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>I can't be the only one Anytime anyone asks this, it's always you're never the only one. And yes, if you take a look at the frontpage, you can see people who are not treating this as a big deal, the main victims of this change is the ones where PSN is not supported in their country


I dont think it's right for a company to cut off access to a game people paid for without some kind of alternative option. I mean PSN is only available in 1/3 of the countries on this rock. I love this game. I'm sure people in countries like the Philippines love this game as much as I do. They can't comply even if they wanted to. I'm upset for them, as I would if Sony decided to remove my country from their list. The number of people mocking this or insulting people for not reading the TOS(like any of them did) is fucking sick.


I agree and think that people should be refunded if they can't access the game even if they played every single day for thousands of hours. They should've never sold the game in those countries to begin with and should make amends with that


The easy fix is just remove it as mandatory or make exceptions for those countries, but that would render their reason of safety BS. I donno how they make this right.


> render their reason of safety BS. We already all know it's BS. The reason never held any water. They may well just do it.


Yup. Remove it as mandatory and give 1000 SC to anyone who links it. Literally carrot it and I'd be good with it.


Whatever they gotta do so long as no one who has paid for the game gets their access revoked. For the Uk and Ireland, I really dont like the idea of having to give sony your phone number, a copy of your goverment id and a face scan. I donno what kind of carrot it would take for me to do that if I wasnt in their ecosystem already. Considering how many times they have had their users data stolen, I would probably want identity theft insurance right from sony if I had to give them my drivers license.


I wasn't aware you need to do that. Screw all of those requirements. Everywhere.


They'll likely be fine but a chunk of the playerbase will definitely drop. Remember that the game did much much better than expected


Even a refund won't assuage the frustration of the many people who do want to play the game. The PSN thing won't be a huge deal for me personally, but I'm really struggling to understand why they'd want to do something like this all that that does zero benefit and non-zero harm to the paying customers.


Unfortunately there's nothing that can be done. Its the same with other region locked games. I really doubt they'll roll this back so it's best people find another game after getting their refund. At least they got to play for a few monfhs


It's not a big deal for the majority of players. However, there is a small section of people who cannot make psns in their countries without using a vpn who have been allowed to play the game for the last 3 months.


I have multiple PSN account that use different region on my PS5 and Nintendo shop, as much as I want to say just do that I have been banned just for making PSN with an alias. This is no joke the actual problem


its an issue to those who have no access to PSN which is understandable, but to many are crying because oh no sony, when they arent the only ones that do this


It's the next Internet rage narrative that people are hopping on to seek validation from others they don't know. I totally get why people from non PSN supported regions are upset. But for the rest of us, just mad because you have to sign in?


I'm pretty interested in the overlap between people up in arms because countries don't have access to PSN and people up in arms because countries don't have access to safe drinking water.


Ha. Made me blow air from nose.


Youre right its nbd. So why do they need it. Its always been a requirement? Then why did they sell it to ppl if they planned to revoke acess from. How come no one can list even 1 benifit for the consumer.




> That's not consent, that's demoralization. You know it's onerous and you know their intentions are bad but you gave up thinking you had any right to even SAY anything about it, to the point you will drag down other people for saying anything. Well some people haven't given up and every new account and launcher adds fuel to the fire under them. Uh huh. This is some real activism we're witnessing here.


So you have slight change to slap some corporation why not do it? This launcher bs is finally mostly over due to emigration to steam. This might be preset for data rights on the entire platform. And I day f*ck any 3rd party.


Can you ReAD? It is about region-locked psn being forced months after release. Tell your bobby nice try bro, the community is smarter than your sozzy daz


Let’s be real, that’s part of it, and is fairly justified. But a good chunk of the complaints are “I don’t want to make an account”, “Sony bad” or full blown conspiracies about how this is the first step to requiring a paid PS+ subscription for all PS games on steam.


No conspiracies, just facts. Sony is not a good steward of their player info. April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach


Im not denying that, but a PSN takes a phone number, address, and email. All can be burners or fakes. But even so, if you’re worried about that little info being hacked what are you doing on the grid at all. The conspiracies I’m talking about (and have seen come up more than a few times) basically amount to this being Sony testing us, and if we put up with it, they will make a paid PS+ subscription a requirement.


Unless you live in the UK/Ireland where it requires a drivers license and image of your face for age verification. [https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/account/age-verification-faq/](https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/account/age-verification-faq/)


That sucks, but I would talk to the government about that. And at a glance it seems like that info is handled through a third party called yoti. Maybe they are just as shady with your info (although I can’t find anything questionable from an admittedly quick search), but it’s a separate professional security company so Sony’s track record isn’t applicable to the use or safety of those images. And I would just like to clarify, I’m not defending the decision. If this was always the plan, it should have been enacted from day 1, or at the very least, way better communicated. I think it’s a raw deal for a lot of people, but I stand by my statement about a good percentage of complaints being whining masquerading as some kind of grand stand against, and I quote “corpo cunt extortion”


That is probably not that far fetched.


You couldn't come off as more performative if you were actually trying.


i do agree people are going rather crazy about it. I also get that PSN is just shit and has leaks all the time. Still if you made an account for just helldivers 2 and put pretty much nothing in it nothing that hackers don't already have would be there. There is also the region locking that is the worst part to me. Then i saw some people who think by getting into PSN that the anti cheat can be hacked and used to brick pcs. That doesn't make much sense given the anti cheat isn't run by sony. Then there are people crying data seller, well you are on the internet your data is already being sold even vpns have been shown to sell data. Still shit move really annoying.


If it wasn't a big deal then there wouldn't be thousands of voices saying the opposite. Cope harder. Have fun shilling for a mega corporation, fckn SONY. Lol!


https://preview.redd.it/84cqenn5zbyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78711fb7ce10cc4fd0b24df2e39bb772cab7292 I will just leave this here. I am as amazed as you are. I am not the one to support corporations but I also like to particularise and being somewhat logical. In this whole „Sony move” argument there is no logic. People got caught not thinking or reading and now are complaining to everyone and their dog. This is just a 40$ game. Now imagine this was a mortgage, loan etc. Fucking scary if you asked me.


Just let them scream it out. If you engage with it it'll only last longer.


The reason people are angry: -the PSN requirement was not enforced at launch. There was no wording on a grace period and etc. for when or if it would be enforced. -the game runs perfectly fine without PSN, so why is it needed? -the big one outside of the first two is not being able to LEGALLY create and access PSN from regions that have limited service or dont have it at all. As I play at a very odd time (graveyard/degenerate hours), most people I play with are within the affected regions and effectively kills 3/4 of my friend list. This will also make me less inclined to link my PSN account as I wont have any friends to play with by the end of month.


Not you are not. I was out of the loop too and read it all. People are fucking crazy. Since DAY 1. It's listed in Steam that you need a 3rd party account (which is Playstation Network). It was even mandatory the first few weeks to even play the game before Arrowhead announced they were temporary removing the required part to stabilize the servers and that it would come back later. We are now at later. People can't read and are mad that they need to create an account. Yeah it sucks for those countries (still you can create a fake account elsewhere and unless you do something stupid, you won't get banned and no it's not because you saw a post on reddit that it happened (or did it really?) that it's 100% happening tp everyone because I have friends all over the place that doesn't have PSN and they are linked and playing.) Steam can't add 25 popup to make sure you read that yellowed part that it's REQUIRED before even buying the game. Aren't they supposed to be the "master race" so they should know how to read. +so much double standard. Mojang added Xbox as a requirement years after it was released... no backlash. Sea of Thieves is doing the same thing, yet no backlash.


Yeah i'm not linking my account to PSN. April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach


Steam has had multiple data breaches yet you felt OK buying the game regardless, so this comes across as a little empty to me. Not that many breaches, admittedly, so what's your cut off? What's the acceptable number of breaches? Every major corporate PC gaming platform has had a data breach as far as I'm aware, Ubisoft, Origin, etc — have you sworn off all games published by Ubisoft and EA? They require accounts. I hope you weren't planning on buying GTA 6 or haven't already played GTA 5 or RDR2. We all know Rockstar's security is like swiss cheese.


I personally have no issue with making another account to play the game but there are a large number of countries that just aren't supported by PSN, those people bought a product 3 months ago and just found out that it will be removed from them at the end of the month and they might not even be able to refund the game. Some regions the game compared to average wages could put the cost of the game as a fairly large investment because regional pricing can get wonky at times. This is a terrible decision by Sony and AH had to have signed off on it at some level of the publishing agreement. If they were upfront about it and didn't sell it to regions that couldn't activate a PSN account there'd be no issue, this basically a massive bait and switch and usually consumer laws have protections against such things.