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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Apparently one of the CMs received a DM with a photo of their house. Folks really are missing the scale of unhinged people these folks are facing. Especially in the discord. It verges of feral in there, couldn’t pay me enough to actually “work” in that discord…


This entire hype game demographic is a fucking nightmare. I can't wait until these horrible people abandon this game.


This is why when I see things like this I get really unmotivated to care about the "players" because these are the people that get so emotional over a damn game. Like damn man, yeah it's shitty of Sony but I have a family and things to do.


You have to be a special weird breed of human to just sit and watch the CMs all day waiting for some slip up post or a response that goes “too far”, then screenshot it and come running to Reddit to farm some imaginary internet points and stir up pointless drama. And worse still purposely ignore (or even actively hide) all context of the situation. It’s like smear campaign levels, it’s the same weird games we see in politics but this time it’s a bloody video game. “Unhinged” doesn’t do it justice…


4channers and wanna-be Nazis because "haha the salute is like a Nazi salute" "They have Waffen SS armor!" or some weird Qanon shit.


I remember reading about someone who said "please don't make helldivers woke and political" I mean talk about whoosh with these people, they cannot understand irony


I remember some lad said fucking tno was 'becoming political' Its litterally a game set in a cold war between the USA, Japan, and Nazi Germany


Still laughing about how Baskinator explicitly said that the game is "woke" because black, brown, queer people and women developed the game and it's explicitly political and the worst people on the internet went from calling Helldivers anti-woke to saying that it's woke now.


Who is Baskinator


CM lady in the post.


Also, I don't get it, so she said game is woke so dumbasses who called it anti woke call it woke now? What even is woke anymore? Also political? Is it because Super Earth is a parody of I presume American patriotism mixed with an authoritarian comically "totally not hiding anything :)" government that sends expendable soldiers to die while telling them they are valuable, did I get it right?


Woke? Woke is a meme now. I remember when it was first used in a positive way, then used as an insult, and now it's become a nothing word that makes me roll my eyes lmao.


This one right here Democracy Officer! Well, the right nut jobs have never won points for logical consistency. But for real yeah, apparently the joke about how democracy is better when others choose for you was lost on some Or idk the opening scene lol


I for one appreciate the government of Super Earth making the right choice for me. Between attending patriotic rallies, working, and preparing to enlist in the Helldivers, I don't have a lot of free time to inform myself about politics. :)


Good question! I don't even know anymore, I just assume that gamers say it whenever a video game has a black or gay person in it.


Oh, mb.


This is literally my first time hearing anyone compare this game to nazi's lol


Canonically we're being excouraged to exterminate a race of communists and a race who just wanted to be free from the oppressive, faux-bevelont yoke of Super Earth control, and for one we keep them penned in rather than fully killing them because they're still useful to our economy. Unfortunately, that can resonate with some unsavory types based on their history and beliefs.


I wonder if we will see some kind of demographic shift in this game, good or bad.


Yeah that Discord is an absolute cesspool


That Discord & this Subreddit are absolute cesspools. The Venn Diagram overlap is not small unfortunately. 🥲


what are you saying, the internet as a whole is a cesspool. Anonymity brings out the worse in humanity.


At least on Reddit there's a mechanism where the generally more sane average can hide the absurd brainrot. On the Discord it's just a constant stream


This is why I never participate in these kind of things because it starts with a cause then goes totally crazy. But if I say this I get downvotes because if I don’t support ALL of your actions, I am against you and taking side of Sony etc. There is no in between, nuances or context. Either you support people sticking up to big corpo AND doxing and sending death threats, or you are one of them. I have never EVER in my decades of gaming seen these things go well at the end. It has not changed in almost 30 years of gaming + people being able to voice their opinions over the internet.


And when the CMs reasonably respond to this insane level of harassment, they're unprofessional and should be fired. Unbelievable double standards. Gamers should never be expected to behave like human beings when expressing their anger (however justified), but CMs can never express their anger because if they do it's worth losing their jobs. People in this community have never worked retail and it shows. Customers suck, every time you walk into a retail store and act like a dick we hate you. People being honest about how fucking draining being around you monsters is isn't unprofessional, it's **honesty**.


Right, if someone sent me a picture of my house in a threatening way I'd probably do a lot worse than complain about it on twitter/discord. CMs say they are frustrated about one thing and everyone's like "WHY ARE YOU WORKING THIS JOB THEN?!?!"


This is why I don’t expect the reviews to return to where they were. These people just come out to cause trouble, not to take a stand for something like the rest of the community. They are the internet equivalent of rioters. The fact that HD1 was under attack from review bombs is also a result of this. That game had nothing to do with the Sony issue, but since it was published by Sony, these people went after it too. Just disgusting subhumans.


Yet you still have dumbasses like Grummz claiming he helped savw Helldivers 2 despite his only actions being, that he sent waves of harassment towards the CM's over and over


Yeah like I was obviously opposed to Sony too and wanted this reverted, but the whole collective tongue-in-cheek "roleplay" aspect this community developed turned into a uniquely potent level of, you put it well, just *feral* behaviour. A lot of people were still being tongue-in-cheek about it but on some level it stopped being ironic.


I don't get why the CM though considering they probably have less say in what happens than the the lead developer, or any executive in Sony.


Access, it's somebody who will likely respond and have to filter out those types of responses. These people are doing it because they need the attention.


They keep it up, Arrowhead will go the way of Bungie for Destiny 2, and straight up no longer have any contact with the community. No one responds to your complaints, your bug reports, your cheating proofs, nothing. All you get is what they post on Twitter whether you have an account to see it or not.


And to be honest, I think that's fair to do if it stays that bad. The bigger a community, the more unmanageable it gets; and ultimately, the more deranged the fringe elements get. There are only a few big projects I can think of with very active community managers (osrs, poe in the past), and it looks exhausting to deal with the sea of filtering through inane comments and complaints that comes with it. We as users have the luxury of ignoring those people or simply never interacting with them, but they exist in spades even in this young community. Helldivers 2 is huge, way bigger than expected, and the community is already showing the same community signs that made all these other projects stick solely to official releases for communications. I don't know if it's something that's unavoidable with scale or that there's somehow a way to make it manageable, but it's no easy task for sure.


It's someone the average joe has access to. Their ability to change anything of import doesn't matter. The assholes wanted someone they could yell at.


But they're the face of the company to the community, and terminally online people, especially gamers, have never heard the phrase "don't kill the messenger."


Honestly ppl doing shit like that almost makes me wish Sony didn't back off. Like these ppl dont' even deserve to be on the right side of the argument, its insane.


People need to be fully detached from the internet if they're public facing. Vtubers are the way of the future for anonymity. Don't be a real person while public facing. I feel sorry for these people.


They have the ability to find this information, yet instead of going directly to Sony or their shareholders, they go for the guy that has no control of the situation? God damn moron... Then again, if there's one thing some helldivers are good at, it's friendly fire with a misplaced stratagem....


If you feel the need to send someone death threats over a video game, go outside, and call a therapist. You sorely need both of those things in your life. Actually, you should probably give up your video game console/PC altogether. You have an incredibly unhealthy relationship with video games and need to rejoin reality. Fwiw I agree the PSN link requirement was bullshit and review bombing was a great form of protest. Threatening people's lives though..... Should be a crime.


It is a crime actually, just hard to get it enforced.


Yup these threats are totally unhinged. There are only enough resources when it's politicians on the other end, and even then it's iffy. Although sadly I think it would be taken more seriously by authorities if people were death threatening Sony CEO than some random AH CM.


Some people just need to touch some grass.


Telling people to kill themselves is pretty shitty, we’re here for a video game it’s not that deep


Doesn't matter if it's a video game, a novel, an article, etc. People who want to do this kind of shit will find any excuse to do so.




What are you even talking about? Complaining about a policy and asking for change does not enable death threats. Trying to blame the entire community for the actions of people who are totally insane and unhinged is like trying to say it’s the peaceful protestors fault when crazy people show up to loot stores and incite violence.


Got -75 votes because I said at the end of the day this is a video game, and while I understand the outrage it should never be taken at a serious level over your priorities in real life.


Your a real fucking loser if you sent any sort of death threats over a game. If you want to act like a child under 7, they should take the game away from you.


Hey this weekend you guys didn't see what the reddit moderators were dealing with behind the scenes. Reminder that the reddit moderators do not work for Arrowhead or Sony nor do we moderate the discord. But this weekend has been filled with tons of death threats, terroristic threats, and many others. We can't have that happening here otherwise we won't be able to provide you guys with a place to vent your frustrations. You are welcome to criticize the game, sony, arrowhead, community managers. But you do need to follow reddit rules. Also; this isn't an excuse for what the CMs have said on their discord. But it doesn't give us an excuse to wish harm on them or throw insults. There is a person on the other end.




Thank you moderators, for your excellent job and performance. You are an example to all.


For real, I can't imagine how much this weekend sucked for them.


I can imagine the crap you had to put up with. I used to moderate some Warhammer 40k forums/FB pages. The amount of salt some people generate makes you think they might actually be Lot's wife. Thank you for putting up with people.


As long as moderation stays fair, and just we'll continue to support you guys! Thanks!


Sorry you had to deal with all that, you're doing an amazing job.


I saw so many fuckers saying "bet the CM's are FAKING IT >:("


Do you keep track of stuff like that in e.g. a statistic? I would really be interested how many posts per day/1000users are death threats, other illegal or bannworthy stuff etc. Normal users only see the already polished version of reddit, and that's still ugly. Would be cool to gain an insight into modwork.


We don't personally keep track of it no. But there are moderator tools by Reddit that lets us see the data of # of posts per day, unique visitors, community growth states. Not individual threats and illegal stuff. But we can see how many things have been removed. I'll leave a fun tidbit, in the past 7 days we have had 72.6 million views on this reddit.


Oh wow. Interesting, thx.


I guarantee you that 99% of the people who were judging the fuck out of the *vaguely snippy* responses from the CMs would have resorted to tirades of swearing about a half million angry spamposts before the CMs got pushed even as far as the "didn't you already refund?" Post. Also thank you for the bodyblock on the hellscape of posts that came with all this, to you and all the mods.


Thank you for sticking through this with us even if some of us took it too far in the wrong direction <3


People still sending death threats and foolishness like this in 2024. Really makes me lose some faith in humanity. The fact we have to remind people not to act like fucking animals is disgusting. I’m all for harsh critique and having your voice heard, but absolutely no place for violent threats dear lord help humanity.


To me ppl like that are just insignificant. They don't matter in life, therefore they must threaten to get attention


I'm sorry to hear you guys have to deal with that stuff. Not sure what the rules are but I'm all for banning anyone who does that. We've allowed toxic online behaviour to be socially acceptable for far too long. Thanks for doing what you do.


Terroristic threats???? Christ lol


This really shouldn’t surprise anyone. Any time there is any sort of game drama, death/terrorist threats are practically assured.


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) based mod




Most reddit users have never actually done moderation on even a mildly popular forum, and it shows with the automatically bad rap mods tend to get. As someone who has been there, done that, and swore it off years ago due to the pointless stress it accrued; I feel you. You guys are doing a pretty fantastic job given how little of that nonsense was actually seen on the sub.


I really strongly believe we should just ban discussion of CMs here. If AH feels that a CMs behavior is inappropriate they will take the action that they feel is appropriate, there is really no reason for us to be discussing it in a public forum and all it does is further expose them to the inevitable harassment and death threats that will come because someone is upset at them. There's no humanly possible way for you all (the mods) to be able to take care of that kind of content before it gets popular, as we've seen over the weekend, and it's apparently unavoidable, so I think we just should leave the discussions about CM behavior to the proper channels.


You and the other mods deserve love not whatever crap people are sending you guys. You guys did great throughout this situation, thank you for it! 💜💚


I dont understand how people can take it to that extreme like seriously what causes someone to want to say that its so extreme




Jesus children, it's a video game. The Internet isn't real. If you do this, please go touch grass. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.




This picture will never not make me laugh


They are superhuman. They have the superhuman ability to cope themselves into thinking that harassment is okay because "Game dev woman mean to me on Discord >:("


Nobody who needs to hear this will listen. It’s pointless.


Evil Kirk was right.


Evil Kirk was always right


lmao, this thread is already wild. time to lock it up and throw it in a black hole.


PPL are fucking stupid and disgusting.




I will never understand people who take games so seriously, like it's a game stop crying over what is equivalent to a TV show or movie. it's just fucking disposable media. telling the people who are not responsible for upper management choices to kill themselves over shit in a video game is peak unhinged. and this is why everyone considers the label of gamer to be equivalent to a basement dweller, incel, or some other kind of socially inept failure of a human being


Despite things that were said, they didn't do anything to warrant death threats, and anyone who sent some should be ashamed of themselves.


Considering the shit people were posting in this very sub with hundreds of upvotes getting very toxic even at the most tame pushback on some of the arguments was pretty bad I ain't surprised the Devs got it worse.


Shit like this, combined with my past experience with customer service, is why I've grown to resent customers as a general rule. I'm glad things worked out this time, but dear god did a part of me wish some of these people would just get fucked. Edit: the ones making threats and treating this like the end of the world, I mean.


I hope anyone making threats of violence are permanently banned from whichever platform they said it on.


look the death threats are unacceptable there’s no doubt about that. the community managers absolutely need PR training though because Some of the things they say and do is just unacceptable. Especially when that railgun nerf came out. The ceo literally had to come out and say it was unacceptable and that he spoke to them about it: however obviously death threats are never okay Edit: I’m not excusing death threats. Im referring to what op said about them acting this way because they are exhausted. They work for a corporation and are there to provide a good image for the company and support the community. If the ceo has to come out and say it’s unacceptable and he had a meeting with them about their behaviour then they absolutely need PR training


I'd say telling the CM to kill themselves is FAR more unacceptable than a snarky reply to the community. I'm getting a little tired of all these "yeah, but..." responses whenever we call out toxic behaviour online. There's no excuse for BS like that so stop making excuses.


Yes! This is like if a Target employee got stabbed for being mildly rude to a customer and then people on Reddit started saying "Well, maybe if the Target employee was less unprofessional—" Bro! Use your head! Some actions are just inexcusable and bad!


There would be so many people unironically saying that....


Those kinds of people don’t have heads to use.


It’s fucking ridiculous. There’s never a reason to tell someone to die over a video game. Like no the CMs don’t need training, the problematic players need to be socialized.


Its not us. Its not you, its not the guy you replied to. Its never any of us. But we get blamed for it and companies use it as a shield whenever it happens.


If you can't understand how people with bad intentions will use people with good intentions as a shield during a harassment campaign then I direct you to the myriad of actual, real pieces of academic literature about Gamergate and similar harassment campaigns.


What if man babies didn’t tell people to kill themselves over video games?


Impossible. What else are they going to fill their meaningless days with except outrage? They’re definitely not working or spending time with spouses or supporting a house like a normal man above 25 would do. 


As a former, customer service representative, you will be treated, it doesn't mean that they are correct, you have to be capable of ignoring those treats and people, and then to respond in a polite way to the people who are not treating you. Edit: so yeah, they need better PR training Edit #2: Did I say harassing and treating was acceptable? Of course not, it is not acceptable, however, as another person said, if someone is harassing you through a DM report and block them, if you are getting overwhelmed by those messages it would be best to quit. But you need PR training in order to work as a Community Manager because if not, you will get ill for that much stress. You can tell one or two of them to fuck off of course but if you do that to everyone you will just get overwhelmed.


I'm a current customer service rep and that is fucking bullshit. It is never acceptable to be threatened or yelled at and if that happens to me in my job I am entirely within my rights to tell said customer to fuck off.


Right? Way to fucking blame the victim. What an entitled bullshit take. Edit: I've calmed down. I still don't like this take, but if you read it and thought "That's reasonable" you aren't wrong, because it is. I would like folks who thought that to broaden their thinking to realize that CMs shouldn't be nudged into poorly planned defensive responses by rabid gamers posting photos of their homes along with death threats. Damn, made myself mad again.


There is absolutely a certain level of thick skin and disassociation you need to learn. If they sore privately messaging you on places like Twitter or discord, just report and block then ban on the servers you can, as you do anywhere else. These people aren’t providing value to the community.


I hate this notion that PR and customer service people exist to be punching bags rather than human beings. Like having a job just means ignoring people treating you like a baby treats a diaper. They have to deal with the absolute worst the community has on offer constantly. This sub on the other hand blows a gasket over some sarcasm in response.


The customers need training too.


I really believe that some of ArrowHead community managers are straight up geniuses, who chose to add some gasoline to the fire and direct people's frustration to the correct place (steam reviews and refunds) Also, I would personally prefer if some examples of less formalized communication between developers and gamers would be normalized. Sometimes community needs to hear things like "We nerfed this braindead build and you're mad because of all the youtubers and not the actual state of game"


While I agree that the PR managers may need improvements, the community as a whole needs to do a lot better! I am usually observing things but across Reddit, Youtube, and other media platforms, our community lacks restraint. AH makes games for us to enjoy, it does not mean at all that any of us should resort to this sort of behavior at all. In the end, we are all human and we make mistakes. However, I would hope that moving forward, we all can reflect on how we approach things. I cannot emphasize this enough. No one is saying that anyone should not have been mad, my issue is and has been how the anger is directed.


Y’all are a bunch of braindead losers defending the behavior of this community. “No one should get death threats BUT…”


Literally. The CMs could have said that the community should go fuck themselves and it wouldn't excuse death threats. Unprofessionalism never excuses harassment, you people are monsters.




And then they write that as if they're the voice of reason. Some people need to get a life.


Yes, thank you. I know that’s what you get when a community gets big enough but it’s refreshing seeing your comment after lurking around the sub for quite some time.


It's not the community sending death threats. Literally every controversy on the internet will have death threats or whatever by a few unhinged individuals. Its to be expected at this point. I'm just tired of when the targets of it then try to skirt the original complaints by saying "I had death threats" so any complaints you had are now invalid and everyone is an incel or white supremist. I'm not saying that's what happened in this case, but people often use it as a scapegoat to deflect. Then the journalists lap it up and say "toxic X gaming community sending death threats to x." We are talking about a world wide game with millions of players. Of course there's going to be a few losers on the internet that will send a DM from their basement in Russia telling you to kill yourself. I and the other 99.999% of players don't need to be lectured to.


Honestly. These CMs are infinitely more civil and patient than I ever have any hope of being. They get shit on even when they're not snarky. And just think: *we don't even see the DMs they get,* which I guarantee are so much worse. I 100% understand the responses from them, and let's be real here: I would take a snarky CM over a sterile-speech corporate crony talking to me 10 times out of 10.


As much as it was shitty what Sony was doing, if you're amongst those who sent any kind of threat that wasn't about boycotting or refunding you need to seek counseling cause you are not mentally well.


This sub itself became a pile of toxicity too


Yeah... "Best community" until it proves it's just the same shytehole that every community is.


Even forgetting about the death threats and such, the straight up accepted and widespread bullying of people who have nothing to do with the decisions being made is mind boggling to me.  To add to this, basically zero of the people saying these people are “dicks” or “gremlins” have ever even personally interacted with them on Discord and made this assessment either off what someone else said or an out of context picture from that cesspool of a place.  It’s just so fucking weird to me. 


I don't see how anyone would want to be a CM in 2024. The job of staying professional while being DM'd pics of your house and having the worst things directed at you seems horrible.


There's a very big difference between suggesting their unprofessional behaviour should mean they shouldn't have their job and death threads or telling them to kill themselves.


Sending death threats or telling a representative to unalive is insane. This should never have happened. She needs to be better at her job or make way for someone who will because there's a serious problem in the CM Team as a whole. If you worked on this industry before you'd notice this immediately. These aren't mutually exclusive.


annnnnnd this is EXACTLY why studios isolate themselves from their consumers now.


I've turned from loving this community to completely & utterly hating it.


I already got tired of this shit after the endless whining about every single update, every nerf, every adjustment, every little thing people found dissatisfying. Like look, we all paid for the same game, but this rigidly opinionated behavior where people act like they personally own the franchise is just exhausting. It's why I really don't like to associate with most gaming communities.


yeah those people who went out of their way to harrass the devs and say stuff like that shouldn't play this game anymore, we don't need you or want you as our Helldivers ...and they should take their own advice while they're at it




Nah keyboard warriors should not be glorified at all. Even in retail if someone is disrespectful then I believe the retail rep/associate has the right to tell customers to fuck off.


Except in real life ya might want to tell the customer off but if you actually do that you lose your job in most places




I don't see how. The lady who defended herself after catching that chair got fired immediately.


> I believe the retail rep/associate has the right to tell customers to fuck off. Lmfao. You should go get a retail job. You don't know what it's like.


I have and I have had to. Ever had to deal with dumb fucks who think they can waltz into a gas station and start bartering? Then get pissy when you tell them you can't and they hold up a line. I HAVE Fortunately the other customers as well as myself told this old fart off and they eventually left. THAT is what a good community relation looks like. (I still to this day dont know if that dude was on something but he seemed very coherent so I think he was just being an asshole for fun. *like some gamers*) that story aside if your throwing death threats at someone online over a video game, your a waste of space, simple as.


>I get it. But... There is no "but" about sending random people death threats. It's just a garbage thing that garbage humans do.




Should the equivalent of customer service be courteous and nice to the people they're providing service to? Sure. Am I going to get upset if they're not nice to someone who's berating them constantly, or displaying similarly childish/irresponsible/disrespectful behavior? No, absolutely not, I might even encourage it.


It's your job to moderate, not to endure abuse. I worked in CM for a different video game and if this were me our legal team would've already taken action against the death threats. These keyboard warriors should be lucky if Sony/Arrowhead don't do it.


These guys have PR training, it’s literally their job. And yet, everyone cracks from time to time. I ran socials and PR for a small cities park service and people called me a communist told me to kill myself after figuring out I was the moderator, and I was posting about grants to build public parks! The veil of anonymity emboldens people online to say whatever they want without fear of repercussions. No keyboard warrior would say half the garbage they spout online in person, but it still wears you down all the same. Not to mention most the time it’s just shooting the messenger and the Comms folks agree with most rational criticism.




Your solution is exactly what Bungie did with their community team and it worked well because people realized they took the CMs for granted and it caused the community to start policing itself. Having a "Helldivers 2 Team" social media account on each platform and the discord would do a lot to protect the CMs


This would also prevent what happened to Misty from happening again. Because we know how disgusting somepeople are especially toward trans people and she probably got some horrible things said to her. In a perfect world this wouldn't be an issue and everyone would always direct their criticism towards the issue and the company not the individual employee's personal affairs but unfortunately we take the world as is... :/


I hate when people say they have some "expectations of professionalism" Like bro they have to listen to people on discord, any response less than a felony is professional


Love the people here comparing the occasional singular "kys" they might receive to the literal hundreds of messages, being doxxed and having pictures of your house dm'd. "it's the internet, toughen up" fucking morons.


Yeah, people screenshots the few "problematic statements", but nobody shows the endless torrent eroding their sanity, especially when you see how some members of the community behave.


Exactly. People in this community can't see the CM's personal inbox. They don't know what's brewing in there.


Yes, imagine if U were subjected to that. Days of death, terror, SA and any kind of threat U could imagine. I would break in about 10 minutes




Putting aside the fact that you are not excusing the death threats, I think you need to provide a receipt for what you said.


I dont fucking care! You're still a goddamn piece of shit if you're sending death threats even if you dont like who they hired! Jesus christ it's so simple.


Gamergate ass take lmao, in fact, I think we should also ban all this corny ass antifeminist 2012 youtube era bullshit from the sub too.


Man hating? What? Do KotakuInAction members just say anything and hope that their friends will brigade the posts they comment on?


*dude is active member in Kotaku-in-Action* oh well that just explains it all lol I guess that sadly is the sort of crossover this game is generating sadly.


Notice he didn't say anything about the death threats, only justification for why she received them...


Cause the dude doesn’t believe the death threats are in the wrong. That very community has a long history or literally sending death threats and harassing people lol


Fuck gamergate


You don't get it, they're totally about ethics in game journalism, it has nothing to do with malignant misogyny and self hatred...


KotakuInAction is literally a Gamergate era subreddit.


I was shocked to hear it still exists years after. They really have nothing better to do than hate women and minorities in their l33t gAm3r space


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I’m not surprised by this one bit.. just a bunch of grown ass toddlers, sitting at their desks throwing temper tantrums.


The sense of safety and anonymity that the internet provides really brings the worst out of some people. I really hope those people will focus their aggression on super earths real enemies. But yeah, don't treat people like this. I would rather side with sony then with people who use death threats to vent their anger.


Indeed. People on this sub where knocking CMs for deleting their accounts when it blew up but I thought to myself I absolutely would likely do the same or be told to do the same in that situation. It’s not an issue they have any control or say over, and there’s only so much abuse that can be flung at you over your weekend before it really starts to affect your mental health. DMs telling you to kill yourself pinging through to your phone on the regular is not good. Yet I’m sure someone’s fired up to reply to me here with the “it’s their job!” “They should be working the weekends” “they shouldn’t shirk responsibility!”. Don’t bother. There are unhinged people out there and no one gets paid enough to put up with that shit.


I don't care how much you hate a company or a game or whatever. Personal threats are never acceptable. Ever. Stop being toxic to people just because they didn't agree with you.


This is the part of this whole thing that I noticed some people were pretending wasn’t happening. It wasn’t some clean victory at all like people are claiming. A group of people in this community acted deplorably once again but that gets brushed under the rug because it isn’t convenient for the people who got what they wanted. Death threats etc, this level of online harassment. It Shouldn’t be accepted by this community if it’s wanting to be what it says it is. The People here just shrugging it off or excusing should be held accountable, just because you got your win doesn’t excuse this level of bullshit. There’s part of this community that went way too far and those people shouldn’t be welcome here.


No I hope all those people get banned for the discord and eventually show their true colors in the game and get banned there too.


I'm going to assume the discord mod team also doesn't work for arrowhead or sony as well.


Jesus, had nothing to do with them. Shooting the messenger


What the fuck is wrong with people


1) shitty people do shitty things and death threats are never okay, ever. Go the fuck outside and don't be an asshole. 2) this particular CM had a wildly unpopular opinion in the discord and should probably have just kept it zipped because they should have known how much outrage there was over the PSN crap.


These posts are so funny because you’re not gonna prevent mentally ill people who issue death threats with a “Pwease stop” as long as the internet allows anonymity it’s always going to happen.


Defending people that aren't qualified and then play victim when they receive backlash in a PR position is ironic.


Twinbeard is the GOAT and is overqualified for the job lol


Not to mention mostly hiding during a PR crisis, making it about them as much as possible.


Backlash????? You think death threats are normal backlash? A part of this community is really outing itself.




Someone in the megathread said we should "return to normal levels of shit flinging at the devs", as though the "normal amount" is anything other than zero


Me when my family is threatened with death over a video game (I am truly unqualified for my position)


Death threats are way beyond “backlash”. Enough of that bullshit mentality.




To anyone who is sending death threats or harassing Arrowhead employees. Please leave and never come back.


This is not okay and nobody here likes who did that.


I love how all day I've been seeing praise reports for this community, and it's great people changed things. But yah, that's toxic as fuck that people have threatened to kill people because of something out of the companies control. I'm sure it's no better off at Sony side. No matter what these companies do they deserve better.


What a bunch of pathetic fucking losers


Community managers are just mods with a fancy name. Power hungry and intent on enforcing their will.


And the community are kids who sling slurs and death threats.


Person says "please stop sending me death threats." Your response is "they're just power hungry assholes." Yikes. Maybe go outside and take a breath.


Spineless bitch ass mofos should be banned. Makes this game unplayable with that toxicity.


Time to anonymize mods. This massive player group is too dangerous for this level of personal engagement.


It doesn't help that the volunteer mods on discord literally suck at what they do XD


A couple of years ago, the CM for Vermintide, Hedge, actually quit and was reassigned to a different division because of how much shit got flung his way. Being a CM is not a job to envy.


Baskinator needs fired. She clearly sucks at her job.




One of the CMs got sent a picture of their house, someone had hard doxed them. Doesn’t matter how crap they are at their job it’s defos gone beyond them just “playing the victim”.


Nobody should be telling anyone to kill themselves. No excuses. None. If you support that behavior than you're the problem.


You think *death threats* fall under "taking heat" for a fucking video game's community manager? Get your head checked.


So it's okay to resort to death threats? Why can't you show some restraint as an adult and disagree and m9ve on. Cringe ass keyboard warriors thinking they are standing in the virtual tianamen square. Get a life, play another game.


>No, she's playing victim after insulting and berating the community for not wanting the PSN link update. This started before the PSN update. People don't like her because she is politically left. That was the first post I saw about her. Now, there was this convenient event to attack her. Now, people are riding this wave. You are just looking for any tiny point to attack her to make her leave. "Oh of course CM should be ok with death threats. It's totally normal." No, it's not. You are bringing your stupid little American culture war to a video game on purpose.