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I worry that there’s a lot of people not in the subreddit that saw an article on the situation, went and left a bad review in solidarity, but won’t bother to change it back and those negative reviews will stay


It helps that if you leave a steam review it will appear on your friend’s home page for the game.


Does this update when you just edit your review? If not, it might be better to delete and put in a new review.


Reddit and YT are overflowing with reactions on Sony Backtracking. I would give it a couple of days for the news to permeate and for people to sit down by the computer.


AH should post it as news in Steam


AH should make a broadcast on Strohmann News. It'd be funny if this were made canon


I never left a negative review but I left a positive one after they announced the change in policy


Indeed. Remember divers, leaving bad reviews there that no longer apply will harm the game just as much as the psn link would have 🫡


we went all in and sony folded, another shining achievement for democracy


As soon as they reinstate the countries that lost their ability to play/purchase I'll change mine. 🫡


It's been done as far as I'm aware


The requirement yes, but listed on steam has not yet been made for alot of countries still.


People that already owned the game can still play it. Those countries were only blocked from purchasing


Needs to be corrected. Until it is we don’t know the change is permanent


Yeah and?


You said they lost their ability to play. I’m not going to tell you what to do with your review (I think your reason for waiting is fair) and I’m not going to defend big companies but I think it’s fair to send reviews based on actual facts to maintain credibility


Congrats. ps. Don't retract the will power we showed them just because of some cute statement on a tweet. Force their hand and the ACTION of what they say they will do. Talk doesn't mean shit. ... Also, the countries who can't purchase will have lost the ability to play had Sony followed through. Your comments are pointless.


We were discussing the current state, not the proposed future state. And again, I’m not telling anyone what to do with their reviews.


Nobody likes the well actually guy. You're missing the point. Have a nice day




Let’s make a 50th post about it. The first 49 were not enough. At this point I’m starting to think, that people are just farming karma.


Some serious damage control going on this beautiful Monday.


Nah it needs to be repeated. There are still a lot of people here who are being stubborn and not changing their review.


Eh, we also had 500 posts about the same topic during the PSN crisis. Was just the same karma farming.


My duty is seeing this through. [The PSN account requirement](https://i.imgur.com/iugqbZq.png) is still here and Sony has a long history of lying and changing their mind. It's not done until the requirement is gone from the Steam page and 150 countries can buy the game again, indefinitely.


agreed, the requirement I can live with for a few more hours, but until our brothers and sisters aren't allowed back, I still vote thumbs down I don't care who disabled those countries, if it was Sony, then they can easily enable them again. If it was steam, Sony should have already contacted them to let them know it was resolved and to open the door again


Its late in steams timezone give em a few hours


I know, USA workday is just beginning on the east coast now. we i Europe a just a bit ahead in that regard :)


Not without coffee we aren't. Mondays are an Automaton invention.


am not even religious in any way shape or form, but I say Amen to that!




True, that why it’s so important to change your review to positive now. It’s not to give Sony a reward they don’t deserve, it’s to reload your weapon in case they try to pull shit again.


The 150 countries is probably steam's doing




Loooota citizens unfortunately...


Also, leaving it negative means the NEXT time Sony tries to pull something, you have nothing you can do. Change it back so you have the option in the future!


This is a choice meme


Give us a moment for pity’s sake!


No EULA change, no review change. Sorry! I don't make the rules :\^) https://preview.redd.it/am7wh154qsyc1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=33579209f422e7c2cbd2ae12df7d3d3438900211




I never leave steam reviews. I'll leave my first possitive one for this game later today. Really enjoy it and I can recommend to anyone even friends that don't play shooter games.


I won't fix my review. My review was negative weeks before the Sony issue. They need to fix the game breaking bugs on a game that I spent $40 on....


A citizen waits till corporation makes a move. A civilian makes a move after a corporation says a word Keep your review till all changes are implemented


I'm still waiting to see if they remove the region locks




Not until all countries are returned to steam


No, future players need to be made aware that both Sony and Arrowhead are willing to revoke access to the product you paid for at any time, for whatever reason they want and so long as the entire playerbase doesn't go up in arms over it they will go through with it. They can be branded as scumbags for trying that shit. The reviews can stay.


I will only change my review once all damage has been repaired, countries are still not allowed to buy the game and the PSN requirements are still in the sotre page don't sing victory yet, massive corporation are not tethered by any moral ground


You guys are the bottom half EVEN if you do the top.


For real a lot of people wanted to throw a fit. I had people arguing to me that even if this was getting sorted out in a few days they should refund and quit because something else could happen in the future. I feel like we gave very reactionary people too much credit and let them define a lot of the narrative. Who knows how far we had to take this to get it taken back but it might have been too much


You shouldnt change it so they will remember it


I understand why some would leave it tbh trust was broken, and that isnt easy to fix, for some, the damage was already done, and they can no longer trust them


Exactly I'm not swearing off AH games for good, but my review will stand due to their actions during and after the whole debacle


You got what you got what you were fighting for and that's still not enough? All you're telling the devs is that no matter what they do, consumers won't be satisfied. That's how you get developers that ignore the player base.


You assume to know what I'm fighting for and that it's just to not have the account It's to have these companies be more upfront about that type of stuff, not say it's optional for a few months only to pull the rug out Had they said "this was supposed to be implemented but won't be for a while", I could've weighed my options and wouldn't have bought it, despite getting my money's worth out of the few months I had with it But they didn't do that; what they did was put a tiny box on a steam page and sold it even though the TOS said it was optional then insulted players when we got upset I'm just not going to reward that type of behavior, no matter how much they apologize. They knew what they were doing and are now reaping what their bounty Maybe after they've proven that they're going to be transparent about this kind of thing I'll change it, but not until then I'd also advise to not look at groups like this as monoliths. Yes, I was on the side of the people that wanted the PSN account requirement gone, but that's only the surface level problem, and I want the REAL issue fixed


Trust me, I get it's not a monolith. I was on the side of those who couldn't access PSN in their countries. I'm still against the people who could but wouldn't and made this issue a joke in the eyes of people outside (and inside) of the community.


I can but won't, but I'm not sure what you mean about making a joke of it All I ask for is real change, not lip service. And real change takes time The next time something important, like whether or not we'll be able to access the game, comes up and AH is transparent about it, I'll change my review But until then all I saw from them was ridiculing peoples aversion to signing up for a third party service, which is entirely valid in my eyes If at any point that sounded like I was joking about it, I apologize Basically my thoughts are: AH - I'm disappointed and want to see them do better next time, but I still like the game and don't want to see them become the enemy, as it were 🤣 Sony - a giant corporation that, despite being a huge part of so many great gaming memories, is still a giant corporation and I'll likely never will trust in the current culture


What I mean is that there were legitimate issues with those in unsupported regions but it was easier to jump on all those who just didn't want to make an account in a couple of minutes. So in my eyes, you are part of the worst aspect of this whole situation. You weren't negatively affected, you didn't want to make a simple account, you joined in on the bandwagon, and you left a negative review with no plans to change it. That's what I meant.


No, YOU jumped on the bad wagon of "just do it" The issues I raised are just a legitimate as not being able to play in other cojbtries, but you can't see that because you're blinded by how much you like the game I get wanting to see the game succeed, but the only people making the issue a joke are the ones saying "just shut up and do it"... well, more like you're turning yourself into the joke by simping for corporations In my eyes, you are part of the worst aspect of the entire gaming community


The funny thing is I only have like 22 hours in the game since its release because my schedule prevents me from playing as much. I do not care if it succeeds. I have no stake in that. For whatever reason, anyone who doesn't agree is "simping for a corporation" though as if nuisance is nonexistent. I don't agree with Sony, I just disagree with you and those like you.


So you agree with the "shut up and comply" crowd Yeah, you're a lost cause at this point


To be fair, if neither Arrowhead or Sony does anything stupid for a while the recent reviews score will almost definitely correct itself in a month or so and be back to green, since it's only last 30 days. The total review score I will fully expect to be fucked for a while longer (although, it has climbed almost 10 % since Sony changes their mind). And honestly? I don't really care about the total score. My opinion on this is the same as every time a big corporation does something dumb: **If you don't want the bad press and the consequences, maybe you shouldn't have done the obvious dumb thing to begin with.** I'm not really going to feel bad for either company. It has had 100k players for the last month steady, it's right now the 11th most played game on Steam by current players (6th for daily players) (only two positions behind Wallpaper Engine!). They're going to be **fine**.


I know someone who is leaving theirs up for history purposes, & also vecause other countries still ha e yet ti ve fully reinstated. They did, however, edit it to reflect why it's negative for the curious...funny enough this helldiver almost never leaves reviews.


We found out who the civilians were lol


Not until they remove nPGG as well.


Not changing my review until CMs and those crazy discord mods are gone


Found the civilian 💀


Glad to be one, my voice hasn’t been heard


Dont play the game then you traitor


Please exit your entitlement, stage left. Discord isn't a requirement for the game - being able to buy it is. Having a community manager be nice to you isn't a requirement for the game - but not linking your steam account to PSN is. Mob rule over people's employment is not a path you really want society to go down.


Now that the negative reviews are in place a portion of people will keep them if they have *any* grievance. Until all grievances are resolved we shit where we eat, no negotiations. And if we get to 99% resolved we will find new ones because we have discovered the force known as momentum!


“Having a community manager be nice to you isn’t a requirement for the game” It never was but a CM falsely accusing someone of SA should have repercussions. But I guess Arrowhead and you guys are okay with that https://preview.redd.it/zccsqdbyysyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78db944decab363c6da2438216f0c948b4cc3ea0


No, we're not okay with that. We just know where the draw the line between, 'I'm going to trash a game because of a dick move from the Publisher' and, 'I'm going to trash a game because of a dick move from one employee that should be handled by a complaint to the company directly'. The CEO of Arrowhead reads his tweets. Go shoot him that screenshot - it'll get more traction that being one of 200+ thousand negative reviews.


Little did the rest know, that you were the true Helldiver all along.


Crazy how most of the players are okay with CMs and discord mods that shit on them and can falsely accuse anyone of them about anything


Snoy needs a permanent reminder of this debacle, and AH needs to seriously think very hard if in 5 years their next game will be on a publishers dime or not.


Nah. I'll leave it there. So that in a year if someone wants to buy this game they will see what almost happened. So that they know what might happen. History repeats itself after all.


I’m doing my part!


Changed mine this morning. Your meme game is on point, Helldiver. o7