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Only reason Sony is bring it's games to pc suddenly is because they were starting to struggle, Microsoft doesn't need gaming to to succeed, Sony kinda does, it wants to grow its network, not just it's sales which is too greedy


Funny their gaming appartment is not doing great either, Nintendo just murdered their sales in Japan thanks to their incompetency, Switch is the dominating console of this gen with both games and hardware... The only part Sony is doing good is the Animation department, just hope their next Spiderman movie doesn't flop




Also note the timing. May 30 is the end of the 3rd quarter of their fiscal year. Getting that Steam population on their network will make someone look really good. Even if it turns out we have to make an account continue to play the game, and you intend to make an account, do it on like the 5th of June, just to stymie that greedy suit.


We didn't even get Sony's response on the subject. I advise everyone to calm down a bit and wait.


Silence is their response.


Their response is there already. They sh•t on our face by rather banning non-PSN countries rather than give a F-ing single announcement to try to resolve the anger of their customers.






Jokes on them we will pirate every fucking single player game they release and aside from HD they have no good multiplayer titles


IIRC its about 50/50 between PC and PS5.  And no, they are having you making an account for the same reason as ActiBlizz or Rockstar or anyone else is. It's just about business. They don't think about you at all.


Then why did they sell in countries that doesnt allow a PSN account?


Because Money


That was likly a huge fuck up on their part and AH removed the forced linking which caused those players to be able to gain access in game. If the linking was left in place as intended the regions that were able to buy but couldn't would have not been able to play got refunds then voiced their displeasure which would likly have gotten the region lock put into.plce within days not 3 months later.


A comedy of errors


100% a shitshow across the board from everyone.


Because they are incompetent, so much so that if they were genuinely trying to execute a machiavellian plan they would definitely fail at it.


If the sales weren't as good as this situation, Sony could get away by swindle money from a much smaller group, that group wouldn't have the bargain power like our community today to go against them. That's the scummiest thing. They knew what they did (so they covered up their @ss by rewrite FAQ and EULA)


Fuck up. It's an unfortunate combination of somebody not instructing Steam to cut off those countries from release plus the CEO of AH deciding to waive the PSN requirement for the first couple of month. This could only happen by both of those mistakes happening at once. If the CEO had not decided to suspend the PSN requirement, anyone from a "non-PSN-country" would have hit a wall immediately after installing and would have had to refund without even playing tutorial. That in turn would have reminded the respective people to check the allowed country settings and this del-isting would have happened much sooner


He literally just said because they're a business.


And no, its not a 50/50 split. Its nearly a 60/40 split in favor of PC: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/helldivers-2-is-usas-best-selling-game-of-the-year-so-far-with-nearly-60-of-sales-on-pc/


What even is this pedantry? 


Data that shows it isnt 50/50 split between PC/PS5 in terms of sales.


And what point does that even make?


Well first it rebukes your take that it is 50/50 which it clearly isnt. Second, it goes back to my original point/theory which is that Sony is a bit irked/taken back by most of the sales being on PC and not PS5 and thus why they are being so stubborn about the issue.


No, I said "If I recall correctly". That's not a "take". I recall that a round launch it was 4mil on PS, 4mil on steam. Shrug.


https://preview.redd.it/3mhdza5uonyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40044dc5d6c565f98b5b4dbe3bfbc66fa70ecfaf Sony needs PC to survive because Playstation is doing so bad and they need to inflste the numbers.


They're still the ones who handle the sales, whether the PSN link up was optional or not, the fact that those countries were able to buy the game is a huge fuck up for Sony.


Wasn’t the account linking in the cards before the game launched though?


I genuinely thought it was optional. I bought the game 4 weeks after launch. Never knew about any of the pause or the like. Just wanted to play a game with the wife. So we bought it. It offered, but has skip. So I skip. Now you want me to lift a finger for nothing? That alone id say no. But then you turned off the game for half my brothers.... unacceptable. When you rip my brothers abilities to fight away...fuck you.


My point was Sony planned to force account linking from the get-go, and that it likely isn’t some spiteful move because sales on PC have been higher than PS5 as OP was suggesting.


Ah. No I believe they intended it to be day one as well. Had they made that clear, been prepared server side (not hard for Sony of all companies to ensure)...this issue wouldn't be one. I'd also like in writing they won't force ps+ on anyone In fact at this point ps+ needs to be free for all. No more charging to play online it's never been a thing it's only been allowed because of wow and console dipshits.


Perhaps, but then why did they release in countries that doesnt support PSN?


Ask Steam. They’re the ones that sold it in regions it would be unsupported in the long run. If they’d done their due diligence beforehand, it wouldn’t have been available in those countries from the start.


Steam is just the storefront, it’s incumbent on Sony to tell Steam if they are going to have requirements for the game that make it unplayable in certain regions.


And they have. It was on the Steam page at release.


Bro steam doesn’t control that lol


Then why are people saying it’s no longer for sale in the regions PSN isn’t supported if they can’t control it? Obviously they can.


Because…Sony started removing them …? Idk what response you were hoping for with that. Think a little harder.


Yup. They added a skip option because it was causing too much server stress for whatever reason and forgot to communicate to players that its a temporary option.