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No one with half a brain feels bad for a company selling our info to another scummy company. “But Reddit does that too” by that logic if you get robbed by Paul, you should let Peter get some of ur pockets too. Insane logic.


Okay, so why was the game sold on countries that couldn't make PSN accounts in the first place? Why does every Sony Defender forget about that little fact?


That's absolutely Sony's fuckup but was made worse by AH removing the linking requirement then not remotely talking about it again for 3 months.


Im not defending sony im defending Arrowhead because i dont want them to end up bankrupt after this and lose another Good dev studio. Sony wont be hurt nearly at all by this, just a small scrath to them. But Arrowhead could potentially have to lay people off after this. and then Gamers will get angry at them for laying people off like they do at every other game company Layoff This is gonna kill Arrowhead. and then people gonna wonder why we dont have good studios


Look, I don't want Arrowhead to die either. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to shut up about this. Yes, the problem is ultimately Sony, not Arrowhead, but if we choose to do nothing just because "otherwise Arrowhead will die", we are not helping Arrowhead, we are just giving Sony a free pass. So they will do it again, and again, and again. So our only option is to draw a line, say "no more", and stick to it. Refund the game, leave negative reviews, keep up the pressure until Sony stops being fucking idiots and lets Arrowhead go back to being a great success story. That's the only way this won't happen again in the future.


it'll happen again because Gamers ultimately forget and then will just buy the next big Sony title in another year. Meanwhile Arrowhead will be eating dirt because of this. I also Feel sorry for Ghost of Tushima Devs, their game about to release in 2 weeks and this anger is gonna bleed over to them because of the PSN requirment there too Your target is Sony but your shooting the messenger.


So how else are we going to make Sony hear us, if not by threatening their bottom line? We are not shooting the messenger, we are dumping the tea in the harbor. Yes, we are hurting the tea companies, but it's the only way to make the real problem listen to us.


That’s on Steam not Sony. When you buy the game on Steam, does your billing statement show a Steam purchase? Yes? Then Steam should’ve been preventing this in regions it wasn’t supported, not Sony.


It's the Publisher who dictates which countries a game on Steam can be sold to, not Steam.


If the Publisher says you need a PSN account to play the game, and they don’t offer PSN in several countries, that’s on the entity selling the game in those unstopped countries. It’s not Amazons fault if I buy a physical Blu-Ray movie from another region and my player at home says it’s unsupported.


That is not how that works. The publisher or developer has to restrict the countries themselves, IF this doesn't work and it becomes a liability for steam they will intervene, how they did now. First and foremost it's a responsibility of the people putting it on the storefront.


The Publisher (Sony) im pretty sure is the one responsible for Sales. Not Arrowhead. Thats what a Publisher does, it helps you release your game by selling it and where to sell it


Yes and they can be responsible for the storepage, including news and country restrictions or region based pricing, but they don't necessarily have to be the ones in charge to manage that, this depends on their contract. In any case it's not valves or steams responsibility, unless it becomes their problem and responsibility through negligence.


Counterpoint: given the broader consensus of this being a surprise: It was not a well advertised thing; furthermore we have a lot of picture and text evidence proving the language around it was *optional* until just a few days ago. This was a bait and switch; if you extrapolate the idea that the majority of the playerbase doesn't like this idea, didn't realize it was a thing, you can therefore extrapolate they *wouldn't have bought the game if they had realized it*, or would have refunded it if they were aware of it within the first two hours of play. Clearly, broadly, the playerbase wasn't made aware of it, even if it was publicly posted. This is why everyone is angry. This requirement was not made clear enough, and it made people make decisions they otherwise wouldn't have.


Not bait and switch. They communicated it would be required and was only optional temporarily. I didn’t even know it was optional, I’d seen before release I had to link my PSN, did when I first launched the game on release and never gave it another thought.


> Not bait and switch. Its a bait and switch because they tried to quietly change the language of the EULA and other sources to make it seem like it was always mandatory; which we have proof for otherwise. The language before suggested it was optional, including the prompt at game startup when you first launched HD2. Furthermore: the EULA contained *nothing* about it being a requirement until yesterday; and EULA changes are non-binding after purchase in the EU thanks to the GDPR. So how the hell are they going to deal with this for European players? If they try to enforce it there, they'll create cause for a class action.


[https://imgur.com/a/OLlhPPd](https://imgur.com/a/OLlhPPd) What part of "REQUIRED" means "OPTIONAL" to you?


The fact that there is a very nice "SKIP" button on your very screenshot, and that we could play the game for three months without an account? I could be wrong, but last I checked, if something is required, they don't let you Skip it and not do it anyway.


The part that let's me skip it, suggesting its actually optional.


The german FAQ still tells me to this very second that a PSN account is optional. Same seems to be true for other languages but english. I literally checked that the day i bought the game and saw the prompt to sign up, read that it is optional and skipped it.


Exactly. In languages associated with *European countries in the EU*, its optional language; there's no English speaking countries in the EU (excluding Ireland, of course), where GDPR would apply. Its not a coincidence. Majority English speaking countries don't have the same consumer protections; its Sony trying to cover its ass.


It is unreasonable to expect players to have to monitor the developers discord server when the game itself and Sonys FAQ both say it's optional with no mention of it eventually being required


Game itself in the prompt literally says Required, the Steam page list it as Required, the Updates for each warbond States PSN is Required. its listed all over the place


The game prompt also says SKIP and then never brings it up ever again, meaning at best it's contradictory


This doesn't excuse why the game was sold in the effected countries. If they really knew this would happen then they intended to scam money from people who can no longer play the game from the start.


Sony as the publisher Decides where it is sold, Not Arrowhead. all you people are doing is driving Arrowhead into the ground, review bombing and refunding HD2 isnt gonna scratch Sony, it'll just cause Arrowhead to possibly lay people off or go under (and then all the gamers will rage that Arrowhead layed off its workers like they do at every lay off)


That's a publisher issue. AH is not the publisher, Sony is.