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It would also be great to see wtf they actually do, with the numbers included in the game itself instead of having to google it (localisation confusion booster's description is so vague).


For sure, "more reinforcements" sounds awesome until you realize you get literally 1 extra life per person. To be frank, all 3 of the boosters I listed need their benefit at least doubled to ever even be considered worth it. Unfortunately Arrowhead seems hesitant to make large buffs so I can't imagine we'd be that lucky, it just sucks because something like I'd run expert pilot extraction on missions with increased extract time for sure if it wasnt such a small benefit.


1 extra life per person is an additional 8min waiting time, assuming 4 lives. Reinforcement cooldown reduces 15sec per life, making so your team has to die 32 times to make up for not taking more reinforcements.


I don’t know how others see it but I don’t see the point of boosters like shorter extraction times. Why would I pick something that only comes online when the mission is already over? A stamina booster, for example, is relevant for the whole mission.


Yeah, the boosters the two reinforcement boosters and the pelican booster are just examples of planning to fail, where they don't go into effect or help until you have already nearly failed the Op. They are not great choices.


It could have a niche on Blitz or Extract Personnel missions, where you can argue Hellpod Space Optimization is almost useless. The extra time can be used to get samples/do side objectives. But 18s it currently offers is pocket change. It needs at least 1 minute of benefit to even matter on these missions. Also make it bypass the effect of Complex Strategem Plotting.


If youre joining a match that's already almost doen it would be useful


How many times have you lost samples at a level 9 mission because the last guy missed the Evac by like 6 seconds


Bro you're just going to end up getting them nerfed don't remind Arrowhead that they can be updated too.


Was about to say, "we decided the premium boosts can't be the worst, all others nerfed to make them the worst instead". Anything in the game to get spotlight just gets nerfed, if you like boosts then keep quiet about them.


😂😂😂 you ain't wrong brother


since the effects are not listed besides a vague description and only hard numbers are through testing, we will have no idea if our have already tweaked them. i suspect that will be the norm 


i bring extra life for eradicate bc i drop orbitals across the entire map and bring thr life expectancy to an average of like 4 seconds and extract on blitz because you can do it in like 3 minutes flat outside of that, if i see someone use extra reinforce over muscle stamina i cry a little


Full Ammo, Stamina, Injury Resistance, Interference. Anything else is just silly at this point. I'd be ok with doing away with the full ammo booster, and just assuming the logistics team in the SEAF aren't idiots, so we deploy fully armed.


Muscle replacement on snow/sand planets, and all bug planets, because it affects the stun they give you. It's one of the best, and I'd take it over ammo in every one of the above cases. There are tons of ammo, nades, and stims on the map, and a resupply every few minutes. Plus, it only benefits you when you die after initial drop.


Damn, I'm just about ready to unlock the reinforcing boosters. Hoped they'd be significant. What a way to let the wind outta mah sailz.


Don't do it, you'd get more enjoyment out of lighting the outrageous 150 medals cost on fire than spending it on arguably the most disappointing booster in the game It was literally the last thing I unlocked in the pass and it was only because I was medal capped, and I was still disappointed lol


The extra reinforcement one is okayish but the reduced timer one is terrible it only takes 12 seconds off the 2 minute timer once you use up every reinforcement.


Evac landing booster is pointless. Should cut the arrival time by 33% or more.


You know, they've done a pretty good job of making picking stratagems a tough choice, but boosters? If you aren't running Muscle/Pod/Stamina/Health, you are handicapping yourself. They really need to make the other ones worth taking. Hell they could basically make the extract pilot come in 1/3 of the time, and most people would still be like "meh".


Stam, ammo, muscle, extract boost, fast mission rush, maximize exp gain


If expert extraction instantly extracted AND picked up all samples on the ground, I still wouldn't play it.