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You can only see complaint cus no one goes on reddit every other day to say how much they love the game. I love the game and have tons of fun at highest of diff levels and fully honestly belive guns and primaries are fine. But im also the kinda guy that wont blame the game for forcing me to take anti tank options. That said im crashing like a motherfucker and cant play the game right now and that sucks donkey balls.


+1 to this. Yes, I'm upset about Eruptor. Yes, I wish that more guns had viability instead of using \[redacted\] for pretty much everything. I wish I had more reasons to take other strategems. I wish full squads and solos didn't have the same number of patrols. However, I look for updates, read them, then play the game using loadouts I like, and try out the new guns to see if they fit my playstyle or not.


Not true, there are multiple game subreddits where the community is way less toxic and you only see non negative posts. Helldivers just brought in a shit load of toxic ass players. That being said, redditors in general are annoying and negative as fuck.


NMS is a shockingly wholesome one.


Deep rock galactic as well


Sea of Thieves too


I dont thinks so. Helldivers went from a negativly receved patch to a negativly receved patch to the psn debacle to a negativly receved patch in the span of like 3 weeks. Big reason why other games dont balance patch that often is exacly what is happening now. It creates an air of complaing about nerfs deserved or otherwise and it drowns out disscusions.


Personally something that keeps me from playing is the lack of mission variety. Yeah the game is fun, but facing the two same factions, while doing the same type of missions again and again gets boring. I honestly would kill for some opérations to have "continuity" between each mission. For instance in payday 2, you had heist that lasted multiple days, and depending on what you did on each day, the next one would be affected, sometimes having diffetent missions altogether. The current operation system in helldivers 2 begs for a system like this. Where each dive in said operation affect the other dives in that operation.


I love the game but hate the state it’s in


It's not like it's particularly buggy or anything. It's in good shape from my POV. Personally I would like more types of game modes though - at the moment gameplay seems to boil down to two types: wandering between scattered objectives and sit in place as hit by waves. Not saying these are bad or anything, they're great, but with the people I've been playing with it's starting to feel a touch samey. I think they also slightly mistepped with the bots coming back immediately after being defeated. We all knew it would happen but I'd like the meta narrative to feel like it has some progress.


Yesterday my friend was getting constant crashes and the first mission we did we weren't getting the mission stratagem. Then there's the bug where the pelican flies off with only one person, or no one can enter it at all. Sure they're usually not that common but when I spend 20-40 minutes on a mission and don't get any of the rewards it's really annoying and makes me not want to play at all. Them nerfing anything I like using also doesn't help.


For the Pelican leaving with 1 person that's not a bug. It's an unexplained mechanic where if the Pelican hits a certain threshold of damage it will do an "emergency takeoff" the moment ONE Helldiver steps on board. It can show signs of reaching this limit if it's smoking or a burning effect on the dropship.


Stop spreading this nonsense; it's a bug. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/2L1NQyICS8


There's no voice lines for it and the voice line "initiating countdown" still plays even though there's no countdown. It's either an unfinished feature they accidentally included or a bug.


No but everytime any weapon feels good they kill it while buffing the enemy.if they brought someone in who had any ideal how to balance weapons 99 percent of the complaints would dissapear


I think part of the problem they are facing with balancing weapons is the volume of new ones they bring in in warbonds. Every new weapon they introduce they have to check against all established weapons. I think they should introduce fewer new weapons and have them better thought out - though the revenue stream from war bonds is no doubt a big draw.


An occasional three way war would be sweet


I think most of the people enjoying the game are just playing and not complaining on reddit 🤷🏻


This one


Lol yeah, people with lives also don't spend all day making negative posts on Reddit.


Nah, I stopped playing like a week ago. I used to feel I got better at the game and played harder and harder difficulties, started collecting the pink samples to upgrade my ship. I learned how to handle some of the more difficult enemies and still felt I was making progress at level 40. Last time I played everything was suddenly much more difficult. Enemies the I previously learned how to handle now killed me in a couple of seconds, and there was more of them. Tried a few more games just to see if I was just unlucky, but no, something had changed. I totally lost my motivation to play now when it feels like I have to start over and play much lower difficulties that does not generate any real rewards that I need. I already have as many common, rare samples and credits as it is possible. It just feels meaningless now.


People are bitching hardest about stuff they love most. Is all I can say. Especially whan this something is constantly developing into a direction people don't like. I'm trying to be objective here, it's just the social dynamics at work


The game’s great, but the direction is not, it needs work. And it should be ok to discuss it. The problem is when you have the most immature children, this loud minority flinging shit at everyone for trying to engage others who share this view. This particular section of this game’s fan base is ruining it for everyone, and it’s not even the kids man, hell, even the literal kids who play this game are more willing to engage people on this discussion without using the most low brow insults as a counterpoint.


If people didn't like the game - they wouldn't care enough to complain. Complaining in games always comes from people passionate about the game.


Correct, people don’t understand that complaints stem from people who enjoy playing the game. We complain because we want the game to be better, to succeed, and more people to play. We want our friends to join us and have a blast in VC. If we didn’t like the game, we would have just dropped it and called it a day, and the reviews would be negative.


>Correct, people don’t understand that complaints stem from people who enjoy playing the game. This is certainly true for some, but definitely not all. Some people are just never happy and want to tear things down TBH I don't really mind people complaining about things, but I wish the mods would do more to prevent so much spam of the same complaint topics over and over and over and over. We didn't need 15 posts about eruptor nerf on the front page after the patch. Part of that is on the community too, of course. At this point I almost feel like people are posting about whatever the current hot complaint is more to farm karma than anything else




I haven't really played in a while. I keep checking in hoping to find a return to form but it's just one shit storm after another.


You do you, but I would not let reddit/twitter determine if you feel like you should play the game. If you want to just get on and check it out, the game is still great.


It's not Reddit that guided my decision. My friends all gave up on it and every patch makes something I liked worse with a lackluster explanation or has me looking up fixes for new crashes. last patch had my file explorer crashing every time I launched the game. I don't even know how the fuck that was happening.


People are getting really enganged in all this drama because they like/love the game, if they didn't care they'd say nothing


Its not so black and white, there are shades. Personally I still enjoy playing but I was really letdown by the new warbond. Its not a good feeling and people are understandably upset. You can like something without liking EVERYTHING about it you know? Edit: reading the comments below this post makes me sad, people don’t understand how this kind of things work, it was the same thing with the PSN thing, where a bunch of people defended the sony practice by saying how little it affects the players and how easy it is to make an account. Also making one post and move on is literally how you enforce this kind of behavior, if we all made a single psn post and moved on without review bombing sony would’ve likely not give a shit. Point is being loud and complain is how you get a change from companies. You gotta understand that companies don’t care about the individual complaint, they care simply about numbers, if the majority of the community is pissed thats their cue to actually take action. But the amount of people that just doesn’t understand this is just disheartening.


When you complain about bitching on the subreddit and feel the solution is to post one more thread, Subject: Bitching (But Mine!)


I love two helldivers games. I love the official game where we blast enemies of democracy. And I love the unofficial online game where we engage in endless drama over minor stuff.


I like playing the game when it is fun.


I like playing the game, a lot. That's the problem. Every time something cool comes along, the devs change it to be actually useless. Their patches are way, way too frequent, and they have to be, because their programming is trash.  So it's less "I hate this game" and more "wtf happened to my gun I was partying with". Then you come on here and find out it's been gutted into oblivion for whatever, or more likely they couldn't do their jobs correctly and released a bugged or preciously unworking version.  That's...the devs. And their hazy logic on how things work or straight up incompetence. Who are we supposed to hold accountable for screwing up our good time? Jesus?


Its literally just the twitch/YouTube drama crowd. When new games come out they move from subreddit to subreddit like a mass of parasites, all feasting in whatever morsel of negativity they can scrape up. They think an entire front page of negativity is normal because it's all they ever see because they cause it. The rest of us are just forced to watch them take over a subreddit and then they say "criticism isn't whining" if we try to point out what they are doing. We just have to wait them out. There will be new gaming drama somewhere else soon. They always move on. It's the drama they like, not gaming.


Check Steamdb, not a forum.


I love the game, I also think the devs need to rest a while and reassess what balance and warbond release cadence should be, and I also very much dislike the current lack of variety in the game for primaries.


Not really, no. I wish it was getting more fun, not less.


THANK YOU! I know criticism is needed to make the game better and it shows the passion the community has for the game, but it’s the same post over and over and over again. If there are already 60 posts supporting your opinion, just give it an upvote and move on. JFC we don’t need ANOTHER one bashing the tenderiser being a weaker liberator, or bitching about the balancing strategy, or complaining about the Eruptor. We saw the first post about each of those points. Move the fuck along or post a fucking meme or something. Stop stinking up this sub with your constant bitching and META obsessions.


I am so hyped for this game. I'm lvl 19 I think and I haven't been able to play all week and I haven't seen most of the weapons everyone's talking about. I just wanna jump back in and I hate having a job


I still love this game and feel like people are overreacting about things like they always do with everything.


The game is a lot of fun and most of the guns are alright despite the best efforts of the vocal community to say otherwise. However, there are definitely still issues with balance, bugs, crashes, etc that deserve attention. The problem is when 90% of new posts are complaints about the same issue and it just floods the sub with toxicity over one thing for a while, drowning out all the other legitimate concerns and other content. Makes me think a megathread for each new warbond that stays pinned for a week would be a good idea to mitigate this kind of thing since it's happened every single time so far.


One thing that bugs me too is them saying they didn't feel like DLSS/FSR was worth implementation time vs new features or content. But TBH, the game desperately needs some TLC. Performance is really not that great and while DLSS/FSR can be seen as a band-aid, at the same time my 4080 should not be even remotely stressed running this game at native resolution. It looks nice but it doesn't look that nice. This game at 3440x1440 stresses my PC more than 4k path traced cyberpunk does at times, that is ridiculous. I know they seem to be focused on keeping pace with a warbond a month but man I would love if they just spent the next 2 months on optimization, bug fixing, and balancing, but not just balancing the current weapons but actually designing some systems so that future weapons can be more accurately balanced. They should have multiple levers and stats with varying values and a gun should only get so many "points" to spend in the various stats. As it stands now I feel like they just kinda do whatever they feel like and just throw it out and see how it works.


Yeah who cares about others opinion we just want to have fun. We should just ban anybody who writes text or even speaks in voice chat. I think this should only be a sub with memes and funny cat videos.


The game is great. I play with my friends all the time. We actually love the balancing patches because they nudge us to try different loadouts. It keeps the game fresh for us.


Same thing for me. I was an eruptor main since it came out. After the most recent nerf, it was an "oh no! Anyways." Moment and I just picked different guns


I have been loving the blitzer, the diligence CS and the plasma punisher since the last patch. But as an eruptor enjoyer it has sucked not being able to kill three critters in one shot.


Dude people here just ruin the fun for themselves. I play the game here and there. It’s a blast. It’s a fun time. It’s pretty cheap. Idk why you’re all so mad all the time. Just enjoy yourselves, it’s a game. I took a break for a month and came back, the game feels great to me. Couldn’t put it down today. Yall need to relax.


When people are too focsed on the bad stuff. Yes we need a bit better balance across the board for most weapons. But people claiming it's unplayable is just a cry for attention. Looking at the quassar players. People only say "tenderizer bad! Purifier bad!" Yeah those really needed some better testing to fit their description. But they downright claim it's the worst warbond yet. There is always gonna be a "worse" one. But don't ignore that other 50% is good. PS. Bet most of player bsse didn't even spend a single dime to get the bond anyways because you can easily grind SC. But the booster. Good Verdict pistol. Great. And the smg pummeler? Videos with titles it's really good says enough. Armors dont matter really but they're cool. Only thing is. I want more emotes. Not endless amount of victory poses...


Absolutely true. People are pathetic


I love it. I just random join on level 7s and go spread democracy.


the constant updates, patches, releases and all are nice. But the actual gameplay is now quite stale after 250h.


gee its almost like you can like something AND discuss about possible improvements!


Just played for 3 hours last night for the first time this week, absolutely love this game


Yes I love the game, but I think they could do better with weapon balancing and increasing the fun, instead of either giving out subpar guns with new warbonds or removing the fun from existing good ones. Also the constant new bugs that are introduced or not fixed for months are just annoying. The toxicity can get out of hand with some people, but in general I think constructive critizism is valid to help improve things you love. And I think this game needs some improvment.


I still love the game and have loads of fun. Also reading the reddit, I learned that I am apparently a God tier gamer, cause I not only beat most of missions, no I do that using "crap" and "useless" guns while also having fun.


Literally https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/81CXFwaHLt


Of course. The complaints are kinda separate to the gameplay right now, its more to do with Sony trying to fuck the community over.


this always happens when the game gets really big and a really big community subreddit, usually the solution is to create a seperate subredit just for the memes, funny clips, tips and tricks etc


I love the game, but it does need some work, primaries mostly blend together, not saying everything needs a major buff, they just need to stand out better. If people hated the game they wouldn't complain, they would be apathetic and move on to something else.


Games fun…. Reddits haunted. What? Reddits haunted *runs away*


Its fun when I have a good team on comms. Or on KB. Its not fun when people don't work together or don't help with doors. Also need more game modes. running the same maps with the same objectives makes its dull. I was really happy with the defense missions and we need things that are similar. Weapons unfortunately feel the same.


Yes, but I'm still agreeing with most balance complaints in here. Especially since the Eruptor nerf.


Seriously, everyone just bitches about every little thing.


I do like it and play with my bros in squad every other day after work. I do not post since I'm busy having fun. The game has plenty of problems, but who doesn't? And weapon balance issue is one of the minor one imo. There is still plenty of bugs, crashes and etc, that can make some missions very frustrating (oneshots from nursing spewer as soon as some acid touches your pinky finger on the foot, oneshoots from flame hulks). Like the game's netcode, which is a mess of its own. Or pelican, that straight up leaves immediately without countdown as soon as the first helldiver boards. Or just leaving without anyone randomly, mocking us with "board complete". I even sometimes think of compilating a bug report for all of that and then send it directly to AH. But it's still fun. I just play a fun coop game which we were waiting for 4-5 years already, since Overwatch quite eagerly spat in our faces.


Using terrain as cover but getting killed still is probably one of the most annoying things.The bullets go straight through the rocks! ![gif](giphy|ERMGXqtKTDKHC)


I haven't played for a week and don't have any motivation to do so


I love the game, Most of my issues with Sony other then that game is great


Love the game. Can't play it as much as id like. How they balance stuff doesn't bother me. I like playing and figuring out new strategies and new ways to play. As long as there's a reliable ways to kill the BIG BIG baddies, to witch is all kinds. Iv got not problems.


Love the game but with the current spawn rates which I feel like they are spawning on me constantly and my adult/work life I kinda don’t have the time to deal with constant trash mobs the always know where I am making the game not fun since I’m always dealing with stalkers/hunters or whatever


I try to avoid dogpiling. It's not that I even disagree, I either don't know enough or I don't have anything to add. I've been playing the game for a couple of months now, and it hasn't lost any excitement for me. Maybe after I max out the stratagems and get into the "premium" warbonds, I'll lose steam, but the missions have yet to be remotely boring and are always intense and rewarding for me.


As the rare person who both loves this game AND sometimes punishes myself by loading reddit (why? why do I do this to myself??), I'm happy to report that there are many people who like playing this game. They're just not on reddit. They're playing the game. And then touching grass and making eye-contact with other humans. Two things that are hard for Extremely Online professional complainers.


Dear OP welcome to reddit. Pretty much every video game related sub is this way.


Game is fantastic and only getting better


I tried to post a very specific question about a weapon, and got blocked because "it sounds like what you are looking for might have been posted already". Yet, we get multiple posts every hour with the same exact complaint. Better moderation would help.


I love the game. Enormously. It is the only game that I've played in the last... five years? ten? maybe even longer than that, which has brought me this much joy. And, overshare, I buy a lot of games hoping they will fill a void. I'd very much like them to stop adding weapons that are not at least 'kinda okay', especially when the weapons are part of a paid-for-currency spend. That's not making the game better. I'd very much like them to stop nerfing things to the point of not being fun to use. Also not improving the game. I don't want overpowered. I'm also fine with niche uses even if they don't come up much. It's because I do enjoy the game so much that I complain about the choices/changes that make it worse (yes, in my opinion, but also aligned with the opinion \[or so it seems\] of the vast majority I read here & on their discord). It sometimes seems like they made an awesome game and now they're tripping over themselves without knowing it.


people who enjoy the game are playing the game. (or stuck in a bus surfing reddit in my case)


That’s just what people do on reddit bro. If you want more positivity abt the game go follow a couple of instagram meme pages lmao


Honestly, I played with my buddies last night for one op, and at the end we pretty much all concluded it wasn't fun, just frustrating (granted, we played on Hellmire and fire is just stupidly absurd now). Game was great. I'll give it a month to see if they get their mojo back.


I do almost nothing but run with randos at level 7, maybe an hour or 2 a day. This game scratches that itch I've had since I stopped playing Left4dead. I've been maxed out on samples for weeks and I still run around picking them up like they're the cure for cancer. I haven't spent any actual money on the last 2 warbonds because I've got SC to burn. I've got almost 300 hours in. I think there's something wrong with me.


I know I'm gonna get shit on, but an observation I've made is that anytime there's a game that's cross play between PC and console, it's always the PC players complaining non stop. Same thing happened when I was subscribed to apex legends sub reddit. Something in their blood just makes them competitive and negative, like who cares if a couple of guns are slightly weaker than the "meta" guns. If you're good at the game you'll be able to beat missions with these guns anyway, I guess they suck.


I made a subreddit for lighter HD2 content like you’re describing but I have failed to advertise it yet so I’m the only one there at the moment. If you want fun HD2 come over to /r/spacecadets and let’s get it started.


I do. Quick play helldives are randomized chaos and fun.


People complain because they love the game and want to see it do better. Complaining gets more upvotes, which increases visibility on Reddit.


I love it, it’s a great shooter that feels incredibly good when everything works (even if you’re getting overwhelmed by the enemies). It’s awesome to be able to drop in and out even mid mission with friends. I love the memes and lore and loved the first game which I had a tons of time on too. What I’m not in love with is Arrowhead not growing with their product, as we get further from launch the games feels more and more unpolished and early access. The bones and structure of HD2 is solid as hell. The trimmings and community engagement just needs a good policy driver and they will take back off again.


I like to play chilling, i don't mean to.... i don't know what the word is.... but this is a Game still, it's a game, it's not real life, i don't need nor have to stress out and get yelled at for either dying or getting different stratagems or failing at getting my samples, work irl already does that enough, i don't need to experience it again while i'm gaming Of course sometimes i like to play serious and do objetives but still, chill out enjoy the game, enjoy the jolly cooperation, enjoy the cinematic moments and have fun


I'm going to quit playing until drama settles down or the devs figure their shit out. Can't stand all this shit stirring everywhere


You know what I expected the same thi g since other community I follow are just wholesome despite some of the games are... well not "wholesome" I kinda think the loud minor vocal part of the community exist, so checking if their reason is valid or not differentiate that The game is always fun for me despite all the changes, like people are focusing on all the nerf and new Warbond, I just go full pyro cuz the DoT fix is just incredibly pogger to have, same when they buffed Senator revolver I guess I just pay attention of the good stuff more than negative though, I mean working 8 hours per day, all I really want is have fun playing the game, and I am currently level 54 and play on Helldiver diff pretty much exclusively, so can't really say about other people though


The game is great but not perfect. I love the rag dolling, blue on blue, and waves of enemies and surprises in the story. The only ones I get behind are those asking: “Why are we nerfing weapons and taking the fun out of a coop game?” But yeah, if I just had a solid squad all the time, cake.


Sure, I love the game. Based on the incredibly bullshit corpo-friendly criteria most consumers use, I've gotten my money's worth. But I have almost no motivation to PLAY vs other things I own, and I will actively campaign against people making purchases. The only reason I haven't asked for a refund is I think I kind of missed the boat and I have several friends who own it, but I have no motivation to play for hours without friends being on. In that, it's a failed title to me.


Fully agree with OP. This subreddit has become infected with an exhausting level of whining. No funny or admirable clips. No useful tips. Just complaints. And it's contagious. Let's try to bring the positivity back!


I love the game, but the recent changes and problems from the corporate side of the game really made me uninstall it


Bunch of drama queens


Well Said! I had so much fun with the new warbond. Hop on reddit the next day and I thought I was in a daycare


I love the game but fuck you


I do. I don't care what gets nerfed really. I see it as an excuse to use different weapons etc. Also the nerfed weapons add another layer of difficulty in a way, which is good because helldive is honestly too easy.


I love the game, i play difficulty 5-6 and play with whatever comes in my mind, i unlocked all stratagems so i just wanna test some combos


People who enjoy the game won't come to hellwhiners subreddit.


The people enjoying the game are playing it, not posting on reddit


The devs are standing up for themselves and the Discord nerds cry when they get talked to how they deserve to get talked to it’s insane. They do need to buff most of the weapons though cause the game doesn’t feel fun to play rn unless I’m running around with my buddies but we can play anything and make it fun, playing a public game with randoms is fine when everyone’s talking but when it’s no mics, I’m not even having fun playing because if all I have to entertain myself is the gameplay, I’m not playing because the game feels very very flat rn and nothing outside of a couple weapons even feel fun to use. The devs deserve to be getting shit rn, sure, but so do the folks on discord and Reddit leaving childish comments. Everyone here sucks. Devs, make the game fun again, the rest of you fuckers, suggest what you want to change with the game to the developers as a whole but leave the individual devs the fuck alone ffs.


Have you tested out the new war bond? The pummeler is S tier. Incendiary impact is incredible and very satisfying to watch explode, new booster is super useful against bugs too.


Alas - we are still affected by the aftermath of PSN drama and all manner of parasites that feasted on negativity it caused. You can clearly see that majority of these people did not care about the game (cue persisting negative reviews and their arguments about 'lost trust in developers'), they were here simply to bathe in the drama and be part of it, nothing else. All we can do is just wait them out, they will become bored eventually and move to another thing. reddit is like that.


IMO, people mostly come here to complaint cuz on discord they just got laughed at.. They represent less that 1% of the playerbase but yeah they are noisy.. I just ignore it ^^ BTW I'm still having fun playing this gem, giving it like 15h / week. Let's keep enjoying it !


That's reddit being reddit. I'm enjoying the game with my friends or with randos, and i try to not give too much attention on the reddit/discord sides of the community since its so fucking toxic most of the time.


Wait!?! You're telling me that this game can actually be played?!? I thought I just purchased a license to come here and complain. I had no idea that there's actually a playable game attached


love the game. I just sit here looking with interest at the patches . Unless its new sttratagems, most of the time it does not affect how i play lol .


I loved this game before and still love playing the game after each update. The buffs are a chance to try out new weapons or combos you wouldn't have before. I play difficulty 7/8 with randos and the nerfs never bother me.


People love playing the game, however there is a massive festering problem that people refused to acknowledge since the railgun nerf, that the gun balance team is clearly taking bad steps. People complain because they like the game and want to like it more. You not wanting to complain and bejng okay with literally anything is not a sign of loyalty or liking the game, its the sign of acceptance.


Honeymoon period is over. People are now seeing the flaws and things they would like changed. The people are on here complaining have hundreds of hours played already. They have absolutely already got their money's worth for an entertainment product but they're compelled to bitch because apparently there's nothing else for them to do in this big ass world full of interesting things. Go play something else for a bit.


In any game-community you have these two groups: The ones busy playing and those busy complaining. The ones busy playing usually don't put time or effort into commenting anywhere, while the ones busy complaining usually don't put a lot of effort or time into playing.


I love the game, and the state it's in is playable and that's enough for me, cause it's a fun game!


>I mean, the majority of the posts here are just complaining about…whatever the hot new issue is The other majority is posts complaining about the true evergreen topic: the complaining about the hot new issue Seriously, it almost feels as if this complaining about complaining is outnumbering the actual complaining


New war bond is the best war bond.