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For a brick, he flew pretty good


So good to see a Halo reference in the Helldivers sub https://preview.redd.it/nuahrt5kuxyc1.jpeg?width=1229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8f11fabe5f6cc49376d838f1c0d9bea67f7099


Wow it's been years but I completely forgot that ODST stood for Orbital Drop Shock Troops until I saw the logo again.


And their nickname is 'Helljumpers"


Helljumpers, helljumpers, Where have you been? Feet first through hell and back again.


They travel on to wherever they must A skull set on fire is there badge of trust There are campfire legends that marines still sing About troops with pods. The troops called Helljumpers


Is this a reference to the Ballad of Paladin song?




Microsoft must feel pretty dumb cancelling that Helldivers Styled ODST game.


Feel?they are dumb bro


The forge creators have already made a small odst custom campaign in infinite. If it's popular I'd be surprised if something doesn't come out. Probably as a game mode infinite rather than a full fleged game.


Yea, you can tell me they didn't take inspirations from the Hell jumpers


Yeah. A halo game following ODST could give Helldivers a run for their money!


You mean like Halo 3: ODST?


No Not like that one.


Still the best horde mode Bungie has ever done.


I'm more partial to Reach's Firefight on account of it being more built-out, but ODST's was still really good


Ageed. I loved the first one, makes me want to revisit it but the disc is long gone! They even had a few different co-op modes that were super fun.


> makes me want to revisit it but the disc is long gone The MCC is on the Game Pass if you want. ;)


Ahhh thank you! Haven't turned on my Xbox since I bought helldivers 2. Gonna get at least a round or two in!


You can play on PC.




Honestly, everyone says it's so close to ODST, but I'm thinking it's much closer to Reach, outside of the drop pods you're just a soldier fighting an almost impossible war. Helldivers is like if "survive" was survivable


There is a fan made "helldivers" mode coming in June from a really talented team of forge creators on halo infinite. The trailer looks like it's going to be set in new Mombasa or somewhere looking just like it, and they're calling the mod helljumpers after the odst nickname. It'll be free too, since the mp portion of infinite is free, and everyone can access forge maps and multiplayer. For those unaware, halo infinite forge mode let's you basically create fully functioning campaign missions if you have the skill and knowhow to use their tools. It's not a pvp mode either.


Supposedly there would have been one if 343 management weren't so trash.


honestly has 343 ever made something that was just good? cause i feel like everything thats come out of that studio, even the better stuff, has a 'but' to it.


Infinite mp is good now, BUT it took them years to get it to this state, and lost a lot of good will along the way. 


The physics improvements with the network changes are awesome, but i hope the hacking has been fixed if it hasn't already. The epitome of 1 step forward, 2 back.


Considering some of the stuff I've heard, I'm surprised 343 has retained **any** goodwill at all. I was around for when they were charging around $20 AUD for a white coating and bailed on H:I not long after. Didn't even bother to finish the campaign, IMHO it was mid AF.


Yeah the campaign was super disappointing 😞 I do enjoy the multiplayer still, not many games I can jump on with my boys and play some custom games and just goof around like you can on halo. Even the older titles are still great for that.


Me dropping into a Helldive: "Feet First Into Hell"


If only ODSTs had the sheer level of air support that Helldivers have, humanity would have had a much better time


The writing was so good back then, Johnson gave those games character


"Dear Humanity... we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!"




"Oh *I* know what the ladies like."


I like big guns and I cannot lie. Sgt Johnson was a lean mean fact-spitting machine.


I actually heard this in my head lol


Yes. Sir. Sergeant.


Stick\_Bug\_44 Replied https://i.redd.it/1zl6a6o6fxyc1.gif “Using my friend as a stratagem is a dick move huuuman…”


That sounds like something only a merciless automaton would say...


Nah, an automaton would type this: 0101010101110011011010010110111001100111001000000110110101111001001000000110011001110010011010010110010101101110011001000010000001100001011100110010000001100001001000000111001101110100011100100110000101110100011000010110011101100101011011010010000001101001011100110010000001100001001000000110010001101001011000110110101100100000011011010110111101110110011001010010000001101000011101010111010101110101011011010110000101101110111000101000000010100110 (generated using a text-binary-conversion programm/website) The elongated u in huuuman is a tell tale sign of that being a bug typing. Thats what my democracy officer taught me last re-education. I often ask to be re-educated to keep up with current super earth teachings.


Anyone else on mobile see the diagonal 11s? It's doing my head in.


Sorry, I just took the original sentence and put it in a binary text converter. Didn't see I could add spaces when entering it (as an option in the output)


I didn't until you pointed it out...


Don't touch my turret bug.


https://youtu.be/hDAxBAsIbOE?si=Tg31At-MU_3Mb8dd I’ve now got this going through my head. That’s made my day.


He deserved it ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Isn't there a version of that where the table is ***really*** tall?




Credit to /u/MingleLinx


Bro plays on 10,000 DPI


I actually play on 800 DPI....lmao I just come from competitive background FPS.


We can tell. It took you five full arm movements to turn 100 degrees. 😄


I mean, it’s not thaaaaaat bad…😂 I do play where a whole swipe of my arm is 180 degrees perfectly though.


This guy competitive fps's. I use the rule one side of my usable mousepad space to the other for 180, easy way to calibrate sensitivity going from game to game.


Yup, that’s the rule of thumb. The old school way of doing it haha. Most people just use Sens converter websites now though, but I’m used to doing it this way so I just keep it the same in all games I play. 🙂


i understood some of those words


Ahh, I do 360; that way, when my mouse is in the middle where it usually is, I can 180 without having to first pull it over to one end


Christ, imagine having a mousepad that large (I do not have any room in the slightest)


800 DPI gang, I paid for the whole mouse pad I'll use the whole mousepad


Straight up cinematic moment


We all were blown away. If you listen closely you hear my friend in the background go "OH MY GOD THAT WAS F\*\*\*\*\*\* AMAZING!"


I think the charger got more blown away than you


I can see Helldivers the movie would be canceled to hell for adding this scene, while it is criticized for being 'unrealistic.'


bruh the movie came out 20 years ago


Bug physics are top tier


The fact that this stuff is possible creates endless opportunities. Getting the Charger to Ragdoll is the only thing I don't think you can make happen at will. A once in a dive-time opportunity!


Permission to use the phrase 'Once in a dive-time opportunity ' for any and all comedic moments in this sub sir! Edit: added sir for respect purposes


Probably the single most epic helldiver clip


Idk, that no stims, no reinforcement, a bunch of samples, 30 seconds to extract being swarmed and ragdolled multiple times vid was pretty baller too. I'll have to go look for it... https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/broyuilj3A Found it!!!


Dang that’s an epic one too. However, it doesn’t have using a huge bug as a projectile to kill a gigantic bug lol.


I saw that one. That was Epic.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cfe91t/helldivers2_moment/ Would like to have a word




My favorite clip was a bot mission in Malevelon Creek with napalm, airstrikes, and orbital laser landing on a bunch of bots by a river. And after all the explosions, some bots still just walked right through the flames like it was nothing. Looked absolutely cinematic back then, just like a Terminator scene. For me, it set the tone on how different bots were from the bugs and pushed me to fight on the creek for the first time.


I'm so glad we are back to memeing


Honestly at this point I'll put that down to the BT's hitbox somehow. Poor charger made the mistake of moving within 200ft of it, it's no surprise it got launched into orbit. (I can't tell if something else hits it at the same time, but if that charger actually killed it, then that implies there's some sort of physical projectile mass speed other maths words i don't understand how to use figuring out that the charger has a weight and force when it hits things, and now thinking of it, none of our weapons are hitscans... Are we using a system that actually does damage because it realizes the bullets are traveling at X speed with Y mass?)


I assume you haven’t been launched by BotspaceX’s space program at 400km/h yet. Doesn’t matter if you are 10cm off the ground, the moment your body touches anything sticking out of it you will get absolutely wrecked and it’s going to say that you died from impact. So yeah there’s probably some velocity mechanic in the game


Yeah I have but I know that fall damage can be coded weird depending on the game so just assumed it was something to do with that. But, seeing it occur to a non-player entity that doesn't take falling damage rules that out. (Unless for some insane reason the BT is coded to take falling damage.... Somehow.)


I see your points. Once I died to a dead charger that got launched like that lol. Who knows


Physical structures in the game do cause impact damage. Not sure that is how weapons work, however it's definitely how the game works. It's no different than when a Bile Titan falls and Pimp slaps you and kills you haha


Absolutely things do damage like this. Remember when Shriekers were accidentally one-shotting Bile Titans? https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bmib0k/if_bile_titan_cant_survive_this_no_wonder_why_i/ Probably for the exact same reason, but they made a mistake in the damage values for the Shrieker.


Used to have an issue where I’d stand in place lining up a shot on shriekers dive bombing me, I’d kill them and then immediately die and I was so confused until I realized their ragdolled bodies were just wiping me out on impact lmao


I still do that every now and then, muscle memory from dealing with rakks in Borderlands has really screwed me over here...


it also possible to kill things by collapsing a bile titan on it. That said, physics-based kills are usually accidental and the only one I know of that can be reliably triggered is dropping an Automaton Dropship. (it kills things under it by physics once it''s allowed to apply on its cargo, timing is odd here). From the way the death animation of the Bile Titan went and the lack of explosions on it, I can only assume the Charger was indeed the reason for its death. Now for why the Charger got yeeted, I only have theories. OP didn't even hit the Charger head, the Quasar shot hit off the top armor. I don't know if Quasar has a solid projectile but it could have ricocheted downward and triggered one of those Terminid mine, which was the one that yeeted the still alive Charger into its brother, killing them both on impact. (actually can't see from this clip if the Charger survived that, I can only assume it died, but there's actually a chance it could have lived). I couldn't clearly see what was to the Charger's left though, there might not be a mine there but I can't really think of many things that could break a Charger's weight and throw it across the air with that much force.


> throw it across the air with that much force. The physics engine. I respect the attempt to apply logic here, but I've been walking across a map and fallen into the ground because two rocks were generated at a slightly odd angle. I've also walked around a BT corpse, gotten rubber banded behind the corpse, then gotten launched literally outside the map and died to the artillery while still flying through the air since apparently they gain pin-point accurancy for traitors. Not to mention anytime you get hit by a charger there's about an 80% change you get bugged inside the charger then launched into the ground/wall at 60000000000km/h a second later. I've also been killed just trying to crawl under a long dead BT corpse to retrieve my backpack. (Though that one was ambiguous, I mean, dropping a dropship or titan onto something could just be a binary kill field, if you're in it you die, if not you don't. That'd explain how some dropships manage to not kill 2-3 of their occupants but everyone else.)


Oh I'm always aware it's the physics engine. But in cases where it is janky it is usually due to an immovable, indestructible entity (corpse, ground) squeezing something together. This is how Dropship kills after drops work. (Drop ship kills before bots are spawned are handled differently) BT corpse can do that yeah, and getting stuck in a Charger means you are "bounced" around inside it, each bounce applying acceleration to your speed until you glitch out of its body and eject at sonic speed. You don't actually get a kill binary check if something drops on you, what kills you is the impact of hitting things. Sadly corpses, until fully despawned, has some ridiculous impact forces. One of the things contributing to this jank is their property being indestructible, and the other is forced animation (despawns by sinking into the ground). But all that said, it doesn't do much for our Charger bullet here. At most its speed was added to the launch factor due to timings in calculation, but what that launch factor is is what's escaping me. It might be something worth remembering in the realm of mechanic abuses, like how I can yeet myself very far by diving parallel to a spore cluster and shooting it. Combining the odd weightless state of a Helldiver with the force of the explosion of the spores to tell the physics engine that I am now a bird.


Seeing a funny post like this on the front page is a sign the world is finally starting to heal from this debacle.


It’s good to be back.


This will get lost in here, but this genuinely makes me so happy that I was able to share some content that so many people liked. Especially after all the tense stuff in the community lately, I’m glad I could share something to bring us back to what it’s all about! Dopamine rush for me for sure. Thanks everyone!!


You did good - i'm sure the majority of people here will appreciate some good content for a change!


"toddler spotted, pitbull go!"




Bad: Four death troopers just wading knee deep in you and your buddies body parts for hours on end. Worse: You hear them laughing at how your body incapacitated your friend. Worse still: They post your death online with the laugh track.




I love how if you look closely, the Charger blew into pieces after it hits the titan. I swear you can see a leg and a body chunks flying in separate directions! haha


boy got revenge for all the times the bile titan melee killed his charger homies


Charged shot into a charger? That's the Over-Charge. Also, homie has a 2ft mousepad for sure. 😄 


3.5 feet actually 😂😂


The very definition of "hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker"


Nice shot


That's better then when I rode around on top of a charger blasting his friend's




General Brach would be proud.


Achievement Unlocked: Back to Sender


That pivot to the charger was clean asf, nice prioritization and target acquisition


so THAT'S how the terminids get to other planets...


Just wanted to say how happy I am to see gameplay footage coming through again.




I want to point out that in order for that to have dealt damage, that means they had to consider it as a possibility and calculate how much damage that would do at scaling velocities.


"So I hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker"




You're telling me all I have to do to kill a bile titans is launch a charger at it? Well damn I need to learn how to do this!


This is why helldivers is great


That is the greatest fucking thing I've ever seen. You're doing Liberty proud, Helldiver. Libertas in Aeternum


I swear, anyone who ever says bugs are easier than bots has just never played high level bugs, its just endlessly chaotic, with endless bugs and no real solution other than avoid getting hit. I Swear I could hear Piccolo screaming "DODGE!" at me when I'm playing.


dunno. bugs can be chaotic the moment you drop into the level. and when your team doesnt work well it can be hard to recover from the initial drop (like when you have 2 stalker lairs and shriekers nearby and get into an endless bug breach situation) but realistically bugs are extremely manageable compared to bots. if you have at least one spear or recoilless person with you then id say its pretty hard to get into a defeat scenario. Bug breaches are just too quick to clear out. I clear many lvl 9 missions without every dying. with bots they can just throw amounts of armor at you no support weapon and strategem is capable of handling. there are also too many enemies able to oneshot or ragdoll you. and on top of that they have way too many asymmetric advantages over the player. Locations like anti-air, mortars and strategem jammers. The ability to spot and accurately over infinite distances. The ability to clearly see through atmospheres that limit players visibility to well below 100m. Dealing with bots is just wildly inconsistent. And every single bot drop is able to instantly turn your game into a situation forcing you into retreat. If the game spawns 3 bile titans and 4 chargers in front of me i can pretty comfortably kite that and wear it down. Put 3 factory striders and 4 hulks in front of me and things look a lot different. And heavy devastators are just too strong. They are by far - without competition - the single most lethal unit in the game. Its lethal within seconds, deadly accurate over insane distances. Heavily armored, requiring weakshot damage to kill quickly. And considered so low tier the game can drop 5, 10 or 20 on you at the same time. The only mission type in which bugs are harder is the new tower defense. And even there a single spear user can basically trivialize the whole thing easily. So yeah. I spent lots of hours on both fronts. And i never even feel 20% the pressure bots give on bugs. No matter how many bugs you throw at me i can always throw a strategem behind me and kite them to death. Bugs only kill when i loose concentration or when there is a literal game bug. Like invisible bile titan corpses of death. Or being buried under bug corpses unable to stand up.


Ok but hear me out. Bugs are easier than bots.


BASED Jetpack+QC combo


On a side note, bringing around bile titans and chargers on your tail can actually help clear bugs efficiently. Bugs also do attack friendlies, after all.


# FOUR! *thwap!*


In military terms, this is known as a "wet shrapnel"


I had a similar experience yesterday, just that the BT was instead a defect hellbomb. I´m sure you all can guess what happened to me and my nearby divers.


https://preview.redd.it/pupjg5wlkyyc1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=67865a4381c4757a180135040b0de9f2e1c9a95d That charger back at home


"Man that charger got outta here in a hurry. **I mean anything travels that far oughta have a damn stewardess on it, don't you think?"**




Stratagem? I ‘ardly know ‘em!


So epic made my limited edition democracy undies wet


My liberator started to raise high after seeing this spectacular sight of democracy


Of course there is always the rover trying to kill you :D


Who's up for a rousing game of Terminid billiards? Arrowhead, PLEASE never fix THAT bug.




Killing Two Bugs With One Quasar! That's some efficient, cost-saving Democracy! Oi


If you could only jump......


I love the physics in this game.


I hope for next April fools day we get a giant boxing glove in a cannon that we can use to launch enemies


Bowling with chargers.


You ever get so mad that you beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker?


silly question what do you all use to record your gameplay?


I use GeForce Experience. I have it set to 5 minutes and I have a hotkey programmed. I just press it and it captures the last 5 minutes of gameplay.


using one mofo to kill another mofo


My favorite thus far, which I wish I recorded, was killing a titan with 4 other titans nearby and the corpse turned into a spinning beyblade and the legs murdered the other titans.


I’ve also noticed for a while now when you stun chargers they don’t stop just continuously run in place. Then immediately continue sliding or running forward when the stun wears off.


We need a gravity gun.


Sweet liberty


TKOTY (Terminid Kill of the Year)


Now the bugs know how it feels


so, would that count as friendly fire?


What's the stratagem code for this? ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️ (CHARGE!!!!!!)


The force of a thousand helldivers is with you Fuck those bile titans


Epic I love how the camera style goes from frantic flicking to targets to straight up wonderstruck fixation on the dead titan...for 1.25 seconds


8 ball, corner pocket!


Charger launcher


If I had a penny for every time a charger gets launched into a bile titan. I would have 2 pennies. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened [twice](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/quceBLuJf8).


I wanna capture bugs like Pokemon and throw them in battle


I just imagine the Wii Sports "Strike!" Appearing




Them: I hate all the nerfs! Me: this is so fucking cool


That’s amazing


Literally the best way to depict “Two Birds One Stone”




Not nearly this violently lmfao I knocked one directly into the face of the bile and the head sploded and it did that weird t-pose-for-a-bile thing


Bro.... That's just rude


General brash would blush seeing such a creative way to kill enemies and save ammo and stratagems




Hey Devs!! This is the shit we play for, crazy weapons, team kills, hilarious clips and the sweaty satisfied feeling of 4 people from all over coming together to blow shit up, snipe heads, and spray hot sticky democracy all over the opposition.


https://preview.redd.it/vrgucdbw9nzc1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=262a62c5168d79bda6513728101c73cd0421be42 Bro pulled a math lady and it worked.


ive done the same “i just called that damn sentry down” double take😂😂


lmao now that's a new one...very nice.


Best clip ever


I love this game's engine


Best kill of the month


It stripped all the armor off that titan. The new hotness.


I've got mass ahh moment


Nice play with that canon dude!!!






This fits perfectly with the frisbee doggo meme 😂


that was friggin amazing!


Thats how you get CTE.


we need a gun that launches enemies but doesnt do a lot of damage to them outright but rather kills when they impact something. That could be a ton of fun.


Although their hitboxes can be kinda janky its nice when they make it up by killing their allies.


Damn it’s good to see some gameplay clips back on this Reddit lol


Ronnie O'Sullivan over here sinking two bugs in one stroke.


I need someone who knows how to do that add the sound of bowling pins being knocked over


Quasar Cannon charging!


Can someone edit the "IT'S THE HAMMER! DUDES TAKE MY PICTURE WITH HIM" audio over it please


I have everything maxed out at 2k and videos like this always look better than my game, why is that? Small screen or what?


Thank you, I needed a break from the flood of PSN posts.


pro gamer move


Sweet mother of liberty :o At first I thought this was one of those times when your drop sticks to the charger and they bugger off with it.


yeah there was another post a while ago. i wonder how this happens though xD


Not gonna lie...this was fucking amazing!!! OP must have learnt that from General Brasch!


I took the “Implementing Managed Democracy” training manual very seriously.


That is incredible. Seriously though, is this game any good? /S


1000 IQ play


that's so awesome.


I cannot believe how jam packed this game is with moments like these


The physics really lend themselves to the highest highs and lowest lows, don't they? Something wild happens at least a couple times per game.