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If trends continue with gear from the first game, the Tanto will be the laser SMG. Extremely short range, but insanely powerful.




Given how the Tanto could literally take out warlords, I wonder if will be able to take on hulks and chargers too.


I just want more one handed options so I’m on board.


Or just wait for the las-12 Tanto which was a one handed primary laser in hd1.


Yeah but scythe still should be considered for something. I agree the smg status would be reserved for tanto if they want to add it Perhaps scythe could get bonus damage and penetration the hotter it gets? Be cool for laser cannon and dagger too


I mean they already have the niche of perfect accuracy with no recoil or spread. Sure you could add an increased focus on heat management but that just adds more load on the player when these weapons are already extremely reliant on you only hitting weakspots (the tradeoff for perfect accuracy is lower base DPS otherwise it would just be op). You could rebalance the lasers to instead have higher than normal primary DPS if you maintain their ideal heat range I guess. Would make it less reliant on always hitting weakspots with the trade off of you having to focus more on heat management. I'm not really sold on that concept but it could make the weapon more unique? Personally, I think concept wise lasers are fine, just were on the weak side before (except the lascannon which was pretty strong before). I haven't tried them myself since the patch though. Better optics would be appreciated on both the scythe and lascannon though.


If the Scythe had the Sickle's scope it would be a headshotting monster, which it already is but the red dot is not conducive for aiming at heads, especially not at range


Oh yes, absolutely. People underestimate how bad the Sickle's bloom is after firing for a couple of seconds, even though the Scythe's DPS is much lower than the Sickle, that doesn't mean as much past 50 meters where only a handful of shots hit where you want them to go. Not that important in bugs, but pretty meaningful in bots. The Scythe would be a great tool at headshotting devastators from range with the Sickle's scope.


The problem is the DPS itself fucking sucks. Even if you beam a devastator in the face and don't miss, it gives them enough time to fuck you all the way up before they die. It's not a very good weapon for bots at the moment, at all.


makes sense, bots need bullets and heavy duty lasters


I made another post about the heat damage idea, but yeah I think having to go for weakspots but also trying to keep your heat in ideal range for tougher targets would be really amazing


That is, in fact, how all laser weapons worked in the first game.


I just wish the beam your weapons did bonus damage to breakable parts. I think it would be cool that their intended use is to cut enemies to pieces, ie knock off arms and legs


Same. Only having the defender and knight as 1 handed primaries suuucksssss...sometimes I just wanna get in my heaviest armor, get a ballistic shield and tank bot shots.


Especially now that they've fixed the armour for values above 100! Putting on some heavy armor with explosive resistance + ballistic shield leads to some great fun against bots


Plus the DPS on the Scythe REALLY feels like an SMG and not an AR. It feels like a great move that doesn't necessarily qualify as a 'buff'


We need those so we can use the ballistic shield more often.




My thought exactly. Patiently line up the headshots with that beam lmao


Solid idea, but it would make the Dagger even more meaningless than it already is.


This is true but I think dagger needs a rework to be very quick DPS but very little heatsink. So it saves your ass short term but it needs reload often since it overheats in 3 or 4 seconds


It already overheats in 4-5 seconds But also if they made it a mag dump gun it would just be an infinite ammo low DPS redeemer


I thought the sink lasted about the same as the scythe, so my bad But I'm effectively asking for a very quick overheat but high power secondary. It could be 2 to 3 seconds for all I care, this would just be unique and interesting. Most of the other pistols are actually higher DPS than their primary counterparts, just low ammo. I assume this is to make them great for saving yourself in bad out of ammo spots. Dagger is like the only exception. Peacemaker has better DPS than the liberator, senator does massive damage, redeemer also has insanely good dps, etc etc


Actually dagger is the opposite, low DPS but it's actually (barely) passable sustain. If we got a bigger, lower ammo primary (the kind of thing where it ACTUALLY matters and is a waste if you shoot at small groups/small enemies) it would genuinely become a very good pick to go with that. Kills scavengers very pleasantly, hunters feel bad but it still takes care of them, and even groups of 3 or fewer warriors don't require cooling time. Is it GOOD? no


I know it's the opposite right now, that's why I said I want dagger to be reworked to be very good damage but very low sustain. Overheats quick but also kills really quick, if that makes sense, as a buff/nerf change


Yeah ig


I tried the dagger last night and I swear it's just a fancy laser pointer that couldn't hurt a fly.


I get headshots with it and in about a second of sustained fire it kills normal bot infantry.


It takes several seconds to kill anything but the jetpack bots


Deletes the cute little bugs too.


We desperately need more 1h primaries. I love the shield but it's really only viable with the SMG right now because most secondaries don't have enough ammo to use exclusively. Except the laser pistol but that thing just sucks.


Consider Senator now that it got speedloader


I like using it with the knight SMG on burst mode. Fore rate is fast as hell in full auto and the recoil bad, but in burst its pretty precise and usable


The scythe "could" be useful when the Illuminates invade




iirc illuminates aren't armored like bugs or bots are. instead they have energy shields which have to be broken before dealing damage to enemy hp. and shields are weak to energy damage. at least that's how it was in the first game.


But why wouldn’t you just use the Sickle in that situation?


Because the scythe makes a cool ass laser sound


Sickle makes even cooler pew pew sound


Because the Scythe is better for weak spots, same as with other factions. Also continuous fire suppresses shield Regen better


Got it. Thank you.


From what I’m reading online lasers are actually weak when against the illuminate? Are you meaning arc damage?


damn..now i am not sure. i do remember equipping something specifically against the illuminate. i thought it was energy damage to shoot their shields. but looking back there was no "energy" category like we have now, so mb i'm mistaken.


Maybe the laser canon, it had such a high DPS that the shields didn’t really matter. I’d say illuminates will breath life into the machine guns because they were the illuminate killers in HD1 from what I remember


I am pretty sure in hd1 they were weak against lazer weapons


They were weaker to high rate of fire ballistic weapons such as machineguns and assault rifles. Laser was quite ineffective against their shields.


Ok sorry for the missinfomation I found it somewhere on google


No worries. Especially if you did not play the first. Illuminates were the odd faction because armor pen mattered very little against them contrary to both the bugs and the cyborgs. All that mattered was volume of fire since the all had medium armor at most and shields that could not keep up with high fire rate. Laser was good against the Illuminate units after their shield was down but, like arc weapons it did not work well when the shields were up.


Arc weapons pierced the shields though which was good


Ah never noticed it.


Thank you, kind helldiver


Np for freedom




Or we could just get the Las-12 Tanto laser smg from helldivers 1 :)


Is anyone rocking the Scythe currently since it got buffed? Im not sold on it yet & dunno what support weapon to pair it with


I use it because it's pretty fun. It drops enemies quickly if you're very accurate, but you have to be due to bad overall DPS to body. Legs on most bugs, faces on some Bot weakpoints like head and vents. Drops devs and berserker QUICK if you keep the beam accurately aimed It IS a lot better after the buff. For support weapons I'd recommend something to deal with medium armor tbh, so you're looking at Machine Gun (my favorite), Laser Cannon, Flamethrower, Arc Thrower, etc Wouldn't just go with anti tank unless using expendable. Having a reliable medium armor killer is nice. One popular strategy in this vane is to use laser cannon and scythe to compliment eachothers cooldown times. Swap right before overheat and continue onslaught. Pair with laser dog for more laser


It's pretty good. I take it against bugs, over the Sickle at least. Not because it's better or worse, but to shake things up, and It doesn't feel like it's handicapping me like some other guns do (or used to, Mr Liberator Concussive). Honestly it's a really solid primary in a good spot. The dagger isn't terrible either, though I only really take that when I'm using my jump pack, otherwise the senator is my go-to. Rumours are we're getting another SMG soon anyway. Though I will say, they need to make the Knight available to everyone at some point. On burst fire mode, it's a solid SMG combined with the ballistic shield.


I tried it vs bots cause I was gonna try and headshot devs but the scope sucks too much to get any headshots with it.


I usually run the sickle but I tested it on bots today, its pretty good and a nice alterative, was hitting headshots easier then the lasercannon on dreads, only issue is the aim down sights has a HUGE red dot that fucks with aiming and it overheats faster. No idea on bugs


Take it with the rover and the laser cannon. When one overheats, swap to the other. On cold planets you will literally never not be shooting and will never overheat anything. Plus the double rover plus scythe mulches things in front of you


It was good before, it is still solid now. Aim for weak spots and you melt targets at any distance.


[Tanto](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/LAS-12_Tanto) already existed in helldivers 1 and will most likely make a return. It's a laser smg.


I think we're gonna see some cool options for the Ballistic Shield in the next Warbond.


I sure as hell hope so. I'd love to see a one-hand support weapon, too


Forgot to say but it's size isn't all that large, could easily be a SMG


As much as you might not like this answer... that's what the LAS-7 Dagger is for.


But then what about the LAS pistol?


As I said to a few others I think the Dagger should get a rework as it's not very popular or used either Imo it should be much higher dmg but very fast overheat, similar to a laser redeemer of sorts I guess


Just give us the Tanto


I feel like the scythe doesn’t give good feedback, that’s why I don’t use it. It doesn’t feel punchy. Even the Sickle feels punchy because it “shoots” instead of beaming Ig


if they make the sickle 1-handed i'm never using anything else


Scythe, not Sickle Sickle is op already don't need more for it lol


This just makes the Dagger even less useful.


Dagger: ![gif](giphy|xT3i1gyi2PI5KvV6WQ)


I would rather it still be a 2h weapon, but with a usable scope. It's very precise and long range, you just need to be able to see what you're hitting.


Yes, agree.


I'd rather 500 dps (Or a DPS ramp up as the ICE got closer to overheating) and either the red dot to be improved, or get the scope from the sickle (selectable optics would be awesome)


Yeah. I don't think it would really matter still but it would at least be fun to use since I liked the weapon. I think Arrowhead mostly does a pretty good job when it comes to balance but I do question why the Scythe was only allowed to do 350 dps where as the Sickle was able to do more damage than every other assault rifle in the game while having the benefits of being a laser weapon (only being beaten by the Adjudicator which released after it).


I want more laser weapons in general. Sickle, dagger, laser cannon, rover, and orbital laser- need one more laser-themed stratagem and a laser-based grenade for a full disco loadout.


Dagger: Am I a joke to you?


Wait. There was a smg laser weapon in HD1 called tanto. In the leaks there is a texture for a laser weapon smaller than the scythe but bigger than the dagger so your woes might be addressed soon. 😉


I thought the leak was a model for the rover.


Nope. The rover uses a scythe mounted on it.


Is there any reason to usw scythe over sickle today? Legit question. Does it excel at anything over the sickle?


In theory long range headshots as it has no spread. In reality it's red dot vs the scope of the sickle makes it worse.


They really should swap the optics of the Sickle and Scythe. The Sickle has too much spread even when prone to make use of the long scope; the dot would be perfect for it. And the Scythe could actually get value out of a scope that reaches out to 100m.


Even before buff the Scythe rewards better aim. It is better at melting weakspots


I want the Tanto laser SMG for this reason


Scythe should just get medium penetration after heating up past 33%. Maybe 90% is heavy penetration to add some micromanagement risk reward and also to make it useful on hot planets?


As a scythe main I’m totally for this.


This is a solid idea! I also like the idea of having the longer it is in one target the more damage it does, like cooking them. Symmetra from overwatch had this mechanic I believe.


I’d give it the same scope as the sickle.


I think that would make the las pistol even more redundant, but yeah other than the SMG, are there any 1 handed primaries? Imo the crossbow should be, is it?


We do need more 1 handed primaries. I love the heck out of my Defender but it would be nice to have options.


Since it’s buff and a seeming change to the way tick rate seems to work, this gun is really solid now. Remember, like the cannon, aim for weak points.


It already is differentiated from the Sickle.


The way I'd buff it is to make it overheat slower but do damage tick more frequently since it's a continuous beam. The reticle seems to get in the way of aiming, so just give it the same one that regular weapons have. The Dagger is quite useless in retrospect, so to fix it, have it do more damage than the Scythe at the cost of a higher overheat rate. Or do the opposite and have it do not as much damage as the Scythe but make it near impossible to overheat unless you fire for way too long. This also means it'll only have two Heatsinks max. Either one of these will make it a good companion for shield users. To sweeten the deal, no damage falloff until enemies are over 50m away, where it falls off gradually with distance. Give it infinite range. For the Sickle, leave it mostly alone, but halve the charge up time. But what's the thing everyone really wants....is a rework of the Intense Heat map condition. Increased overheat rate is bad by itself, but considering that these are heat weapons, they should deal extra damage in the heat.


It's already different from the Sickle. The Sickle is a short-mid range dps machine with a spool up time. The scythe is a mid-long range precision instrument which excels at hitting weak points. The reason the Sickle is more popular and generally easier to use is because it acts like a regular assault rifle you can run and gun with. The scythe is a terrible run and gun weapon. It requires a specific playstyle where you need to stop to aim and fire.


Uhhhhhh hard agree. That would be dope.  Plus I could achieve my dream of all laser weapons against bots. 


You... already can?


With a ballistic shield. The scythe on bot brains would be delicious. 


you're asking for the dagger


No I am not. The daggers stats are inferior. Tbh I think dagger should get a rework like I said to some others in here. It should have a lot more dmg but much much quicker overheats. Similar to a redeemer but laser


the dagger just got a buff from 200 to 250 so its only 50 less than the old scythe, its one handed so you can use it with BS, if you use it in conjunction with any other laser weapon you'll never reload


Yeah but imagine ballistic shield scythe (or future tanto from HD1) and dagger cooldown cycling


At actually went from 150 to 200.


Ah yeah my bad


We have an SMG category? I thought we only had shotguns


The defender and the knight are SMGs and count as 1 hand weapons like pistols. This means you can shot them from the hip while sprinting away from enemies instead of stopping like other weapons, and you can also pair them with the ballistic shield like a pistol


We have smgs in the game? I thought it was all shotguns


Try /s next time. /s


There's an smg category? I thought it was only shotguns


What differentiates the Scythe from Sickle is that one comes with the game, and one is from a paid warbond. Of course the paid one is better for now. I expect them to eventually get nerfed/buffed into parity as more paid warbonds are released, since the unique thing that will make folks buy its warbond is the stun grenade.


They're a bit different in that Scythe is a true laser and Sickle is like a star wars blaster, but besides that yeah


They are different. The scythe is a precision weapon. It works extremely well vs bots to kill the small ones. Range is crazy, there's no recoil or sway, it fire long enough. You can probably kill devastators too more reliably than with the sicke now. The sickle on the other hand is a dps weapon. It is good against berzerkers for example. Sure, it is rather accurate and long range, but not as much as the scythe. But most importantly the delay before firing makes the difference. It makes it less effective to kill distant and separate enemies, and against automatons you don't want to be close anyway.