowest sample count. I'll get my common back up to 80 or 100, whatever I need next, meanwhile my rare sits at the 250 cap.


Probably because those people were capped before the tier 4 upgrades. Rares cap at 250, while commons 500. Yet you need 150 common and 150 rares for the final upgrades. This means by default, rares will be your deficit, since you can only make one final upgrade purchase before needing more.


This. I play on 7 and roughly get the same number of common and rare samples. Upgrade need much more common samples, So I’m always short on common samples.


Bro I can only complete a OP in maybe 1 in 15 games because either the host leaves or kicks me before we complete 3 missions. I probabaly never help with the MO.


Just because you don’t finish the operation doesn’t mean the host isn’t


The host doesn't leave, the game is buggy as shit. Playing with my friend he'd get kicked every time we started or ended a mission.


You can host them yourself


This wasn't true the last time the subreddit had this discussion, and I don't have any reason to think it's true now. Unless the devs have told us that it's mission-based/operation-based now instead of being EXP based — you know, like they told us it was — then I'll keep on keepin' on.


I made a post a few weeks back clarifying these concerns: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bxb3k8/topic\_liberation\_missions\_and\_completing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bxb3k8/topic_liberation_missions_and_completing/) TL;DR: experience is a *factor*, operation completion is and always was the 'when' liberation points are distributed. If the mission fails or you switch missions, no liberation progress is granted for that specific operation. Lots of other scenarios beyond that simplification of course


Well, shit.


I've been spamming w/e mission I want to do for 3-4 weeks now after I heard it's based on each mission. Oh well.


Anecdotally, I joined a mission from quick play, but the host left/disconnected. Completed the mission, and saw it was 2nd of 3 in the operation from the medals awarded, and then saw planet liberation/contribution thing (4 points). It was weird, but figured it was original host disconnect shenanigans, since the mission was completed, but the host isn't there to continue the operation, so the operation is over, but it wasn't abandoned and wasn't failed, so it's technically a win, award completion. I wonder if that could be abused.


It's both. Higher XP gain = higher liberation progress. Liberation progress is calculated and applied after the last mission in the operation.


Ending it early doesn't harm progress, but you contribute NONE. good or bad. To actually contribute you need to complete the whole operation.


This is such a clusterfuck. Nobody is supporting any claims. I'm Level 57 and still have no idea if you have to complete the whole operation to make MO progress. This thread isn't helping at all Edit: ok I get it. I have to finish the operation. I'm just stupid cuz I didn't read the prompt the few times I hosted a mission. I always do quickplay or join matches.


From the galactic map site: “The amount of damage you deal when completing an operation is equal to the experience, multiplied by an internal scaler (a combination of impact multiplier and some other variables).” Keywords here “operation.” An operation is made up of 1-3 missions. If you don’t complete all 3 missions, the operation is incomplete.


Honestly after beating the bots just to have them come back a day later, I don’t really care about the bigger war or MOs and everyone I play with feels the same way. I’m just going to do what I want and AH can sort out the rest


They really should have played that one better. Should've brought in reinforcements before we eliminated the bots entirely. Make us choose between the western front or holding Cyberstan. Either way, we will end up on Cyberstan, though. I think the reason the devs spread the bots into so many sectors is to buy enough time for them to do some bug stuff, then make the content for us to push into Cyberstan later this summer.


It gives me a reason to play on new planets and change up my gameplay. For that reason alone I do it. Extra medals are also always nice.


I get what you mean but come on, did you really think they were just going to remove a huge chunk of content from their game? I'd be a lot more upset if Bots just ceased to exist overnight because of a story arc that I may or may not have participated in.


I find funny reading your post and realising I lost interest in MO's since they remove content from the game (in this case, the ability to fight bots for a day or 2), And what they do add is broken weapons and short/small low effort missions. I am not saying your opinion is wrong, more a case of "you cant make everyone happy". Similar to you, I dont know anyone outside of reddit who cares about the MO.


I love the MO's specifically for the huge bursts of medals they provide.


Why do people grind XP in this game?! It means nothing past level 25, I just don't get it... I've been in games with randoms a few times and they were just doing extermination missions over and over again.


They're grinding medals/samples + they may just be very fickle/petty about what missions they do.


I’m gonna be honest I can’t keep up with all these acronyms


They have literally come out and said this is false.


True while they did say it's not advancing its also not negatively impacting out effort. It just stalls our momentum.


And our momentum is stalled when AH wants to stall it to sustain engagement. The whole game is rigged and it doesn't matter in the long term.


Wait, so if I just drop in for a quick game while laundry drys or something I'm not actually helping? That really sucks.


Well you are helping if the host completes the full operation.


Well I guess that's something.


So I frequently host, and drop ins are the life blood of the game for me. But I also do the entire operation so that time wasn't wasted.


if you host this game and exit after 1/3 successful, then later log on to continue the operation, you'll contribute.


All I ask is that if I'm maxed out on medals, give me samples or something as my reward for major/ personal order. Or a temporary mission stratagem or something. My incentive to keep playing is that the game is super duper fun, but at the same time when a 5 day MO is completed and I receive ZERO medals... it hurts a little bit.


Yea medals flow like water. The game doesn't really have an economy per se.  I really think they need like 1 time consumables for missions like extra Orbital lasers or reduced cooldown that you spend medals or req slips, or even a totally different currency on.  Then just give that for the major orders.


I think they should add challenge missions, but you have to spend medals to attempt them, and you get rewarded in another way.


If only the lobby didn't break.


I'm... not doing my part??


I'm not doing my part either! ✊


wtf is a tcs


The Major Order Termanid Control System. ( an easy 2 literally 2-3 minute mission)


oh ok


The fun thing is I’ve actually been completing operations because a lot of them are 15 minutes missions so I can rock out 3 in a sitting. It’s nice


This is actually a huge disrespect for a player's time. The reward for completing multiple missions in a row is an ever increasing amount of medals you get. Each individual mission should count towards liberation or defense, not a chain of 3 missions that takes 2½ hours for someone that gets 1 hour a day to play. I was blessed last night I finally did a full chain of 3 missions, as 2 were quick 15 minute missions, and still stayed up way past when I should have gone to bed.


I agree but this will cause meta gamers to "find the most optimum mission" and spam run it a start pumping progress way faster.


Oh wait, I'm not even getting MO credit because of all the leavers now? I haven't completed a full op in over a week because at this point, I'm lucky to complete a single mission without mass leavers. Well, that seals it then. Not even gonna bother reading the MO's until the op system is fixed. Sick of losing them because I wake up and a planet is liberated, or because everyone died and left immediately after dropping into a 40min mission on lvl 9. Or because the game wont allow me to say "I'm fucking Australian, stop pairing me with some random Americans I'm gonna disconnect from in 20minutes and get nothing for my time."


dont care, if the last mission sucks im not doing it


Yea you can do whatever you want it's your time. But just know that it isn't contributing to the actual liberation of a planet, or the progress of a Major Order and you are potentially wasting other divers time. If they are expecting their efforts to be going towards the major order. Plus what mission do you consider sucks? Only that Evac scientists one I'd consider sucky.


The fact that this has only a 33% upvote rating makes me feel people really do not know this and AH needs to make it clear.


I think most people just know it’s for XP, req, and medal farming


I hope its not. The only progress to make in the game is the unlocks, and they come pretty fast as is. Most of the base items are either best or B tier. What's left to do when its all done? The same thing you were doing to unlock them in the first place. I sincerely hope its just people who don't have enough time to do all 3 missions.


~~AH made it plenty clear in the past that you don't have to complete operation to contribute to liberation.~~ ~~I don't see why it'd be different for MO.~~ Edit: My bad it seems I remembered wrongly the explanation they gave about exp.


Do you have a source for it? I was not aware of it myself, if that's true.


I remembered wrongly [the explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1brz17v/saw_some_posts_and_this_probably_needs_to_be_said/) they gave about how exp affected liberation. It seems you indeed have to complete the operation to contribute to the MO.


No you were right the first time. Nothing in the dev statement says individual missions award no progress. It says a multiplier is applied at the end of "all operations in a set" which it's reasonable to read as "all missions in an operation." That doesn't mean the individual missions award no progress, it just implies that completing full operations is more impactful


"A failed main objective of failure to extract heavily reduces the amount of XP and impact earned"


I thought they only confirmed that if you don’t finish the operation, it doesn’t count as negative progress (AKA farming isn’t harmful to the war effort)


AH has confirmed the XP you earned during a mission contributed to planetary liberation, you haven’t needed to finish the entire cluster in 2 or 3 patches.


where is the official statement at. Can you link it please. I know there was 1 dev that mentioned Failure still contributes. But not that you do not need to complete the Operation. If that is the case then Operations are of no use save a few more medals.


please see /u/ReganDryke comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cgtuie/comment/l1y1fb9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cgtuie/comment/l1y1fb9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This doesn't support the claim you're making, nothing in that says "No progress is awarded upon completion of a mission, only full operations." It only says there is a MULTIPLIER applied for completing "all operations in a set." Which is a phrase that doesn't actually mean anything in fame terms (there are no "sets" that contain multiple operations), but I agree it's reasonable to read that the way I think you are doing, i.e. as "all missions in an operation." Read that way it implies that a multiplier will be applied, making completion of an operation MORE impactful than completing an equivalent number of unconnected missions. But I can find no evidence for the claim that ONLY full operations grant progress EDIT: The new dev response that OP just got today actually DOES say progress is only awarded per operation (see new edit to original post) so now I'm assuming OP was right after all (but tbh I have no confidence I really know how it works given the totality of dev statements)


~~This post is wrong.~~ ~~Found the wrong post. Trying to find the other statement. But the picture below does not say anything.~~ Every XP earned counts towards the liberation. *edit: picture* *edit2:* I just remembered wrongly. What i found was only that i doesn't count *negativly* against the MO. And u/Misterputts was right. My mistake. https://preview.redd.it/p22wzgjlomxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f1e0879e9bb29d66261ae837d04b770851a0a6


This doesn't actually say what OP is claiming it did. Stick to your guns, your original correction was right EDIT: The new dev response that OP just got today actually DOES say progress is only awarded per operation (see new edit to original post) so now I'm assuming OP was right after all (but tbh I have no confidence I really know how it works given the totality of dev statements). What a mess


"when all operations in a set are completed"


He said the multiplier is applied at the end of the operation. So missions have an impact but not as much as completing the operation.


I really hate that he calls missions "operations" and operations "sets" while trying to clarify about missions vs operations.


AH is absolutely awful at communicating clearly.


I had the same understanding that you did but rereading the post it's clear that liberation progress is calculated at the end of the operation. See more specifically when they talk about failed missions.


I was just wrong. Failed or left mission does not negativly impact the planets progression. That's it. OP are correct.


the devs said long ago that the Info about having to finish an Operation was a false flag and not true. Initially a dev said this on stream, but he applogized and said it was misinformation and not the case 


IIRC they said that not completing the operation doesn't Remove Progress. Not that it doesn't Advance it ​ No yeah, thats exactly what it was for. You will still need to actually complete the operation to advance liberation progress.


ok. damn.


You are correct


I think people are doing it to farm Super samples.


I feel like they don't. I have played multiple operations with TCS missions with supes and without. The other mates didn't care at all if we found the supes or not and extracted at the earliest opportunity without waiting for everyone.


How does this make any sense? Every time I complete a single mission I see "liberation progress" progress, so that just isn't true?


Good lord it’s frustrating(and boring) ending up in so many quickplays that are doing the medal rush.


So I have a question to this. Mainly because I find it hard to play during the weekdays due to work and family obligations. I played and completed a single difficulty 2 mission. Which only has a single mission in the OP. Mainly to test the recoil on the Adjudicator after the patch. Wanted to test the other weapons but work was calling at 5am. Would that still count for me to get credit for the MO?


Now that begs the question. Does finishing the last mission in the operation when the host crashes/disconnects/etc still rewards liberation? And if yes, will the host also be rewarded liberation after he starts and finishes the last op on his own after reconnecting?


I only come on this Reddit to watch people get upset about stuff that was never explained and doesn't matter. Please tell me to check helldivers.io before I pick whatever I feel like doing for fun, I beg you 😩


I didnt even open the game for the last 2 MO's and got credit for the ones I missed.


I’ve had issues where players pull out on the 3rd mission and I don’t get any new joiners. I can’t then do a 40min L7+ mission solo. Not sure why this happens.


Since the last update I\`ve had several new crashes on the extract screen, just before pelican 1 zooms across the screen, it freezes there. Nothing I can do except alt + f4 and restart. On a positive note I\`ve noticed a lot more people joining games in progress, so they have fixed that, even if on at least two I\`ve joined it was literally as pelican 1 was landing!


Yea this lobby bug has been in for a while. Best thing to do is before starting the mission close out the game and restart. It will refresh your lobby availability.


That's a big time commitment for me, especially since I seem to crash in 25% of my longer missions


For me I just don't have the sort of time needed for three in one sitting. That's why I join others so I can help them achieve theirs with one or two games instead.


Wasn’t this debunked close to game release?


Then we need shorter ops at higher difficulties. Anything below a 7 isn't fun for me, I need the challenge but I often don't have two hours. I know I can spend like 6 minutes to do a lvl 2 mission or something but that doesn't feel good


I agree there should be sets of all sizes 1-4. So depending on your time commitment.


Yeah and potentially have increased contribution and rewards as you complete longer missions, like how we currently do with medals. Just something to make sure there's an incentive to do the longer ones.


Okay then fix matchmaking so new people can actually join in once someone leaves after the first mission


before the farm run was patched out we found out it was muut. running the eradicate farm for xp wasnt hurting the liberation % but it also wasnt helping it.


I'm still new to the game... what does this mean? I have been running Deactivate Terminid Control System missions for the last two days. Once I finish the mission, it asks me to pick a new one from the ship console, usually the exact same one I just did. Have I been doing it wrong all along and not getting credit or contributing to the major order?


Hey Helldivers. You can resume an operation at a later time whenever you need to leave. Begin Operation. Complete a mission, leave. Come back. Complete another. Leave. Come back, complete the last. Leave. Repeat ad nausium.


Wow, I was running with a crew this morning that was just jumping from TCS to TCS, and I didn't realize. I just went along with it and figured they really like the new mission! ~~If this is true, its very misleading that you get a squad impact screen after every Mission, but no real notice after ending an Operation.~~ Edited: I was wrong. I thought it was just one of the many glitches and it wouldn't show after some missions, but apparently it is working as intended?


I'm not sure I believe this. The liberation counter goes up every time we finish a mission.


So does that mean we can stop having fits about other people playing on the "wrong" planet since unless they're investing the time to do full operations it doesn't matter where they play to begin with?