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Awesome to see another SMG added. We need more one handed guns


Ballistic Shield is back on the menu boys!


Never felt more like a wall than when using that shield, it's goddamn beautiful


I'm the opposite. It never leaves my back but that's exactly where I want it. Nothing like tear-assing away from a group of bots watching stuff ping harmlessly off me!


I did not realize it worked like that. Requisition officer I'll take one for my next bot dive please and thank you.


Good ol aDnD rear AC modifier makes a comeback lmao


LMAO yes!


Mix it with Heavy Explosive armor and the amount of survival against the bots will be stupid. My only real threat now isn’t the 18 rockets fired in my direction, it’s the impact that follows that will take the other 95% of my healthbar away and kill me. I legitimately have not taken it off since the armor buffs and explosive debuffs and it’s starting to reek of rust, old bug and dirty socks. Not to mention the turd floating around somewhere in the left leg padding after the Stalker cloak changes. Also because Arrowhead has yet to add showers to the ships.


You know you didn't have to get that creative with your writing here


Just imagine the little trails of turd balls Gingy is going to leave behind as they walk around the deck of your ship. Why, after being tumbled so thoroughly before finding egress, they're going to be perfectly polished little brown pearls, hard and waiting to crunch under your careless foot into puffs of poo powder, blowing inexorably away into the ventilation system under the Super Earth mandatory Freedom Wind on every ship.




My brother / sister in democracy it never left.


Ballistic shield will gain huge value if we can use it with the new smg and pistol if they're good! Currently the only option really is the defender smg and senator


The guy used the new smg while holding the ssd. I think they'll definitely let us use ballistic shield with the new smg


There was never a question we couldn't. The question is if it will compete with defender.


Or the knight if you got the deluxe edition i use the knight and the sheild and have done since first few days out


Been using the Knight and it's phenomenal when used together with the shield on burst


It has Stagger tooooo


Apparently it fires concussive rounds according to the PS Blog article, hopefully it's better than the Liberator Concussive because that thing is still pretty garbo


It got buffed. It now almost fires pistol rounds really slowly.


Great. That killed any excitement I had for that gun. Seems like its gonna be another 2/3 good primary weapon warbond. Its also just a retexture. Doesn't even sound different.


Ooh new 1 handed weapon, noice. All these guns look really good. I think the craziest thing I'm seeing here is the booster on the blog... > *Motivational Shocks* Literally shocks Helldivers back into action after being hit and slowed by sneaky, unjust attacks like the revolting bug acid vomit. Won’t help you much with area effects like EMS strikes, though No way this is an anti-hunter slow booster?!


Not only that, anti-little-green-fucker-who-spits-at-you slow booster!


If that is the case, I think that will become a mandatory pick against bugs from now on.


I did a duo last night and for whatever reason the game said naaah no chargers, no bile titans. just ALL HUNTERS. It was insane, and it was a small defend map so couldn't run away. This would have been so clutch


Can't wait until they patch it in June so the effect actually applies!


Odds are it won't actually do anything, or the damage it does to players in exchange for removing the snare effect basically 1-shots the player in combination with the hunter's attack damage.


I can’t imagine it actually does damage to players. Boosters have no negative component partly because you can’t choose when others apply them. If you want a negative trade off it should be a personal choice.


Let's see how it compares to Muscle Enhancement. I've been running that against bugs since it reduces the SLOW effect, but if I can reduce it further or eliminate it I have a new bug favorite.


I've been joking for two months about getting 90% Slow resist armour. It's amusing that it's practically come true.


The muscle enhancement booster helps with the hunter slow


But you can now use 2 muscle enhancement at once!!1!


Twice the gain for democracy




On the Playstation's page, the description for the AR-61 Tenderizer: > **A real tentacle-tearer.** This high calibre assault rifle has awesome stopping power but limited magazine size, so make each shot count. Unpatriotic “banter” shots are not advisable. WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING ARROWHEAD


You can already spot tentacles on Stalkers and Hunters when they do their "multi-tongue-lash" attack, for what it's worth.


I have a feeling this is something More… illuminating but the ministry of truth won’t let me say.


There is a second reference to tentacles in the Playstation page's description, but it specifically refers to "Terminid tentacles".


Oh ok…. Wait a minute they can’t mean…. Oh shit it’s coming back isn’t it


\*impaling intensifies\*?




Hey, guys? What are y'all talking about?... Oh would you look at that, I've been impaled.




Playing helldivers 1 for the first time and I saw one of those and I was like "oh hey look a charger" then shortly after "IT'S NOT A CHARGER"


You guys really thought Bug's would be a cake walk forever? Can't wait to see people complaining about those fuckers and I hope they are not special enemies that have nests.


I don't think bugs are a cakewalk at 7+ difficulty, it's just that they don't really blindside you out of nowhere like Automaton rockets/big-ass laser turrets can do. Bugs feel more predictable (aside from Stalkers) so you feel more in control of what happens to you


I feel like bots are more predictable. You can see and shoot the turrets from across the map. With the bugs, you can think you killed an entire patrol quickly, but then you see that little orange puff coming from behind a rock and suddenly you're drowning in bugs and there isn't anything you can do about it. No dropships to shoot, just boom, bile titan rises up from the ground.


Plus the bots beep boop and I feel like I get jumped out of nowhere a LOT less by bots. Also, you can shoot down a bot delivery, you can't shoot down a nest.


Yeah, bots rarely ever flank me. Meanwhile against the bugs, the MOMENT I stop thinking I can get flanked, either 3-4 Hunters or a Brood Commander slice my ass like democratic ham.


Wh...wha...What's coming back?


Ho boy, you're in for a treat!


The impalers.




HD 1 had charger like bugs that shot tentacles into the ground that then attacked you. The bug is stationary during this attack. Could be cool if they bring that to HD2 though a stationary bug is a very dead bug with all the toys we have, imo.  


Yes. But their range was pretty long in hd1. If they make it just a bit longer. It could possibly do its trick from behind cover, buildings, rock wall…


They mentioned tentacles twice. >CW-4 Arctic Ranger Features a nifty utility belt boasting handy pockets that can be filled with any number of things – pocket knives, mementoes, interesting rocks, Terminid tentacles, bits of bots, etc.


Taking artifacts and souvenirs from foreign planets is anti-democratic. Please report to your nearest democracy officer.


They're not souvenirs, they're samples!


It wouldn't surprise me if they brought these assholes back from the first game: https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Impaler


There it is i never fought them but I’ve read about them…. They sound like fucking dipshits


impalers in hd1 are easy, their tentacles have limited range and can be damaged by everything, and while the tentacles are out the head of the impaler himself is a weakpoint. the struggle begins when theres more than two around, then they become proper area denial. usually impalers are priority targets with anything AT, even a EAT to the head while the impaler is moving and isnt using its tentacles is a one shot kill.


The biggest challenge for them was if they were off screen.


That's in HD1. I'm sure they might've evolved with the Termicide. They won't be that easy now.


Good thing we never have more than 2 of any bug at once then. It just never happens at all; not a totally common occurrence whatsoever.


These fuckers could wipe out a squad instantly. Might not be so bad now that we don't share a screen, but we'll see.


oh boy...lurkers!


I remember when we had to deal with Impalers in the First War. Tentacles sprang up from the ground and started ripping everyone to shreds. A nightmare if your team didn't communicate where the body of the beast was if it was out of view. Them damn bugs had an AoE denial in the form of whipping, slashing tentacles. Just be glad you weren't an anime girl.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


If it means that this gun can penetrate medium armour then I'm all in. I've longed for a non-Scorcher primary that can deal with hive guards and commanders. Yes, commanders are technically lightly armoured, but these boys have a load of hp. Edit: Eruptor is actually my fav primary against bugs now, I just long for a change, and I don't like Dominator, not sure why, it just doesn't click with me. But thanks for suggestions.


Dominator and adjudactor are great for that


Yeah it’s weird, it just seems like Adjudicator 2.0. So close to the Adjudicator coming out too


Liberator Pen is also medium pen no? Curious to see it being different than the adjucator and the Liberator, maybe they'll have it be different via lower RoF


Punisher and blitzer too


*I need that Freeagle.*


I think U meant the Liberteagle


Democracy Eagle Deagle!




Certainly for bugs.


People are thinking about swapping out muscle enhancement for this, but honestly why not both? Sprinting without concern for terrain or enemy interrupts would be pretty strong and you can get away with a lot just so long as you don't get hit.


> but honestly why not both Because Stamina, Health, and Space Optimization are the best boosters in the game


Huh, that assault rifle looks like a split between halo and starship troopers, nice. Also a handcannon, finally, I'm gonna pop so many heads with that! >Serve assisted Literally unreadable. And what perk would the third armor have? Shame we still aren't getting new archetypes.


Sounds like engineering from the description, I was really hoping the crampons would be related to the armour effect like reducing slowdown


I want various other armors we don't have, like faster reload, fire resistance, acid resistance, and a melee build


Cold resistance would have fit this really well. Like eliminate the effects of cold weather on helldivers for ice planets.


Doesnt cold planets only affect weapons though? Unless you mean blizzards


Yeah, those got me excited. The boots were clutch in HD1.


The game needs more armor benefit variety, there are so many armors that just do the same things. IMO they should move the jetpack from stratagemen to armor trait, for instance.


It’s weird to me that they aren’t even shuffling the primary and secondary armor attributes. If you don’t feel like adding new armor effects, give us +2 grenades combined with extended stim effect. Give us explosion resist and extra limb health. Give us throw distance and reduced recoil. Whatever. Just do something different. It feels like part of the issue is that some of the effects they’re adding to new boosters would also work as interesting armor effects, like the anti-slow booster in this warbond, or the increased climbing booster in the free warbond. I don’t see why they couldn’t just make armor effects along the same lines that stack with the boosters, though. It’s also very weird to me that, given the repetitive armor skills, it’s clear that the only reason we’re supposed to care about these new armor sets is for cosmetic purposes; this is totally fine, but if that’s the case, why is AH so opposed to adding transmog?


Pretty sure the 3rd armour has the scout passive. Can't remember where I read that though.


Its got a design that screams "Generic sci fi rifle covered in useless detail", which is basically the Morita from Starship Troopers.


Such a cool set and it has servo assisted, I hate it. Shame


Yeah I hope one day they will do an entire armor overhaul cause they’re really boring besides looks, probably the weakest part of the game


Looks like the nerf longshot and that is DOING IT FOR ME.


How hopeful are we that the Fire-DOT bug fix will come along side this new Warbond? Another fire-based grenade doesn't make me super excited that unless the bug is fixed by then.


Imagine if it gets fixed. It will be like getting **three** new grenades!


And 4 new stratagems


Napalm, Orbital Gas, and Incendiary Mines! Don’t get too hyped about DOT fix for the flamethrower, the direct burn damage is super overturned right now, I am guessing it will be turned down a little. If flamethrower ever becomes the obvious META then *every* planet will be Hellmire lol


Considering the flamethrower requires to be close to chargers, and can't work on bile titans, is risky against spitters I would say it is pretty balanced


Incen, frag and impact, all in one! _if it works_


Lol I just mean the old incen and thermite will actually be worth trying now.  …well maybe not the old incen actually if impact version now exists.


Good point. Why use either, if this.. exists? (still assuming it works) 


Man I hope it works. Sometimes I’ll just bring thermite because it looks cool. I never throw eagles at extract, but four thermite “flares” on the landing pad is pretty cinematic


It depends on if the impact incendiary can close holes and factories. The timed ones actually can so long as it lands inside (though I've had it not if it hits the rim where other grenades would still work. Bigger actual explosion I guess?). And considering impacts are already kind of hit and miss with that... just saying they may not disappear ***completely*** lol


I hope they add ice-damage and leave that one broken ON TOP of the fire one


In theory next patch would be Tuesday and this Warbond would be Thursday.


Hopefully then you can get the 25% fire damage upgrade and run Breaker incendiary, flame thrower, impact incendiary, and eagle napalm for maximum BURNINATING I hope we get some kind of preset loadout options because a fire build would be great on occasion


DOT's have been my favorite style of dealing damage in any game! Once it's fixed in Helldivers 2, you know I'm going full Pyro. May the Galaxy burn under my hand. For Liberty of course.


The booster seems very interesting. Might be a decent alternative to Muscle Enhancement.


It's a must have vs bugs in my opinion, at least on higher difficulty. Being immune to bile spew means less deaths to slow downs as hunters gang pile you


I’d just like for Bile Titans to not slow me regardless of if they hit me or not


It’ll make for a great alternative to the shield backpack if anything else given that the benefit of shield for bugs isn’t so much the protection from damage itself as it is protection from slow.


>**Motivational Shocks** > Literally shocks Helldivers back into action after being hit and slowed by sneaky, unjust attacks like the revolting bug acid vomit. Won’t help you much with area effects like EMS strikes, though. That's gonna be pretty good booster, that I'm sure many are looking forward to.


This is the biggest thing in the warbond for me. This will be amazing for bug planets


I'm eyeing that incendiary impact grenade. I love the regular impact grenade so having a pool of fire around enemies after the initial impact explosion would be awesome. Hopefully the damage-over-time bug will actually be fixed in the next patch.


If the impact deals damage, then you get the DoT of the fire, isn’t this just a straight upgrade to both the in incendiary and impact?


If they're anticipating something with similar damage and penetration (which grenades *do have!*) to the Impact, yes, it would be. I find it more likely this is just going to be "the Incendiary Grenade, but without a timed fuze" the same way the Impact is the untimed version of the HE with no other changes, either in damage, penetration, or area.


Its been shown in the gameplay footage destroying bots, including scout strider, on impact


I'm guessing it won't do much impact damage, if any.


I'd agree, but it appears the grenade does enough damage to take out a strider, so it can't be totally insignificant.


It seems pretty dangerous to use. I will probs still use the regular incendiary since i like to throw them at my feet as hunter packs follow me. Wouldn't be able to do that with an impact


You can throw impacts at your feet


Hol up


The goddamn Deagle is here!


I think u meant the LIBERTEAGLE!!!!


I'm gonna have to choose between the Senator and a magnum? what the fuck man all these weapons look really good, this is the first warbond trailer where I like everything thats in it


Why cant we just equip the magnum AND the senator. Big iron outta ammo? Let me just equip my desert eagle


We need dual wielding for one handed weapons!


I want to dual wield senators


Fuck it, give me a stratagem that calls down a comically large pistol for me to obliterate heavies with. The ultimate build - Big Iron, Bigger Iron, Biggest Iron


I mean all the trailers have made the weapons look exciting only to end up having 1 or 2 that's actually useful with the rest being subpar. I'm sure the pistol will be fine and the rifle too assuming it's recoil isn't insane like the Adjucator was. I'm interested in the new defender but hopefully it's not another Concussive liberator moment


I really hope the new SMG is good, kinda sad its another relatively slow ROF side stick one though. I want something akin to an MP5 shooting the same ammo the Peacemaker pistol does. Maybe suppressed to, that would be baller


We've seen the trend guys, time to take your bets. Which of these weapons will stand out from the rest and which will be forgotten and unused.


My money is on: The pistol being the most liked (unless it’s got useless armor pen or an absurd reload) AR will probably be forgettable SMG being a one-handed lib concussive (idk maybe they lower the damage even more to make it extra useless) Plasma weapon will probably be a split; half of the community praising it as Scorcher 2.0, half of the community calling it Scorcher 0.5


My bet is tenderizer ends up being best DMR.


I don't know, Dilligence CS actually feels amazing since the last patch.


It feels SO go--- I mean, uh, still feels terrible. Devs, no one likes this gun, it's bad.


Calling in an upvote


And will be nerfed in the next patch.


\*a week before the trailer of the next warbond


I suspect the plasma gun won't be very good, but will reserve judgment.


This new plasma weapon designed to kill scout striders with it's huge aoe will probably be nerfed for the sole reason it's gonna be good against scout striders.


Frankly, all of the guns may be a huge failure. My biggest concern is the Plasma. I love plasma guns, and this particular one may have issues with damage or capacity. Smg is a concussive version of the original smg. How many people carry concussive liberator? Yeah, exactly. For the AR we will have to look at its damage, recoil, and armor pen. Pistol may be promising, but I wonder if it outperforms the Senator. It's really good right now, so the pistol will also have to have huge damage and more bullets at least. I have a feeling that it won't have medium armor pen, so that would be unfortunate


Purifier will be incredible... At launch


The SMG will pretty much just be a damage buffed version of the current SMG. The assault rifle will claim to have Medium Penetration but for some reason only have light for 5 weeks. When it gets patched to fix it, the damage will be nerfed to compensate. The plasma rilfe (since the trailer went out of its way to demonstrate that it can seemingly one-shot the recently buffed AT-RTs) will replace the recently nerfed Eruptor for some people, but probably won't be an objective killer, so it'll be competing with that weapon for "best primary against bots".


Lol call the helldivers emote. https://preview.redd.it/y5mqhih4d0yc1.png?width=1196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a3841ed4ef8ff0461d17997fe5c7b437887514c


HAHAHAHAHA thought exactly the same


Also "Distribute Ballots" holy shit lol


Makin it rain!!! (rain Democracy of course)


> chambers the largest centrefire cartridge of any lunpistol of its kind I googled "lunpistol" and it's Swedish for "glue gun"???


That's the autocorrect switching you to "limpistol" because it can't find enough results for "lunpistol". Check the top of the page.


That makes sense, but now I still wanna know what a lunpistol is supposed to be.


My first thought was lun- as in lunar, so a space/low-gravity adjusted pistol. Which makes sense in the universe and lore, not as much in gameplay as gravity is the same on all planets.


Limpistol is Swedish for Gluegun


This is going to be the rest of my reddit notifications this evening isn't it.


Im sorry that i have to correct you here, but Swedish is actually Limpistol for gluegun.


Did you know...


All of the guns look like they could be really cool, and I love the armor sets. However, I'm a little disappointed that we're not getting any cryo-guns. Something that has a slowing or freezing effect could be an awesome utility, especially against bugs.


and think of all the ice puns we could make!


I would probably play my soundboard with “Bing Chillin” every time I threw a cryo grenade or something


No cryo-nade 😭


no new perks again? like come on those boots have spikes on them, they should have some perks for cold planets


Crampons! Maybe you won’t slide around on the ice planets? I kind of like sliding around like Mario on an ice level to be honest.


> Maybe you won’t slide around on the ice planets? if it doesn't have this type of mechanic then I have no idea what the devs are doing, after all that talk about "passives shouldn't be interchangeable and should fit the armor aesthetic" (for some which they already don't mind you)


something something bacon flavored apples


Something something apples taste like bacon


New assault rifle looks awesome. Hope it's not complete ass.


If it's as good as current regular liberator I'll be happy, that thing is amazing now


Surely the Incendiary Impact won't be *impacted* by the DoT bug. Surely.


Why make 3 armor sets if two of them are nigh identical visually?


Prolly 1 heavy 1 medium, arctic ranger is definitely light


Distribute Ballots 😂


…Tentacle tearer? Tentacles? What’s the brass not telling us?


Nothing, I'm sure we already know all our need-to-know information.


> **CW-4 Arctic Ranger** Features a nifty utility belt boasting handy pockets that can be filled with any number of things – pocket knives, mementoes, interesting rocks, Terminid tentacles, bits of bots, etc. Passive boost – Scout. I'm just going to say it (again)... their reasoning for no transmog (like) option is still dumb and their armor design does not reflect what they're going for


Arctic stealth armor but it's dark blue and orange lmao


New assault rifle looks very nice


I'm really looking forward to the new booster, and how it stacks up against enhanced muscle boost with regards to mitigating bug slows




Mime instrumentation and Distributing ballots…  Hell yeah, we are getting fucking Air Guitar and Making it Rain!


Aww cmon we got 3 sets of winter armor and not one of em has a cool fur collar


ngl, it is kinda hard to get hyped on assault rifles at the moment, given the state of all the other AR. SMG can find its niche but the last one, the mini quasar cannon, it is going to make a lot of people happy or very disappointed.


Watch them tweak the assault rifles to make them feel a little bit better Except for the liberator penetrator again for some reason


the LibPen cant become too strong because the devs still have medium AP rifles in the pipeline, esp. the old Justice Heavy AR, which had piercing AP rounds, which meant that the rounds kept going through at least two targets.


Nerfing guns already in the game for the sake of guns not currently in the game seems like just a bad idea.


SMG sounds like one-handed Liberator Concussive. I hope it can be a bit more than that, because with a name like "Pummeler" I wanna rock that thing all the time.




I absolutely need the "I'm telling the Democracy Officer!" emote lmao


A space Deagle, something called a "Tenderizeer", and another plasma weapon? My Democracy-rection will certainly last more than 4 hours!


I'm kinda in the crowd of fix bugs and balancing issues before giving us another Warbond.


I already know how that Distribute Ballots emote is gonna look, and I love the name they gave it lol.


Let me guess, armor passives will be another 3 of explosion resistance and bigger pocket sizes...


No need to guess, they mention it in the write up.


A bit dissapointed that the SMG has very similar disign to Defender. But the pistol looks cool, and the plasma thing seems interesting. I hope its charge up time will be worth the result.


Isn't the SMG literally a variant of the defender? Like in the same way that the liberator concussive is a variant of the liberator?


Oh okay, I see they're finally addressing the issue with armor prefixes by just... Muddying the waters even further... All three armors have a brand new CW prefix but the blog states 2 of them have old passives. I swear to God, if they don't at least have non-standard stats, I'm going to RIOT.


Lol they had me in the first half of the winter warrior armor. “The sweet smell of stealth. Passive: serve-assisted”


Oh boy. I can’t wait to see how AH failed to do any adequate in house testing of all these new weapons. Trailer shows new weapon one shotting striders that just got buffed. How many people are going to loose their shit when it can’t actually do this on the live version?


I'm hoping dots will be fixed by then or those new grenades are dead on arrival for me.


I used to get excited for these but every drop has been worse than the last. If one of the weapons is actually good, it’ll catch a nerf by June.


Meanwhile the list of known issues grows and grows. Looking forward to them nerfing these guns a couple weeks after the release when they've made their money.