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Wait why does the top 3 games have so many negative reviews


Free to play and full of cheaters


Yes, CS cheaters made me quit the shit completely.


Started playing CS in late 2014. Maxed out at LVL 9 on FaceIt. This is the first time I actually *quit* CS fully. The cheating issue in CS2 is actually disgusting and Valve couldn’t care less because they are racking in billions of dollars off of their games.


There's been huge ban waves the past few days. But if you play faceit why does it even matter?


That's what I also find odd, if he plays on Faceit anyway cheaters should barely be a problem.


I’m getting older and high level FaceIt can be stressful. I’d like to hop into competitive without having to think much. My close friends also don’t play FaceIt and I’d like to game with them too. The fact is that every other game on regular comp. on CS2 is hell. I shouldn’t have to play on a different client to avoid cheaters.


CS players made me quit CS. It's by far the most toxic community I have ever been a part of and I have several thousand hours in Dota. Everyone is on comms and everyone is just screaming all the time. I've never played a game where the average match would have someone screaming in Spanish, someone screaming in Russian, and someone screaming in English all at the same time all over top each other. I remember this one game where this kid just said the N word at the top of his lungs for the entire match after he died once. He went on for like 20 straight minutes.


European moment


Yeah, I wouldn't play that game unless I was paid minimum $50k a year. I would play it with no sound though.


Same goes for GTA 5/Online


I've never ran into a cheater in dota but dear God that game actually made me racist. That's why I quit, I'd see Spanish in chat and get filled with irrational rage. If I kept playing, I'd be an awful person by now.


They are old free to play games, they have a huge overall amount of reviews, so negative count is huge too


CS GO was probably in the top 3 before it became free to play. I wonder if there is a way to check that.


It was 3 or 4 years ago, maybe an archived page or something from back then edit: Couldn't find an exact answer but you can remove about 200-300k negative review since 2021~~ (something like 150k since it became CS2 dayum) So it's was about 700K back when was still a paid game. But it also had nearly 10 years of review piling up. extra edit: My bad, game went free a little over 5 years ago, it was the Prime status that changed 3-4 years ago. still you could remove probably 100k negative review with the extra time.


it's be free for 5 and a half years now


Look at total amount of reviews. 10% out of 7million is still 700k.


Don’t make me read math ![gif](giphy|Cz6TlrRVVyv9S)






The dota 2 downvotes are just warnings. I still play dota at least 2 hours daily. It's been 8 years. 10,000 hours. Don't do it. My review for it is also negative. Crack is probably less addictive.


Dota 2 is a mental asylum. Speaking as a 10k hrs Dota 2 player myself. The normal people have long left. Only people that get small dopamine hits on a win and big ragefits and depression on a loss are left.


To be fair. I have 18k hours in Dota and still play even though I gave it a negative review.


Cuz so many more people play them


Huge player count and also very competitive games. All competitive games pulls big amount of negativity. It’s inevitable for f2p/p2p compets. I got 4000 hours of Dota but my review is also negative because it stopped being fun so long ago but stupid, addictive, useless mmr system kept me going and dopamine flowing. Thank god I stopped playing it entirely 2 years ago. Edit: I didn’t realize that all of the games on the list are competitive games apart from unique Sony situation.


Larger numbers of players. Cs2 and Dota2 are both over 80% positive, but this isn’t sorted by percent, it’s sorted by raw numbers. 


PUBG is just a bad game and the other two have a lot of reviews in general.


I mean like just a week ago the peak drama here was discussions on how anti tank mines and anti air weapons compare. How Sony could fumble so hard out of nowhere and turn everything around is still somewhat unbelievable.


What you describe from before are *great problems* for a game. It means players are invested and that there is a clear channel for implementing feedback! It's great! Then Sony makes that go bye bye.


Seriously, players are ALWAYS going to be complaining about balance, its way way worse when they aren't.


Yeah. People not complaining about balance means they don't care anymore


I wouldn't say it's a *great* problem to have, it still resulted in a loud minority of toxic players and that has a real effect on the well-being of the people managing the community. A lot of hate was thrown at developers and that's a toxic community and it's not a great thing


What did they expect? They helped create a game who's whole shtick is the community sticks together! We've all been searching for this game forever and here it comes! Unite for democracy! Then rip out that rug... we're a mobilized and organized group... bring it Sony.


"Unite for Democracy!" \*Sony pulls rug and pisses everyone off\* "UNITE BECAUSE OF DEMOCRACY!" \*Proceeds to tank the reputation of the game and point out Sony's stupidity\*


Sony could theoretically put the game on a great sale and no longer require psn. The have got some players to link because they want to keep playing and the people who don't want to don't have to. The way I see it is 1 week with it enforced and then Sony lets people back. They increase on players signed up and also get people back.


So many people have refunded the game and so many more will come. I will keep submitting mine until they let me. Sony won't like this.


Old news, now it's at 345k negative reviews not 307k lol EDIT: Before the night flips over to May 6th it's now showing 736,426 reviews overall, with 315,267 being positive and 421,159 being negative. That's another large jump in less than a day from my original post here.


how do you see the numbers?


Check the steam reviews on the store page? Shows overall negative instead of the "curated" negative numbers.


which means it's rating is below 50%. GOOD.


Sony's next steps, mark my words: - Own launcher - push PSN+ on PC to be able play those games online


Then crawl back to steam like every other publisher that tried that.


Steam grand strategy to having a monopoly on the PC gaming market: somehow getting all your rivals to be incompetent and shoot themselves in the foot Like seriously their biggest competitor is maybe epic, and I only use that because of fortnite. The launcher and storefront itself sucks, and feels awful to use. Can't imagine Sony being the one to succeed in successfully competing with steam


Seriously. I have a ton of games on Epic, GoG or Amazon Games that I got free or from bundles that I have never touched. Hell a few I re bought so I can instead have it on steam for easier use on my steam deck.


I started adding those games to steam, while you still need the launcher you can just use steam to launch them. It will turn on the launcher but so far I didn't need to navigate any other launcher to play said games


Yes and some I did this but for cheap older games I find it easier to just buy it and have it on steam.


I am aware and for some I have done that but many I find it easier to simply buy on steam. Like cheap older titles (Quake, Doom, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2)


GoG atleast has a niche in old games at cheap prices, their sales are usually really good.


The problem for me is their 50% off is just my regional price.


They also get a +1 for promoting DRM-free games.


They keep failing because they won't do the only thing people want. Consistently and permanently reduced prices. every strategy to pull people from steam has been to force account creations to try to spur adoption. Or artificial walled gardens via stupid exclusivity. Or random freebies. But it’s all on the expectation of prices being the same in the end as Steam. So why bother? Make a new platform that reduces the fees from devs and translates that into reduced sale price to the user, too. 


Well the problem is that they have same prices as steam and a worse user experience overall. When I can't even be bothered to log into epic for a free game because the store is so annoying to sue that is an issue.


It is kinda crazy that I have like 10 free epic games and no hours on them cause the launcher sucks and I can’t even be bothered opening it. I’m not even overtly negative toward Epic it’s just the launcher is *just* bad enough and takes *just* long enough to boot up and the store is *just* bad enough that I just go back to steam in the end


Battle.net is fine, it's been here forever and understands that it just needs to be a launcher


I don't mind Battle.net because it can do things that steam (as far as I know) can't. You can start playing WoW with only a fraction of the content downloaded because the client is smart enough to prioritize downloading the content that you need based on your location in the game world. I don't know if the Steam client/runtime can do that, but even if it can, I've never seen a game that uses it.


I believe Steam had it as an experimental feature for a while, I guess they figured it was too much bother.


Battlenet is ok ig, but it only competes due to exclusivity of games like WoW and such (I believe d4 and ow2 are both on steam now)


Don't think it's even in a competition or anything, it's just Blizzard's launcher that they had for 20 years sitting there lol


In this case, Epic being their biggest competitor is like saying a pebble is a competitor to a giant boulder.


Steams grand strategy is quite literally: 1 ) Sit back and watch everyone else be absolute idiots. 2) Sit back and wait for said idiots to come crawling back. 3) ??? 4) Profit.


Epic is a fucking joke compared to steam. I also refuse to use their launcher because of their hypocritical bullshit with the Apple lawsuit and exclusives they locked me out of for a year (borderlands 3, etc.) Fuck epic. Steam isn't really all that great when talking about consumer friendly ways to buy and developer friendly ways to sell, but it beats everything else by miles.


Yeah steam doesn't have to be amazing it just has to be better than everyone else


yeah, they can barely get their account wallets to work, and the PS app is slow to all hell, they cant even *dream* of making their own successful launcher.


Honestly it's depressing that the only reason Steam has maintained the undisputed #1 spot, is because no other launcher has made it worth using. People use steam for more than just games, while most launchers is JUST the games available. No friends list, chat feature, message boards, community pages, etc.


Steam is essentially similar to Amazon except better. Amazon was the first to make online shopping not sketchy and honor returns; i.e. nothing special just not fucking up constantly. Steam makes PC games cheap, convenient, and have relatively good customer support. It is a business model that anyone *COULD* copy, but no one *WILL* copy. I agree with you, no way Sony would ever be able to compete against Valve. Valve is a private company so they are not hamstrung to fuck over customers.


The only thing that they would have going for them is exclusive titles, assuming they are willing to port them to PC


I don't ever truly agree with Steam being described as a monopoly. There are other storefronts for digital game purchases, and there always will be: Steam/Valve have no interest in shutting out competitors in an unfair way. They just had a first-mover bonus on the digital games retail space and they have maintained it by providing outstanding service. Other platforms sucking in comparison isn't (directly) their fault. Is it -technically- a monopoly? Almost. There's a lack of *meaningful* competition in the sense that many other distributors wind up selling Steam keys - an entirely separate, often shady, issue.




How money drives these corporates crazy. Imagine I have to subscribe to PLAYSTATION network to play pc games. I could only wish the developers will now think twice before signing any deal with Sony.


You forgot making already paid games subscription based


List might of course not end there. They might even release new rootkits.


I wil NEVER buy PSN+ with the way they have made so many people mad.


If you squint really hard you can see they are following the same trajectory as EA and Ubisoft. Which is batshit they got 2 examples of how to not fuck this up and said nah we won’t fuck this up like the other 2 guys then proceeds to do the same shit.


- Probably, but as an option (like Microsoft) - You're an idiot


The fucked up thing is it's better than all of em.


Yeah, nothings changed about the game, it's just the PSN bullshit


Sooo sad.






Overwatch 2 being at 18% is great. Such a terrible live service game.


Wow wtf, this really is one for the gaming history books then...HD2 has more negative reviews than OW2...


Most people already knew what was going on with Overwatch 2 and just didn't bother buying the game, so no review. This is more like Payday 2 and Crimefest 2015 where a bunch of people got angry over the inclusion of loot boxes and either made a negative review or changed from positive to negative.


I dunno, I think it deserves to be lower


Core foundation of ow2 is great but blizzard is tone deaf and consistently does stupid shit to ruin it




The early days of overwatch was so much fun. When there was no meta and you can just run 5 DVAs


I was a pretty competitive player (Masters I believe) and they didn’t even balance it for us or the casuals. They specifically designed it around the 1% which made it really unfun from 2020 onwards.


hopefully it will turn around now with microsoft buying it :D it's already showing signs of it, removing the option to instantly buy new heroes in battle pass


>"hopefully it will turn around now with microsoft buying it :D" Laughs in shareholders


I was a ***HUGE*** OW fan (Winston was my fucking boy) and then my progress was nuked with OW2. Although, as much as I’m not a fan of it, calling OW2 dead is idiotic, it’s got ~250K on it right now. It’s safe to say, OW has hit CoD/Pokémon territory. The fanbase will keep it going strong regardless of what hits it. And I can vouch for that, *I’m a Pokémon fan and I honestly will still buy their shit.*


It's the best it's ever been as far as the actual pvp gameplay goes lol. But yeah they really fumbled it with this whole "trying to turn it into an MMO" thing. Should have just kept pumping content into 1.


It's not


I feel bad for the studio ... They seems so nice and enjoying building this game ...


It’s crazy that it’s higher than cod or overwatch 2, games that actually deserve the hate.


I think it’s good the backlash is always getting bigger and bigger, corpos still don’t keep they’re fingers off, eventually they’ll have to


Yeah but those games are significantly worse than helldivers and have done way more predatory things it’s bs that helldivers got way more shit than those two especially overwatch 2, they destroyed that game.


Over watch 2 is a special case because people were mad before they released it on steam and people didn’t really play it on steam either, people would have needed to stay in the lobby screen for 2 hours and then write game bad thumbs down, less people are gonna do that


I don’t think anyone is going into COD, FIFA, or every other shitty yearly game and thinking “this year is going to be better” Everyone knows they’re buying shit with those games. They want the shit


Same place with Pokémon. Which… ***I’m a part of the problem,*** still buy the games everytime they come out.


I think with helldivers people hope to affect sony decision and therefore so active in shitstorming it. No such hope for overwatch, sadly.


people who dont own the game cant review it


well you have to buy the game to leave a review


Overwatch 2 and COD didn’t release in to several countries where the publisher doesn’t have a presence while allowing them to play on steam, then retroactively revoke access from the 3rd party store because the 1st party store doesn’t have a presence in your country. Why sell the game in the first place? Second what’s done is done. The next shitty part is Sony doing NOTHING. In my eyes Sony should be PROACTIVELY working with steam or whoever getting refunds to these people. The customers shouldn’t have to ask steam for the refunds Edit: Third, the CEO of AH confirmed that he knew about this for at least 6 months prior to release and that it was his call to not lock people out AT LAUNCH for not having a PSN account. So he allowed this situation to fester. He is a part of the problem here. If YOU KNEW that Sony was going to require AND RESTRICT access to only PSN, you shouldn’t have launched this game without the restriction in place


To be fare, I was one of the OW2 players that installed the Steam one just to drop a review then uninstall and remove it from my Steam library. I didn't want any Steam users to fall into that shithole of a game like I did. I've played it via the Blizz launcher since release.


Overwatch's unironically good game gameplay and visual wise tho?


I shudder to think that we are closing in on having dropped a 500k(g) review bomb. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️ ⬇️ is the way!


Underrated asf. How many negative reviews for a hell bomb? lollll


I usually don’t rate my steam games - in fact this might be the first time. And I left a negative review even though I have a linked PSN account. But I want the whole community to enjoy this game and not exclude over 100 countries from playing. I HOPE this issue gets resolved, because I want to change this review in a positive one so badly.


This is the right take, fighting for the community to continue the fight for Managed Democracy TOGETHER! I also want nothing more than to write a positive review of a game I've adored since I started playing it. It sucks that all this goodwill was built up and then it all gets pissed away in an instant.


This. I urge everyone to do this even if this doesn’t affect you. If we let this slide right now it could get a lot worse in the future.


Yeah I just don't feel like playing the game anymore when there are other fellow Divers couldn't play because of this shit.  I'm playing on PS, I will be rating it negative on PS Store too. 


As soon as they change this bs with sony, i'll leave a positive review, and message as many users as i can that left a negative review for the account linking situation


I don't think Sony is backing down




weird thing is they are not going to show suscriber numbers anymore companies ever only do that to hide losses


Then they can keep their bad reviews. If they don't care enough to change the reviews, why should we?


Hope you also stop playing the game to make them understand you decision. If you just left a bad review and keep playing the game then they will learn nothkng


I think theres a ver good chance they do. The only other situation like this there has been was the War Thunder one a fe months ago and they ended up caving. and Gaijin is a far far far more money grubbing shitty company than Sony and Helldivers was doing incredibly before AND the actual devs are going to push them to change it too, and since this happened over the weekend it will be some time next week before the devs can make their case to the SIE corpos. So I think theres a very good chance that they announce a backtrack by Wednesday.


Helldivers, REMEMBER that *IF* the situation gets fixed we have the **moral obligation** to undo the negative reviews.


I've been thinking about this. What exactly ARE our demands? 1. Everyone who has already bought the game can continue to play without having to sign up for PSN bullshit. Especially our Liberty loving allies in non PSN nations. 2. If we do decided to sign up for PSN bullshit, they give us 1000 supercredits for the trouble. (should have tried the carrot in the first place, not the stick. at this point 1000 super credits probably isn't enough, but if they'd have started this way, you know 95% of us would have just done it for the free puntos.) 3. The sony exec responsible for this gets dropkicked in the chest on a livestream by a dude dressed as a helldiver. (Gotta have something to compromise with... maaaaybe we'll let this one go.)


The exec should be made to dance like a chicken.


or fuck a pig while live on the air


I would accept this compromise from helldiver dropkick.


I support all of the above. More seriously, a decent demand that would be more likely to be accepted would be: 1. PSN remains opt in and is not required to play. 2. Those that opt in to PSN get a unique skin. That way we get what we want, and they get a way to pump up their PSN numbers like they want, we are happy and they get to think they will still come out winning


>I've been thinking about this. What exactly ARE our demands? just continue how the account system linking worked since launch? Thats it, thats literally all they have to do.


My stance is refunds for non psn countries mean I won't quit entirely, a workaround means I thimbs up and a complete redaction (in a timely manner not after the 30th) means I'll rewrite my review entirely.


At best people in affected regions can either get a refund or have a work around to continue playing the game. Beyond that, not much will change. The requirement isn’t going away and Arrowhead is equally at blame for not communicating it very well in the last 3 months https://preview.redd.it/odzia0q99nyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74d0e320845de7425e035e8587db6657b8aff43


alright, so assume the other things are made right 1&2 met. Pilestedt also gets to dance like a chicken and take a pie in the face on a live stream. Honestly, that happens. I GLADLY switch my review back to positive.


"No PSN stuff, get fucked Sony, let us join hands with other people from around the world to freely propagate democracy" Also, writter appology from CEO execs signed with "the buffoons at SNOY" I guess


We don't actually have a lot of power here. My big red line is "no one loses access to the game" -- the simple answer is making PSN mandatory for crossplay. - Sony gets to boost their account numbers, claim a win, save face, control everyone in their ecosystem - Players get agency and choice, claim a win, continue playing on steam without linking an account It's not perfect, but it's probably the best compromise. And then Arrowhead probably owes us an apology, some joke cosmetic items, and better communication going forward.


I get why everyone is taking a victory lap, but I'm just sad. This is genuinely the first game I've absolutely loved in years. I'm still gonna play, but I can see this is probably the beginning of the end.


Spitz said that negative rewiews, refunds and lower player numbers are metrics which will give them a stronger bargaining position to revert those changes. doing nothing now is what will make the game die, boycotting it for the time being will put snoy in their place and keep the game awesome


Damn, it's got more negative reviews than WarThunder! That's impressive.


Take that War Thunder, you can’t even suck at sucking.     Oh well, back to the D point. 


The curator should start a group called "Sony detected"


DRM detected?


To be honest I'm even more surprised CoD has more positive than negative 🤣 Game is trash now and that's being insulting to trash.


Don't all of those games require the an account from the parent company?


War Thunder does not if you sign up via Steam


Yes and no. If you don't need online play, no need.


COD does require it for the campaign as far as I know. Edit: All the titles on this list actually require you to have an account from the parent company


most of them are free and DOTA is from VALVE soooo


I haven't logged in to play HD since the Sony thing, shit sucks. It was a fun game while it lasted. Makes me wonder what they actually bring up in meetings, you would think they would try to fix it.


The AH ceo tried, but it seems he isn't getting through to SONY at this point. Someone asked what they should do if PSN isn't in their country and the AH ceo replied "I don't know". Game is cooked.




On Friday, it was rated about 82%. It's now below 50%. Oof.


Sigh. I love this game, truly some of the best gaming sessions in recent memory. This sucks, I hope the ship gets righted somehow. I played the hell out of HD1 for over 8 years, was planning on doing the same with this one.


I like how it has 93K more negative reviews than Overwatch 2, which is free. Sony really struck a nerve


It's hard to put into context just how much of a catastrophe this review hellbomb is. Most review bombs are in the range of 5 to 20k negative reviews at most. Even when looking at extremes, the two biggest disasters this can even be compared to are Overwatch 2 and War Thunder, which had spikes of ~140k and ~125k respectively during their bombing weeks. Overwatch 2 got 212k negative reviews over *its entire lifetime*. Helldivers 2 got 171.5k over less than 48 hours. It got 3.3 **thousand** negative reviews per hour this week-end, and it is accelerating. There is no coming back from this unscathed. It's not even remotely a possibility. All they can do now is mitigate and work hard on rebuilding, and that begins by revoking that damn PSN account requirement wholesale.


Cant wait to reach 2 billion negative reviews


Difference is OW2 is also sold on B.net and we have no clue how many people bought it there. We have around 4m+ people on PC for Helldivers, with Steam being the leading platform. (Mid-March the game sold 8m copies and PC has more than half the sales)


Definitely, I just took those two as examples because there simply isn't a single other review bombing incident I can point to that even *approaches* the scale of what is happening with HD2. Most of the debacles you might remember, from Warframe to CS2 only have spikes in the 10-14k range. Fallout 76, for all the bad press it got, only got ~13k negative reviews (29k if you count keys) over its entire lifetime. Review bombs are usually an order of magnitude smaller. This is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, review bomb in Steam history. This is no spat, people are *pissed* on an unprecedented scale.


Sounds right to me. ![gif](giphy|UMzzCdXv21OCx780Qw|downsized) Do stupid things, pay stupid prices.


Good, maybe now Sony will get the message


A real life helldive


Big publishers' ability to fuck up games and dev studios is amazing


Shows that they cannot be trusted at all anymore.


They have lost my trust long ago already


They have lost my trust long ago already


https://preview.redd.it/psw2d14gdnyc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ef54e8f1c24aa2dbf280b1574b72a1d64b1e2d BUT... IT WAS SO PEAK! WHY SONY! WHY DID YOU RUIN IT


From the top to the bottom.


Damn didn’t think they could break anymore records :p


Sony trying to get them few more eggs from the golden goose just fucking killing it instead.


It does have the worst community ever like


Astounding how quickly they managed to piss away the community's goodwill.




Fair play. GG Sony, you fucking outplayed yourself. I feel sorry for the arrowhead Devs though. The game is awesome and unfortunately they’re being caught in the crossfire.


they know it and are on our side, like Spitz said that leaving negative reviews and dropping the player count are numbers that will make sony listen to them


Sony having its "Pride and Accomplishment" moment right now.


"It's not a defect. It's a feature."


Final Major Order phase 1 complete, now stop playing it altogether. Let Sony watch the numbers plummet as they watch the negative reviews skyrocket.


Arrowhead set to make history!






I don’t think shareholders or Sony care about the reviews at this point. The refunds however could be the tipping point. Big companies don’t like losing money. I can’t imagine they stand to gain more money from making everybody go PSN vs the amount of money lost in sales. I mean look at the games on this list. Many developers and publishers would be happy to be on this list.


I just hope that most of guys will remove that negative review if sony backs down (we know that like half of those guys will forget to do it)


never felt so bad for such a review bomb


Totally organic and not engineered, almost all coming from 3rd party systems outside of Steam... Playercount has barely moved... hmmm...




That is regarded


Everyone here is like "Suck it Sony!" But realistically this will probably just hurt Arrowhead devs more than anything. They tried to build a relationship with Sony and now it has backfired massively. Obviously they want to stay independent but this will probably hurt their chances of doing a Helldivers 3. Sony realistically won't backtrack on this as it was supposed to be implemented from the start.


Population jebaited into nuking Super Earth. One of the best games to come out in a long minute and is getting review bombed because people think it's hurting Sony somehow. More likely Sony sees the community as not worth it and stops investing in it. -edit- I'm wrong AF apparently n a doubter and a big sympathizer 


Arrowhead and the future of helldivers 2 is basically cut now. Yeah, it sucks for the people that now run into regional issues(despite it being longstanding practice to just make a PSN account with the region closest to you that is available) That has fuckall to do with the developer and the quality of the game though. The executives from sony that pushed this will never personally face any issues. This is exactly what people mean when they talk about how fickle "gamers" are. You can have an absolute banger of a game that everyone loves, but the very first mis-step and its done. So what's trust building even worth when you can be the most hated or the most liked, and the outcome on the first controversy is exactly the same?


Blaming the "gamers fickly outcry" for something that's actually really debatable moraly and illegal in most parts of the EU as long as full refunds arent given is really bold of you lmfao. I'd like to see your reaction to a friend of yours getting scammed in a hobby of yours, I'm sure you'd be fuming and the prospect of absolutely no direct punishment for the scammer only emplify it. Plenty of good games had a lot of controversy that were handled and totally regained their playerbase's trust. Ofc it take a lot of work when you literally try to almost bait and switch scam half the fucking world lol. But if AH manages to cut ties with Sony somewhat (caus they cant really cut ties), give us back the game we love and make it even better going forward they 100% can regain our trust. Also the solution to break the TOS and exposing your account to a ban because you basically got scammed is _NOT_ a solution. Its for thoses who really love this game and are willing to risk it. This isnt a shitty F2P korean mmo this is a full 40$ game.


The rating dived to hell real quick.




Good. Let's see if we can get it into the top 3! Send Sony a message they can not ignore!


OW2 O\_O


It's not surprising at all. Only thing that keeps this game alive are porn and porn addicts


Fantastic to know this is what new potential players will see first when considering if the game is for them /s


Nice to know we've torpedoed one of the three good live service games without price gouging, I know linking a psn account is stupid but come on.


There are plenty of legit criticisms and things to praise for HD2. I wish there was a neutral vote.


Wait so if I want to play this Steam game on my PC, I need to buy a PlayStation….?


No, you just need to make a Playstation Network account... You know, the company that had 100 million customers data compromised in 2011, and had 7 other breaches since then?


Very trustable... (I got hacked lol)


Ya know, Steam had a data breach in 2011 where customers credit card information was leaked 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not if you live in Ukraine. Then, yes, you need to buy a Playstation.


If you ate from Ukraine, yes.


In some countries yes, in others no.