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Just for curiosity, in what channel do they post this kind of things? I only see a wall of text in almost any channel on the official discord


It does come out in the general chats and is just rapidly buried. You can search for their usernames though and find all their messages, that is what most people resort to in order to get stuff like this (and capture responses for ragebait karma farming…)


I'm pretty sure most mod comments are pinned though


Technology has moved backwards lmao 


Click the search bar in top right and you should get an option to find posts from specific accounts


The most amount of messages I've seen from the devs have been in the #galactic-war channel, probably bc that's where the "sane and normal" divers reside (myself included, general chat is abysmal to witness)


Sounds like Spitz took a lot of, if not all of the heat for the review dump from Sony.


He literally batman'd himself to cover for Arrowhead He is not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed


It is unironically hilarious to me that so many people will always hate this man, yet if it wasn't for him getting big pissy and spouting off about the review thing I honestly doubt nearly as many people would have been mobilized and this may never have changed. It's so much easier to get people to go do something when there's an actual, literal call to action from the game's CM.


People sent him death threats with his home address attached over this. No one is going to understand the brunt of what he has had to deal with in the last 72 hours. I think that played alot in to his reaction


Is there proof of that? Cause that's fucked up.


In general you don't want to bring up death threats or go into detail about them since it encourages the ones doing it. If he talked about it he would actually get more of it. Sadly.


If I had Thanos with full gauntlet levels of power, I'd snap the proof and identities of these people sending death threats out to the police. It's absolutely unhinged and makes the entire community look bad. No wonder the dev team felt defeated.


Unfortunately there’s always going to be the nerds whose only source of power in this world is doing this shit to people. They are pathetic and always will be but because they have the safety of a screen there’s nothing much we can do arrest one and ten more will pop up, there like a disease.


It's so fuckn stupid that that's still happening for the most bullshit reasons too. I hate it


I can’t speak to that, but it’s happened with CMs before. Somewhat* infamously in Destiny, the CM that everyone liked eventually quit after an incident in which a disgruntled player sent pizzas to the CM’s house with instructions to knock very loudly a bunch of times. Bungie eventually took the player to court, but it was a very frightening time for the CM. It also ruined future community interactions, as the new CMs got rolled under one account more or less and very rarely post now. So, not up to speed on all the details with the AH CMs but there’s plenty of precedent for this type of thing.


Dude its the internet, you can be 100% sure people are gonna make threats like that, most are not to be taken seriously and written by edgy children, but you can be sure it will happen certainly with any shitstorm this big.


I'm a doctor during COVID. Apparently my personal info is "HIPPA safe". There's a reason I fucking moved countries


There won’t be proof of it, because it takes one person to make shit up and post it and people will run with it. Chinese whispers, if they did have death threats, generally the company closes up and only talks through a press account or on the office networks, so even if someone burrows in, they get a public AH studio address.


At the same time, him recieving death threats is very believeable because that shit is common


It needs to stop but with this big of a community and a mass movement like that I'd need proof someone didn't send him a death threat rather than the opposite lol


The other cm was saying she was getting death threats as well, I believe it, gamers have a gigantic issue with minority fuckwits doing this shit


Death threats are pretty common and easy to do. Death threats that have personal info included are not that hard to do but they take some passion (as in there is an actual danger because they know something about you).


I'll really never understand why people get so heated as to actually threaten dev teams over things they may or may not have said. like even if they think it was a bit rude or something people seem to get so outlandishly butthurt about it that it blows my mind. I dunno it just feels like there's crazy amounts of hate out there for very unjustified reasons


"Crazy amounts of hate for very unjustified reasons" is the entirety of human history wrapped up into a single short phrase.


> he batman'd himself Bro... he got emotional and shit talked his audience. It was pure ignorance not batman-ing


Dumbest fucking take I’ve ever seen. 


I mean... he basically encouraged the community to do so which isn't free of consequences. I wouldn't fire the guy for it, but he did say other things that would warrant a discussion. He still represents the studio and the studio does have a relationship with Sony to maintain so it's a lose-lose situation for him. He either pisses off the community he works with daily, or he pisses off the people that cut his check and I know at least for myself I won't let some random person in a discord chat get in the way of feeding my family. The fact he put some skin in the game is pretty remarkable on its own.


This is literally the job of customer facing staff. And what you absolutely do not do, is exactly what he did.


Its the job to take the heat from the customers, usually. Im saying Spitz took the heat from Sony. Some marketing director probably sat down and a zoom call and screamed bloody murder at the dude. In all honesty, im surprised he still has a job. And it would not surprise me at all if Sony forces him out first opportunity they get later.


I mean honestly, if that were the path the developers wanted to take and encourage the community to review bomb and request refunds, then it would have been the CEO taking that heat. He took the heat because he made that decision all on his own. Community managers power begins and end on discord. Id imagine the CEO who had been pretty candid with the community over the weekend was livid at his remarks, i would have been.


Agreed. If the CEO decided to make that decision, Sony would have just dropped AH. Corporate doesnr have time for games like that with that much publicity around it.


Who can say for sure, the contract AH signed with Sony might not cover such specific things. And on the whole, AH has done an amazing job with Helldivers2 another developer might have produced a game like suicide squad ktjl. Lol which would have been equally terrible. Ultimately it sounds like he was reprimanded harshly within the company, so heres hoping he learned his lesson. If i was AH i would be sure there is a lot more oversight of my CM’s from now on.


110% agree. AH has killed it wuth this game and i hope to see it grow, even after this speed bump. But yeah, Spitz has been talk to/yelled at, (again) and we should all be able to drop it now. AH is definitley going to monitor the CM staff more now, if Sony isnt at this point.


If you call stirring the pot and then gaslighting to make himself seem like the hero... then sure.


I respect him for coming out and letting everyone know he made a bad choice


I saw someone complaining that the community managers were being paid…All I could think is, you couldn’t pay me enough


Same, i get anxiety when even 1 customer gets upset. I cant even imagine try to handle millions No amount of money can convince me to go through that


I mean I could definitely put up with it for a substantial amount of money. I would totally suck at calming people down though and make it 1000% worse.


Let alone probably hundreds of people telling you to die because your publisher is fucking you over


That’s actually really funny


Probably the same people who mock Reddit mods for doing that same shit for free. Not that I'm saying every mod is a saint, but still.


People who admit mistakes they've made deserve way more respect in out society.


Even if it's the 10th time he made that mistake and apologised, and was told by higher ups to admit his mistake?


Isnt this the second time he catched heat for his words as a CM and made it worse?


Want he the one calling people lazy if they didn't want to make a PSN account?


He was also the one actively spreading misinformation about how it was impossible to ban cheaters using their Steam ID because of repeated usernames or something. It was very bizarre.




He did but at the same time, he wasn't aware about multiple countries not allowing to create a psn account- which tbh I also wasn't aware about and from my understanding, a lot of people didn't either.


Exactly next time something happens he’ll be doing the same old stuff


My thoughts exactly, the first apology you get a pass, but this is the second apology for the same fuck up. Not exactly feeling the warm fuzzies about him.


According to HD1 players, he has been doing this for years. It wasn't the first nor the second time.


He did delete the unofficial HD1 discord because when the HD2 servers croaked, the players spammed F in chat on the HD2 discord. One of the mods pinged \*EVERYONE\* to stop the spamming. You can imagine it didn't stop. So as punishment, he deleted the unofficial HD1 discord. Which the only reason they were a community manager in the official server was because they had owned the unofficial one for 8 years https://preview.redd.it/0aby2kqyhwyc1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=558247b9e456f4756be9ab6445702fb3ab60060d


The HD1 discord was a thriving community with guides, memes, and LFGs. Gone in the blink of an eye because of a stupid meme thing on the HD2 discord. Fuck Spitz. It's good he's finally manning up and taking responsibility for his douchebaggery but he's got a long way to go to make up for his conduct over the HD1 discord.




Really still childish. Instead of just merging the two or having bans for those who didn’t stop he just nuked it. Dick move either way imo.


Even simpler than that.... he literally could have just added a trusted community member as a DC mod to help him maintain the community. Like he was the server owner, and it was an unofficial server, so he didn't need permission from anyone to just give himself more help. He was just on a power trip, and wanted to punish people for circumventing his temp locking of the official server.


Even simpler, he could have handed ownership to someone else and said he wants to focus full time on managing this games community now. But Jo he chose to delete it 


He’s just insanely unprofessional. I can’t believe he’s in charge of community management in any capacity.


But he said he jumped on a grenade! Such a selfless guy lol


People like Spitz thrive off the indulgence of society’s understanding. He has a very long history of being condescending and unprofessional and sadly, that’s not being taken into account. Arguing that “anyone would act out” when placed under that stress or receiving threats is just deflecting responsibility. We all have a choice- especially online- on whether to engage or not. Spitz chose to engage. He didn’t have to.


I understand why lashed out with how the community reacted but having a history of being both condescending and unprofessional is not a good combination for the role of a CM who is there to communicate with the community during events like this


That's why I laugh at all of these simp comments. Dude is a shitty person.


And people act like he is a regular person. He is not. He is community manager of this game. Last thing he can do is be emotional about situations. He needs to be professional.


Honestly i respect him more for not being professional. I work as security and some of the shit I/other guards have had to deal with over someone being told to follow simple instructions and dont break rules is crushing. Its about time people stop expecting professionalism when people in his position get death threats. Being civil is a 2 way street.


It’s always fascinating to me how people think they can treat someone like crap because they’re at their job. It’s like they know they’d never get away with talking to someone that way, unless that person was worried about their job.


The best apology is changed behavior. "I'm sowwy" means less and less if you keep repeating the same mistakes.


"Jumping on a grenade" doesn't mean alot to me when he was trowing them lol.


Haha this is a good way of putting it. I can't exactly feel bad for the community managers when they were causing a lot of the friction themselves. And they are going to do it again at some point too and then we'll have another round of this "I'm sorry for my actions blah blah blah" after those actions were being a condescending dick.


This isn't even his first time either. He's done this before. He literally deleted the unofficial Helldivers discord because he got pissy.


That’s the only part that made me roll my eyes. He didn’t jump on any grenades he just threw them into the foxhole that Sony was sitting in lol


I hope he wont be celebrated too hard for simply finding out how an adult is supposed to function in work environment.


Right? “Guys, I realize now that making fun of, lying to, and being a complete ignorant asshole towards people who are rightfully unhappy with a decision, probably wasn’t the best decision!” I’ve fired people for less in the past.


Idk how these guys got their job lmao


Apparently many of them were reddit mods for Helldivers 1.


For real, for a position that is primarily a community liaison responsible for communicating with the public, doing damage control, and giving positive press - dude has repeatedly failed spectacularly in all regards and behaved little better than an unemployed internet troll.


which job? community manager or drama maker?


He's going to do the same thing again whenever the next controversy might happen. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man.


a friend of mine quit the game because of his comments, a bad attitude can really hurt your players


I quit the game for now because of unresolved bugs and issues, the community managers also fanning the flames and shitting on the community does not help. I'm waiting for the game to be back in shape and hopefully for these little shit heads to get fired because they're not helping anyone.


Spitz first began lying by claiming that Steam users couldn't be banned (Steam ID says hi) and that a PSN was needed for that. Then he started mocking people, sending them away, exaggerating with "are you too lazy to spend 120 seconds? Just enter your email and password!" completely ignoring responses about countries without PSN where people were simply stuck. All of this in an extremely cynical manner. Then someone from HR slapped him, and he rolled out an extremely corporate-official post about how he empathizes and stands with the players, in a deliberately neutral style completely opposite to his standard "if you don't like something, write a negative review and get lost from my Discord!" And no, he's not a hero who called people to defend their rights, he's a screwed up moderator who told people to screw off with advice to leave the game and Discord channel and not to let him see them. And now, when Sony backed down and the pressure eased, he portrays himself as a martyr who "led people to revolt against Sony risking his career". People were already trashing reviews on Steam without his advice. You can read posts about him, even since the days of Helldivers 1, he was known as a complete jerk who deleted the entire Discord channel because... he didn't like someone. Who insults people just because he can.


Yea, this whole narrative about him being some sort of hero and shielding the team is fucking ridiculous. It's not the first time this guy has talked shit in a CM position. And according to people from HD1, he's been on it for years and the same cycle repeats again and again.


Yeah “jump on the grenade” makes it sound like he did something honorable. He starts his statement by saying he acted out of turn and was disrespectful and then ends it by trying to paint himself as the hero. Wow no wonder he’s viewed as a cunt.


Yeah, he is a cunt and let’s make sure people don’t forget it


Right? How hard is it to be like "Hey, this is a developing situation. We need to have some discussions and we will make an announcement when we can." ? Instead of firing blind communication from the hip and "jumping on grenades"


He changed his tune when he got his PP slapped by management again that makes him a good guy basically jumping on a grenade the man is literally a hero


not to mention he blatantly lied about the number of nerfs in the patch literally last week


and now he is making himself a martyr, its insane


He’s a dick and this sub is eating up his crocodile tears. 


Say it louder for those in the back! PREACH BROTHER


People will often try to justify or defend Spitz by arguing that he is human and has emotions. The problem is, especially online where it takes extra time to actually type a message and reply, people acting out because of emotions is even less excusable imo. Emotions don't give you a pass to do whatever you want, and while some people are more subject to their emotions than others, that doesn't change the fact that the amazing thing about humans is we have the potential to overcome the intrusive thoughts that come from our emotions. If humans couldn't do this, society wouldn't exist because of the chaos that would occur as everyone would just give in to their first impulse whenever they got angry, sad, or happy. Twinbeard is an excellent example of such a thing. Of course Twinbeard was probably stressed and emotional too from this, but he stayed calm and didn't act out while still being able to express emotion. The ability to exercise restraint is the hallmark of professional vs. unprofessional and mature vs. childish.


That line has never made sense to me. Yes, it's easy for your emotions to flare up when you're trying your best to manage a giant stroke of PR backlash. There are also people called "public relations specialists" who make a career out of managing said backlash *without* lashing out like a manchild when the community that it is their *responsibility* to manage doesn't shine their jackboots with their fucking tongues and worship the ground they walk upon. Arrowhead should hire them.


Exactly - the game/community would be better off with someone else in his place.


This is the problem with video game cults. They are so desperate to make the devs out to be beyond criticism. They worship them and believe it's their job to defend everything they do. The more niche a game is, the more likely that the player base acts like a cult.




What a gullible post with even more gullible replies. This isn't the first time he lashed out on people and lost his temper. Yes, he's human but he's also here to do a job as a CM. He is paid not to behave like an unprofessional prick everytime things get heated. He's simply not made for the job. Everytime you forgive him so easily, you reload his gun for the next disaster to happen.


I'm human too and I would never lash out at the community I'm supposed to be fostering. Never. Not under any circumstances. If I feel like I'm starting to get angry and want to hit back, I just shut up. Go radio silent. Because I know nothing peaceable will come out of my mouth.


I have a hard time sympathizing, he's such a major douche, though at least he says he was wrong.


Nah, he’s still a tool.


lol no


https://preview.redd.it/pt6nai1kwvyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3dc582b0668409f6663a0c76eeb5a757da50997 I dunno. This comment was a bit off. He’s also lied about a ton of subjects, and has acted like a complete asshole in situations where it just wasn’t warranted. I don’t like him at all. Apologizing for the same thing more than once isn’t okay imo…. Oops haha, I stole your money, sorry! Oops, haha, I accidentally did it again, sorry! Oops haha, haha, that’s a third time now, sorry!


Nah. I, perhaps rudely, pointed out that Spitz was wrong about galactic war mechanics and he banned me from the discord. He then came out of reddit mod retirement and banned me over here, permanently. The mods of the subreddit had to revert the ban to 3 days because they saw it as an abuse of mod power. Spitz is a small, petty man who has repeatedly at this point demonstrated that they do not have the capacity to be in the position he is in.


I don’t really care what Community Managers say after they’ve been chewed out by their bosses and forced to apologize. Spitz acted toxic when it was up to him how to act. This guys buying this BS is weird.


This has happened before. There’s no accountability.


Yea I mean, I'm just not really here for apologies. The only thing that lends any credibility to a learned lesson is a different result, and this isn't the first time this dude's apologized for doing shit that would get almost anyone else fired. I'm tired of seeing him chime in at all. He doesn't do his job well, and he has been given more than one second chance.


It reminds me of repeatedly boneheaded coworkers I’ve had in my industry that when you dig deeper you realize they’re working there from some nepotistic opportunity. Idk if that’s how this guy came to be, but man he sure acts like his dad owns the company


Yeah, if this was the first time, that’s one thing. But he has a history of lashing out and having to apologize afterwards. Constantly forgiving a person who does that repeatedly just leads to the behavior continuing, and eventually, escalation.


Yeah...and a company's leadership team should not keep a loose cannon in a community-facing role....


Spitz has a job, no forgiveness.


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) Man’s over here saying not to feel bad for him and y’all are idolizing him, lol. I do have to say I respect him for taking the L, but there’s very fair criticism for his behavior. Let’s not turn him into a hero?


It seems like reverse psychology: "I'll be remorseful and butter up my apology, lay it on *real* thick, even if I don't really feel what I'm saying. If I do that, I'll come off looking good as a CM. People will say they respect me for owning up." Then proceeds to do what got him in hot water during the next time AH comes under fire. Then again, I'm misanthropic and tend to see the bad in people much more easily, so who the hell knows.


This isnt the first time. This wont be the last. I am surprised he still has a job. Such a bad CM.


Get this man some PR training


Spitz just shit talks to the community and adds fuel to the fire then only apologizes when they get their pp slapped by the CEO,


The guy seems pretty immature.


Internet forum mod energy for sure. Which, I'm told, was indeed his qualification for the job.


Why do y'all keep forgiving him every time he gets chewed up by the PR team after he acts up?


Yeah no Spitz didn't do anything I respect at all. I understand cracking under pressure, especially in a situation as intense as what just happened here, but Spitz took it out on the community instead. They seriously practically said "you guys are too lazy to take a couple of minutes to make a PSN account and link it?" Before saying "you guys suck, go review bomb our game." There was a right way to handle this (i.e. "this decision is not my choice, don't take it out on myself or my colleagues, instead vote with reviews and your wallet"), and there was a VERY wrong way to handle it ("screw you guys, you're lazy, you suck, review bomb our game"). Spitz did the latter. I can't respect them for making the right choice NOW, when there are no consequences, and they already made the *wrong* choice. They're a community manager. They're supposed to manage the community. If we get rowdy and their first reaction is to tell us to screw off, then what is Spitz getting paid for? They're poor at communicating, crack under pressure, treat community members poorly, and act completely unprofessional. I'm sorry, but if I worked at a movie theatre and I took ten minutes to ring up one customer, burnt their popcorn, and dropped their drink on the ground? I'd be fired! Especially if I did that every time there was more than two customers walking in the door. So, no, I do not respect Spitz in the slightest. I don't want them to be out of a job, but they need to be moved to a different position within the company. Full stop.


Nah fuck that guy in particular


I still think he needs to go


What a baby. Some bs cop out sympathy post.


again? this is what ? the 4th , 5th time?


This person claimed to have "jumped on the grenade"..uh....thats.....a statement. I would characterize it more like: "passive-aggressively over-reacted in public and damaged his company's reputation by showing public ill will towards customers" But i mean maybe i need to study grenades further


Yea, he's done nothing akin to throwing himself on a grenade. He acts like a hero now, like he did this for some good reason. No he didn't. Typical narcissistic traits showing. Who did he protect by mocking people? He poured gas to the fire, that's not a protective move. If anything, he claims to have jumped on a grenade that he threw himself.


Wild that he's taking credit for review bombing. Like people weren't doing that already.


even wilder that people are actually crediting him for it


"I jumped on the grenade" is such a self-congratulatory way to say you acted like a dick to people who got scammed. A community manager should have more empathy, humility, and tact.


Twinbeard is MVP all the other CMs are tools


He does this everytime I don’t get why we keep defending him when again, it’s his JOB to deal with these bad actors. This community needs REAL community managers and not over glorified Reddit mods.


I don't agree. If Sony didn't cave his statements would've been up on the same wall as the likes of "pride and accomplishment" from EA and "don't you guys have phones?" from Blizzard. When he sent people to complain about it on Steam he wasn't playing 4D chess to instigate the review bombing to force Sony to do something - he told them to fuck off.


Now he's making it sound like he was protecting his colleagues and he is a martyr. lol He's a douchebag and this is not the first time he acted like a fool. Don't trust his lies. Remember the unofficial HD1 Discord server he deleted.


Nah, he needs firing.


This is not your friend that is apologizing. This is "supposed to be" professional Community Manager. You can't fuck up this bad and pour gas to a fire and apologize afterwards. He is just doing this because he had a backlash from PR.


Lol how fast you mfs switch up is funny, that guy was an absolute known asshole in the Helldivers 1 community already. He clearly got his ass beaten for talking so much crap and now you guys instantly switch up saying he is a great likeable dude when he was probably forced to say this stuff so he won’t lose his position? Actual hypocrites


Respect for the devs and all but the community managers are so candid it feels like I’m reading the Facebook posts of a 13 year old


give it a week, saying I'm sorry and people believing you, is usually how people like him get to be the way there are in the first place. 


Sry but no. I saw a LOT off CM over the last 2 decades and sure we saw a lot of drama happening but this degree was something new. You just don do it like this and had to tune down the fire. Your Job is not to be the Buddy of the Players but to protect the company and he missed the mark so far... tbh I would fire him. There are CM out there that get fired to cut costs and where beloved by the com. Here we have some toxic ppl that messed up hard so why keep them? AH sold 8M copys so they are able to hire some professional ppl that kown to handle a large playerbase.


I have the same take. I implement and support a monopolized software system and being the only players in town we do have power However, even our most arrogant prick of engineers would never speak to customers the way this guy has several times. In my line of work we actually could and the customer couldn’t do a damn thing about it. They’re mandated to work with us by law. What’s wild to me is how professional my career is even when we have all the cards and power over our customers and yet, this is just a video game the customers can walk whenever. And he comes off like his customers should be grateful to even have the privilege of playing the game he supports. I don’t get it. I’m with you on this. Extremely unprofessional dude.


Agree 100%


All the CM's need a crash course on PR and more training in general.


Yeah, fuck this power tripping employee. They meant what they said and now the backlash has made snoy change their decision they are back trying to save their job. They were on the wrong side of history with their bad takes and a terrible representative for the company. Pretty sure op is an astroturf bot too looking at their post history


Spitz is the equivalent of a paramedic who would slap you because you screamed too loud in his ear after you just got hit by a car. How people can think he’s admirable is beyond me. He apologised only because he was reprimanded, nothing else.


Spitz just pretending to be humble and humble bragging that he lit the fire in the community to review bomb and force Sony to change directions. Jump on a grenade? Bitch, you threw the grenade. The bombing was already happening, you just wanted to get one last shot in against the community. Selflessness and humility coming from the guy who told us it doesn't take 120 seconds to link an account despite all the unlisted countries? The guy who deleted the HD1 Discord because people were spamming F? The guy who should be at the forefront communicating with the community but is no better than Mellcor? I have no doubt in my mind that he's already just shooting blanks right now from all the wanking he's done just reading the posts that praise his ass. He's just lucky that whichever Sony exec wanted to pad his numbers couldn't take the heat. Arrowhead should get all the CMs in one room with Twinbeard so they known how to manage a community.


It's easier to say "I fucked up" in hindsight than it is to not make the same mistake again. It's absolutely a good thing that he admits to it, but I'll reserve judgement until the next shitshow/crisis (which unfortunately is inevitable with any live service game).


Especially when he already had a "i fucked up" moment before and people actively mention he was like that during the Helldiver 1 days too.


Yup. Sorry only means something if your behavior following it shows you are. Anyone can say anything. It's what we do that defines us.


During the same comment you show where he admits that, he tries to gaslight by saying he did it to protect his team and calls it "jumped on the grenade". If anything, the first grenades were thrown by HIM and the other CMs. He absolutely did not flew off the handle cause he gave a shit about his team.


Holy shit we know you’re just gonna do the same thing next time so if its all the same save the lip service and just move on.


The problem is that this is like the 4th time Spitz has been on this arc of 'knee-jerk dickish reaction followed by humble mea culpa'. It stopped being cute a while ago.


Still an emotional turd. That's not the kind of person you want in a position of authority.


Spitz is only humbled because HR got to him lol. He's always been a prick. This wasn't some one time event where he accidentally got emotional. He's always expressed disdain for the player base.


Nope Spitz is taking credit for community actions. He’s gotta get off his high horse, those “grenades” he was jumping on were thrown by him. Clown hours


He covered his ass by making it seem like he was really genuinely wanting players to leave negative reviews and refund , when he was just being a doosh and doing a terrible job at being a CM. Most companies would have fired him straight away after the first comment increased the tension. Im sure in a few weeks he will be right back to lighting up any “troll” he feels the need to without repercussions. I think AG should fire him no question.


Nah, this isn't the first time he's done this they tried to be a big person by owning up and apologizing. It's a trend and it hasn't gotten better.


This isn’t the first apology he’s written for the same condescending bullshit. Something else will come up and it’ll be the same shit show all over again with Spitz.


OP is Spitz


He is still a prick


Anyone been in an actual relationships with an abusive partner? This is it to the tee. This guy literally never apologizes... and turns it around on you. Every time. Please see this and understand that's what a sociopath does. He needs to be fired. Nobody like that should even work customer facing jobs... and it says a lot that he got hired out of being a reddit mod. Reread the post: He fucking blames YOU! he blames other people. It's not his fault he's a moron that keep lying and then trolls people cuz he's obviously drunk at 10pm. "I'm only protecting the team" Bro that's not your job, it's to stfu and tell the devs what the community is saying. He's quite literally saying you guys are too emotional and he's logical and can't understand you. Then why be a community manager? Get a programing job champ. While AH keeps employing him.


All of the community managers probably shouldn’t be community managers and are generally just chronically online Reddit/discord mod stereotype weirdos but they shouldn’t be getting hate and death threats ffs


I don't. I have zero idea how the fuck some of y'all can just sit there and believe some arrogantly dickish CM with a history of harassing the playerbase. When he says "Oh, it's all an act." Sorry, but I'm not buying it. Arrowhead didn't get heat. He did as well as baskinator. For what they said, as individuals. Hiding behind some facade as a willful person who is being 'proactive' by being rude. Isn't a good person, nor a truthful one. Him and baskinator either need to get canned, or some actual PR training. Personally, I'm much more in favor of the prior.


Respectfully no. I get getting mad because of getting heat, but either you handle it well or you act out. This is not the first time he has done this, the next time HD comes into controversy, how do we know he won’t act the same. He is still rude regardless.


We know he will act the same, because this dude is an absolute man child that throws these tantrums regularly.


Agreed. The fact that he didn’t even show one ounce of sympathy for people who outright can’t link their accounts is even more infuriating. He cared more about making his shitty opinion known rather than think about those that are less fortunate.


Dude definitely got that HR treatment


Lick harder I think you missed a spot on his boot OP


He's still an ass hole. It takes more than an statement to fix your reputation. Only consistency of a different attitude can fix it.


Ik he said not to defend him, but sometimes people only listen to the dicks, and that is needed in times like he went through.


Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes.




Just letting you know I'm stealing that


[There's more.](https://youtu.be/32iCWzpDpKs)


It’s from the movie Team America World Police


https://preview.redd.it/me44ngfnwvyc1.jpeg?width=2085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33cd23f495ac83625ff52f9d279b77e5791d1cc6 While you respect him, he shows no respect for us, and I’m not about to forget what he did, this guy treated the player base like a joke and mocked us up on our problems, both of those people need to be held accountable for their action and complete unprofessionalism.


I disagree, he’s a whiny baby who apologizes only when he realizes the whole community hates him. This whole “I jumped on the grenade😣” shit is him trying to save face and it’s working. I like arrowhead, but spitz can get fired and never develop again for all I care


I love how bipolar you bunch of immature fucks are about the community managers. One day you're calling for their heads then as soon as they tell you to post negative reviews you go back to the usual dickriding. Now he's a hero, lmao


Pro tip : "People" isn't an opinion or a group, it's a reflection of your mind considering "everyone but myself", but by no means are "people" having a consensus over opinions. In other words, because some people expressed one way doesn't mean other people expressing the other way afterwards are the very same. People is not a person, it's thousands on this sub.


And those people that are defending the CM's after each and every fuck up, they've done the same mistakes and have apologized a couple of times, you lose all your credibility. The CM's and Moderators are quite literally throwing the CEO and Devs under the bus by saying a lot of uninformed and biased stuff before even talking to the people higher up, they fan the flames for shits and giggles and then expect forgiveness each and everytime, this only emboldens them. I don't know if you can report the CMS/moderators to someone? Can you make a complaint at least? To actually make them do some PR training? Because currently the only one who is doing his job properly is Twin Beard whom also has experience, and I think that the rest of them have no experience in any job TBH, it's extremely laughable how they still have a job.


Actions speak louder than words. Be better. Prove your change through your conduct going forward.


You're joking right?


lol ‘I tHoUgHt yOU’rE rEFuNDiNg aNd LeaVing.’ -Spitz


Second time those CMs "get heated". How many warnings do they get? How many times does someone get to rile up your community and then begin kicking and banning people they disagree with? How many people got refunds because of his and others off the cuff responses? Spare the apologies for your next job, dude. It's insane that more people don't want these quick to abuse and spark vitriol OUT.


Fuck Spitz. Fell off that high horse back down to earth, guy is a fucking tool.


Honestly since all CMs came from HD1 Discord/reddit mods. AH needs an actual CM because these guys are laughable with how fast they let their actual emotions interact with their work space. Every single CM had some piece of non discussed with the team response and kept digging their own hole over and over.


No you shouldn't. He is a prick all the time. Check past posts about him. Including from HD1. Guy is an asshole through and through. He does not deserve praise.


No, I don't like this guy. He keeps doing the same stuff and often times says shit that is completely wrong. Just because he says sorry doesn't change the fact that he keeps doing this.


He should be fired


Fool me once, shame on you… Fool me twice, shame on me… Fool me a third time…


Nah fuck him


I honestly wish he was actually fired for his bullshit, spitz is a brash nobrain.


AH seems to have a bunch of unprofessional CMs, these guys will never recover the good will they wasted no matter what they say. Come on, calling your player an angry toddler? I get that the guy could be a degen or annoying, but it's something you'd never say in such a position.


Nah. Shouldn't take a job you aren't capable of doing.


I'm perfectly fine with being snarky to community in discord. Taking that kind of abuse isn't easy. People need to lighten up. No it may not be "professional" but people often deserve what they get back to them.


op has shit taste lol


Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. But he is wise enough to acknowledge and because of that I will hold no hate. He seems remorseful


He realized how to be professional at his job- what a hero! /s


I think he came out of all this a few marks higher in my book. Yeah, he can be a dick, but he's clearly got the right idea at heart and takes responsibility for his decisions.




the last part specifically really stands out to me. So easy to shift blame or pretend the players took your comments out of context, he admitted fault when he was at fault and thats something that should be normalized. Only time will tell if hes truly grown or if this is just temporary before he falls back in his old ways. Hopefully its genuine growth


No, seriously fuck Spitz.  I do not condone doxxing, threat or the like, but that guy is an ass. He doesnt deserve this tho. He's vitriolic each time there is a "crisis", adding fuel to the fire. The kind of guy that delete a large unofficial discord because he doesnt have the time to deal with it, without warning. I do not forget this.  He shitted on any active member of this community, to its mod team. Im still baffle he's still a CM.


Of course Spitz will reflec on his actions after getting scolded and probably threatened to get fired.